The first football clubs of the Russian Empire: Obak Club, Sporting, Odessa Football Club and others. History of football and English football clubs Top 10 oldest football clubs in the world

Football in its modern form originated more than one and a half hundred years ago. It was then that the first football clubs in the world were founded, many of which have successfully survived to this day.

Having carefully studied the history of football, Futbol-Fan journalists compiled their own top-5 rating, which included the oldest teams on the planet. The key condition for the formation of the list is that at the time of its publication this or that club is in the rank of active, taking part in any regular club competition.


But first, let's talk about the history of the birth of football. World historians are still arguing where and when the idea of ​​playing “kick ball” originated. Some insist that they first came up with the idea of ​​kicking a sphere in China more than two thousand years ago. As evidence, there is a record of the game “kennat”, which was preserved in the annals of the Han Dynasty of the 1st century AD. The competitors were chasing a round ball made from rags and scraps of leather - a familiar principle, right?

Other experts argue that the roots of football should be sought in games that were popular during the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans. According to Pollux's notes, the players gathered on a flat field on which a middle line and two front lines were drawn. At the beginning, the ball was tossed in the center - and the two teams had to kick it over the opposing line. Fights and jostling were a common feature of those fights.

The history of football in its modern form dates back to the 19th century. School and university teachers in England managed to turn the chaotic and rough running after the ball into a game with their own clear standards. It was around then that the first football clubs were born. In 1848, the first set of football rules was adopted in Cambridge. Following this prototype of the regulations, football players were prohibited from catching the ball with their hands, scoring from offside, hitting opposing players and tripping them. The goal recording rule was also clearly stated. Since then, football has moved rapidly around the world, winning millions of fans around the globe!


"Sheffield" (Sheffield, England)

Year of foundation: 1857

Greatest achievements: none

Sheffield FC (not to be confused with the similarly named teams Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday) is the oldest football club in the world. It was founded back in 1857. The club has been active for more than 160 years, although even now it cannot be called formidable. Sheffield plays in Division One South of the Premier League North, the eighth-highest league in England.

However, this team from the city of the same name has always been a record middle peasant in English football. Sheffield cannot boast of winning domestic trophies. The club's greatest achievement is that its players have been called up to the England national team three times. However, this happened back in the 70s of the 19th century. But Inter Milan and the king of football Pele himself came to the solemn celebration of the club’s 150th anniversary!

Notts County (Nottingham, England)

Year of foundation: 1862

Greatest achievements: FA Cup (1894)

Along with Sheffield, Nottingham's Notts County is the very first football club in the world. But unlike its eternal rival, Notts is also the oldest professional club, as it currently plays in English League 2 (5th place in the 2017/18 season) - the fourth strongest division in the country. Alas, Sheffield will not be able to boast of playing even at this level for a long time.

“The Magpies,” as fans affectionately call their favorites, were founded in 1862. For a long time they played according to their own invented football rules, which were somewhat different from the canonical ones. However, this idea was quickly abandoned. And 25 years later, the English Football League was organized - and Notts County became one of its co-founders.

Stoke City (Stoke-on-Trent, England)

Year of foundation: 1863

Greatest achievements: League Cup (1972), FA Cup finalist (2011)

The very first football clubs originated in England - and Stoke City was one of them. This club was founded in Stoke-on-Trent in 1863 under the name "Stoke Ramblers". “Stoke” acquired its current name only fifteen years later. Fans quickly dubbed this team the “potters”: all because the region was famous throughout Britain for producing the best ceramics. The nickname stuck: now the “Potters” are known to every football fan.

Stoke played in the Premier League, the top English division, until the 2017/18 season. But they failed to stay in the elite: taking penultimate (19th) place, the “Potters” dived into the Championship. Thanks to the Stoke-on-Trent club's visibility, it has a strong following both in England and throughout Europe. They have no doubt: the demotion in class is just an annoying oversight that will be corrected in the very near future.

