Dario Cologna vs Russian National Team. Biographies, stories, facts, photographs Life and career

Dario Alonzo Cologna(Italian: Dario Alonzo Cologna; March 11, 1986, Santa Maria Val Müstair, Grisons) - Swiss skier, three-time Olympic champion, 2013 world champion in skiathlon, four-time World Cup winner (2008/09, 2010/11,2011 /12 and 2014/15), three-time winner of the small World Cup in the distance discipline program (2010/11, 2011/12 and 2014/15), three-time winner of the prestigious multi-day ski race Tour de Ski.

Life and career

Dario Cologna was born in Val Müstair and now lives in Davos. He has a sister and a younger brother, Gianluca, who also competes for the Swiss ski team. A member of the Romansh ethnic minority in Switzerland. Dario has dual citizenship: Swiss and Italian, and speaks five languages: Romansh, German (Tyrolean dialect), Italian, French and English. At the age of five, Dario Cologna began skiing. In 1999 he switched to cross-country skiing. Cologna was also active in cycling and football. In his youth, Dario Cologna won numerous medals at the national level. In 2004, he took part in the World Junior Ski Championships for the first time: in Stryn, Norway, he finished 24th in the 10-kilometer freestyle race. A year later, Kologna in Rovaniemi, Finland, took 23rd place in the 10-kilometer race and 29th place in the pursuit.

His first international medal came at the 2006 World Junior Ski Championships in Kranje, Slovenia. He won bronze in the 10 km classic, finishing behind Petter Northug and Martin Jaks.

Season 2006-2007

In the 2006/07 season, Cologna scored four podium finishes in the Alpine Continental Cup (OPA Cup), including a victory in the Austrian Obertiliach 10-kilometer freestyle race. At the end of the season he won the overall Alpine Cup. At the U23 World Junior Championships in Tarvisio, Dario won the pursuit race, beating his compatriot Curdin Perl. He also won his second gold medal in the 15-kilometer freestyle. This season, Cologna won the Engadine ski marathon, and thanks to his victory in the 50-kilometer race in a classic move, the Swiss champion was talked about at a high level for the first time.

The first World Cup race for the Swiss was the start in Kuusamo, which took place in November 2006, but Dario could not reach the finish line, and the first race according to the results of which he was classified was the 15 km race in Otepää, Estonia, where Cologna became 37th .

Season 2007-2008

In the 2007/08 season in Rybinsk, Russia, Cologna finished the 30 km freestyle in eighth place and placed in the top ten for the first time in a World Cup competition. At the World Championships in Bormio, he made it to fourth place in the 3.3 km freestyle prologue, his best result of the season. At the World Junior-U23 Championships, Cologna won his third gold medal, winning the 30-kilometer freestyle.

Season 2008-2009

In the 2008/09 season, Dario Cologna won the prestigious Tour de Ski stage race and also won the overall World Cup, becoming the first Swiss to achieve such results.

Season 2009-2010

On February 15, 2010, Cologna became the Olympic champion in the 15 km freestyle at the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. He is so far the only Swiss skier to stand on the top step of the Olympic podium. On February 28, 2010, Cologna had the opportunity to win his second Olympic medal in the 50 km classic marathon, but fell in the last turn 200 meters from the finish due to ice on a section of the route and ended up only tenth. In the overall World Cup standings, which was won by Norwegian Petter Northug, he took fourth place.

Season 2010-2011

In the post-Olympic season 2010/11, Dario managed to repeat his previous successes. He won the Tour de Ski ahead of Petter Northug and Czech Lukas Bauer, last year's winner, as well as the Large Crystal Globe and Small Crystal Globe in the distance World Cup. But at the 2011 World Championships in Holmenkollen, Norway, he failed to win a single medal. At the World Cup in La Clusaz (France), for the only time in his career, Dario and his teammates Remo Fischer, Curdin Pearl and Tony Livers won the relay.

Dario Cologna was born in Val Müstair and now lives in Davos. He has a sister and a younger brother, Gianluca, who also competes for the Swiss ski team. A member of the Romansh ethnic minority in Switzerland. Dario has dual citizenship: Swiss and Italian, and speaks five languages: Romansh, German (Tyrolean dialect), Italian, French and English. At the age of five, Dario Cologna began skiing. In 1999 he switched to cross-country skiing. Cologna was also active in cycling and football. In his youth, Dario Cologna won numerous medals at the national level. In 2004, he took part in the World Junior Ski Championships for the first time: in Stryn, Norway, he finished 24th in the 10-kilometer freestyle race. A year later, Kologna in Rovaniemi, Finland, took 23rd place in the 10-kilometer race and 29th place in the pursuit.

