"Turboslim": review of the product line and assessment of the risks of "turbo weight loss." Which "Turboslim" is the most effective (reviews) Turboslim for weight loss instructions for use

One of the most popular and in demand products for combating excess weight today is Turboslim from the Altai company Evalar. This brand hides a wide line of drugs for body shaping and control of unnecessary pounds. These are 21 dietary supplements with an original recipe, a unique formula and effectiveness proven by experts and time.

Affordable prices, natural ingredients, the reputability of the manufacturer, a long period of stay on the market and international quality certificates - all this makes people all over the world lose weight with the help of these dietary supplements. Isn't it time to get to know them better?


All Turboslim products for weight loss are conventionally divided into different types, which include unique drugs with specific properties and mechanism of action on the body. To decide what will help you say goodbye to extra pounds, study the description for each block - it will clearly describe for you all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular program.

Detox cleanse

Detox cleansing is a weight loss program using a range of products from Turboslim.

  • Turboslim tea

Tea is one of the most effective ways to maintain a slim figure and not gain extra pounds. This drink fits perfectly into a normal lifestyle and does not require any effort. At the same time, it manages to act in several directions at once: it saturates the body with plant components, removes waste and toxins, accelerates metabolic processes, reduces hunger, and enhances drainage.

As a result of a pleasant and tasty tea for weight loss, you will receive a reduction in swelling and a decrease in volume, but at the same time maintain vigor and energy.

  • Turboslim coffee

Coffee for active weight loss means enjoying the familiar aroma and at the same time quickly and comfortably parting with extra pounds. The drink consists of 88% Brazilian Arabica. Additional herbal ingredients do not spoil its taste at all, but at the same time they help ensure that during the day you will not feel hungry, you will be able to control your appetite, and your body will gradually cleanse itself of unnecessary debris. At the same time, your cheerfulness and optimism will not suffer at all!

This is a delicious drink that combats fluid retention. It enhances lymph flow, is a diuretic, and activates the body's excretory system. With this drug you will forever forget what fat deposits are. The result is a significant reduction in volume and easy weight loss.

  • Turboslim drainage for women 45+

This is another delicious drainage drink, the formula of which consists exclusively of natural ingredients, but it was created taking into account all the age-related characteristics that are inherent in the female body after 45 years. After all, it is during this period that hormonal balance and mineral metabolism are so unstable. Drainage for those who are for..., tones, has a pronounced diuretic effect, activates the excretory system, enhances lymphatic drainage.

The result is that excess fluid is expelled, body volumes are reduced, fat cells disintegrate, cellulite disappears. The uniqueness is that this drink also rejuvenates.

  • Turboslim drainage for men

This is one of the first weight loss products for representatives of the stronger half of humanity who dream of how to get rid of their beer belly. They are more prone to overeating than women, often lead a sedentary lifestyle, and practically do not drink pure liquid during the day.

The result is that the lymphatic system does not work, and without it, muscles are replaced by fatty deposits. Male Drainage normalizes lipid metabolism, cleanses the body of slagging, removes fluid, tones and at the same time models a sculpted body.

Active weight loss

The drugs included in the active weight loss program quickly and easily activate metabolism, burn fat, suppress appetite and establish proper nutrition.

  • Turboslim day

Turboslim “smart” tablets for weight loss during the day take into account the biological rhythms of the body and force them to work to combat excess weight. Red capsules of unique action are an enhanced formula. This is an increased dosage of biologically active substances and plant extracts.

Under their influence, a real cellular revolution occurs in the body: it has an anti-edematous effect, metabolic processes are activated, fat burning is stimulated, appetite is reduced and the craving for sweets is reduced.

  • Turboslim night

The first certified drug that allows you to lose kilos at night. Blue capsules consumed at dinner bind fats, prevent them from being stored, suppress evening appetite, speed up metabolic processes, and promote gentle morning cleansing. Works ideally in tandem with Turboslim day.

  • Turboslim alpha (tablets)

These are pills that help get rid of the main cause of excess weight - slow metabolism. They promote the breakdown of not only fats, but also carbohydrates, allowing the body to quickly process them into the energy necessary for an active life. With their help, you can achieve not only quick and safe weight loss, but then also maintain the result.

  • Turboslim alpha (drink)

One of the most popular and effective, aromatic fat-burning drink contains highly concentrated L-carnitine in liquid form, which is very easily absorbed by the body, and alpha-lipoic acid, which enhances the effect of L-carnitine.

Increases endurance during sports. Provides cells with oxygen, which allows you to quickly restore strength after training. Muscles hurt much less because the Turboslim alfa drink reduces the synthesis of lactic acid, which causes muscle pain. And as a bonus - a rejuvenating effect.

  • Turboslim express

A unique complex consisting of natural ingredients allows you to reduce weight up to 3 kg in just 3 days. And your waist size will decrease by 3 cm!

Morning capsules (white) start the process of burning fat, remove fluid, and increase tone. Daytime (pink) - suppress appetite, accelerate the processing of carbohydrates and fats into energy, and normalize the functioning of the intestines. Evening (blue) - help you fall asleep, activate the process of night weight loss.

Everything about this effective remedy is in the article: “”.

  • Turboslim fitness

This is a concentrate for preparing a tonic drink, which can several times increase the effectiveness of any sports activities, and especially fitness. The drug significantly increases performance and allows you to overcome even the most severe physical fatigue.

The maximum fat-burning effect of the drink can only be achieved in combination with training.

