What are effective exercises for losing weight? The best sets of exercises for losing weight at home. Training must be systematic

Nowadays, the number of people suffering from excess weight is constantly increasing. This is due to the modern lifestyle, snacking on the run, and sedentary work. And everyone wants to have a healthy and beautiful body. Therefore, we have selected weight loss exercises that will help you quickly get rid of those ill-fated kilograms.

It is worth understanding that if you perform the most useful and effective exercises, but continue to eat incorrectly, then you may not even dream of the result. Therefore, we stop eating hamburgers and chocolates and switch to a healthy diet.

Where to start losing weight?

Having made the final decision to lose weight, many do not understand how to start.

Tips to get started:

  1. Firstly, We switch to proper and low-calorie foods.
  2. Secondly, We decide where we will exercise, in the gym or at home. Don’t expect much benefit from the “rocking chair,” since people go to the gym not to get rid of fat, but to gain muscle mass. If you sign up for any classes, the best choice would be cross-fit or cardio training. At home, you can also lose weight quite a bit, and for free.
  3. Third, you need to decide on the training time and do it regularly. After all, in the absence of consistency, you can’t hope for visible results.
  4. Fourth, and most importantly, understand why you are going to lose weight. Set a goal and go towards it, and then unimaginable results will not keep you waiting.

How often should you exercise to lose weight quickly?

The third paragraph of the previous section says that you need to decide on the number of workouts per week. In fact, it is enough to adhere to the rule of the golden mean.

You shouldn’t train too much, as it will take a lot of strength and energy, which can lead to loss of desire to lose weight. Classes two to four times a week will be the best option.

Here is a sample workout plan for the week:

  • Lesson twice a week. Every time you need to give your best. Sports training time should be approximately an hour to an hour and a half.
  • Four workouts a week. You don't always have to try too hard. Performing all exercises with a total time of thirty to forty-five minutes, the intensity of execution is low.
  • Three classes per week will be the best choice. You will need to work quite efficiently, but not at full capacity. Training should last at least an hour.

There is no need to exercise more than four times, because the desire to lose weight will quickly disappear. Various complications with the heart and other organs of the body may also arise due to the fact that the body will be unusual in switching from an energy-saving mode to a large number of intense exercises.

Basic rules of diet for weight loss

In order for the weight loss process to proceed quickly enough and not cause harm to health, you should adhere to these basic rules:

  • It is necessary to completely limit not only all possible unhealthy foods, but also all alcohol, since it is almost the main cause of excess weight in modern society.
  • It is necessary to eat food quite often, but in small portions. This will speed up the digestion process, and calories will go away much faster.
  • Drink plenty of water. It helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. In addition, due to frequent heavy drinking, appetite is significantly reduced.
  • Be sure to have breakfast and don't eat at least three hours before bed.

Basic rules for training and exercises

When performing exercises, you must follow certain rules:

Warm up before exercise

Indeed, a set of warm-up exercises should be an integral part of training, because without warming up the muscles and joints, they can be injured.

There are two types of warm-up: warming up and stretching muscles. And first you need to warm up. Here is a small list of warm-up exercises that must be performed before each weight loss session.

Muscle warming exercises

These exercises are aimed at preparing the body for training:

Stretching exercises

They must be performed so as not to stretch or tear the muscles during exercise:

Exercises for losing weight in all parts of the body

After you have completed the warm-up, you can begin the actual workout, aimed at quickly burning calories in problem areas. During training, it is necessary to perform exercises for all muscle groups.

Slimming belly

Slimming sides

Slimming buttocks

Slimming thighs

Slimming legs

Slimming arms

Each of the above exercises for losing weight can be repeated several times. The main thing is that the number of approaches is no more than three. Yoga classes are also great for weight loss. Many who have lost weight with yoga leave only positive reviews.

Proper nutrition

Of course, training to lose weight will be a waste of time if you violate the basics of proper nutrition. You don't have to completely limit yourself to food.

It is enough to fulfill the following requirements:

  • The main food should be proteins that provide energy without adding excess fat. Examples of protein foods: eggs, fish, cottage cheese, chicken breast. Carbohydrates should also be used in a light daily diet, but on the condition that they are slow carbohydrates. An example of slow carbohydrates: oatmeal and other types of cereals.
  • Completely eliminate all kinds of candies, buns, cakes, sweets, chips and fast food from your diet.
  • Stop eating white bread. Buns are out of the question.
  • Limit the amount of sugar and salt in your food. Salt retains water in the body, which we don’t need at all, and sugar is a prime example of empty calories; we gain excess weight but have no energy.
  • You can eat all types of vegetables and fruits with the exception of bananas and grapes, as they contain large amounts of glucose.
  • Celery is the best fat burning food.

