We are friends with physical education. Physical education “We are friends with physical education – we are not afraid of illnesses. "Giants and Lilliputians"

ANO DO "Planet of Childhood "Lada"

Kindergarten No. 63 “Vesnyanochka”

g.o. Tolyatti

Abstract - sports entertainment script

“We are friends with physical education; we are not afraid of illnesses”

(school preparatory age)

Compiled by: Shmeleva Galina Vladimirovna

Position: teacher (second qualification category)

2016 academic year

Target: satisfy children’s natural need for movement;

Develop physical qualities: endurance, strength, speed of reaction;

To develop strong-willed qualities in outdoor games, competitions, and relay races.

Equipment: rope, flying saucers, skittles, medicine balls, rubber balls according to the number of players, 2 buckets of water, 2 children's buckets, 2 glasses, bucket, medals, prizes.

Progress of entertainment:

To the sounds of a march, children line up on the playground.

Educator. To the sports ground

I invite everyone now.

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us!

I invite all boys and girls to take part in the sports festival “We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of diseases.” I wish you success in sports competitions. I would like to introduce the teams that are participating in the competition. ( The teams say their names together.)

Doctor Aibolit promised to fly to us for the holiday. And here he is. How did you get there, Doctor Aibolit?

Dr. Aibolit. I barely had time to come to you for the holiday.

I ran through fields, through forests, through meadows,

And he whispered only two words:

“Kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten!”

Educator. Dear doctor, you are not late at all, our holiday is just beginning. But we need your help: before all competitions, a doctor must examine the athletes to see if they are sick and can participate in competitions.

Dr. Aibolit (examining the children). Do you have a sore throat?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Scarlet fever?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Cholerina?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Appendicitis?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Malaria and bronchitis?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. What healthy children you are! Just look! Yes, I’m happy with the inspection, everyone is healthy!

It's not good for you to be lazy!

Remember guys!

Even animals, even birds

Doing exercises.

Educator. How?

Dr. Aibolit. And like this!

Game-exercise “Everyone has their own exercise”

Dr. Aibolit. One - squat, two - jump,

And again - squat,

And then again - jump -

Rabbit exercise.

Show me how?

(Children do exercises.)

Dr. Aibolit. The bird jumps as if dancing,

The bird flaps its wings

And takes off without looking back -

This is Bird's exercise.

Can you do that?

(Children perform movements.)

Dr. Aibolit. And when the puppies wake up,

They will definitely yawn

They deftly wave their tail.

(Children perform movements differently.)

Dr. Aibolit. And the kittens' backs are arched

And they will silently jump from their seats.

Before you go for a walk,

They begin to wash themselves.

(Children show.)

Dr. Aibolit. Squirrels jump very fast

They wave their fluffy tail.

They play hide and seek for an hour.

This is a squirrel exercise.

Can we do that?

(Children imitate the movements of a squirrel.)

1st child. We're doing exercises

We start in the morning

To contact less often

See your doctors for advice.

2nd child. Branches spread wide

There is an old maple tree near the house.

The neighbor's cat arched his back,

He loves physical education.

3rd child. One, two - step wider,

Do this to us!

One, two - don't yawn,

Repeat with us!

4th child. There is no need to be afraid that they will laugh,

Never leave your charger behind.

Only those who do not cry will achieve success,

Nothing comes easy, without effort.

Dr. Aibolit. Everyone is happy and healthy

And ready for classes.

Educator. We have one game

Everyone will like her.

Let's see whose team is stronger!

First stage

Tug of war: a line is drawn at the site. Participants take hold of the rope with both hands and, at a signal, try to pull their opponent over the line. Anyone who crosses the line is considered a loser.

Second phase

Throwing flying saucers at a distance: the plate is in one hand, held between four fingers on the concave side and the thumb on the convex side; right hand with a plate and right foot in front; left arm and leg behind. Sharply move your right hand with the plate forward while simultaneously lunging your torso forward and throw the plate. Three attempts are made.

The strongest among boys and girls are determined.

