Do-it-yourself benches and exercise equipment for the home: from a simple bench to a multifunctional complex. Making reliable squat racks How to make a barbell bench yourself

The bench press bench is one of the most popular sports equipment in the gym, aimed at pumping up the chest muscles and creating a good torso.

Since it is not always possible to visit the gym, you can make such a simulator with your own hands by choosing the appropriate type and studying the technology of its manufacture.

There are different types of bench press:

  • Horizontal- can be folding or regular. Mainly refers to stationary types of sports equipment. Often there are racks for projectiles, as well as various attachments and clamps. Usually such a simulator has little functionality, but with additional equipment many more functions are available:
  • a machine with a leg block helps to work the thighs, calves, buttocks or perform twisting exercises to pump up the abs;
  • handrails - help with exercises to pump up the lower abs;
  • the presence of racks with insurance allows you to work with a barbell without a partner’s insurance;
  • A bench with parallel bars will allow you to do many more exercises.

The distance between the posts should be on average 110 cm.

The features of this simulator include:

  • the ability to perform bench presses at different inclinations, while adjusting the load, contributing to the comprehensive pumping of the body muscles;
  • The installation of the exercise machine can be done not only in gyms, but also at home, especially if you choose a model that can be folded.

Buy or make it yourself

Playing sports has a positive effect on human health, but it is not always possible to go to the gym and pump up muscles. So, to solve this problem, thanks to the fairly compact size of the bench press machine, you can install it at home.

The question immediately arises of whether to buy or make a simulator with your own hands.

To answer this question, consider the advantages and disadvantages of one and the other option for purchasing a bench.

Option for purchasing a bench Advantages Flaws
Buying a bench press A wide range of simulators and their configurations. ·High cost of goods.

·Inadequate quality.

Making a bench with your own hands ·You can make a bench at your own discretion, taking into account all the features and wishes of its owner, and, most importantly, with high quality.

·To make a bench, you can use less expensive, but still high-quality materials.

· Even taking into account the funds spent on purchasing materials for making the bench, the cost of the product will be significantly less than the store price.

Waste of time

Based on the above, it becomes clear that the option of making a bench press with your own hands is still the leader, but taking into account the fact that not everyone has the opportunity and skills, it will still be easier to buy a machine. It all depends on the financial capabilities and preferences of the owner.

Criterias of choice

If you still decide to buy a bench press bench, you need to adhere to the following criteria:

These criteria are also relevant when making a bench with your own hands. To obtain a high-quality result, you must use only high-quality and durable material.

DIY bench press step by step

Making a bench press is a fairly simple process, but some skills in working with equipment and tools are still necessary:

  • with a welding machine;
  • with a grinder;
  • drill;
  • vice.

Having all the skills, you can start making the simulator.


The first stage of manufacturing a simulator is drawing up its drawing, which will indicate all the features of the selected design and its dimensions.

To draw it up, you can take a sketch from the Internet or take measurements from a simulator located in the gym.

To gain skills and explain the bench manufacturing technology, it is recommended to watch the video at the end of the article on this topic.

As an example, attached is a photo of a drawing for the manufacture of one of the options for a bench press.

Preparing everything you need

According to the drawing, the working material is prepared:

Step-by-step guide to making a bench press frame

  • 2 pieces of 830 mm each are cut from the pipe. These racks in the structure serve as the legs of the frame and support for the bar, so the material for their manufacture must have special strength. On the finished racks, a mark is made at a distance of 340 mm from the floor with a simple pencil.
  • Next, a section of 520 mm is cut out to connect the racks (830 mm each). The connection will be made at the location of the marks made. When making welding seams, it must be taken into account that the load exerted on them will be large and with considerable fluctuations.

There must be strictly 340 mm from the welding seam to the floor.

  • A section is prepared that acts as a stand on the opposite side of the structure, measuring 340 mm.
  • The next element is a bar connecting the front and rear pillars of the frame. Its size is 970 mm.

The connection of this section to the support (340 mm) is made from above, and to the crossbar (520 mm) it is attached from the side, using self-tapping screws or a welding machine.

