Russian Ken Egor Khalyavin before and after. Egor Khalyavin before and after plastic surgery. Chicken breast recipe

When a plump, fair-haired guy, Yegor Kholyavin, appeared in the Dom-2 project, other participants began to make fun of him, rewarding him with the nickname “Donut.” This is not surprising. After all, Yegor’s weight was 120 kg! He did not enjoy much success with girls, and they only approached him when Yegor gave them gifts. This probably upset the young man greatly, but he didn’t show it.

Everything changed when Yegor liked Marina and wanted to conquer her. For the sake of love for Marina, he seriously decided to take care of himself. And if many participants in the project gain weight during the show, then Kholyavin is the only one who managed to lose weight significantly.

History of weight loss

Once upon a time in his youth, right after school, Yegor was an ordinary slender young man. Alas, at that time he began to have problems with the thyroid gland, and had to decide on surgery. Hormonal imbalance led to rapid weight gain, which was very difficult to get rid of. In any case, regular diets did not help.

Egor Kholyavin before and after losing weight

Yegor had to completely reconsider his diet. Having removed from it all the snacks of nuts and crackers, Coca-Cola and ice cream, Kholyavin completely switched to a diet consisting of vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish, low-fat dairy products and water. And most importantly, with frequent and small meals, the amount of food eaten decreased almost threefold!

Physical exercise

But it wasn’t just a change in diet that helped Yegor begin rapid weight loss. Active and regular exercise is the second, no less important part of his system for losing excess weight. Kholyavin became a regular at the gym in the Dom-2 project. In addition to regular training, Yegor often attended massages and bath treatments, actively swam a lot in the pool and worked out on the treadmill.

Very quickly the guy lost 11 kg. When journalists asked: “Why are you losing weight, is it really for Marina’s love?”, Kholyavin replied: “I want to get on the cover of Dom-2 magazine.” Whether this was a joke is unknown. But Egor was not going to stop there! Daily workouts in the gym became longer and reached 2 hours.

The nature of the classes also changed - now Yegor began to focus on strength exercises and pumping up his muscles. Another participant in the Dom-2 project, Bogdan Lenchuk, became Kholyavin’s personal trainer, who showed how to correctly perform certain exercises. Egor’s portion sizes also changed - building muscle mass required more protein foods, therefore, as Kholyavin himself said: “I could afford to eat a whole breast, and not half, as before.”

For the sake of a new figure, Yegor Kholyavin had to sweat in the gym

The rapid weight loss continued, and soon Egor surprised all fans of the Dom-2 project with his exploits - he lost 20 kg! Without violating the already habitual diet and training, Egor, of course, won Marina’s love. And he was even sent with her to the Love Islands - Seychelles. On the islands, he lost even more weight, and began to look like a real macho - slim, tanned and with grown stubble, which suits him very well.

But, apparently, the external transformation and a healthy lifestyle also changed the guy’s worldview. Unexpectedly for all fans, Yegor Kholyavin announced on his page on social networks that he was leaving the Seychelles and leaving the Dom-2 project, because he had new priorities in life and new horizons had opened. Well, we can only wish the guy success and admire his tenacity and perseverance in achieving his goal. This will definitely work out!

Yegor Kholyavin is a former participant in the reality show Dom-2. Born on May 24, 1987 in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow region. According to the horoscope, Gemini. Grew up in an average family. Having reached conscription age, he served in the army in a unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. After the army, he entered MSUTU and received a specialty in finance.

He came to the project on May 2, 2014 and stayed there for a year. During this time, the guy did not build a relationship, but decided to completely change.

Yegor’s height is 187 centimeters, and his weight after leaving the television set was 92 kilograms. When Kholyavin came to the project, he weighed 130 kilograms.

Now the guy bears the title of the first “Russian Ken”. To look like the iconic American doll, he has already undergone more than 10 plastic surgeries.

Thanks to experienced surgeons, Yegor's waist was narrowed by redrawing the oblique muscles, and abs were sculpted from the remnants of the fat layer.

