Exercise therapy for radiculitis. General information. Radiculitis Treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis gymnastics

Any doctor will tell you that the best ally in the fight against inflammation of the radicular nerve is physical therapy. A properly selected set of exercises will help strengthen the spine, develop its mobility, strengthen the back muscles, and normalize their tone.

What benefits does physical therapy and gymnastics provide for radiculitis?

Physical exercises for radiculitis improve tissue metabolism and help eliminate congestion in muscle tissue and internal organs. In addition, lymph and blood circulation improves against the general background.

Systematic, properly selected exercises help increase the stability of the muscle corset and increase the clearance between the vertebrae. As a result, compression of the nerve root is reduced, its nutrition is improved, swelling is eliminated and metabolic processes in the body are normalized. Patients feel a decrease in the intensity of the pain syndrome, the mobility of muscles and tissues returns, and swelling in the area of ​​inflammation decreases.

In addition, exercise significantly reduces the risk of developing spinal diseases in the future.

Principles of prescribing exercise therapy for radiculitis

  1. When compiling a set of exercises, the following are first taken into account: the patient’s condition, stage and location of the disease. It is also important to note that physical activity cannot be used in the acute stage of radicular syndrome, as this can only aggravate the situation.
  2. Regardless of the general condition of the patient, the exercise regimen should be gentle. The complexity of the exercises should increase gradually: from simple to more complex, and with a gradual increase in load.
  3. Exercises must be combined. The course should contain both static and dynamic exercises. During classes, slight discomfort is allowed, but if acute and sharp pain appears, classes must be stopped immediately!
  4. Classes should be regular, not coursework; sometimes therapeutic physical education is recommended throughout life.

Rules for physical therapy and gymnastics

1. To minimize the load on the spine, all exercises are performed in a lying position, sitting or on all fours. In some cases, depending on the patient's condition, doctors may prescribe standing exercises.

2. At the beginning of the complex, the exercises are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the shoulders, arms and back. Next, the process includes physical activity that helps strengthen these muscle groups.

3. If there is severe pain, exercises on flexion-extension of the spine are excluded from classes. They can provoke an increase in intradiscal pressure and aggravate the clinical picture.

Contraindications for exercise therapy for radiculitis:

  • severe physical condition of the patient;
  • acute period of the disease;
  • cardiac decompensation.

Therapeutic exercises for radiculitis have few contraindications, but you should not try it on your own. Contact your doctor and select the optimal set of exercises.

Exercise therapy for lumbar radiculitis

Exercise therapy has proven to be highly effective in the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis. In this case, easier starting positions for the patient are selected purely individually.

We provide you with several examples of starting positions when doing physical therapy or gymnastics.

Before starting classes, you need to lie down on an inclined plane with an inclination angle of 20-45 degrees. The emphasis should be on the armpit area. You need to stay in this position for at least 5-10 minutes. The result of this exercise is stretching the spinal column, expanding the intervertebral spaces and reducing pressure on the nerve roots. For traction, exercises such as mixed hangs at the gymnastic wall, which are rocking movements on outstretched arms, are also used.

To unload the spine, use the starting position: standing with emphasis on your knees.

For cervicothoracic inflammation of the radicular nerve, exercises for the hands and forearms are performed with their support on the table, exercises for the legs - with support on the couch. In the future, provided the patient’s condition improves, starting positions are selected that complicate the exercises.

Examples of exercises for radiculitis

To conduct the lesson, prepare a stool or ottoman, knee-high.

  1. Starting position (IP): standing on one leg, the other bent at the knee on a stool. Bend your leg further on the stool and bend backward. Repeat 5 times for each leg.
  2. IP: sitting on a stool, clasp your knees with your hands. Straighten your legs alternately, five times.
  3. IP: sitting on the edge of a stool, holding the seat with your hands. Lean back with a straight back, each time try to lean as far as possible.
  4. IP: lying on the floor on your back, arms extended above your head, legs straight. Raise your torso and legs at the same time, forming a right angle. Repeat 5 times.
  5. IP: lying on the floor on your back, clasping the legs of a stool with your straightened arms behind your head. Slowly, without jerking, raise your legs, place them behind your head until your toes touch the stool.
  6. IP: emphasis on straight arms placed behind the back on the floor, legs on a stool bent at the knees (grasshopper position). Raise your pelvis up until a straight line is formed between your knees and chin.

​The bent legs remain motionless, and the arms are crossed on the chest. Lying on your back, you need to lift your head and shoulders off the floor for a few seconds. You should try to make movements smoothly. The result is a reduction in pressure on the spinal nerves.​

Exercises for the prevention of attacks of cervical radiculitis

​After this, you can move on to the exercises themselves, which are quite simple and their implementation will not take more than 20 minutes.​

​And also, constant performance of this gymnastics reduces the risk of relapse and secondary occurrence of similar problems in the future.​ ​For the next load, position on your back, arms extended along the body, legs forward. Straight legs are lifted horizontally above the floor and a “scissors” movement is performed, crossing the legs alternately. At the beginning of classes, it is recommended to start with five repetitions, gradually increasing to 10–15.​

​To relax;​

    Among the muscle relaxants used are Mydocalm, Baksolan, Sirdalud. However, they also have many side effects and must be used once.