Third stage

Competition "Know-It-All"

Educator. Each correct answer will earn a point for the team.

What summer sports do you know?

What winter sports do you know?

Guess the riddles:

I don't look like a horse

And I have a saddle.

There are knitting needles. They admit

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

But I'm calling, so you know. ( Bike.)

He's stubborn and pot-bellied,

The guys hit him hard.

Why is the poor guy being beaten?

Because he is inflated. ( Ball.)

When April takes its toll

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

And she - through me. ( Jump rope.)

Two new, maple

The soles are two meters long.

I put two feet on them -

And run through the big snow. ( Skis.)

Fourth stage

At this stage, relay races are held.

"Don't drop it." Teams line up in a column one at a time behind the starting line. The first team members each have 2 medicine balls in their hands. At the signal, the first relay participants run with the ball to the pin, run around it, come back and pass the ball to the next participant, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The team that completes the task first wins.

"Kangaroo". Teams line up one at a time behind the starting line. The first players have the ball between their legs. At the signal, the first players perform jumps on two legs with the ball pressed between their legs to the pin and back. They pass the ball into the hands of the next relay participant, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The team that completes the task first wins.

“Pour the water from a bucket into a bucket with a cup.” Teams line up one at a time behind the starting line. At the signal, the first players scoop up water from the bucket and run to the empty bucket and, trying not to spill it, pour out the water. The team that completes the task faster and fills the bucket with more water wins.

"Ball in the bucket." Before starting the game, the bucket must be stabilized by placing a stone in it. Then the players of the first team stand in a circle facing the center and take turns throwing balls into the bucket. Then the players of the second team perform the same task. The winner is the team with more balls hitting the center.

After the teams have completed all stages, the results of the competition are summed up. Each team is awarded medals and prizes.

The teams take a lap of honor and leave the sports field to the sounds of a march.

Adopted at the meeting I APPROVED:

Pedagogical Council of MKDOU Head of MKDOU

"Bogucharsky kindergarten "Bogucharsky kindergarten

combined type combined type

"Spring" "Spring"

"__" ________ 2014 "__" ________ 2014

_________ N. G. Auseva

Designed by:

physical education instructor

Kolesnikova Inna Alexandrovna

Boguchar 2014


1.Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….page 3


    Relevance of the project.

2. Project passport: ……………………………………………………………………. page 4

    Project type

    Objective of the project

    Project objectives

    Basic principles of the project …………………………………………………………… page 5

    Main forms of project implementation

    Expected result

    Ensuring project activities……………………………………. page 6

3. Contents of practical activities: ………………………………………… page 7

    Project stages and methods

    Working with teachers, specialists,

parents of children attending preschool educational institutions …………………………………………… page 8

    Project results………………………………………………………. page 9

4. Applications.

1. Introduction

    Problem: strengthening the child’s health and introducing him to a healthy lifestyle.

    Relevance of the project:

In modern conditions of social development Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals. Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in improving the health of both ourselves and our children.

It is no secret that favorable conditions for the development, training and education of a preschooler can only be realized through close interaction between the preschool institution and the family. Teachers are unable to solve the problem of improving children's health without the help of specialists, medical workers, and the child's parents.

One of the means that effectively contributes to the formation of the health of preschool children and the development of correct habits is specially organized leisure activities, which involve bringing together adults and children. Various physical education activities help children develop agility, endurance, courage, the ability to live in a team, increase interest in physical exercise, physical activity, and introduce them to sports and a healthy lifestyle. In their spare time, children improve the skills acquired in classes and expand their horizons in an interesting and exciting way. about the culture of hygiene and healthy eating; a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle is formed. Parents, in the process of joint activities, receive the necessary recommendations for developing a healthy lifestyle in their children.

Being healthy is a natural human desire. But first, it would be nice to acquire basic knowledge that would help us choose the most rational path to health, taking into account personal physiological capabilities, and involve all participants in the educational process in solving the problem, paying special attention to interaction with parents. Health means not only the absence of disease, but also mental and social well-being.

