Crossword puzzle “Types of sports” in physical education. Sports-themed crosswords 5-word sports-themed crossword puzzle

Great new crossword puzzles about sports, test your knowledge about sports. Maybe you are well versed in Martial Arts, or you are fascinated by team games, or maybe individual ones. Crosswords for every taste, answers included!

Check whether you are well versed in such sports as extreme, individual and strength. Solve an interesting crossword about sports.

1. A sport and type of active recreation that involves climbing on natural or artificial terrain.
2. A game that uses rackets and a shuttlecock.
3. An extreme sport that uses a special parachute to jump from fixed objects.
4. A game in which you need to use a club to drive the ball into a hole.
5. A strength sport in which muscles are built up and developed by doing physical exercises with weights and using high-energy nutrition.
6. Russian folk sports game. In this game you need to “knock out” figures from certain distances by throwing a bat.
7. A strength sport, the essence of which is to overcome the resistance of the weight that is as heavy as possible for the athlete.
8. A game with balls to knock down pins.
9. Playing with rackets and ball.
10. A sport whose goal is to climb to the top of mountains.
11. A board game for two players, which consists of moving chips across cells in a certain way.
12. Sometimes it is light, but in strength sports it is used heavy.
13. Board logic game with special pieces on a 64-cell board
14. The game takes place on a special table using balls and a cue.
15. A game sport with a ball and racket indoors.
16. Extreme sport, jumping with a rope from a high object.
17. A type of sports tourism, the point is to travel through natural caves overcoming various natural obstacles.

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Answers: 1. Rock climbing, 2. Badminton, 3. BASE jumping, 4. Golf, 5. Bodybuilding, 6. Towns, 7. Powerlifting, 8. Bowling, 9. Tennis, 10. Mountaineering, 11. Checkers, 12. Athletics, 13. Chess, 14. Billiards, 15. Squash, 16. Rope jumping, 17. Caving.

If you love combat sports, then solving this crossword puzzle about combat sports will not be difficult for you. Or maybe you'll learn something new.

1. Brazilian national martial art, combining elements of dance, acrobatics, and playing to music.
2. Japanese martial art, philosophy and unarmed combat sports created by Jigoro Kano.
3. Korean martial art, which actively uses the legs.
4. The art of hand-to-hand combat, the main principle of which is a “soft”, “pliable” technique of movement.
5. Soviet type of combat sports, as well as a comprehensive system of self-defense.
6. Martial arts in which athletes strike each other with their fists wearing special gloves.
7. Japanese martial arts, in which two wrestlers determine the strongest on a round platform, the average weight of wrestlers is 120-130 kg.
8. A French martial art that uses both arms and legs equally, combining elements of Western boxing and kicks.
9. A type of combat sports that combines the techniques of all wrestling disciplines, with minimal restrictions on the use of painful and choking techniques.
10. Korean martial art, similar to Japanese Aikido, but closer to Jiu-Jitsu.
11. Modern Japanese martial art created by Morihei Ueshiba.
12. A sport created in Japan based on a samurai duel.
13. Type of fight on the table with hands between two participants.
14. Philippine martial art.
15. Martial arts, the rules of which allow punches and kicks using boxing gloves.
16. Japanese martial art, system of defense and attack.
17. Modern art of fencing, the way of the sword.
18. The national sport of Uzbekistan with its own rules, methods and system for training athletes.
19. A type of wrestling in which it is allowed to grab the opponent’s legs, sweep and actively use the legs when performing any technique.
20. Chinese martial arts, in a word.
21. A style of kung fu in which, to defeat an opponent, they emphasize hand-to-hand combat, quick strikes and complete defense. There is also a Wushu school in China under this name.
22. A European type of martial arts, wrestling in which the athlete must, using certain techniques, unbalance the opponent and press him to the mat with his shoulder blades.
23. Ancient martial art of Thailand.

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Answers: 1. Capoeira, 2. Judo, 3. Taekwondo, 4. Jujutsu, 5. Sambo, 6. Boxing, 7. Sumo, 8. Savate, 9. Grappling, 10. Hapkido, 11. Aikido, 12. Spochan, 13. Arm wrestling, 14. Arnis, 15. Kickboxing, 16. Karate, 17. Kendo, 18. Turon, 19. Freestyle, 20. Wushu, 21. Wing Chun, 22. Greco-Roman, 23. Muay Thai.