    ​Lasègue's symptom - pain in the lumbar, gluteal regions and the back of the leg increases sharply when lifting a straight leg in a supine position;

    ​Hereditary predisposition.​

    ​Fourth group.​

It is known that the musculoskeletal system must be supported by performing special exercises. It is important that they are dosed, performed without jerking, smoothly, without making deep bends. Patients with radiculitis are strictly prohibited from lifting weights. Therefore, if you have a diagnosis of cervical, thoracic or lumbar radiculitis, it is best to perform a specially selected set of exercises so as not to harm your own spine. Gymnastics for radiculitis can be performed using a chair or stool. This complex looks like this:

​Below, we present their standard complex, but depending on the general condition of the patient, his age and medical history, they may change - some of them may be excluded, while others may be added.​

Any physical activity with diagnosed lumbar radiculitis should be performed only as prescribed by a doctor. Exercise therapy for radiculitis will be effective only if you perform a daily set of exercises, developed individually for each case, taking into account the patient’s age, the severity of inflammation, the presence of concomitant pathologies and other factors affecting health. The position is taken on the back. Extend your arms along the body, bend your legs at the knees. Focusing on the shoulder blades and legs, lift the lower back up from the floor, imagining a “bridge” and fix it for 5-10 seconds, after which they return to the starting position. Repeat 5–10 times.​


​In the subacute stage, together with drug therapy, ultraviolet irradiation of the lower back and legs along the affected nerve is carried out. Dejerine's symptom - pain increases during coughing and sneezing;

Exercises for the prevention of attacks of thoracic radiculitis

    ​Another attack of radiculitis can be caused by:​

    ​is a disease affecting the peripheral nervous system. With this pathology, compression and inflammation of the spinal nerve roots in the lumbosacral spine occurs.

    Here is one exercise that is effective for the neck muscles. To perform it, you need to lie on your stomach with your toes straightened along their entire length. Your fingers should be placed on your shoulders and your elbows should be pressed to your body. Inhale and lift your head up using the neck muscles, then raise your shoulders and body. Only your stomach should remain pressed to the floor. After holding in this position for a maximum of 10 seconds, you need to return once. Repeat up to 10 times, depending on the degree of training.​

Exercises for the prevention of attacks of lumbar and sacral radiculitis

    However, before starting the exercises, you must wait until the acute period of the illness has passed. Otherwise, instead of benefit, the complex will only provoke increased inflammation. When starting to practice, it is worth considering that it is best to perform the complex daily, immediately after waking up. It will not take much time; 20 minutes will be enough to help the spine cope better with sciatica. After just 2 weeks you will be able to feel the first results.​

    ​Stand in front of a chair with your leg bent at the knee. It is necessary to bend the torso back while simultaneously increasing the flexion of the leg at the knee joint. After 5 repetitions, the other leg is placed on the chair.​

    ​But, in general, the therapeutic exercise will remain unchanged:​

    ​The indication for physical therapy exercises will be the diagnosis itself, and the principles of their prescription are as follows:​

    ​For the next exercise, lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides and place your palms down. The movements are performed with the legs bent at the knees, which are placed together in different directions alternately from the body. Repeat 10–15 times.​

    ​Passive and active exercises for the legs while lying on your back.​

    ​Electrophoresis is often used with various medications: a solution of novocaine, a mixture of solutions of phenol, dicaine and adrenaline, with virapine ointment. Electrophoresis is also done with therapeutic mud extract. For infectious radiculitis - with salicylates, a solution of copper, lithium.​

    Bonnet's sign - on the affected side the fold under the buttock is smoothed out;

    ​Physical overexertion;​

    This disease occurs quite often. According to statistics, about 10% of the adult population is affected to varying degrees. The risk group includes people of working age from 35 to 50 years. The main cause of the disease is degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine (osteochondrosis).​

    ​Back bend exercise. Performed standing on all fours, up to 7 times. The head should remain straight at all times.​

    ​The complex consists of 4 groups, each of which is aimed at a specific part of the cervical and shoulder spine.​

Just two exercises eliminate acute lower back pain in just 5 minutes

​Sitting on a chair, you need to put your palms on your knees and alternately raise and lower your legs.​


Causes, symptoms and treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis

What is lumbar radiculitis?

​In a standing position, with your legs together, raise your arms in front of you, and raise them up as you inhale, lowering them as you exit;​ ​Physical exercises are not prescribed during an exacerbation of radiculitis of the lumbosacral region;​

​Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your chin. The straight leg is raised above the floor and fixed for 5–10 seconds, after which it is lowered. The same is done with the second leg. The movements are repeated with each leg 10–15 times.

​During the introductory period, the main focus is on relaxation skills: the muscles of the arms, legs, and torso relax at rest and while performing basic movements.​

Causes of lumbosacral radiculitis

​In the acute stage of discogenic radiculitis, pulsed ultrasound therapy is prescribed, in which a mixture of analgesics can be used as a contact substance. As symptoms subside, ultrasound is used in both pulsed and continuous mode. When radiculitis is infectious, a combination of ultrasound with hydrogen sulfide and sodium chloride baths is effective.​

​Neri's symptom - pain in the lower body intensifies when the head is tilted sharply forward.​


​Lumbosacral radiculitis is usually characterized by a chronic course, with periodic exacerbations of varying duration. The development of the disease is provoked by being and working in poor climatic conditions and significant physical stress on the spine.​

​Exercise “lifting the body”. Performed lying on the stomach with emphasis on the hands, the torso is lifted off the floor, up to 6 times.​

​First group​

    ​The next exercise is best done on a chair without a backrest. You need to sit on its edge and wrap your arms around the seat or legs behind your back. It is necessary to make several deviations of the body back without bending the back.​

    ​In the same position, but with your hands down, smoothly step from heel to toe and back;​

    ​Regardless of the severity of the disease, the exercise therapy regimen must be gentle;​

    ​In a lying position on your stomach, you should stretch your arms forward and duplicate the previous task, but raise your left hand together with your right leg and vice versa.​

    ​In the main period, stretching exercises are added. Each exercise should end with relaxation of the muscles of the whole body. Hand hangs on a horizontal bar or gymnastic wall for 30-60 seconds are useful.​

    ​Diadynamic currents have shown themselves to be effective, in which small electrodes are installed on the exit zones of the nerve roots and along the course of the affected nerve.​

    Radiculitis caused by osteochondrosis is also characterized by external changes in the body: straightening of the lumbar lordosis, increased kyphosis, scoliosis with bulging towards the affected side. With pathology of the disc between the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae, scoliosis may develop with a curvature in the healthy direction.​

    ​Colds, flu;​

    ​Lumbosacral radiculitis is a complex of symptoms that occur when the spinal cord roots are irritated or compressed. This is not an independent disease, but a pathological process that is secondary in nature.