“Health Week” serves to realize this goal.

2. Project passport

    Project type:

By dominant activity in the project: practice-oriented.

By content : creative and informational, group.

Project participants : children of middle, senior, preparatory groups , parents of children attending preschool educational institutions.

Project implementers: physical education instructor, group teachers, speech therapist, psychologist, music director, medical worker.

By time : short-term “Health Week”.

Date: 04/07/2014 – 04/11/2014

By the nature of contacts : within the preschool educational institution.

    Objective of the project:

To form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers, to achieve conscious implementation of health rules and a responsible attitude towards both their own health and the health of others.

    Project objectives:

1. Instill a love of physical exercise;

2. Expand children’s knowledge about healthy and unhealthy foods;

3. Continue to introduce hygiene rules;

4. Form healthy lifestyle habits;

5. Develop the ability to take care of your body, evaluate yourself and your condition

6. Prevention of postural disorders and flat feet.

    Basic principles of the project:

1. Physical activity must correspond to the child’s age, gender, level of physical development, biological maturity and health.

2. Physical activity must be combined with generally available hardening procedures.

3. Mandatory inclusion in all forms of physical activity of elements of corrective gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet, curvature of posture and elements of health-saving technologies.

4.Carrying out physical education activities taking into account medical restrictions and medical withdrawal dates.

    Main forms of project implementation:

1. Morning exercises;

2. Physical education minutes;

3. Outdoor games;

4. Walks on the site;

5. Awakening gymnastics;

6. Hardening procedures after daytime sleep;

7. Individual work with children;

8. Independent studies (orthopedic minutes);

9. Thematic classes with a cognitive focus;

10. Leisure, physical education(using new health-saving technologies);

11. Collective activities with the involvement of parents;

12. Consultations (individual, group, poster);

    Expected result:

1. The social experience of preschoolers will be enriched and their horizons will expand.

2. Children's interest in physical education and sports will increase.

3. Children will develop ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

4. Parents will form ideas about creating a favorable emotional and socio-psychological climate for the full development of the child. Parents will be involved in a single space “family - kindergarten”.

    Providing project activities:


V. N. Shebeko, V. A. Shishkina, N. N. Ermak “Methods of physical education in preschool institutions.” Minsk: “University”, 1998.

E. N. Vavilova “Strengthen the health of children.” Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1986

T. G. Karepova “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.” Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2012.

L.V. Antonov "Outdoor Games". Moscow: LLC IKTC "LADA", 2010.

G. A. Prokhorova “Morning exercises for children 2-7 years old.” Moscow "Iris - Press", 2004.

N. M. Solomennikova “Organization of sports leisure for preschool children aged 4–7 years.” Volgograd: “Teacher” 2013

M. A. Davydova “Sporting events for preschoolers 4 – 7 years old. Sports festivals, outdoor games, relay races, sports fairy tales.” Moscow: LLC "VAKO" 2007

E. I. Podolskaya “Scenarios for sports events and events for children 3 – 7 years old.” Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2009

Scientific and methodological journal “Preschool education” 03/2014 Moscow

S. A. Avilova, T. V. Kalinina “Game and rhyming forms of physical exercises. Skits, games - imitation, sets of exercises, poems with movements" Volgograd: "Teacher", 2008

I. E. Averina “Physical training minutes in kindergarten.”

Moscow "AIRS - press", 2011.

M. M. Borisova “Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3 – 7 years old.” Moscow “Mosaic - synthesis”, 2012

O. B. Kazina “Fun physical education for children and their parents. Activities, entertainment, holidays, trips.” Health-saving technologies in education. Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2005.

T. A. Tarasova, L. S. Vlasova “Healthy lifestyle. Me and my health. Lesson program, exercises and didactic games.” A practical guide for developing and strengthening healthy lifestyle skills in children aged 2 to 7 years. Moscow: “School Press”, 2008.

