The failed race of biathlete Alexander Tikhonov. Alexander Tikhonov: We should have been kicked out of the world biathlon long ago Tikhonov Alexander Ivanovich official

Born on January 2, 1947 in the village of Uyskoye, Kolkhoz District, Chelyabinsk Region. Father - Ivan Grigorievich, taught physical education at school, showed good results in cross-country skiing, was the winner of regional competitions, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, and was wounded. Mother - Nina Evlampievna, also skied and worked as an accountant. There were four children in the Tikhonov family: Sergei, Vladimir (died), Victor, the eldest - Alexander.

A.I. Tikhonov is married for the third time. Children from his second marriage: son - Alexander (born in 1971), graduated from the Faculty of Law of Tomsk State University, lives in Novosibirsk, works in his specialty; son - Evgeniy (born 1973), works in Kolomna in the company "Tikhonov and K". Wife - Elena Viktorovna Tikhonova (born July 21, 1957), administrator of the Tikhonova Club. Their daughter is Polina (born 1982), a schoolgirl.

A.I. Tikhonov graduated from the Novosibirsk College of Physical Culture (1965-1968) and Novosibirsk State University (1990-1995).

A. Tikhonov's sports career began in the sports society "Labor Reserves", but most of it is connected with Dynamo, whose colors he defended in Novosibirsk and Moscow.

Alexander Tikhonov is the most famous biathlete in the world, the pride of domestic and world sports. He is the winner of four Olympics. In winter sports, no other athlete on the planet has achieved such an achievement.

Alexander took his first steps in sports in Novosibirsk, skating, cycling, and skiing, showing extraordinary talent. It seemed that he would find his calling in skiing, where, under the leadership of his first coach Oleg Nikolaevich Gorokhov in Chelyabinsk, he became a noticeable phenomenon not only in Novosibirsk, but also at the level of the national team. The coach with whom Alexander Tikhonov's path from a novice biathlete to an Honored Master of Sports is connected, Evgeny Dmitrievich Glinsky, a man who was both a coach and a friend for Tikhonov, died in a car accident. Alexander Vasilyevich Privalov - the famous Russian biathlete, racer and coach - became the man who gave Alexander Tikhonov a ticket to the big sport of biathlon, taking him away from skiing, and led him as the head coach of the USSR national team for more than 10 years.

Tikhonov's Olympic debut dates back to 1968. Here in Grenoble (France), the then unknown 20-year-old athlete, essentially a junior, in brilliant style won a silver medal in the 20 km individual race, losing in shooting to the Norwegian Magna Solberg by some half a millimeter is the price of two penalty minutes and a gold medal. After this race, Alexander was entrusted with the first stage of the relay, which was to be run by the Olympic champion, the famous Vladimir Melanin. A. Tikhonov's daring run and confident shooting give the USSR national team a decisive advantage, which is held and consolidated by Nikolai Puzanov, Vladimir Bundartsev, and Viktor Mamatov. There is the first title of Olympic champion!

After these brilliant races, A. Tikhonov is the favorite in all competitions where he takes part. Five victories in individual races at the world championships is a kind of record in biathlon. Thirteen gold medals from the world champion over 12 years of performances in big-time sports, the first Biathlon World Cup in 1977, nineteen gold medals from the champion of the USSR - this is not a complete list of victories from the stellar biography of A. Tikhonov the athlete.

But the main starts are the Olympic ones, a dramatic fight for medals of the highest standard, which was followed, without exaggeration, by the whole world. It is with A. Tikhonov that an episode is associated that has gone down in the history of the modern Olympic movement. In Sapporo (Japan, 1972), Tikhonov confidently goes through his stage (he is again trusted with the first), far ahead of his rivals, and suddenly the ski crumbles to smithereens. Neither coaches nor skiers were around to change skis. A. Tikhonov moves almost a kilometer (!) on practically one ski. His rivals pass him one by one. An athlete, full of strength and despair, endures, fights and receives help from... an opponent. Dieter Speer from the GDR team, the main rival of the USSR team, was preparing for his stage, saw Alexander hobbling and, without hesitation, gave him his ski, which did not quite suit the Russian skier, but it was already possible to run. Then the Soviet team reserve gave Alexander a suitable ski. Having given chase, Tikhonov managed to return to the leading group and, although he passed the baton to ninth, his courage encouraged his teammates. Rinat Safin, Ivan Byakov, Viktor Mamatov lead the USSR national team to first place, winning the title of Olympic champions.

