Educational and methodological complex in physical education; methodological development in physical education (class) on the topic. Materials of the courses "UMK in physical culture" Meta-subject results of mastering the course

Teaching materials on physical education in the textbook system “Algorithm of Success”

Educational complex "PHYSICAL CULTURE"
The kit was prepared by the scientific team
Institute of Age Physiology
Russian Academy of Education (RAO)
and the Institute of Content of Teaching Methods (ISMO RAO)
Petrova Tatyana Vladimirovna – associate professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University, scientific
employee of the Institute of Contents of Teaching Methods (ISMO
Kopylov Yuri Anatolievich – Ph.D. Institute of age
Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education (IVF
Polyanskaya Nina Vasilievna – Ph.D. (IVF RAO)
The foundation for the development of teaching materials on physical culture was
long-term research at the Institute of Age Physiology
about the peculiarities of the functioning and development of children’s bodies
and adolescents, depending on a combination of different conditions.

Distinctive features of the educational complex

physical education for primary school

Features of the content of the textbook on
physical education for primary school

Methodological apparatus of the textbook
aimed at relief
perception of new material
(updating questions
along the way),
to facilitate knowledge acquisition
(questions and assignments for chapters,
containing theoretical material).
Presentation style
aimed at motivation
students' learning of the subject.

physical education
contains recommendations
recommendations on
specifics of working with weakened children
building an individual trajectory
physical development of students in the classroom
lesson planning
taking into account the formation of the UUD in accordance with
with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
application of modern educational
technology in physical education lessons
and in extracurricular activities

Educational complex "PHYSICAL CULTURE"
AUTHOR of the line UMK "PHYSICAL CULTURE" grades 1-11
Pogadaev Grigory Ivanovich - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
(1996), honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation,
Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation (2003),
Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences
teacher education (since 2005)
Composition of the educational complex:
work programs (grades 1-4), (grades 5-9), (grades 10-11)
with application on CD
textbooks 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-9, 10-11 grades
methodological manuals for teachers (grades 1-4), (grades 5-9),
(10-11 grade)

Distinctive features of the educational complex
Structurally, the course consists of three training sections:
control evaluation,
providing knowledge about physical
culture, mastering the methods of motor activity and
physical improvement.
UMK combines a traditional approach to methodology
physical education with modern requirements
Federal State Educational Standards, the implementation of which is very well disclosed
exactly in this line.
The only teaching aid in FP, developed by one and the same
the same author from 1st to 11th grade, which reflects his

Textbooks recommended

and included in the Federal List
Course for grades 1-4
for implementation
the following tasks:

At the stage of basic general education UMC
is aimed at solving the following problems
development of basic physical qualities and abilities
schoolchildren, strengthening their health and expanding
functional capabilities of the body;
formation of a culture of movement among students,
enriching their motor experience with physical
exercises with general developmental and corrective
acquisition by students of skills in physical education
sports and recreation
activities, independent organization of classes
physical exercise;
instilling in schoolchildren sustainable interests and
positive emotional and value attitude towards
physical education and sports recreational activities

Completes the line of teaching materials for high school
?.?. ????????
Textbook recommended
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
and included in the Federal List

Line of teaching materials “Physical education, grades 1-4”.
T.S. Lisitskaya, L.A. Novikova
UMK line:
methodological manuals;
Sports diary;
In the gym, at the gym
playground, in the yard, on the ski track, in
Assistance in the implementation of sports
Your sporting achievements
Auto-trainings aimed at
relief of mental stress
Attention and memory training
Organization of free leisure




Department physical education

, Candidate of Military Sciences

Educational and methodological complex for the discipline

Physical Culture

Academic Council of the Faculty of the Department Physical education

Protocol No. _____ Protocol No. _____

"___"________200__g. "___"_________200__g.

Dean of the Faculty_________ Head. department_________________

, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor

Training and metodology complex in the discipline Physical Education

compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard for higher professional education.

The discipline is included in the federal component of the cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines of specialization and is mandatory for study.

· Test questions for each topic.


Physical culture in higher educational institutions is presented as an academic discipline and an important component of the holistic development of the individual. As an integral part of the student’s general culture and professional training throughout the entire period of study, physical education is included as a mandatory section in the humanitarian component of education, the significance of which is manifested through the harmonization of spiritual and physical strength, the formation of such human values ​​as health, physical and mental well-being, physical perfection .

Based on the State educational standards of higher professional education of the second generation, the curricula of universities in all areas and specialties provide for the allocation of 408 hours for the discipline “Physical Culture” in a compulsory course for the entire period of study with a final certification.

The purpose of preparing this teaching aid is to assist students and teachers of the branch in planning and conducting practical classes in the main, special and sports departments

Revealing issues related to planning training sessions, teaching the technique of performing physical exercises, the features of the content of the educational process in physical education at the present stage were taken into account, which would contribute to the formation of students' needs for regular physical exercise and sports, the desire for physical improvement and self-education.