His first international medal came at the 2006 World Junior Ski Championships in Kranje, Slovenia. He won bronze in the 10 km classic, finishing behind Petter Northug and Martin Jaks.

Season 2006-2007

In the 2006/07 season, Cologna scored four podium finishes in the Alpine Continental Cup (OPA Cup), including a victory in the Austrian Obertiliach 10-kilometer freestyle race. At the end of the season he won the overall Alpine Cup. At the U23 World Junior Championships in Tarvisio, Dario won the pursuit race, beating his compatriot Curdin Perl. He also won his second gold medal in the 15-kilometer freestyle. This season, Cologna won the Engadine ski marathon, and thanks to his victory in the 50-kilometer race in a classic move, the Swiss champion was talked about at a high level for the first time.

The first World Cup race for the Swiss was the start in Kuusamo, held in November 2006, but Dario could not reach the finish line, and the first race according to the results of which he was classified was the 15 km race in Otepää, Estonia, where Cologna became 37th .

Season 2007-2008

At the World Cup stage in Estonian Otepää, which took place on January 21-22, for the first time in his cup career, Dario scored a golden double, winning the sprint and distance within one competitive weekend.

In the general classification, Dario Cologna topped for the third time in his career, scoring 2,216 points, the best result in history, 750 points ahead of second place Devon Kershaw. After his triumph in the 2011/2012 season, Dario ranks third in the ranking of overall World Cup victories, behind the Norwegian Bjorn Daly (6 wins) and the Swede Gunda Swan (5 wins).

Season 2012-2013

In January 2013, he was elected the best Swiss athlete of 2012. In 2013, at the World Championships in Val di Fiemme, Cologna won his first gold medal, winning the skiathlon. Thanks to this victory, Dario became the most titled skier in terms of the number of tournaments won (Olympic Games, World Championships, Tour de Ski and World Cup Overall Score). In the 50 km marathon he won silver, losing the winning gold to Swede Johan Ohlsson.

Season 2013-2014

The start of the 2014 season was unsuccessful for Dario - just before the start of the World Cup, he injured his leg. I had to have surgery, miss the World Cup competitions and adjust my preparation plans for the main competition of this season. At the Olympics in Sochi, despite the injury, Dario won the 15+15 km C/S skiathlon and the 15 km time trial race in the classic style. Thus, Dario became a three-time Olympic champion. Ended the season early due to the recurrence of an injury.

Season 2014-2015

Throughout his career, Dario has never managed to win on his native Swiss soil. On December 13, 2014 in Davos, in the 15 km classic style race, as part of the World Cup, Dario used the doublepoling technique, covering the entire distance on skate skis, using only the muscular strength of his arms, hoping to win. Unfortunately, the experiment ended only with third place on the podium. In the Tour de Ski this season, Dario took 4th place, rising to the podium twice: in Oberstdorf in the prologue 4.4 km freestyle he took first place and in Val di Fiemme in the mass start 15 km classic - 3rd place. At the sixth stage of the World Cup, which took place in Rybinsk from January 23 to 25, Dario collected a good harvest: first place in the 15 km speed skating time trial and second place in the skiathlon.

Norway, unlike Switzerland, is traditionally considered a ski country. There, children can start skiing almost from the cradle. Not without reason, the list of the best not only skiers, but also, of course, biathletes among Norwegians is very, very long: The King of Biathlon, the only six-time Olympic champion in biathlon in the world - Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, multiple world champion in biathlon Emil Hegle Swensen, the only winner in the world of 8 gold medals at the Olympic Games - skier Bjorn Daly, and, of course, the King of Skis, two-time Olympic champion - Petter Northug. Germany and Russia also strive to become powerful skiing and biathlon powers; both countries have a galaxy of their own world champions, of whom the nation is rightfully proud. There may be a little more Germans on this list, but, for example, Switzerland could not boast of anything solid in skiing at all, until the appearance of one single skier, a 27-year-old phenomenal genius - Dario Cologni .