Then there was another Olympic gold race in Innsbruck (Austria, 1976), difficult starts at the World Cup stages, world championship distances, ups and downs..., a silver medal at the 1979 World Championships in the 20 km individual race, which allowed A. Tikhonov, already a veteran, in intense competition with young friends and rivals, to gain the right to compete at his fourth Olympics.

Lake Placid, (USA 1974) - the last hope for an Olympic gold medal in the individual race. An unfortunate cold, a temperature of 39 (and, as a result, an unsuccessful run in the 10 km individual race), a collapsed dream, the refusal of the coaches to enter Alexander in the relay race. For the great, ambitious racer it was a real drama. However, at the night coaching council, literally before the race, an insistent proposal was accepted, or rather a demand from Tikhonov, to put him in the relay. He runs the second stage after Vladimir Alikin, passes it with full dedication in a fierce fight with the most dangerous rival from the GDR, Klaus Sieberg, and finishes in first position. Then his partners Vladimir Barnashev and Anatoly Alyabyev consolidate the advantage of the USSR national team. A. Tikhonov receives his fourth Olympic gold medal.

After this Olympics, Alexander made a painful decision for himself, like any other great athlete, to leave the track. However, the memory of fans and sports specialists will forever remain in the memory of unsurpassed passion, phenomenal hard work, the special style of the athlete, his famous signature “spinner” (an elegant, slightly foppish, automatic movement to take a weapon from behind the back, which shortened the time of this standard technique), which was and remains the subject of white envy for many, including outstanding athletes.

In 1982, A.I. Tikhonov became the senior coach of the USSR national youth biathlon team. From 1985 to 1987 he was deputy chairman of the Novosibirsk regional council "Dynamo", and from 1987 to 1990 - coach of the country's experimental biathlon team. For various reasons, A. Tikhonov interrupted his coaching career.

Since the beginning of the 90s. a new, no less noticeable stage begins in the life of Alexander Tikhonov. Having received many lucrative offers to work abroad, A.I. Tikhonov sets himself the goal of creating his own business, moreover, in Russia, and, being a champion by nature, Alexander Ivanovich wins in this field.

Since 1992, A.I. Tikhonov has been creating a unique network of commercial firms. The company "Tikhonov and K" (partner of I.N. Shelenko, formerly an athlete, international master of sports in speed skating) operates in the town of Kolomna near Moscow, is engaged in baking bread products (7,000 pieces daily), has a chain of stores, numerous trading points, meeting the need for hot bread throughout the city. Since 1996, the agricultural company "Tikhonov and K" has become a grain producer in the Rostov region. And here A. Tikhonov will succeed. On an area of ​​5,000 hectares, A.I. Tikhonov (his partner S.I. Svitenko), their workers (about 80 people) raised a record harvest in the year of global drought in 1998, harvesting corn - 65 c/ha, wheat 33.7 c/ha, sunflower - 22 c/ha, as well as a large harvest of vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, etc. In the fall of 1998, residents of Kolomna ate bread from Tikhonov’s bakeries, baked from his own flour. Another company - "Tikhonov AL" (partners D.I. Lobzhanidze, A.I. Charkovsky - the son of the famous Russian skier) - established meat production in Moscow (29 types of meat products per day in vacuum packaging according to A. Tikhonov's original recipes). Zelenograd, a satellite city of Moscow, became the city of another experiment by businessman A.I. Tikhonov. Here, together with partner E.I. Khodos, the production of first-class fish products was organized. Every day, the consumer receives over 250 kg of exquisite salmon, pink salmon, herring, and other varieties of fish, the quality of which is guaranteed by Alexander Tikhonov.

An outstanding athlete, successful businessman A.I. Tikhonov creates (together with Mikhail Yuryevich Latyshev, Igor Mikhailovich Ryzhikh and Gennady Petrovich Shevyakhov) at the Central Hippodrome of Moscow the equestrian “Tikhonov Club” - the best private stable in Russia. This hobby began with a horse received in 1994 as a gift from friends. She changed the life of A.I. Tikhonov: he falls in love with horses, with equestrian sport, and at the age of 47 he begins to learn to ride a horse. Thanks to the sporting habit of not feeling sorry for yourself, riding lessons gradually become training. Within six months, A. Tikhonov competes in obstacle overcoming competitions on the same level as masters of sports. And soon he becomes vice-president of the Russian Equestrian Federation.