Practical material is primarily intended for groups that use sports such as athletics, basketball, volleyball, and general physical training in the educational process.

Organization and management of physical education

The purpose of physical education in the branch is to promote the preparation of harmoniously developed, highly qualified specialists.

In the process of studying at a university in the course of physical education, the following tasks are envisaged:

Cultivating in students high moral, volitional and physical qualities, readiness for highly productive work;

Preserving and strengthening the health of students, promoting the correct formation and comprehensive development of the body, maintaining high performance throughout the entire period of study;

Comprehensive physical training of students;

Professional - applied physical training of students, taking into account the characteristics of their future work activity;

Acquisition by students of the necessary knowledge on the basics of theory, methodology and organization of physical education and sports training, preparation for work as public instructors, coaches and judges;

Improving the sports skills of student athletes;

Instilling in students the conviction of the need to regularly engage in physical education and sports.

The learning process is organized depending on the health status, level of physical development and preparedness of students, their sports qualifications, as well as taking into account the conditions and nature of work of their upcoming professional activity.

One of the main tasks of higher educational institutions is the physical training of students.

Direct responsibility for setting up and conducting the educational process in physical education of students in accordance with the curriculum and state program is assigned to the department of physical education of the university. Mass recreational, physical education and sports work is carried out by the sports club together with the department and public organizations.

Medical examination and monitoring of the health status of students during the academic year is carried out by a clinic or health center of the university.

Forms of physical education for students

Physical education is carried out throughout the entire period of students' education and is carried out in diverse forms that are interconnected, complement each other and represent a single process of physical education of students.

Classes are the main form of physical education. They are planned in the curricula for all specialties, and their implementation is ensured by teachers of the Department of Physical Education.

Independent studies contribute to better assimilation of educational material, allow you to increase the total time of physical exercise, accelerate the process of physical improvement, and are one of the ways to introduce physical culture and sports into the life and leisure of students. In conjunction with educational activities, properly organized independent activities ensure optimal continuity and effectiveness of physical education.

These classes can be conducted outside of school hours on the instructions of teachers or in sections.

Physical exercises in the daily routine are aimed at strengthening health, increasing mental and physical performance, improving the conditions of educational work, life and recreation of students, increasing the time budget for physical education.

Mass recreational, physical education and sports events are aimed at broadly attracting students to regular physical education and sports, promoting health, and improving the physical and sports preparedness of students. They are organized in free time from classes, on weekends and holidays, in health and sports camps. These events are carried out on the basis of broad initiative and initiative of students, with the methodological guidance of the department of physical education and the active participation of the branch trade union organization.

Software construction of a physical education course

The educational material of the program provides for solving problems of physical education of students and consists of theoretical and practical sections.

The practical section of the program contains educational material for all educational departments, which is aimed at solving specific problems of physical training of students. The content of classes of all educational departments includes sections:


Sport games,

General physical training

Along with educational material for all educational departments, the program includes material for special educational departments and sports improvement.

The program determines the features of training in each educational department, taking into account the focus of their work.

Organization and content of the educational process in educational departments

The main principle in determining the content of work in different educational departments is a differentiated approach to the educational process.

Its essence lies in the fact that educational material is formed for each educational department, taking into account gender, level of physical development, physical and sports-technical preparedness of students.

The educational process in the departments is carried out in accordance with the scientific and methodological foundations of physical education.

Program material for the academic year is distributed taking into account climatic conditions and educational and sports facilities. Classes are organized in cycles, each of which in its content must be prepared for the next cycle.

To conduct practical classes in physical education, three educational departments are created at each course: preparatory and basic, sports improvement and special.

Each department has the characteristics of completing specific tasks.

The basis for solving these problems is a system of organizational forms and teaching methods.

This system combines traditional methodological principles and techniques of physical training with the latest methods of organizing the transfer and assimilation of material, provides for clear regulation of the ratio of the volume and intensity of physical activity, the sequence of training, and the alternation of various types and forms of educational work.

The first criterion The distribution of students among academic departments is based on the results of their medical examination, which is carried out in each course at the beginning of the academic year.

After passing the examination, the doctor determines the health status and physical development of each student and assigns him to one of the medical groups: basic, preparatory or special.

The second criterion is the level of physical and sports-technical readiness, which is determined in the first lessons after checking the state of physical and sports-technical readiness according to control exercises and standards of the physical education program.

As a result of a medical examination and control checks of physical and sports-technical readiness, students assigned to the main and preparatory medical groups based on health status, level of physical development and preparedness are enrolled in the preparatory educational department.

Distribution into study groups of this department is carried out taking into account gender and level of physical fitness.

The size of each study group in this department should be 12-15 people.

In the preparatory educational department, the educational process is aimed at versatile physical training of students and at developing their interest in playing sports. Students of the preparatory medical group study separately from students of the main medical group.

