Maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). VO2 max - maximum oxygen uptake Indicator of maximum oxygen consumption

speech in the book, each practical chapter adds useful tips for a specific distance.

Finally, the practical chapters provide brief information about the world-class runners known for their prowess at the distances that are the subject of each chapter. This information will help you understand how top runners use the principles of the training plans presented in this book to prepare for their big races.

Chapter 2. Workouts of the day to increase VO2max and speed

Most athletes know that achieving great results requires more than just racking up the miles. So they get on the treadmill or the road and torture themselves with terrible accelerations, doing "speed work", unable to explain why they are doing these grueling workouts in any way other than just "to get faster." Certainly by running fast and not just racking up the mileage, they will be able to achieve better results in competitions. However, they usually perform intense work without supervision. In this chapter, we'll show you why and how to develop the two main fitness metrics that runners strive to improve through intense training—VO2 max and base speed.

Increase in IPC

Many serious runners know that improving your VO2 max, or aerobic capacity, is the key to performing well in competition. But what is the best method for developing it? High mileage? Mountain training? Intense 400m sections twice a week? Acceleration of 1.5 kilometers? Before we answer this question, let's first take a closer look at what the IPC is.

What is IPC

MOC (maximum oxygen consumption) is the maximum ability of the human body to transport and consume oxygen. Runners with a high VO2 max have an oxygen transport system that allows them to deliver large amounts of oxygenated blood to their working muscles. Exercise increases the size of the heart and the amount of oxygen it can pump.

To be more precise, VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen that the heart can deliver to the muscles and which the muscles can then use to produce energy. It is the product of the heart rate (heart rate), the amount of blood pumped per heart beat, and the proportion of oxygen extracted from the blood and used by the muscles. The value of VO2 max is determined by training and genetic predisposition.

BMD is important because it determines the body's aerobic capacity - the higher the BMD, the greater the body's ability to produce energy aerobically. The more energy the body can produce aerobically, the faster the speed it can maintain. VO2 max is the most important physiological indicator that determines performance at distances from 1500 to 5000 m. VO2 max is also an important physiological indicator for longer distances. However, the longer the distance, the greater the influence of the anaerobic threshold relative to MOC on the finishing result.

The first determinant of VO2 max is the maximum heart rate. Maximum heart rate is genetically determined and generally decreases with age. However, recent evidence indicates that maximum heart rate declines much more slowly with age in people who maintain their cardiovascular system in good physical condition. Maximum heart rate does not increase with training.

The second determinant of BMD is the amount of blood ejected into the artery by the left ventricle of the heart with each contraction. This indicator, called stroke volume, unlike maximum heart rate, improves with appropriate training. The increase in stroke volume under the influence of training is the main adaptive change that increases VO2 max. At the same time, the maximum heart rate (beats per minute) multiplied by stroke volume (the amount of blood pumped with each beat) determines the minute volume

heart rate (the amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute). The final determinant of the IPC is the share

oxygen used, which is determined by the difference between the amount of oxygen in arterial blood and the amount of oxygen in venous blood. This difference represents the amount of oxygen that is removed from the blood by the tissues. One of the physiological adaptations to aerobic exercise is to increase the ability of tissues to extract oxygen from arterial blood. Compared to untrained people, the percentage of oxygen in the venous blood of athletes is lower. This is because exercise increases both blood flow to working muscles and the number of capillaries in muscle tissue, thereby providing more efficient delivery of oxygenated blood to individual muscle cells.

In sports such as running, where it is necessary to move the body above the ground, the VO2 max value is expressed relative to body weight - in milliliters of oxygen consumed per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min). The average BMD value in men and women aged 35 years leading a sedentary lifestyle is 45 and 38 ml/kg/min, respectively. The VO2 max of elite male 5000m runners averages 75-85 ml/kg/min. The MOC of elite male marathon runners is slightly lower and averages 70-75 ml/kg/min. Marathon runners achieve high marathon performance due to their high anaerobic threshold, which we will discuss in detail in Chapter 3.

Women's BMD values ​​are on average lower than men's due to the fact that they have higher fat reserves and lower hemoglobin levels. Since BMD is expressed relative to body weight, women's higher fat stores due to physiological need put them at a disadvantage. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells (erythrocytes) that carries oxygen to tissues. Due to lower hemoglobin levels, the oxygen content per unit of blood is lower in women. BMD values ​​in well-trained women are on average 10% lower than in well-trained men.

Table 2.1 How VO2 max increases under the influence of training

Table 2.2 Average MOC values ​​for people with different levels of physical fitness

With regular training for 6-12 months, people leading a sedentary lifestyle can expect to increase their VO2 max by 20-30%. Be that as it may, training increases VO2 max within the limits established by a person’s genetic predisposition - as you approach your genetic potential, the rate of increase in VO2 decreases. If you have been training for several years, then any increase in VO2 max will be a great achievement for you. That is why experienced runners should pay special attention to the information presented below, which details ways to increase VO2 max.

Increase in IPC

The highest training effect, promoting the growth of VO2 max, is achieved by training with an intensity of 95-100% of the current VO2 max. But how to determine this intensity? It can be calculated by measuring MIC in laboratory conditions. The lab test asks you to start running slowly on a treadmill. The speed or incline of the treadmill is then increased every few minutes until you can continue running. During this time, the air you exhale is collected and analyzed. Testing usually takes 10-15 minutes.

If you do not have the opportunity to take a test in a laboratory, you can approximately determine your running pace at the VO2 max level based on

personal results in competitions. Running at an intensity of 95-100% VO2 should be approximately the same as your 3-5K race pace.