Do you know all team sports? Solve an interesting crossword puzzle about team sports games.

1. This is not only a team sport, but also an active form of recreation, a game using paint balls.
2. A popular team game and the oldest game in Asia, which includes elements of wrestling and tag.
3. A sports game, the goal of which is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal.
4. Russian folk team game with a ball and bat.
5. National sport in Lithuania. The team must throw the ball into the opponent's hoop with their hands as much as possible.
6. A ball game with 7 on 7 players, almost football, but the ball is thrown into the goal by hand.
7. A sports team game with an oval ball, which the players of each team pass to each other with their hands and feet.
8. Playing with a stick, sometimes on ice or on grass.
9. A team non-contact sport belonging to the family of games played with a bat and ball. The game originated in the south of England.
10. A sport in which players ride on horses and try to score a ball using special clubs.
11. The official name of two team ball sports. In Russia, this sport is most often called mini-football.
12. A sport similar to netball and basketball, most common in the Netherlands and Belgium.
13. The only card game recognized by the International Olympic Committee as a sport.
14. Team sports game with a ball and bat. The team consists of 9 people.
15. A game during which two teams compete on a special area divided by a net, a game with a ball. The following qualities are important in this game: jumping ability, reaction, coordination, physical strength.
16. A team contact sport using a small rubber ball and a stick called a stick.
17. A team sport from the hockey family, it is also called indoor hockey.
18. Team sports game on an ice rink. Each team has 4 players and uses granite shells.

Crosswords for children 6 – 9 years old “Sports Kaleidoscope”

Description of the material. I offer a series of crossword puzzles “Sports Kaleidoscope”. This material will be useful for educators working with children in the preparatory group, teachers of after-school groups, primary school teachers and parents.
Crossword, English. cross-word: from the word cross- “cross” + word- “word”. A type of puzzle task for solving words, it is a figure divided into squares, which must be filled in with letters so that a row of hidden words is obtained horizontally and vertically.
History of origin. Some believe that the idea of ​​​​creating a crossword puzzle belonged to Victor Orville, a prisoner in one of the South African prisons. He was inspired to create a crossword puzzle by the prison floor slabs. He transferred the “square slabs” onto pieces of paper and tried to write words horizontally and vertically.
When he succeeded, he sent the crossword puzzle to the local newspaper. The editors liked this type of game with words, and they began to publish crossword puzzles in almost every issue. This game has gone around the whole world.
Others believe that the creator of the crossword was Arthur Wynne, a regular contributor to the American newspaper New York World.
One day at his home he found a piece of paper with “magic words” - a game that his grandfather played with him, and which had been known since ancient times, but in this game the same words were located both horizontally and vertically. Arthur decided to arrange each word only vertically or only horizontally. In 1913, the first crossword puzzle was published in the New York World newspaper. (From the note “If this is interesting...” authors: A. Zaikina, M. Zaikin, S. Zaikin)
Target: to consolidate children’s ideas about sports, athletes, and sports equipment needed in a particular sport.
- clarify children’s ideas about the variety of sports;
- continue to cultivate interest and love for sports;
- develop cognitive interest, the ability to solve crossword puzzles;
- develop attention, memory, thinking;
- activate vocabulary;
- promote the development of positive emotions.
Crossword 1. “Guess the key word”

1.A figure skating athlete?
2.A board for skating on snow slopes?
3. Necessary attribute of a biathlete?
4. Mentor of athletes?
5. Type of sport related to water?
6.Final point of the relay?
7.An electronic board on which the result is displayed?
8.A team game that requires a ball and a dividing net?
9.Competition between teams in hockey or football?
10. Type of sport, is there artistic and sports?
11.The main sporting events take place every four years?
Answers: figure skater, snowboard, gun, coach, swimming, finish, scoreboard, volleyball, match, gymnastics, Olympics, medal. The key word is "competition".
Crossword 2. “Riddles about athletes”

