Ilya Chernousov: “I decided in advance that this is how I will run at the finish line!” Russian skier Ilya Chernousov won the Marchalonga marathon! Ilya Burov, freestyle

The coming year for the stars of the STS series “Molodezhka” Ilya Korobko and Alexander Sokolovsky should be successful, since they spent the first days of the year very eventful and positive - on the fabulous island of Bali, in the Indian Ocean. Only ya ProZvezd – details of celebrities’ exotic holidays.

Sokolovsky ran to the ocean at 6 am
“My girlfriend Masha and I had 20 wonderful, long-awaited and unforgettable days on the island of Bali,” Korobko enthusiastically told us.
Ilya and Masha not only celebrated New Year and Christmas there, but also their birthdays - Masha Morilova was born on December 31, and Ilya on January 14. The actor gave his beloved a piece of jewelry with the word ocean, and she gave him a fashionable sweatshirt with a print in the shape of a delicious slice of watermelon, which Korobko adores.
The couple rented a house on the island with their friends and colleagues - Alexander Sokolovsky and his girlfriend Ulyana Grosheva.
– Sasha and Ulya learned to surf in Bali and at 6 am they ran with their boards to the ocean, and we were lazy and slept a lot. The water in the Indian Ocean is like fresh milk, you run, you think - now I’ll dive into the coolness, but you plunge into a 30-degree jacuzzi. We had our own luxurious pool at the villa, but it was much more interesting for us to get on a moped and go look for some wild beach. What struck us most was the one in the east of the island, which can only be reached at low tide. Rocky coast, a village right on the rocks, inhabited by surfers. There are many restaurants with live music there. And what sunsets are in Bali! I've never seen anything like this. It's impossible to take your eyes off! Beauty, romance! – Ilya admires.
The guys didn’t even expect that so many Russians lived on the distant island of Bali, there was even a Russian school there.
– We celebrated Christmas in the company of compatriots in one of the bars, singing Russian songs at karaoke. There were also Australians there, so we gave them a master class on how to have fun properly - loudly, cheerfully, with dancing and singing,” says Korobko.
– True, Ilya didn’t really like the local cuisine, which is based on rice, coconut oil, seafood and a lot of hot spices. At night he raved about dumplings, muttering in his sleep: “Now I wish there were dumplings!” But there was no restaurant nearby that served dumplings, and Ilya mostly ate burgers,” Masha laughs.

The couple rented a house on the island with their friends and colleagues - Alexander Sokolovsky and his girlfriend Ulyana Grosheva.
Ilya did not really like the local cuisine, which is based on rice, coconut oil, seafood and a lot of hot spices. At night he raved about dumplings

Appeased the local spirits
Korobko and Morilova rented a moped and explored the island on it, visiting waterfalls and a huge park where a lot of monkeys live.
“The monkeys are so arrogant, they immediately take away all the food, they think that everything is just for them,” Maria shares her impressions.
– We also rode a moped to the rice fields where the movie “Eat!” was filmed. Pray! Love!” with Julia Roberts, saw beautiful Hindu monasteries. Along the way, almost every house was met with various statues of spirits; next to each were baskets of leaves with offerings, containing flowers, cookies, and cigarettes. “I also cajoled the spirits,” admitted Ilya. “As a left-hander, I was very flattered that in Bali we drive on the left. In my opinion, this is the most correct movement. True, shaking on a moped for more than two hours is a dubious pleasure, your arms and legs go numb, and you want to eat.
In addition to the natural beauty, the guys were amazed by the locals, who are ready to invite the first person they meet into their house and feed them, but at the same time they treat dogs terribly.
“Everyone smiles absolutely from the bottom of their hearts and is always ready to help, although they live quite poorly,” continues Ilya. – The Balinese believe very much in karma and care about it, but when it comes to dogs, it’s exactly the opposite.
– Did you take your dog Terry to Bali?
– It’s good that they didn’t take her, we wouldn’t have been able to take her back, since dogs are supposed to be left in quarantine for 30 days. There are many stray dogs on the island - beaten and skinned. You can see a picture - two Balinese guys are riding a moped, stop, give a kick to the dog and move on. According to their belief, dogs are possessed by the souls of bad people, which is why they are treated this way.
– Some Balinese care about their karma, others speculate on it. We went for a ride to a village where, even in the 21st century, there is no and never has been electricity, there live very cunning grandmothers who sell knitted octopuses and turtles to tourists. And if you don’t want to buy their products, then they immediately threaten: “If you don’t buy, your karma will be bad.” I had to buy it,” Masha laughs.
And Korobko brought back his dream from vacation - to buy a dacha in Bali.

Korobko and Morilova rented a moped and explored the island on it, visiting waterfalls and a huge park where a lot of monkeys live.

Russian skier Ilya Chernousov won the classic 70 km marathon “Marchalonga”. Chernousov became the first Russian to win the traditional race, which has been taking place in Italy since 1971. In Soviet history, the 1980 marathon was won by two-time bronze medalist of the 1976 Games Ivan Garanin. Russian biathletes Anton Shipulin and Maxim Tsvetkov also took part in this sporting event with a 70 km test. Biathlete Olga Podchufarova was entered in the race, but did not start, the reasons are not yet known.

Ski race. Marathon "Marchalonga". Moena Cavalese, Italy, January 28
70 km, classic style


1. Ilya Chernousov (Russia) - 2:48.08.7
2. Thor Bjorset Berdal (Norway) - 0.2
3. Morten Eide Pedersen (Norway) - 1.5
4. Tord Asle Jerdalen (Norway) - 7.0
5. Andreas Nygaard (Norway) - 13.0
6. Anders Aukland (Norway) - 20.8
7. Ermil Vokuev (Russia) - 22.6
27. Nikita Stupak (Russia) - 1.41.9
37. Evgeniy Dementyev (Russia) - 4.48.2
79. Anton Shipulin (Russia) - 18.04.1
118. Maxim Tsvetkov (Russia) - 23.25.2


1. Britta Nurgren (Sweden) - 3:11.48.3
2. Katerina Smutna (Czech Republic) - 0.5
3. Lina Korsgren (Sweden) - 1.22.5
4. Silje Oyre Schlinn (Norway) - 7.02.7
5. Evgenia Melina (Russia) - 10.13.6
6. Seraina Boner (Switzerland) - 10.27.9

For those who have not watched the race live, we suggest you do so right now:

Lyuda, well, they also specialize in different distances. They have enough stamina.

Vyacheslav, everyone has a pumped-up quadriceps femoris muscle. Is this good for running? I doubt.

Lyuda, I wouldn't say that. It should be taken into account that the rowers are generally not frail guys.

Vyacheslav, purely visually, the skiers’ legs still look more powerful than those of the rowers.

Lyuda, are your legs weak? :)) In rowing, you can’t make a full stroke without legs.

My friend Mikhail Ardakov, ex-member of the Russian national team in yawl rowing, MSMK, European Champion, CCM in cross-country skiing.

Vyacheslav, interesting. The rowers' shoulder girdle, back, and abs are very developed, but aren't their legs too weak for cross-country skiing? Or is it enough for short distances?

Lyuda, I will surprise you, but not only are you right with your last post, but rowers, especially academics, very often ski in winter, and at a fairly high level. For example, in rowing MSMK, skiing KMS. There is MS. And in yawl rowing, skiing in winter - God himself ordered it! There are a lot of MS in cross-country skiing in the Russian national team.

Vyacheslav, the work of the upper shoulder girdle in rowing is also of great importance. And what?

I see no point in continuing the argument.

Lyuda, but the modern skate with doublepoling has common features: in both cases, the work of the upper shoulder girdle is of great importance.

Vyacheslav, “doublepoling has nothing in common with the classic two-step alternating move.”

So I didn’t say that.

Dmitry: “And this means that the results of our biathletes are quite good”

This is exactly what I noted. Do not read? Chernousov is also not a double-polling player.

Lyuda, doublepoling has nothing in common with the classic two-step alternating stroke.

“This, of course, does not mean that they ride double-poling” (c) = Vyacheslav :))
Of course it doesn’t mean, Vyacheslav. This means that it is very difficult for them to travel 70 km in such a dull way. Because, unlike skiers, they are not taught this, and they do not train it
And this means that the results of our biathletes are quite good

Dmitry, have you seen a lot of biathletes training? All their varieties: strength, technical, speed-strength, interval and many others? This of course does not mean that they are skating double-poling. But it is a fact that doublepoling is much closer to skating than to the classic two-step alternating.

Vyacheslav, look at the biathletes’ training. And you will see that their preparation is not done by double-polling. And with an ordinary skate
I would rather believe that for health reasons they sometimes alternate riding “on wood” than that they train to cover the distance by double-poling

Dmitry, such a move is definitely included in the training of both skiers and biathletes, and naturally, it is much closer to a skating move than to an alternating two-stride move.

Vyacheslav, do our biathletes double-poling complete the distance? :))

What other “alternative games”? Are you crazy up there? Or do they want to immediately vulgarize and bury a good idea?
What is needed is not “alternative games,” but rather the issue of organizing Russian competitions, including open ones. And not in a hurry, but how it should be done, including working on such a sensitive issue as doping control

The entire race... Sochi 2014 mass start men's 50 km... website

Vadim, yes, the emotions are strong.
I watched the video and remembered my emotions.
The voice was completely lost. My pulse is racing, as if I ran this race with the guys myself))

Finish of 50 km, Sochi 2014... Oh, what emotions! website

It is not necessary to be an athlete, but the volume behind your back is very desirable. And I'm not going to go for a walk. It won’t be interesting to me in that format.


