MCC for weight loss - how to take it correctly? Microcrystalline cellulose for cleansing the body. Is cellulose harmful?

Every woman wants to have a slim and beautiful figure. However, not everyone can achieve their dreams by exercising and eating right. In this case, the pharmaceutical industry is ready to help cope with the problem by releasing special drugs for weight loss. Many of these products are made based on chemicals, but you can also find natural tablets. One of these is microcrystalline cellulose (MCC).

MCC is based on natural fibers obtained during the processing of cotton in the manufacture of fabric. In their composition and properties, they resemble dietary fiber - natural fiber that a person receives from cereals and bran, some vegetables and fruits. In other words, by consuming a certain amount of MCC Ankir b from Evalar, the body is supplied with the necessary amount of fiber without receiving it from food.

Indications for use

Taking the drug may be associated with the following diseases:

  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Obesity, diabetes
  • Atherosclerosis
  • For chemical and microbial intoxication, heavy metal poisoning
  • To improve digestive function
  • For the purpose of preventing neoplasms.

You can read about what can cause obesity in the article:

Composition of the drug

1 tablet contains 500 mg of microcrystalline cellulose (100% dietary fiber).

Medicinal properties

Dietary fiber is a substance found in the cell walls of some plants. Since the fruits and vegetables people consume are in most cases thoroughly cleaned, their fiber content is significantly reduced. As a result, the human body begins to lack the necessary elements. This, in turn, leads to disruption of metabolism, the balance of intestinal microflora, and its natural motor function.

When MCC is used in the human gastrointestinal tract, a stable colloidal gel appears. Its particles, absorbing moisture, swell and contain the components of decay products and toxins. At the same time, cellulose does not in any way affect the excretion of proteins and complex molecules of nutrients required by the body. That is, MCC Ankir b from Evalar does not contribute to nutritional imbalance. Another “plus” of the drug is that it forms bonds with cholesterol, preventing it from entering the blood.

Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, the drug disturbs the mechanoreceptors that support the secretory and motor activity of the intestines. In addition, the drug takes part in the formation of feces, increasing its volume, accelerating its removal from the body.

Release forms

Price: 120 rub.

The drug is sold in cardboard packaging. One box contains 5 blisters of 20 tablets and one sheet of instructions for use, that is, 1 package contains 100 tablets. The drug is white and round in shape.

The cost of MCC Ankir b n100 from Eval is about 120 rubles.

Mode of application

To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize metabolism, the drug should be taken in 3-5 tablets. during meals for 30 days. Next, a break of 10 days is required and a repeated course of the drug is possible.

If you want to get a better effect and stabilize your weight, you should take up to 10 tablets. 20 minutes before meals three times a day. Course duration is 40-60 days.

You can feel the effect of taking MCC only in case of a course of treatment. At the same time, it is important to observe the drinking regime: drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

At the beginning of the course, you may feel a feeling of heaviness in the intestines. This means that the microflora is not healthy. In this case, the drug should be administered carefully, taking it for the first week only after meals.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, taking pills is contraindicated.


The drug cannot be taken by persons:

  • Under 18 years of age
  • Patients with anorexia
  • Having serious gastrointestinal problems
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Individual intolerance is possible.

Cross-drug interactions

Tablets are not a medicine - they are a dietary supplement. That is, it is permissible to take it together with other means.

Conditions and shelf life

According to the instructions on the package, the product should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.


Biokor Firma, Russia

Price: 65 rubles

Description. The preparation is based on wheat grain, wheat bran, lecithin and salt. Due to the fiber they contain, rapid removal of toxins from the body, better passage of feces through the intestines, and weight stabilization are ensured.


  • Normalizes intestinal function
  • Inexpensive.


  • Net carbohydrate
  • Unpleasant smell.

Solgar Psyllium, leaf skin fiber

Solgar, USA

Price: 2000 rubles

Description: this is a dietary supplement, an additional source of dietary fiber.