1. On the ice, athlete and artist,
In a word... (skater)
2. Up like a bird fluttering,
Will he dive headfirst into the water? (jumper)
3. Pulls the trigger,
Wonderful shooter
Then he flies on skis,
And here is the finish - champion! (biathlete)
4. He moves the puck with his stick, flies forward like an arrow,
Scores a goal into the goal, who is it... (hockey player)
5. This athlete listened to his mother as a child,
He ate his porridge well,
Trained, became strong,
Is he lifting weights? (weightlifter)
1. She has control over all objects: ribbon, ball, jump rope, hoop, mace,
Is she slender, flexible, graceful on the carpet? (gymnast)
2. He takes the racket in his hands
The ball is thrown over the net,
In this summer sport
Is this player the king of the court? (tennis player)
3.Who rushes quickly through the snow,
Aren't you afraid to fail? (skier)
4. This athlete is an experienced wrestler,
He hits with his left, he hits with his right,
He has a big fist
It’s immediately obvious that he’s not a weakling! (boxer)
Crossword 3. “Which picture is missing?”

Answer: jump rope
Children are invited to draw a picture of the answer themselves.
You can offer this crossword with a complication; The pictures will not be in order.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bolotskaya secondary school"

Belevsky district, Tula region


on a sports theme for elementary school.

Prepared by:

physical education teacher

Kapustkina Yu.A.

Kinds of sports


7. Type of winter sport.

8. Sports game with a ball.

10. Playing with a ball on the water.

11. People ride them down from the mountains in winter.

12. Skater shoes.


1. A sport in which a racket and shuttlecock are used.

2. Sports shoes.

3. Fight in the ring.

4. Playing with the ball on the field.

5. An item needed for playing hockey.

6. The type of sport required for defense.

9. Similar to skates for driving on asphalt.

Horizontal: 7. Skis. 8. Basketball. 10. Polo. 11. Sleigh. 12. Skates.

Vertical: 1. Badminton. 2. Sneakers. 3. Boxing. 4. Football. 5. Washer. 6. Fight. 9. Rollers.

1. To run very fast,

Take the bar “cleanly” all the time,

And, of course, to be the first

Every day with friends he

Came to (stadium)

2. He is with you and with me

Walked in forest stitches.

Hiking friend behind you

On straps with fasteners (backpack)

3. If you pick up a stick, don’t be shy.

There is no better game than (hockey)

4.The audience is sitting here

And a lot of noise...

What is the name of the place?

5. When spring takes its toll,

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

And she through me (jump rope)

6. I have two horses, two horses,

They carry me along the water.

And the water is hard, like stone (skates)

7. Backboard with a basket, ball on the floor...

We play (basketball)

8. He's not a player, but you can't argue with him,

Who whistles loudest? (judge)

9. When three sports are assembled,

They are called (eventing)

10. Friend pulled over - grip

One-handed wrestling (rope)

11. Eat carrots, salad, oranges,

An athlete needs (vitamins) for strength


1. Friend pulled over - grip

With one hand in the fight ______________

2. He's a rocker and a bed

It's good to lie on it.

Is he in the garden or in the forest

Will swing on the weight.

4. We kick the ball - football,

What about your hands? - _______________

6. Likes to walk in the forest,

Sleep in a tent

And light a fire.

7. Run, hit twenty

They strive for the goal,

Two people stand and create barriers.

They chose a green field for battle,

Usually the massacre lasts an hour and thirty.

8. I ride it until evening,

But my horse is lazy

Carries only from the mountain.

And always go up the hill by myself

I go on foot

And I lead my horse by the rope


3. We drive it across the ice with a stick

And we score into the goal.

5. There is a sports game

There are countless fans of her.

The ball flies and there is a net in the field,

And in our hands we have ____________

9. This, children, is not a tourist.

_______________ climbs up the mountain

10. A group of guys took to the ice,

The sticks clink loudly on the ice.

And the puck flies

We will shout: “Oh, okay!”

Games are no better than _________

11. The game is excellent football,

Already scored the first _________


2. Two belts hang on me,

There are pockets on the back,

If you'll go on a hike with me

I'll hang behind you.

4. I rule a horned horse.

If this horse

I won't put you up against the fence,

It will fall on me.

