Characteristics of Scorpio men and women born in the year of the Horse. Scorpio woman born in the year of the Horse: character and compatibility

This is a rather reserved and closed person who can turn out to be an interesting and powerful person. At the same time, no one will know what really worries him and why he is having trouble. He is very prudent, has his own mind and tries to make a career “without noise and dust.” At the same time, he may seem gloomy and cruel.

Scorpio Man - Horse

He is passionate and practical at the same time. He is cunning and calculating, but at the same time has a heart open to passion. Can work long and hard in order to achieve a certain success in one area of ​​activity and become a leader, even if he fails to become a leader. With women he often becomes domineering, but acts gently, trying to captivate and subjugate. He is a great womanizer and can even have an office romance even if he is a married man; he is attracted to change and is not averse to being carried away by love again.

Scorpio Woman - Horse

A strong-willed, purposeful and even somewhat cruel woman. She is a very efficient employee at work, and at the same time she is sociable, but will not tolerate if someone pretends to take her place. May turn out to be vindictive. In relationships with men, she seeks constancy and brightness of sensations, but at the same time she will command and dominate them.

Mutual feelings for the opposite sex lead to the creation of a strong and happy family. This truth is simple and clear. However, where can you find your soulmate among so many people? Even if your heart tells you that this is the one. How do you know if this is true? The answer is in the horoscope, as well as the characteristics and compatibility in love.

Characteristics of a Scorpio – Horse man

The Scorpio-Horse man has such a mentality and character trait that he must improve and develop throughout his life. This will help him overcome negative character traits and strengthen positive ones.

Sometimes these guys lead chaotic lives. It is difficult to understand them, and even more difficult to accept such a person. Therefore, he constantly faces difficulties, both in his personal life and in his professional growth.

The Horse - Scorpio man often does and then thinks. Most of his actions bring trouble not only to the people around him, but to themselves. Astrologers advise this guy to be more regular. The quality of his life and relationships with other people, including representatives of the opposite sex, depend on constancy.

The Scorpio-Horse man is endowed with both positive and negative character traits. They combine kindness and hard-heartedness, greed and generosity. It all depends on the circumstances. Nobody can predict how this guy will behave.

The Scorpio-Horse man is focused on achieving success in the professional field from an early age. Usually they quickly manage to reach the top of the career ladder. Most of the representatives of this zodiac sign are bosses and leaders. Some sit in this place because of their professional status. Others are only interested in money.

Compatibility in love between Scorpio and Horse men

This guy treats his beloved very tenderly. At first, the girl will have a series of romantic dates. But this won't last long. Gradually, the negative character traits of this guy begin to dominate the relationship. He becomes the dominant person in their couple, constantly suppressing his beloved as a person. If a girl has her own dignity, then she is unlikely to tolerate this. In this case, the Scorpio-Horse man will most likely lose his soul mate.

Astrologers advise to be softer and more flexible. You need to give your girlfriend freedom, be less critical and harsh in your relationship with her.

The same problems arise in this guy's family. He pushes too hard with his opinion. It seems to him that only he is right and knows how to truly live. Only ladies who were born in the year of the Dog, Tiger and Horse can come to terms with this position. Ladies Monkey, Dragon or Rat are unlikely to make friends with this sign. And it’s generally difficult to talk about mutual love here.

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The Scorpio-Horse man is attractive, charming and energetic. This characteristic, which organically combines the data of the eastern horoscope and Western astrology, suggests that people of this type use powerful intuition and insight in order to achieve earthly goals, good material wealth, fame and high results in their activities.

Image of a Scorpio-Horse man

The image of a Scorpio-Horse man is very courageous, tough and strong-willed. In the psychological structure of his personality, two leading elements stand out:

  • Horse Man - He is a workaholic by nature and is not afraid of any physical work. He knows the value of his own and other people’s work, honorably fulfills all the duties assigned to him, and over time learns to competently and effectively manage those around him. In their free time, men of this type attend various social events and public shows. They love to be the center of attention and enjoy taking part in contests, competitions and competitions.
  • Scorpio man Born in the year of the Horse, he has excellent business acumen and brilliant financial abilities. Unlike other people born under the Horse sign, a Water type man will never work for a “thank you.” He will not miss his benefits and will always turn the current situation in his favor in any matter. In love, such men are constant and do not tolerate uncertainty.

