Tests to assess physical qualities. physical education material on the topic. Flexibility tests To determine flexibility, use a test

If you haven’t exercised for a long time, but then decided to fill this gap, you need to check the flexibility of your body. This way you can choose a load that is feasible at the moment and avoid injuries and sprains. After all, it is not enough to just be slim; it is important that your muscles are also in proper shape. This will keep your joints in good shape for a long time and allow you to lead a more active lifestyle. However, like all physical activities, such flexibility measurements must be done correctly, let’s figure out how.

Hip and shoulder flexibility tests

Good stretching and plastic surgery is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis and radiculitis. It will be especially useful for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time at the computer.

  • Flexibility of the shoulder joints. For this you will need an assistant. You need to: sit with your back to your partner, put your hands behind your head and clasp them in a lock. Tell your partner, with his knee against your back, to pull your elbows back. If you feel any discomfort, stop. What did you do? It’s good if your elbows pass the line of your shoulders, great if they form a right angle behind your back.
  • There is another way to check your shoulder joints. Lie down on a bench (preferably in the gym) with your shoulders hanging slightly. Raise your arms and lower them straight behind your head.

If 2 palms “went” below the bench - good, if 2 elbows went down there - great, but if you reached the floor, just great and your stretching can be envied.

  • You can also “measure” the flexibility of the hip joints and muscle stretching on the bench. Lie down on a bench with your legs dangling. Pull one leg towards your chest and press firmly with your hands. In this case, the position of the body on the bench should be level. All main points are pressed to its surface. Now try to lower your other leg down. It should be as straight as possible.

If the leg only reached the level of the bench - good, fell below its level - great, reached the floor - an excellent stretch. The same must be done for the other leg.

  • Another hip flexibility test. Sit on a bench or mat. Stretch your legs. The back should be perfectly straight, and the legs too. Start leaning towards your leg, you don’t need to pull the toe, leave it in a position that is comfortable for you.

If you reached your heel with your fingers, good; if you were able to grab your foot, great. If at the same time you managed to lie on your leg, this is an excellent result. Do the same in the other direction.

  • Take a stick so long that when you grab it, your hands are wider than your shoulders. Raise them above your head and move them a little further back than your shoulder line. Retract your shoulder blades as much as possible until there is slight discomfort. Fix your hands and try not to move them. Start doing a squat.

If you have an incomplete squat, and the stick does not budge, unpleasant sensations appear in the hip joint - a good result. If you get a full squat and have discomfort in the lumbar region, great. If you do not experience any discomfort during a full squat, your preparation is beyond praise.

Ankle flexibility test

To test the capabilities of the lower leg and hamstrings you need to:

  • Get into a push-up position;
  • Place your palms and toes on the floor;
  • Start moving your arms and legs towards each other;

If your toes and palms meet with straight legs, the result is excellent; if you could not do this, then you need to work on these zones.

Gluteal stretch test

If your gluteal muscles are not stretched enough, then during exercise you will unnecessarily strain your back muscles, which can lead to discomfort in this area, the site warns . So;

  • Sitting on the floor, spread your legs with your knees bent;
  • Start leaning towards one leg and lower the other knee to the floor, do not bring your legs together;
  • Your hands should be on the outside of the leg you are leaning towards;
  • Now lower your body as far as possible;

If you were unable to reach the floor with your knee or were unable to bend your body deeply enough, you need to work the gluteal muscle area.

For correct posture, in addition to strong back muscles, spinal flexibility is also important. Most people's posture changes over the years. This happens due to weakening of the muscles and loss of flexibility, thanks to which we can perform many different movements smoothly, without injury. To assess your flexibility, perform a few simple exercises.

The test can be taken only in the absence of exacerbation and pain in the spine. If you feel even slightly unwell, postpone testing until you feel well again, do not overstrain your body.

How to test the flexibility of the spine

Exercise 1.

Stand straight with your feet together and lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingertips. If you can easily perform this exercise, your spine is quite flexible. Difficulty and pain during the test indicate loss of flexibility.

Exercise 2.

Lie on your stomach with your feet under some support, such as a cabinet. Place your hands on your belt, bend over, lifting your chest off the floor.

Normally, the distance from the floor to the sternum should be 10–20 centimeters.

Exercise 3.

Lean your back against the wall, placing your feet 30 cm wide. Lower your left hand along your body, put your right hand on your waist and lean to the left without lifting your back from the wall.

Normally, the fingertips of the left hand should be below the kneecap. Similarly, bend to the right side.

Exercise 4.

For this exercise you will need a chair and an assistant. Sit facing the back of a chair, rest your hands on your knees with your legs spread apart. Keeping your pelvis and legs motionless, turn your head and torso back to the left.