E. I. Podolskaya “Therapeutic gymnastics complexes for children 5 – 7 years old.” Volgograd “Teacher”, 2012

E. I. Podolskaya “Forms of health improvement for children 4 – 7 years old.” Volgograd “Teacher”, 2009.

T. S. Nikonorova, E. M. Sergienko “The Big Guy.” Health improvement system for preschool children." Voronezh: "PE Lakotsenin S.S.", 2007.

T. G. Anisimova, S. A. Ulyanova, R. A. Eremina “Formation of correct posture and correction of flat feet in preschool children.” Volgograd “Teacher”, 2011

Internet resources.

Material and technical:

The music hall is festively decorated

Equipment (short cords, stars, ribbons, balls, arches, hoops, gymnastic benches, gymnastic sticks, ribbed board. Non-standard equipment: emblems, “footprints”, “palms”, “skis” - plastic bottles);

Music Center;

Audio recordings;


Video films, cartoons;


Photographic materials.

3. Contents of practical activities

Stage 1, theoretical

10.03. 2014 – 15.03. 2014

    problem definition

    defining goals and objectives

Stage 2, preparatory

(project development)

17.03.2014 – 5.04.2014

    definition of working methods;

    selection of methodological literature, lesson notes, illustrative material;

    acquaintance with literary works: “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s Mountain” by K. Chukovsky; “The Dirty Girl” by A. Barto; “Business Man” by L. Ryzhov. E. Kan “Our exercise”, V. Suslov “About Yura and physical education”, M. Vitkovskaya “About how the boy strengthened his health”, V. Lebedev-Kumach “Train up!”. P. Voronko “Time to Sleep”, N. Lotkin “Quiet Hour”, S. Mikhalkov “Don’t Sleep”; S. Marshak “Drowsiness and Yawning”, “On the contrary” by E. Karganov; excerpts from works about Uncle Styopa, which reflect issues of maintaining health;

    learning exercises to prevent spinal curvature and form correct posture; self-massage of the foot, acupressure, back massage, eye exercises, finger exercises, relaxation;

    selection of physical education equipment;

    equipping the subject development sphere with non-standard equipment for project implementation;

    selection of musical works;

    conducting preliminary work with parents;

    drawing up a long-term action plan .

Stage 3, practical

(project implementation)

04/07/2014 – 04/11/2014

    organization of practical work with children;

    formation of stable interest and positive attitude of preschool children towards physical exercises;

    formation of a system of basic knowledge about the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the body;

    development of basic physical qualities;

    work on developing the skills of correct posture, correct foot placement, and breathing;

    education of strong-willed qualities, attention, self-control, responsibility.

Interaction between a physical education instructor and teachers, specialists and parents.


Speech therapist


Music director

Medical worker


Instructor for FC

1 . Assistance in organizing and conducting sports, recreational and educational events

2 . Conducting conversations, reading nursery rhymes, fairy tales, stories on the topic of the day.

3. Design of exhibitions.


2 . Visual information

3. Preparation and entertainment in middle, senior, preparatory groups: “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”

1 . Assistance in organizing and preparing the “Health Week”.

2 . Visual information

3. Preparation and conduct of life safety entertainment for middle, senior, preparatory groups: “Arkady Parovozov to the rescue”

Musical design of physical education, recreational, educational events, entertainment.

Excursion to the office of a medical worker of a preschool educational institution; conversation: “Bad and good habits”

1. KTD "Healthy and harmful products"

2. Sweet table “Vitamin family”.

3. Phyto-bar (preparing tea from medicinal plants)

4 . Drawings, photos on the topic: “Being healthy is useful "; “My sports family.”

1. Organization and preparation of “Health Week”

2. Visual information

3. Preparation and conduct of sports and recreational leisure:

- “We want to be healthy!” (middle group)

- “We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of diseases!” (senior group)

- “Journey to Planet Health” (middle, senior, preparatory groups)

Sports festival with the participation of children and youth sports school students

“Whoever loves sports is always healthy!” (preparatory group)

4. " Collection of recreational gymnastics":

Gymnastics for the eyes;

Kinesiological exercises;

Play massage;

5. " Gymnastics after sleep" (thematic complexes for middle, senior, preparatory groups)

6. Poster consultations

7. An article for the regional newspaper “Selskaya Nov” about “Health Week” in a preschool educational institution.

Stage 4, final


April 11, 2014

    Summing up the project implementation.