"Tikhonov's Club" (at least 30 beautiful high-born horses) is a special way of raising children, a world of joy for adults who are in love with horses and equestrian sports. The recently established Tikhonov Cup is a full-scale competition of the highest rank. The work of the Club is led by well-known specialists: Honored Coach of Russia, International Master of Sports Gennady Andreevich Khayainen and Master of Sports Galina Ivanovna Zotova. The Club's students are winners and prize-winners of all equestrian tournaments held in Russia. Among them: Mikhail Safronov - winner of a silver medal at the World Cup and the absolute champion of Russia in 1997 in overcoming obstacles, Dmitry Grishenkov - winner of a bronze medal at the World Cup in dressage, Viktor Vitchak - master of sports of international class, multiple winner of international competitions and champion of Russia overcoming obstacles in 1998, as well as young promising athletes: Anatoly Fateev, Snezhana Atanasova, Anna Novichkova, Maria Petrova. The Club also has a children's and youth group. In just one year of work, 14 people were trained who fulfilled the standards of the third category, and six - the standards of the second category.

“The best biathlete of the 20th century” - this is the title A.I. Tikhonov received from the International Biathlon Federation - does not break with his favorite sport. His experience and organizational skills as president of the Russian Biathlon Federation allow his successors - members of the country's national team - to occupy leading places in the world ranking table. Eight Russian biathletes are in the top twenty in the world. This means that on the world’s leading sports television channels, where biathlon occupies a special place, Russian names and the Russian anthem are heard. Biathlon is one of the few, if not the only, sports in Russia that, after the collapse of the USSR and All-Union Sports, preserved and expanded sports facilities and the sports industry. With the active participation of the Biathlon Federation and its president A.I. Tikhonov, new biathlon bases are being introduced in Russia. In Khanty-Mansiysk, with the strong support of the Head of Administration A.V. Filippenko, the most modern complex was put into operation. Already in 1998, the International Ugra Cup tournament was held here, which, according to experts, became an event in the world of biathlon in terms of its organization. This complex won the right to host the 2001 World Junior Championships and the 2003 World Championships, proving its superiority among 10 other candidates from the leading countries of the world.

Sports centers, complex tracks crammed with electronics in Izhevsk, Novosibirsk, Istra near Moscow, Magnitogorsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kamsk, Yekaterinburg, Murmansk, Perm, Tchaikovsky, in Bashkiria; children's, men's, women's competitions of various ranks: tens of thousands of athletes, their lives, everyday life, training; financing is the daily concern of the chief manager of the Russian biathlon A.I. Tikhonov.

A.I. Tikhonov is the largest philanthropist of sports in Russia. He has provided specific, free assistance to many sports veterans, Olympic champions, world champions whose careers have already ended. Within the framework of the Union of Russian Athletes, together with the famous Russian fencer, three-time Olympic champion Galina Evgenievna Gorokhova, A. Tikhonov finds informal solutions to preserve and enhance the traditions of domestic sports. Before the 1998 World Youth Games, they (with the participation of A.I. Tikhonov’s friend, Afghan Viktor Alekseev) organize a unique Olympians’ ball, at which 202 Olympic champions, in honor of the 202nd anniversary of the Olympic movement, bid farewell to the country’s young athletes, who then perform brilliantly at the First World Youth Games held in Moscow under the patronage of the IOC.

A.I. Tikhonov’s multifaceted activities are not only sports, business, philanthropy, but also social activities commensurate with high politics. In 1996, he was a confidant of the President of the Russian Federation in the election campaign. Since 1998, A.I. Tikhonov has been a member of the Organizing Committee of the Fatherland movement, which was headed by Moscow Mayor Yu.M. Luzhkov. In addition, he is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Development of Tax Reforms in Russia.

For outstanding sporting achievements he was awarded the Order of Lenin (1980), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1976), the Order of Friendship (1999), the medals “For Labor Valor” (1968) and “For Labor Distinction” (1972). G.). In February 1999, he was awarded the International Olympic Committee - the Olympic Order of Glory.