Implants were inserted into the guy's chest, they added volume to his buttocks, and made his shoulders wider. Kholyavin’s face also underwent major changes. He underwent three-dimensional cheekbone reduction, rhinoplasty, and chin correction.

By September 2017, Egor, according to the terms of the contract, had to completely transform into Ken. The guy had to undergo another 15 plastic surgeries, which were already paid for by sponsors. However, there is no information whether he performed these operations, but it is known that Yegor’s health has greatly deteriorated due to plastic surgery already performed on his body. It is possible that he will never make it all the way to Ken, because now Egor is going through a long road of recovery

Recently, Egor finally answered the question of why he needed all this. It turned out that it was all because of tragic love on the Dom-2 project, then he wanted to turn his life around and prove to everyone that he can be beautiful. The plastic surgery performed on his face really made Yegor more attractive and courageous.


Instagram− egor_holyavin

Females usually prefer to improve their appearance. But the strong half of humanity is not alien to the desire to be beautiful. Especially in those cases if nature did not reward you with beauty, and among the opposite sex you have long been considered just a good guy. And all the sexual victories went to the handsome guys.

Then a crazy idea may come to mind: what if I want to find “Barbie”, I need to become “Ken” myself. Apparently, this idea came to Yegor Khalyavin’s mind. Before and after weight loss and plastic surgery, this is a completely different person in appearance. But what made him become like this, how did his life change after all the transformations of his face and body?

Childhood and youth

Egor was born on May 24, 1987 in Moscow. He was born into the family of a cook and a police officer. The family also has a younger daughter. Almost immediately after her birth, the family moved to a small town in the Moscow region - Zheleznodorozhny. In 2000, we moved to a distant district of Moscow - Yuzhnoye Butovo. Instead of a regular secondary school, he graduated from the naval cadet corps. After which he joined the army and ended up in a unit of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Education and career

After the army, he decided to get a higher education, entered the Razumovsky Moscow State University of Economics, Faculty of Economics, and successfully completed his studies. At this time, he almost got to the point of getting married to the girl with whom he had been together for 2 years and 6 months. At the last moment, the young people were afraid of the seriousness of the event. Back then his weight was quite normal. But suddenly the thyroid gland in his body malfunctioned, the young man gained a lot of weight.

The financial sphere captured him so much that he went to work as a salesman in a grocery store, where he rose to the rank of store manager. The rise of his career turned his head, and he wanted more, he wanted fame. Then he began methodically attending auditions for various television shows. And they took him to one of them, to Dom-2. At that time he was 27 years old.

"House 2"

Egor first appeared in this reality show in May 2014. He came to the project even before he lost weight. Yegor Khalyavin’s height and weight then were 187 cm and about 100 kg, respectively. At the project, he especially liked a pretty blonde. Everything started well, he courted beautifully, arranged surprises. But one day a girl told him that she wouldn’t see him next to her until he lost weight. She preferred another participant to him - Ilya Grigorenko. But he did not despair and soon switched to another blonde beauty - Marina Afrikantova. But this “nut” was also too tough for him, the girl chose someone else.

But this all happened before Yegor Khalyavin lost weight, after which everything in his life became different and things got better with the girls. But no longer on the project. He left there without having built his love.

The problem on the project was the same. The girls had fun with him and were at ease, enjoying his advances, but they did not perceive him as a man because of his appearance. And this turned out to be an incentive for Yegor to lose weight.

Weight loss

The way Yegor Khalyavin changed before and after losing weight shocked many. And especially how quickly it happened. After all, he lost his extra pounds, which, judging by his appearance, were at least 30, in a record short time - 8 months. He was immediately suspected that either Thai pills, or gastric trimming surgery, or all at once helped him lose weight.

Even the girls became interested in how Yegor Khalyavin lost weight; they were especially interested in the diet. He himself says that he lost weight quite naturally and calls the following his weight loss secrets:

  • proper nutrition;
  • regular exercise;
  • restoration of hormonal balance in the body.

