Bearded man crossfit what's his name. What is strength, bearded man: CrossFit philosophy from Anton Galaguz. — What is the purpose of the competition in general?

There are now thousands of different sports in the world. There are many different areas: team sports, martial arts, athletics, weightlifting. It would seem that what else can be created... But it is possible not to create, but to transform and combine already existing species. A couple from the USA thought so, and around 2000 they invented CrossFit. And in Russia, especially recently, crossfit from the bearded man is gaining popularity.

In Russia, this sport became known only a few years ago. A healthy lifestyle is a trend and is popularized among the population. The realities of new times dictate new requirements. Nowadays, in order to be an attractive man, you need to be in excellent physical shape.

The spirit of new times is also transforming domestic sports. Access to the Internet and an abundance of information allow people to keep abreast of events. CrossFit was initially demonstrated on the Internet only by foreign athletes. Many were surprised by the abilities and possibilities of CrossFit. Active work has begun to introduce CrossFit in Russia. Along with foreign athletes, domestic specialists began to appear. Since this sport is quite new and fresh, it arouses interest among both beginners and experienced athletes. The CrossFit wave has swept all cities. Specially equipped rooms for classes are appearing everywhere. Among the domestic athletes, their own masters also appeared. One of them is the video blogger “Borodach”, Victor Galaguz.

Features of training with Victor Galaguz

Victor's biography as an athlete began with. By the time Galaguz became interested in CrossFit, he was already a fairly experienced athlete and had his own achievements and innovations, which he successfully implements into his own training system. Victor came to the conclusion that it was necessary to diversify his powerlifting training. For this reason, he decided to try his hand at a new direction.

Attracts with its versatility and efficiency. Training is not limited to the development of certain parameters, this is what Victor liked about this sport. His workouts are of interest to people. There are many people who want to study his program. The bearded man experiments and uses various types of training programs, which can be adjusted like a construction set to any need. He shows a high level of training and sets new standards in CrossFit.

The biography of Victor Galaguz is full of sporting achievements in sports. He has achieved great results and set records. At the moment, he has his own video channel and regularly posts videos of his workouts, and his beard gives his releases a brutal look. CrossFit from the bearded man is educational in nature. An important goal is to motivate young people to play sports. He is an excellent example and motivator in this area. You can take a lot of useful things from his videos. In his training, he shares his experience and gives sensible advice. At the moment, he is one of the brightest representatives of domestic crossfit.

Victor's program does not focus only on strength training. This is explained by the principled position regarding the development of weaknesses. For example, if you have strength but no endurance, then you need to focus on endurance. You shouldn’t forget about this, because you need to train everything as a whole, but you don’t need to focus on strength. Then your body will be evenly trained.

The bearded man is a proponent of the concept of scaling. Its meaning is that exercises should be individually selected to suit your physical parameters and abilities. You need to optimize everything for yourself, to suit your parameters. Therefore, Victor himself, although he adheres to the position of training weaknesses, focuses on strength exercises.

Training principles

The bearded man adheres to certain fundamental principles in training:

  • Cycling. Without observing this principle, it is impossible to achieve results and progress. All elements of training, from nutrition to exercise, require cycling. Cycling with the right approach will increase the effectiveness of your training. You should train during the body’s compensation period. Of course, it is impossible to build an ideal workout, but you can adhere to this principle as much as possible;
  • Priorities. First of all, you need to clearly understand what exactly you want to achieve. Because different goals require different types of training. A wide range allows you to do this. If you want to take several directions at the same time, then nothing will work. You always need to set a priority, a direction vector for training.
  • Nutrition. Victor himself adheres to a high protein diet. But eating exclusively meat was typical only for ancient people due to the lack of variety in food. A monotonous diet is also contraindicated by doctors, since it will not replenish the body with all the necessary elements. Moderation and variety should also be used here.
  • Work in the pulse zone. You should train in pulse zones, as this allows the body to be saturated with oxygen. The lack of air leads to muscle acidification, causing anaerobic glycosis, so you should know your norm. Use it to track your heart rate. CrossFit is, first of all, the line between undertraining and overtraining.

The main thing is to know your limits and not overwork yourself, to find a middle ground!