7. The river is flowing - we are lying,

Ice on the river - we are running.

10. If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

You hit the wall - it doesn’t moan.

You will throw yourself on the ground -

It will begin to fly upward.


1. I twist it with my hand,

And on the neck and leg,

And I twist it at the waist,

And I don't want to drop it.

3. Small, remote

Screams loudly

Helps the judge

Doesn't know how tired he is.

5. Two new maples

Two-meter soles:

I put two feet on them

And run through the big snow.

6. Comma Stick

He kicks the ball in front of him.

8. We stood all summer,

Winter was expected.

The time has come

We rushed down the mountain.

9. This bird is not a tit,

Not an eagle or a cormorant.

This little bird

Called ________

11. What does Galochka have?

A thread on a stick

A thread in the water

Stick in hand.


1. It will lie all over your palm,

There are not clocks, but hands,

It will come in handy on the road

You won't get lost anywhere with him.

4. Through this obstacle

Have to jump over

Horses at the races.

5. Participate in competitions

Everyone is happy.

And they are waiting for commands from the judge:

"On __________ ".

7. The wind blew into the sea

Swan wing.

The boy is on watch

He is a sailor on this __________.


2. On Sunday

Deserted at school

Running with the ball

Guys in ___________

3. And from the wind and from the heat,

It will protect you from the rain.

How sweet it is to sleep in it!

What is this? ______________

4. To swim

Learn faster

We need to go to _______.

6. There will be two brothers

Swim in the river:

They will surface together

They will dive together.

There is no place for the boat

They don't let you stand.

8. I’m not looking at the first row:

There are rooks at the edges,

I see horses nearby,

There is no figure more cunning than them,

Between the horses are concluded

Our brave elephants,

And there are two more fields,

And on them there is a king and ___________.

9. He goes hiking with a backpack,

He carries a warm home with him.

Cooking food over a fire

But not in a pan, but in a bucket.

10. He is standing at the gate,

Keeps them away from the ball.

1. We dream of scoring a ball in the basket,

But our opponent is stopping us.

The ball is dribbled with the hand on the floor

In the game known ____________.

2. I’m sitting under glass,

I look in all directions

You will climb into the forest with me -

You won't get lost along the way.

3. What kind of fellow is this?

____________ swims in the pool.

4. There are no clouds on the horizon,

But an umbrella opened in the sky.

In a few minutes

Got down _________________.

5. From gate to gate

People are running briskly.

At these gates

Fishing nets.

6. I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

You wouldn't interfere with the game.

You'd better go away

We play _______________.

7. Participate in competitions

Everyone is happy.

And they are waiting for commands from the judge:

"On _________________ ".

8. Where Vanya goes, we go there.

We are fun in the days of winter.

And we're doing great today

Screwed to the shoes.

9. He's not a player, but he can argue

You can't do it with him!

Who whistles loudest?

10. Eat carrots, salad,


An athlete needs for strength


11. A white goose is swimming -

Wooden belly

The wing is linen.

1. Who sits at the patient’s bedside?

And how he is treated, he tells him;

Who is sick -

He will offer to take drops,

To those who are healthy -

Allows you to take a walk.

2. This bird is not a tit,

Not a goldfinch or an eagle!

This little bird

It's called _____________.

3. He goes hiking with a backpack,

He carries a warm home with him.

Cooking food over a fire

But not in a pan, but in a bucket.

4. I take the racket in my hands

What a beauty.

Magic ball with feathers

Flies to the skies.

5. I only keep on going,

And if I do, I’ll fall.

6. We are your true friends,

And we must not be forgotten.

Let's save the kids from a sore throat,

Eat _________________ in winter.

7. Bent over the river -

Their agreement is this:

The river will exchange for her

Perch on a worm.

8. – Tell me about this:

How did you become a strongman?

Very simple. Many years

Every day, getting out of bed,

I lift ________________.

9. He keeps order on the field,

Helps the judge and shouts loudly.

But he doesn't need current

Because he - _____________.

10. This riddle is not easy,

I always write with two “Ks”

Hit both the ball and the puck with your stick,

And I'm called ______________.

11. In an open field near a birch tree

Stripes are visible on the snow.