  • Naturalness of the product
  • Helps remove toxins from the body
  • Weight stabilization


  • In rare cases, increased constipation
  • There are some contraindications.

A beautiful slim figure is the dream of every girl. But what to do if time has already been lost and some fat reserves are already available. Have you been going to the gym for years, exhausting yourself with diets? All this, of course, is good, but with intense systematic loads, the result will not be visible very soon.

And with constant fasting, you risk damaging your entire body. And at such a price a beautiful figure will not bring any pleasure!

Today, most pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of diet pills. And, if you believe the advertising, they are all exclusively natural and completely harmless. But unfortunately, it is no longer news that all kinds of dietary supplements, to a lesser or greater extent, cause irreparable harm to the body.

How does microcrystalline cellulose work?

To date, there are few diet pills that have virtually no side effects found in clinical studies. These tablets also include microcrystalline cellulose or MCC. Let's look at how this miracle weight loss remedy works.

The main ability of cellulose is the ability to increase in volume due to the absorption of liquid. The mechanism is simple: you drink an MCC tablet, it lingers in the stomach, absorbs liquid and swells. Roughly speaking, you feel full without eating anything.

It would seem that the result is obvious: you don’t want to eat, which means you’re losing weight. But if you think about it, cellulose does not contain any vitamins.

So the moment you stop eating normally and fill your stomach, creating an artificial feeling of fullness, your body stops receiving the amount of nutrients it needs. And this is very bad, because if the absence of vitamins is too long, vitamin deficiency can develop. And this is already a disease, and you can’t joke about it!

MCC for weight loss

In accordance with scientific research, we can say that cellulose is a natural product, absolutely non-caloric and non-food product. Roughly speaking, this drug does nothing for our body, it is a kind of ballast. But at the same time, MCC tablets are widely used in medicine in the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

During the treatment, metabolism is normalized, and this causes gradual weight loss. This is precisely what became the reason for the consumption of cellulose by absolutely healthy, but overweight people.

So, let's summarize what the effect of MCC tablets is for weight loss:

  • Cleansing the body of toxins. You will forget what an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in your stomach is. But you should not overuse it, since in some cases an overdose can cause constipation. And this is no longer weight loss, but a very specific harm to health;
  • Normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Prevention of stomach cancer;
  • Strengthening the immune system.

Cellulose is also an excellent remedy against poisoning. After all, along with the liquid, it also absorbs pathogenic bacteria, which are then removed from the body along with it.

The release form of MCC is tablets or white powder that does not have any taste. From a dietary point of view, the lack of taste is a definite plus. After all, you can add it to food, and the taste will not change at all.

How to take MCC for weight loss

If we read the instructions for the drug, we learn that MCC should be taken about twenty to thirty minutes before meals. During this time, the tablets will have time to swell in the stomach. This means you won't eat much. You need to take the medicine with a glass of plain water.

Now regarding the dosage. On the Internet you can find a huge number of articles that recommend taking two to three tablets at a time. And often in such articles they recommend gradually increasing the dose to six to seven tablets.

But you shouldn’t do this, it’s better to lose weight more slowly, but while receiving useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body, than to cheerfully turn blue.

Considering that cellulose absorbs all the liquid in the stomach, you should definitely drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. In this case, you will definitely not experience digestive problems. Nutritionists also recommend including soups in your menu.

Carry out similar " sessions“It’s better to lose weight in spring or summer. During this time, you absorb large amounts of water along with fruits and vegetables. Also, because of the heat, you will drink a lot more water than in the cold winter. Well, if you also decide to run a little in the morning, then the combination of running and taking MCC will give simply amazing results.

You should not think that you can take such a seemingly harmless drug all year round. You can drink it in courses, the duration of which should not exceed thirty days. It should also be noted that under no circumstances repeat course after course. The time period must be at least ten days, otherwise stomach problems cannot be avoided.