In the methodology of conducting classes in these groups, it is very important to take into account the principle of gradualism in increasing the requirements for mastering motor skills and abilities, developing physical qualities and dosing physical activity. The content of practical classes in this department consists of program material required for educational departments, professional-applied physical training, as well as various means aimed at mastering sports skills and instilling in students an interest in sports.

Theoretical classes are aimed at students acquiring knowledge on the basics of the theory, methodology and organization of physical education, at developing in students consciousness and confidence in the need to regularly engage in physical culture and sports.

Training groups of the sports improvement department. They enroll students of the main medical group who have completed the control exercises and standards necessary for enrollment in the appropriate group of the sports improvement department.

Students are enrolled in a special educational department assigned according to a medical examination to a special medical group.

The study groups of this department are staffed taking into account the gender, nature of the disease and the functional capabilities of the students’ body.

The size of the Study Group ranges from 8 to 15 people per teacher.

The educational process in physical education in a special educational department is mainly aimed at:

Health promotion;

Hardening the body;

Increasing the level of physical performance;

Possible elimination of functional deviations in physical development;

Elimination of residual effects after illnesses;

Acquisition of necessary and accessible professional skills and abilities for students.

Classes for students enrolled in this department are mandatory and are conducted throughout the entire period of study at the university for 4 hours per week.

The course program of this department includes theory, practical program material, mandatory for all educational departments, professional-applied physical training, as well as special means for eliminating deviations in health and physical development. In theoretical classes, special attention is paid to the issues of medical supervision, self-control and methods of physical education, taking into account deviations in the health status of students. General and professionally applied physical training is carried out taking into account the functional capabilities of students.

The main thing in this preparation is mastering the technique of applied exercises, establishing the functional insufficiency of organs and systems, and increasing the body’s performance. Of great importance in the training sessions of this department is the implementation of the principles of systematicity, accessibility and individualization, strict dosage of the load and its gradual increase. Despite the health-improving and educational orientation of classes in a special department, they should not be reduced only to therapeutic purposes. Teachers should strive to ensure that students of this department acquire sufficient versatile and special physical fitness, improve their physical development and ultimately be transferred to the preparatory educational department.

Study groups of all educational departments are assigned to physical education teachers for the entire period of study. If students of special and preparatory educational departments have improved their health, physical development and preparedness during their studies, then, based on the doctor’s opinion and the decision of the department, at the end of the academic year (or semester) they are transferred to the next medical group or educational department. If, as a result of illness or other objective reasons, there is a deterioration in health, then students are transferred to a special medical group at any time of the academic year.

Credit requirements and student responsibilities

The program provides for students to pass tests in physical education. The assessment is carried out in the form of an interview between the teacher and each student. During the interview, the degree of mastery of the theoretical program material by the student is determined. Students who have fully completed the practical section of the curriculum, i.e., who have completed all planned practical control exercises and standards, are allowed to take the test.

Control exercises and standards for the physical fitness of students can be performed in sports competitions.

The timing and procedure for fulfilling control requirements, exercises and standards are determined by the academic department of the university together with the department of physical education for the entire academic year and are brought to the attention of students.

Students who regularly attend classes and have received the necessary training are allowed to fulfill the test requirements, exercises and standards.

A note on the completion of the physical education test is entered into the students’ record book at the end of each semester.

During the course of physical education, each student is obliged to:

Systematically attend physical education classes (theoretical and practical) on the days and times stipulated by the curriculum;

Increase your physical fitness and comply with requirements and standards and improve sportsmanship;

Complete control exercises and standards, take physical education tests on time;

Maintain a rational regime of study, rest and nutrition;

Regularly engage in hygienic gymnastics, independently engage in physical exercises and sports, using the advice of a teacher;

Actively participate in mass recreational, physical education and sports events in a study group, course, faculty, university;

Undergo a medical examination in a timely manner, exercise self-monitoring of health, physical development, physical and sports training;

Wear a neatly fitted sports suit and sports shoes appropriate for the type of activity.

Load type

The nature of the impact of physical training on the body depends on the type of exercise and the structure of the motor act. In health training, there are three main types of exercises, each with a different focus:

Type 1 – cyclic aerobic exercises that promote the development of general endurance;

Type 2 – cyclic exercises of mixed aerobic-anaerobic orientation, developing general and special (speed) endurance;

Type 3 – acyclic exercises that increase strength endurance.

The main type of load used in health-improving physical culture is aerobic cyclic exercises. The most accessible and effective of them is health running.

When using other cyclic exercises, the same principles of training load dosage remain. According to the degree of impact on the body in health-improving physical culture (as well as in sports), there are threshold, optimal, peak loads, as well as overload. However, these concepts regarding physical culture have a slightly different physiological meaning.

Threshold load is a load that exceeds the level of usual physical activity, the minimum amount of training load that gives the necessary healing effect: compensation of missing energy costs, increasing the functional capabilities of the body and reducing risk factors. From the point of view of compensation for missing energy costs, the threshold is such a duration of exercise, such a volume of running that corresponds to an energy consumption of at least 2000 kcal per week. This energy consumption is ensured when running for about 3 hours (3 times a week for 1 hour), or 30 km of running at an average speed of 10 km/h, since when running in an aerobic mode, approximately 1 kcal/kg is consumed per 1 km (0.98 in women and 1.08 kcal/kg in men).