A.I. Tikhonov - Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. For the detention of a particularly dangerous criminal, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. This happened in 1969. Together with my fellow countryman, one of the strongest biathletes in the country, Vladimir Melnikov, we were returning home to Novosibirsk from the USSR Championships, from Kirov. On the train, at the risk of their lives, they were able to detain a robber armed with a knife, who had escaped from prison and tried to steal the proceeds of the dining car, seriously injuring several people.

A. Tikhonov’s fighting qualities, which have become a legend in the world of sports, are also expressed in what is commonly called a hobby. His passion is hunting. He is no less proud of his hunting trophies than his sports ones. A special incentive for the hunter is extreme bear hunting - one on one. This hobby is often associated with great risk to life. During one of the last “forays”, the bear was stopped only with the eighth shot.

Another, kind of professional hobby is collecting carbines and guns, especially old ones with history, their restoration, “rebirth”. During the period from 1968 to 1980, he made several improvements to sporting weapons, receiving copyright certificates. A.I. Tikhonov is an avid cook, his specialty is Siberian dumplings. At friends' anniversaries, there is rarely any doubt when choosing a toastmaster - Alexander Ivanovich Tikhonov; he is the indispensable ringleader of the feast. Among his musical preferences are calm music, regardless of style and direction. Tries not to miss theater premieres.

Lives and works in Moscow.

Biathlon, winner of four Olympics, an outstanding champion who managed to successfully realize himself in sports and business.

Start of a sports career

The diagnosis of “congenital heart disease” did not become an obstacle for Alexander in his sports career. Skiing has been present in the life of the future Olympic champion since childhood. In addition, their parents set an example for their four sons: mother Nina Evlampievna, who worked as an accountant, and father Ivan Grigorievich, who taught physical education at school. Repeatedly participating in regional competitions held among teachers, he became the winner.

Alexander, a native of the village of Uyskoye (Chelyabinsk region), was born on January 2, 1947. In his sixth year of life, he accidentally fell into a cauldron of boiling water, resulting in severe burns. The year spent in the hospital may have strengthened the character of the future athlete. While in fifth grade, he won a regional skiing competition.

Next on his life's path was studying at the Chelyabinsk School, then working as a refractory masonry mason at a metallurgical plant. And during this period, Tikhonov remained faithful to skiing, regularly training in a nearby park after the end of the working day. Next, the promising young man entered a physical education college, where he simultaneously practiced speed skating and cycling. Service in the Soviet Army led to a forced break in Tikhonov’s nascent career, who returned to the sport with new zeal.

Alexander Tikhonov: biathlon for life

In 1966, Alexander Tikhonov won the union-scale junior ski competitions at distances of 10 and 15 kilometers. The champion has already passed the relay race as part of the adult team of the USSR national team. This year became fateful for Tikhonov. He suffered a leg injury, which gave a successful start to his biathlete career.

To restore his health, Alexander was sent to the Estonian town of Otepää, where the biathletes settled at that time. The guy on crutches, watching their training with interest, was noticed by Alexander Privalov, the coach of the national team, and suggested they practice shooting for a change. Hitting a target without missing a beat and speed were the talents that Tikhonov possessed in order to try himself in a new sport. We can say that he was lucky: literally immediately Alexander got into the main team of the national team, where fast riders were urgently needed for the relay.

Tikhonov - world-class biathlete

Tikhonov's first Olympic Games took place in 1968. Having started, he earned a silver medal, making two mistakes and losing 5 seconds to the Norwegian Magnar Solberg. The main start for the biathlete was the relay race, in which he ran the first stage. Seeing the Swede ahead of him, Alexander could not allow him to be ahead of the Russian. Gathering his will into a fist, Tikhonov won about 40 seconds over the remaining two kilometers. As a result, the USSR national team became the leader in this race, and the chest of the Soviet athlete was decorated with the first gold medal of the Olympic Games. The next 4 gold medals were added a little later, all for winning relays.

There was an incident that showed the unity of athletes and the desire to win at any cost. It was in Sapporo (Japan). Alexander Ivanovich Tikhonov confidently overcame his first stage at the Olympics and was significantly ahead of his rivals when the unexpected happened: the ski fell to pieces. The biathlete had to move for almost a kilometer on one ski. Dieter Speer (GDR team) came to the rescue: when he saw the Soviet athlete hobbling, the German gave him his own ski. True, it was somewhat unsuitable for Tikhonov, but it was quite possible to run in it. As a result, Alexander managed to rehabilitate himself and passed the baton ninth in a row. His courage and perseverance inspired his partners, who brought the USSR national team to first place and won the title of Olympic champions. Tikhonov was the first in the history of biathlon to be awarded the World Cup, established in 1977.