Instructions for making a lounger

To make a bench rest you will need:

The wider the bench board, the more bench presses you can do. This is because the body support is distributed evenly, providing the correct fulcrum. On average, the width of the bench should be 280 mm. When using the bench by a narrow-shouldered person, 260 mm is sufficient. In a word, when working on a wide bench, the latissimus muscles are activated, which has a beneficial effect on the result in the bench press.

Video on how to make a bench press with your own hands from metal profiles 40*40 mm:

To summarize, we can say that a bench press bench can be installed at home, either purchased in a store or made with your own hands. To make a bench, you need skills in working with metal (subject to the manufacture of a metal frame) and the availability of high-quality and durable materials. Depending on the selected model of the simulator, first of all, a drawing is created and only after that, you can begin to manufacture the product. If you follow the sequence of the technological process, the simulator will turn out no worse than a store-bought one and even better.

Full strength training at home is impossible without using bench press benches. This sports machine, used in combination with dumbbells and a barbell, allows you to effectively and fully pump up your muscles and make your training as varied as possible. It is universal, practical, compact, mobile, and has a relatively affordable price. Due to its high functionality, it can be used to perform many different exercises involving all muscle groups.

This is a stable bench, the design of which determines the main capabilities of the simulator. It is available in the following variations:

  • inclined fixed;
  • adjustable;
  • horizontally fixed.

Fixed type models limit the athlete's capabilities. The constant position of the angle of inclination does not allow using different muscle groups and shifting the main accents. Adjustable benches are more convenient and versatile. They push the boundaries of strength training.

The exercise machines are equipped with one or more adjustable parts, and can be additionally equipped with a support cushion or special safety stops, or a telescopic retractable barbell stand. The complexity of the design directly affects the functionality and comfort of the bench. The higher it is, the better.

Basic exercises

The weight bench is designed to perform various types of pressing, but is not limited to this type of exercise. The simulator is ideal for comprehensive training of the muscles of the arms, chest, and back. It does an excellent job of training the gluteal, calf muscles and abs.

The best basic exercise that should be included in all upper body training programs is performed using a bench with special barbell racks. It involves the serratus, brachialis, pectoralis, anterior deltoids, and triceps. If an athlete has the opportunity to purchase not a fixed, but an adjustable bench model, this will make the training as effective as possible and will allow you to comprehensively work out all the listed muscle groups of the upper body.

Dumbbell flyes and presses

An alternative to the barbell bench press if the bench is not equipped with a rack. The amplitude of arm movements with dumbbells can be adjusted independently, which is especially important for those who are just starting to engage in strength training, as well as for representatives of the fair half of humanity. A shift in emphasis to working out different areas of the muscles is carried out by changing the angle of inclination of the simulator.

Push ups

They vary in degree of difficulty. For beginners, this type of push-up is ideal, when the emphasis is on the bench. Thanks to this, the torso located at an angle allows you to reduce the load and prepare the muscles for building up. Push-ups are considered a complex variation of the exercise, suitable for advanced athletes, if the emphasis is on the legs. Reverse push-ups performed from a bench provide effective training for the triceps.

Abs training

This universal strength trainer is an excellent sports equipment for working out the lower abs. The difficult-to-achieve result of working out the abdominal muscles with the main emphasis on the lower part can be easily achieved by performing reverse crunches with a lift of the buttocks on this machine. Thanks to the soft rollers that secure the legs, you can do classic (ordinary) crunches on the apparatus.

Bulgarian lunges

An excellent exercise for the formation of rounded beautiful buttocks. It is done both with and without weights. In this case, you need to stand on the floor with one foot, and rest the toe of the other on the exercise machine.

A power bench for home training will be an ideal choice for athletes who want to purchase compact, versatile, not too expensive, but maximally functional sports equipment.

If it is equipped with sliding racks for the barbell, then the athlete has a unique opportunity to work out the entire torso, not only increase muscle mass, but also achieve the creation of a beautiful relief.

Small dimensions allow this exercise machine to be installed even in medium-sized apartments. A convenient and simple assembly mechanism makes it possible not to clutter up the space when the projectile is not in use.

The exercise machine is ideal for both men and women. Properly selected exercises alternated with cardio exercises give the best possible results, strengthen muscles, and contribute to the harmonious development of the figure.