Knowing that his fullness is a consequence of hormonal imbalance, knowledgeable people will tell the main secret. The credit is not due to any special exercise or diet. How did Yegor Khalyavin lose weight? The effectiveness of such strength is possible only due to the fact that the hormonal balance has been restored. For those who suffer from thyroid dysfunction, this is a known fact. Just as quickly one gains weight with it, one easily loses weight after getting rid of the disease. Not without the help of proper nutrition and sports, of course. The kilograms won't go away on their own.

Losing weight opened up the world of show business to him; he began to be invited to host corporate parties and weddings.

Plastic surgery

When Yegor Khalyavin compared the photos before and after losing weight himself, he was also shocked. From what a nice guy he became. Then a crazy thought came to him that this was not the limit, and he could become even more beautiful. And the attention from girls and the rise of his career in show business completely turned his head.

Since his figure had already become ideal, he could only change his face, and this required the help of a surgeon. And he turned to him. After one operation, another followed, he began to strive for an ideal result. And as a model I took the appearance of the world famous doll - Ken. For this he was immediately dubbed the “Russian Ken.” To do this, he has already done rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and corrected his lips and cheekbones. Yegor is not going to stop yet, but already now you can see in him the features of the famous boyfriend of the Barbie doll.

Biography of Yegor Khalyavin

A native Muscovite, Egor, has studied in the naval cadet corps and served in the army in a unit of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. There were attempts to become a businessman (the young man started as a grocery store salesman, but very quickly became a manager). Success in the professional sphere, backed by considerable ambitions, pushed Yegor to participate in the filming of the Dom-2 project. The young man went there for fame and recognition, but he never managed to build a relationship.

The main reason for failures in love is the excess weight of a young man. Two girls turned him down for the project, citing the fact that because of his appearance they perceived him only as a friend. By that time, Egor weighed 130 kg. The reason for the excess weight lay in the disruption of the thyroid gland.

Realizing that the extra pounds were interfering with his life, Khalyavin began to diligently lose weight, which he succeeded brilliantly.

Body measurements, age, height and weight in 2018

Before participating in a number of television projects, including “Dom-2,” Khalyavin’s weight ranged from 128 to 135 kg. A photo of Yegor during the project shows that, despite the excess weight, he looked quite cute. But, according to the participants of the show, she is still not attractive enough to count on a serious relationship.

Khalyavin took his first steps to change his appearance at the beginning of 2015. Then his weight was 130 kg. In just 8 months, the guy lost three dozen kilograms. However, the transformation of his appearance did not end there. After normalizing the activity of the thyroid gland, the kilograms began to melt even faster.

Egor was so carried away by the transformation process that he resorted to several plastic surgeries (including rhinoplasty and lip shape correction). If you look at the photo of Yegor Khalyavin before and after losing weight, you can see that his face has acquired a different shape.

In 2018, Khalyavin weighs 90-92 kg with a height of 187 cm. For significant changes in appearance, he was nicknamed “Russian Ken.”

The essence, principles and rules of the methodology

On the Internet you can find information about completely different ways for a young person to lose weight. Many sources indicate that he resorted to the advice of domestic stars who lose weight with green coffee or various pills. Other “well-wishers” are convinced that plastic surgery helped him achieve such results in a short time.

Khalyavin himself claims that he was able to achieve his goal thanks to:

  • Normalization of the thyroid gland. The latter is responsible for all types of metabolic processes in the body. The slightest failure leads to the fact that any nutrients are no longer absorbed normally and are stored in the form of subcutaneous fat. If Khalyavin had not resorted to hormonal drugs, the kilograms would not have melted away so quickly.
  • The strictness of the diet was to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates to almost a minimum. This had to be done so that the body learned to draw energy from its own fat reserves. And switching to protein nutrition allowed me to form a beautiful body and make my muscles more prominent.
  • As with any other diet, Khalyavin advises everyone to drink 1.2-2 liters of water every day and not get carried away with coffee.
  • The body only needs a 300-gram portion at a time to get all the necessary substances. And such a volume of food is digested more easily than when eating the first, second and compote.

Sample menu with recipes

Khalyavin's main sources of energy are meat products with a minimal amount of fat. The same goes for fish.