Life after sports

Alexander Ivanovich Tikhonov ended his sports career at the age of 33, unable to withstand competition with the promising younger generation. The coaching work in which he tried to realize himself did not work out, so the Olympic champion’s interest switched to business.

In the 80s, Alexander Tikhonov and a group of former athletes formed a Soviet-Austrian enterprise engaged in adventure tourism. A few tours were enough to understand that this line of business turned out to be unprofitable for him. Then the former athlete began selling Japanese cars. Near his salon there was an Italian company that sold baking equipment. Tikhonov worked there on commission, and took the required interest from a second-hand bakery. This became the starting point for the creation in the Moscow region of a successful network of companies under the Tikhonov and K brand, which sold bakery products in their own stores and retail outlets. Later, such a business grew into a company producing grains in the Rostov region, and then fish and meat products.

Dark spot in biography

Having established a food business, Alexander Tikhonov decided to create an equestrian club under his own name. The starting point for making such a decision was the horse given to the athlete in 1994. At the age of 47, Alexander began learning to ride a horse. The habit of not feeling sorry for himself gradually turned horse riding lessons into training, which led to his full participation in competitions. For some time, Tikhonov served as vice president of the Russian Equestrian Federation.

In 1996, Tikhonov returned to biathlon as president of the Russian Biathlon Union, where he remained until 2008. The former athlete was forced to spend a significant part of this time abroad, hiding from criminal prosecution (suspicion of an attempt on the life of Aman Tuleyev, the governor of the Kemerovo region). In 2007, he was found guilty, sentenced to 3 years in prison and released right in the courtroom (due to an amnesty announced in honor of the 55th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War). The athlete himself did not admit guilt, and Aman Tuleyev, through news agencies, several times refused claims against A. Tikhonov.

As for his personal life, Tikhonov is married for the fourth time and has 3 children. Lives and works in Moscow.

Alexander Ivanovich Tikhonov became a legend in world biathlon thanks to his hobby - hunting. Tikhonov is known for the fact that he liked to take on the bear in a fair fight: one on one.

Alexander Tikhonov was born in 1947 in the village of Uyskoye (Chelyabinsk region). His father taught physical education at school and was a good skier himself. Alexander’s mother also loved skiing, although she worked as an accountant.

Tikhonov’s sports career began in Labor Reserves, but Alexander mainly played for Dynamo. At first he was involved in various sports: cross-country skating, cycling, skiing. The boy's first coach was Oleg Gorokhov. Under his leadership, Tikhonov becomes noticeable even for the USSR national team. And then the new biathlete is noticed by Evgeny Dmitrievich Glinsky, who will guide Alexander through the thorns to the stars (or rather, to the title of Honored Master of Sports). Another famous biathlete Alexander Privalov will give Tikhonov a ticket to the world biathlon, taking him away from skiing.

In 1968, Tikhonov graduated from the Novosibirsk College of Physical Culture, and at the same time made his debut at the Olympic Games in Grenoble (France). The 20-year-old Soviet athlete won a silver medal in the 20 km individual race. Tikhonov takes his first Olympic gold in . He runs the first stage and gives a significant advantage to the team. As a result, Tikhonov, Puzanov, Mamatov and Bundartsev achieve a landslide victory.

“Winning a race on one ski” is exactly what Tikhonov is talking about. An example of unbending will and true Olympic mutual assistance was shown at the Winter Olympics-72 by Alexander Tikhonov and Dieter Speer. This case will forever go down in the history of the Olympic movement as an example of the very principle of fair play proclaimed by Pierre de Coubertin.

It all happened like this. Tikhonov was again in the first stage of the relay race and was already far ahead of all his rivals when he. There were no coaches, staff or skiers nearby to give me a replacement ski. As a result, Alexander ran a whole kilometer on one ski. His rivals passed him by, but Tikhonov did not give up. And here's the luck: Dieter Speer from the GDR team (the main rival of the USSR at the games) was preparing for his stage and saw that the Soviet skier had only one ski left. Speer immediately gives Tikhonov his ski without any hesitation. Tikhonov manages to enter the leading group and passes the baton to the 9th. However, his teammates appreciated the athlete’s courage and brought the team to first place.