Nottingham Forest (Nottingham, England)

Year of foundation: 1865

Greatest achievements: European Cup (1979, 1980), European Super Cup (1979), English Champions League (1978), FA Cup (1898, 1959)

The oldest football club in the world, along with Sheffield, Notts County and Stoke, is the legendary English Nottingham Forest. It was founded in 1865, but gained real fame just over a century later. The name “Nottingham” in the second half of the twentieth century inspired fear in all the football giants of Europe. Of course: the “foresters”, under the leadership of the unforgettable Brian Clough, managed to triumph twice in a row in the most prestigious club tournament in magnificent style! We are talking about the brilliant victories in the European Cup of 1979 and 1980, which will forever go down in the history of world football.

It is not surprising that to this day Nottingham Forrest is among the top 10 most successful clubs in England! Alas, for now Notts are on the outskirts of the Championship. But Foresters fans do not lose heart and believe that their favorites will one day return to the Premier League.

“Banner of Labor” (Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow region, Russia)

Year of foundation: 1909

Greatest achievements: USSR Cup finalist (1962)

We have already talked about the oldest clubs in the world, all of which ended up with English passports. What is the oldest club in Russia?

As it turned out, this is a modest team “Znamya Truda” from Orekhovo-Zuevo near Moscow. The club was founded in November 1909 by the Charnock brothers, who came to work at the Morozov manufactory from England. In order to diversify boring everyday life and not lose physical shape, they introduced their factory colleagues to their favorite game. Football quickly caught the fancy of the Morozovites (this is the nickname the players of the team, originally called KS Orekhovo, have). Success came immediately: the Znamya Truda team won the Moscow championship four times in a row (1910-13).

The coolest achievement of the “Znamenovtsy” team is reaching the final of the USSR Cup in 1962. On the way to the decisive match, the players of the Znamya Truda team first passed Zone 1 of the RSFSR. There they defeated Volga Kalinin (2:0), Tekstilshchik Ivanovo (4:2 after extra time), Sputnik Kaluga (4:0) and Spartak Leningrad (5:0). After this, the Morozovites made it to the final all-Union stage. In the 1/16, Znamya Truda defeated Dynamo Leningrad (3:1), and then unexpectedly defeated Spartak Moscow (3:2). In the quarterfinals, the Znameniv team minimally defeated Dynamo from Kirovabad (1:0), and then defeated the Yerevan Spartak team with the same score. In the final they ran into the current trophy holder, Shakhtar Donetsk, to whom they eventually lost 0:2. Already in the 5th minute, the Pitman Valentin Sapronov managed to break the score, and a few seconds later Vitaly Savelyev scored the decisive goal.

Now the Morozovites are playing in the second Russian division (West zone), but they are not giving up hope for an early promotion in class.

Date of foundation

The oldest football club in the world, over the 153 years of its existence, has not been able to achieve any significant success in the sports field. Founded in 1857, the English football club Sheffield Football Club plays in the 8th division, with an average of 300 people attending its home matches, and its stadium seats only 1,200 spectators.

Last season 2009/2010, Sheffield finished 5th and had a chance to reach League 7 through the play-offs, but this task turned out to be impossible for the world's oldest football club.

The Sheffield Football Club from the city of the same name was created on the basis of a cricket club, and at the end of 1860 the very first football match in history between club teams was played.

These are the fans!

At one time, 3 England national team players played for Sheffield, although this “back in the day” was in the 70-80s of the 19th century.

It’s interesting that Sheffield’s honorary fans include such well-known figures in the football world as Sepp Blatter and Sven-Göran Eriksson.

Club anniversary

In 2007, celebrations were held in honor of the 150th anniversary of the club; Inter Milan came to visit the birthday boy. The match took place at the world's oldest active football stadium, Bramall Lane, built in 1855 (now owned by the more venerable Sheffield United club).

Also in 2007, Sheffield FC was inducted into the English Football Hall of Fame. Sheffield was also awarded the FIFA Order of Dignity, an award only Real Madrid has.

Oleg Skorodumov, Samogo.Net

It is believed that football originated more than 150 years ago. And at the same time the Odessa British Athletic Club was created. The OBAC club was founded by the English who lived in Odessa. At first, only subjects of the English crown played for the club. This was not due to discrimination against the population. Ordinary workers did not know how to play football, and there were no teachers, or rather, they could not afford such a game. The British played with the Romanians, as well as with the teams of English ships. A few decades later, several football clubs appeared, such as: “Sporting”, “Odessa Football Circle” and many others. Website " In the country" will tell exactly about those years of formation of the first football clubs of the Russian Empire.