Dario Alonzo Cologna, born in 1986, began his stellar rise as a junior, in 2004, although he seriously gained a foothold in skiing in 1999. In that same 2004, Dario did not win any awards, but already in 2006 he won bronze, finishing behind the Czech and gold winner, Northug - Petter was already known as a star among the world's young skiers in those years, but their head-to-head rivalry, perhaps, began later. In November 2006, Cologna made his debut at the World Cup, but until 2008 he kept a low profile. While the same Northug, his peer, by the way, was forging his first victories, while sponsors were fighting for the young Norwegian, and he was making his famous finishing spurt at the 2007 World Cup relay in Sapporo, Dario Cologna was smoothly climbing to the top, scraping just from the top -thirty.

But in 2008-2009, Dario caught a wave of luck and hasn’t really gotten off it since then. Not only did Cologne conquer the Tour de Ski stage ski race, but he was also able to do the first BCG. These two enormous values ​​were eventually conquered by Dario twice more: in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. In addition, he won the Small Distance Cup twice. But then, in 2008, few people believed that the Swiss’s successes were not temporary and were not accidental. Moreover, the next upcoming World Championships - the main and most revealing start (after the Olympics, of course) - were not given to the young skier.

However, from season to season, Cologna demonstrated remarkable stability and patience, with his work and competent approach, knowledge of his body, he achieved unprecedented success, previously unknown from the Swiss in skiing. And at the same time, Dario appeared as a modest, shy person, who was not at all characterized by any kind of stardom. He is not a “shirt guy”, but not suspicious either, quite simple and at the same time completely mysterious, enigmatic and clearly shunning companies. Not people in general, but rather a large crowd of the same athletes-colleagues or fans, for example, detached, but not distant either.

The 2010 Olympics in Vancouver did not go very well: for such a talent, and even a universal one, like Dario, just one gold is definitely not the limit. He became an Olympic champion in the 15 km freestyle race, fought for gold in the 50 km mass start, but fell shortly before the finish and failed to rise above 10th place at the end of the race.

Dario Cologna is the only Swiss skier to become an Olympic champion. For his country, this one victory of Cologna is a grandiose event, but it is unlikely that he himself was satisfied with just gold.

It is worth noting that Dario is definitely not one of those who give up. The little bad luck that happened to him at the Olympics did not affect Cologna’s condition at all. Yes, in the Olympic season he missed out on the Big Globe, losing it to Northug and falling out of the top 3, but Dario calmly and calmly moved forward. And so, the Tour de Ski and BHG were taken again in 2010-2011, 2011-2012, Cologna became the only skier to complete the multi-day race three times (Lukasz Bauer did it only twice) - and this is the first Swiss record at that time, and the second world record the 2012 record was Cologna's record 2,214 overall points. However, he did not have a single medal at the world championships.

The Olympic champion, three-time winner of the BHC and Tour de Ski, who set two world records by 2012, did not have a single medal at the World Championships.

Moreover, having become a super-successful athlete by 2012, Dario’s main feature was still his mystery. Calm, balanced, with a light, charming smile and, it seems, he can handle anything, nothing can throw him off balance. Colonia does not participate in shocking antics, there are no provocative rumors about him, unlike Petter Northug. Dario is treated politely by his rivals, but he himself seems to be “above”, and this is not in the sense of arrogance... but in the sense that Dario seems to look around at people with a certain wisdom, a philosophy, conviction and self-confidence known only to him and your strengths. So while Cologna’s main rival, Northug, was having fun and shocking the public, “trolling” the Swedes, putting “canards” about himself on the Internet, becoming seven multiple (!!!) world champion... Dario took Big World Cups, won the Tour de Ski (Petter's dream;), continued to believe, work and hope for medals in the World Championships.

Calm, balanced - it seems as if Colognier can handle any challenge, he is absolutely not afraid of anything or anyone. At the same time, he retains his dignity, humanity and kindness.

The 2012-2013 season was completely imperfect for Dario: not a single victory until January, but he was consistently in good positions. Cologna wanted to win the Tour de Ski, his first medal at the Championships, and he didn't care about the BHG this time. But Petter Northug wanted to win the Tour de Ski more than him, but his desire overwhelmed him stronger than his physical condition, and in the end the stage race was submitted to the Russian Alexander Legkov. Legkov firmly took the lead in the overall standings, then Dario easily overtook him, but not by much. However, Cologna was waiting for only one thing - victory at the World Championship.