Power bench for home: selection criteria

Home workouts should not only be effective, but also safe. Selecting a bench for training outside the gym must be done responsibly and taking into account the following parameters:

Quality and reliability

The structure must be made of thick and strong metal, have strong and reliable fastenings, folding and adjustment mechanisms, and the back must withstand high loads. Be sure to pay attention to the stability of the bench and racks, the reliability of fastening parts and elements. Otherwise, there is a high risk of injury. You should not buy exercise equipment with narrow stands, as there is a risk that the load will be distributed incorrectly and the bar will tip over.

Non-demountable benches are characterized by maximum reliability and stability. It is not possible to allocate a permanent place for such even a small exercise machine in every home. Folding models with sliding racks are designed completely differently. The main thing when purchasing this equipment is to pay attention to the quality of the folding and transformation mechanisms. They must be easy to use and withstand repeated assembly and unfolding cycles.

Horizontal regular benches have limited training capabilities. To increase the versatility of this sports equipment, it is complemented with the following elements:

Adjustable Parts

They make it possible to do the exercise with both a regular and a reverse tilt, promoting the full use of the torso muscles.

Foot block

Allows you to pump your calf and gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and also do regular crunches to train your abs.

Support pad

This device is designed to provide support for an athlete working with heavy weights as a partner.


A bench with such an additional apparatus is designed for maximum development of endurance and strength, expanding the range of exercises performed on it.


A device that allows you to do lower abdominal exercises as simply as possible. Thanks to the reliable fixation of the torso, the athlete can perform reverse crunches.

Stand with safety stops

A special device that ensures the safety of athletes lifting heavy weights alone, preventing the bar from falling onto the chest if they fail to hold the barbell.


The freestanding strength bench is a great machine for working with dumbbells and barbells, and the barbell rack is great for doing deadlifts and squats. To make the exercise comfortable, the length of the bench is selected so that the head does not hang down during exercise. Tall athletes need to set the tilt to 45 degrees, and rest the back of their head against the back.

Simplicity and ease of operation

You should not purchase an expensive bench model with options that will never be useful. Complex machines are those with a set of elements that allow you to perform many exercises, with functions that are intuitive and necessary for the athlete, which, of course, depend on the individual characteristics of the workout. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to think in advance what functionality the bench press should have.

In this article you can download simulator drawings bench for bench press. Bench Press Bench- the most popular and widespread sports equipment, especially loved by all athletes. When entering the gym, a novice athlete, like many professionals, runs directly to the bench press bench. Of course, its role in building muscle mass is greatly exaggerated and athletes concentrate too much on it, forgetting about other equally important muscle groups, and in fact, more important ones. Such as the muscles of the legs, back, abs and others. However, the bench press bench is my first machine that I have made by hand.

This is what the bench looks like right now. Adjustable backrest with lock, maximum angle of 90 degrees, that is, perpendicular to the horizontal position. Extendable racks that, when the backrest is raised up, allow them to be used as squat racks. On the Internet you can find many simple, basic simulator drawings, but often its design is already outdated and the drawing contains a minimum of information and data.

At the very beginning, I made a simple version of the Press Bench, without an adjustable back, just with a board upholstered in leatherette and without retractable racks, as well as without bars for push-ups. But later I modified it and improved it.

There are many different types of bench presses. Frankly, I wanted to make a standard bench on four supports with a simple horizontal board, like in many gyms with old, Soviet exercise equipment. Fortunately, there were no problems taking the dimensions of the bench during one of my visits to the gym. In the gym, no one bothers you to redraw simulator drawings. But after comparing with the store version, it became clear that the Bench with four supports is very heavy and bulky. Therefore, for production we chose a bench on three supports: two at the back - the racks for the barbell itself and one in front - under the seat.

Of course, because the simulator is bulky and heavy, it is no worse than a light and compact one. But nevertheless, many elements of such structures are simply superfluous. Also, in most cases, in gyms for angled bench presses, there was always a bench with an inclined board next to it, that is, two separate benches - for two different exercises. This option is well suited for free rooms with a lot of space, but not for a home gym. Therefore, as we have already said, the choice fell on a simpler and more compact modification of the bench press, somewhat similar to this one:

As you can see, the backrest here is adjustable, but the uprights are not retractable. In addition, it is noticeable that the bench is collapsible; it consists of separate profile pipes that are connected to each other with bolts. This is a less strong and less reliable option than a one-piece, welded structure.