A century ago, football reached St. Petersburg. The British brought him here. The first match took place in 1897. At the same time, a football club was created, which unites football fans. The club was called the “Circle of Sports Lovers.” In the same year, the football club held a team meeting. The “Circle of Sports Lovers” and the “Vasilevo Society” took to the football field. The guests defeated the hosts, the match ended 6:0. This score will forever be remembered by fans of domestic football.

In the 20th century, another formation occurred - the St. Petersburg Football League. This club includes dozens of the strongest teams in St. Petersburg. In 1901, the first place was taken by the Nevka club, which later became the strongest club in the city.

A few years later, following the example of Odessa and St. Petersburg, a football club appeared in Moscow. Then Kyiv and Kherson also acquired personal sports clubs. The British played the main role in Russian football. Only in England were professional players born. Players from Liverpool, Manchester and many other sports cities where football flourished for quite a long time arrived on Russian teams.

In difficult times under the Tsar, the team of the Russian Empire was founded. In 1911, there was an attempt in Russia to assemble a football team from professional players. Football players from large cities where it was developed were invited to the team. The Russian team consisted of players from Moscow and St. Petersburg. But Odessa residents were also part of the national football team. But the team was weak and were never able to win during the meetings. At the end of August in 1911, several games were played, which ended very poorly for our team.

A year later, the Russian team participated in the Olympic Games. The opening football tournament failed miserably with a score of 2:1 in favor of Finland. In the next match, the German team showed a wonderful game, and the Russians again could not win back. The score was 16:0. The following matches were played against the national teams of Norway and Hungary. And here the Russian team was unable to show its skills.
In 1912, the All-Russian Football Union was created, which included more than 30 large cities and the same number of football clubs. In 1912, a football match was held in the Russian Empire, which included St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kharkov. Odessa and Kyiv initially also planned to enter the club and show qualified play, but for independent reasons, the teams withdrew from participation. In the quarter finals, Kharkov lost to Moscow with a score of 1:6. The Kyiv team did not dare to take part in the game with St. Petersburg, and therefore was disqualified. In the semi-finals, Moscow and St. Petersburg met on the football field and showed a really beautiful game, which ended in a 2:2 draw. Due to the fog that was on that day, it was proposed to replay the match. Here the St. Petersburg team broke away from the Moscow team with a score of 4:1. The Odessa team was invited to play with the St. Petersburg team, but the game never took place. And in 1912, the St. Petersburg team was proclaimed the champion of Russia.

The second Russian championship took place in 1913. The teams were divided into “Champions of the North”. This included cities such as Moscow, Bogorodsk, St. Petersburg and Lodz, and the “Champions of the South”. The team of southern champions included such cities as Rostov-on-Don, Kyiv, Kherson, Odessa. The game started with ½ finals for the north and ¼ for the south. At the southern meeting, the team from Odessa was recognized as the absolute champion, and in the north - St. Petersburg.

The teams of Odessa and St. Petersburg met in the final. The match took place among the southern residents in Odessa and ended in victory for the Odessa residents. But the game was not meant to end quietly and calmly. The St. Petersburg team decided to challenge the game and filed a protest. The St. Petersburg team emphasized that the Odessa team had exceeded the limit of foreign players (there were 4 foreign players in the team). In turn, the Odessa team said that it was the first time they had heard about innovations in the rules. As a result, the All-Russian Football Union decided to cancel the match, and they decided to consider the national championship as not being played. A year after this incident, the war began, and football had to be forgotten for some time.

List of oldest football clubs

Football as a game appeared several thousand years ago. The ancient Romans, Egyptians and many other peoples played something similar to modern football. In the 19th century, the game originated in England, and since then football has gained enormous popularity. Every year more and more new football clubs appeared, some have long been disbanded, and some continue to exist to this day. Football portal Oursoccer brings to your attention a list of the oldest football clubs in the world.

England's oldest football club

Sheffield Football Club (not to be confused with Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday) is the oldest football club in the world. The team was founded by William Prest and Nathaniel Creswick. The football club, like many other English teams, was founded on the basis of the cricket club of the same name. The foundation of the football club took place in 1857, and in 1860 the first football match was played between Sheffield and Hallam. The team currently competes in the lower English divisions.

The oldest football club in Russia

In Russia the oldest football club is a team from Orekhovo-Zuevo near Moscow - Banner of Labor. The club was founded in 1909 by the Charnock brothers, who were workers at the Morozov manufactory. The team was called KSO (Orekhovo Sports Club). The team has not achieved great success in its history; it is worth noting only reaching the final of the USSR Cup in 1962, when Banner of Labor lost to Donetsk Shakhtar. In pre-revolutionary history, the team won the title of Moscow Champion 4 times.

The oldest football club in Italy

The oldest football club in Italy is a football club from Genoa - Genoa. The club was founded on September 7, 1893. During its history, the team was able to win the national championship 9 times.

The oldest football club in Spain

Oldest football club in Spain– Recreativo was founded on December 23, 1889. The club was founded by two Scots - Alexander Mackay and Robert Russell Ross, who worked as doctors in the mines. The club was created in order to provide active recreation for workers in the mines. The team was unable to achieve high results in the national championship. The best achievement was 8th place in 2007.

The oldest football club in Germany

The German football club Hamburg is the oldest football club in Germany. The club was founded on September 29, 1887, when two teams merged to form the Sports Club Germany. In 1919, the team received its modern name, joining 2 more teams. The team won the national championship 6 times and won the German Cup three times. The team has taken part in every German Bundesliga championship since its founding in 1963.

The oldest football club in Ukraine was founded in 1907. It became the Odessa British Athletic Club (OBAC). Two British citizens, at the personal request of the British Consul in Odessa, founded this team. The club did not live long and was disbanded in 1916.

The oldest football club in France

The football club Le Havre from the French city of the same name is the oldest football club in France. In 1872, the British residents of Le Havre decided to found a club in which both football and rugby players took part. The team became a purely football team in 1894. Le Havre currently plays in the second league. The best achievement was bronze medals at the French Championship in 1951.

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1. “Banner of Labor” (Orekhovo-Zuevo)

One of the oldest football clubs in Russia, founded on November 16, 1909 by factory workers from Morozovsk. Became the champion of Moscow 4 times in a row (1910-1913). Changed its name 9 times. The best achievement was reaching the final of the USSR Cup in 1962. Since 2007, it has been playing in the second division - first in the “Center” zone, and now in the “West” zone, and has still not risen above 12th place there.

2. CSKA (Moscow)

Founded on August 27, 1911 as a society of ski lovers. Changed its name 7 times. It began to be called CSKA only in 1960. Since Soviet times, he has become a champion 13 times, won the national cup 12 times, won the UEFA Cup and won the Russian Super Cup 6 times. CSKA became the first Russian club to keep the originals of all trophies. Over the last 16 seasons, it has not fallen below fifth place in the championship.

3. FC Kolomna

The Kolomna football club from the city of the same name was founded back in 1906 as a gymnastics society at a machine-building plant. In general, initially such a team did not exist, but in 1997 the Kolomna government decided to unite 2 football clubs - Avangard, founded in 1906, and Oka, created in 1923. In the modern history of the club, there has not been much success. Kolomna spent only 3 seasons in the West zone of the second division and never rose above 13th place.

4. “Chernomorets” (Novorossiysk)

The football club from Novorossiysk with an unremarkable emblem is also one of the oldest in Russia. It began in 1907. During this time, it changed its name 9 times. The first performance in the USSR Championship dates back to 1960. In 1988 he became the champion and winner of the RSFSR Cup. He competed 8 times in the Russian Championship, where he took sixth place 2 times. Since 2012, he has been playing in the “South” zone of the second division and is fighting well for access to the FNL.

5. Zenit (Penza)

Next year the Penza football club will celebrate its 100th anniversary. He has many achievements, but, however, within his region. It changed its name as many as 15 times (for 12 years it was even called “Spartak”). The club has never played in the country's top league and has never advanced beyond the 1/32 stage of the cup. For the last 7 years he has been playing in the “Center” zone of the second division and plays very unpredictably - he took both fifth and fourteenth places. At the end of the season, he settled on 11th place in the standings.