​Exercise “Month”. It is performed lying on your back, arms extended along the body, the body bends in the thoracic region, then the head and legs are raised up to 6 times.​

    ​. All exercises in this group will be performed from the same starting position. The practitioner should stand straight, legs apart, but not wide, but to the middle of the shoulders. The shoulders and body must be fixed; during exercise they must be motionless, while the neck, on the contrary, should be kept in a relaxed state.​

    ​Being in the same starting position, you should raise your straight legs and alternately, as if rowing, raise and lower them without touching the floor.​

    ​Stand with your hands on your belt and your feet shoulder-width apart and, bending your right leg, tilt your body to the left, and then, bending your left leg, to the right;​

    ​Exercises are performed in stages - from simple to complex;​

    You should take a position lying on your stomach, legs extended, hands on your shoulders. Next, with bent arms, movements are performed as in breaststroke swimming, 10–15 times.​

​As the pain subsides, you can include strength exercises in your classes (with objects or when your own body weight plays the role of a burden).​

In case of severe infection, physiotherapy is supplemented with injections of antibiotics or methenamine (intravenous).

    The cause of infectious infection of the nerve roots of the lumbosacral region can be acute (influenza, malaria) or chronic (brucellosis) infections. The pain intensifies when the body is tilted forward and does not increase during the load on the spine. Vegetative disorders are possible. In this case, when the inflammatory process subsides, the pain stops relatively quickly. There are no abnormalities on the x-rays.​

    ​General intoxication;​

    ​Previously it was believed that the cause of radiculitis was infection. Currently, most experts are of the opinion that it is one of the consequences of the development of osteochondrosis (degenerative changes occurring in the intervertebral discs).​

    ​To begin with, the body needs to be prepared, which means stretching. To do this, you need to walk in place, actively, but not for long, 3 minutes is enough.​

​Having stood up in this way, you can proceed to perform the following movements:​

​You need to lie on your back and grab the legs of a chair that has been previously placed behind your head at arm's length. Slowly raising your legs, you need to try to reach it with your socks.

​Stand with your legs slightly apart, squat as you exhale, and return to the starting position as you inhale;​​The gymnastics course should be combined and include both dynamic and static exercises;​

    Lie on your stomach, legs stretched out, and hands clasped behind your back. Raising your head and shoulders up, connect your shoulder blades together. The exercises should be repeated 10–15 times.​

    ​Corrective exercises to correct posture can be done only after the pain syndrome has completely stopped.​

    For lumbar radiculitis caused by osteochondrosis, traction on an inclined plane is of great importance. It can be carried out on a simple bed, the head of which is raised by 10-15 cm. The patient's body is fixed at the level of the head. Traction can be short-term (2-3 times a day for 10 minutes) or long-term (up to 2 weeks), depending on individual tolerance.​

    Treatment of the disease is carried out depending on the causative factors (infectious-inflammatory or disc-related) and its stage (acute or chronic).

    ​Sharp or awkward movements of the lumbar back.​

​When the intervertebral discs of the spine receive insufficient nutrition, qualitative and structural changes of a non-inflammatory nature begin to occur in their tissues. The fibrous ring surrounding the nucleus pulposus of the disc dries out and hardens, and cracks form in it. As the degenerative process develops, the core of the disc, together with the fibrous ring, protrudes into the intervertebral canal (disc protrusion), or the fibrous ring ruptures and the core comes out (herniated disc).

​You need to stand up straight and stretch your arms forward, then inhale and raise them above your head, bend your body (up to 10 repetitions).​

​Tilt your head forward, optimally if the chin touches your chest. You need to make 10 sliding movements in different directions.​

The next exercise is also performed lying on your back, but a chair is placed under your legs bent at the knees. You need to place your hands under your pelvis and, leaning on them, lift it several times.​

    ​Lying on your back with your hands on your belt, while inhaling, raise, first, your right arm and left leg, then, conversely, your left arm and right leg, and at the exit return to the starting position;​

    ​For complete recovery, physical education should be regular, in severe cases - throughout life.​

    Lie on your back, arms extended along the body, legs forward. Next, one leg is bent at the knee and pulled to the chest, and then slowly returned to its original position, after which the leg is changed. Repeat 5–10 times.​

    ​A small training complex can be viewed in the following video:​

    ​Indications for surgical intervention are (in combination):​

    ​Conservative treatment is complex and includes:​

    ​Thus, the causes of lumbosacral radiculitis are of a polyetiological nature.​

Drug treatment of lumbar radiculitis

​The height of the intervertebral discs decreases, and the ligamentous apparatus is weakened. To compensate for excessive mobility and prevent possible displacement of the vertebrae, bony projections called osteophytes grow on the edges of the vertebrae.

​Bending the legs with the torso tilted in different directions. When tilting to the right, the left leg bends, and vice versa, while the hands are on the belt (up to 5 repetitions).​

​Tilt your head back so that your chin points to the ceiling. Hold this position for half a minute.​

​Standing on all fours, while inhaling, bend your back and stretch your neck forward, and while inhaling, lower your head and arch your back, straining your stomach.​

​As for contraindications for any physical activity for radiculitis of the lumbar region, these include:​

Lie on your back, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. Next, clasping your knees with your hands, pull your legs towards you and slowly turn your body, alternately to the right and left. This should be repeated 5–10 times. Performing these manipulations provides a good massage for the lumbar back.​

​Pain syndrome that is not amenable to conservative treatment for 3-4 months;​

​Bed rest (in the acute period);​


​Common symptoms of lumbosacral radiculitis include:​

    As a result, bulging or protruding discs, coupled with soft tissues that are injured by osteophytes, put pressure on nearby nerve endings of the spinal cord, which causes a characteristic pain syndrome. The progression of osteochondrosis can lead to complications such as stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal. This process can also involve foraminary canals. Bundles of nerve fibers exit the spinal canal through the foramin openings between the vertebrae and are directed to the lower limbs and internal organs. Their compression causes characteristic symptoms of sciatic nerve entrapment.​