Bench Press Bench

So, the frame of the Bench looks like this.

The entire structure is made of 4x4cm profile pipe. The petals of the racks for the bar are made of a metal strip 4 cm wide. Having clamped the plates cut from the strip in a vice, they need to be bent with hammer blows at the desired angle. Then they are simply placed at the top of the profile pipe of the future racks and welded with a welding machine.

In the end, all that remains is to attach narrow plywood (about 30cm wide) or board to the frame of the bench. To do this, you need to drill three holes for bolts with a diameter of 8mm, as shown in the photo above.

Drawing of the bench press machine:

Attention! IN drawings of the simulator an error was made - the distance from the floor to the horizontal surface and the length of the supporting profile pipe were incorrectly indicated. It should be 340mm. Simulator drawings updated.

If you need a bench with an adjustable back and retractable racks, read on.

Incline Bench with Simple Adjustable Backrest

First of all, I would like to note that ultimately the Bench Press was modified by us to install the module: “Attachment for legs”. To do this, we replaced the 4x4cm support profile pipe with the same one, only thicker - 5x5cm, so that the attachment could be installed in it.

For further explanations in the photo, we will use this version of the Bench - with a support profile pipe 5x5cm. You can use the simple design described above if you do not plan to install a foot attachment.
So, to install an adjustable back and seat, you need to weld an oblong metal ring to the frame of the bench, to which the back and seat will be attached, as shown in the photo below.

There is no need to drill three holes in the bench for the board, since the board will be attached to an adjustable metal structure.

Below in the photo is a bench for bench press with a frame skeleton installed in the same metal ring for an adjustable back and seat. This frame is made from a 2x2cm profile pipe.

In an inclined position, the back of the bench rests on a transverse metal beam with a diameter of 20-22mm, which is inserted into pre-drilled holes in the bench posts (photo above). There are 4 such holes in one rack, their diameter is 24mm. To ensure exact alignment of the holes, they must be drilled separately on each side, and not through each other. As a result, you will end up with 4 holes in one rack, 8 on both sides, and the same number in the second, together - 16.

You can drill such holes with a regular drill if you do not have a drilling machine. To do this, you need to buy a 24mm metal crown like this. Inside the crown itself there is a regular 6 or 8 mm drill. First, this drill enters the metal, then the crown removes the chips.

Simulator drawings The Incline Press Bench is the same as the Horizontal Bench (see above), except for the length of the racks, in this case it is 105cm instead of 87cm. The distance between the holes for the cross beam is 12cm. The distance from the horizontal plane of the bench to the first hole is 8 cm.

Why did we call this adjustable backrest simple? Since with this design it has only five positions: lower and four inclined, and the maximum angle of inclination with this design is only 45 degrees. It is no longer possible to raise the back of the bench any higher, since there will be nothing to support it with, and even more so, it is impossible to secure it in a vertically level position, at an angle of 90 degrees.
This problem can be solved by another design for fixing the backrest in an inclined position.

Incline Bench with adjustable backrest and racks

In order for the backrest to rise to a vertically level position, it is necessary to attach an additional structure to its middle, which will rest against the bottom of the bench. There is no longer any need to drill through holes in the racks, as can be seen in the photo below.

The rod rack holders themselves can be cut down. If you are making a bench from scratch - then just don't weld them to the posts.
Next is the top view. The fastening mechanism is clearly visible.

The additional design contains significantly more holes. Using the fixing pin, you can select the desired angle of inclination. The support can also be moved closer to the base of the backrest, thus increasing the angle of inclination. To keep the support in this position and not move back, you need to drill a hole in the side of the frame itself, into which the pin will go through and fix the support in the desired position.

Drawings of the incline bench press machine:

Attention! IN drawings of the simulator an error was made - the distance from the floor to the horizontal surface and the length of the supporting profile pipe were incorrectly indicated. It should be 330mm for a 50x50mm profile pipe and 340mm for a 40x40mm profile pipe. Simulator drawings updated.

Simple reclining back design
As you can see in the photo below, the structure for a simple inclined bench is connected with a pin, and closed or regular nuts are screwed onto its sides.

Between the large and small frames, thick washers are strung onto the pin on both sides; you need to make them yourself.