The optimal load is a load of such volume and intensity that gives the maximum healing effect for a given individual. The zone of optimal loads is limited from below by the level of threshold loads, and from above by maximum loads.

Optimal loads ensure an increase in aerobic capacity, general endurance and performance, i.e., the level of physical condition and health. The maximum length of the training distance in health running should not exceed 20 km, since from this moment, as a result of the depletion of muscle glycogen, fats are actively included in the energy supply, which requires additional oxygen consumption and leads to the accumulation of toxic products in the blood.

Load intensity

The intensity of the load depends on the running speed and is determined by heart rate or as a percentage of VO2 max.

Depending on the nature of the energy supply, all cyclic exercises are done in four zones of the training regime:

1. Anaerobic mode - running speed is higher than critical (the content of lactic acid in the blood reaches 15 - 25 mmol/l.) It is not used in health training.

2. Mixed aerobic - anaerobic mode - speed between the levels of PANO and MIC (from 5 to 15 mmol/l.) Can be periodically used by well-trained runners to develop special (speed) endurance in preparation for competitions.

3. Aerobic mode - speed between the aerobic threshold and the level of PANO (2.0 - 4.0 mmol/l). Used to develop and maintain general endurance levels.

4. Recovery mode – speed below the aerobic threshold, lactate less than 2 mmol/l. Used as a method of rehabilitation after illnesses.

In addition to health training, physical education classes should include training in the basics of psychoregulation, hardening and massage, as well as competent self-control and regular medical supervision. Only an integrated approach to the problems of mass physical education can ensure the effectiveness of classes to radically improve health, and therefore physical qualities.

5. As a result of physical education, the student must:

History and development of sports;

Theory and methodology of conducting physical education classes;

1.2 Objectives of studying the discipline “Physical Education”

As a result of training and education, students must know:

The essence and structure of the physical culture system in the Russian Federation, management and organization of sports and mass events in the branch;

The main provisions of the governing documents on physical culture and sports in the branch, as well as regulatory requirements for physical fitness;
- technique of performing physical exercises provided for by the program, methods of learning and improving them;
- basic principles and methods of independent physical training;

Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle, requirements for personal and public hygiene and features of self-control over one’s physical condition;

Features of the method of using physical exercises to improve health and improve the functional systems of the human body.

Be able to:

Perform program exercises and physical education standards;

Assist in refereeing sports competitions and fulfill the requirements for the title of sports referee;

Apply in practical activities all forms and means of organizing and conducting physical education and health services, the need for regular physical exercise, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and increasing one’s level of physical fitness;

Conduct independent physical training and apply self-monitoring methods for your physical condition.


With the basic concepts of the physical education system in the country;





General physical training

Sport games


I- semester

I– semester

II- semester

II- semester

Section 3. Educational and methodological materials of the discipline.

3.1. Laboratory works

table 2

3.2. Practical (seminar) classes

Table 3

Lesson number

Topic of practical lesson

Volume, hour

I- well

Training in running technique and starting run.

Strengthening the technique of running from a low start and starting run.

Training in short-distance running techniques. Running in a straight line and in turns.

Improving short-distance running technique (30m, 60m, 100m). Running in a straight line and in turns.

Straight and curved running technique training

Training in sprinting and finishing techniques.

Training of short-distance running technique and finishing.

Training in middle distance running techniques (800, 1500m).

Improving middle distance running technique (800, 1500m).

Accounting for middle distance running technique (m.) Competition rules.

Training in relay running and baton passing techniques.

Training in relay running and baton passing techniques.

4x100m relay race; 4x400m. Competition rules.

Training in long-distance running techniques (2,500; 3000m).

Run 60m, 100m.

Running 500m, 1500m.

II- well

Determining the level of physical fitness of students through testing. Safety briefing.

Running along a straight line and a bend (30. 60, 100 m.)

Training in straight and curved running techniques.

Accounting for 100m running technique. Competition rules

Teaching the technique of long jump (run-up and take-off) by bending your legs and bending over

Improving long jump technique (run-up and take-off) by bending your legs and bending over

Accounting for long jump technique Competition rules.

Training and consolidation of high jump technique.

Improving the technique of high jump using the scissors method.

Accounting for high jump technique in a learned way. Competition rules.

Long-distance running technique and tactics training.

Improving long-distance running technique (2,500; 3000m).

Taking into account long-distance running technique (2,500; 3000m). Competition rules.

Training in the technique of throwing grenades at a distance. Safety instructions for throwing a grenade

Improving the technique of throwing grenades at a distance.

Accounting for grenade throwing techniques.

Training in shot put technique with jumping.

Running long jump.

Throwing a grenade.

III- well

Determining the level of physical fitness of students through testing. Safety briefing.