They need to be steamed, baked, boiled or stewed. Fry - under no circumstances. Barbecue is allowed once a week.

You should also snack on protein foods: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, white omelette, cottage cheese casserole with fruit.

Greens should be present occasionally in the diet. Even healthy salads without mayonnaise and other trans fats can be included in the diet in small quantities and only in the first half of the day. The same goes for fruits and cereals. And no sweets, flour, soda or alcohol.

Approximately the Khalyavin menu:

  • Breakfast: three-white omelette with a minimum amount of salt, a slice of whole grain bread with cheese.
  • Snack: two boiled eggs, a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, grilled fish with vegetables.
  • Snack: 2 pieces of Adyghe cheese, a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: chicken fillet with oranges, baked in the oven, salad with avocado.
  • Before bed - a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.

Physical activity

Khalyavin is convinced that it is impossible to achieve good results without physical activity. A trainer helped him practice. During the week, Yegor visited the gym three times, where he exercised on machines and with free weights (strength exercises helped tone his muscles and prevent sagging skin when losing weight). Two of the workouts were aerobic, meaning the heart rate did not rise above 150 beats per minute. Khalyavin combined running, cycling and swimming. In addition to the above listed loads, he walked 3 km daily.

Hormone therapy

Khalyavin does not talk in detail about hormonal therapy. But he does not hide the fact that only hormonal drugs helped improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and normalize the condition of the body. All previous attempts to lose weight through diet yielded almost no results precisely because of endocrine dysfunction.

Speculation and truth

The main speculation, which Khalyavin regularly refutes in interviews, is the use of Thai diet pills. As for plastic surgery, the young man has a positive attitude towards it and is not going to stop there.

The main advice is not to delay with any decision and motivate yourself at every stage of losing weight. For Khalyavin, initially this motive was the desire to build relationships. Gradually, the process of changing his appearance fascinated him even more than the personal front. So the main thing, according to Yegor, is to set a goal.

Personal secrets of the creator of the method

There is only one personal secret: understand what you really want and do everything you can.

Expert opinion on diet

Experts emphasize that the protein diet with which Khalyavin brought his body back to normal really works. But you shouldn’t get carried away with it all the time, especially for girls. Without carbohydrates and fats, the brain cannot work at full capacity. Yes, and hormonal levels can change, which for girls often ends in disruption of the menstrual cycle.

More information about the protein diet can be found in the video below.

The basis of Yegor Khalyavin’s weight loss method is adherence to a carbohydrate-free diet. It is worth noting that such diets are not suitable for everyone, but in the case of Egor, things went smoothly - in a couple of months, the hero of the Dom-2 project managed to lose 30 kg of excess weight.

How did Yegor Khalyavin lose weight, and what is the secret of his diet? A complete rejection of carbohydrates led to stunning results. But is it worth repeating Yegor’s experience? Experts advise using not carbohydrate-free diets, but a low-carbohydrate diet, which, you see, is not the same thing.

How did a simple diet help Yegor Khalyavin lose weight? The secret lies in the special structure of Yegor himself. His body was oversaturated with carbohydrates, which were not excreted from the body, but were processed into fat. Giving up carbohydrate foods helped the hero of House-2 turn into a real handsome man with an enviable figure.

It is also worth considering the reason for rapid weight gain. In the case of Khalyavin, it was a hormonal imbalance caused by surgery. In this regard, it should be mentioned that it was not only the diet that helped Yegor lose weight. Without taking special medications aimed at restoring the functions of the thyroid gland, with which the guy had problems, quick results would hardly have been achieved.

The diet was based on the introduction of the following products into the diet:

  • egg whites,
  • seafood,
  • tofu cheese,
  • low-fat cottage cheese,
  • white poultry meat,
  • lean veal.

The result of such a diet will be not only a decrease in fat tissue, but also muscle growth, since it is protein that forms the basis of such nutrition.

Without sports, no diet will work, as Egor himself confirms. He prefers aerobic types of training, goes to the swimming pool, and enjoys running and brisk walking. Egor proved that classical weight loss methods work one hundred percent - the right diet and moderate physical activity can work a miracle.

Childhood and youth

Unfortunately, there is little information about the life of Yegor Kholyavin before participating in the project. The future hero of the scandalous reality show “Dom-2” was born on May 24, 1987 in the very heart of Russia in an average family: the future showman’s mother worked as a chief cook in a restaurant, and his father held a position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is known that Yegor grew up and was raised with his sister, who is three years younger than him. .

The Kholyavin family moved from Moscow to the city of Zheleznodorozhny, which is part of Balashikha. It was there that the boy lived until he was 13 years old, and then, by coincidence, moved to the Yuzhnoye Butovo district. Due to constant moving, Yegor changed more than one school bench, and in high school he studied in the naval cadet corps.

Having reached conscription age, the young man went to serve in the army, ending up in a unit of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Returning to civilian life, the future Russian Ken continued to receive his education and entered the prestigious metropolitan university MSUTU named after Razumovsky, where he studied finance and credit.

Yegor Kholyavin chose the Faculty of Economics for a reason, because he dreamed of starting his own business and becoming a successful businessman. In parallel with his studies, the guy got a job at a hypermarket, where he worked his way up the career ladder from an ordinary salesman to a store manager. Kholyavin positioned himself as a true careerist and by the age of 20 he was earning good money even by metropolitan standards.

But this was not enough for the purposeful young man; he soon wanted to explore the expanses of show business and tried to catch luck by the tail, wandering around to various castings. Therefore, it is not surprising that the guy’s attention fell on the scandalous television project “Dom-2”, in which you can not only build love, but also show your artistic abilities.

What is needed for effective weight loss

The key effect was based on proper dietary nutrition, which is designed for 2-3 weeks, depending on your personal condition. First of all, it was necessary to give up fatty, sweet and flour products: baked goods, fried meat, confectionery. You can create your own diet.

Based on the following products that are approved for use:

  • Boiled chicken up to 300 grams per day.
  • Be sure to combine your daily diet with natural proteins - 1-2 boiled eggs.
  • Fresh vegetables and herbs.
  • Fermented milk products – kefir and yogurt.
  • We must not forget about regular drinking - mainly green tea and juices, but fruit drinks made from berries are also allowed.

Monitor your feelings and based on them you can limit your diet to a greater extent if your health allows it. But under no circumstances should you switch to a stress diet, which will negatively affect your metabolism and can lead to a lack of minerals and vitamins.

  • Meals must be divided into equal parts according to their calorie content, and the evening dinner should be ½ serving in calorie content from a typical dietary lunch.
  • You must complete your meal before 6 pm, and immediately before bed you are allowed to drink 1 glass of kefir or a cup of hot tea.

Of course, you cannot avoid some of the side effects that are typically experienced during any diet: lethargy, fatigue, dizziness. If possible, your personal diet should be approved by a qualified nutritionist.

If we are talking about Yegor Kholyavin’s miraculous loss of excess weight, then in addition to strictly following a dietary diet, it is necessary to talk about a well-thought-out schedule of physical activity. The guy combined classes in the pool with the gym.

In the gym, the key focus should be on cardio exercises - this includes exercise on an exercise bike, treadmill, race walking simulator and much more. Here you should consult with a trainer and draw up a schedule based on your weight and physical condition.

Classes should be carried out in the ratio of 2-3 workouts in the gym and 1-2 workouts in the pool during the week. But again, initially look at how you feel and, based on this, build a schedule for your own classes.

After 2 weeks, the diet should be stopped and you should go deeper into cardio exercises. Give yourself 2 full weeks of rest from the restricted diet, and then repeat the diet again if you plan to continue achieving the goal you need.

Galina-89 2 weeks ago

Hello. I gave birth 2 years ago, after that I started having problems with excess weight, well, I once went to the gym, to the pool and now I continue, but the weight does not go away and who seems to me to have started having heart problems against the background of this... Tell me what’s normal options - if any? Only without tin

Daria 2 weeks ago

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