Diet and weight control

If you are losing weight with the help of a diet, drugs in this series will not allow the body to become exhausted, will maintain its strength and increase the effectiveness of any hunger strike.

  • Turboslim coffee cappuccino

Very aromatic, and most importantly - natural coffee with a powerful fat-burning complex and hot spices, without the slightest laxative effect. The low-calorie content of the drink is amazing - only 42 kcal per 1 sachet! Gives a good mood and excellent well-being.

  • Turboslim cocktail

Dietary protein shake gives its delicate, refined taste. No wonder it contains strawberries flavored with milk protein. After the first use, I can’t even believe that such a tasty drink can help you lose weight.

The advantage of this product is that it does not contain flavorings, sweeteners or other chemicals.

  • Turboslim protein bar

A diet bar in which milk protein is wrapped in chocolate glaze, which does not prevent this product from being so low-calorie - only 110 kcal! Helps avoid overeating.

Read about delicious weight loss.

  • Turboslim appetite control

The new form of the drug for weight loss has captivated many who want to lose excess weight, especially among young people. After all, these are very tasty and aromatic chewable tablets that instantly suppress the feeling of hunger and significantly reduce the caloric content of the diet. Effective when following a diet.

  • Turboslim protein diet

A new product from Evalar - a whole protein diet in one set! Designed for those who want to lose weight quickly, with visible results and tasty. Allows you to lose up to 4 kilograms in just 5 days.

In the magic chest for the entire diet you will find:

— ;
- protein omelet;
— cream soups: with the taste of fried onions and smoked meat; with broccoli, parsley and nettle; with mushrooms; with chicken and curry;
— tomato soup with konjac;
- bar;
- protein cocktail;
— teas: to reduce appetite, soothing;
- konjac drink.

  • Turboslim calorie blocker

Pills that speed up the weight loss process by blocking the body's absorption of fats and carbohydrates.

  • Turboslim chromium picolinate

Miracle capsules that effectively control appetite, reduce cravings for sweets, allow you to diet comfortably, and maintain the required blood sugar level.

  • Turboslim multivitamins

An ideal multivitamin complex for the fasting period. It contains 8 minerals, 11 vitamins and L-carnitine. Their task is to compensate for the lack of substances necessary for the body. They help speed up metabolic processes during weight loss.

— Pink capsules are vitamins:
ascorbic acid, L-carnitine, tocopherol, nicotinamide, dry fruit mixture, calcium pantothenate, retinol, vitamin D, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride, folic acid.

— White capsules are minerals:
iron, copper and manganese sulfate, zinc and magnesium oxide, potassium iodate, sodium selenite, chromium picolinate.

Cosmetical tools

Turboslim cosmetics are gentle but very active creams that allow you to make your body perfect after any weight loss system.

  • Cream Turboslim day

The soft texture of the cream will get rid of problem areas, giving your figure toned contours and an ideal silhouette. Includes an innovative component - aminophylline.

  • Cream Turboslim night

This cream is even more airy in consistency than the day cream. It has everything for a losing weight body that needs support: herbal extracts, aminophylline, hyaluronic acid. This is a truly innovative drug for body shaping at night.

  • Cream Turboslim for face

The cream helps to slim the face and correct its oval shape. It has fat-burning properties, eliminates the double chin effect, tightens sagging and jowls. Has a lifting effect. Eliminates swelling and puffiness.

Any Turboslim series for weight loss is a breakthrough in the field of nutritional supplements and dietetics. Each of these products was a bestseller at one time, and many still remain at the top of their respective ratings.

This convenient distribution of programs allows you to quickly decide on the problem of what exactly to choose for your body - cleansing, assistance in training, support during a diet, or it will be enough to slightly correct the external contours of your body.

There is no need to be afraid of negative consequences, because the composition of all these products is as natural as possible.

About the company name. The name Evalar is a combination of two female names of company leaders: Eva (Dambrowski Eva) and Lar (Prokopieva Larisa).


All Turboslim products for weight loss have a natural composition, in which more than 90% are components of plant and animal origin. The remaining 10% is auxiliary synthetics and chemicals (thickeners, flavors, preservatives, fragrances, etc.).

You can take any Turboslim weight loss product - you will definitely find plant and animal components in its composition. Some of them have a fat-burning effect, some have a diuretic effect.

One way or another, the result obtained is more often pleasing than disappointing. Judging by numerous reviews, losing a few extra pounds with the help of these drugs is quite possible!

In addition. The ingredients used in this series are sourced from Switzerland, Germany, France and India.


Anyone who has never tried all these drugs is wondering whether Turboslim is effective for weight loss and how effective it is. Each program is designed for specific results.

Detox cleanse

Slimming drugs in this series perform the following functions:

  • cleanse the body of harmful substances (slags, toxins);
  • relieve swelling - excess fluid in the body;
  • reduce body volume due to drainage;
  • accelerate fat burning;
  • charge with energy.

Effective weight loss, according to many experts, begins with cleansing. It is what normalizes metabolism, “expels” excess fluid, clears the intestines of toxins, eliminates toxins and activates many physiological processes.

The result is that a grateful body easily and quickly loses excess weight, thanks to Turboslim preparations from the Detox-Cleansing series.

Active weight loss

The drugs from the line for active weight loss are no less functional:

  • speed up metabolism;
  • redirect all the body’s forces to intense fat burning;
  • promote the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates;
  • help the body convert them into useful energy.

Their main task is to make all the body’s forces work to lose weight. And for this, thanks to the unique ingredients in their composition, they activate metabolic processes.