Improving running technique from low and high starts.

Improving the technique of running on a bend.

Test lesson:

Run 60m, 100m.

4x100 relay race.

Teaching the long jump technique using the “bend over”, “scissors” method (boys).

Test lesson:

Running long jump

Improving long-distance running technique (2,500; 3000m).

Run 2,500; 3000m.

IV- well

Determining the level of physical fitness of students through testing. Safety briefing.

Improving the running triple long jump technique.

Training and consolidation of the running triple long jump technique.

Test lesson:

Running triple long jump.

Training and consolidation of the shot put technique.

Test lesson:

Shot put

Improving shuttle running technique.

Shuttle run

Shot put

Triple jump

I- well

Developing endurance through circuit training. Safety briefing.

Development of strength and endurance:


Weighted push-ups.

Development of strength and endurance:

Exercises on parallel bars.

Floor exercise

Development of speed qualities:

Exercises with a jump rope for a while.

Developing flexibility with the help of special gymnastic exercises.

Development of strength of the arms, torso, abdominal muscles, legs with the help of outdoor switchgear No. 1 on the wall bars.

Development of speed and strength qualities:

Medicine ball;

Jump rope.

Developing leg strength and endurance:

Squats with dumbbells;

Jumping up with weights;

Lunges forward with weights.

General physical training using the outdoor switchgear complex No. 2 on the wall bars.

Developing strength and endurance for all muscle groups using exercise machines.

Development of moral and volitional qualities through exercises:

Walking in a half-squat;

Walking in a full squat.

Development of jumping ability and speed:

Shuttle run;

Relay races.

Jumping ability development:

Jump over a horse, goat

Development of speed and strength. Relay races and outdoor games.

Medicine ball throwing;

Standing long jump;

Jumping rope.

II- well

Development of speed abilities:

Shuttle run. Safety briefing.

Development of coordination abilities:

Acrobatic exercises.

Test lesson

Shuttle run;

Somersault (long forward, backward, two)

Stand (on the head, on the hands, on the shoulder blades)

Developing strength abilities through physical exercise.

Methodological complex

Development of speed and strength abilities through physical exercises

Test lesson:

Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down;


Developing speed endurance with fartlek.

Developing flexibility through gymnastic exercises.

Test lesson:

Running on Cooper;

Jumping rope.

Strength development using exercise machines.

Developing strength endurance through weight training

Test lesson:

Pull-up on the bar;

Abs exercise;

Developing jumping ability through exercise

Development of coordination and jumping ability:

Vault jump over horse and goat using studied methods.



III- well

Improving speed and jumping ability (vault). Safety briefing.

Improving flexibility (acrobatics).

Improving Strength

(exercises with weights).

Improving strength endurance with the help of simulators.

Improving coordination abilities through exercise

Improving speed and strength qualities according to the educational and methodological complex.

Push-ups on parallel bars;

Combination on uneven bars.

Improving strength endurance using barbells and dumbbells.

Test lesson:

Angle (boys);

Press (girls);

Jump rope

Improving speed and strength qualities (vault).

Improving endurance qualities through various types of running.

Test lesson:

Vault using all studied methods.

Circular training according to the educational and methodological complex.

Somersault on parallel bars;

I- well

Teaching the technique of movements and stances in volleyball. Educational game. Safety briefing.

Training and consolidation of movement techniques and stances in volleyball. Educational game.

Teaching the technique of passing the ball overhand with two hands. Educational game.

Training and strengthening the technique of passing the ball with two hands. Educational game.

Learning the technique of receiving and passing the ball from below with two hands. Educational game.

Training and consolidation of receiving and passing the ball from below with two hands. Educational game.

Test lesson:

Passing the ball from above with two hands;

Passing the ball from below with two hands.

Teaching the technique of stopping and turning in basketball. Educational game.

Training and consolidation of the technique of movements of stops and turns in basketball. Educational game.

Learning the technique of passing and catching a ball with both hands from the chest. Educational game.

Training and strengthening the technique of passing and catching a used ball. Educational game.

Learning the technique of throwing a ball into the basket with both hands from above and from the chest. Educational game.

Training and strengthening the technique of throwing a ball into the basket with both hands from above and from the chest. Educational game.

Dribbling, stopping, turning, passing the ball;

Basketball free throws the learned way.

II- well

Training in the technique of passing the ball (overhand in stances, overhead in jumping). Educational game. Safety briefing.

Training and consolidation of passing and receiving the ball in a learned way. Educational game.

Teaching the technique of passing the ball from zone to zone. Educational game.

Training and consolidation of passing the ball from zone to zone in a learned way. Educational game.

Training in the technique of lower side and lower straight serves. Educational game.

Training and strengthening the serve in volleyball in a learned way. Educational game.

Test lesson:

Passing through the net in pairs;

Presentation in a learned way.

Learning the technique of passing the ball with one hand (from the shoulder, from above with a “hook”, from below, from the side). Educational game.