Contraindications of cellulose (MCC) for weight loss

Despite the fact that there are no known contraindications for this drug, you should understand that it can only be taken by extremely healthy people. Because their body should easily survive a month on a minimum amount of vitamins.

Before you start losing weight, be sure to consult with your doctor. Whatever one may say, it is still a medicine. Those who have recently taken a course of antibiotics should not take this remedy. Your body is still weakened, the intestinal microflora is damaged. In general, the consequences can be very dire.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are expressly prohibited from taking this medicine. Of course, we all want to get back into shape after giving birth as quickly as possible, but we shouldn’t forget about the baby’s health. Therefore, it is not worth conducting such experiments during this period.

Also, in no case should you completely replace at least one meal with cellulose. Because in this case a very funny thing will happen: you seem to have eaten, you even feel full, but the body has not received anything useful to continue working. Therefore, after a while you will start to feel a little sluggish and tired.

As you can see, drinking MCC for weight loss makes sense. But such drugs must be treated with caution. And in no case should you think that such means are harmless.

Any pill can be harmful, it's all a matter of quantity. So be careful, consult your doctor and exercise - it is also an excellent way to lose weight.

Today you can find a huge amount in specialized stores and pharmacies. As a rule, they contain substances that help cleanse the body and, due to which weight loss occurs.

However, there are also drugs that have a slightly different effect. And this is the remedy from the company Evalar “MCC”. This drug, according to the manufacturer, helps women lose weight not by cleansing the body, but by burning fat. But how does this happen? And what exactly is the MCC drug for weight loss?

MCC is the abbreviated name for microcrystalline cellulose, which is extracted chemically. Its valuable property is the ability to quickly and permanently suppress hunger and give a feeling of fullness. It is for this reason that this substance was taken as the basis for the manufacture of the weight loss drug of the same name from Evalar - “MCC”.

This product is completely safe for the body and is not addictive. Losing weight happens along with it. In addition, this is facilitated by cellulose itself, which has the ability to activate the process of burning subcutaneous fat cells.

It is worth noting that MCCs are not pills that completely extinguish the feeling of hunger or have any effect on the functioning of the brain. This preparation contains only microcrystalline cellulose, which does not have any “terrible chemistry” and the principle of its action on the body is very simple and understandable even for a person far from science and medicine.

By the way, this is probably the only drug of its kind that allows you to lose weight, which has been approved by doctors, since taking it does not pose any danger to a person, even for a long time.

Microcrystalline cellulose has a unique composition and structure. Speaking in a language understandable to the average person, MCC is an absorbent that can absorb large amounts of liquid.

Once in the stomach, MCC begins to absorb the liquid present in it. And the more moisture there is in the organ, the more cellulose swells, filling the voids of the stomach and eliminating the feeling of hunger.

And all this leads to the fact that a person simply physically cannot eat as much as he usually ate before using MCC. Part of his stomach is filled with cellulose, and the available space for regular food is reduced. And besides, after consuming cellulose, a person gets a feeling of fullness much earlier, because they consume it 20-30 minutes before meals.

During this time, it swells and the brain manages to receive signals that your stomach is full before you finish your meal. It is for this reason that the portions eaten by a person at a time decrease.

MCC is ideal for people who are afraid of the very pain of losing weight that awaits them in the first few days. The terrible hunger and the feeling that you are constantly not eating enough will disappear. Over time, you yourself will get used to the new volumes of food and will be able to achieve what you want.

However, not everything is so simple here either. Although MCC provides a feeling of fullness, it does not eliminate the habit of eating another portion of food. Therefore, if your problem is that you are constantly hungry, then the MCC will not help you cope with it. This requires stronger drugs, so if you have such a problem, you need to consult a specialist.

Microcrystalline cellulose is not absorbed by the walls of the stomach and is not digested. It is eliminated from the body naturally, while cleansing the intestines of stagnant feces. And this has a very good effect on the body’s functioning and metabolism.