In 1976, Tikhonov took his third Olympic gold (Innsburuk, Austria). Then begins a series of ups and downs at the World Cup and world championships. Having won silver at the 1979 World Cup, Tikhonov received a pass to his 4th Olympics.

Soviet biathletes at the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid (USA, 1980)

In Lake Placid (USA), Tikhonov caught a serious cold. With a temperature of under 39, the athlete performs unsuccessfully in the 10 km individual race, and the leadership of the team removes him from the relay. At night, at the coaching council, Tikhonov insistently demands that he be allowed to escape. He is being placed in the second stage.

And Tikhonov did not disappoint. He ran the stage first and, together with Vladimir Alikin, Vladimir Barnashev and Anatoly Alyabyev, rises to 1st place on the Olympic podium. Four-time Olympic champion Alexander Tikhonov won in a confrontation with the strongest biathlete Klaus Sieberg (GDR).

However, Tikhonov understands that the time has come to leave the ski track. His passion, perseverance and hard work, his signature movement of taking the weapon from behind his back (“Tikhonov’s spinner”) will forever remain in the history of biathlon, and Alexander Ivanovich himself begins his coaching career.

In 1982, A.I. Tikhonov trained the USSR youth biathlon team. Until 1987, he held the position of deputy chairman of the Novosibirsk Regional Council "Dynamo", then for 3 years he was the coach of the country's experimental biathlon team. After the collapse of the USSR, Tikhonov left his coaching career. Actually, his future life will be connected with business, politics and even crime.

In 2007, Tikhonov was convicted of planning an assassination attempt on Aman Tuleyev. The court sentenced the athlete to 3 years in prison, but pardoned Tikhonov right in the courtroom. Tuleyev himself has repeatedly stated that he does not believe that the biathlete was involved in the assassination attempt, and that Tikhonov was simply framed.

Tikhonov's life was difficult from birth. The famous athlete, while still a baby, received a verdict from doctors: congenital heart disease. Until the age of 3, the boy lagged behind his peers in development. Two years later, when little Sasha turned 5, he fell into a pot of boiling water and was hospitalized for a whole year with terrible burns. Who knows, maybe these trials shaped the character of the invincible biathlete.

In addition to sports awards, Alexander Tikhonov has 8 copyright certificates for the modification of sports small arms.

Tikhonov is married for the fourth time, he has three children (the youngest son died tragically).

Four-time Olympic champion and eleven-time world champion in biathlon Alexander Ivanovich Tikhonov currently runs his own blog, where he sharply criticizes the leadership of the Russian Biathlon Union. , where the only gold medal went to Russian biathletes in the relay race, show that Tikhonov’s criticism is completely justified.

Four-time Olympic champion in biathlon Alexander Ivanovich Tikhonov was born on January 2, 1947 in the village of Uyskoye, Chelyabinsk region.

He graduated from the Factory Training School (FZO) in Chelyabinsk. He worked for two years at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant as a refractory masonry mason.

Alexander Tikhonov - Honored Master of Sports (1968). Four-time Olympic champion (1968, 1972, 1976, 1980) in the relay race, multiple world champion (1969-1978) and the USSR (1969-1977) in biathlon. Received the first Biathlon World Cup (1977), winner of the 1978 USSR Cup.

After the 1980 Olympics, he ended his career as an athlete and switched to coaching. In 1982, Alexander Tikhonov was appointed head coach of the USSR youth team. From 1985 to 1987 he was deputy chairman of the Novosibirsk regional council "Dynamo". In 1987-1990 he worked as a coach of the country's experimental biathlon team.

In the late 1980s, Alexander Tikhonov began doing business. With a group of former athletes in Novosibirsk, he organized a Soviet-Austrian enterprise specializing in adventure tourism, a Soviet-Japanese joint venture "Avto-san" for the sale of cars, opened a network of commercial companies under the brand "Tikhonov and K", organized grain production in the Rostov region , established meat production in Moscow, and fish production in Zelenograd.

At the Central Hippodrome of Moscow, he created the equestrian “Tikhonov Club”, he himself participated in competitions in overcoming obstacles and was even elected vice-president of the Russian Equestrian Federation. After the closure of the club in Moscow, he gave fourteen horses to his friends - the owners of an equestrian club in Chuvashia.