Training and strengthening the technique of passing a basketball with one hand in a learned way. Educational game.

Learning the technique of throwing a ball into the basket with one hand (from the shoulder, in a jump, with a “hook”). Educational game.

Training and strengthening the technique of throwing a basketball with one hand in a learned way. Educational game.

Training in the technique of intercepting, snatching, covering and knocking out a used ball. Educational game.

Training and strengthening the technique of intercepting, snatching, knocking out and covering a used ball. Educational game.

Throwing into a basket with one hand in a learned way;

Point throw.

III- well

Improving the technique of passing and receiving the ball from above and below with two hands. Educational game. Safety briefing.

Teaching attacking technique in volleyball. Educational game.

Improving attacking technique in volleyball. Educational game.

Improving the technique of the upper straight serve in volleyball. Educational game.

Improving the technique of handling a basketball. Movements, stops, jumps, feints, throws, screens. Educational game.

Training and consolidation of attack tactics in basketball. Educational game.

Top straight serve in volleyball;

Throwing a basketball into a basket with two steps.

IV- well

Training and consolidation of attacking strikes and serves in volleyball. Educational game. Safety briefing.

Improving the technique of playing volleyball. Receiving, passing, serving, blocking. Educational game.

Improving defensive actions. Choosing a spot, receiving the ball from a serve, single blocking. Educational game.

Improving attacking technique. Throwing a used ball into the basket, finishing off a used ball, screens, feints. Educational game.

Improving defensive actions and tactics in basketball. Educational game.

Training and consolidation of defense and attack tactics. Educational game.

Attacking shots in volleyball;

Basketball combination according to the educational and methodological complex.

I- well

Training in grenade throwing techniques. Safety briefing.

Improving the technique of throwing a grenade with 5 running steps.

Test lesson:

Throwing a grenade for results.

Improving the running long jump technique in a learned way.

Training in standing shot put technique.

Training and consolidation of the shot put technique. Running long jump.

Improving shot put technique in a learned way.

Test lesson:

Shot put;

Running long jump.

Improving running technique from a low start.

Improving short-distance running technique.

Test lesson:

Running from a low start (60m, 100m).

Training and consolidation of middle distance running tactics.

Improving middle distance running technique.

March - throw.

Test lesson:

Running 800m, 1500m.

Teaching the high jump technique using the scissors method.

Training and consolidation of high jump technique in a learned way.

Improving high jump technique.

Shot put;

Running long jump;

100m sprint.

II- well

Training of running techniques from a low start, starting acceleration, distance running, finishing. Safety briefing.

Improving relay running technique.

Test lesson:

4x100 relay;

Teaching the long jump technique using the “scissors” and “bend over” methods.

Training and consolidation of long jump technique in a learned way.

Test lesson:

Long jump for results.

Training and strengthening the technique of side shot put from a jump.

Improving the technique of side shot put from a jump.

Test lesson:

Shot put sideways from a jump.

Training and consolidation of the high jump technique using the “scissors” and “Fosbury flop” methods.

Improving high jump techniques using the scissors and Fosbury flop methods.

Test lesson:

High jump using learned methods.

Training and consolidation of middle distance running technique.

Training and consolidation of long-distance running technique.

Improving running technique for medium and long distances.

Cooper test

Test lesson:

Running 2000m, 3000m.

Training and consolidation of shuttle running technique.

Test lesson:

Shuttle run 10x10.

Long jump;

Running 2000m, 3000m.

III- well

Short distance running technique training. Safety briefing.

Improving short-distance running technique.

Grenade throwing technique training.

Improving grenade throwing techniques.

Test lesson:

100m run;

Throwing a grenade.

Teaching the running triple jump technique.

Training and consolidation of the running triple jump technique.

Training and consolidation of the shot put technique.

Improving shot put technique.

Running triple jump for results;

Shot put;

Running 400m, 500m.

IV- well

Training of running techniques for medium and long distances. Safety briefing.

Improving running technique for medium and long distances.

Improving relay running technique (4x400m).

Improving technique for short distances.

Test lesson:

100m run;

Running 2000m, 3000m.

Shot put technique training.

Improving shot put technique.

Running triple jump technique training.

Improving running triple jump technique.

Shot put;

Running triple jump;

Shuttle run 10x10.

3.3 Organization of independent work of students

Educational and methodological kit Physical Culture for students in grades 1-11, edited by V. I. Lyakha

Structure of teaching materials on physical culture

  • Work programs: Physical culture 1-4 grades
  • Textbooks :
  • “My friend physical education” for grades 1-4;
  • “Physical education” for grades 5-7;
  • 8-9 and 10-11 grades; Methodological manuals for teachers:
  • 5-7 grades;
  • 8-9 grades
  • 10-11 grades;

Purpose School physical education is the formation of a well-rounded physically developed personality, capable of actively using the values ​​of physical education to strengthen and long-term preserve one’s own health, optimize work activity and organize active recreation.