    Analysis of achieving the set goal.

    Summarizing the results of the work, formulating conclusions.

    Project results:

Children know how to follow basic valeological, cultural and hygienic rules; understand the importance of physical exercise for health; are able to evaluate the usefulness of foods and dishes in the daily diet.

The project products were:

Poster “Healthy Products”;

Exhibition of drawings “We are strong friends with sports!”;

Parental photo exhibitions “My Sports Family”;

Poster consultations “Self-massage B.A.T.”; “Sports and Children” (Appendix 1);

- “Collection of health-improving gymnastics”; « Gymnastics after sleep" (thematic complexes for middle, senior, preparatory groups) (Appendix 2);

Poster "Health Week". Event plan

“Morning of good meetings” (puppet theater, after morning exercises) (Appendix 3);

Manufacturing of non-traditional physical education equipment;

Scenarios of sports, recreational, educational entertainment for children:

- “We want to be healthy!” sports and recreational entertainment (middle group)

- “We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of diseases!” sports and recreational entertainment (senior group)

- “Journey to Planet Health” sports and recreational entertainment (middle, senior, preparatory groups)

- “Whoever loves sports is always healthy!” sports festival with the participation of pupils of the Youth Sports School (preparatory group)

- “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy” educational entertainment for middle, senior, preparatory groups (speech therapist)

- “Arkady Parovozov to the rescue” entertainment on life safety for middle, senior, preparatory groups (psychologist) (Appendix 4);

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Winter sports festival in the senior group on the sports ground with the participation of parents

  • Strengthen good cooperation between teachers and parents
  • Teach parents how to play together with their children
  • Strengthen sledding and skiing skills
  • Create a positive emotional mood among all participants
Progress of the event:
Children and parents go out onto the playground and line up in two lines: children in front of their parents.
Greets the participants of the holiday:
Everyone knows and understands
What a pleasure it is to be healthy!
Do you want to know
How to become healthy?
Children and parents:
I'll tell you one secret:
Don't be separated from sports -
You will live a hundred years.
Addresses children.
Why are we cheerful, dexterous, skillful!
Because every day we do exercises.
Get ready to exercise!
A set of general developmental exercises is carried out.
To make it more fun to play and compete, we will divide into two teams, red and blue. Children are asked to find blue and red ribbons on the playground and run up to the blue or red posts. Their parents receive the same ribbons as the children's.
Athletes are true friends
Both in summer and winter.
Let every family be
A sports family.
Take it quickly
These white snowballs
You will hit the balls
Show how dexterous you are.
The game is played: “Knock the ball out”
You need to knock the ball over the enemy line with snowballs.
The presenter praises the winners.
You're a winter girl
You came with the frost
The wind howls, the blizzard howls,
It's sweeping along the street.
Tell me guys,
Are you afraid of the cold?
Frosts don't matter to us,
We are not afraid of the cold.
We wear fur coats and hats
And we go sledding.
Sled relay race

Stage 1:
An adult carries a child on a sled by a rope to a flag.
Stage 2:
The child and the adult change places, and from the flag the child carries the adult on a sled, pushing him from behind.

A competition is held: “Who is faster?”
8 people per team: 4 children, 4 adults.
Children put on skis and stand in a line.
In front of them, adults throw colored balls as far as possible.
The Blue team throws for the Reds and vice versa.
Then the children on skis simultaneously run for the balls.
Everyone must bring one ball.
The team that returns to its starting position the fastest wins.