    ​Bends to the right and left legs alternately. In this case, the legs are shoulder-width apart and the arms are completely relaxed. When bending, you need to touch your knee with your hands (up to 5 repetitions).​

    ​Tilt your head in different directions. It is better that it touches the shoulders.​

    ​All of the above exercises, for radiculitis of the lumbar region, should be done at least 5 - 10 times in one session. And after a month of regular training, you will be able to feel the first results.​

    ​Exacerbation of inflammation of the radicular nerves;​

Exercises for radiculitis

​The exercise duplicates the previous one, but the torso is rotated alternately forward and backward, massaging the entire spine. Should be repeated 5–10 times.​

For radiculitis, a more effective method of combating is gymnastics, which includes exercises to strengthen the spine and develop its capabilities thanks to trained muscles. In case of radiculitis, it is very important to pay close attention to strengthening the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Since in the case of weak muscles in the lumbar region, a greater deflection of the spine occurs, which causes problems with the lower back. It is for this reason that strengthening the abdominal muscles with radiculitis is the main goal of therapeutic exercises.​

​Severe neurological symptoms;​

    ​Wearing a corset to immobilize the spine;​

    ​Pain syndrome of varying intensity and localization, which is aggravated by sudden movements of the lower body, falls, heavy lifting and other physical activity on the lower back;

    ​In addition, the development of lumbosacral radiculitis can be provoked by:

    ​While in a squat with your legs slightly apart, you need to stretch your arms forward. Exhaling, the person rises and lowers his hands (up to 10 repetitions).​

​Rotate your head in a small circle - 15 times in different directions.​

​There are exercises that a patient in any physical form can cope with:​

​Return to contents​

​Unsatisfactory general condition of the patient;​

​For radiculitis of the lumbar spine, you should start gymnastics with five repetitions of each exercise, gradually increasing the load to the recommended number of repetitions.​

To perform exercises for radiculitis, you need a hard surface. The optimal solution would be a floor on which you can lay a rug or towel. You need to wear comfortable clothes; an excellent option would be a tights below the knees and a T-shirt. The study room must be warm. The entire complex is carried out in a lying position on the floor. During execution, it is necessary to control the spine, which should be in the most gentle position.​


​Signs of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the discs on an x-ray;​

Set of exercises

​The use of drugs that relieve inflammation (in the form of injections, tablets, external use);​

№ 1

​Increased pain when coughing, sneezing, tense abdominal muscles;​

№ 2

​Spinal injuries;​

№ 3

Raising the right straight arm and left straight leg from a supine position. The arm and leg alternate alternately (up to 7 repetitions).​

№ 4

​Rotate your head in a large circle with shoulder rolls, so as not to injure the cervical spine.​

№ 5

​You need to get on all fours and, relaxing your abdominal muscles, bend your back down. When your stomach tenses, you should arch your back. The exercise consists of 8-10 repetitions. Bending is done at the moment of inhalation, and arching is done at the moment of exhalation.​

№ 6

​Often physical therapy classes are carried out in specialized rooms, but you can do the exercises at home. The time for gymnastics should be chosen in such a way as not to perform the complex immediately before or immediately after a meal. Experts recommend doing exercise therapy no later than 2 hours before meals and no earlier than half an hour after it. There is no special equipment for gymnastics for radiculopathy, but it is better for the patient to dress in loose clothing made of wool or cotton. Often exercise therapy exercises are designed to be performed on all fours, in a sitting or lying position. Sometimes therapeutic exercises are performed in a standing position: the doctor makes the prescription of such exercises dependent on the patient’s condition. Performing the exercises takes about 20 minutes a day, and the duration of the exercise therapy course is 30 days.​

№ 7

​Severe heart damage.​

№ 8

​In the intervals between each subsequent exercise, you should relax the muscles of the body, arms and legs as much as possible.

№ 9

You should lie on your back with your arms extended along your body, and your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. After which, in this position, you should tense your abdominal muscles. In order to make sure that the task is completed correctly, place your hand on your stomach at the moment the muscles tense, they should become hard. And also the spine in the lumbar region bends slightly upward. Muscle tension is performed without holding your breath. If pain occurs at this time, you need to change the position of your legs by placing them on the floor. This should be done 10–15 times.​

№ 10

​Changes in the composition of cerebrospinal fluid;​

№ 11

​The use of muscle relaxants that eliminate muscle spasms in the lumbar region;​

№ 12

​Limitation of movements when bending the body to the sides, forward and backward;​

№ 13

​Tumors of the peripheral nervous system;​

№ 14

​Staying on your back, you need to squeeze your legs together and bend them at the knees. The body should remain firmly pressed to the floor, and the knees should be tilted alternately in different directions (up to 6 repetitions).​

Stretching and relaxing the spine

№ 15

​Second group.​

№ 16

​When performing the next exercise, you need to lie on your back and bend your knees. When exhaling, the legs brought together should be moved alternately to the left and right, and when inhaling, returned to their original position.​

№ 17

​Despite the common assertion that sport is life, you should not start gymnastics on your own if you have radiculitis. The right decision should be to contact your doctor to draw up an individual program of therapeutic exercises in order to get rid of this disease and prevent its recurrence.​

​After the first exercise, muscle pain may occur, which will go away after a few days. These exercises can be performed both for radiculitis and as a form of prevention. By regularly doing gymnastics for radiculitis of the lumbar region, by performing the exercises described above, you can well strengthen the abdominal muscles, thereby relieving the load on the lumbar region, as well as making the spine more flexible and mobile.​

​For this exercise, you need to stretch your arms along your body, and bend your legs at the knees and fix them on the floor. Next, raise the upper part of the body, making sure that the legs do not come off the floor surface. Fix the pose for 5–10 seconds and slowly take the starting position. After a five to ten second rest, repeat 10–15 times. In the future, you should complicate the manipulations by moving your hands behind your head.