The fox came closer:

Someone's _____________ were running here.


"Sports track"


    Ice platform. (Ice rink)

    Thick rope (Rope)

    Racket game (Tennis)

    Beginning of the competition (Start)

    Travel (Tourism)

    Indoor sports facility (Manege)

    Referee team (Jury)

    Football is... (Game)

    Climbing mountains (Mountaineering)

    Basketball players play with it (Ball)

    ... FIFA World Cup (Championship)

    Athlete's teacher (Trainer)

    Exercise before competition (Warm-up)


"Sports track"

Physical culture is not only a culture of movement, but also theoretical knowledge. You can consolidate and check them with the help of riddles and crosswords. In physical education classes, we introduce children to various sports equipment, sports equipment, and types of sports. Children receive a wide variety of knowledge.
Memorization occurs best in an involuntary form; poetic forms help to assimilate the material. And from rhyme it’s easy to move on to riddle questions - say the word; continue the sentence; choose a rhyme. This is how children gradually learn to solve riddles.
Riddles also contain logical chains, i.e. The logical thinking of preschoolers also develops.
Riddles and crosswords are very relevant during sports activities and holidays. They can also be offered as tasks for the joint leisure of children and parents.
Preschool age is the best time for comprehensive development, and physical education, games and literature are good helpers.


1. To run very fast
Take the bar “cleanly” all the time,
Throw the ball the farthest
And, of course, to be the first
Every day with friends he
Came to _______________

2. He is with you and with me
Walked in forest stitches.
Hiking friend behind you
On belts with buckles.

3. I picked up a stick - don’t be timid.
There is no better game than ___________

4 . Here the spectators sit
And a lot of noise...
What is the name of the place?

5 . When spring takes its toll,
And the streams run ringing,
I jump over it
And she through me.

6 . I have two horses, two horses,
They carry me along the water.
And the water is hard, like stone.

7 . Backboard with a basket, ball on the floor...
We play ________________

8 . He's not a player, but you can't argue with him,
Who whistles loudest?

9. When three sports are together,
They are called ________________

10 . Friend pulled it - grip
With one hand in the fight ______________

11 . Eat carrots, salad, oranges,
An athlete needs __________ for strength.



1. Friend pulled it - grip
With one hand in the fight ______________

2. He's a rocker and a bed
It's good to lie on it.
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Will swing on the weight.

4. We kick the ball - football,
What about your hands? - _______________

6. Loves to walk in the forest
Sleep in a tent
And light a fire.

7. Run, get twenty
They strive for the goal,
Two people stand and create barriers.
They chose a green field for battle,
Usually the massacre lasts an hour and thirty.

8. I ride it until evening,
But my horse is lazy
Carries only from the mountain.
And always go up the hill by myself
I go on foot
And I lead my horse by the rope


3. We drive it across the ice with a stick
And we score into the goal.

5. There is a sports game
There are countless fans of her.
The ball flies and there is a net in the field,
And in our hands we have ____________

9. This, children, is not a tourist.
_______________ climbs up the mountain
10. A group of guys took to the ice,
The sticks clink loudly on the ice.
And the puck flies
We'll shout, "Oh , kay!”
Games are no better than _________

11. Excellent football game
Already scored the first _________



2. Two belts hang on me
There are pockets on the back,
If you'll go on a hike with me
I'll hang behind you.

4. I rule a horned horse.
If this horse
I won't put you up against the fence,
It will fall on me.

7. The river flows - we lie,
Ice on the river - we are running.

10. If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,
You hit the wall - it doesn’t moan.
You will throw yourself on the ground -
It will begin to fly upward.


1. I twist it with my hand
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist it at the waist,
And I don't want to drop it.

3. Small, remote
Screams loudly
Helps the judge
Doesn't know how tired he is.

5. Two new maples
Two-meter soles:
I put two feet on them
And run through the big snow.

6. Comma stick
He kicks the ball in front of him.

8. We stood all summer
Winter was expected.
The time has come
We rushed down the mountain.

9. This bird is not a tit,
Not an eagle or a cormorant.
This little bird
Called ________

11. What is it with Galochka?
A thread on a stick
A thread in the water
Stick in hand.



1. It will fall all over your palm,
There are not clocks, but hands,
It will come in handy on the road
You won't get lost anywhere with him.