In October 1999, Alexander Tikhonov ran for the post of governor of the Moscow region, but did not make it to the second round.

In August 2000, Tikhonov was charged with complicity in preparing an assassination attempt on the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev. On July 23, 2007, the Novosibirsk Regional Court found Tikhonov guilty under Articles 133 and 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - complicity in the form of incitement to murder for hire - and sentenced him to three years in prison. On the same day, it was announced by the State Duma in honor of the 55th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Tikhonov himself did not admit guilt.

The International Biathlon Federation recognized him as the “Best Biathlete of the 20th Century”. In 1977, the world community named him "Mr. Biathlon."

In 1996-2008, Alexander Tikhonov was president of the Russian Biathlon Union. From 2008 to 2010 - vice president of this union. In addition, in 2002-2009, Tikhonov was the first vice-president of the International Biathlon Union.

Alexander Tikhonov is a lieutenant colonel of the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. For the detention of a particularly dangerous criminal in 1969, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

For outstanding sporting achievements he was awarded the Order of Lenin (1980), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1976), the Order of Friendship (1999), the medals “For Labor Valor” (1968) and “For Labor Distinction” (1972). In February 1999, he was awarded the International Olympic Committee - the Olympic Order of Glory.

The biathlon center in the village of Uvat, Tyumen region, was named after Tikhonov in 2008; in the same year, the museum “A.I. Tikhonov - the legend of world biathlon” was opened in the village of Uvat.

Alexander Tikhonov is married for the fourth time. He has a son from his second marriage and a daughter from his third. The youngest son from his second marriage died.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Titles Olympic champion 4 World champion 11 world Cup 1 Career (World Cup)
Olympic Games
Silver Grenoble 1968 individual race 20 km
Gold Grenoble 1968 4x7.5 km relay race
Gold Sapporo 1972 4x7.5 km relay race
Gold Innsbruck 1976 4x7.5 km relay
Gold Lake Placid 1980 4x7.5 km relay race
World Championships
Silver Altenberg 1967 4x7.5 km relay
Gold Zakopane 1969 individual race 20 km
Gold Zakopane 1969 4x7.5 km relay race
Gold Östersund 1970 individual race 20 km
Gold Östersund 1970 4x7.5 km relay race
Silver Hämeenlinna 1971 individual race 20 km
Gold Hämeenlinna 1971 4x7.5 km relay race
Gold Lake Placid 1973 individual race 20 km
Gold Lake Placid 1973 4x7.5 km relay
Gold Minsk 1974 4x7.5 km relay race
Gold Antolz 1976 10 km sprint
Silver Antolz 1975 4x7.5 km relay
Gold Lillehammer 1977 10 km sprint
Bronze Lillehammer 1977 individual race 20 km
Gold Lillehammer 1977 4x7.5 km relay race
Silver Ruhpolding 1979 individual race 20 km
Bronze Ruhpolding 1979 4x7.5 km relay race
State awards

Alexander Ivanovich Tikhonov(January 2, Uyskoye village, Kolkhoz district, Chelyabinsk region) - an outstanding Soviet biathlete, champion of the USSR Spartakiad. Winner of the 1978 USSR Cup, four-time Olympic champion, silver medalist at the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, eleven-time world champion, fifteen-time USSR champion. President (1996-2008), vice-president (2008-2010) of the Russian Biathlon Union. First Vice-President of the International Biathlon Union (2002-2009). Honored Master of Sports of the USSR since 1968. Member of the CPSU since 1975.

Graduated from the Novosibirsk College of Physical Culture (1968) and Novosibirsk State University (1995). Lieutenant Colonel (internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs).

In October 1999, he ran for the post of governor of the Moscow region, but did not make it to the second round.

In 2007, he was convicted under Articles 33 and 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (complicity in the form of incitement to murder for hire) and sentenced to 3 years in prison. Amnestied.

Sports career

He became interested in skiing as a child and performed well at school: as a fifth-grade student, Sasha Tikhonov won his first ski race for the prize of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper.

After school, Sasha went to Chelyabinsk and entered the factory training school (FZO). He worked for two years at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant as a refractory masonry mason. At the same time, he did not give up skiing, continuing to ski on winter evenings in the park.