MCC has zero calories and also helps eliminate excess cholesterol. However, despite all the positive qualities, nutritionists advise taking this drug with caution. You should not take MCC in excess of the norm. After all, cellulose swells when exposed to moisture and a large amount of it can lead to stretching of the stomach walls, which can lead to serious problems after stopping its intake.

You should not expect instant results from taking MCC. As doctors say, the first results will be visible only after a month. Weight will begin to decrease, intestinal function will normalize, and skin color, hair and nails will improve due to the removal of all harmful substances from the body.

Many fans of this method of weight loss often have a question: is it possible to take this drug for a long time and will this not lead to the fact that along with harmful substances, beneficial substances will also begin to be eliminated from the body?

Manufacturers of MFC claim that this is a new generation drug that contains not only microcrystalline cellulose itself, but also various minerals and vitamins. Therefore, when consuming it, the body is not only saturated with useful substances, which means it becomes stronger and begins to work much better.

MCC tablets for weight loss can be purchased at any pharmacy at an affordable price. They come with an annotation that describes the instructions for taking this drug.

According to it, those who have never taken it before should start taking this drug with 3 tablets per day. Every day their number must be gradually increased. The maximum dosage of MCC is 7-10 tablets per day. These tablets can replace 1-2 meals, thereby speeding up the weight loss process.

You can take MCC in the form in which the manufacturer offers it to us, that is, in tablets. You can grind them to a powder and add them to various dishes. Don't worry, microcrystalline cellulose has no pronounced odor or taste, and therefore will not spoil the taste of food.

If you nevertheless decide to take the drug in tablets, then remember that you should drink them 20-30 minutes before meals, while washing them down with plenty of plain water.

Also, do not ignore the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the duration of taking the drug. It should be used for no more than 3 months. During this time, you can lose a sufficient amount of kilograms without harming your body, because you will begin to notice the first results after the first few weeks.

Exactly how many kilograms you can lose depends only on you. The manufacturer promises that during this time you will succeed. However, if at the same time you monitor your diet and regularly provide yourself with physical activity, the result can be much more than promised.

You should also not hope that you will be able to lose weight by taking pills and doing nothing. To achieve the desired result with them, you need to gradually reduce the daily caloric content of your diet. Ideally, it should be 1500 kcal. And if you also exercise, the process of losing weight will go much faster.

Many people have a question on this basis: why exactly 1500 kcal? And all because this is the minimum daily calorie content, which allows you to maintain the functionality of the body. At the same time, the amount of energy that he gets from food will not be enough for him, so the body will begin to take it from its fat reserves. If you eat the same as before, you are unlikely to lose weight. MCC will not allow you to gain weight, but it will not burn fat cells either.

And while taking MCC, the amount of food consumed decreases, therefore, the amount of nutrients entering the body decreases. And this can have a bad effect on the child’s education, his nervous state, fetal development and the quality of breast milk. Experts also recommend not using this drug for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

It’s up to you to decide whether to take the MCC drug from the Evalar company or not. However, remember that any external interference on the body is bad. And if you have the opportunity to lose weight on your own, you should not resort to help, including the MCC.

Video about the drug MCC for weight loss

In pursuit of a beautiful body without extra effort, women are ready to eat any pills that promise to get rid of fat once and for all. And with an increase in demand, supply also increases, and as a result, the shelves of pharmacies are literally bursting with various drugs, including MCC for weight loss.

How does the MCC work?

Unlike most weight loss drugs, MCC (aka microcrystalline cellulose) is a truly natural remedy. Essentially it is cotton, which has all the qualities of fiber:

  1. MCC – satiety simulator. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, cellulose is saturated with water, swells and fills the entire space of the stomach, suppressing.
  2. MCC - janitor for weight loss. Swollen cellulose is not able to be digested in the stomach and, wandering through the gastrointestinal tract, it sweeps away all the “garbage” that gets in its way. That is, MCC acts like a whisk that cleanses the intestines of toxins and waste.
  3. MCC – regulator. When taken systematically, this drug helps normalize digestion.
  4. MCC - fat burner. Due to the fact that when consuming cellulose, a person feels full and consumes significantly less food, the body has to take energy from reserves, that is, from fat. Thus, subcutaneous fat is burned, a person loses weight without exhausting himself with hunger strikes.