The Snowman (a dressed up child) comes out onto the playground.
Hello guys,
Hello parents!
Would you like to fight with me?
(snowman is boxing, waving his fists in front of him)
Shame on you, you came to visit.
Why did I say that?
Hello guys,
Hello parents!
Would you like to compete with me?
This is another matter.
What will your competition be?
Well, for example, who will shout the loudest.
No, Snowman, I’ll tell you in advance that we don’t need such competitions. Let us show you how to compete in strength and prowess.
The game "To whom on whom" is played
A large lump is made of snow in advance, the players stand around it, holding hands. On command one, two, three, the players pull the other team towards the snowball, and they themselves resist.
The one who falls on someone and or at least steps on him is out of the game.
At first only adults play, then children join them.
We had a lot of fun
We played and frolicked.
But the time has come to part
I wish everyone never
No knowledge of diseases
And always be healthy!
Instructor: Says goodbye to the Snowman, praises the participants of the holiday.

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Sports entertainment in an extended day group “We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of illnesses!”

Lapatina Svetlana Vasilievna, teacher of the GPA MOU Tumskaya secondary school No. 46 Branch "Oskinskaya secondary school", Klepikovsky district, Oskino village.
Description: I offer you a sports entertainment scenario for students in grades 1–4. This material will be of interest to GPD teachers, physical education instructors, and primary school teachers when organizing sporting events.
Target: Formation of a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren, development of interest in sports.
1. Preservation and strengthening of the physical health of students.
2. Enrichment of schoolchildren’s knowledge about fellow countrymen - athletes, about various sports.
3.Development of motor skills and abilities, development of physical qualities: agility, speed, endurance.
5.Development of creative and intellectual abilities of students.

Progress of entertainment:

The King sits on the throne on the stage. The song “Do exercises - you’ll be fine” sounds, the king takes off his crown and begins to do various exercises: swings his arms, squats, lifts dumbbells.
One two three four,
To be healthy and strong,
I must love physical education!

Vovka appears, looks at the Tsar in surprise, sits down in a chair, and puts on a crown.
Why are you doing exercises? You are the King - you are supposed to do nothing!
Why do you need these squats?
Why do you need these push-ups?
You should be lying on the sofa,
And don’t bother yourself with anything!

Do you know, Vovka, this saying: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” After all, even in ancient times in Ancient Greece, competitions were held in running, fist fighting, discus throwing, chariot racing, and archery.

So it was so long ago
And now another movie,
Guys surf the Internet
They don’t want to run or jump.

According to my royal command,
According to my royal wish,
I’m sending you, Vovka,
For re-education to the guys
To the extended day group!

To the sports ground
We invite everyone now,
Celebration of sports and health
It starts with us.

Every day we guys
It starts with charging.
Make us a little stronger
Exercise will help!

We're doing exercises
We start in the morning
To contact less often
See your doctors for advice!

We need pills and medicine
And in the frost and in the cold,
Replaces physical education
And cold water!

Who is friends with exercises boldly,
Who will drive away laziness in the morning,
He will be brave and skillful,
And have fun every day!

The song “Do exercises - you’ll be fine” is played, and students perform a set of rhythmic gymnastics.

Wow, I ended up in the Oskinskaya school,
Well, what did I not see here, I wonder?

First of all, Vova, you need to say hello to everyone. And secondly, please tell us what sports you know?
Hello guys!
I like to lie on the sofa,
Watch cartoons,
Click the seeds!

No, things won’t work out that way, we suggest you first solve riddles about sports.

In this sport the players
Everyone is agile and tall,
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits loudly
About the floor, that means - Basketball.

Stand on the projectile, my friend,
One is a jump, and two is a jump,
Three jumps to the ceiling

Two somersaults in the air!
What kind of miracle is this mesh here?
For jumping equipment - Trampoline.

It's very difficult to be, don't argue,
The most accurate in this sport.
Just rush along the ski track,
Even I can do it.
Try running for a day yourself
And then hit the target,
Lying down, supine, with a rifle.
You can't do this without training!
And your target is not an elephant,
The sport is called - Biathlon.

A dodger hits the goal,
While swimming, he throws the ball.
And here there is water instead of floor,
So this is - Water polo.