Recline frame with support structure, dimensions
This element is added to the standard back frame, it is also fixed on a pin, and clamped with nuts on the sides.

The disassembled structure of the back and support looks like this.

Drawings of the machine: Bench press, backrest frame:

1. Two wide washers, handmade, outer diameter:
20mm, inner: 11mm, thickness: 10mm.
2. Six closed 10mm nuts, simple ones possible.
3. Two pins. Cut from a metal circle with a diameter of 10mm, a length of 180mm, threads on both sides of approximately 15mm.
4. Small pin, made in the same way, length: 100mm.
5. A piece of profile pipe 2x2cm, length: 40mm.

Retractable racks
It should be noted that the use of such a design for tilting the backrest is a necessity for retractable racks, which will be discussed further. If you use the previous scheme, then it will not be possible to install retractable racks, since the transverse beam will interfere with them.
The racks are made from a 3x3cm profile pipe; its size must be selected so that it can fit into the supporting structure of the bench. That is, if your bench is made of 5x5cm pipe, then the racks will need to be made of 4x4cm.

In order for them not to wobble, it is advisable to buy prof. pipe 3.5x3.5cm. But metal of such intermediate sizes is not always available at the metal warehouse. The rack holders are made of metal strip according to the same principle as described above for the horizontal bench. The length of the stands is 82cm. The distance between the holes is 15cm, but you can make it smaller, for example 7cm each. The diameter of the holes is 10.5-11mm, for a pin with a diameter of 10mm.

In the photo above, handles are attached to the racks, which replace push-up bars. They are made from a circle with a diameter of 30mm and a length of 14cm (more is possible). Shallow holes of 2-3 cm with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled in the cut beams. A 10mm thread is cut into them using a tap. In the racks themselves at the top you need to drill a hole for the bolt, as shown in the photo. All that remains is to take a 10mm bolt 4-5cm long, a washer for it, insert it into the drilled hole and screw the handle onto it.

Additional photographs of retractable stands with handles are available in the section Making exercise equipment.

Back upholstery
All that remains is to cut out the plywood and cover it with leatherette. Plywood thickness 8-12mm. In the photo below, the plywood is coated with paint on the underside. If you want to make a regular horizontal bench without an adjustable back, then the plywood in this case should be solid from one rectangle.

In principle, at first, even an unnecessary door to the bathroom left after renovation will do. The author, when making his first bench press bench, did just that, until a full-fledged backrest was made from plywood - he really wanted to quickly test the machine in practice.

Four holes with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled in small and large plywood. From the top side, special nuts with teeth for wood are driven into them, as in the photo below. In total you need to buy eight pairs: a bolt + a nut, the length of the bolt is 30mm, the diameter of the bolt and nut is 8mm.

Drawings of the exercise machine Press bench, board:

Next, we cut out leatherette with scissors, which, for example, is used to sheathe metal armored doors. For small plywood you need to cut a piece measuring 44x32cm, for large plywood the length is 92cm, width on the narrow side: 29cm, on the wide side: 33cm.

Next, using a knife-blade, we cut out the foam rubber according to the size of the plywood, the height of the foam rubber is 2 cm, you can buy it at a hardware store or at the market.
We hammer nuts with teeth into the holes, lubricate the plywood with Moment glue around the perimeter and in the center (optional) so that the foam does not move out when upholstered with fabric.

We put foam rubber on top and leatherette on top (fabric is shown here in the photo, since the last time the back was re-upholstered with fabric instead of leatherette).

The most difficult thing here is to sheathe the corners. Although in reality the process is simple, first we wrap one side of the corner - we punch it, then the other.

Large and small plywood sheathed around the perimeter. Time spent: 5 min.

As a result, we get these two soft backs.
All that remains is to place the trimmed back and seat on the metal structure that we described above and secure it with bolts.

This is what the structure looks like from below, with the seat raised. There is a felt square in the middle to get rid of metallic knocking when lowering the bench to a horizontal position.

The main thing is that the holes in the board coincide with the holes in the metal frame of the bench. If you did everything according to our drawings, then there will be no difficulties with this. The same applies to the back of the exercise machine; it is secured with four bolts.