Diet and weight control

Special products from this series will provide support during any diet. They:

  • supplement the diet with vital proteins;
  • nourish with vitamins and minerals;
  • allow you to avoid feelings of hunger;
  • preserve beauty and excellent health.

With such unique drugs, you can lose weight without experiencing any feeling of hunger or discomfort.

Cosmetical tools

To make your figure look perfect, sometimes it’s not enough just to lose weight. After all, everything can be ruined by cellulite that never disappears and layers of fat in problem areas. Both can be easily corrected using the Turboslim cosmetic line.

These are skilled sculptors who will bring the body to real perfection:

  • remove excess fat;
  • eliminate cellulite and the traces left behind;
  • get rid of orange peel;
  • will make the skin incredibly elastic, smooth and toned.

If you follow all the recommendations from the manufacturers, exercise vigorously, and eat right, Turboslim weight loss medications will prove to be the most highly effective. The number of kilograms lost will depend on how competently you approached the use of these unique products. In particular, we used the list of indications.

Product quality. The Evalar company introduced 12 drugs to the American market, having received an international certificate for them, confirming that the production complies with generally accepted GMP quality standards. The company also has Australian TGA certification.


In what cases can you start fighting excess weight with the help of products from Evalar? There are special indications and recommendations from the manufacturers themselves, which indicate which Turboslim is best for weight loss in a given situation:

  • the need to get rid of waste and toxins and the tendency to edema - this is a Detox cleansing program;
  • impaired metabolism - then you need something from Active weight loss;
  • If you are looking for what is best for losing weight, if you are craving something tasty and have a tendency to overeat, try a shake or a protein bar;
  • to increase the effectiveness of physical activity, it is better to turn to Turboslim alfa tablets;
  • weight loss taking into account the body’s biorhythms is possible with the help of the Turboslim day and night complex;
  • fat deposits and cellulite - weight loss cosmetics from Evalar will help;
  • rapid weight loss in just 3 days - this effect can only be achieved with Turboslim Express.

So look for which Turboslim is the most effective for weight loss in your case, among the indications for each program from Evalar. They can be studied in more detail not only in the instructions for the drugs, but also on the corresponding website. There is a lot of information on the Internet about this line of products. Including contraindications.

Professional point of view. The Evalar company constantly refers to the competent opinion of specialists about the products of the Turboslim line as high-quality and highly effective products.


Like any other dietary supplement, each Turboslim complex for weight loss has special contraindications specified by the manufacturers in the instructions:

  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy.

But, as practice shows, any line of Turboslim for weight loss has a diuretic or laxative effect. Some drugs - to a greater extent, some - to a lesser extent. And if you consider that such cleansing of the body takes place from 3 days to 1 month, it’s scary to imagine what kind of stress the internal organs of someone losing weight experience in such cases. If they have chronic diseases, will they be able to withstand such stress?

Therefore, the manufacturers acted very wisely: they add an important phrase to the minimum list of contraindications: “You need to consult a specialist.” Indeed, this will reduce the risk of side effects and complications.

Side effects

Many people are interested in whether Turboslim is harmful for weight loss if used uncontrollably and frivolously. Judge for yourself based on the impressive list of side effects:

  • aggression;
  • insomnia;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • gastritis;
  • dizziness;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • heartburn;
  • repeated bowel movements;
  • weight gain;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • dehydration;
  • fainting;
  • food allergies;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • confusion;
  • constantly loose stools;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • irritability;
  • vasodilation (facial hyperemia, fever);
  • pain in the stomach;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • the laxative effect increases with each day of weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • ulcer.

If the Turboslim comprehensive weight loss program was used incorrectly, it could lead to any of the problems described above.

Judging by the reviews and opinion of doctors, such side effects are rare, but they still occur. Therefore, you should not ignore either the list of contraindications, or the dosage regimen indicating the dosage in the instructions. Do you want to be slim and beautiful? In this case, lose weight correctly!

Turboslim- a biologically active food supplement, has various forms of release: Turboslim Day, Turboslim Night, Turboslim Tea, Turboslim Coffee, etc. It is used for weight loss, strengthens the immune system, restores and normalizes the digestive process. Possible side effects include: allergic reactions, sleep disturbances, and agitation. Do not use during pregnancy.
Turboslim is determined by its composition.
Turboslim day: The Turboslim day capsule contains guarana extract, which enhances metabolic processes in the body.
Extract from red seaweed, which improves microcirculation processes in the interstitial fluid, thereby improving the removal of toxins and harmful microorganisms from the body.
Citrus bioflavonoids, which improve fat metabolism and break down excess fat deposits.
Papaya extract, which prevents the deposition of fat in body tissues.
Turboslim also contains vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and B3 (niacin), which accelerate the process of weight loss and have a positive effect on the immune system, the condition of the skin and the nervous system.
Turboslim night: As you know, at night the body not only sleeps, but also loses calories. During a night's sleep, we burn up to 400 calories. This property of our body is the basis for the drug Turboslim night. The drug Turboslim night stimulates additional burning of calories by the human body at night.
The Turboslim night capsule contains lemon balm extract, which helps normalize healthy sleep and strengthens the nervous system.
Garcinia Cambogia extract - promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its texture and making it smoother and silkier, and has a disinfectant property.
Senna extract regulates intestinal function and promotes natural bowel movements.
The drug also contains trace elements chromium and zinc and vitamins (B1, B2, E) - they help strengthen the immune system, nervous system, normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
Turboslim tea: The composition of the drug Turboslim tea, in addition to green tea leaves, includes extracts of medicinal plants: cherry plant extract, it helps remove excess fluid from the body, thereby combating increased swelling of tissues.
Alexandria leaf extract, which is part of Turboslim tea, helps normalize intestinal function and improve its peristalsis.
Corn silk contributes to the normal functioning of the gallbladder.
Turboslim coffee: The composition of the drug Turboslim coffee includes Arabica coffee, and in addition to it, there are also extracts of medicinal plants that help reduce appetite, break down fat deposits and remove toxins from the body:
Garcinia extract promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its texture and making it smoother and silkier, and has a disinfectant property.
Turmeric extract promotes increased bile production, reduces the risk of bile stagnation and the formation of gallstones, and lowers cholesterol levels.
Burdock root extract has a choleretic, diuretic, laxative and disinfectant effect. It has the ability to enhance the antitoxic function of the liver, bind and remove toxins from the body.
Horsetail extract has the ability to remove toxins, relieve swelling, smooth out skin unevenness, and support collagen and elastin fibers.