Dario is a maximalist, and this is natural, otherwise he would not have become such a great athlete. When he regained the yellow jersey of the leader, of course, the efforts were not wasted, and this was a good reason to mobilize even more for the World Championship. Yes, everything did not work out in the best way, Cologna was ill during the Tour, but he approached the Championship tactically correctly. Having missed the sprint, where Dario, in general, also had every chance of winning a medal, he performed brilliantly in the skiathlon! Colonya was accompanied to the finish line by five people, among whom were three formidable Norwegians and two Russians. And he, the mighty Swiss, is alone. But Cologna was used to being alone with himself in such conditions of struggle, and therefore he very easily dealt with all his pursuers and won his first, gold, medal.

Only gold. Otherwise it wouldn't be Dario Cologna)

The individual race at Cologna did not go well. In the relay at the second stage, Dario fantastically made up for the gap of his team, but his efforts alone, alas, have been lacking in the team for many years. But the mass start turned out to be nervous and completely crazy, even Cologna’s victory is not remembered as vividly as the silver won in the mass start! Together with the winner of that race, Olsson, they created a good gap and took the lead, but then Dario fell and lost his advantage, forced to catch up and increase the pace. However, the leader of the race was unattainable for anyone long before its outcome, as it turned out, and Cologna was fighting only for 2nd place. But did the Swiss rejoice in silver no less than his gold? No wonder how much effort was devoted to the most difficult distance! 50 km classic!

Dario Cologna simply had to get used to loneliness: in the most difficult situations of the race he is alone, after a victorious finish - alone...

The end of 2012-2013 did not work out for Dario. He fell ill and was unable to maintain the leadership in the World Cup, first given to Legkov and then to Northug. He didn’t get hold of any new MHGs, but he completed his minimum task: he won two medals at the World Championships. Cologna was not cunning or cunning when, on the eve of the last starts, he admitted that he would no longer be able to win the overall standings and calmly reasoned that another Cup would not hurt Petter. Dario has his own plan and his own tasks for the next Olympic season, so why does he need such little things as another BHG?)) From now on he is the most titled skier in the world. He, a simple guy from Switzerland, speaks 5 languages, and not anyone else. Lonely. Original. Ambitious.

Dario Cologna has been the most decorated skier in the world since 2013, thanks to his medals at the World Championships.

Which of them is stronger? Two-time v.ch., 9-time world champion, 2-time BHG winner - Northug or 3-time BHG winner, Tour de Ski, v.ch., world champion - Dario?.. Hardier and more stable - obviously Cologna, but more dangerous in one individual race and the “king of the finish” is about Northuga. In terms of overall victories, Dario is in the lead... No matter how much you compare them, both are two of the brightest and most talented figures in modern skiing.

Both Northugu and Cologne are both far from Bjorn Daly :) However, Dario forever glorified his country with loud victories and made his name in history - which means he has already achieved the main thing. The only thing left to do is the Olympic Games in Sochi.

And although Dario Cologna is less popular and popular than Petter Northug, perhaps less recognizable, or in some way inferior in titles, he can rightfully be considered one of the strongest skiers in the world in history. Dario - The magnitude of sport. The pride of Switzerland. And, unofficially, the most mysterious skier of our time.

Dario Cologna is rightfully considered one of the best skiers in the world, and almost no one in his native Switzerland can compete with him. At 28 years old, Cologna has already won 3 Olympic gold medals, won several overall World Cup victories, won the Tour De Ski and won the World Championships.

Dario Cologna is a Swiss athlete, skier, winner of a number of awards and prizes from major international competitions.

Dario Cologna started skiing at the age of 5; At first he skied, but in 1999 he switched to cross-country skiing. It is known that other sports in Colonia also receive attention.

elyal - in particular, he actively played football and rode a bicycle.

Dario competed for the first time in a FIS World Cup cross-country skiing race in November 2006 in Kuusamo, Finland; He managed to get his first glasses in March 2007, in Falun, Sweden. In total

During the 2007-2008 season, Cologna was in the top ten 4 times and came in 37th place overall.

In December 2008, Cologna was among the top three winners for the first time - he managed to take 2nd place in the 30-kilometer race in La Clusaz, France.

In January 2009, Cologna took part in a very

in the Tour de Ski and beat 2nd place finisher Petter Northug by a full minute in the final stage. In addition, Cologne managed to win the overall standings of the 2008-2009 World Cup - and Dario overtook the second-place finisher by more than 100 points. In the process of climbing to the top

Nga Cologna Cup took 1st place twice and was in the top three another three times.