The undeniable benefits of physical therapy

​Motor disorders;​

  • ​Physiotherapeutic procedures that provide analgesic and preventive effects;​
  • ​Motor problems such as the inability to stand on your toes or bend your toes.​
  • ​Other diseases such as arthritis or spondylolisthesis;​

​Bend the back from the “kneeling” position, the emphasis should be on the palms, the stomach should be relaxed, and the head should be raised up (up to 10 times).​

​This group of exercises involves working out the shoulder girdle. In this case, you need to stand straight, extend your arms shoulder-width apart, and move them in a circle, first with both shoulders, and then with each one separately.​

Indications and contraindications

​Here are descriptions of only some exercises that help cope with the consequences of lumbar radiculitis. A specific complex of exercise therapy should be prescribed only in a medical institution after a complete examination of the patient. However, by doing them regularly, a person can prevent an attack of radiculitis. Despite the fact that with this type of training physical activity is minimal, the exercises have a beneficial effect on the mobility of the spine and strengthening the muscles in the lumbar region.​

​Patients whose condition allows them can engage in traction of the spinal column on the wall bars, performing swinging hangs.​

  • ​Regardless of which exercises were selected by a specialist to relieve pain and quickly get rid of radiculitis, the rules for their implementation will remain unchanged. They relate to the position in which they will be done, the time of exposure to physical activity and regularity.​
  • ​Specially, individually designed gymnastics for radiculitis allows not only to relieve pain, but also to speed up recovery, increasing the effectiveness of medications. It promotes:​
  • ​Lying on your back, you need to stretch your legs forward and your arms along your body. One leg bent at the knee, lifted, unbent along the hip line and slowly lowered to the floor. After repeating 10–15 times, move on to the next leg. Afterwards, the task is performed with both legs at once.​
  • ​Pelvic organ dysfunction.​
  • ​Spinal column traction;​

​Depending on the level of damage, pain can be localized in different parts of the body: in the lumbar and gluteal regions, back and front of the thigh, calf and calf muscles. Also, pain syndrome can affect both one and both sides of the body. This is explained by the nature of the protrusion of the intervertebral discs (median or lateral).​

  • Inflammatory process in the paravertebral soft tissues;
  • ​You need to sit on a chair and lean on your hands behind your back. Perform cross movements with your feet, similar to the actions of scissors (up to 10 repetitions).​
  • ​Another exercise from the same starting position is forward and backward movements performed by the shoulders.​

​Even greater effectiveness of rehabilitation measures is achieved when physical therapy is combined with massage. It should only be performed by an experienced specialist, since inept manipulations will only lead to aggravation of the pathology.​

Rules for performing a set of exercises

​In another method, the patient lies on an inclined (25-45°) plane and remains in this position for about 10 minutes. During this time, the spine will elongate somewhat, increasing the space between the vertebrae and reducing pressure on the spinal nerves.​

All exercises prescribed for lumbar radiculitis, in most cases, are performed in a lying position, on all fours or sitting. This eliminates too much stress on the spine. It is extremely rare, but still, according to individual indications, the doctor may prescribe exercises in a standing position, clearly limiting their time.​

​Improved blood circulation;​

​From a position on your back, with your legs slightly bent at the knees and your arms along your body, perform the following manipulations. Extending the left hand forward, place it on the right knee. At the same time trying to reach his head with his right knee, and creating an obstacle for him with his left hand. Perform the task with little effort for ten seconds. This is followed by a ten to fifteen second rest and repetition of the manipulations 10–15 times. Next, they change limbs and continue to do the exercises.​

A set of effective exercises

​Therapeutic exercise is an important component of therapy. It should be done under the supervision of a doctor in the chronic stage of the disease and in subacute periods, to prevent relapses.​

​Mental physical therapy exercises aimed at strengthening muscles and forming a muscular corset that supports the spine.​

​When the nerve endings located under the I-II lumbar discs are damaged, lumbago in the lower back and buttock, pain sensations running along the back and lateral surfaces of the thigh are observed. When the nerves of the IV-V lumbar discs are affected, the pain descends to the front of the lower leg, calf muscle, lateral ankle and heel; Impaired flexion of the foot and big toe appears.

Metabolic disorders (deposits of lime salts that provoke the formation of osteophytes);

  1. ​From the “sitting on a chair” position, you need to rise up, using your arms as much as possible (up to 10 repetitions).​
  2. ​Third group.​
  3. The simplest exercise therapy exercises for radiculopathy are performed as follows:
  4. ​Since physical therapy involves a gradual increase in load, for radiculitis, gymnastics is prescribed to relax the neck, chest, back and shoulder muscles. And then, to strengthen them, physical exercises developed for each specific case are performed.​
  5. ​Increase in vertebral lumens;​

​Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. It is necessary to raise straight legs together above the floor to a distance of thirty centimeters. The pose is fixed for five seconds and slowly, the legs are returned to the starting position. Repeat 10–15 times.​


​Before starting classes, it is necessary to assess the condition of the spine, check the gait, and identify the tolerance of traction and movements that increase pain. For discogenic radiculitis, back traction is a mandatory part of therapeutic exercises and is performed at the beginning and end of the complex.​

How to do therapeutic exercises correctly

​To this day, the most effective drugs are from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They stop inflammation and relieve swelling. However, NSAIDs have a number of contraindications, have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and are not recommended for long-term use.​

The acute period of radiculitis lasts on average for 2-3 weeks. The following set of specific symptoms is also used to diagnose it:

  1. ​Autoimmune pathologies;​
  2. ​Holding firmly onto the back of the chair with one hand, you need to lean forward and touch the toe of your foot with the fingers of your free hand. Then change the side of the support (up to 6 repetitions).​

Description of exercise therapy

Must be performed while sitting. To begin, you need to rest your elbows on a hard surface, placing them 20 cm apart. One hand goes under the chin, the other on the back of the head, the head is turned, with a little help from the hands and fixation for 20 seconds. Five times in different directions.​