  • Explanatory note
  • General characteristics of the course
  • Place of the course in the curriculum
  • Personal, meta-subject and subject
  • course results,
  • Course content
  • Thematic planning
  • Educational and methodological
  • and logistics of the course
  • Annex 1. Extracurricular work Appendix 2. Mass sports
  • and sporting events

A complex approach

The program contains material interconnected parts:

  • physical education lessons;
  • Extracurricular work;

Physical education and sports events.

Personal results of mastering the course

  • developing a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality;
  • developing a respectful attitude towards the culture of other peoples;
  • development of motives for educational activities and the personal meaning of learning, acceptance and mastery of the social role of the teacher;
  • development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people; developing skills of cooperation with peers and adults in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;
  • development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;
  • formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;
  • formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle.

Meta-subject results of mastering the course

  • mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;
  • developing the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;
  • defining a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;
  • willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;
  • mastering basic information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality in accordance with the content of a specific educational subject;
  • mastery of basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect essential connections and relationships between objects and processes.

Subject results of mastering the course

  • formation of initial ideas about the importance of physical culture for strengthening human health (physical, social and mental), about its positive impact on human development (physical, intellectual, emotional, social), about physical culture and health as factors of successful study and socialization; mastering the skills to organize health-saving activities (daily routine, morning exercises, recreational activities, outdoor games, etc.);
  • developing the skill of systematically monitoring one’s physical condition, the amount of physical activity, health monitoring data (height, body weight, etc.), indicators of the development of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility).


  • “Physical education” is studied from grades 1 to 4 at the rate of 3 hours per week (405 hours in total):
  • in 1st grade -99 hours;
  • in 2nd grade - 105 hours;
  • in 3rd grade -105 hours;
  • in 4th grade -105 hours.

The third hour for teaching the subject “Physical Education” was introduced by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of August 30, 2010 No. 889. The order stated: “The third hour of the academic subject “Physical Education” should be used to increase motor activity and develop the physical qualities of students, to introduce modern systems of physical education.”

The work program is designed for 414 hours for four years of study (3 hours per week).

  • From the presence of a sports base and its equipment
  • On the level of training and specialization of physical education teachers
  • From regional climatic and geographical conditions
  • From national characteristics
  • From the wishes of children and parents

Preferences should be given to:

  • Physical exercise on air(ski training, cross-country, general physical training, athletics, outdoor games, football, hockey, rounders, figure skating, etc.)
  • Corrective gymnastics; fitball gymnastics; elements of aerobics, step aerobics, fitness, shaping, calanetics, stretching, athletic gymnastics, etc.

  • In-Depth Study traditional(basketball, volleyball, handball, football, badminton, tennis and table tennis), and new sports games(softball, streetball, floorball)
  • National sports, games and dancing

In addition to the work program, physical education in grades 1-4 of the teaching and learning center contains textbooks and teaching aids for students of all ages

They are distributed

for children 1-4, 5-7, 8-9 and

10-11 grades

Textbook on physical education for students in grades 1-4

  • Excellently illustrated and available for younger students
  • Helps parents introduce children to the basics of physical education and a healthy lifestyle
  • At the end of the textbook there are guidelines For teachers

  • Physical Culture: Textbook. for students 5-7 grades. general education institutions / M.Ya. Vilensky, I.M. Turevsky, T.Yu. Torochkova and others - M.: Education, 2006. - 156 p.

Physical Culture: Textbook. for students of 8-9 grades. general education institutions / V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich; edited by IN AND. Lyakha - M.: Education, 2007. - 208 p.

Physical culture: Proc. for students of 10-11 grades. general education institutions / V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich; edited by IN AND. Lyakha - M.: Education, 2007. - 240 p.

  • The textbooks well present material on teaching motor actions and developing the physical qualities of students
  • The problem of homework (independent studies of schoolchildren) is successfully solved
  • Textbooks for grades 8-9 and 10-11 contain an optimal amount of material on the theory of physical education, its presentation is interesting and accessible to schoolchildren, which is important for preparing for exams in physical education

  • Physical education of students in grades 5-7: A manual for teachers / V.I. Lyakh, G.B. Meikson, Yu.A. Kopylov and others; edited by V.I. Lyakh, G.B. Meikson. – M.: Education, 2002. – 192 p.
  • Physical culture. Grades 8-9: Teacher's Manual / V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich; edited by V.I. Lyakh. – M.: Education, 2007. – 112 p.

Teaching aids for physical education teachers

Methodology physical education of students in grades 10-11: A manual for teachers / A.V. Berezin, A.A. Zdanevich, B.D. Ionov, etc.; edited by V.I. Lyakh. – M.: Education, 2002. – 125 p.

Physical Culture. 5-9 grades: Test control. Manual for teachers / V.I. Lyakh. – 2007. – 144 p.