Indications for use:
Taking the drug Turboslim with food it relieves excess weight, strengthens the nervous system, improves immunity, and restores the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mode of application

A drug Turboslim day You must take one capsule daily during breakfast and lunch. The full course of taking the drug Turboslim day is 4 weeks. If necessary, the dose can be repeated after a month.
Taking the drug Turboslim night 1 time per day during dinner. The full course is 4 weeks. Then you need to take a break of one month in taking the drug Turboslim at night. If necessary, the course is repeated.
Drink Turboslim coffee It is recommended only in the morning once a day.
Drink Turboslim tea It is recommended twice a day in the morning and evening during meals.

Side effects

Allergic reactions: skin rashes, itching, insomnia, increased excitability, tachycardia, intestinal disorders.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Turboslim:
- Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmias, hypertension, heart failure).
- Atherosclerosis.
- Insomnia.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
Before using Turboslim medications, be sure to consult with your doctor.


Use of the drug Turboslim Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Interaction with other drugs:
No interactions with drugs were identified.
If you are taking any medications, you must inform your doctor.


If you take the drug Turboslim in a dose that is much higher than the maximum permissible dose, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness or, conversely, increased excitability, insomnia, and anxiety are possible. It is necessary to rinse the patient’s stomach and call a doctor for symptomatic treatment.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius.

Release form

Turboslim day - capsules No. 30.
Turboslim night - capsules No. 30.
Turboslim tea is tea packaged in bags No. 20.
Turboslim coffee - coffee packaged in bags No. 20.


1 capsule Turboslim day contains: citrus bioflavonoids 75 mg, red seaweed extract - 50 mg, papaya extract - 30 mg, guarana extract - 50 mg, bromelain - 20 mg, vitamins B and C, zinc.
1 capsule Turboslim night contains: garcinia extract 100 mg, chitosan - 40 mg, senna extract - 50 mg, linoleic acid - 25 mg, L-carnitine - 12.5 mg, lemon balm extract - 10 mg, vitamins E, B1, B2, zinc, chromium picolinate .

Main settings



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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

If you ask someone what drug helps you lose weight, then they will undoubtedly answer you - any, the main thing is that it is Turboslim. Almost everyone knows about it, even those who have never cared about the topic of losing weight. After all, this company has already firmly taken its position in the world market and its products can be found in a regular grocery store. Since she is engaged not only in manufacturing, but also in food products that help a person eat right and lose weight.

Of course, nutrition plays a major role in the weight loss process. However, for many, even the “correct” one sometimes does not give positive results. And this happens due to metabolic disorders. It is in its normalization that dietary supplements Turboslim help, about which you can find a huge number of reviews on the Internet.

But since this pharmaceutical company produces several types of dietary supplements for weight loss, the question arises: which of these drugs is better and helps you lose extra pounds faster? And in order to give an accurate answer to this question, we suggest you briefly consider all the products produced by Turboslim. However, first I would like to talk separately about the effectiveness of these drugs and what they actually are.

Turboslim is a biologically active food supplement produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar, which has been known throughout the world for many years. The manufacturer claims that this dietary supplement is the most powerful and gives results that are simply not possible to achieve with other food additives.

However, when a person tries to choose one of the Turboslim products for himself, he faces many difficulties, because, as they say, there is so much to choose from. And the larger the assortment, the more difficult it is to make your final choice.

But when doing it, you should understand that there are many Turboslim products and each of them has its own specific properties, and therefore is designed to solve certain problems. And it is on which product will be accepted that the problem will be solved. This may be an increased appetite, due to which a person cannot control himself and get into the ideal shape for himself, and the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the body, and slow metabolism, and much, much more.

Based on this, it is extremely difficult to say exactly which Turboslim for weight loss is the most effective. And besides, each person is individual and a dietary supplement may work for one, but not for another.

And in order to say exactly which of the Turboslim products is the most effective, it is necessary to consider each drug separately. And since the Evalar company produces quite a lot of variants of its product, the task becomes very difficult. Therefore, it is best to start considering the most popular dietary supplements, which are successfully used by many people, including show business stars.

Turboslim "Day"

This drug contains active substances that trigger metabolic processes in the body. In addition, they also contribute, the action of which leads not only to a deterioration in the functionality of the organ, but also to a slowdown in the process of burning fat. After all, their presence leads to poisoning of the body, as a result of which it begins to protect itself from the harmful effects of toxins, instead of activating metabolic processes.

Turboslim "Day" should be taken for one month according to the attached instructions. After which you need to take a break, also for one month. It is difficult to say whether this dietary supplement is the best. However, its effect on the body leads to improved breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, which undoubtedly leads to weight loss.

This drug has a unique property - it accelerates the process of burning fat at night, that is, during sleep. There is no point in taking it during the day, since it will not give the positive result that should be expected from it.

It should be taken at night. Just one capsule at night promotes active weight loss at night and a good mood in the morning. However, it will only act this way if it is used correctly.

It is not accepted as a separate dietary supplement. You should drink it together with Turboslim "Day". It contains substances such as lemon balm, hay and garcinia, which have a strengthening and sedative effect on the body, which allows you to normalize sleep and eliminate stress, which is a fairly common cause of breakdowns during weight loss.

Turboslim "Tea"

The results are, of course, good, but they do not last long. And all because such an effect is observed due to the strong. This drug has a laxative and diuretic effect. Now guess how weight loss occurs?

And as soon as you stop using the drug, the body will begin to replenish its reserves and the weight will very quickly return to normal. Therefore, Turboslim “Express weight loss” is not the best means for weight loss. However, if you need to quickly lose a few kilograms in order to fit into your favorite jeans or dress, then it will become your faithful assistant in this.

Another product from the Turboslim line. It contains only natural ingredients, which lead to the rapid breakdown of food, its absorption and excretion from the body. Taking this drug prevents carbohydrates and harmful fats from being absorbed by the walls of the stomach, and therefore prevents their deposition. This is how weight loss occurs.

In pharmacies this drug is sold in tablet form. One package contains 30 tablets. They should be taken as follows: 1 tablet before each meal. One package lasts approximately 10 days.

It is impossible to say that rapid weight loss occurs with the help of this drug. However, if you limit your diet and engage in active physical exercise, you can achieve good results.

So what should you choose?

Now you know what main types of Turboslim exist, and therefore you can independently draw a conclusion about their effectiveness.

According to experts, a dietary supplement that has a complex effect on the body will really help you achieve positive results. And this is the drug Turboslim “Day”. They still recommend using it with the drug Turboslim “Night”. This way the result will be more noticeable.

If your goal is not just getting rid of extra pounds, but generally strengthening the body, then Turboslim “Tea” and Turboslim “Coffee” are ideal for you, which will delight you not only with their wonderful taste, but will also help you get rid of harmful substances that have harmful effects. harmful effects on the body.

But don't forget about nutrition. Here the Evalar company also took care of its customers. They produce a variety of food products that contain a maximum of nutrients and a minimum of calories. And if you use them correctly, you can achieve very good results.

Turboslim bars are a real godsend for those who are constantly struggling with excess weight due to their sweet tooth. Now you can not only eat to your heart’s content, but also lose weight.

  • provide a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • destroy subcutaneous fat cells;
  • give energy;
  • suppress appetite.

One bar weighs about 50 grams and contains 110 kcal. Experts do not recommend eating more than 2 bars per day.

The Evalar company wants to help people overcome excess weight so much that they even created an entire nutrition program, Turboslim, “Lose Weight in a Week.” Moreover, each person will be able to find for himself exactly the menu that he can stick to without any problems.

So, the Turboslim “Lose Weight in a Week” suitcases are:

  • meat;
  • Mediterranean;
  • vegetarian.

Each suitcase contains bags in which “dry” food is stored. It must be diluted with hot water and eaten. There are breakfasts, lunches and dinners here. Each menu also comes with a small instruction, following which you can lose quite a lot of kilograms.

But to really achieve the desired results, you need to go through all three stages of weight loss. The first is cleansing, the second is weight loss, the third is consolidating.
As you already understand, at the first stage of weight loss, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins, intestinal function is normalized and metabolism is accelerated. At the second stage, the main weight loss occurs, and at the third stage, the process of consolidating the results obtained and a gradual transition to normal food occurs.

Since it is not easy to “sit” on powders alone for a long time, the manufacturer has developed a special menu in which he counts the calories consumed and indicates what else can be eaten from regular food, in order to prevent an increase in daily caloric intake. As a rule, for people losing weight it is in the range of 1200-1500 kcal. And the lower your weight, the lower your daily calorie intake.

If we talk in general about Evalar products, we can say that it is Turboslim “Lose Weight in a Week” that allows you to achieve the greatest results in terms of weight loss. Therefore, if you want to lose excess weight, we recommend that you pay attention to these products.

Turboslim: contraindications

Turboslim contains biologically active additives that may not have the best effect on the human condition. Turbaslim's contraindications are as follows:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reaction to the components included in the product;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • nephritis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • cystitis.

In addition, Turboslim preparations are contraindicated for persons with chronic diseases of the digestive system. After all, while taking dietary supplements, their aggravation may occur, which will lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Turboslim: side effects

Turboslim also has more than enough side effects. During the first days of taking this line of drugs, many experience severe pain in the lower abdomen, which is caused by the action of the active ingredients on the intestines. There is, so to speak, softening of the feces and their removal. At the same time, bloating and colic may occur.

Due to their laxative effect, Turboslim drugs also provoke an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Therefore, if you suffer from this disease, then it is best to stop taking such weight loss products, because serious health problems may arise.

Nausea and vomiting are also quite common. If such side effects occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug.

Side effects such as:

  • the appearance of anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • depression.

Such violations are associated with the presence of substances in Turboslim preparations that affect the functioning of the central nervous system.