Remember that losing weight is a combination of two components: training and diet. To have a slim figure and lose extra pounds, physical activity cannot be avoided.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that when losing weight, the main thing is desire. If a man or woman really needs to lose weight, then they will definitely follow all the rules and achieve the desired weight loss. Do not break the rules of nutrition, train and do exercises strictly according to the plan, and you will achieve everything.

A simple set of exercises for losing weight at home, designed for daily 20-minute sessions. Effective weight loss and working out problem areas through effective physical activity.

Not every representative of the fair sex can boast of a chiseled figure, which nature has generously awarded her with. Most women and girls have to work hard on their bodies to achieve curvy figures. And not all of them, unfortunately, can afford to regularly go to a fitness club for training due to various circumstances. But in order to effectively lose weight, tighten muscles and consolidate the results for a long time, you can train at home. We offer you a simple set of exercises for losing weight at home, which will definitely help you get rid of fat deposits in problem areas and improve your overall well-being.

Exercises for weight loss and strengthening muscles

To achieve good results in a short time, you need a comprehensive approach to losing weight. You need not only to exercise physically, but also to reconsider your diet. Eliminate fast food, products made from premium wheat flour, sugar-containing foods, sweet carbonated drinks, fatty, fried and salty foods. Try to eat more protein and drink at least 2 liters of pure water or green tea per day.

Try to change your lifestyle: instead of watching your favorite TV series, go to the pool or jog in the park, ride a bike or exercise bike, jump rope. And, of course, try to allocate 20-30 minutes daily for these physical exercises for weight loss.

Exercises for a flat stomach and thin waist

Many women face the problem of fat deposits on the stomach and sides. These weight loss exercises - effective and simple - will help you get rid of them.

Complex for losing weight in the thighs and buttocks

We will talk further about what exercises you need to do to lose weight in your thighs and buttocks. Perform this complex regularly, and after 3-4 weeks you will be able to evaluate the first results.

Follow the suggested complex daily, follow a light diet, move more, and within a month the scales will show 5-9 kilograms less.

There are situations in life when you need to lose weight quickly. For example, you need to get back into shape in order to wear your favorite holiday suit or dress. In this case, you cannot do without intense physical activity. This article will present your choice of several exercises for quick weight loss, thanks to which you will lose excess weight in a short time.

Firstly, to achieve the desired result, you need not only to exercise a lot, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle. The fact is that with a sharp increase in habitual physical activity, the body switches on energy conservation mode and at first refuses to burn accumulated fat. Instead, your appetite increases. Therefore, at this moment it is important to spend more energy than consume. To do this, you will have to limit yourself in food and strictly follow the rules. But you also can’t overdo it, otherwise the body will turn on protective functions and generally stop wasting energy. You will feel lethargic and lack of strength. To prevent this from happening, the diet must be well balanced. It is necessary to consume proteins, carbohydrates, fibrous foods, but limit the amount of fat.

The second tip concerns your starting fitness. If up to this point you have not exercised, you need to gradually switch to a set of exercises for quick weight loss. After all, under intense stress, the body works hard, and your cardiovascular system may fail out of habit. You can switch to these exercises only after gradually accustoming your body to physical exercise; it is important to ensure that there is no shortness of breath. To do this, you need to work on yourself with a gradually increasing load for 1-2 months. It would be best to start with fast walking, swimming, jogging.

You need to exercise every day, and the duration of the workout should be at least 1 hour. Burning excess fat begins after 20-30 minutes of exercise, after the body uses all the carbohydrates in reserve. It turns out that the more carbohydrates you consume on the day of training - bread, pasta, sugar - the longer you need to train. This is why any sports diet includes more protein.

Effective exercises for quick weight loss

The fastest way to lose weight is cardio training, during which you move actively for 10-15 minutes, then rest for a minute, and then continue at the same pace. Such workouts force the cardiovascular system and lungs to work to the limit of their capabilities, so fat burning continues for some time after the end of the workout.

Among the variety of physical exercises with cardio load, the most interesting and effective for burning calories are the following:

  • Classes on . In the fitness club, their choice is huge: a bicycle, a treadmill, a stepper, an elliptical and a rowing cardio machine.
  • Step aerobics is a great alternative to running up the stairs. Classes can be conducted in a dance style and under, adjusting the degree of load with the height of the step.
  • Dancing can be not only an effective way to burn fat, but also great entertainment.
  • Training on jumpers - springy stilts or boots. During classes, all muscle groups are involved, metabolism is activated. In addition, you also get the opportunity to have fun.

During such training and even after them, 500 to 700 kcal are burned, when only strength training allows you to burn 250 kcal.

At the same time, fast-paced exercises should be diluted for a few minutes with calmer strength exercises. Therefore, below we will bring to your attention several of the most effective of them, aimed at burning fat in problem areas - on the stomach and legs.

Exercises to quickly lose belly fat

Based on abdominal training, exercises for losing belly fat will quickly help remove fat from this problem area:

Exercises to quickly lose weight in your legs

Among the many exercises for legs and hips, we will consider the most effective ones, allowing you to quickly correct the relief and remove extra centimeters from this part of the body.

1. Squats. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing to the sides. Clasp your hands and bend your elbows in front of your chest so that they do not interfere with you. We sit down deeply and rise up, keeping our back straight. Repeat from 10 to 50 times, depending on your level of training.

2. Lunges. Stand straight with your feet together. We take a deep step forward with our right foot and lower ourselves parallel to the floor. We rise to the starting position. Perform 10-15 times for each leg.

3. Lifts:

Exercises for quick weight loss at home

In addition to the above exercises for the abdomen and legs, we will pay special attention to cardio exercises, which can be easily performed outside the walls of the fitness center. So, running, cycling, and climbing stairs are perfect for outdoor activities. If you want to exercise while staying at home, then a long-proven exercise machine with many variations of the exercise is the jump rope. Basic methods of performing jumps for intensive weight loss.

Not everyone can change their life for the better. According to statistics, almost 90% of people begin to lose weight through exercise, but only 10% reach the finish line. The reasons for failure are different for everyone: laziness, lack of time, health status, circumstances...

Much also depends on how correctly the weight loss exercises were chosen, which for beginners should be easy and at the same time effective. If people are unable to complete them or don't see results for too long, they lose interest in the exercises. How to avoid this?

The task for beginners is to accustom the body to physical activity in order to gradually move from basic 20-minute exercises to a full-fledged complex lasting an hour or more. This will take about a month, during which you must follow the recommendations of professionals:

  1. Any workout should begin with a warm-up (warms up the muscles), and end with a cool-down (relaxes and restores them), without which even the most effective physical exercises will be useless and even dangerous.
  2. Repeat each exercise until a burning sensation appears in the muscles, then practice it 2-3 more times and proceed to the next one.
  3. Watch videos on how to properly perform this or that exercise, since technique plays an important role in the process of losing weight.
  4. Follow a diet (better) and drinking regimen.
  5. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Choose additional physical activities: dancing, swimming, walking, cycling.
  7. Don't skip workouts.

The best option for beginners is to take the help of a professional at the gym. He will recommend a program and complex based on individual characteristics, and will also demonstrate how to perform this or that exercise in order for it to work for weight loss.

Necessary equipment

In order for weight loss to be effective from the first exercises, beginners must prepare for them by selecting the appropriate sports equipment. Without it, it is impossible to work on all problem areas. You need to start by purchasing comfortable clothes made from natural, breathable materials.


  • jump rope;
  • manual ergometers, expanders (for losing weight on arms and shoulders);
  • dumbbells - 2 kg is enough for girls, 5 for guys;
  • shock absorber tape;
  • hula hoop (it will be several times more effective);
  • barbell;
  • roller for performing exercises designed to lose weight on the back;
  • bodybar.

The most effective exercise machines (rowing and elliptical) for beginners in the fight against extra pounds

Exercise equipment:

  • rowing;
  • gyroscopic;
  • (ideal for beginners);
  • treadmill;
  • rider;
  • power station;
  • Hack trainer (in the gym).

To lose weight, each problematic part of the body requires its own sports equipment, without which it is difficult for beginners to organize effective workouts. If you need general body correction, working on all zones, it is advisable to have the maximum set of these tools for home training, including one of the simulators.

Training programs

The most difficult thing for beginners is a training program, the preparation of which requires a professional approach. If it is not possible to order an individual version from an expert, use ready-made layouts. The main thing is that they are marked “for beginners.”

Important! If you immediately take on complex exercises that require a certain level of physical fitness, you can damage your muscles.