Later he was invited to Novosibirsk to study at the College of Physical Education. Here he practiced cross-country skating, cycling, and skiing. After graduating from the College of Physical Education, he served in the army. In 1966 he won 10 and 15 kilometers in junior competitions. He ran the relay as part of an adult team and became the winner. Thus, he qualified for the USSR ski team.

However, getting into the biathlon team was not easy. Tikhonov was helped by the expansion of the competition program to include the relay race: the relay team needed, first of all, fast racers. They immediately began training him for the 1st stage, where, due to his speed, he could make up for possible shooting mistakes.

“When, after the stand, I went into the distance with a penalty circle, some Swede walked ahead of me (I don’t remember the last name). I remember the blood rushing to my head. What a shame, I think! The Swede is ahead of the Russian! I don’t know where the strength came from, but in the remaining 2 kilometers 200 meters I beat him by more than 40 seconds.”

The advantage of the USSR national team was later retained and consolidated by its partners (the gap was more than 2 minutes). As a result, the 1st Olympic gold medal in biathlon was won for Tikhonov.

A silver medal at the 1979 World Championships in the 20 km individual race allowed the veteran Tikhonov, in intense competition with his young friends and rivals, to gain the right to compete at his fourth Olympics.

The last years of Tikhonov’s tenure as president and then vice president were marked by a number of scandals:

Tikhonov’s activities were sharply criticized by a number of athletes and functionaries. Thus, Olympic champion in biathlon and cross-country skiing Anfisa Reztsova states: “Alexander Ivanovich is a very respected person in biathlon. He is a smart guy, he has done a lot for both Soviet and Russian biathlon. But his time has passed. The time has passed when he could dictate his terms to everyone and do as he wants”; “... as a leader, he had to know what was happening with the athletes, he had to be involved. Otherwise, this is not a leader."

In July 2010, Tikhonov resigned from the post of first vice-president of the RRF, citing his reluctance to work with the current board, which in his opinion is incompetent.

Recently he has been blogging on his personal website, where he criticizes both the leadership of the SBR and many coaches and athletes. Blog of Alexander Tikhonov.

Criminal prosecution

On February 4, 2001, Alexander Tikhonov addressed an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to intervene in the investigation of the criminal case. Tikhonov explained his appeal to the president by saying that the investigative authorities of Novosibirsk were violating his civil rights by not allowing him to fly to Moscow for an emergency surgical operation. As a result, on March 5, 2001, the prosecutor's office of the Novosibirsk region changed the preventive measure for Alexander Tikhonov: he was allowed to travel to Moscow for treatment. On April 20, 2001, the investigation of the criminal case against the Tikhonov brothers for organizing an assassination attempt on the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev was completed, but by the time the court hearings began, Alexander Tikhonov left Russia, having fled from justice, and was allegedly in Austria, where, according to some information, underwent surgery on his legs and lived for some time. As a result of this, Tikhonov was put on the international wanted list, and his criminal case was separated into separate proceedings. His younger brother Victor was found guilty on August 2, 2002 and sentenced to 4 years in prison. The court found that Viktor Tikhonov, on behalf of the head of the Micom group, Mikhail Zhivilo (Alexander Tikhonov’s business partner), found killers in Novosibirsk and gave them an advance in the amount of $179,000.

In 2006, Alexander Tikhonov returned to Russia. The return was facilitated by a telegram that Alexander Tikhonov received from Aman Tuleyev on September 6, 2005: “Dear Alexander Ivanovich, I know you as a well-known person in sports in Russia and the world, a multiple champion of the country and the planet. I have always been proud of your achievements. I have never held a grudge against you and I don’t, I have repeatedly reported this through the media. I know that all the blame lies with Zhivilo...” It is also alleged that during the Olympic Games in Turin, news agencies disseminated a statement by Aman Tuleyev, in which he once again renounced claims against the Olympic champion.

Recognized as a legend of Russian sports in the 20th century.

Officially recognized by the International Biathlon Union as the best biathlete of the 20th century.


  • Snegirev V. Ice and Fire // Your champions, Russia. - M., 1973.
  • Elena Vaitsekhovskaya. Penalty circle of Alexander Tikhonov. - M.: Skiing, 2006. 239 pp., color. ill., portrait



  • Tikhonov Alexander Ivanovich- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia