Arm triceps exercises for women. Triceps exercises for women. Removing flabby arms. How often should you exercise to achieve results?

Any woman wants to have not only a beautiful face and fashionable outfits, but also a slender, elastic body with aesthetically toned muscles. But not everyone has the courage, time and desire to go to the gym to burn extra calories and structure muscle mass.

Several benefits of working out at the gym

  1. Atmosphere. It is more effective to pump up muscles where a person is separated from everyday problems and where he is surrounded by exercise equipment and sports mats. Nothing distracts from the process.
  2. Equipment. As a rule, gyms have a whole arsenal of means for pumping up muscles, so the process goes faster and more efficiently.
  3. Help. For an inexperienced novice athlete, a coach can select the first set of exercises or, in extreme cases, suggest how to pump up a particular muscle group.

Push-ups are usually difficult for women and girls at the initial stage. But regular training and systematic exercises give excellent results.

Ways to perform bench presses in the gym:

  • independently (without the help of additional funds);
  • with dumbbells (they can be used in different body positions);
  • with a bench;
  • on uneven bars, a special turnstile or a wall bars.

It’s always very unpleasant when your arms are flabby: it’s both aesthetically unsightly and you don’t have to wear open clothes. How to remove sagging triceps on a girl’s arms is a burning question. Several methods are offered.

The girl's hands deserve special attention. To maintain their beauty, prevent muscle sagging and sagging in the shoulder area, regular exercise is necessary. A set of simple exercises for training your arms at home will help keep your arm muscles toned.

Women's triceps exercises

Exercise 1 - Classic Floor Presses

An old, proven, “grandfather’s” method. Allows you to quickly pump up for women imply the following sequence:

  1. get on all fours;
  2. hand placement - shoulder-width apart, palms “looking” at the floor;
  3. legs - straight;
  4. slowly descend, then rise. Repeat 5-12 times.

If the exercise is difficult to do with straight legs, you can try bending them. But then only the upper part of the body will work.

Exercise 2 - reverse push-ups

Hands stand behind the torso with palms on the edge of the bench. Next, the body lowers and rises, and the elbows bend synchronously.

Exercise 3 - with dumbbells

The first option is to extend the arms on a bench with the back straight and at an angle. Take a dumbbell(s) in your hands. Sit on a special bench. The arms are bent, and the palms with the projectiles are behind the head. Next, the arms reach up and straighten. Repeat 6-10 times.

If the back is tilted at least 20 degrees, the load on the triceps increases significantly. This exercise also works the shoulders.

Reverse push-ups are in no way inferior to classic push-ups (from the floor) in terms of the effectiveness of pumping up the triceps. And reverse (back) push-ups provide the development of coordination and static stability.

The second option is bending arm extension. Triceps exercises for girls cannot be imagined without this body movement. Stand with your knee with your shin and palm (on one side) on the bench. Bend and straighten the other arm with dumbbells in the air.

The third option is lying arm extension. In a lying position, stretch your arms with dumbbells in front of you and do flexion-extension.

The fourth option is extension-bending of the arms while standing (French press). The same as in the first exercise, only performed in a standing position.

Every woman decides for herself how to pump up her muscles, in particular her triceps. But it doesn’t hurt to first consult with a specialist and read specialized literature.

© progressman -

  1. Starting position: lying on the floor. Arms are straightened, shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, resting on the floor. Legs bent at the knees, knees resting on the floor, shins held above the floor.
  2. By bending your arms at the elbow joints, you need to touch the floor with your chest, but do not lie down completely on the floor. Then return to the starting position as slowly and under control as possible. Throughout the entire movement, you should try to move your elbows back, close to the body, and not to the sides.

© Andrey Bandurenko -

When you can do 20 or more push-ups, you should move on to more complex movements.

Push-ups with a shoulder-width grip

Starting position: lying down, resting on your toes and palms. Hand position: palms are strictly under the shoulder joints. When bending your arms at the elbows, the shoulder should touch the body, do not spread the elbows to the sides, and do not place the arms wider than the shoulders.

Not every girl will be able to reach this stage, but everyone who gets there will note that her “problem” area is beginning to confidently turn into the envy of her weaker friends. However, we will not stop there: 20 or more repetitions in several approaches are a reason to move to a higher level.

Close grip push-ups

Starting position: lying down, resting your feet on your toes. Hand position: palms are narrower than shoulder width, ideally the fingers of one hand cover the fingers of the other. At the initial stages of mastering this version of push-ups, the elbows may diverge to the sides, however, our task is to press them as close to the body as possible, so you will get the maximum benefit from this movement.

© Roman Stetsyk -

Let's go back to the beginning of our program. What should those girls do who are at the very beginning of a complex of training to strengthen the triceps? Doing push-ups alone is boring, although useful. Is it possible to diversify your home workouts? How to pump up a girl’s triceps at home with something else?

This exercise is quite simple; in addition to the triceps, it also works well and stretches the chest. Perfect even for beginners.

You need to take two chairs or two stools of approximately equal height. We place them at a distance of 40-50 centimeters (slightly wider than shoulder width).

  1. The starting position is between two stools. Legs are straightened, toes rest on the floor. The arms are straightened at the elbow joints, the body weight rests on the palms, and part of the weight is taken by the legs, which makes the exercise easier.
  2. We bend our arms at the elbow joints as far as possible. You need to strive for an angle of 90 degrees, but if you don’t feel the strength, it’s okay, bend your elbows as much as you can, most importantly, try to do it quite smoothly. There is no need to go lower if you feel pain, the exercise should be comfortable for the joints. Also try to move your elbows more back than to the sides.
  3. Extend your arms by extending your elbows.

Triceps chair push-ups

How else can you pump up a girl’s triceps at home? An option for a more accentuated effect on the triceps brachii muscle would be reverse push-ups from one chair, sofa or any other solid support that rises 50-60 centimeters above the floor.

  1. We sit on the edge of this support. We place our hands shoulder-width apart. We straighten our legs and place them on our heels. We transfer the body weight to our hands, move the pelvis forward so that it is above the floor.
  2. By bending your elbows, lower your pelvis to the floor. The important thing is that you should only lightly touch the floor with your buttocks, and not flop onto the floor and lift yourself up.

© Schum -

Another important point: the elbows should not move apart, but “look” strictly back from the body.

This triceps exercise for girls can be considered as basic; with the help of push-ups and the described movement, you can solve the question of how to pump up a girl’s triceps.

Horizontal triceps push-ups

They are the hardest triceps exercise for women with their own weight. In fact, this is an analogue of the French bench press with a barbell at home.

To perform this movement, we will need some kind of chair or stool, which we will rest against the wall, thereby ensuring complete immobility. At arm's length, we take a lying position, with our hands grasping the edge of the chair, which we have “stabilized” in advance.

With a controlled movement, we bend our elbows, as if diving under a chair, the movement is as smooth and controlled as possible. If you feel like you're falling face down on the floor, fall on your knees, you'd rather break them than your face. By straightening the arms at the elbows, we return to the starting position.

This video will help girls learn how to do push-ups and perform triceps exercises correctly at home:

A set of exercises in the gym

Let's move on to triceps exercises for women in the gym. There are already many more possibilities in the gym - from specialized exercise equipment to the usual dumbbells, with the help of which it will not be too difficult for a girl to tighten her triceps. If only there was time and desire.

Arm extensions from behind the head

This exercise is one of the most effective for the triceps brachii muscle, and accordingly, it is recommended for all practicing women and girls.

The recommended starting position is standing, as it is the safest for the spine. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The weight is held in straight arms above the head. It is not recommended to spread your elbows wider than shoulder width. Next, you need to bend your arms at the elbow joints, smoothly lower the weight behind your head, feel the stretch in your triceps, and return the weight to its original position.

© Vitaly Sova -

Alternatively, you can do this movement with one dumbbell with your hands alternately. In this case, it will be more convenient to do it while sitting:

© bertys30 -

The following can be used as a burden:

  • dumbbells;
  • barbell;
  • block device handle attached to the lower block or crossover;
  • a rubber expander pressed to the floor by some kind of weight located behind your back. This option is good for home.

The variant of arm extensions from behind the head with a handle from the lower block is most interesting for girls who want to get rid of fat deposits in the triceps area as much as possible. The constant load created by the block will help maximize blood circulation in this area, thereby increasing oxygen delivery and fat oxidation.

© Alen Ajan -

French bench press

Lying on a bench, your legs rest securely with your entire foot on the floor, your head does not hang down. The weight is in the hands, the hands are at eye level, not above the chest, that is, slightly tilted towards the head from a perpendicular position in relation to the body.

By bending the elbows under control, we bring the weight to the forehead or slightly behind the head (depending on individual characteristics), fix the tension in the target muscles, and straighten the arms. The elbows do not need to be fully straightened, and this is the only triceps exercise where this rule applies. In this case, this will help protect against injury.

Dumbbells, a barbell, a block, a rubber expander can be used as weights; especially inventive individuals can use a weight.

Bent-over arm extensions with dumbbells

This exercise is also called a kickback.

The torso is tilted 90 degrees to the floor. The leg, which is the same as the working arm, is set back, the second is slightly in front. The working arm is pressed to the body with the shoulder, the forearm is looking at the floor, the elbow is bent at 90 degrees. The second hand rests on the knee of the supporting leg. Smoothly extend the arm at the elbow until you feel strong tension in the triceps. Let's fix this position. We return under control to the starting position.

© Makatserchyk -

You can do the exercise not while bending over, but leaning on a bench, as when pulling a dumbbell to your belt. Another option is to lie on your stomach on a slightly inclined bench (15 degrees), then you can do kickbacks with both hands at the same time.

This movement can also be performed with a block device and with an expander - a note for those practicing at home.


Starting position – hanging on the uneven bars, body straight, fixed on straightened arms perpendicular to the surface of the earth. With such a fixed position of the body or with a slight tilt of the body forward, you need to bend your arms at the elbow joints to an angle of 90-100 degrees, without spreading your elbows to the sides - this will shift part of the load to the pectoral muscles. Deeper push-ups in this version are highly not recommended due to the increased risk of injury to the shoulder joint. Then you should straighten your arms under control, trying to create maximum pressure with your palms on the bars.

© dusanpetkovic1 -

Article last updated: 01/03/2015

The triceps is an antagonist muscle that is located on the back of the arm, parallel to the biceps. This triceps brachii muscle is responsible for extending the arm at the elbow joint and plays a direct role in basic exercises aimed at working the chest muscles.

Quite often, many people forget about training the triceps muscle and direct all their efforts to training the biceps, in the hope that the arm will increase in volume and be quite beautiful in visual terms. However, the triceps is a larger muscle group, which occupies 2/3 of the shoulder muscles, so to increase your arms, it is advisable to pump up the triceps.

Triceps exercises for women with weights are, in principle, practically no different from triceps exercises for men. The only difference is that for girls you need to select a lower working weight than for men. Let's take a closer look at these exercises that will help you.

The first exercise that I would like to show is called “triceps push-ups while lying on your side.” Lie on your left side with your legs together and your knees slightly bent, as shown in the picture. The supporting arm lies on the floor along the body or hugs it, the forearms at a right angle to the hand. By extending the arm, we raise the body without lifting the pelvis and legs from the floor.

In this exercise, the triceps receive the main load, plus the lateral abdominal muscles are involved. After completing 12-15 repetitions, lie on your right side and repeat the exercise with your left arm.

Tips: It is very important not to lift your legs and pelvis off the floor. Try not to lift your torso on your own. It is necessary to concentrate the load specifically on the triceps and raise the upper body solely by extending the arm. There is a static load on the press.

The second exercise is called “push-ups with feet on a fitball.” This is a complicated version of simple Triceps push-ups using a fitball. In principle, as additional equipment you can use not only a fitness ball, but also a simple bench, chair, etc.

To begin with, you should take a lying position and place your feet on a fitball. The body should be straight, from head to heels. You can’t bend over, lift your butt up, and so on. In the starting position, the elbows are pressed to the body. Lower yourself down until your chest is 4-5 centimeters from the floor, then hold in this position for 2 seconds and return to the starting position, straightening your arms completely.

Tips: Again, keep your elbows close to your torso and your palms about shoulder-width apart to give your triceps a chance to work and minimize stress on your elbow joints. Keep your body tense throughout the exercise, just like in a plank exercise.

The third exercise that we will now look at is called the French dumbbell bench press. fitball." Here the level of difficulty is medium, and the emphasis falls on increasing the strength of the triceps muscle of the arms.

Take two dumbbells with the desired weight and lie with your back on an exercise ball. It is very important to fix your position and place your feet firmly on the floor. Straighten your arms, holding the dumbbells in front of you. This will be your starting position.

When you're ready, slowly lower the dumbbells toward your forehead while bending your elbows. The part of the arms from the shoulder to the elbow should be kept motionless. After your forearms touch your biceps, pause briefly for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.

Tips: If you don't have a fitball, you can use a bench or chair. Elbows should be kept in one position throughout the exercise and not spread to the sides. To avoid elbow injuries, you need to slightly tilt your elbows down and then return them up. To avoid loss of control and swaying of the body, you should tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles, and also firmly fix your legs and rest them on the floor.

The fourth exercise that is perfect for training the triceps is called the French press. standing dumbbells overhead.” This is a fairly easy and at the same time effective exercise that is suitable for beginner athletes. To perform this you will need dumbbells.

Stand straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. The picture shows a version of the exercise with one dumbbell, but I recommend doing it with two dumbbells. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, then straighten your arms above your head so that your palms face each other.

Once the starting position is ready, slowly lower the dumbbells behind your head until they are almost level with your head, maybe a little lower to achieve maximum stretch in the triceps. At the bottom point, pause briefly, hold for about 2 seconds and return your hands to the starting position. Repeat similar movements 10-12 times.

Tips: The dumbbells should be lowered slowly. To avoid injuring yourself, take a working weight, but not the maximum. At the top, try to fully concentrate the tension in the triceps, thereby reducing it as much as possible for greater effect.

The next exercise is called “straightening your arms back while standing, bent over with a dumbbell.” Suitable for beginner athletes who want to increase triceps strength.

Prepare a bench, stand with your right knee on it. Then rest your right hand on the weight bench. The leg on which you are leaning should be located slightly behind and to the side. The foot of the left foot should be pressed firmly to the floor. Keep your torso parallel to the floor. Take the dumbbell with your left hand and bend your elbow at a right angle, keeping your elbow pressed to your body. Having fixed the shoulder part of the arm, extend the arm back, while contracting the triceps.

Tips: Lift the weight slowly, controlling the up and down motion, and do not swing your arm. At the top point, the elbow should be completely straightened. To perform the movement strictly according to technique, you should take a weight that will correspond to your level of physical fitness. Remember that even minor weights can be very effective. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

And finally, the last triceps exercise for girls that we will look at is called “narrow push-ups.” This is a rather complex exercise and is not suitable for every girl who wants to improve her physical shape. The main emphasis is on working the triceps muscle, but the movement also involves the pectoral and deltoid muscles. The whole body takes on a static load.

To begin this exercise, take a regular position while lying down, with your palms placed in a narrow grip. If you find it difficult to do push-ups with a narrow hand position, you can slightly widen the position of your palms, slightly narrower than shoulder width. Remember, for the triceps to work, you need to keep your elbows close to your body and not spread them when you extend your arms.

To give the triceps muscles of the arms a beautiful shape, you need to perform exercises that involve both the external, internal, and middle heads.

Triceps exercises for women

Women pay a lot of attention to their figure. They strive to pump up their buttocks, get six-pack abs, and do exercises for the chest and back. Although the beauty of the hands is also very important.

With well-developed arm muscles, the whole body looks more attractive and harmonious. The triceps muscles of the arms (triceps) cause more trouble than the biceps. With age, if they are not pumped up, they become flabby and saggy. If this has already happened, then all is not lost; this defect can be corrected.

To do this, you need to regularly perform a set of exercises for the triceps. We present to you the best triceps exercises, tailored specifically for women, that you can do at home or in the gym.

Triceps structure

All three heads of the triceps are stimulated during arm extension movements. The lateral (outer) head or band of the triceps starts from the back of the shoulder bone and extends to the elbow joint. The long (inner) head of the triceps muscle of the arm is attached just below the shoulder, at the scapula itself, and, like the outer head, extends to the elbow joint. The short head (middle, the shortest of all three heads) is located between the long and lateral ones - the medial head. It also starts from the humerus, but is attached much higher than the inner and outer heads of the triceps.

To give the triceps muscles of the arms a beautiful shape, you need to perform exercises I, in which both the external, internal, and middle heads are involved. That is, presses, extensions and their varieties.

Triceps exercises for girls

1) Triceps push-ups from the floor

This exercise works the entire triceps. Of course, the emphasis is on a certain part - on the inner head of the triceps muscle. But this does not spoil the exercise. By performing push-ups while lying down in a narrow position (arms shoulder-width apart, or slightly narrower), any woman will transform her triceps muscles in a matter of months.