At home

The workout program for weight loss at home presented below for beginners is designed for 3 sessions per week (every other day). After a month, it is recommended to change it to another one - more complex and intense.

This program is good because it includes both cardio and strength exercises.

In the gym

Main complex

For hips and buttocks:

  1. Bench press.
  2. Squats in a hack machine.
  3. Squats with dumbbells.
  4. Leg bending and extension on a machine.
  5. Swing your legs.
  6. "Hyperextension." Place your hips on the support. Rest your ankles on the bolsters. Hands - on the chest or behind the head. Body work.

Exercise "Hyperextension"

For the belly and sides:

  1. Raising the torso on an inclined bench (beginners can perform the exercise with a partner).
  2. Exercise "Fold".
  3. Twisting from the upper block in a sitting position.
  4. Rotations in the simulator.
  5. Crunches in the simulator.
  6. Roman chair crunches.

Exercise "Fold"

For arms and shoulders:

  1. Chest pull-downs using simulator blocks (upper and lower).
  2. Exercises with a barbell, dumbbells (flexion, extension).
  3. Push-ups from the floor, from a bench.

For the back:

  1. Squats.
  2. Side crunches.
  3. Exercises for losing weight on the back using deadlifts.
  4. Block pull.
  5. Lunges with dumbbells.
  6. Bench push-ups.

When choosing exercises for training, beginners should focus on factors such as their weight, physical fitness, emotional state, and the time they can spend on exercise. All these points are very important for creating an individual weight loss program.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


If you want your workout to not be in vain, your muscles to get the necessary load, and your body to become slim, find out what exercises to do to lose weight. This is very important because some of them help increase muscle mass, while others help reduce excess weight. In order for them to give the desired result, they must be done correctly and systematically.

A set of exercises for weight loss

Physical exercises for weight loss require the right approach to their implementation. Before starting classes, it is necessary to warm up all muscles, thereby preparing them for the upcoming loads. The main part of your workout should include strength training, which helps strengthen muscles, and cardio (exercises that help you lose weight quickly). When finishing your training, be sure to cool down and stretch.


Many people associate exercises of this kind with huge muscles and heavy weights, but not everyone is aware of how useful strength training is for losing weight, quickly and sustainably. Strength training not only helps you lose weight, but also strengthens your skeletal system, gives you a great boost of energy, and improves the functioning of your entire body. If you are a beginner athlete and don’t know what exercises to do to lose weight, choose a few basic movements that train the main types of muscles (bench press, squats, abs).


These exercises help accelerate the breakdown of fat, reduce blood pressure, improve the functioning of the heart and lungs, and help lose weight, but the muscles are not trained. You can perform them not only in the gym, but also at home. Cardio training includes cycling, jumping rope, easy running, swimming, etc. Do them three times a week for 20 minutes and you will see how the fat layer disappears before your eyes. Combine cardio with strength exercises to tone your body.

Stretching exercises

After finishing physical exercise, it is important to stretch or stretch. Such activities relax, make muscles less prominent, develop flexibility, plasticity, improve posture and blood circulation. You can do stretching exercises at home, but be sure to do them 50-60 minutes after eating, and not on an empty stomach. Each movement should be performed at a slow pace for 6 approaches each, fixed for 8-10 seconds.

Effective exercises for losing weight at home

To lose weight and get your body in shape, you don't have to buy a gym membership. Many effective movements can be done at home. Learn the system of basic exercises for different muscle groups, create your own schedule, training schedule and train on your own at any time of the day. Fitness beginners should start training with simple, light movements for 25-30 minutes, without dumbbells or with a minimum load of 1 kg. Gradually, the weight of the weights and the duration of the training can be increased.

Don't forget that every training session should be preceded by a warm-up. Regular exercises from physical education lessons are suitable for this. Start with circular movements of the head (4-5 times for each side), then warm up the shoulders, elbow joints, and hands, rotating them in different directions. After this, proceed to bending your torso, lunging to the sides, and stretching your feet. Perform for 5-10 minutes.

For the belly

We train the abs: lie with your back on the mat, grab the back of your head with your hands, straighten your legs. Bend your torso, bringing your knees to your chest and your elbows to your knees, return to the starting position. Perform 2 combinations of 15-20 repetitions; beginner athletes can start with 10 repetitions. The following movement is aimed at training the oblique abdominal muscles and is performed as follows:

  1. The starting position is the same as in the previous lesson.
  2. Bend your legs at the knees, twist your torso, pulling the elbow of your right hand to the knee of your left leg.
  3. Return to the starting position, repeat with your left elbow and right knee.
  4. Do 15-20 movements with each elbow.