The Scorpio-Horse man does not show his ambitions in his career, but he has many Napoleonic plans. He will test the waters and look for a favorable moment for a breakthrough in his career. If growth is impossible for some reason (small company, unsupportive managers), then such a man can choose for himself the path of running his own business.

At first, crises and fierce struggles with competitors may await him, but, having gained experience, Scorpio-Horse quickly wins his place in the sun and becomes a successful entrepreneur.

Success doesn't come easy to him. This hardworking person initially earns every ruble with sweat and blood, but thanks to his enormous capacity for work and constant effort, a man of this type achieves serious success in his chosen activity.

The Scorpio-Horse man is very brave and persistent. He is never afraid of failure and brutal struggle. Having found himself in trouble, he does not give up and soon regains his lost positions and often increases his fortune even more.

A Scorpio-Horse type man has something to work for and earn money. He understands early on that for a happy life he needs a strong support and family. Perhaps he is too picky and jealous of his significant other, but despite these shortcomings, he takes good care of his loved ones and is known as an exemplary family man.

Sexual compatibility plays a very important role in the relationship between a Scorpio-Horse man. Harmony in intimate relationships is the key to his constancy and fidelity in love.

A woman with a soft and resigned character is suitable for Scorpio-Horse. She must also be practical and be able to skillfully manage a large household. Scorpio-Horse is used to investing in home and family. A common occurrence for this man is when he and his family get out of the concrete jungle and build their own big house outside the city.

People of this type love space and a wide field for their activities. If moving out of town is impossible, then a decision may be made to purchase a summer house. Scorpio-Horse wants to feel like the head of a large family and, as a rule, does not mind if his wife once again offers to have a child.

So, the Scorpio-Horse man evokes respect and admiration. His combination told about such wonderful qualities as extraordinary perseverance, hard work, stability, responsibility and loyalty in relationships. Thanks to these properties of his character, the Scorpio-Horse man successfully develops and makes all his life goals and desires come true.

Probably everyone has heard at least once about the incredible Femme Fatale, who captivates minds and hearts with just one look. At least classical literature loves such heroines especially strongly: in general, reading about their destinies is much more fascinating than the destinies of ordinary women, and the characteristics of a Horse woman, and even in combination with the zodiac Scorpio, give birth to just that very Fem Fatal .

What is amazing about the Scorpio Horse woman, the characteristics of her personality will tell you in as much detail as possible. And it contains a small but important nuance: the zodiac sign Scorpio and the year of the Horse according to the Eastern horoscope are essentially antagonists, that is, mutually exclusive phenomena. Therefore, people born under this combination of horoscopes have a unique and inexplicable character. They are secretive, selfish, value solitude, do not allow others to approach them well - and at the same time, they are sociable, charming, know how to win people over and actively take advantage of their popularity.

If someone wants to understand the personality of the Scorpio Horse more deeply and reliably, it will be completely insufficient for him to read the description of each Sign and mechanically add up the information received. In the case of just such a combination, it is important to be able to look wider and deeper, not so much relying on what is written in horoscopes, but rather being interested in the famous outstanding representatives of this tandem - to once again be convinced that analogies and comparisons are practically useless here.

But don’t despair, because even in the most difficult and confusing situations you can always find the key to the solution; you just have to put in a little more effort than is usually required.

Scorpio Horse (woman) - its characteristics are complex, but doable. If you imagine a little girl, surprisingly withdrawn, which is quite rare among children, and having few friends, then consciousness will most likely complete this image with gloomy, unsociable features. But you need to abandon the usual patterns and continue to “draw” further. So, this girl is thoughtful, loves to get to the essence of things, but she gets bored of fixating on one subject, therefore, having quickly recognized the core of the phenomenon, she easily switches her attention to something else. And she avoids communicating with other children not because she is gloomy, but because monotony disgusts her. But, being a smart child, she understands perfectly well that such “jumping from place to place” (a real Horse!) is common for her, but for others it can be too painful. And making enemies for Scorpio is just as unpleasant as performing monotonous and monotonous actions.