The team wins here
If the ball doesn't drop.
He flies accurately from the serve,
Not through the gate - through the net,
And the playground, not the field,
Athletes in - Volleyball.

Horse, rope, log and bars,
The rings are with us.
I don’t dare to list
Lots of shells.
Beauty and plasticity
Gives us - Gymnastics.

I'm looking at the champion
Quarter ton barbell
I want to become the same
To protect my little sister!
Lift big ones - Kettlebells

You can't get by without an oar,
If you take up sports,
What's the name of the occupation?
Where in the boat do they sail to the finish line?

Now skipping, now squatting,
Children do - Charging.

Like a soldier without a gun,
There is no hockey player without - Clubs.

Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not the horses that carry me,
And the shiny ones - Skates.

Wooden two horses
They carry me down the mountain.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run,
I touch the snow with my sticks.

I twist it with my hand
Both on the neck and on the leg,
And I twist it at the waist,
And I don't want to drop it.

Boxers have a tool - a punching bag,
And in this sport the “fruit” is better.
An athlete scores a ball there
At the gate in the shape of the letter H,
The ball looks a lot like a plum
Can you name this sport?

We only have skates
They are only summer ones.
We rode on the asphalt
And they were satisfied.

Let's gather a team at school,
And we will find a large field.
Taking a corner -
We score with our heads.
And the fifth goal is in the goal!
We love it very much - Football.

Everyone there is wearing armor on the ice platform,
They fight, grapple in a sharp fight.
The fans shout: “Hit harder!”
Believe me, this is not a fight, but - Hockey.

Oh, I learned so many new things from you guys, maybe it’s time to play?
Attention attention,
Let's start the competition
Clever, brave,
Fast and skillful.
I invite everyone to take part in fun relay races.

Comic relay race.

Stage 1 - “Crayfish are bullies”
They say about me that I'm hiding back.
Not backwards, but forwards, just backwards.
First, team members move on all fours, backwards, and run back.
Stage 2 - “Kangaroo”.
Kangaroo - the mother carries her cubs in a pouch on her stomach. Following the example of a kangaroo, you will carry the ball, but between your legs, and try not to drop it.
Stage 3 - “Jumping Dragonfly”.
While sitting on the ball, you need to jump to one side, take the ball in your hands and run back, passing the ball to the next team member.
Stage 4 - “Sharp Shooter”.
You need to hit the target with the ball, the team that scores the most points wins.
Stage 5 - “Fun Snake”.
The first participant runs to the indicated place, returns to the team, hooks the next participant, and so on until the whole team is hooked. The team that completes this task faster wins.
Stage 6 – “Siamese twins”.
Two team members, whose right and left legs are tied with a rope, run to the specified goal and return back to the team, untie the rope and pass it to the next two players.
Stage 7 – “Catdog”.
One participant moves with his hands, the second participant holds his legs. Thus, participants run to the mark and back.

Guys, we had such a great run, my mood even improved.
You’re right, Vova, it’s not for nothing that people say: “He who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.” Guys, what other proverbs and sayings about health and sports do you know?

Proverbs and sayings about health and sports.

Move more - you will live longer.
Movement is a companion to health.
If you want to be healthy, toughen up.
Whoever hits the ball deftly can handle anything.
Where there is health, there is beauty.
The sun, air and water always help us.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
Anyone who plays sports gains strength.
The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.
Movement is life.
If you give time to physical education, you will get health in return.

Guys, I think you will be interested to learn about our fellow countrymen - athletes.

Ryazan biathlete Alexander Pronkov, a student at Mikhailovsky College of Economics, won a silver medal at the 11th Paralympic Games.

Ryazan racer Tatyana Ivanova won a gold medal in the mountain race.

Ryazan skier Ilya Chernousov, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Sochi, took 5th place in the 50-kilometer skiathlon race.

“We are friendly with physical education -

We are not afraid of diseases!”

Sports festival


Create a festive mood in children.

Develop physical and volitional qualities in children.

Develop a sense of collectivism (“one for all and all for one”).