But I have run more than 50 km more than once! And not only skiing but also cross-country (running) and NOTE WITHOUT FEEDING (refueling) on ​​the track... I’m sure a lot depends on the pace in order to go 50 km on skis for fun during training... You don’t need to be a big athlete here. ..

Svetlana, well done Ermil!)

By the way, Ermil Vokuev became seventh in the overall standings and second in the 18-29 age group. Also not without reward.

Lilia, I haven’t run more than 50 km. And then, this was almost 30 years ago, and they didn’t know anything about doublepolling then. So I'd better analyze for now. But when the children grow up, it will be possible to compete in marathons; of course, there are such plans in their age category. :)

Vyacheslav, I had to show up.

I watched the race. The level of readiness of top athletes and the terrain of the route allows the entire marathon to be ridden exclusively at a stepless pace. In fact, these are double-poling competitions. They didn't oil the skis at all. Most likely, all this explains the good performance of our biathletes; in fact, there were no classics there.
Finish protocol

Vladimir Eremeevich, I wrote above: 6000 people started, 4776 people finished.
The alternative games will be held as I thought in Sochi, about 500 athletes are expected, including foreign ones.

Irina K., thank you, I understand.)

Well done Ilya Chernousov! The finish was a success! I killed all these Norwegian Pedersens and Dalens!
Ermil Vokuev also deserves praise, just like our guys, biathletes, were not afraid to run 70 km.
For Podchufarova such a feat would be too much, in my opinion.
I wonder how many participants there were?

Irsen, but they don’t take you there, they show up there themselves.

I admire Shipulin and Tsvetkov. Super. Respect.

Anton and Max, respect to you!
Kruglov, somehow he limited himself to entering the second thousand) Why didn’t they take Lesha Slepov? (

For Anton, who is not a marathon runner or a classic runner at all, finishing in the first hundred is very cool...

Well done Ilya! And well done to everyone who completed this marathon!

Vyacheslav, perhaps you don’t have such skis with you in Italy! And if there are, they are unlikely to be super racing ones, because biathletes often use them for rolling.
Marina, it was nice to see the guys smiling, with a joke and humor! The head has been rebooted, I need to compete somewhere for a month and a half!
On February 24, Anton will run a marathon again in Yekaterinburg, maybe Max will join. We are waiting for information on alternative games, I would like to support the athletes!

Vera: “Anton ran on Sasha Legkov’s skis, because he doesn’t have any for the classics. I wonder who Max was running on?”

Apparently there are no good skis for classics? After all, they ride classics from time to time. So there should be skis, just not combat skis. :)

Ilya with victory! Anton and Maxim are great, very worthy, great!

Verochka! Thank you, thank you!
Yes then - Antosha and Maksimushka were simply COOL! Hurray!

Marina Alekseevna, 6000 people started, Nikolai Kruglov finished 1118th. For a biathlete, 70 km is a classic, and I think being among the 80 and 120 is very decent. Anton ran on Sasha Legkov's skis, because he doesn't have any for the classics. I wonder who Max was running on?
Ilya with victory! He is second in the marathon standings. I had never been able to win before.

Our Ugra ski marathon is also a stage of the marathon cup. And being at YLM, I heard more than once that marathon runners have some concessions on pharma. It was all the more gratifying to see our biathletes and skiers (Ustyugov, Belov, Shopin, and of course almost our Petyunya Northug), crystal clear from doping, and giving battle to the professional marathon runners at the finish line))))

Ilya - with victory. Happy mileage to all those who ran!)

And the skiers continue to “wipe away” all their ill-wishers! My admiration and sincere congratulations! And Anton and Max were great, they took part and got their breath.

Another cool thing is to run 70 km, so that at the finish line you split 0.2 seconds))

Vyacheslav, thank you) most likely the time lag is precisely because of this.
The guys are still great! 70 km is scary to even think about, let alone run.

Marina Alekseevna, Dmitry, this is a strange marathon in general, I read a detailed report from a girl who participated last year, it’s difficult to compare anything between the participants. Most likely Chernousov broke away or stood forward and walked as best he could. And the starting places for Max and Anton are most likely not convenient. I'd like to read their reviews.

Spiridon, Novosibirsk is in charge! So what if Ilya lives in Switzerland?! Happens often in my homeland. He was BORN in NOVOSIBIRSK! So don’t stop me from being happy for my fellow countryman!

Alexander Legkov and Ilya Chernousov. Rope exercise. Proprioceptive training. Photo: Isabelle Knaute.