To pump up your lower abs, lie with your back on the mat, straighten your legs, and place your hands under your lower back. Tightening your abdominal muscles, raise your legs (do not bend your knees) at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, hold for 10-15 seconds, lower to the floor. For better results, try the scissors exercise. Repeat this effective movement 12-14 times, trying not to lift your buttocks and spine off the floor. This set of exercises will help you easily lose weight and remove belly fat.

For legs

Let's also find out what exercises to do to lose weight in the legs. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, turn them opposite to each other. Squat down slowly until your knees form a 90-degree angle. Hold the position for a few seconds and stand up. Repeat these half squats 20 times, do 2 sets. Swinging your legs will help you lose weight and get rid of fat deposits; make 10 such movements with each leg, alternately first to the right side and then to the left.

If you are not a beginner, you can try this exercise: place a chair next to you, place your foot on the back so that a 90-degree angle is formed with the second leg (turn its toe outward). Gently squat without bending the knee of the raised limb, return to the starting position. Perform a couple of combinations of 10 repetitions with each leg.

For hands

Fat deposits often form on the upper limbs, too, so let's find out what exercises to do to lose weight in the arms. Push-ups are best suited for this: get into the plank position with straight arms, rest your knees on the floor, and do 10 push-ups. To train the back of your arms, perform reverse push-ups:

  1. Place a chair, stand with your back to it, sit on the very edge.
  2. Place your hands on the edges of the chair on either side of your body, and place your legs at right angles.
  3. Move your buttocks 4-6 cm from the chair and squat, bending your arms at right angles.
  4. Make sure your elbows remain parallel to each other.
  5. Repeat the movement 15 times.

For thighs and buttocks

Squats will help you lose weight in your thighs and pump up your buttocks. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Start squatting so that your back is straight and your feet do not leave the floor. Partial squats strengthen the buttocks; they are performed like the previous movement, only the legs are not bent completely, but to a right angle. Freeze at the lower painful point for a few seconds, feel the tension, and stand up. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions. By placing your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, you can perform wide squats, which will strengthen and tone your inner thighs.

Simple exercises for losing weight at home

If you are limited in time and cannot go to the gym, but want to get rid of extra pounds, find out what exercises to do to lose weight at home. You can do abs, squats, lunges and leg swings, push-ups, and hula hoops without a trainer or exercise equipment. Walk more, ignore the elevator - take the stairs, and if possible, go jogging. There are exercises that you can do at work and in transport, for example, straining your abs and gluteal muscles.

In addition to sports exercises, adhere to the following health recommendations:

  1. Try to do exercises every morning.
  2. Review your diet, give up unhealthy foods and simple carbohydrates, and don’t eat at night.
  3. Increase loads gradually, starting with low repetitions.
  4. There should be an interval of 30-60 minutes between meals and training (before or after it).
  5. Control your breathing during exercise.
  6. Drink at least two liters of clean water every day.

Exercises for weight loss in the gym

The cost of a gym trainer's services is often paid separately. If you don't have the money to do this, find out what exercises you need to do to lose weight and do them yourself. Remember that the process of intensive fat burning occurs with maximum range of motion, with a small number of repetitions and short rest. Make a list of exercises for a month, a table with the number of repetitions and follow them. Don't overdo it with training, exercise three times a week.

For women

For representatives of different genders, training on simulators will be different. Women can do the following exercises to lose weight:

  1. Leg raises on the horizontal bar. As you exhale, you need to pull your bent legs up, while inhaling, lower them, and so on for 3 combinations of 15 repetitions. These activities will make your stomach flat. For best results, you should raise your legs straight.
  2. Lunges with weights, 2 sets of 10 reps with each leg.
  3. Leg abduction in the simulator, 15 times, 3 circles.
  4. Exercise bike – 10 minutes.
  5. Treadmill – 7 minutes.

For men

Guys need to choose an average weight of dumbbells and do the exercises at a measured pace, without jerking. Warm up before you start, and then do some cardio exercises. A basic workout might look like this:

  • military press, 2 combinations of 15 reps;
  • leg press on the machine, 3 circles 15 times;
  • bench press, 20 reps, 3 sets;
  • pressing dumbbells up in a lying position at an angle, 2 circles of 20 times.