  1. ​Massaging problem areas, like therapeutic exercises, improves metabolism in disease-affected areas, helps increase muscle tone, and, in necessary cases, achieve muscle relaxation.​
  2. ​You need to lie on your stomach and put your hands behind your back. Interlace your fingers behind her. Without lifting your feet off the floor, you need to raise your head and chest 8-10 times. The first time you need to stay in this position for 5 seconds. With each repetition, the hold time increases and is brought to 20 seconds by the end of the exercise. By performing such movements, the patient reduces pressure on the nerve roots in the lumbar region.​
  3. ​For those patients who note intense painful sensations, exercises aimed at flexion and extension of the spinal trunk are excluded from the physical therapy complex, since they can only aggravate the situation and slow down the effect of therapy.​

Exercises with a chair

​Activation of metabolism.​

  1. ​The next exercise to strengthen the lumbar region and abs is the well-known “bicycle”. Take a position, lying on your back with your arms extended along your body, and imitating riding a bicycle, begin to pedal with your feet.​
  2. ​Main exercises of the complex:​
  3. In case of a sharp exacerbation, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ortofen tablets are taken; in the future, after the pain has subsided, it is better to use ointments and creams that are applied to the areas where the pain is localized. These include Finalgon, Apizartron, Diclofenac, Nise, Indomethacin. Viprosal, an ointment based on snake venom, has proven itself well. Providing a local irritating effect, it improves blood circulation in the affected area.​
  4. ​Regular increased load on the spine;​
  5. ​Standing straight, you need to roll from heel to toe, while alternately raising one or the other hand up. There is no limit to the number of repetitions; you need to perform the exercise for up to 2 minutes.​

The most effective resistance to radiculitis will be gymnastics - this is a set of effective exercises that will help you strengthen the spine and develop its functionality due to trained muscles. It is especially important to strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall in case of radiculitis.

If they are weak, then there is an even greater deflection of the spine in the lumbar region and this is where problems arise in this place. Therefore, the goal of therapeutic exercises for radiculitis is primarily to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

To perform the exercises, you need a hard surface - it is best to lie on the floor, put a terry towel or a small rug under it. The room should be warm, and you should wear tights on your legs that cover your knees. The entire set of exercises is performed lying on the floor - in the most gentle position of the spine.

The main set of exercises for radiculitis

1. Starting position - lying on your back, legs slightly bent at the knees, arms lying along the body. In order to perform this exercise correctly, place your hand on your stomach: tighten your abdominal muscles, you should feel that they have become hard, without straining or holding your breath. Repeat 10-15 times.

If you perform the exercise correctly, the lumbar spine bends slightly upward. If you experience pain while performing the exercise, you can slightly modify the exercise - put your feet on the floor, left or right.

2. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees on the floor, arms lying along the body. Raise your upper body slightly, while keeping your legs on the floor. Hold this pose for 5-10 seconds and then slowly lower your torso to the floor. Take a break for 5-10 seconds and repeat the exercise another 10-15 times. At first, perform the exercises with your arms extended forward, but later on, make it more difficult by placing your hands behind your head.

3. Starting position - lying on your back, legs extended forward, arms lying along the body. Bend one leg at the knee and lift it slightly off the floor. Then straighten it along the hip line and slowly lower it. Repeat 10-15 times. Do the same with the other leg. And then perform the exercise 10-15 times, lifting and bending both legs together at the knee.

4. Starting position - lying on your back, legs slightly bent at the knees, arms lying along the body.Extend your right arm forward and place it on your left knee. Bend your left leg at the knee, while at the same time resting your right hand on your knee, and do not let it get closer to your head. Do it with little effort for 10 seconds, then rest for 10-15 seconds and repeat the exercise another 10-15 times. Do the same, changing position: your left hand should rest on your right knee.

5. Starting position - lying on your back, place your arms along your body, stretch your legs forward. Raise both legs above the floor, 30 centimeters from the floor. Hold this pose for 5 seconds and slowly lower your legs to the floor. Repeat 10-15 times.

6. Starting position – lying on your back, place your arms along your body. Make a “bicycle” with your feet - spin imaginary pedals.

7. Starting position - lying on your back, stretch your legs forward, place your arms along your body. Lift both legs off the floor and perform horizontal scissors with your legs - alternately crossing your straight legs in front of you. Start with 5 repetitions and gradually increase to 10-15 repetitions.

8. Starting position – lying on your back, place your arms along your body. “Bicycle” with your feet - spin imaginary pedals in the opposite direction.

9. Starting position - lying on your back, place your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees. We make a “bridge” - resting your shoulder blades on the floor, straighten and lift your lower back from the floor upward.Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.

10. Starting position - lying on your back, bend your knees, spread your arms to the sides, palms down. Alternately place both legs bent at the knees to the right and left of the body. Repeat 10-15 times.

11. Starting position – lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. Raise your straight leg up, hold for 5-10 seconds, lower your leg. The same thing, but with the other leg. Repeat the movement with each leg 10-15 times.

12. Starting position - lying on your stomach, put your hands to your shoulders, and perform the breaststroke movement with your hands. Repeat 10-15 times.

13. The same as in exercise No. 11, but just stretch your arms forward and raise one arm together with the opposite leg raised (i.e., if you lift your right leg up, then you need to simultaneously raise your left arm and vice versa).

14. Starting position - lying on your stomach, put your hands behind your back, clasp them behind your back and, connecting your shoulder blades, lift your head and shoulders up. Repeat 10-15 times.

The final part of the complex is stretching and relaxation exercises.

And at the very end, final exercises to relax and stretch the spine:

15. Starting position - lying on your back, place your arms along your body, stretch your legs forward. Pull your leg bent at the knee towards you, press it to your chest, lower your leg to the floor. Same thing with the other leg.

16. Starting position - lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, place your arms along your body. Place your hands on your knees and pull both legs towards you, wrap your arms around your legs and slowly twist your torso left and right. A very good exercise for massaging the lumbar back. Repeat 5-10 times.

17. The same as in exercise No. 16, only do rolls not left to right, but forward and back - massage the entire spine. Repeat 5-10 times.