4. Through this obstacle
Have to jump over
Horses at the races.

5. Participate in competitions
Everyone is happy.
And they are waiting for commands from the judge:
"On __________ ".

7. blown out to sea by the wind
Swan wing.
The boy is on watch
He is a sailor on this __________.


2. On Sunday
Deserted at school
Running with the ball
Guys in ___________

3. And from the wind and from the heat,
It will protect you from the rain.
How sweet it is to sleep in it!
What is this? ______________

4. To swim
Learn faster
We need to go to _______.

6. There will be two brothers
Swim in the river:
They will surface together
They will dive together.
There is no place for the boat
They don't let you stand.

8. I'm not looking at the first row:
There are rooks at the edges,
I see horses nearby,
There is no figure more cunning than them,
Between the horses are concluded
Our brave elephants,
And there are two more fields,
And on them there is a king and ___________.

9. He goes hiking with a backpack,
He carries a warm home with him.
Cooking food over a fire

10. He's standing at the gate
Keeps them away from the ball.


1. We dream of scoring a ball in the basket,
But our opponent is stopping us.
The ball is dribbled with the hand on the floor
In the game known ____________.

2. I'm sitting under glass
I look in all directions
You will climb into the forest with me -
You won't get lost along the way.

3. What kind of fellow is this?
____________ swims in the pool.

4. There are no clouds on the horizon,
But an umbrella opened in the sky.
In a few minutes
Got down _________________.

5. From gate to gate
People are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing nets.

6. I don’t understand, who are you guys?
Birders? Fishermen?
What kind of net is there in the yard?
- You shouldn't interfere with the game.
You'd better go away
We play _______________.

7. Participate in competitions
Everyone is happy.
And they are waiting for commands from the judge:
"On _________________ ".

8. Where Vanya goes, we go.
We are fun in the days of winter.
And we're doing great today
Screwed to the shoes.

9. He's not a player, but you can argue
You can't do it with him!
Who whistles loudest?

10. Eat carrots, salad,
An athlete needs for strength

11. A white goose is swimming -
Wooden belly
The wing is linen.


1. Who sits at the patient's bedside?
And how he is treated, he tells him;
Who is sick -
He will offer to take drops,
To those who are healthy -
Allows you to take a walk.

2. This bird is not a tit,
Not a goldfinch or an eagle!
This little bird
It's called _____________.

3. He goes hiking with a backpack,
He carries a warm home with him.
Cooking food over a fire
But not in a pan, but in a bucket.

4. I take the racket in my hands
What a beauty.
Magic ball with feathers
Flies to the skies.

5. I just keep going,
And if I do, I’ll fall.

6. We are your true friends,
And we must not be forgotten.
Let's save the kids from a sore throat,
Eat _________________ in winter.

7. Leaned over the river -
Their agreement is this:
The river will exchange for her
Perch on a worm.

8. - Tell me about this:
How did you become a strongman?

I propose to conduct a small current control of knowledge in physical education in the form of solving the crossword puzzle “Let's talk about sports.”


2. Climbing hard-to-reach mountain peaks (Mountaineering)
4. What word means wrestler in Greek? (Athlete)
5. Indoor area, specially built and adapted for various sports. (Manege)
6. An action by an athlete or team aimed at repelling an opponent’s attack. (Defense)
9. Competitions in rowing, kayaking and canoeing, sailing (Regatta)
10. Rock climbing. (Rock climbing)
14. A sports game in which participants send a ball through a net using rackets. (Tennis)


1. Massive alpine ascent. (Alpiniada)
3. A sports game with a ball between two teams of six people each. Competitions consist of three or five games. (Volleyball)
5. An indoor facility specially built and adapted for various sports. (Manege)
7. The ball goes over the line. (Out)
8. Playing with a stick on the ice. (Hockey)
10. A game between two teams, the goal of which is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal. (Football)
11. Cast metal handle with two cast iron balls at the ends. (Dumbbell)
13. The art of wrestling, a set of forms and methods of wrestling in order to achieve the highest result, victory

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