Of course, push-ups are not enough for a complete transformation. But without them the complex will not be effective. That is why “narrow” push-ups should be part of the complex of every woman who wants to seriously transform the backs of her hands.

Get on all fours. Then rest your hands on the floor, placing them so that the width between your palms is equal to the width of your shoulders, or slightly narrower. Straighten up so that your legs and back are in one straight line. Lower yourself steadily, bending your elbows without changing your body position. Then quickly return to the starting position. Exhale and repeat the movement again.

Do 4 sets of 15 reps.

2) Triceps push-ups

Reverse push-ups for triceps are similar in action to the previous exercise. The only difference is that the hands are behind the back, and not in front of the torso. For those women who can already easily perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions in push-ups, the classic version of push-ups will be more productive. For those who prefer to perform this exercise instead of “narrow” push-ups, it is better to prefer its lighter version.

A lightweight version of push-ups from a bench is the same push-ups, with your hands resting on the bench, but your feet resting firmly with your heels on the floor. In the classic version, the legs rest on an elevated platform.

3) Triceps exercises with dumbbells

1. Arm extension with a dumbbell while sitting on a bench with an inclined back

In this exercise, the emphasis is on the long head of the triceps muscle of the arm.

Taking a dumbbell, sit on a bench. Press your arms with the dumbbell up and bend them until you feel a full stretch in your triceps.

Do 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

The back of the bench should be tilted so much that when performing triceps extensions, the working muscles do not feel the slightest discomfort. That is, somewhere between 25 and 45 degrees.

It is advisable - for a higher effect - to change the angle of the bench every 3 – 4 workouts. Arm extensions on a bench with an inclined back will be more effective for those women whose triceps ligament ends at the elbow, and not above it.

For those with short triceps (the triceps tendon ends above the elbow), it is also suitable, but for the best effect they should prefer arm extensions with dumbbells in a lying position.

2. Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head

This exercise is for those women who have already achieved some success in the development of triceps. Arm extensions in a sitting position (the torso is strictly perpendicular to the floor) are inferior to the previous extensions in terms of gaining muscle mass, but for improving the relief and separation of the long (inner) head of the triceps it will be much more effective.

Taking a dumbbell in your hand, sit up straight. Curl the dumbbell until your triceps are fully stretched. Then, without pausing at the bottom point, straighten your arm.

Do 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

3. Bent over arm extension

Take a dumbbell in one hand, and, bending at the waist, bend one leg at the knee and place it on the bench, resting your hand on the same side. Remaining in this position, bend your other arm with a dumbbell at the elbow so that the shoulder part of your arm is parallel to the floor.

Extend your arm with the dumbbell without changing the position of its shoulder part. Perform 5 sets of 8 – 12 repetitions for each arm. This exercise primarily works the lateral (outer) head of the triceps muscle of the arm.

It is advisable to include extensions in a standing position with emphasis on one knee in the training program when the desired mass has been achieved and it is necessary to improve the definition of the back of the arms.

4. Lying dumbbell extension

It is also advisable to perform this exercise when you need to “fry” your triceps. It also works the outer heads of the triceps. Only, unlike the previous exercise, the middle head is practically inactive here; Only one lateral head of the triceps works.

Triceps training occurs in this way: lie down on a horizontal bench, raise your arm with the dumbbell up so that it is strictly perpendicular to the floor. Lower the dumbbell by bending your elbow so that your shoulder remains vertical. Lower your arm across your torso. At the lowest point, the dumbbell should touch the bench, just above the opposite shoulder.

4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions.

5. Tate Press

Reciprocal transverse triceps extensions (another name for the Tate press) are an exercise similar to the previous one. It differs only in that when performing its extensions, both hands work at once.

Taking a dumbbell in each hand, lie down on a horizontal bench. Straighten your arms - just like in transverse extensions - and lower the dumbbells across your torso, bending your elbows. The dumbbells should not touch throughout the entire set, and the palms should always be facing backwards.

5 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Sets of triceps exercises for girls

Below are three triceps workout routines. These are the most effective triceps exercises you can do at home.

First complex– for women who have just started fitness training and do not have problems with excess weight. Second– also for beginner girls and women, but with excess weight problems. Third– for all women who have already achieved some success in training the triceps muscles of the arms.

1 complex

Monday: Push-ups from the floor in a narrow setting - 4 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions. Dumbbell extensions while sitting on a bench, or a similar exercise on a horizontal bench (depending on the length of the triceps).