The progress of the holiday

Leading. To the sports ground

We invite everyone now.

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us!

Leading. I invite all boys and girls to take part in the sports festival “We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of diseases.” I wish you success in sports competitions. I would like to introduce the teams that are participating in the competition.(Teams say their names together.)

1st child

We are friends with a ray of sunshine,

With jumping ropes and a ball,

With pins and hoops,

You will see for yourself.

2nd child

Today is a competition, an important day,

We are not too lazy to meet him.

3rd child

Who monitors physical education?

He shines with beauty.

He's also feeling well

Amazing mood.

4th child

Don’t be lazy to study

Physical education is life!

Always be athletic - forget about illnesses!

Leading. Doctor Aibolit promised to fly to us for the holiday. And here he is. How did you get there, Doctor Aibolit?

Dr. Aibolit. I barely had time to come to you for the holiday.

I ran through fields, through forests, through meadows,

And he whispered only two words:

“Kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten!”

Leading. Dear doctor, you are not late at all, our holiday is just beginning. But we need your help: before all competitions, a doctor must examine the athletes to see if they are sick and can participate in competitions.

Dr. Aibolit. Do you have a sore throat?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Scarlet fever?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Cholerina?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Appendicitis?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Malaria and bronchitis?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. What healthy children you are! Just look!(Examines the children.) Yes, I’m happy with the inspection, everyone is healthy! The competition can begin!

Leading. Let's start the competition with a warm-up. Each team representative must perform one exercise.

1 member of the “Brave” team shows, the rest repeat after him. Then the next exercise is shown by a representative of the “Skilled” team, etc. (5-6 exercises each).

Relay races

1st competition “Running with a racket and a balloon”

The participant runs to the cube and back, guiding the balloon with a racket, trying to prevent it from falling.

2nd competition “Running with a racket and a cube lying on it”

The task is not to drop the cube; if it falls, then you need to pick it up and continue the relay race from the place where the cube was lost.

3rd competition "Snow" (captains)

Imagine that it is snowing. You see, on the chair in front of each of you are felt boots, a fur coat, a scarf and a hat. At my signal, you need to put on felt boots and a fur coat, a hat, tie a scarf and in this form run to the jury table. And then go back. We got ready and started.

The jury's word

4th competition “Riddles Competition”

Leading. Now I will ask you riddles, your task is to give the correct answer faster than the opposing team.

I don't look like a horse

And I have a saddle.

There are knitting needles. They confess

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

But I'm calling, so you know.(Bike)

I don’t understand, who are you guys?

Birders? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

Don't interfere with the game!

You'd better go away

We are playing... (volleyball).

On an empty stomach

They beat me unbearably.

The players shoot accurately

I get punches with my feet.(Soccer ball.)

5th competition “Snake Running”

Run like a snake with a small ball in your hands between four hoops placed on the floor, go around the cube and return back in the same way. The ball is passed to the next relay participant.

6th competition “Pass the ball”

Jump on two legs with a small ball in hand into each hoop (4 pcs.), go around the cube and return back in the same way. The ball is passed to the next relay participant.

7th competition “Put - put”

Four hoops lying on the floor each have one pin. The first participant in the relay runs, puts the pins on the floor with his hand, goes around the cube and returns in a straight line. The second team member runs and puts the pins in the hoops, goes around the cube and returns running in a straight line.

8th Kangaroo competition

Teams line up in columns one at a time behind the starting line. The first players have the ball sandwiched between their two feet. At the signal, the first players perform jumps on two legs with a ball sandwiched between their legs to the cube and back. They pass the ball into the hands of the next relay participant, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The team that completes the task first wins.

9th competition “Captains Competition”

Game "Trap with Ribbons". Children each have one ribbon behind their back. The team captain must pull out as many ribbons as possible from the children from the opposing team in 30 seconds. Then the captain of the other team plays.

Leading. Our competition is ending.

We wish you to cross the mountains.

Overcome all difficult obstacles,

Make friends with sports and grow faster!