Start doing all exercises with 5 repetitions, no more. Then, as you master the set of exercises for the lumbar spine, increase the number of repetitions to the recommended number. During pauses between exercises, try to relax the muscles of your arms, torso and legs. After the first classes, your muscles may ache a little, this will go away in a few days. You can include exercises of this gymnastics for radiculitis in, which you have already published

The set of exercises used for lumbosacral radiculitis includes exercises for the pelvis and back, as well as for the lower extremities.

Exercise No. 1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Bend to the left, hold for 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position. Bend to the right, hold for 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position. The maximum number of tilts made in one direction or the other is 10–12. The exercise is performed at a slow pace. If no discomfort or pain is felt, then you can switch to a medium pace. Also, the pace can be combined: first, bends are performed 4 times at an average pace, then 4 times at a slow pace and again 4 times at an average pace. Movements should be smooth, without jerking.

Exercise No. 2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Lean forward a little, hold for 2-3 seconds, straighten up. Lean back a little, hold for 2-3 seconds, return to the starting position. The maximum number of bends made back and forth is 8-10. The exercise should be performed at a slow pace, smoothly, without jerking, and monitor for pain.

Exercise No. 3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Turn to the left, hold for 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position. Turn to the right, hold for 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position. The optimal number of turns in one direction or the other is 10–12. It is better to perform the exercise at a slow pace, but medium and combined are also suitable.

Exercise No. 4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back, palms on your lower back. Bend deeply forward, hold for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. Then repeat the tilt. The maximum number of inclinations is 8-10. The exercise is best performed at a slow pace, inhale when bending over, and exhale when returning to the starting position.

Exercise No. 5. Starting position: standing, arms shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the body. Bend forward, pull your arms down, trying to touch the floor. Hold for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. The maximum number of inclinations is 7–8. When bending forward, take a deep breath, when returning to the starting position, exhale. The exercise should be performed at a slow pace, smoothly, without jerking, and with extreme caution. With radiculitis, a lumbago may occur in this position, and it will be quite difficult to straighten up. A slow pace and smooth movement will eliminate such trouble.

Exercise No. 6. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Make a rotational movement with your body from left to right, describing an arc, and, without stopping, from right to left to return to the starting position. Rotational movements can also be performed from right to left. The pace of the exercise is slow, the maximum number of rotations is 5–6, the movements are smooth, without jerking.

Exercise No. 7. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the body. Place your palms on the front of your thighs and bend forward so that your palms slide along your thighs to your knees. Touch your knees with your palms, hold for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. It is best to perform the exercise at a slow pace, smoothly, without jerking. When bending, inhale, when straightening, exhale. The maximum number of inclinations is 8-10.

Exercise No. 8. Starting position: standing, legs together, hands on the belt. Do a half squat and return to the starting position. If it is difficult to perform the exercise with your hands on your belt, you can use the back of a chair as a support. The maximum number of half squats is 7–8. Movements when performing the exercise should be smooth, without jerking.

Exercise No. 9. Starting position: standing, legs together, hands on the belt. Do a half squat. At the same time, extend your arms forward. Stay in this position for 3-4 seconds, then return to the starting position. The maximum number of half squats is 6–8. The exercise is performed at a slow pace, inhale when half-squatting, and exhale when returning to the starting position. It is better not to increase the pace of the exercise; try to do all movements smoothly, without jerking.

Exercise No. 10. Starting position: standing, legs together, hands on the belt or freely lowered along the body. Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee, hold it for 2-3 seconds, return to the starting position. Do a similar movement with your right foot. The number of bends can be 6–8, the maximum is 12. Movements should be performed smoothly, without jerking, to avoid pain. When bending your leg, inhale, when returning to the starting position, exhale.

Exercise No. 11. Starting position: standing, legs together, arms hanging freely along the body. Raise your arms and spread them to the sides, in this position tilt to the left. Hold for 2-3 seconds, return to the starting position. Lean to the left 3-4 times, change position and bend to the right. The maximum number of inclinations is 10–12. You can alternate tilts to the left and right, doing 2 in each direction. The pace of the exercise is slow and medium, alternation is acceptable, for example, slow - 3 times, medium - 4 times, slow - 3 times.

Exercise No. 12. Starting position: standing, arms freely lowered along the body, legs together. Raise your arms and spread them to the sides. Make a left turn, hold for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. After making turns to the left 3-4 times, start turning to the right. The maximum number of turns is 10–12. You can alternate turns to the right and left, making 2 in each direction. The pace of the movements is slow or medium, but you can also change it during the exercise.

Exercise No. 13. Starting position: standing, legs together, arms hanging freely along the body. Raise your arms, stretch as far as possible, lower your arms, return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10–12 times at a slow pace. When raising your arms, take a deep breath, and when returning to the starting position, exhale.

Exercise No. 14. Starting position: lying on your back, placing a small cushion under your head. Bend one leg at the knee, clasp your fingers and try to gently pull your thigh to your chest (Fig. 42). In this case, the lower back should be pressed to the floor, and the pelvis should be slightly raised. Do the exercise 3-4 times with one leg, then the other. The pace of the exercise is slow, the movements are smooth, without jerking.

Exercise No. 15. Starting position: lying on your back, legs straight, feet slightly bent, hands clasped and placed on your stomach. Raise your straightened arms, without opening them, vertically upward (Fig. 43). Hold this for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10–12 times at a slow pace. When raising your arms, take a deep breath, and when returning to the starting position, exhale. If there is no pain, the exercise can be diversified: when your arms are raised, do not immediately return to the starting position, but bring them further, trying to touch the floor with your clasped hands. Remain in this position for 2-3 seconds and then return to the starting position.

Exercise No. 16. Starting position: lying on your back, placing a cushion under your head, legs straightened, arms freely positioned along the body. Grab your lower thighs with your hands, pull your knees towards your stomach (Fig. 44). Hold this for 3-4 seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise at a slow pace, the maximum number of pull-ups is 8-10. If no pain is observed, then you can use one more action: when the knees are pulled up to the stomach, do not immediately return to the starting position, but swing your knees in different directions 3-4 times.