3 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions.

Friday: Narrow push-ups. 4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions. For the first two workouts, perform no more than 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

From the third week, replace this exercise with push-ups and use weights.

You need to practice this complex until 4 sets of 15 repetitions are given without much difficulty.

2 complex

Monday: Bench push-ups. Set the weight with which you can perform 15 repetitions, and do 4 sets of 10 repetitions with it, resting 1 - 1.5 minutes between them. then rest for 3 minutes, and complete the 5th approach - with the maximum number of repetitions.

Extension of arms while standing in an inclined position. Do 5 sets with a weight that allows you to complete 12 reps. The interval between approaches is 1.5 – 2 minutes.

Transverse arm curls. 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: Narrow push-ups. 5 approaches: in the first four sets - 15 repetitions, in the last - the maximum number of repetitions. Seated triceps extensions. Take a dumbbell that you can do 20 reps with. Perform 6 sets of 15 reps, resting 2 minutes between sets.

3 complex

Monday: Arm extensions with a dumbbell while sitting on a bench, or bent over triceps extensions with emphasis on one knee. 6 sets of 6 reps.

With weights for 8 reps, perform 6 sets of 6 reps, resting 1 minute after each set.

Transverse curls – 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: Bench push-ups. Set the weight for 8 reps, do 8 reps. Then, without resting, lose 5 kg and complete the set to failure.

Do 2 more sets of lowering the weight, also without resting between them.

Tate press. Perform 5 sets of 10–12 repetitions, resting 2–2.5 minutes between sets.


For some women, it is enough to practice the 1st complex for two months to begin “advanced” training. For others, even six months is not enough. Here It's all about genetics and body fat levels.

Typically, in women with excess weight problems, the triceps are transformed no earlier than after 2 months of training.. For “inchies” who are not burdened with excess weight, this period is significantly shorter – 4–5 weeks.To significantly transform your triceps, you need to exercise for at least 3 months.

You learned how to pump up a girl’s triceps at home. If you have achieved good results and want to continue pumping your triceps to get relief, use this set of triceps exercises.published

To tone your arm muscles, you don't have to go to the gym. There are several effective and fairly simple exercises that require only 15 minutes and you don't need to go to the gym. For training you will need a weighting agent. These can be dumbbells or a bottle filled with water. Some exercises are performed using a fitball.

Toned and elastic triceps for every girl is an opportunity to wear open dresses without sleeves, showing others their good athletic shape and beautiful body. Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the arms not only help restore tone, but also help normalize metabolism.

You need to do the exercises three times a week. If, along with the classes, you also review your diet, then the training will allow you to get rid of excess weight.

Take the starting position as shown in picture A. Lying on your side, fold your legs together and bend your knees slightly. The left hand is on the right shoulder, the right palm is on the floor.

Perform the exercise as shown in Figure B. Shifting your focus to your right arm, straighten it while lifting your torso. Do 12 reps on each side.

The starting position is as in Figure A and similar to the usual ones, only the arms are not at the same level with the shoulders, but closer to each other, the legs lie on the fitball.

Slowly bend your elbows to form a right angle, as illustrated in picture B. Take the starting position. Do at least 12 repetitions.

Take the starting position as in Figure A. You can lie on a fitball or use a bench. Hold dumbbells or other weights with your elbows bent.

Slowly straighten your arms as shown in image B. Then return to the starting position by lowering your arms. Perform 12 repetitions in a row.

Stand straight and relax your knees, but do not bend them. Raise your arms up and bend your elbows until they are level with your ears. Hold dumbbells in your hands. The position should be similar to figure A.

Straighten your arms while pushing the dumbbells up. The triceps should be tense and the arms should be straight in the final position (image B). Return to the starting position. Do the exercise 12 times.

To take the starting position, place your left palm and left knee on the bench. The right arm, which holds the dumbbell, is held parallel to the body and bent at a right angle (Figure A).

The arm is slowly straightened, held in the extreme position (image B), and then returned to the original position. The exercise is repeated for each side at least 12 times.

Performed without the use of any sports equipment. To get into the starting position (image A), lie on the floor and place your arms so that they are at shoulder level.

Lower your body so that your elbows are at your sides and parallel to your torso (Figure B). Both the buttocks and the abs should be as tense as possible. After lowering, take the starting position. You need to do at least 12 repetitions.

CrossFit at home