Vasily Parnyakov: Ilya, I just want to exclaim: Dreams come true! Dreams Come True! Congratulations!

Ilya Chernousov: Thank you! Thank you very much! There are days when you realize that you did what you were supposed to do. That you did everything you could, and that was enough to win. Today is such a day. They told me here that I won just by playing. They would wheeze on the ski track next to me... It was a very difficult race in terms of lubrication. All teams had problems. During the classics, my skis didn’t move on the first lap, and on the second they didn’t hold up. He kept his teeth behind the leaders. Sasha Legkov helped me a lot here. In general, I want to say right away that Sasha contributed a lot to my victory. He and I talked about tactics before the race. But at mass starts you don’t know who will be ready or how the race will turn out. But Sanya is a rock. You can always rely on him. He will simply die for his friend.

Vasily Parnyakov: Was it easier on the skate?

Ilya Chernousov: From a skiing point of view, yes. But the French constantly tightened the race. I monitored my heart rate so as not to go high and tried to get on the slopes and flats. I constantly counted the racers around me, but there were always more than 6 :)! I was also surprised by a Russian guy whom I don’t know at all!

Vasily Parnyakov: This is Alexander Utkin. Before my eyes, he won the sprint prologue at the Russian Cup stage in Chusovoy. Then all the messengers were very surprised!

Ilya Chernousov: I was surprised too. But on the last lap I already had confidence that I could fight for the top three. When Gaillard made the leap, I remembered that last year I tried to leave here in the same way, and remained in the group. I thought that we would catch up with him on the plain, but he apparently got away well. Before the last climb, I saw that Gaillard was already sitting down. Well, I went up the mountain to get it.

Vasily Parnyakov: Flew like an eagle, I would say! And I really liked your acceleration at the finish line without poles. I have only seen this performed by the great Thomas Olsgard!

Ilya Chernousov: I decided in advance that this is how I would run at the finish line. When you fly down the mountain, working with poles only stops you. I myself liked how it all turned out. I struggled a little more at the finish line, but it was already clear that I had won. Great feeling! Indeed, I could only dream about it. Everything worked out as it should have. I wish Sanya was in the top three. But everything is ahead, he will recover, and everything will fall into place.

Vasily Parnyakov: Sasha said that the training camp in Davos was very difficult for him after his illness. What can you say about these weeks?

Ilya Chernousov: The same! At first, an hour and a half seemed like three to me! It was difficult to get involved; after all, there was a long break in training. Then they increased the intensity. I think that Sasha has already told you about interval training 30 after 30?

Vasily Parnyakov: Yes, very colorful!

Ilya Chernousov: It was tough! The next day we ran a 23 km race, and I could hardly keep up with the Swiss from the 2nd team. But I pushed away all doubts and trained with an eye toward the World Championships. There was no connection to the Rybinsk ECM. I didn’t allow myself to doubt even for a second that I would make it to the World Cup team, although I only had half the selection criteria.

Vasily Parnyakov: What are your plans now for immediate preparation for the World Cup?

Ilya Chernousov: We also have to run a relay race in Rybinsk. This is also included in the training plan. I don’t know whether they will now trust me to run in the first team or whether I am still not worthy of such an honor. Then there will be a short break and on the 6th-7th we leave for Norway, for Shushen. There will be a collection. Then EKM in Drammen and then Holmenkollen.

This problem was offered to students in grades 7-8 at the school stage of the 2013-2014 All-Russian Olympiad in Mathematics in Moscow.

The task

Sasha, Lyosha and Kolya started at the same time in the 100 m race. When Sasha finished, Lyosha was ten meters behind him, and when Lyosha finished, Kolya was ten meters behind him. How far apart were Sasha and Kolya when Sasha finished? (It is assumed that all the boys are running at constant, but, of course, not equal speeds.)

The solution of the problem

Reasoning (almost without formulas).

Let's consider the moment of Sasha's finish.

At this point, Sasha has run 100 m, and Lesha has run only 90 m in the same time. This means that Lesha’s speed is 90/100 = 0.9 of Sasha’s speed.

Now let's look at the moment of Lesha's finish.

At this point, Lesha has finally run 100 m, and Kolya has only run 90 m. This means that Kolya’s speed is 90/100 = 0.9 of Lesha’s speed.

Then it turns out that Kolya’s speed is 0.9 · 0.9 = 0.81 of Sasha’s speed. And when Sasha completed his 100 m, Kolya managed to run only 81 m. That is. Kolya will be 19 meters behind at the time of Sasha’s finish.

Solutions to other problems

Later I will post the solutions to the remaining problems of the school tour of the 2013 All-Russian Olympiad in Mathematics (Moscow).

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