Exercise No. 17. Starting position: lying on your stomach, legs straight, arms bent at the elbows, palms pressed to the floor (Fig. 45). Pressing your palms firmly into the floor, lift your pelvic area. Hold this for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. The exercise is performed at a slow pace, as smoothly as possible, without jerking. The maximum number of movements is 5–6. When performing this exercise, you should listen to yourself to see if pain occurs. When they appear, you must immediately stop moving.

Exercise No. 18. Starting position: lying on your stomach, legs straight, elbows and palms on the floor (Fig. 46). Leaning on your palms, raise your head and shoulders as much as possible. Stay in this position for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. At the same time, the back muscles become very tense, and the hands do not leave the floor. The movements are smooth, without jerking, the pace of the exercise is slow. The maximum number of movements is 10–12.

This exercise completes the set of additional exercises that are used in therapeutic exercises for lumbosacral radiculitis.

For radiculitis, a more effective method of fighting is gymnastics, which includes exercises to strengthen the spine and develop its capabilities thanks to trained muscles. In case of radiculitis, it is very important to pay close attention to strengthening the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Since in the case of weak muscles in the lumbar region, a greater deflection of the spine occurs, which causes problems with the lower back. It is for this reason that strengthening the abdominal muscles with radiculitis is the main goal of therapeutic exercises.

To perform exercises for radiculitis, you need a hard surface. The optimal solution would be a floor on which you can lay a rug or towel. You need to wear comfortable clothes; an excellent option would be a tights below the knees and a T-shirt. The study room must be warm. The entire complex is carried out in a lying position on the floor. During execution, it is necessary to control the spine, which should be in the most gentle position.

News line ✆

№ 1

You should lie on your back with your arms extended along your body, and your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. After which, in this position, you should tense your abdominal muscles. In order to make sure that the task is completed correctly, place your hand on your stomach at the moment the muscles tense, they should become hard. And also the spine in the lumbar region bends slightly upward. Muscle tension is performed without holding your breath. If pain occurs at this time, you need to change the position of your legs by placing them on the floor. This should be done 10–15 times.

№ 2

For this exercise, you need to stretch your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees and fix them on the floor. Next, raise the upper part of the body, making sure that the legs do not come off the floor surface. Fix the pose for 5–10 seconds and slowly take the starting position. After a five to ten second rest, repeat 10–15 times. In the future, you should complicate the manipulations by moving your hands behind your head.

№ 3

Lying on your back, you need to stretch your legs forward and your arms along your body. One leg bent at the knee, lifted, unbent along the hip line and slowly lowered to the floor. After repeating 10–15 times, move on to the next leg. Afterwards, the task is performed with both legs at once.

№ 4

From a position on your back, with your legs slightly bent at the knees and your arms along your body, perform the following manipulations. Extending the left hand forward, place it on the right knee. At the same time trying to reach his head with his right knee, and creating an obstacle for him with his left hand. Perform the task with little effort for ten seconds. This is followed by a ten to fifteen second rest and repetition of the manipulations 10–15 times. Next, they change limbs and continue to do the exercises.

№ 5

Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. It is necessary to raise straight legs together above the floor to a distance of thirty centimeters. The pose is fixed for five seconds and slowly, the legs are returned to the starting position. Repeat 10–15 times.

№ 6

The next exercise to strengthen the lumbar region and abs is the well-known “bicycle”. Take a position, lying on your back with your arms extended along your body, and imitating riding a bicycle, begin to pedal with your feet.

№ 7

The previous exercise should be duplicated, but the pedals should be turned with your feet in the opposite direction.

№ 8

For the next load, position on your back, arms extended along the body, legs forward. Straight legs are lifted horizontally above the floor and a “scissors” movement is performed, crossing the legs alternately. At the beginning of classes, it is recommended to start with five repetitions, gradually increasing to 10–15.

№ 9

The supine position is assumed. Extend your arms along the body, bend your legs at the knees. Focusing on the shoulder blades and legs, lift the lower back up from the floor, imagining a “bridge” and fix it for 5-10 seconds, after which they return to the starting position. Repeat 5–10 times.

№ 10

For the next exercise, lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides and place your palms down. The movements are performed with the legs bent at the knees, which are placed together in different directions alternately from the body. Repeat 10–15 times.

№ 11

Lie on your stomach, hands placed under your chin. The straight leg is raised above the floor and fixed for 5–10 seconds, after which it is lowered. The same is done with the second leg. The movements are repeated with each leg 10–15 times.

№ 12

While lying on your stomach, you should stretch your arms forward and duplicate the previous task, but raise your left arm together with your right leg and vice versa.

№ 13

You should take a position lying on your stomach, legs extended, hands placed on your shoulders. Next, with bent arms, movements are performed as in breaststroke swimming, 10–15 times.

№ 14

Lie on your stomach, legs stretched out, and arms folded behind your back. Raising your head and shoulders up, connect your shoulder blades together. The exercises should be repeated 10–15 times.

Stretching and relaxing the spine

№ 15

Lie on your back, arms extended along the body, legs forward. Next, one leg is bent at the knee and pulled to the chest, and then slowly returned to its original position, after which the leg is changed. This should be repeated 5–10 times.

№ 16

Lie on your back, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. Next, clasping your knees with your hands, pull your legs towards you and slowly turn your body, alternately to the right and left. This should be repeated 5–10 times. Performing these manipulations provides a good massage for the lumbar back.

№ 17

The exercise duplicates the previous one, but the torso is rotated alternately forward and backward, massaging the entire spine. Should be repeated 5-10 times.

For radiculitis of the lumbar spine, you should start gymnastics with five repetitions of each exercise, gradually increasing the load to the recommended number of repetitions.

In the intervals between each subsequent exercise, you should relax the muscles of the body, arms and legs as much as possible.

After the first exercise, muscle pain may occur, which will go away after a few days. These exercises can be performed both for radiculitis and as a form of prevention. By regularly doing gymnastics for lumbar radiculitis, by performing the exercises described above, you can well strengthen the abdominal muscles, thereby relieving the load on the lumbar region, as well as making the spine more flexible and mobile.