The appropriate intensity for training to increase VO2 can also be determined based on heart rate. The tempo of VO2 max training approximately corresponds to 95-98% of the heart rate reserve or maximum heart rate. (For details about heart rate-controlled training, an explanation of the term “heart rate reserve,” and other information related to this topic, see “Monitoring Heart Rate to Monitor Training Intensity” in Chapter 4.) During this type of training, you must maintain a heart rate that will be several beats below the maximum. Otherwise, the intensity will be too high, resulting in a shorter workout and less training effect to increase VO2 max.

The body responds positively to training at an intensity at the VO2max level only if the volume is not excessive. With excessive intense training, the body’s recovery becomes incomplete and its adaptive capabilities are disrupted. Each athlete needs to independently search for the optimal volume and frequency of MPC training. The goal is to train at VO2 max intensity often enough to produce the desired impact on the body, but not to the point of overtraining. The plans for Chapters 6-10 use the following principles to ensure optimal training effects on VO2 max.

Load volume per workout. The fastest increase in VO2 max is achieved when the distance of intense intervals per workout is 4-8 km. The optimal volume within this range depends on the athlete's training experience. The training effect on the body occurs even when the total volume of intervals per workout is less than 4 km, but the rate of increase in VO2 max in this case is lower. If you try to run more than 5 miles at this intensity (good luck), then chances are you will either not be able to maintain an appropriate pace throughout the interval workout, or you will exhaust yourself so much that you will not be able to recover quickly enough for the next intense session. For most runners, workouts in which the total interval distance is 4800-7200 m are the most effective.

Training frequency. The most rapid growth of MIC is achieved in

in the case when training at an intensity of 95-100% of VO2max is performed once a week. Depending on the distance you're training for and the number of weeks left before your target event, it may be helpful to do a second low-volume MAX workout during certain weeks.

Duration of intervals. The most rapid increase in VO2 max is achieved when the duration of intervals during training at the VO2 max level is 2-6 minutes. For most runners, this means intervals of 600-1600 m. Perform MPC training You can not only run on the treadmill, but also run uphill, run on the golf course, and so on. When preparing for cross-country races, it is advisable to simulate competitive conditions as much as possible during MPC training.

You will achieve the greatest training impact on your body's aerobic capacity if, during VO2max training, you accelerate your cardiovascular system to 95-100% VO2max and maintain this intensity for as long as possible. Short intervals are not as effective in providing the desired training effect, since in this case the body does not work long enough in the optimal intensity range. For example, if you are doing 400m sprints, it will be easier to maintain a pace at your VO2 max, but you will only be running at that pace for a short period of time during each interval.

As a result, you will have to do a lot of 400-meter accelerations to achieve a good training effect on VO2 max. If you perform 1200 m accelerations at the appropriate pace, your cardiovascular system will work at an intensity of 95-100% of VO2 max in each acceleration for several minutes. This way, you can accumulate more work time per training session at the most effective training intensity.

Speed ​​of intervals. VO2max training is most effective—that is, has the greatest training impact on VO2max—when performed at a speed corresponding to 3-5 km race pace. When performing intervals at this speed, the intensity is typically 95-100% of your VO2 max. If you run slower, you move closer to the training zone to increase your anaerobic threshold. As we'll see in Chapter 3, training to increase anaerobic threshold is very important, but VO2 max training is designed to increase VO2 max, not anaerobic threshold.

By performing intervals at an intensity above 95-100% VO2, you

you will also not be able to achieve a good training effect on VO2 max. There are two reasons for this. First, when you run faster than your VO2 max pace, you engage the anaerobic system to a greater extent, which helps improve it. You might think that the anaerobic system is at least as important as the aerobic system, and it is - if you are competing in the 800m. But if you are running 5000m or more, then in competition you will use the anaerobic system mainly for the snatch. the final meters of the distance. If you do aerobic training and your equally gifted competitors do anaerobic training, then in competition when it's time for you to push, you'll be so far ahead of them that you won't have to worry about their finishing speed.

The second reason why intervals performed at excessively fast speeds have less training impact on VO2 max is that it is simply not possible to perform large amounts of intense work at that speed. Remember, what matters is how much time you accumulate per workout, working at VO2 max intensity. Let's say you do four 800m sprints at 1500m race pace, running each sprint in 2:24. You'll definitely feel tired after doing this kind of exercise, but do less than 10 minutes of intense work, of which probably only 6 minutes will be done at the intensity most effective for increasing VO2 max. However, if you, after reading this book, decide to do five 1200m repetitions at 5000m race pace, running each repetition in 4:00, you will have gained 20 minutes of intense running (see Table 2.3). In this case, almost all the work will be performed at the appropriate intensity, which has the desired training effect on VO2 max.

Duration of recovery between intervals.

The recovery time between intervals should be long enough to allow the heart rate to fall to 55% of heart rate reserve or 65% of maximum heart rate. If you take your rest too short, you will likely need to shorten your workout and may not achieve the desired training impact. Additionally, if you don't get enough rest, subsequent intervals can become overly anaerobic, which, as we said above, is not the goal of maximal maximal resistance training. On the other hand, with excessive rest, the training impact is also reduced.

The optimal recovery time between intervals depends on the length of the intervals you run. As a general principle, rest between intervals should be

constitute from 50 to 90% of the time spent on the interval. For example, if a girl runs a 1200-meter repeat in 4:30, her recovery jogging time should be 50-90% of that time, or between 2:15 and 4:00.

Table 2.3 Why faster is not necessarily better for increasing BMD

Workout 1

Workout 2

Interval speed



1500m pace)

5 km pace)

Interval length

Number of intervals

Intense running volume

Amount of time

about 6 minutes

almost 20 minutes


promoting the growth of IPC

Good workout

increasing MPC?

When resting between intervals, you should not be tempted to stop by leaning forward and placing your hands on your knees. Although this seems unlikely, research has shown that the body recovers much faster when the athlete continues to move during recovery. This is due to the fact that light jogging helps remove lactic acid from the body.

Planning your workout. The perfect workout

stimulating the growth of MPC, should consist of intervals with a total length of 4-8 km, lasting from 2 to 6 minutes, performed at an intensity of 95-100% of MPC. Within these parameters, you can schedule workouts with different combinations of intervals. MAX training falls into two main categories - training in which the distance of the intervals is constant, and training in which it varies.

Many trainers vary the length of intervals to make the workout easier mentally. Many self-trained runners do the same thing by doing “stair-stepped” workouts, which consist of intervals of varying lengths that go up and down stairs. They talk to themselves during training, telling themselves, “Okay, one more 1.5-kilometer boost, and then each one is shorter than the last.” This method can play a cruel joke on the runner, since an important element of training is

psychological preparation for competitions. Running a set number of intervals of the same length is preferable because it gives you a feel for what it's like to maintain speed through increasing fatigue, which much more closely mimics competitive conditions. However, there are times when varying the length of intervals can be beneficial - for example, performing shorter but faster intervals at the end of a workout to improve your finishing spurt.

Another exception where you can vary the length of the intervals is when doing a fartlek workout, a free-flowing workout that alternates intense acceleration with recovery jogging. Cross-country runners who perform their MAX training on competition surfaces are most likely to use fartlek on a consistent basis.

Examples of workouts that most effectively increase VO2 max are presented in table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Examples of workouts that promote VO2 max growth

Interval length

Number of intervals

Total distance

The intervals in each of these workouts should be run at race pace for 3000-5000m, with recovery jogging until your heart rate drops to 55% of your heart rate reserve or 65% of your maximum heart rate. Remember that the optimal pace for these workouts is between 3K race pace and 5K race pace. Perform short intervals at closer to 3-kilometer pace and longer intervals at closer to 5-kilometer pace. (In other words, don't do five 1600m reps at 3k race pace).

As already mentioned (see Chapter IV), the assessment of maximum aerobic power is carried out by determining the MOC. Its value is calculated using various testing procedures in which the maximum oxygen transport is achieved individually (direct determination of the MOC). Along with this, the value of the IPC is determined using indirect calculations, which are based on data obtained during the test subject’s performance of non-maximum loads (indirect determination of the IPC).

The MPC value is one of the most important indicators, with the help of which the overall physical performance of an athlete should be most accurately characterized. The study of this indicator is especially important for assessing the functional state of the body of athletes training for endurance, or athletes for whom endurance training is of great importance (see Table 14). Observations of changes in VO2 max in such athletes can provide significant assistance in assessing the level of functional readiness of the body.

Today, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, a method has been adopted for direct determination of MOC, which consists of the subject performing physical activity, the power of which increases stepwise up to. inability to continue muscle work. The load is set either using a bicycle ergometer or on a treadmill.

The procedure for determining MOC using a bicycle ergometer is as follows. After an intense (up to 50% of MOC) and long-term (5-10 min) warm-up, the initial load is set in accordance with the gender, age and sports specialization of the subject. Then, every 3 minutes, the load intensity increases by 300-400 kgm/min. At each load stage, exhaled air is taken in order to determine the amount of oxygen consumption at a given operating power. The load power increases until the subject is able to continue pedaling. When using a treadmill, the procedure for determining the IPC is not fundamentally different from that described. An increase in the power of physical activity is achieved either by a stepwise increase in the speed of movement of the treadmill, or by increasing its angle of inclination relative to the horizontal plane (imitation of uphill running).

The MIC value depends on the volume of muscle mass involved in the work during the test. For example, if the work is done by hand, then the MIC value will be lower than the actual one; the MOC value determined using a bicycle ergometer is slightly lower than when testing using a treadmill. This must be kept in mind when dynamically observing the same athlete or when comparing the level of MOC in different athletes. Comparable values ​​are those obtained using the same technique.

When determining the IPC, especially great importance is attached to motivation (see Z in Fig. 28, A). The fact is that not every refusal to continue work indicates that the subject is performing maximum load or, as they also say, work of critical power (Fig. 32).

The absolute criterion for the test subject to achieve the oxygen “ceiling” (the term of V. S. Farfel) is the presence of a plateau on the graph of the dependence of the amount of oxygen consumption on the power of physical activity. Quite convincing is also the fact that the increase in oxygen consumption slows down with a continuing increase in the power of physical activity (see Fig. 32).

Along with this absolute criterion, there are indirect criteria for achieving the IPC. These include an increase in lactate content in the blood over 70-80 mg% (more than 8-10 mmol/l). In this case, the heart rate reaches 185 - 200 beats/min, the respiratory coefficient exceeds 1.0.

Several other options for direct determination of IPC on a bicycle ergometer are used. Unfortunately, what all of them have in common is the long duration of the procedure and the local fatigue of the muscles of the lower extremities that occurs in some athletes. At the Department of Sports Medicine of GCOLIFK, a shortened bicycle ergometer test is used to determine MPC. It is based on the use of physical activity, the power of which exceeds the critical one. In this case, the VO2 max level should be achieved in 2-5 minutes: vigorously performing a supermaximal load, the athlete increases O2 consumption to an individual maximum at the moment when the critical power level is reached. As shown in Fig. 33, this level of oxygen consumption cannot be maintained for a long time, a decrease in VO2 is observed, the athlete stops the load due to the inability to continue it. For a rough prediction of individual critical power, it is assumed that PWC170 is the power of muscle work, which is approximately 75% of the critical one. An additional 300-400 kgm/min of load is added to the “predicted” value of critical power, which thus becomes supermaximum (supercritical).

In the process of direct determination of MOC using modern medical measuring equipment, additional spirometric and cardiological indicators are recorded, the values ​​of which, in combination with MOC data, provide a complete picture of the functional state of the cardio-respiratory system of the athlete’s body. In table 19 shows as an example the results of a comprehensive study of a rowing team. In these athletes, along with extremely high absolute values ​​of MOC, this value per 1 kg of body weight was not so significant (large own body weight). The oxygen pulse was very high. However, the heart rate and respiratory rate were relatively low. A low respiratory rate is determined by the characteristics of the sport: in natural conditions it corresponds approximately to the stroke rate, and high pulmonary ventilation is supported by a large tidal volume. Noteworthy is the sharp increase in maximum blood pressure. Everyone’s heart volume was normal for this sport.

Table 19 Cardio-respiratory parameters recorded at maximum load in highly qualified athletes (rowing, eight, Novakki data)

Athlete MPC, l/min MIC, ml/min/kg Oxygen pulse, ml, O2 Pulmonary ventilation, l/min Respiration rate, min Tidal volume, l Heart rate, min Volume, hearts, ml Maximum blood pressure, mm Hg. Art.
V. 5,69 60,6 31,6 2,6
X. 7,11 76,5 39,7 3,8
To. 7,17 75,5 40,7 3,2
ᴦ. 6,83 67,6 38,8 3,7
n. 6,63 69,8 35,6 4,1
P. 7,08 73,7 40,5 4,3
T. 6,59 74,1 35,4 3,6
R. 6,46 66,6 34,9 3,1
Average data 6,69 70,6 37,2 3,5

Despite the extremely high information content of the MOC value for sports medical practice, its determination also has disadvantages. One of them is that the accuracy of determining the level of VO2 max depends significantly on the motivation of the subjects to perform exhausting muscle exercises: about 6% of athletes stop working before reaching the critical power level. Consequently, for all such athletes, the MOC values ​​turn out to be underestimated. This characterizes the “noise” (Z in Fig. 28, A), which was discussed when considering the general principles of testing.

Another disadvantage is the exhausting nature of the procedure, which does not allow this test to be performed frequently.

It is also extremely important for the trainer to know that direct determination of MPC is a responsible procedure that requires special experience and the presence of a medical professional. The latter should be especially emphasized, since at present the study of the IPC has begun to be used in pedagogical practice.

In this regard, methods for indirect determination of MIC have been developed.

This method was first proposed by Astrand and Rieming in 1954. In accordance with it, the subject is asked to perform a single load on a bicycle ergometer or by climbing a step 40 cm high for men and 33 cm for women. Work continues until a steady state is achieved. In this case, the heart rate is determined. The MIC is calculated using a special nomogram (Fig. 34). The accuracy of the nomographic determination of MIC is generally satisfactory. It increases if the subject is given a load that causes an increase in heart rate of more than 140 beats/min.

The age of the subjects must also be taken into account. To do this, you need to multiply the value obtained from the nomogram by a correction factor (Table 20).

Table 20. Age correction coefficient when calculating MIC according to the nomogram I. Astrand

Of particular interest is the normative assessment of BMD for persons of different sexes and ages obtained using a nomogram (Table 21).

Table 21. Estimation of MIC values ​​for persons of different ages and gender (according to I. Astrand)

Gender and age, years IPC level
short reduced average high very tall
20-29 1,69 1,70-1,99 2,0-2,49 2,50-2,79 2,80
29-34 35-43 44-48
30-39 1,59 1,60-1,89 1,90-2,39 2,40-2,69 2,70
28-33 34-41 42-47
40-49 1,49 1,50-1,79 1,80-2,29 2,30-2,59 2,60
26-31 32-40 41-45
50-59 1,29 1,30-1,59 1,60-2,09 2,10-2,39 2,40
22-28 29-36 37-41
20-29 2,79 2,80-3,09 3,10-3,69 3,70-3,99 4,00
39-43 44-51 52-56
30-39 2,49 2,50-2,79 2,80-3,39 3,40-3,69 3,70
35-39 40-47 48-51
40-49 2,19 2,20-2,49 2,50-3,09 3,10-3,39 3,40
31-35 36-43 44-47
50-59 1,89 1,90-2,19 2,20-2,79 2,80-3,09 3,10
26-31 32-39 40-43
60-69 1,59 1,60-1,89 1,90-2,49 2,50-2,79 2,80
22-26 27-35 36-39

Note. In each age group, the figures in the upper row are MIC in l/min, the lower ones are in ml/min/kᴦ.

Another methodological approach is based on the presence of a high correlation between the values ​​of MIC and PWC170 (the correlation coefficient, according to various authors, is 0.7-0.9). In the most general form, the relationship between these quantities should be described for persons of low sports qualification by the following linear expression:

MPC =1.7*PWC170 + 1240, where MIC is expressed in l/min; PWC170 - in kgm/min.

Another formula is more suitable for predicting VO2 max in highly qualified athletes:

MIC = 2.2*PWC170+1070.

Recently, it has been discovered that the relationship between MPC and PWC170 is in fact non-linear.
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In this regard, it was described (V.L. Karpman, I.A. Gudkov, G.A. Koidinova) with the following complex expression:

MPC = 3.5 exp [-5 exp * (1-2*PWC170)] + 2.6.

In table 22 provides data that makes it possible to determine the MIC at a known value of PWC170. If this value is not equal to an integer number of hundreds, then linear interpolation is used.

Table 22. MIC values ​​calculated from PWC170 data (using nonlinear equation)

PWC170, kgm/min MPK, l/min PWC170, kgm/min MPK, l/min PWC170, kgm/min MPK, l/min
2,62 3,60 5,19
2,66 3,88 5,32
2,72 4,13 5,43
2,82 4,37 5,57
2,97 4,62 5,66
3,15 4,83 5,72
3,38 5,06

The presented methodology is very promising for dynamic monitoring of changes in VO2 max at various stages of the training macrocycle. Its accuracy should be significantly increased by introducing an individual correction, the value of which is established during a one-time determination of PWC170 and MIC by the direct method. The MIC value calculated using one of the given formulas is correlated with the actual MIC value determined during direct testing, and a correction factor is derived. For example, with direct determination, the MIC was equal to 4.4 l/min, and when calculated using the formula, it was 4 l/min; the correction factor is 1.1. This means that in the future, when calculating the MIC value based on the PWC170 value, it must be multiplied by 1.1.

The indirect method for determining MIC according to Dobeln directly takes into account the age of a person. The subject performs one load, at which the heart rate is determined. The MIC is calculated using the following formula:

MPC = 1.29*(W/(f-60) * e -0.000884*T) 1/2, where W is the load power in kgm/min; f - heart rate during exercise; T - age in years; e is the base of natural logarithms. When determining the MPC. Using this method, young athletes obtain not entirely reliable data.

There are also a number of formulas that allow you to predict the MIC value indirectly. However, their accuracy is relatively low.

Definition of IPC - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Definition of the IPC" 2017, 2018.

While almost every runner has heard of VO2Max or VO2 max, many have only a vague understanding of what it means and how to properly train to improve VO2max.

Those runners who strive to achieve certain results eventually realize that this requires more than just increasing the volume of running each week. In the quest to “get faster”, a mindless and chaotic performance of “speed work” begins, which brings nothing but pain, disappointment and injury.

In this article we will look at VO2Max - one of the main indicators that determine a runner's potential and the prospects for his further progress.

What is MPC?

Maximum oxygen consumption, or VO2 max, measures the greatest amount of oxygen the heart can transport to the muscles to be used for energy. The higher this number, the more energy your body can produce aerobically, which means the higher the speed you can maintain.

MOC is the most important physiological factor that determines the performance of an athlete at a distance from 1500 to 5000 m. A high VO2 max is also important for longer races, but as the distance increases, the aerobic threshold comes to the fore.

What factors influence BMD?

In many ways, your VO2 max, as well as your ability to improve it, is determined by your genetics and current level of fitness. However, do not be discouraged if nature has deprived you of a strong cardiovascular system. With the right training, you can reach your VO2 max limit, although it may take you longer than other runners.

You should also consider the fact that the closer you are to your genetic potential, the slower you will progress

Scientists have found that it is possible to improve BMD even at a late age. According to the study¹, participants aged 55-70 years, after 4 months of training, which consisted of walking or jogging, were able to increase their VO2 max by 27% (men) and 9% (women), respectively.

There are three main components that determine your VO2 max that can be influenced through training.

  1. Oxygen transport. Oxygen bound to hemoglobin inside the red blood cell is transported through blood vessels to tissues and organs. Increasing hemoglobin or red blood cell levels allows more oxygen to be carried to the muscles, which increases VO2 max. This is why many top athletes train at high altitudes.
  2. Oxygen delivery. The amount of oxygen-rich blood that is transferred from the lungs to the muscles is determined by the size and strength of your heart's left ventricle and heart rate max. Your maximum heart rate doesn't change during exercise, but your left ventricle (which pumps blood to the rest of your body) gets larger and stronger with exercise.
  3. Use of oxygen. Running leads to various physiological adaptations that allow your muscles to use more oxygen. This is due both to an increase in the number and size of capillaries, which allows for more efficient delivery of oxygen-rich blood to working muscles, and to an increase in the number of mitochondria, a kind of energy stations in cells where energy is generated with the participation of oxygen.

How to determine MPC?

In modern sports medicine centers, you can measure your BMD by performing the following test. You are placed on a treadmill, put on an oxygen mask, and then gradually increase the speed or incline of the treadmill. At the same time, the amount of oxygen during inhalation/exhalation and other factors are analyzed. When you reach the maximum load, the test stops.

If you do not have the opportunity to undergo such a study, you can use your own results to approximately determine your running pace at the level of VO2max. Race pace for a 3-5k race is roughly the same as running at 95-100% of your current VO2 max.

You can also rely on your heart rate readings. The heart rate zone at 95-100% of heart rate max approximately coincides with 95-100% of max. However, if you train at this intensity, there is a risk that your training will be too hard (as your heart rate will remain virtually unchanged whether you are running at or above VO2 max) and you will be recruiting more anaerobically. energy supply system. Therefore, to achieve maximum training effect, try to stay in a zone that is several beats below your heart rate max.

How to improve your MPC?

The following factors influence the growth of BMD:

Intensity. In 2006, the Journal of Sports Medicine published a meta-analysis² that included a review of more than 150 studies examining the relationship between VO2 max and running performance. Scientists have not been able to determine what intensity range is optimal for increasing VO2 max in long-distance runners. However, researchers recommend that well-trained athletes gradually increase training intensity to VO2 max, and that elite runners increase their training volume to VO2 max. This means that the better your fitness, the closer to your current VO2 max level you need to train to continue to improve.

To maximize VO max, many coaches and athletes recommend training at an intensity of 95-100% of your current VO2, which is approximately 3-5K race pace for most runners.

Duration of intervals. It is believed that performing segments for 2-6 minutes (approximately 600-1600m) is one of the fastest and most effective ways to increase VO2 max. Such sessions can be carried out both at the stadium and on the highway, rough terrain or on small climbs.

When you first start running, it will take your body about a minute to reach optimal oxygen consumption. Therefore, shorter intervals will be less effective than longer intervals because you will spend less time in the optimal intensity zone for increasing VO2 max.

Recovery between intervals. The main purpose of the rest periods between intervals is to help complete the entire volume of the workout at the required pace. For VO2 max intervals the run/recovery ratio should be 1:1 or 2:1. (For example, 2-4 minutes of jogging after 4 minutes of effort). If your recovery run is too short, then you should reduce the pace or duration of the next interval, otherwise this will lead to an increase in the role of the anaerobic energy production system.

You should also not make your rest period too long, as this will reduce your oxygen consumption and you will need more time during the interval to reach your optimal level again.

In addition, the max heart rate value can be used as an indicator of recovery. The duration of rest should be such that the heart rate drops to 65% of the maximum heart rate.

Duration of training. Try to keep your running volumes at 4000-8000m per workout. However, if you run less than 4km, you will also be making the necessary physiological adaptations to increase your VO2 max, but your progress will be slower.

The total volume of intense intervals should not exceed 8 km at a time, as you are unlikely to be able to maintain the required pace throughout the entire workout. But it is work in the optimal intensity range that ensures the maximum increase in MOC. In addition, such high loads can result in you needing significant recovery time.

Training frequency. To feel the benefits of VO2 max intervals, you should do one workout per week or three workouts every two weeks for a minimum of six to eight weeks.

Examples of effective training to increase VO2 max

  1. Sports Med 2006; 36 (2): 117-132

Talk to endurance training people who are "in the know" and the conversation will eventually come down to the question: "What is your VO2 max?" A high VO2 max is really one of the hallmarks of being good at running, cycling, rowing and cross-country skiing, so it should be very important. What is it and how is it measured?

IPC definition

VO2max is the maximum volume of oxygen consumed by the body per minute while working at sea level. Because Oxygen consumption is proportional to energy expenditure, so when we measure oxygen consumption, we are implicitly measuring a given person's maximum capacity to perform aerobic work.

Why does he have more MPC than me?

In other words, we can start with the question: “What defines the IPC?” Every cell consumes oxygen to convert food energy into ATP that the cell can use. Muscle cells that contract have a high need for ATP. This means they will consume more oxygen during exercise. The total of billions of cells throughout the body that consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide can be measured during respiration using a combination of volume-measuring and oxygen-sensing equipment. So, if we see increased oxygen consumption during exercise, we know that more muscle cells are contracting and consuming oxygen. The acquisition and use of this oxygen in ATP synthesis for muscle contraction is entirely determined by two factors: 1) the ability of the external delivery system to deliver oxygen from the atmosphere to the working muscle cells, and 2) the ability of the mitochondria to perform the process of aerobic energy conversion. Endurance trainees are characterized by both a very good cardiovascular system (CVS) and a well-developed oxidative capacity of their skeletal muscles. We need a large, efficient pump to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the muscles and mitochondria-rich muscles to utilize the oxygen and maintain a high work rate. Which variable is the limiting factor for BMD: oxygen delivery or oxygen utilization? This is a question that has caused controversy among practicing physiologists, but for most it is no longer worth it.

The muscles say, "If you deliver it, we'll use it."

Several experiments of various kinds support the concept that in trained individuals, VO2 max is limited by oxygen delivery rather than oxygen utilization. By performing single-leg exercises and directly measuring muscle oxygen consumption for a small mass of muscle (using arterial catheterization), it was shown that the muscle's ability to use oxygen exceeds the heart's ability to deliver it. So, although the average man has about 30 - 35 kg of muscle, only a part of it can be well irrigated with blood at any given time. The heart cannot deliver a large volume of blood to all skeletal muscles and maintain sufficient blood pressure. As further evidence of delivery limitation, long-term endurance training can result in a 300% increase in muscle oxidative capacity, but only about a 15 to 25% increase in VO2 max. MIC can be changed artificially by changing the oxygen concentration in the air. It also increases for previously untrained individuals before changes in muscle aerobic capacity occur. All these observations indicate that BMD can be separated from skeletal muscle characteristics.

Stroke volume, on the contrary, is directly proportional to VO2 max. Training leads to its increase and therefore to an increase in the maximum performance of the heart. The result is greater oxygen delivery capacity. More muscles can be supplied with oxygen at the same time while maintaining the required blood pressure levels.

Now that we have established that heart function determines VO2 max, it is also important to explain the concomitant, or permissible, role of muscle oxidative capacity. Measured directly, oxygen consumption = cardiac output x arterial-venous oxygen difference. When oxygenated blood passes through the capillary network of working skeletal muscle, oxygen moves from the capillaries into the mitochondria (due to concentration differences). The higher the rate of oxygen consumption by mitochondria, the greater the oxygen extraction and the higher the arterial-venous oxygen difference at any given blood flow rate. Delivery is a limiting factor, because... Even the best trained muscle cannot use oxygen that is not delivered. But, if blood is delivered to muscles that are poorly trained for endurance, the VO2 max will be lower despite the high delivery capacity.

How is BMD measured?

To determine an athlete's maximum aerobic capacity, conditions must be created that maximally impact the heart's ability to deliver blood. A physical test that meets this requirement must:
1). use at least 50% of your total muscle mass. Jobs that meet these requirements include rowing. The most common laboratory method is the treadmill test. A treadmill with variable speed and incline is used.
2). do not depend on strength, speed, body size and qualifications. An exception to this rule is special tests for swimmers, rowers, speed skaters, etc.
3). be of significant duration to maximize the CV response. Typically, maximal tests using long sets of exercises are completed in 6 to 12 minutes.
4). be carried out on those who have good motivation! The BMD test is very difficult to complete, but it ends quickly!

For example, we do a test on a treadmill. This is what will happen. You go to a good laboratory at a university fitness center or medical health center. After a physical examination and an ECG to check the electrical activity of the heart, you can begin the test by walking on a treadmill at low speed and zero incline. Then, depending on the exact program, the speed or incline (or both) of the track will increase at equal intervals (from 30 seconds to 2 minutes). When running, you will breathe through a 2-valve system. Air will be drawn in from the room but exhaled through sensors that measure the volume and concentration of oxygen. Using this data and some formulas, the computer will calculate your oxygen consumption at each stage of the test. With each increase in speed or incline, more muscle mass will be recruited at ever greater intensity. Oxygen consumption will increase linearly with increasing load. However, at some point, increasing intensity will not increase oxygen consumption. This is a real indication of achieving the IPC. The test will soon be terminated due to the rapid accumulation of lactate, which will begin a few minutes earlier. Other signs of BMD are extremely rapid breathing and a heart rate of about 220 minus your age, which does not increase further with increasing load.

The value you receive from your doctor will be in one of two forms. The first is called absolute MPC. It will be measured in liters/min. and will probably be between 3.0 and 6.0 L/min for men and 2.5 and 4.5 L/min for women. This absolute value does not take into account differences in body size, so the second way of representing BMD is usually used. It is called relative MIC. It can be expressed in milliliters per minute per kilogram of weight. Then, if your absolute VO2 max is 4.0 l/min and you weigh 75 kg, then your relative VO2 max will be 53.3 ml/min/kg. In general, absolute VO2 max is higher in larger athletes, while relative VO2 max is higher in smaller athletes. For comparison, the average MOC of an untrained 30-year-old male is about 40-45 ml/min/kg and decreases with age. The same person who regularly trains for endurance can increase this figure to 50-55 ml/min/kg. A 50-year-old veteran champion runner will probably have a value in excess of 60 ml/min/kg. An Olympic champion in the 10,000 meters will have this value at or above 80 ml/min/kg! But it is important to understand that training alone will not give the Olympic champion such an advantage. His VO2 max without any training would have been around 65-70 ml/min/kg. Of course, training is important, but good genetics make all the difference!

And one more thing. Before you admire that runner “from TV,” remember that humans pale in comparison to many “animal athletes.” The MPC of a thoroughbred horse is about 600 l/min or 150 ml/min/kg!

Literature by section

Medical and pedagogical observations

Literature by section

Test questions for the section

Determination of the aerobic capacity of the body (MAM)

Definition of special performance

Modified orthostatic test

Determination of the level of physical performance according to GTS

Determination of maximum oxygen consumption (MOC)

Practical work No. 4.

Topic: Functional tests to assess the functional state of the body and the level of physical performance. Medical and pedagogical observations.

1. Determination of the level of physical performance according to PWC 170

1. Determination of the level of physical performance using the PWC 170 test

Target: mastering the test methodology and the ability to analyze the data obtained.

Required for work: bicycle ergometer (or step, or treadmill), stopwatch, metronome.

The PWC 170 test is based on the principle that there is a linear relationship between heart rate (HR) and exercise power. This allows you to determine the amount of mechanical work at which the heart rate reaches 170, by plotting a graph and linear extrapolation of the data, or by calculating using the formula proposed by V. L. Karpman et al.

A heart rate of 170 beats per minute corresponds to the beginning of the zone of optimal functioning of the cardiorespiratory system. In addition, this heart rate disrupts the linear nature of the relationship between heart rate and physical work power.

The load can be performed on a bicycle ergometer, on a step (step test), or as specific for a particular sport.

Option #1(with bicycle ergometer).

The subject performs two loads sequentially for 5 minutes. with a 3-minute rest interval in between. In the last 30 sec. In the fifth minute of each load, the pulse is calculated (by palpation or electrocardiographic method).
The power of the first load (N1) is selected according to the table depending on the body weight of the subject so that at the end of the 5th minute the pulse (f1) reaches 110...115 beats/min.
The power of the second (N2) load is determined according to table. 7 depending on the value of N1. If the N2 value is correctly selected, then at the end of the fifth minute the pulse (f2) should be 135...150 beats/min.

To accurately determine N2, you can use the formula:

N2 = N1 · ,

Where N1 is the power of the first load,
N2 - power of the second load,
f1 - heart rate at the end of the first load,
f2 - heart rate at the end of the second load.
Then PWC170 is calculated using the formula:

PWC 170 = N1 + (N2 - N1) [(170 - f1) / (f2 - f1)]

The value of PWC 170 can be determined graphically (Fig. 3).
To increase objectivity in assessing the power of work performed at a heart rate of 170 beats/min, the influence of the weight indicator should be excluded, which is possible by determining the relative value of PWC 170. The PWC 170 value is divided by the weight of the subject, compared with a similar value for the sport (Table 8), and recommendations are given.