MCC - benefits and harms

In addition to the obvious weight loss effect, the MCC drug also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Among its advantages:

  • soft;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • increasing the body's immune defense;
  • improved well-being, upliftment of life;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances;
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer;

In addition, MCC for weight loss has proven itself to be an effective prevention of kidney stones and an excellent adsorbent for stomach indigestion. However, along with such an extensive list of beneficial properties, the drug MCC for weight loss in some cases can negatively affect the functioning of the body, provoking:

  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • avitaminosis;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • decreased effectiveness of medications taken.

Does MCC help you lose weight?

According to most reviews, MCC cellulose really allows you to say goodbye to extra pounds quickly and without much effort. If you know how to take MCC correctly and strictly follow the instructions, then every week the scales will regularly show -1 kg. And this is a very impressive result.

But according to some data, after finishing taking the drug, you may initially feel a feeling of severe hunger, since the stomach will no longer be regularly filled with cellulose. In this case, in order to maintain the weight loss results, it is best to resort to diets that reduce the volume of the stomach.

How to drink MCC for weight loss?

MCC tablets for weight loss should be taken strictly according to the instructions, gradually increasing the dosage:

  1. For the first 4 days, you should drink two pills three times a day during meals, or 20 minutes before meals.
  2. From the fifth day, the dose of the drug is increased to five pills three times during the day with food, or in advance of meals. This dosage should be adhered to for 1 week;
  3. After 7 days, we increase the dose of MCC to 8-10 tablets per dose and so on three times during the day with food.
  4. The maximum permissible dose of microcrystalline cellulose is 50 pills of 500 mg per day. However, it is better to stick to the average dose of 25-30 tablets for the whole day.
  5. By the end of the course of taking cellulose, the dosage of the drug should be gradually reduced to a couple of tablets per dose three times a day.

For better effectiveness of the drug, before taking the tablets should be crushed into powder, mixed with a spoon of water and the resulting mass should be drunk with 1-2 glasses of water. The course of taking MCC is 1 month for moderate obesity, and up to 3 months for severe obesity. After a month's break, the course can be repeated.

In addition, crushed tablets can be mixed with food:

  • in salads;
  • in drinks;
  • into the dough;
  • into minced meat;
  • to raw eggs.

Is it possible to combine MCC and alcohol?

Since microcrystalline cellulose is not a medicine as such, MCC and alcohol are quite compatible with each other. However, we must not forget that MCC is a powerful adsorbent that reduces the properties of alcohol, and alcoholic drinks themselves are extremely harmful both for weight loss and for health in general.

The popular abbreviation MCC on the Internet hides the name of the medical drug. Microcrystalline cellulose is a waste product that is extracted industrially during textile production.

MCC are small hard crystals that come out of raw materials during the process of deep purification.

MCC is based not on synthetic, but on natural plant raw materials. In terms of its nutritional properties, the drug is similar to the fiber found in fruits and vegetables.

The drug MCC is available in tablets. It is widely available for purchase; you can find it in every pharmacy, as well as in online stores. The price for a package of tablets is approximately 100 rubles.

Useful properties of the drug

Taking microcrystalline cellulose activates several functions in the body at once, which make it possible to lose weight in the near future.

Firstly, MCC promotes deep cleansing of the intestines from toxic toxic substances, during which the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is gradually improved, normalizing the process of digestion and stool.

Secondly, while taking MCC, according to the instructions, you are supposed to drink a lot of water, which already has a beneficial effect on the body.

Also, drinking a large amount of liquid leads to the fact that MCC crystals swell and fill all the free space of the intestines, thereby suppressing the feeling of hunger.