Remember, Turboslim is a dietary supplement that helps you lose weight, but does not get rid of extra pounds. And if you eat as before, and at the same time ignore, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

And since drugs from this line have contraindications and side effects, you should consult your doctor before using them.

Video about Turboslim drugs

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

28 Mar 2017


What is Turboslim

More than one person asks the question of how to lose weight, but among all the existing methods of getting rid of excess fat, there are few that are 100% effective, because even sports bear fruit only if you exercise regularly. Nutritionists advise those women (or men) who are tired of grueling diets and workouts to study the weight loss product Turboslim in more detail.

Turboslim is a well-known series of weight loss drugs that has no analogues on the Russian market. The brand has a wide line of products that help correct your figure and prevent extra pounds from sticking to your body. Dietary supplements from Evalar are original recipes, unique formulas and time-proven effectiveness.

How does Turboslim work?

The components contained in the drug are more aimed at burning excess fat. For example, this is how Turboslim tablets work:

  1. Capsules designed to be taken in the morning activate the circulation of fluid in the body and its subsequent rapid elimination. Fat burning is also accelerated due to the action of adrenaline, which is increased due to the presence of guarana in the tablets. Calcium and grape leaf extract tone muscle tissue, blood vessels, and help microprocesses in cells.
  2. Lunch pills contain fennel and senna extracts, which have a beneficial effect on digestion and help cleanse the intestines. They also contain anti-edema substances, a fat burning stimulator and a complex that reduces appetite.
  3. Evening tablets not only help you fall asleep, but also help cleanse the body of oxidation products.

Does Turboslim help you lose weight?

Judging by the constituent components and their effect on the body, we can say that the drug promotes weight loss. However, many reviews on the topic “Does Turboslim help you lose weight” say the opposite. Everything here is individual, and the process of losing excess fat and weight depends on a person’s metabolism, his lifestyle, diet and many other factors.

Reviews from doctors

Before you start drinking any of the dietary supplements, it is important to consult with a specialist who will tell you how to choose the right drug so that it helps you lose weight and does not cause harm to the body. In general, reviews from doctors regarding the products of this series are ambiguous: some categorically prohibit their patients from using Turboslim, others, on the contrary, recommend capsules, drinks, bars, because they solve the problem of obesity.

Turboslim express

Thanks to this drug, in just three days you can lose several centimeters of volume. Turboslim express weight loss consists of capsules of different colors that are designed for use in the morning, afternoon and evening. Morning ones contain vitamin C, calcium and guarana extract, which accelerate metabolic processes in the body, thereby burning fat. Daytime ones improve digestion and suppress appetite. Tablets designed to be taken in the evening help remove decay products and harmful substances from the body.

“Smart” pills, included in the series for active weight loss, “know” the biological rhythms of the human body and direct their work to fight extra pounds. Turboslim day red pills contain an increased amount of plant extracts and biologically active substances, under the influence of which metabolic processes are activated, a person’s appetite decreases, swelling goes away, and the desire to eat something sweet decreases.

Turboslim night

Nutritionists say that during sleep the body also actively loses weight. The enhanced Turboslim night formula will help your parameters decrease to the maximum level. The drug is blue capsules, which you need to drink during dinner - the components contained in the composition block fats, preventing them from being deposited, speed up the digestion of food, and suppress appetite. Night series capsules provide maximum effect in tandem with Turboslim Day.

Tea Turboslim

This is not a drug, but a dietary supplement made from natural ingredients. However, Turboslim tea is an effective remedy for getting rid of extra centimeters on the waist. Tea for weight loss is multifunctional, because it removes toxins and waste from the body, removes excess fluid, and this will help the disappearance of edema, significantly reduce body weight, and break down fats.

The tea consists of ingredients of natural origin in the form of Alexandria leaf, cherry stalk, corn silk, green tea extract, Cambodian garcinia extract, peppermint. The main effect of tea on the body is a laxative and diuretic effect - due to this, a decrease in human body weight occurs.

Coffee Turboslim

There are a large number of weight loss products on the dietary supplement market. Today, Turboslim coffee can be called the most popular. The principle of operation of this tasty drink is that caffeine and other components in its composition have a drainage effect on the body, removing toxins and excess fluid. The drink promotes easy weight loss without extra effort, because all the components speed up metabolic processes: antioxidants remove harmful substances, and nutrients help increase physical activity, thereby burning fat.

You can cleanse your body and reduce your weight not only with drinks, pills, a certain diet, but also with creams. For example, many people are familiar with Turboslim cream and how it effectively burns excess fat deposits. The cream is often used in combination with other means to reduce excess weight. The main function of this product is to moisturize the skin and restore elasticity.

Turboslim cream is produced in two versions: day and night. Manufacturers guarantee that any of them not only smoothes the skin, but also helps remove cellulite from problem areas and get rid of extra centimeters on the waist. The product is applied to the skin with massage movements, due to this, blood flow increases and weight loss occurs. It is better to use the cream with tea or coffee of the same series, because complex therapy always works more effectively.

Cocktail Turboslim

A protein shake with a pleasant strawberry flavor will relieve excess weight for men and women. The Turboslim cocktail burns excess fat due to the fact that its components accelerate metabolic processes in the body. The great thing about consuming a protein supplement is that fat mass is lost while muscle volume is maintained.

The Turboslim cocktail helps to significantly reduce your average daily calorie intake without the painful feeling of hunger. The nutritious drink controls appetite, which is very important in the process of losing weight. The shake replaces one meal, and a small portion before breakfast, lunch or dinner will significantly reduce your portions and satisfy excessive hunger.

Turboslim bars

A protein treat with chocolate icing activates metabolism, helping to burn excess fat, while it preserves a person’s muscle mass and relieves hunger. Turboslim bars are a low-calorie but satisfying snack between main meals. Just one 50-gram bar can provide the body with the necessary proteins that are needed for weight loss. This kind of product is ideal for those with a sweet tooth, because with it you can not only enjoy the taste of chocolate, but also lose weight.

How to take Turboslim

Administration and dosage depend on the type of drug. If you do not know how to take Turboslim, be sure to read the instructions included with the product. For example, you can drink tea for breakfast and dinner, but it is not advisable to get carried away with Turboslim coffee for weight loss: you can only drink it in the morning. Protein bars can be used as a snack at any time, and the Day and Night series speak for themselves.

Side effects

The Evalar company catalog contains many products, but these dietary supplements for weight loss, like any other medicine, in addition to the main advantages, also have disadvantages that can negatively affect a person’s health or well-being. For example, Turboslim Drainage in case of overdose can provoke an increase in blood pressure, and if used uncontrolled and frivolously, other drugs can cause a number of side effects:

  • nausea;
  • pain in the stomach, ulcer;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • weight gain;
  • gastritis;
  • dizziness;
  • dehydration;
  • food allergies;
  • fainting;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • insomnia;
  • dysbiosis.


Before taking a drug for express weight loss, it is important to take some precautions so as not to harm your health. So, Turboslim contraindications:

  • lactation period;
  • girls or boys under the age of 16;
  • individual intolerance to at least one component included in the dietary supplement;
  • pregnancy;
  • stomach upset;
  • some chronic diseases (you can find out in what cases you are allowed to take Turboslim from your doctor).

Price for Turboslim for weight loss

An important factor that people pay attention to is the cost of the drug, because not many will agree to buy an unfamiliar drug for several thousand rubles. The price of Turboslim for weight loss ranges from 400 rubles, while you can buy any product from the Evalar company in the online store, look at the products at the pharmacy, or even order the selected product for home delivery on the manufacturer’s official website.


Price in pharmacies

Price in online stores

Turboslim express weight loss

549-650 RUR/pack. (18 capsules+3 sachets)

RUB 547-710/pack (18 capsules+3 sachets)

RUR 426-480/30 capsules

RUR 402-704/30 capsules

Turboslim night

RUR 424-486/30 capsules

408-466 RUR/30 capsules

Cleansing tea

243-295 rubles

241-257 rubles

256-280 rubles

256-278 rubles

Body shaping cream day

RUR 317-330/100 ml

RUR 319-398/100 ml

Night body shaping cream

321-332 rubles/100 ml

RUR 323-332/100 ml


461-469 rub./pack.

RUB 456-649/pack


88-106 RUR/pcs.

99-114 RUR/pcs.


RUR 382-699/60 capsules

RUR 409-537/60 capsules

Tea for weight loss has always been considered a universal and affordable remedy. It must be taken over a long period of time. No side effects from the use of the drug have been recorded.

A whole line of dietary supplements for weight loss was released by the Russian Evalar brand entitled Turboslim. I especially loved it tea.

What is included in the dietary supplement, how long you need to drink this drink for weight loss and whether it is addictive, we will consider later in the article.

Turboslim tea for weight loss - instructions for use

Turboslim for weight loss is considered a dietary supplement. It is designed for weight control. Evalar also developed coffee for weight loss.


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The line consists of the following products:

  • Turboslim cleansing;
  • express weight loss;
  • appetite control;
  • calorie blocker;
  • drainage;
  • alpha;
  • Turboslim day and night.

The fat burning drug must be taken according to the instructions. It helps everyone in different ways. How much it should be consumed depends on the person’s weight.


Turboslim Cleansing helps you lose weight due to its laxative and tonic effect and decreased appetite. The instructions write that the digestive system and intestinal functionality are normalized.

The fat-burning drink of the Turboslim line has a natural composition:

  • green tea;
  • Garcinia Cambogia extract;
  • corn silk;
  • senna;
  • cherry petioles.

How to take Turboslim “Cleansing” tea:

  1. Cleansing tea is drunk 2 times. per day with meals.
  2. For brewing you need boiled water, cooled to 70 degrees.

Evalar advises taking tea with its other products and reinforce the effect with physical exercise. A diet is not needed, because appetite is already greatly reduced, as reviews say.

After 10 days of use you need a break. Since it contains caffeine, the drink is prohibited for hypertensive patients.

"Express weight loss"

The ingredients included in the composition accelerate the process of weight loss by at least two times.

Turboslim capsules "Express weight loss" divided into 3 doses - morning, afternoon, evening and sachet. The instructions indicate that Turboslim Express Weight Loss suppresses hunger, helps burn fat and removes excess fluid.

Also, when using the drug, the body is well cleansed. Each capsule serves its purpose. So, a morning dose helps burn fat and remove fluid. A person feels cheerful due to increased tone.

Daily capsules are aimed at suppressing appetite and accelerating the processing of fat cells. With the help of evening capsules, the body is cleansed and night weight loss is activated. It is advisable to take this drug at the same time.

"Appetite control"

Turboslim "Appetite Control" - chewable tablets that suppress hunger. It helps well with the diet, affecting the taste buds. These pills no need to chew.

Better keep it in your mouth as long as you can. Dosage: one tablet before each meal. Reception should be regular. This drug should not be stored in high humidity.

"Calorie blocker"

The drug is ideal for those who cannot control their appetite. Calorie blocker tablets will help learn to eat healthy foods in smaller portions.

Product helps reduce appetite, reduces “love” for sweets and stops the absorption of carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, fat deposits are used to obtain energy.

The composition maintains natural glucose levels, making it easy for the body to avoid sweets. Before it has time to be absorbed, fat molecules bind and are excreted. Reviews noted that the digestive system works better and spasms go away.

The instructions recommend accept Calorie blocker 3-4 pcs. before every meal. The course lasts 20 days, then a 2-week break is required. It is impossible to say how many courses you will need to lose weight.

Doctors say that Evalar products should be supported by sports. The drink or tablets should not be consumed for more than six months at intervals.

Turboslim "Express weight loss" - composition and rules of administration

As mentioned, Turboslim capsules are divided into 3 doses. Their composition and dose of substances differ.

So, express morning consists of extract:

  • guarana;
  • red seaweed;
  • grape leaves;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • ascorbic acid.

Per capsule per day extract includes:

  • garcinia;
  • prickly pear flowers;
  • corn silk;
  • senna;
  • chromium picolinate.

In the evening dose express weight loss includes extracts:

  • garcinia;
  • lemon balm;
  • senna;
  • fucus

As well as L-carnitine and chromium picolinate.

Capsules should be taken with food. 2 tab. in the morning and at lunchtime, 1 in the evening, and dilute the sachet in 1 liter of water and drink all day.

This technique observed for 3 days. Body shaping does not stop at one course. A nutritionist will advise you how much to drink.

How many times a day can you drink Turboslim “Drainage”?

This drink helps you lose weight by removing fluid and burning fat. Feedback says that “Drainage” significantly reduces swelling. The plant extracts included in the composition are not harmful to health.

« Drainage produces a grape flavor, other flavors are fake.

The instructions say that the dietary supplement is 2 tsp. diluted in 1 liter of water and drunk all day.

For emergency weight loss, use 0.5 tsp. funds for a cup of water and Drink 4 glasses. in a day.

An overnight appointment is required." Drainage" drink 10 days, 4 courses per year. Otherwise, the fat-burning drink will remove all the beneficial substances.

Turboslim Day - active weight loss during the day

Turboslim Day reinforced form is intended for daily use taking into account the rhythm of life. These capsules contain an increased dose of substances and have a drainage and decongestant effect.

All Evalar products are designed to stimulate fat burning and reduce appetite. This fat burning drug is needed combine with Turboslim Night.

Then you won’t need any diet, the capsules will work for 24 hours. Tablets are taken once a day, 2 pieces each. with food in the morning.

The optimal duration is 1 month. 2 months later costs repeat the procedure. Tablets a day are contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Rarely, the components of the product cause allergic reactions.

Turboslim Night - active weight loss at night

Night tablets reduce evening appetite and lead to natural weight loss at night. Thus, metabolic processes accelerate at night, and the body is cleansed in the morning.

The drug “Night” consists only of plant extracts. A person will not feel any unpleasant sensations at night.

You need to take 1-2 capsules at night. during dinner. Light meals help the absorption of substances, the emphasis is on fresh vegetables. Simple tea, coffee or juice will not help achieve the desired absorption. The remedy Night, like Day, is drunk for 1 month.

Turboslim "Alpha" - lipoic acid and l-carnitine

Alpha is designed to speed up metabolism. It helps cope with age-related weight loss and improper functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to Alpha's instructions uses after 40 years. Alpha lipoic acid in tandem with l-carnitine accelerates metabolism, and these substances are often lacking in the body.

The drug Alpha can be used not only to combat extra pounds, but also to consolidate the results of weight loss.

It will be more effective to combine Alpha tablets with fitness or exercise.

You need to take them for a month, 2 pieces at a time. 1 rub. a day before meals. People write that you need to take a fat-burning drug three times a year.

How to drink Turboslim coffee correctly?

Evalar tea and coffee are used in a special way. Slimming coffee you need to drink 2 packs. in a day writes instructions.

Brew 150 ml of boiling water, a full cup of water turns the drink into a liquid unsuitable for weight loss.

It is not forbidden to add milk powder and sweetener to a fat-burning drink when losing weight. The daily dose should be taken in the first half of the day in several doses.

Coffee can be combined with any diet; it contains 42 kcal. Some reviews write that prolonged drinking can cause diarrhea. It is better to discuss how much to drink with your doctor.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

The Evalar weight loss line has a number of contraindications. Tea, capsules Alpha, Drainage, Night and Day are prohibited for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and those who cannot tolerate the components of the drug.

It is not advisable to drink weight loss tea at night if you have insomnia. Increased excitability is observed at the beginning of using the product.

The fat-burning drink should be used with caution by hypertensive patients. The weight loss drug increased my blood pressure, and the acid caused a rash.

The manufacturer also writes that tea is harmful to persons under 14 years of age. All Evalar dietary supplements are prohibited for teenagers.

Side effects are not harmful to health. Thus, diarrhea may occur as a cleansing effect is observed. Popular tea from Evalar can cause itching, skin rash, insomnia and tachycardia.

Cases of overdose have been recorded. It manifests itself with diarrhea, vomiting, increased excitability and anxiety. Then the stomach is washed and tea is stopped for a while to allow the body to recover. No serious or dangerous consequences have been observed in practice.

Turboslim for weight loss has earned different reviews. People write that this is the most effective tea. There are reviews that write about losing weight by 7-9 kg per month. In these cases, the weight loss drug was taken in its entirety.