In the 2009-2010 World Cup season, Dario Cologne was a little less lucky - this time he ended up only 4th, having taken one 1st place during the season and two more times on the winners' podium. In the next Tour de Ski Dario does this

he did not perform as well as last time - he only managed to take 3rd place. However, Cologna more than compensated for all this with a brilliant performance at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics - then he managed to win gold in the men's 15-kilometer freestyle race. Pobe

Yes, this one turned out to be even more impressive given the fact that the Swiss had never won a freestyle race at the Olympics before.

Dario Cologna won the 2010-2011 World Cup again, and this time he beat 2nd place Petter Northug by as much as 300 points. Such an impressive result

m Cologna was responsible for 4 victories and 6 second and third places. At the Tour de Ski this year, Cologna performed just as brilliantly - he beat the silver medalist (who was again the same Petter Northug) by 27 seconds.

At the 2011-2012 World Cup, Dario Cologna won 3 races and took 7 second and third places; n

Colognier's points were quite enough for another (third in a row) victory in the overall standings.

On January 8, 2012, Cologna won his third Tour de Ski, held in Val di Fiemme, Italy. This time Dario Cologna beat his competitors by a full minute; second month

then this year went to Marcus Hellner, third – to Petter Northug. Dario Cologna became the first skier to win three Tour de Ski victories. By the way, Cologna also won the World Cup on January 8, 2012.

In 2013, Cologna competed at the World Championships, held in

all the same Italian valley Val di Fiemme. In the 30-kilometer pursuit race, Dario managed to win a convincing victory, and in the classic 50-kilometer mass start he took second place.

In 2014, Dario Cologna performed brilliantly at the next Winter Olympics, this time in Sochi; him first

Dario Cologna is a Swiss athlete, skier, winner of a number of awards and prizes from major international competitions.

Dario Cologna started skiing at the age of 5; At first he skied, but in 1999 he switched to cross-country skiing. It is known that Cologna paid attention to other sports - in particular, he actively played football and rode a bicycle.

Dario competed for the first time in a FIS World Cup cross-country skiing race in November 2006 in Kuusamo, Finland; He managed to get his first glasses in March 2007, in Falun, Sweden. In total, during the 2007-2008 season, Cologna was in the top ten 4 times and came in 37th place overall.

In December 2008, Cologna was among the top three winners for the first time - he managed to take 2nd place in the 30-kilometer race in La Clusaz, France.

In January 2009, Cologna took part in the next Tour de Ski and in the final stage beat 2nd place Petter Northug by a full minute. In addition, Cologne managed to win the overall standings of the 2008-2009 World Cup - and Dario overtook the second-place finisher by more than 100 points. During his rise to the top of the Cup rankings, Cologna finished 1st twice and finished in the top three another three times.

In the 2009-2010 World Cup season, Dario Cologne was a little less lucky - this time he ended up only 4th, having taken one 1st place during the season and two more times on the winners' podium. In the next Tour de Ski, Dario also did not perform as well as the last time - he only managed to take 3rd place. However, Cologna more than compensated for all this with a brilliant performance at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics - then he managed to win gold in the men's 15-kilometer freestyle race. This victory turned out to be even more impressive given the fact that the Swiss had never won a freestyle race at the Olympics before.

Dario Cologna won the 2010-2011 World Cup again, and this time he beat 2nd place Petter Northug by as much as 300 points. Cologna owed such an impressive result to 4 victories and 6 second and third places. At the Tour de Ski this year, Cologna performed just as brilliantly - he beat the silver medalist (who was again the same Petter Northug) by 27 seconds.

At the 2011-2012 World Cup, Dario Cologna won 3 races and took 7 second and third places; Cologne's points were quite enough for another (third) victory in the overall standings.

On January 8, 2012, Cologna won his third Tour de Ski, held in Val di Fiemme, Italy. This time Dario Cologna beat his competitors by a full minute; Second place this year went to Marcus Hellner, third – to Petter Northug. Dario Cologna became the first skier to win three Tour de Ski victories. By the way, Cologna also won the World Cup on January 8, 2012.

In 2013, Cologna performed at the World Championships, held in the same Italian valley of Val di Fiemme. In the 30-kilometer pursuit race, Dario managed to win a convincing victory, and in the classic 50-kilometer mass start he took second place.

In 2014, Dario Cologna performed brilliantly at the next Winter Olympics, this time in Sochi; First, he managed to win the 30-kilometer skiathlon, then he successfully defended the title of Olympic champion, again beating all his opponents at the 15-kilometer distance.