If you see the hands of an assistant raised above your head, standing behind you at a distance of 2 m from you, then your spine retains good flexibility. Turn to the right in the same way.

To develop flexibility, exercises such as flexion and extension of the back, tilts to the left and right, circular movements of the pelvis and torso, as well as various twists are recommended. published

"Life without back pain. Treatment of scoliosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia without surgery", V. Grigoriev, A. Umnyakov

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Walter Norton, coach of Olympic champions and director of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in North Reading (USA), asks each of his clients to perform these simple exercises during the first lesson. This helps him understand the client’s physical condition and the degree of his preparation for training.


What we check: How elastic are the thigh muscles?

  1. Get into a push-up position. Make sure your arms are parallel to your shoulders.
  2. Place your right foot level with your palms. The right knee should be bent at a right angle, and the left knee should touch the floor.
  3. Smoothly move your right shoulder down, bending your elbow and placing your right palm on your left. Feel the pull in your thigh. Hold this for a couple of seconds. Breathe deeply.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat the same with your left leg. Repeat three times.

There is a problem in that case, if the right or left leg is at a different level with the palm or if one leg stretches better than the other.

What is the danger?

“The reason for lack of stretch is muscle weakness,” says Walter Norton. - The hip that stretches the hardest is the weakest. This causes serious balance problems, forcing all other muscles to compensate for the misalignment and become overexerted. And overexertion can lead to muscle fatigue and serious injury.” For example, if your right hip is weaker than your left, it means you are putting more weight on your left leg when walking. If this is not corrected, over time it can lead to “wear and tear” of the muscles in the left knee and ankle.


What we check: shin and hamstring.

  1. Get into a push-up position. Then start taking tiny steps towards your hands. Keep your back, arms and knees straight. Gradually you should turn into the letter "A". Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  2. Then begin to gently move your arms, returning to the original position. Don't bend your knees or elbows.
  3. Repeat this exercise three times.

There is a problem in that case, if you cannot do this without bending your knees and elbows.

What is the danger?

Excessive tension in your shins and hamstrings can mean your legs aren't working properly. “I see this a lot with treadmill enthusiasts,” says Walter Norton. - They run, forgetting to raise their knees, and for each new step they stretch their feet forward, injuring the muscles on the back of their legs. Poor footwork can also mean putting too much stress on your back, which can lead to serious injury.”

"Perpetual motion machine"

What we check: how well your hips can move together.

  1. Get on all fours, lean on your elbows. Spread your knees as wide as you can.
  2. Without lifting your elbows and forearms from the floor, begin to move your hips back and forth. Hold each position for a couple of seconds.
  3. Each time, try to increase the range of motion.
  4. Repeat ten times.

There is a problem in that case, if you can't spread your knees wide enough or you can't increase your range of motion.

What is the danger?

If there is tension in your hips, then there is a high probability that all the muscles in your body are in the same tension. “You're probably leading a sedentary and overly immobile lifestyle,” explains Walter Norton. - As soon as you start playing sports or at least walking more, your whole body will begin to move more easily. This problem is often found in older people, who, as a rule, repeat only one movement (“sit down and stand up”) during the day.” A sedentary lifestyle is dangerous because it can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure.


What we check: gluteal muscles.

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs as wide apart as possible and your knees bent.
  2. Bend towards your right leg, while trying to place your left knee on the floor without bringing your legs together. As you bend over, twist your torso and place both hands on the outside of your right leg.
  3. Now try to touch your chest to the floor. Go down to the highest possible height. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position and do the same with your left leg.
  5. Repeat the exercise twice on each side.

There is a problem in that case, if you can’t touch the floor with your knee or bend low enough.

What is the danger?

When your gluteal muscles are tight, they are unable to move as they should. And then your back takes on additional stress, which can lead to strain and pain. Train yourself to stretch equally well on both sides, even if you feel more tension in the unstretched muscle. Otherwise, there is a high risk of injury due to uneven load distribution.

How to fix the situation?

“Of course, all the problems voiced sound unpleasant, but there is a solution, and it is very simple,” reassures Walter Norton. -Move more. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle at the office, walk more. If you regularly go to the gym, but still lack flexibility, try to give yourself a balanced workout without focusing on the same muscle group all the time. Don't forget to stretch! Stretch 3-4 times a week, and within a month everything will change.”

For more information, visit The Huffington Post website.

The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion that can be achieved by the subject. The amplitude of movements is measured in angular degrees or in linear measures, using equipment or pedagogical tests.

Hardware measurement methods are:

1) mechanical (using a goniometer);

2) mechanoelectric (using an electrogoniometer);

3) optical;

4) radiographic.

For particularly accurate measurements of joint mobility, electrogoniometric, optical and radiographic methods are used. Electrogoniometers allow you to obtain a graphic image of flexibility and monitor changes in joint angles in various phases of movement. Optical methods for assessing flexibility are based on the use of photo, film and video equipment. The radiographic method makes it possible to determine the theoretically permissible range of motion, which is calculated on the basis of an X-ray analysis of the structure of the joint. In physical education, the most accessible and widespread method of measuring flexibility is using a mechanical goniometer - a goniometer, to one of the legs of which a protractor is attached. The legs of the goniometer are attached to the longitudinal axes of the segments that make up a particular joint. When performing flexion, extension or rotation, determine the angle between the axes of the joint segments .

The main pedagogical tests for assessing the mobility of various joints are the simplest control exercises:

1. Mobility in the shoulder joint. The subject, holding the ends of a gymnastic stick (rope), twists his straight arms backwards (Fig. 1, 1). The mobility of the shoulder joint is assessed by the distance between the hands when twisting: the smaller the distance, the higher the flexibility of this joint, and vice versa (Fig. 1, 2). Besides,
the smallest distance between the hands is compared with the width of the subject’s shoulder girdle. Active abduction of straight arms upward from a position lying on the chest, arms forward. The greatest distance from the floor to the fingertips is measured (Fig. 1, 5).

2. Mobility of the spinal column. Determined by the degree of forward tilt of the body (Fig. 1, 3, 4, b). The subject, standing on a bench (or sitting on the floor), leans forward to the limit without bending his knees. The flexibility of the spine is assessed using a ruler or tape based on the distance in centimeters from the zero mark to the third finger of the hand. If the fingers do not reach the zero mark, then the measured distance is indicated by a minus sign (—), and if they fall below the zero mark, by a plus sign (+).

"Bridge" (Fig. 1, 7). The result (in cm) is measured from the heels to the fingertips of the subject. The shorter the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

3. Mobility in the hip joint. The subject strives to spread his legs as wide as possible: 1) to the sides and 2) back and forth, leaning on his hands (Fig. 1, 8). The level of mobility in a given joint is assessed by the distance from the floor to the pelvis (tailbone): the shorter the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

4. Mobility in the knee joints. The subject performs a squat with his arms extended forward or his arms behind his head (Fig. 1, 10, 11). High mobility in these joints is evidenced by a full squat.

5. Mobility in the ankle joints(Fig. 15, 12, UD). Various parameters of movements in the joints should be measured based on compliance with standard testing conditions: 1) the same initial positions of the body links; 2) the same (standard) warm-up; 3) repeat flexibility measurements to be carried out at the same time, since these conditions somehow affect mobility in the joints.

Rice. 1. Control exercises (tests) to assess the level of flexibility development

Passive flexibility is determined by the greatest amplitude that can be achieved due to external influences. It is determined by the greatest amplitude that can be achieved due to an external force, the magnitude of which must be the same for all measurements, otherwise it is impossible to obtain an objective assessment of passive flexibility. The measurement of passive flexibility is suspended when the external force causes pain.

An informative indicator of the state of the joint and muscular system of the subject (in centimeters or angular degrees) is the difference between the values ​​of active and passive flexibility. This difference is called active flexibility deficit.

Find out how young your body is with this simple flexibility test. Try it and draw conclusions.

One of the indicators of excellent physical condition is body flexibility. This is the ability to give maximum amplitude to each or most body movements. Body flexibility can and should be developed. But it does not always depend on the effort expended. The flexibility of the body is directly proportional to the mobility of the joints, which is reflected in the range of motion. Developed body flexibility is one of the components of overall tone and good physical shape. Do you want to check how well you are stretched, whether all parts of your body are flexible and mobile, or whether there is something to work on? Then take this flexibility test.

Flexibility Test: How Well Stretch Are You?

Standing on a step, straight legs together, bend forward and down and touch the edge of the step with your fingers, and then with maximum effort try to touch the side surface of the step, marking the level (height) of contact with chalk. The difference between the edge of the step and the level of contact in centimeters will reflect flexibility, which in this case is determined by the mobility of the spine and hip joints.

Evaluation of test results. The numbers with a minus sign reflect the distance between the fingers and the surface of the step at maximum bending, that is, in this case it is not possible to touch the edge of the step.

Evaluation of Flexibility Test Results

From the data in the table it follows that with age, flexibility and mobility in the joints decrease. Regularly performing flexibility exercises can slow down this process.