Victor Galaguz
is a famous video blogger from the okbody channel, known as “bo-ro-dach”. It must be said that Victor is in a monster of an excellent physical shape, both from the point of view of appearance and from the point of view of functionality that you and people need to look for the bearded man’s program. In fact, as such, there is no single program, since Victor is not a methodologist, he is an athlete and coach who uses different programs. ram-we training. At the moment, the bearded man is known to everyone as an expert in cross-fitting, but the “old people” remember that Victor Galaguz once set re-cords in power lifting. And, in fact, this “origin” affects his functional qualities to this day, since the greatest Viktor’s performance is de-monstrous precisely in strength exercises.

The bearded man's program, however, is not built around improving strength qualities specifically, since Victor believes that what needs to be trained is what is lagging behind. If the at-year-old is tall, but weak, it means endurance training there should be fa-cult-ta-tiv-ny-mi, and resources are aimed at developing strength, however, with bo-ro-da-cha everything is exactly the opposite. But this should not confuse you, since one of the main principles of tre-ning that Victor Galaguz “preaches” is mass-sta-bi-ro-va-nie. What does it mean? This means that every athlete is obliged to select such training programs that are suitable for him in accordance with his level of training, length of levers, muscle composition and other factors. Moreover, sufficiently experienced athletes or trainers can opt for ready-made training schemes for in-di -vidual features of the athlete, but for this you need to follow a number of rules.

Bearded Man Program Rules

Cycling: This is the most important principle of the program, which Victor himself calls fundamental, since it is impossible to progress for any long time without observing this principle. Why? Because you are using up your body’s resources and driving yourself into re-re-tre-ni-ro-van-ness . Everything should be cycled, from the micro to the macro period, from in-ten-siv-nos-ti to KPSh, from calorie content to the amount of protein, cycle everything follows. You can see exactly how to apply the cyclic principle in our previous article, but you should understand that the main purpose of the cycle is -di-za-tion is such a construction of a training program so that, if possible, you train every time at the moment super-com-pen-sa-tion . It’s clear that it’s impossible to build a training program in such a way that you manage to achieve this in every workout, but you need to choose such a consistency of training -ne-ditch certain muscular and non-muscular factors in order to train them at the moment of “re-re-establishment” as often as possible.

Priorities: We have already talked about one side of this issue above, namely, that it is necessary to train, first of all, what is “lagging behind.” But that's not all! It is important to understand what goal you are aiming for. If your goal is to look good, this is one priority, if your goal is to be very strong, this is another priority, if your goal is to be maximally functional. nym is the priority that CrossFit can solve. If you start to mix everything together, train functional, and strength, and biceps, and gain mass, at the same time you will lose weight, then you won't succeed. It is necessary to give priority and everything else to this goal. Want to do cross-fit? Get cross-fied! Do you want to be a powerlifter? Za-ni-may-tes power-lift-ting-gom! Do you want to be bo-di-bil-de-rum? Za-ni-may-tes bo-di-bil-din-gom! But there is no need to think that you are a “ram-bo” and can do something that the pions cannot do.

Nutrition: bearded man supporter « paleo diet » , which from our point of view is incorrect, since there are serious medical indications about the dangers of excessive consumption of protein products and one about-time nutrition. This doesn't mean we're for ve-ge-ta-rians-kuyu di-e-tu Moreover, a complete rejection of meat, cottage cheese and other products of animal origin is no less, and, most likely, more harmful than meat diet ta, but we believe that you need to know moderation in everything. Moreover, the re-co-men-da-tion of eating “natural”, “traditional” food is generally without any basis. By the way, these products are different for each nation, and it is not very clear what we are talking about. Okay, some argue that we should eat what our more common ancestors ate, but the diet of narrow-nosed hominids also varied depending on the oreo-la obi-ta. nia. In other words, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of this diet, there are only speculations and empirical experience, smeared with a whole series of facts. to-ditch What are we talking about? The fact that people who adhere to some kind of op-re-de-linen diet simply lead a generally healthier lifestyle than those who don’t watch their diet, so they are naturally healthier.

Bearded man training

Scheme: As mentioned above, there is no bearded man program as such, since Viktor Ga-la-guz uses completely different training schemes. Once upon a time, but that would have been powerlifting circuits , now these are CrossFit circuits. The bearded man’s first cross-fit scheme was “Linda”, but this is simply due to the nature of the exercises that are used in this “WOD”. Moreover, you must be absolutely clear that each person needs to use what suits him. It is for this reason that, for example, in weightlifting there are schemes for masters of the sport, for grade-level athletes and beginners. In the same way, you should approach the issue of training in cross-fit, gradually using more and more complex, intense and voluminous training. graduate programs, but you should start with the simplest!

Notes: It should be understood that the results of Victor Galagusa do not at all demonstrate the effectiveness of CrossFit, and, most likely, you will not achieve such results. Victor is a professional athlete who at championships proved that he is one of the strongest athletes in the world, so you don’t have to strive to become the same or surpass him. Well, everyone has their own capabilities, you should strive not to become the best in the world, but to become better every day. Perhaps one day you will surpass everyone, but you need to set yourself more realistic and short-term goals. It should also be noted that if you want to look just like Victor, then cross-fit is not the best solution for this. Therefore, decide on your priorities and act in accordance with them!

Strong and strong-willed, charismatic and colorful, Anton Galaguz is one of the most prominent representatives of the CrossFit community. World champion and bronze medalist of the World Powerlifting Championship, five-time champion of Ukraine, three-time winner of the Ukrainian Cup, record holder of Ukraine and Europe, has achieved impressive success in crossfit. He has repeatedly become a prize-winner of all-Ukrainian and European CrossFit competitions, and is now the chief judge of the Kyiv Battle tournament. Anton Galaguz shared his vision of CrossFit.

— Why did you decide to switch to CrossFit? When did it happen?

— Even in the days of powerlifting, I was quite functional: I ran, jumped, played football. In 2014, I tried CrossFit and I was hooked: I wanted to do more than the golden three. I felt like I could do well in the other movements.

Besides, I have already proven everything in powerlifting in Ukraine, but I need funding abroad. It was a difficult time (2014), so I switched sides.

— What mistakes did you make at the very beginning and what would you change?

— Then I thought that the load could be increased to the skies, since I had been in professional sports for 10 years. But that’s not true, CrossFit is different.

I wouldn’t change anything, mistakes teach us. I try not to regret anything because that would mean that this moment will be lived in vain. And I believe that everything is not in vain, including mistakes.

— How did CrossFit influence you?

- This is the best way to improve your quality of life, make a bunch of new acquaintances and friends.

In addition, I can lift the same weights as in powerlifting, but at the same time I can also run, jump, wallow on rings, etc.

— Why did you move to Lithuania and what are you doing there?

— We moved to Lithuania to work in the field of fitness and crossfit; it’s close to home and there’s almost no language barrier. Here I work, develop as a coach, go hiking and cycling, and play football. CrossFit in a maintenance rhythm

— What is the purpose of your CrossFit box? What is your approach to programming in the room?

— Our audience is 80% people who simply want to become healthier and look aesthetically pleasing, but many have the ambitions of athletes. We work with everyone. The programming is done by the brains of our team and my brother Victor.

— How is CrossFit different in Ukraine and Lithuania? What is Ukraine’s place in the European CrossFit movement?

— In Ukraine there is more emphasis on personal training, but here it is on groups. Otherwise everything is similar. Another difference is that Europeans treat their health more carefully than Ukrainians: free medicine is “to blame.”

— How do you assess the general level of CrossFit in Ukraine?

— In Ukraine, CrossFit is at a good level, although it is still young and green, but everything is ahead. Trainers are developing, the main thing is that development does not stop at receiving a CrossFit Level 1 certificate. This is very little.

— How do you assess the level of training of Ukrainian athletes and do they have a chance to qualify for the Regionals?

— There are definitely prospects in the future. I think young people will get there sooner than us pensioners who are about 30)

— Why are our athletes not yet competing at the CrossFit Games level?

— CrossFit Games participants have lived this way since their youth; they are professional athletes. We work in the gym and CrossFit is more of a hobby than our main activity.

When we grow to the point where the sport works for us, and not we for it, then the leap of our athletes will begin. And, of course, experience.

— Are there unified rules for holding CrossFit competitions and are they needed?

- No, we need general standards of movement, they exist. The main thing is that this is done by people involved in the sport, and not by ordinary passers-by.

— What is the purpose of the competition in general?

— The goal is to identify the most prepared at the moment and to popularize not only sports, but a healthy lifestyle. A person should engage in any physical activity; without sports he is not complete.

— Give some advice to sports fans who are interested, but still doubt whether they should try CrossFit.

- In doubt, life passes you by, and it is too short. You need to try, because millions of people cannot make mistakes when doing functional training.

I, as a person who doesn’t just pass by CrossFit, can say that this is the best type of activity at the moment. This is an objective fact, and not because I do it.

CrossFit is an improvement in the quality of life, body performance and the smile on the client’s face, 20 minutes after training. That's all. Thank you for your attention.

See you February 3-4 at the metropolitan complex "Acco International" at the Kyiv Battle 2018 tournament.

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In the CIS, circular functional training began to popularize Bearded man. Crossfit transformed and absorbed the best qualities of hundreds of sports, which were individually distinguished by the same type of stress on the human body and worked only certain types of muscle groups with the help of one type of exercise: aerobic or anaerobic.

CrossFit Bearded Man and video workouts for beginners

Having been studying for many years and tracking the results on myself, I outlined the basic principles Bearded man. Crossfit must be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

  • Classes should take place in the pulse zone. Cross-training involves the systematic development of a person, so it is necessary to strictly observe the loads so that there is no high tempo. To do this, you need to clearly monitor pulse fluctuations using a special device - a heart rate monitor. It allows you to keep your pulse normal, because with an increased pulse, too little oxygen enters the tissues with the blood. This is fraught with consequences - oxygen starvation of tissues and anaerobic glycosis.

  • Nutrition. Doesn't play a minor role. Protein foods should predominate in the diet, but there is no need to be zealous and take only foods rich in protein. Nutrition must be balanced, because all the elements that come with different foods are important for the body. In his addresses to followers Bearded man, crossfit video writes down with advice on the importance of a balanced, healthy diet.
  • Clear goals for the training process. Considering the diversity of cross-training and its various functions. You need to choose basic ones from one modality. We will talk about modalities below. After all, uniform combination of all modalities will not provide the desired result. The basis of the complex should be a base of exercises of one modality. The base should not be less than 50% of the exercises in the complex.

Principles of training according to the advice of the Bearded Man

Cross training consists of a huge variety of exercises that create different types of stress. To group exercises, modalities and directions according to the type of load were invented. Among them it is customary to distinguish:

  • Cardiac or metabolic modality. This direction in cross-training is aimed at stabilizing and increasing metabolic processes in the human body. help get rid of excess fat accumulation, strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

How to do CrossFit correctly
  • Weightlifting modality. This direction in circular functional training is intended primarily for building muscle mass and developing human strength characteristics. It is included in the program with other exercises for visual correction of the figure. Often these are basic in competitions.
  • Gymnastic modality. This direction in circular functional training is designed to develop the natural endurance of the human body and muscle tissue, and strength characteristics. With the help of exercises of this modality, you can effectively improve your health and correct your figure. Stabilization muscles and flexibility also develop well.

Victor Galaguz, aka Bearded man. Crossfit biography It dates back more than ten years; he has been following a healthy lifestyle and playing sports for a long time.

Initially, he was a supporter of powerlifting. Already while practicing this non-Olympic, but quite common sport, she introduced innovations into her training programs, focusing on her experience and achievements.

In order to improve the training process of powerlifting, he became interested in cross-training, which appeared at the turn of the millennium.

Who is the Bearded Man and why should we trust his advice?

Being one of the domestic pioneers, he compiled a lot of training programs that can be selected in accordance with the purpose of training. Issues Bearded man – crossfit video so that his followers can quickly and without health hazards achieve the desired results in training.

It organizes according to the system, which greatly simplifies the process of understanding the execution technique. In addition to all this, it determines the benefits that the training process brings to a person.

What are the benefits of CrossFit training?

He describes the following positive effects of cross-training:

  • Strengthening blood vessels and heart. With systematic exercise, the tone of the veins, arteries and capillaries significantly increases, and the heart muscle is trained.
  • Figure correction. With the help of regular exercise and the right selection of exercises, you can get rid of excess fat accumulation, add volume to some areas of the body and sharpen the relief in the muscles of other areas.