From the very beginning, for the Home Gym we wanted to make a machine like this with safety nets on the sides. In this case, you can perform the exercises yourself, with heavy weights, without outside help. At the same time, you feel more confident, because you know that the bar will not fall below the side bars.

But after we made the Power Frame, the need for such a simulator disappeared, since the Power Frame allows you to achieve the same result if you slide a regular bench press inside.

If some points remain unclear after reading, ask questions on our website; if there are not enough photos, you can take more.

The article “” has already described in detail the process of how to make a bench press with a stand for a 2-in-1 barbell at home. That is, the stand itself (stand) and the bench for the press are one whole. This is the simplest option, not taking into account the possibility of not doing a rack at all and putting the barbell on the floor between approaches, which is very inconvenient and difficult, especially without a partner.

Here we will consider another option for what a homemade bench press can be. This time we will show you how to make barbell racks with adjustable height and separate from the bench. Plus, this bench press bench according to the drawing will be equipped with a leg grip tube, which will make it possible to use it for various other exercises, for example, pumping the abs or performing triceps extensions.

In principle, everything can be freely combined and your homemade bench press bench can be either one whole with a stand (2 in 1) with adjustable height, or, on the contrary, separate parts with a fixed and non-replaceable height. It can also contain a tube for gripping with legs, or be without it. But it’s up to you to decide, but now look at what should happen in this option (Fig. 1): Fig. 1. Homemade bench press bench and barbell rack with adjustable height

Homemade Bench Press Bench

Rice. 2. Drawing of a homemade bench for bench press

In the figure, the upper number indicates the part number in the table, and the lower number indicates the number of such parts. Of course, the covers for the pipes are far from the most necessary part here and you can do without them.

This homemade bench requires approximately 3.2 m of square profile steel pipe - this is its most expensive part. The fastenings with which the board is attached can be made simpler (Fig. 3). Rice. 3. Simplification of fastening

This simplified mount simply needs to be attached through the 2 middle holes to the pipe, having also drilled it beforehand accordingly. Now, let's move on to how to make a homemade bench press barbell rack with adjustable height (Fig. 4). Rice. 4. Drawing of a homemade barbell stand

It’s similar here - the top number denotes the part itself, and the bottom number to which it is attached. As for the rectangular profile pipes, which are shown in the figure, it will be much easier to find them with a metal thickness of exactly 2 or 3 mm than 2.6. It is advisable to use 3 mm for reliability; the difference in price will be approximately 1 USD. more expensive per meter, but you need less than 1.5 m of them for both homemade rod racks. The main load will still fall on square pipes, and it is worth trying to find them with a metal thickness of more than 4 mm, although they are more often found with a thickness of 3.

Holes for wedges can be drilled according to the drawing below for each of the pipes (Fig. 5 and 6). Rice. 5. Holes in the outer pipe Fig. 6. Holes in the inner tube

As you can see, only 2 holes are made in the outer pipe (40 x 40mm), and 8 in the inner one. But their diameter, as well as the distance between them, is no longer so significant. Here it is already possible to do it differently (fewer holes in the inner pipe or a larger diameter), but it is important that the diameter of the holes for reliability is not less than that in the drawing. And if, for simplicity, we fix the height of the rod stands with one wedge on each, then it is desirable that the thickness of the holes, like the wedges, be at least 2 times greater. In this case, of course, it is not necessary to make 2 holes in the outer pipes. Rice. 7. Wedge drawing

The wedges, of course, for convenience, can be made thicker and one for each rack, and not 2, as in the drawing. But if you make them from a nail, which is probably the easiest way, then you can choose 200 weave. There will be a thickness of 6 mm, as in the drawing, and the length will be enough. But in this case, it is better that each homemade barbell rack contains 2 such wedges. If you want to use one at a time, then choose something thicker.

As for the holders, you can make them as in the drawing (Fig. 8). But for simplicity, you can replace them with stags welded from thick steel reinforcement in the form of the letters “Y” or “U”. But if you have a sheet from which you can cut, of course, it’s easier to do so. Rice. 8. Drawing of a rod holder.

