Complex of sound gymnastics. A set of physical therapy exercises for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Contraindications to exercise therapy

Physical education is one of the methods to restore health and return to normal breathing. Regular exercise therapy for bronchial asthma, together with taking medications, can prevent the development of the disease and reduce the number of attacks.

This disease causes the development of. Swelling of the mucous layer appears, in which phlegm appears, causing muscle spasms. As a result, compression of the bronchi occurs in breathing, severe coughing, and attacks of suffocation.

IMPORTANT! Among the causes of bronchial asthma are: allergies to wool or pollen, dust, heredity, medications.

Asthma is not caused by infections. To treat it, special medications are used. The bronchi react to every pathogen, which are: tobacco smoke, powder or dust, pungent odors, cold. They can trigger a seizure or severe cough. Children and young people are most susceptible to bronchial asthma, but it can occur in anyone.

Objectives of physical therapy

Often doctors and patients themselves underestimate the influence of physical therapy during the treatment process. The use of modern and expensive medications without it is unable to fully restore the body. Over time, health may deteriorate and more serious diseases may develop.

IMPORTANT! Physical therapy is beneficial to all patients without exception. There are no restrictions on gender, age, or stage of the disease. Bronchial asthma can cause a lot of trouble and should be treated immediately.

Wellness activities have the following goals:

In order to increase the performance of the muscles of the respiratory system, several types of exercises have been developed.

Actions of physical therapy

Treatment is performed between attacks when the body’s condition normalizes.

  1. Exercise restores your breathing rate.
  2. Sound can prevent the development of emphysema and improve metabolism. During muscle work, a moderate release of adrenaline occurs in the body.
  3. There is a load on the muscles involved in the breathing process, which prevents the occurrence of the disease. It is possible to stop the development of bronchial asthma at the initial stage.
  4. The exercise program is compiled for each patient separately, depending on his state of health and the degree of development of the disease.
  5. The complex often includes physical therapy and breathing at the same time.

Program Execution

You should not rush and try to complete as many exercises as possible in a short time. Speed ​​can trigger the appearance, and the quality of the exercises will leave much to be desired. In the initial stages of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to start with a small amount of physical therapy exercises and gradually move on to more complex exercises and increase the load on the body over time.

IMPORTANT! The first few days the patient undergoes a preparatory course of physical education, which leads him to perform the main part of the treatment.

Breathing exercises allow you to fill the body with oxygen, strengthen the bronchi and clear them of mucus accumulations, and restore blood circulation. It is recommended to perform physical therapy in the fresh air or in a ventilated room.

Exercises have contraindications. Failure to follow these recommendations may complicate your asthma:

  • the appearance of exacerbation;
  • during respiratory tract infections;
  • cold weather (if exercises are performed outdoors).

Preparatory course of physical therapy:

  1. While sitting on a chair with your back straight, you need to take a deep breath through your nose. Exhalation is done through the mouth. You need to take 5 to 10 breaths.
  2. The starting position is the same. During inhalation, the arm rises, holding the breath for a few seconds, after which it lowers with exhalation.
  3. Sitting on a chair, hands are placed on knees. A circular movement is performed with the hands and feet. You need to do 10 rotations in each direction.
  4. Pressing yourself against the back of a chair or armchair, take several deep breaths and hold your breath for 5 seconds. 8 approaches are performed.
  5. By pressing on the chest with a little force, coughing occurs. You need to cough 5 – 8 times.

The main activities of physical therapy

They will help cope with bronchial asthma if done well.

  1. While standing, inhale while bending forward. With exhalation, the body returns to its original position. Perform 5 – 10 repetitions.
  2. Standing, pressing your hands to your body, inhale through your nose. At this time, the hands rise and touch the shoulders. Exhalation returns the hands to the first position. Number of repetitions 4 – 15 times.
  3. Inhale through the nose with the stomach moving forward. Exhalation is accompanied by drawing in the abdomen. Everything lasts 1 - 2 minutes.
  4. Standing with your hands pressed to your body, take a deep breath while simultaneously raising your knee to your chest. You need to try to bring your knee as close to your chest as possible; if this does not work, then to the maximum possible height. With an exhalation, the leg lowers to its original place. The number of repetitions is 5 – 7 times for each leg.
  5. In the same position, during inhalation, you tilt to the side with your arm sliding along the body. Exhale, return to the starting position. Perform 5 – 10 repetitions.
  6. Lying on the bed, the knee is pulled towards the chest with a deep and slow breath through the mouth. Exhaling through the nose, the leg returns to its original position. Number of repetitions 4 – 8 for each leg.
  7. Standing on your toes, arms spread to the sides. With a deep breath, your arms are crossed over your chest, hitting your shoulder blades with your palms. The arms return to the starting position simultaneously with inhalation.

You can make various sounds while breathing. The exercise may be accompanied by prolonged pronunciation of the letters: e, o, u. In the main physical therapy program these are the letters: s, r, z. At the final stage: w, x. The sound is pronounced for about 5 seconds with the time increasing to 1 minute. These exercises are repeated 3 times a day for 5 minutes, with breaks of 20 seconds between sounds.

Positive properties of yoga for bronchial asthma

Yoga has a great effect on improving the health of the body in case of bronchial asthma. It can improve the patient’s condition and develop joint flexibility not only for asthma, but also for other diseases. It is recommended to practice yoga for bronchial asthma. Exercise can relieve many symptoms and alleviate some. Yoga can lift the mood and improve the physical condition of the patient.

It includes breathing exercises and stretching. After completing a yoga course, the patient will learn and relax all muscle groups.

IMPORTANT! After practicing yoga for bronchial asthma, visible improvements will appear in a few months. Many patients notice restoration of breathing, improved health, and the disappearance of many asthma symptoms.

The benefits of physical therapy will increase if you start using it at the initial stage of the disease. Fast walking, slow running, breathing exercises are perfectly combined with drug treatment. A properly designed exercise program will reduce the occurrence of attacks and prevent the worsening of bronchial asthma.

Exercise therapy for bronchial asthma is one of the important ways to restore and maintain functional pulmonary activity and improve the general condition of the patient.

Regular physical activity in combination with drug therapy helps reduce the frequency of asthmatic attacks and prevent relapses of the disease.

Goals of exercise therapy

Features of physical therapy during bronchial-pulmonary diseases pursue the following directions:

  • normalization of mechanical breathing;
  • functional improvement of the respiratory center and mobility in the chest area;
  • strengthening the drainage ability of the bronchi with increased production of exudative secretions;
  • general aerobic training aimed at improving physical qualities;
  • normalization of the patient's emotional state.

As a rule, a specially developed set of breathing exercises is used to strengthen the respiratory muscles, enhance lung ventilation and normalize drainage functionality.

Rules for performing exercise therapy

It is important to remember that physical activity can only be performed outside the stage of exacerbation of the disease. During training, it is recommended to open the window, thereby ensuring oxygen access.

Exercise therapy is contraindicated in the development of status asthmaticus, shortness of breath (more than 25 breaths per minute). In addition, you cannot do gymnastics if the patient is diagnosed with stage 3 respiratory failure. In case of severe development of bronchial asthma, it is recommended to take bronchodilators before starting training. A combination of exercise therapy with swimming or walking has a positive effect.

The methodology of physical therapy exercises is based on a preliminary diagnostic examination of the patient. Based on the results of the examination, the severity of bronchial asthma and the frequency of attacks are determined, taking into account the patient’s age category.

Before starting active exercise, it is necessary to prepare (2-3 days) to test the patient’s physical and emotional capabilities. Quite often, breathing exercises for bronchial asthma involve sound pronunciation and basic gymnastic movements. This set of exercises allows you to assess the degree of necessary intervention.

Mechanism of action of exercise therapy

Exercise therapy classes should be carried out during a lull between attacks when the condition improves and there are no circulatory problems. Therapeutic exercise for bronchial asthma solves the problem of strengthening the body, as well as normalizing the neuro-emotional process. In addition, with the help of dosed physical activity, bronchospasms are actively relieved and breathing is restored.

  • A set of physical exercises normalizes visceral-motor reflexes, as a result of which the respiratory rate is reduced and bronchial-vascular tone is regulated;
  • sound breathing warm-up is aimed at preventing the development of pulmonary emphysema, as well as enhancing the metabolic process in the body. Under the influence of muscle activity, there is a release of adrenaline into the bloodstream, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the patient;

  • as a result of the fact that there is an additional load on the muscles involved in respiratory activity, the patient can independently prevent the development of an asthmatic attack in the initial stage and control it in the future;
  • Exercise therapy for bronchial asthma is formed individually, based on the characteristics of the disease, the age category of the asthmatic, the severity of symptoms and physical fitness;
  • the complex of classes includes restorative therapy, as well as breathing exercises that allow you to control the mobility of the chest.

Particular emphasis should be placed on exercises to develop diaphragmatic breathing with an extended inhalation. In addition, exercise therapy allows you to strengthen the abdominal muscles. It is important to combine breathing exercises with alternate pronunciation of sounds. This promotes contraction of facial muscles.

A set of physical therapy exercises

Exercise therapy can only be performed between attacks. Its objectives are to normalize nervous processes, neutralize bronchospasm and establish normal breathing.

  1. Within 30-40 seconds. breathing is performed, which gradually becomes calmer.
  2. The palms of both hands are clenched into a fist, and then brought to the shoulder while inhaling at the same time. After returning to the original position, exhale.
  3. One leg is bent and pulled towards the abdominal area. In this case, you should exhale; when returning to the original position, you need to inhale deeply.

  1. You need to turn to the side and simultaneously move both arms away, turning your palms up. Take a deep breath, and after returning to the starting position, you can exhale.
  2. It is recommended to take an extended breath while pronouncing the sounds “sh” and “zh”.
  3. While sitting, bend in different directions. Your hands should slide along the seat leg. This is accompanied by a deep exhalation. In the initial position, inhalation is performed.
  4. Inhalation is performed when the patient stands with his legs spread wide apart, his hands should be on his belt, and his elbows should be pulled to the side. When you bring your elbows together, exhale.
  5. The patient stands leaning on a chair. During a squat, you exhale. Inhale in the initial position.

  1. Your legs should be spread shoulder-width apart and your palms should be placed on your waist. In this case, the patient must pronounce the sounds “o” and “a” during exhalation.
  2. Breathing can be combined with slow walks.
  3. Your legs should be spread apart and your palms should be placed at your waist. At the same time, bend forward and exhale, rising (inhale).
  4. Lying down, you should raise your hand while inhaling; after muscle relaxation, the hand lowers with exhalation.
  5. Lying face up, one leg rises during exhalation. After returning to the starting position, take a deep breath.
  6. While sitting, you need to place both hands on your knees. Slowly straightening and bending your ankles, you should clench and unclench your hands into a fist.

Breathing exercises for children

Today, there are several unique breathing exercises for children. These activities do not require extensive training. Traditional breathing exercises prescribed for children, as well as for adult patients, can have a positive effect on the body. However, when performing exercises for children, there is a time limit: procedures cannot be carried out for more than 30 minutes a day.

Very often, an asthmatic attack occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which there is a lack of carbon dioxide in the pulmonary system of children. In this case, a good effect is achieved by Buteyko breathing exercises, which have practically no restrictions.

The most accessible breathing exercises for children are considered to be breath-holding exercises, after which it is necessary to normalize breathing activity with the most calm and shallow breathing possible. The attending physician should prescribe an individual complex of exercise therapy, since only a highly qualified specialist can choose physical therapy based on the age of the children and concomitant diseases. This helps reduce asthma attacks in children in the future.

Sound gymnastics

Sound gymnastics shows quite good effectiveness when you need to inhale through the nose and exhale, while pronouncing consonants and vowels. At the preparatory stage, the patient begins the lesson by pronouncing vowel sounds (e, y, o, i). In the next period, consonant sounds are used (s, z, p), and in the conclusion (sch, zh, sh).

The sound on exhalation is pronounced briefly (4-5 seconds) with a gradual increase in time up to 30 seconds. During exhalation, it is recommended to pronounce short syllables with the sounds p, b, x, d (brokhkh, bah, drrukhkh, bat, etc.). Sound warm-up should be repeated for 2-3 minutes at least 5 times during the day with a pause of 30 seconds between exercises.

Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma according to Buteyko and Strelnikova are widely used among all groups of patients. These techniques must be performed with the participation of a professional instructor. Subsequently, the patient can perform some exercises independently.

Features of the course of bronchial asthma determine treatment tactics and physical activity. Physical therapy is selected individually for each patient. This will avoid unforeseen complications and get the fastest possible positive effect.

Exercise therapy for bronchial asthma is an important method of restoring and maintaining normal lung function. Therapeutic gymnastics helps strengthen the entire body and tones well. If you exercise regularly and take medications as prescribed by your doctor, you can reduce the frequency of relapses. Special physical exercises should be prescribed to all asthmatics during a period of stable remission and in the complete absence of contraindications. You cannot perform a course of exercises in case of severe heart or respiratory failure, as well as during colds, if they occur with a temperature above 37.5 degrees.

The influence of physical therapy on the patient

Physiotherapy for bronchial asthma has a beneficial effect on the entire body of the patient. Regular exercise can significantly reduce the amount of medications you take.. Exercise therapy has the following effects on the human body with bronchial asthma:

  • mechanical breathing is normalized;
  • the functions of the respiratory center are noticeably improved and the mobility of the chest is restored;
  • Improves drainage of the bronchial tree. Viscous sputum is cleared faster from the respiratory system;
  • the whole body is toned, the person becomes more resilient;
  • the patient's emotional state improves.

Physical therapy for bronchial asthma usually includes a special set of exercises that are aimed at strengthening muscle mass, which is involved in the respiratory process, and enhancing lung ventilation.

A patient with bronchial asthma is shown a set of exercises in the exercise therapy room, which is available in all clinics.

Execution Features

Therapeutic exercises for bronchial asthma can be performed only in the remission stage, when the person’s general condition is not impaired. A set of physical exercises should be carried out with the window open so that there is access to oxygen in the room.

Exercise therapy is completely contraindicated if a person is diagnosed with status asthmaticus or is bothered by severe shortness of breath. This usually occurs if the breathing rate is more than 25 breaths per minute. It is forbidden to perform exercises if the asthmatic has respiratory failure of 3 degrees of severity. If bronchial asthma is very severe, then before starting the exercises you need to take bronchodilators.

A course of physical exercises is developed individually based on a diagnostic examination of the patient. During the examination, the doctor determines the severity of the disease, as well as the frequency of relapses, and all data is compared with the patient’s age.

Before the patient begins to perform a full range of therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to complete the preparation for two days. This is necessary to test the physical and psychological capabilities of a person. Some exercises for bronchial asthma involve pronouncing certain sounds. A set of simple gymnastic exercises will help to fully determine the degree of intervention required.

For asthmatics, it is advisable to combine exercise therapy with swimming or Nordic walking. Such physical activity activates respiratory function and prevents possible relapses.

The mechanism of influence of exercise therapy on the patient

Exercise therapy for asthma should be carried out outside the period of exacerbation, when the person is in good health and there are no circulatory disorders. A gymnastic complex for bronchial asthma helps strengthen the body and stabilizes the psycho-emotional state of an asthmatic. With dosed physical activity, bronchospasm is relieved and the respiratory process is activated:

  • Thanks to physical therapy, many reflexes are stabilized, due to this breathing becomes physiological and the vessels in the bronchi return to normal.
  • Exercises that are accompanied by the utterance of sounds are aimed at preventing the development of pulmonary emphysema and improving metabolism in the body.
  • During exercise, the activity of all muscle groups increases, which leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood. This has a positive effect on the condition of the asthmatic.
  • When performing exercises, additional stress is placed on the muscles that are involved in the breathing process, thanks to which the patient can prevent asthmatic attacks at the initial stage and completely control them.
  • The doctor selects exercises for physical therapy individually. This takes into account the age of the asthmatic, the severity of general symptoms, the degree of physical fitness of the person, as well as the specific course of the disease.
  • Exercise therapy for asthma consists of a set of special exercises that are aimed at overall strengthening of the entire body and the ability to control the mobility of the chest.

When performing gymnastics, special attention should be paid to exercises that are aimed at developing diaphragmatic breathing with a special elongated exhalation. A correctly performed set of exercises helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles well. It is very important to combine physical therapy exercises with the pronunciation of certain sounds. This approach helps strengthen facial muscles.

An asthmatic should perform physical therapy exercises while someone from his family is at home. It is worth remembering that during gymnastics the patient may become ill.

Exercises for asthmatics

Any exercises can be started only during the period of remission. The physical therapy complex is aimed at stabilizing metabolic and nervous processes, eliminating bronchospasm and normalizing the respiratory process.

  1. The patient breathes for 40 seconds, inhaling and exhaling less and less.
  2. In the starting position, the hands are clenched into fists, then they are brought to the shoulders and inhaled deeply. Then return your hands down and exhale.
  3. In a standing position, bend one leg at the knee and pull it slightly towards the stomach, while exhaling deeply. After which the leg is returned to its original position and inhaled. During gymnastics, legs alternate.
  4. Hands are extended in front of you, palms up and turned in any direction. During the turn, inhale deeply, and when returning to the starting position, exhale.
  5. Take a deep breath, while trying to draw out the sounds Ш or Ж.
  6. The patient sits on a chair with a back and begins to bend to the sides. At the same time, the hands slide along the legs of the chair. When bending over, exhale, and in the starting position take a full breath.
  7. A person stands with his legs spread at shoulder level, his hands on his waist, and his elbows spread to the sides. Inhale in a calm state, and exhale when connecting the elbows.
  8. The patient stands near the chair and inhales; when sitting down on the chair, you need to exhale.
  9. The legs are placed at shoulder level, the hands are placed on the belt. It is necessary to breathe deeply, but as you inhale and exhale, draw out the sounds A and O.
  10. Feet at shoulder level, hands at waist. The patient bends forward. In a calm position, inhale, and when bending, exhale deeply.
  11. The patient lies on the floor. As you inhale, you raise one hand, and as you exhale, you lower it. Hands alternate.
  12. The patient lies on his back. When you exhale, you raise one leg slightly; when you inhale, you need to lower it. The legs alternate several times.
  13. In a sitting position, it is necessary to strain your ankles, while simultaneously clenching and unclenching your fists.

The training is carried out several times a week. While doing exercises, you need to open the window to ensure a flow of fresh air. The duration of the workout should not be more than 30 minutes, all exercises are repeated 5-6 times.

You can perform all the therapeutic exercises at once, or you can do several approaches a day, 2-3 exercises in each.

Features of exercise therapy in children

Experts have developed several original therapeutic gymnastics complexes for children. All these exercises do not require special preparation. Breathing exercises have a positive effect on the child’s entire body, tones it and helps improve respiratory function. Exercise therapy in children is carried out with a time limit. The duration of classes should not exceed 20 minutes per day.

Often asthmatic attacks in children occur due to an insufficiently active lifestyle. In such a case, there is a noticeable lack of carbon dioxide in the respiratory system. Breathing exercises according to Buteyko, which have virtually no contraindications, will help correct this condition.

When carrying out exercise therapy in children, you need to focus special attention on holding your breath, after which the child should breathe calmly and shallowly. A specialist should determine a suitable set of exercises for a child, taking into account not only the age and severity of the disease, but also the presence of concomitant pathologies.

If you regularly and correctly perform physical therapy with your child, then bronchial asthma will remind itself less and less often.

Bronchial asthma is always treated comprehensively. This involves the use of medications, physiotherapy and exercise therapy. The doctor selects the exercise therapy complex individually; this approach allows you to reduce the frequency of attacks and improve the patient’s well-being.

In addition to drug treatment and physical therapy, sound exercises are often recommended for diseases of the respiratory system that are accompanied by bronchospasm. It is used to speed up recovery and avoid complications. We will look into the types of sound exercises, as well as the features of their implementation, in this material.

Sound gymnastics is a series of exercises that involve pronouncing specific sounds in a certain way. This causes vibration in the vocal cords, which gradually passes into the respiratory organs and into the chest.

The purpose of sound charging is:

  • Relieving bronchospasms.
  • Acquiring proper breathing skills.
  • Improved sputum discharge.
  • Relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi.
  • Normalization of microcirculation in the area of ​​the alveoli of the lungs.
  • Stimulation of the diaphragm.
  • Improved mood.
  • Normalization of alveolar ventilation.
  • Restoring normal breathing.

Breathing exercises and sound exercises are often combined; together they will be more effective.

Indications and contraindications

Sound gymnastics is indicated for diseases of the respiratory system that are accompanied by bronchospastic syndrome. This is a dangerous and serious condition of a sharp narrowing of the lumen; very little oxygen enters the bronchi, and the body is excessively saturated with carbon dioxide. During this, the person feels suffocated, short of breath, and breathing becomes heavier.

Sound gymnastics, as a type of breathing exercise, is used for the following pathologies:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Bronchitis (chronic obstructive, asthmatic).
  • Expiratory dyspnea.

Sound exercises are contraindicated during the onset of an attack of bronchial asthma and in case of exacerbation of a chronic process in the lungs.

If breathing training is accompanied by discomfort, coughing, tickling, shortness of breath or other deterioration in health, the exercise must be stopped.

General rules

In order to achieve maximum effect in classes, you should adhere to the basic instructions:

  1. Exercises should be carried out with proper breathing. You need to inhale through your nose, it should last 1–2 seconds, pause for 1 second and exhale through your mouth, lasting 2–4 seconds. Then pause again for 4-6 seconds. In this case, you should adhere to the rule that the exhalation must be 2 times longer than the inhalation.
  2. The pronunciation of sounds depends directly on the purpose of training and the disease. So, for example, in the case of asthmatic bronchitis, the sounds should be loud and sharp. If you suffer from chronic bronchitis, the sound series is pronounced slowly and quietly, almost in a whisper.
  3. To carry out gymnastic exercises, you need to choose a room that is well ventilated so that the lungs are filled with oxygen. It would be best to choose a place to train outdoors.
  4. Sound exercises should be performed a couple of hours before or after meals. It is better to stick to the specified period of time.

The duration of the training depends on the person’s well-being and how easy it was for him to complete the previous lesson.

After performing gymnastics, the patient should feel relief and improved well-being, and in no case fatigue.

Sound exercises

It is best to do gymnastics while sitting, placing your hands on your knees and leaning slightly forward. Take your time, stick to your rhythm, remember to breathe correctly during the exercises:

  • The sound "a". Its pronunciation helps improve the ventilation function of the lungs and the effective functioning of the respiratory muscles.
  • The "u" sound. Has a calming effect and leads to relaxation.
  • Slowly pronouncing in a whisper the sounds “a”, “o”, “u”, “e” and the short words “dry” and “deaf” has a calming effect on the upper respiratory tract and helps cleanse the vocal cords.
  • When combining “kch”, “dg”, “bp”, “kg”, mucus removal improves and the throat muscles relax.
  • The buzzing sounds “zh” and “z” and the growling “r”, when pronounced loudly, give the effect of a vibration massage, while relaxing the bronchial muscles.
  • For your child, you can offer to imitate the sounds of a beetle “zh-zh-zh”, a train “chug-chug”, a mosquito “pi-i” and an airplane “oo-oo-oo”.
  • The use of hissing and whistling “s”, “f”, “ts”, “ch”, “sh” in gymnastics accelerates the removal of air from the lungs, and this prevents emphysema. It is better to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, drawing in your stomach.
  • For older children and adults, you need to do the obligatory “pf-f-f” exercise once. Its peculiarity is that the combination of these sounds is pronounced with tightly compressed lips. This is considered a cleansing exercise. After doing this, pause, take a breath and pause again. If the exercise is performed by a child, an adult can stand behind him during the exercise and move his palms from the lower back up to the sides, stopping in the middle of the baby’s sides when the exhalation ends. This is done to make breathing easier.

  • Next, pronounce the sound “mm-mm” while exhaling; it should be drawn-out, wave-like and relaxed. This exercise is done 5-7 times.
  • A combination of the sounds “zhzhruh”, “zrukhh”, “brukhh” and “prrukh” will be useful for relieving bronchospasm.

Each workout can be increased by two new exercises. It is optimal to conduct a lesson for 5 minutes, then increase to 7–10 minutes. Maximum 2 repetitions per day. If a child complains of shortness of breath after sound exercises, it is necessary to do a light massage of the lower chest, over the clothes.

Therapeutic exercise serves as one of the main components. Regular exercise helps patients reduce and improve their overall health.

Effects of therapeutic exercises

The use of physical exercise helps:

  • strengthening the respiratory muscles,
  • reducing bronchial obstruction,
  • self-cleaning of the respiratory tract,
  • maintaining the elasticity of lung tissue,
  • prevention of emphysema,
  • improvement

To achieve lasting results, gymnastics must be performed daily.

General rules for performing exercises

  • Physical exercises are practiced only outside of exacerbations of bronchial asthma.
  • It is better to conduct training in a room with an open window.
  • Exercise therapy is contraindicated in case of status asthmaticus, respiratory failure of the 3rd degree, shortness of breath more than 25 breaths per minute.
  • In severe forms of the disease, take bronchodilators prescribed by your doctor before starting training.
  • It is useful to combine gymnastics with therapeutic walking or swimming.

Exercise therapy technique

To prevent increased physical activity from triggering an asthma attack, the load is increased gradually - from activity to activity.

Gymnastics begins with the so-called introductory period, during which simple exercises are performed and proper breathing techniques are taught. After 5 days, they move on to the main complex, aimed at intensive training of the respiratory muscles. The exercises of the main complex continue to be performed throughout life.

Breathing during gymnastics should be calm. It is recommended to regulate the inhalation-exhalation phases by counting.

Introductory complex

  1. Sit on a chair, leaning firmly against the back. On the count of 1–2, inhale through your nose, and on count 3–4, exhale through your mouth, slightly open. Number of repetitions – 3–6.
  2. On the count of 1–2, inhale and raise one arm up. Exhale at 3-4, lower your hand. Hold your breath for the count of 5–6. Perform the exercise with the other hand. Repeat 3-6 times.
  3. Move to the edge of the chair. Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Flex and straighten your hands and feet at the same time. The number of repetitions is 9–12.
  4. Move towards the back of the chair again. On the count of 1–2, inhale, on 3–6, exhale, on 7, pinch your nose and hold your breath. Number of repetitions – 4–6.
  5. Press your palms to your chest. Cough with gentle bursts 2-3 times.
  6. Place your hands on your knees and tilt your torso slightly forward. On a count of 1–2, inhale through your nose, on a count of 3–6, exhale through your mouth with a “slit”. Number of repetitions – 4–6.
  7. Move to the edge of the chair. Place your hands on your shoulder joints. As you exhale, slowly twist your elbows forward, and as you inhale, slowly roll your elbows back. And so 4-6 times.
  8. Place your hands at your sides. Raise your shoulders as you inhale, lower them as you exhale. Do 4-6 times.
  9. As you inhale, raise both arms up, and as you exhale, uttering a long “sh-sh” sound, lower them down. Perform 4–6 times. (Vibration is transmitted from the vocal cords to the bronchi, which helps to relax them.)
  10. Place your hands on your knees. On the count of 1, inhale, on counts 2–6, interlace your hands in front of your chest and exhale, pronouncing a drawn-out “zh-zh” sound.
  11. Hands at your sides. On the count of 1, raise both arms up. At 2–4, lower down with the sound “pf-f.”
  12. Lean back in your chair, relax your limbs. Sit like this for 1–2 minutes.

Main complex

More about the treatment of bronchial asthma and methods of combating it in the “Live Healthy!” program.