  • In the manuals, teachers will find recommendations on lesson planning, anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of children of different ages and genders, recommendations on the development of motor skills and teaching motor actions
  • You should pay attention to the section “Monitoring and assessment of progress”, which allows you to cope with the problem of grade-free assessment of schoolchildren in physical education lessons

Physical education: Educational visual aid for primary school students: grades 1-4 (Folder)

Kolodnitsky G.A., Kuznetsov V.S.

Physical education: Educational visual aid for primary school students: grades 1-4 (Folder)

  • serves as a supplement to the physical education textbook for primary school
  • made in the form of drawings illustrating exercises studied in elementary school and a short explanatory text for them

Preparatory part

Formation, report, greeting.

Reporting the objectives of the lesson.

Entering the study circle

Warm-up on skis:

A) ski a warm-up lap at a sliding step without poles.

B) go through a warm-up lap on skis with poles using previously learned movements.

C) ski a warm-up lap at maximum speed using any ski move.

The outdoor switchgear is in place.

  1. standing with your legs apart, rotate your arms at the shoulder joint forward and backward.
  2. standing legs apart, right above, left below. Pulling your arms back.
  3. standing with your feet apart, hands behind your head in a lock. Turn the body left and right.
  4. standing legs apart, torso tilted forward, arms to the sides. Turns left, right.
  5. squat supported by ski poles.
  6. lunge with the right hand forward, lean on sticks, springing movements to stretch the muscles of the legs.

Main part.

Recall the basic pattern of movements of the arms and legs when moving in alternating two-step steps.

A) Implementation of the work of the hands during the movement P 2x ШХ.

B) Implementation of footwork during the movement P 2x ШХ.

B) Body position. The skier's body is slightly tilted forward. The back is slightly rounded. The arms and legs make cyclic movements.

Working out the pattern of how arms and legs work in motion.

A) Advance along the route at a sliding step without poles.

B) Moving along the ski track only with the help of hands.

C) Movement of P 2x ШХ in full coordination.

D) Conduct a relay race dividing the class into 2 teams.

Describe and demonstrate the technique of descending a mountain in a middle stance.

Body position when descending a mountain: legs bent at the knee joint at an angle of 95-100 degrees. The forearms of the hands lie on the hips, the sticks are pressed to the body, the head is lowered and looking forward. The student takes a middle stance imitating the descent from the mountain.

1) Having gained speed on skis, students take a middle stance and glide.

Exit to the mountain. Remind the technique of falling when losing balance.

Descents from the mountain in a mid stance at an angle of 45 degrees to the slope. Climbing uphill using the herringbone method.

Perform downhill descents in a mid-stand position.

Remind the technique of simultaneous stepless walking. One of the students performs the movement OBSH; the teacher points out possible mistakes. Students perform movement in a learning circle. On a downhill section, movement is performed using OBSHx. The teacher evaluates the OBSHx technique.

Ski relay race. Divide the class into 2 teams. Relay condition: boys perform skiing with an OBSH move, girls with a P2XSh move. The exercise is performed for speed, while taking into account skiing technique.

The game teams remain the same. After the start, get to the OBS chip in a move, throw a snowball at a shield located at a distance of 8 meters, return back P 2xWH.

Final part.

Construction, summing up the lesson, sorting out mistakes if there were any. Giving grades for work in class.

Homework: perform skiing using previously learned moves. Leaving the place of study.

Using the example of the gymnastics section, we present a convenient form of presenting the material, allowing you to easily plan your work.

Main focus

Main focus

To master and improve hangs and supports

To master vaults

Boys: hanging bent and arched; hanging pull-up; hanging straight leg raises. Girls: mixed vis; lying down hanging pull-up

Boys: turn dismount Girls: jump point-blank onto the lower pole; dismount with a turn; swinging curves; hanging lying down; hanging crouching

Boys: rise with an inverted push-and-pull; hanging movement; swing back and dismount. Girls: with a swing of one and a push of the other, lift up with a flip point-blank onto the lower pole

Boys: from hanging on the knees through a handstand, lowering into a crouching position; lifting with a swing back into a squat with legs apart; lifting the curtain outside. Girls: from an emphasis on the lower pole, lowering forward into a hanging crouch; from a hanging position, squatting on the lower pole with a swing of one and a push of the other into a hanging position, leaning on the upper pole; hanging lying on the lower pole; sitting sideways on the lower pole, dismounting

Boys: rise with a flip at point-blank range with a swing and force; rise with a forward swing into a squat with legs apart. Girls: hang bent over on the lower pole with your legs resting on the top one; transition to emphasis on the lower pole

Jumped up point-blank crouching; bending dismount (goat width, height 80–100 cm)

Jump legs apart (goat wide, height 100–110 cm)

Boys: jump with legs bent (goat wide, height 100–115 cm) Girls: jump with legs apart (goat wide, height 105–110 cm)

Boys: jump with legs bent (goat length, height 110–115 cm). Girls: side jump with a 90° turn (horse width, height 110 cm)

Boys: jump with legs bent (horse length, height 115 cm). Girls: side jump (horse width, height 110 cm)