How to make the barbell itself or learn in more detail about all the other parts involved in this version of a homemade bench press and barbell racks can be found in the above-mentioned article “”. Find out where it’s easiest to find materials and what other equipment you should make for your home gym in the article “

The first question asked by a person who finds out that his friend goes in for sports is: “How much do you bench?” And this is not without reason, because the most common exercise machine is a barbell and a bench for bench press. Beginners in sports, seeing a rack with a barbell, will certainly go to it. The popularity of this projectile is due to the fact that it works the arm muscles well. It is this area of ​​the body that is most desirable for pumping.

Don't have time to go to the gym? No problem

Don't have time to go to the gym? Not a problem, because making a bench press with your own hands is quite simple. It happens when there is absolutely no time to go to the gym or there is no desire. Should I buy this projectile? Not right away, because they are too expensive, and why should they, when making a bench press with your own hands is not difficult. This means there is only one option - to get to work on your own.

Layout of the future projectile

Before you start work, you need to plan everything carefully so that you know what material is needed and how much to buy. Also at this stage, it is important to choose what type of rack itself will be, what kind of bench it will be for a bench press with your own hands. Drawings are also an integral part of the layout. In order for the projectile to turn out to be correct, everything must be done clearly according to the diagrams.

A bench press bench, made with your own hands, must have all the qualities it needs, namely practicality, compactness and reliability. The latter is one of the most important qualities, since working with considerable masses can simply break the projectile, so you need to make it powerful. Large pieces of iron welded together are exactly what you need. Yes, the equipment will take up some space in the apartment, but it needs to be sacrificed for the sake of training. What to do if there is not enough space in the apartment? It is necessary to make the structure compact. This can only be achieved with a collapsible projectile. When all the parts are disassembled, there will definitely be no problems with assembly and storage.

What materials will you need?

Even the amount spent on various materials will still be less than the cost of a ready-made, factory-made bench press bench. You will have to do a lot with your own hands. But it's definitely worth it.

First of all, before starting work, you should prepare the materials from which you will make your own bench press. Drawings and calculations will tell you how much and what needs to be purchased. What materials will be needed to make this projectile?

It is best to make a bench press with your own hands from a profile pipe. This is a type of rolled metal that is sold in construction stores and markets. It comes in square and rectangular. It is best, of course, to take a square one, as it is more practical. We only need one type of this metal profile, from which the entire structure of the bench and stand will be made. The dimensions of this profile should be forty by forty millimeters. The thickness of the walls (cross section) is two millimeters.

You will also need two rectangular steel plates. It is desirable that their thickness be at least half a centimeter. The rod holders will be made from them. They should be bent at each end to form a hook. You also need bolts with nuts and rubber pads. Due to the fact that the entire structure is made of metal, it is too noisy and can scratch the floor. In order to avoid this, they are glued to the entire base of the bench. This way it becomes more stable, and therefore better.

The lounger itself will be made using boards, foam rubber and leatherette. Such a bed will be very durable, soft and practical, and most importantly - durable.

DIY bench press bench: drawings

What needs to be done from the very beginning? Before you get to work, you need to clearly imagine what the bench will look like. You will also have to make two racks with your own hands so that you can place the barbell on them during training. The structure will stand on three vertical supports. It should be one meter in length and eight hundred millimeters in height.

How to make a bench press

Since the design is specially designed for beginners in the construction business, it will be a little rough, but light. The first step is to start by cutting the timber to length. After this, you can start welding.

Two perpendicular beams need to be welded to the two posts that will hold the bar. To the other vertical post there is a perpendicular block (everything can be seen in the drawing).

On two large vertical posts it is worth making marks at the level of three hundred and forty centimeters. It is at this point that a transverse horizontal beam is welded to two pieces of the profile. A straight beam parallel to the floor is added to the horizontal exactly in the middle. This will be the base for the bench. All that was left to do at the end was to attach a third vertical post, as well as two rod holders (these are the metal plates that needed to be bent). Welding work has been completed.

How to make a sun lounger

You can’t practice on an iron bar. Therefore, you need to make a special lounger. It is made from rectangular plywood, foam rubber and leatherette. First you should take care of the fastening.

To do this, in three places in a long beam parallel to the floor, it is worth making three holes for bolts every thirty centimeters. The same must be done with plywood. Using bolts we secure the board. Then, after applying a layer of glue, we glue the foam rubber. After the glue has dried, you can use a construction stapler to cover it with leatherette.