Option number 2. Determination of the PWC 170 value using the step test.

Progress. The principle of operation is the same as in work No. 1. The speed of climbing a step when performing the first load is 3...12 ascents per minute, with the second - 20...25 ascents per minute. Each ascent is made in 4 counts per step 40-45 cm high: for 2 counts of ascent and for the next 2 counts - descent. 1st load - 40 steps per minute, 2nd load - 90 (the metronome is set to these numbers).
The pulse is calculated for 10 seconds, at the end of each 5-minute load.
The power of the loads performed is determined by the formula:

N = 1.3 h n P,

where h is the height of the step in m, n is the number of ascents per minute,
P - body weight. of the subject in kg, 1.3 - coefficient.
Then the formula calculates the value of PWC 170 (see option No. 1).

Option No. 3. Determining the value of PWC 170 with specific loads (for example, running).


To determine physical performance according to the PWC 170 (V) test with specific loads, it is necessary to register two indicators: movement speed (V) and heart rate (f).

To determine the speed of movement, you need to use a stopwatch to accurately record the length of the distance (S in m) and the duration of each physical activity (f in sec.)

Where V is the speed of movement in m/s.
The heart rate is determined during the first 5 seconds. recovery period after running using palpation or auscultation method.
The first race is performed at a “jogging” pace at a speed equal to 1/4 of the maximum possible for a given athlete (approximately every 100 m for 30-40 seconds).
After a 5-minute rest, the second load is performed at a speed equal to 3/4 of the maximum, i.e. in 20-30 seconds. every 100 m.
Distance length 800-1500 m.
PWC 170 is calculated using the formula:

PWC 170 (V) = V1 + (V2 - V1) [(170 - f1) / (f2 - f1)]

where V1 and V2 are the speed in m/s,
f1 and f2 - heart rate after which race.
Assignment: draw a conclusion, make recommendations.
After completing the task according to one of the options, you should compare the result obtained with that in accordance with the sports specialization (Table 8), make a conclusion about the level of physical performance and give recommendations for increasing it.

MPC expresses the maximum “throughput” capacity of the oxygen transport system for a given person and depends on gender, age, physical fitness and body condition.
On average, MOC in people with different physical conditions reaches 2.5...4.5 l/min, in cyclic sports - 4.5...6.5 l/min.
Methods for determining MIC: direct and indirect. The direct method for determining MOC is based on the athlete performing a load whose intensity is equal to or greater than his critical power. It is unsafe for the person being examined, as it is associated with extreme stress on the body’s functions. More often they use indirect methods of determination, based on indirect calculations and the use of low load power. Indirect methods for determining MIC include the Astrand method; determination using the Dobeln formula; in size PWC 170, etc.

Option #1. Determination of MIC using the Astrand method.

For work you need: bicycle ergometer, steps 40 cm and 33 cm high, metronome, stopwatch, Astrand nomogram.
Progress of work: on a bicycle ergometer, the subject performs a 5-minute load of a certain power. The load value is selected so that the pulse rate at the end of work reaches 140-160 beats/min (approximately 1000-1200 kgm/min). The pulse is counted at the end of the 5th minute for 10 seconds. palpation, auscultation or electrocardiographic method. Then, using the Astrand nomogram (Fig. 4), the MIC value is determined, for which, by connecting the heart rate during exercise (scale on the left) and the body weight of the subject (scale on the right), the MOC value is found at the point of intersection with the central scale.

Option No. 2. Determination of MIC by step test.

Students take the test in pairs.
Within 5 minutes, the subject climbs a step 40 cm high for men and 33 cm high for women at a speed of 25.5 cycles per minute. The metronome is set to frequency 90.
At the end of the 5th minute for 10 seconds. Pulse rate is recorded. The MIC value is determined using the Astrand nomogram and compared with the standard for sports specialization (Table 9). Considering that MIC depends on body weight, calculate the relative value of MIC (MIC/weight) and compare with average data, write a conclusion and make recommendations.

Option No. 3. Determination of MIC by PWC 170 value.

Progress of work: the calculation of the MIC is carried out using the formulas proposed by V. L. Karpman:

MPC = 2.2 PWC 170 + 1240

For athletes specializing in speed-strength sports;

MPC = 2.2 PWC 170 + 1070

For endurance athletes.
Execution algorithm: determine the MOC value according to one of the options and compare it with the data in accordance with the sports specialization according to the table. 9, write a conclusion and make recommendations.

Option No. 4. Determination of performance using the Cooper test

The Cooper test consists of running the maximum possible distance on level ground (stadium) in 12 minutes.
If signs of fatigue occur (severe shortness of breath, tachyarrhythmia, dizziness, heart pain, etc.), the test is stopped.
The test results correspond to the MOC value determined on the treadmill.
The Cooper test can be used when selecting schoolchildren in sections for cyclic sports, during training to assess the state of fitness.

option No. 5. Novacchi test (maximum test).

Purpose: to determine the time during which the subject is able to perform work with maximum effort.
Required equipment: bicycle ergometer, stopwatch.
Progress. The subject performs a load on a bicycle ergometer at the rate of 1 W/kg for 2 minutes. Every 2 minutes the load increases by 1 W/kg until the maximum value is reached.
Evaluation of the result. High performance according to this test corresponds to a value of 6 W/kg, when performed for 1 minute. A good result corresponds to a value of 4-5 W/kg for 1-2 minutes.
This test can be used for trained persons (including in youth sports), for untrained persons and persons in the period of convalescence after illness. In the latter case, the initial load is set at the rate of 0.25 W/kg.