Thus, a person taking the drug limits himself from overeating, which means his stomach gradually becomes smaller. This eliminates the need to lose weight through heavy mono-diets that are harmful to the body.

When taking MCC, the body searches for new sources of energy, and therefore turns to reserve fat deposits. Gradually he burns them, bringing the figure into a more dignified form.

It should also be noted that the course of taking pills does not limit a person’s usual diet. Only the desire to snack appears less frequently due to decreased appetite.

Cellulose is not processed or absorbed by the body, and after performing the above functions it leaves it naturally.

The benefits of taking MCC for weight loss

Having studied the functions of the drug in more detail, we can summarize its benefits:

  1. It cleanses the intestines of toxins in a very gentle and natural way;
  2. Stabilizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  3. Strengthens the body's immune system;
  4. Increases tone, mood and stamina;
  5. Reduces the risk of cancer;
  6. It is a good remedy for the prevention of kidney stones;
  7. Fights indigestion and other diseases.

Indications for use

MCC should be taken in special cases, since the drug also has some contraindications. For example, despite the fact that it is indicated for excess weight, it is strictly forbidden to use it if you have bulimia. It is prescribed for diseases such as:

  1. Obesity caused by physiological aspects;
  2. Diabetes;
  3. Atherosclerosis;
  4. Ischemia;
  5. Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. Intoxication;
  7. Often the drug can be prescribed as a prophylactic against tumors.


This drug differs from similar drugs in a large number of contraindications. You should definitely pay attention to each of the list below, since taking MCC in spite of some diseases leads to serious negative consequences.

It is prohibited to take the drug in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy at any stage;
  • Lactation (breastfeeding period);
  • Avitaminosis (vitamin deficiency);
  • Obstipation (presence of constipation);
  • Flatulence (increased gas production);
  • Anorexia;
  • Frequent bloating;
  • Bulimia;
  • Ages up to 16, as well as after 50.

It should be noted that pregnancy and lactation are categorical contraindications, so you should not endanger yourself and your future life.

Also, a strict restriction on consumption is the presence of vitamin deficiency.

The fact is that in the process of cleansing the intestines, microcrystalline cellulose removes not only toxic substances, but also substances important for normal functioning.

Thus, the drug can reduce the content of protein, carbohydrates, fiber and many vitamins in the blood.

Bulimia and anorexia are diseases caused by psychological rather than physiological aspects. Therefore, treatment with medications in these cases is powerless. You should pay attention to the origins of the disease, and then prescribe treatment.

Side effects from MCC

Side effects from taking the drug usually occur only if the instructions and doses are not followed.

Often during the course, people note an unpleasant feeling of heaviness, accompanied by constipation. If such phenomena occur, measures should be taken immediately.

Firstly, drinking plenty of fluids will help relieve pain. Secondly, you should visit a doctor who can prescribe a laxative and also give recommendations regarding further use of the drug.

Instructions for use of the drug for weight loss

Cases accompanied by side effects are quite rare. If the instructions for use are followed correctly, they are excluded, and only significant benefits will remain from taking the drug.

How to take the product: MCC tablets should be taken half an hour before each meal 3 times a day. The number of tablets for one-time use depends on the course period:

  1. Initial period – 1 piece;
  2. After a week of taking – 4 pcs;
  3. After 2 weeks of use, gradually increase the dose until it is equal to 25 pcs. per day;
  4. Towards the end of the course, the number of tablets should be reduced in the same order.

It is important not to forget to drink MCC with plenty of water so that the crystals swell in the intestines and give the desired effect.

Duration of the course and possible results

The course of using MCC for weight loss is one month.

With prior consultation with a doctor, longer treatment may be prescribed, but, as a rule, this happens in advanced stages of obesity.

The break after completing the course is a month.

By acting in accordance with the instructions, you can achieve a loss of 4-5 kg ​​per course.