One may get the impression that with such a character, the Scorpio Horse will never be able to find friends or start a family in his life. But this is not so: the experience of adolescence and the subsequent stage of growing up usually enriches the representatives of these Signs - they learn to see in their friends not statues frozen forever, but dynamically developing people. And once something develops and changes, it can no longer be boring.

A logical question may arise: why exactly does the Scorpio Horse (especially if it is a woman) begin to let people in and make friends? Only in order to satisfy the need for warmth and care, or also in order to constantly have a faithful retinue “at hand”, never tired of admiring their Queen? The answer is again twofold. Of course, the self-centered Scorpio always needs a close circle of loyal subjects, but the altruistic Horse brings its own motive to the appearance of a circle of friends. For such a woman, not only and not so much love and admiration are important, but the opportunity to take care of those who are truly dear to her.

It is this feature that makes Scorpio-Horse women the most amazing wives - incapable of betrayal (too low and mean) and a monotonous life. A man who manages to win the heart of a fatal beauty will receive not just a faithful wife, but also an amazing friend, an amazing lover and a constant generator of new emotions (most of them positive). It is the woman of this combination of horoscope signs who is so intolerant of routine that she is able to transform an ordinary dull life into something enchanting, constantly changing and breathtaking. Here we have travel, eco-tourism, presence at exhibitions and premieres, a constant desire for self-development and achieving new goals. If we remember the words about the love boat and the reason for its shipwreck, then in the case of an alliance with the Scorpio Horse, a similar situation cannot happen even theoretically. This means that love has every chance to last forever.

The appearance of the Scorpio Horse woman is always bright and attracts attention. She may not be a standard beauty or may not have model parameters, but even being a short, plump woman, this lady will easily surpass any beauties in the popularity ranking. Facial expressions, a turn of the head, a gaze penetrating into the soul, an aura of femininity, demonic lights in the corners of the eyes - all this beckons, invites you into the placed nets and never lets you out of them. And her innate egoism and fairly tough character traits allow her to achieve her goals, even if it means going over her head. She knows very well that “it doesn’t take a dollar to please everyone,” but she invariably pleases everyone.

Thus, the characteristics of the Scorpio Horse woman are truly multifaceted and complex. But here it should be remembered: the selfishness of this person is aimed not only at satisfying her own needs and whims, but also at helping those people who managed to break through all the internal barriers and get on the list of friends.

Friendship with such a person can not only be beneficial, but also becomes an excellent motivator: in order to maintain a strong relationship, you will have to constantly develop and grow above yourself. But a wonderful bonus will be not only the improvement of your own life, but also a beautiful woman nearby.

These are quite interesting personalities. They not only strive for freedom and communication, but make their communication their sphere of activity. They have brilliant oratory skills that allow them to get maximum satisfaction. However, their original thoughts are somewhat ahead of their time, so it is difficult for them to find a worthy audience. Sometimes it pays to choose your audience first and then make your speeches.

These are bright personalities who will strive for recognition. To do this, they have all the capabilities - hard work, willpower and determination. They often work in such a way that it leads to nervous breakdowns, so you should be more restrained. They are decent and will never look for unpleasant qualities in other people. Developed intuition guides them in finding friends and other areas. They are critical and can offend other people with their statements.

Characteristics of a Scorpio-Horse woman in Love

They are leaders by nature, so they will always strive for this position in a love relationship. They will suppress their partner. Being too pushy can also be negative for relationships. However, they still attract other people with their ability to appreciate their intelligence. Strong relationships are possible only in adulthood. At a young age, relationships will not be as deep and promising.

Horoscope of a Scorpio-Horse woman in Family and Marriage

Family is a support for these women. If they are unable to implement some ideas, then all the irritation and other negative qualities will fall on their family. It is difficult for them to control themselves in the family circle, but they will have to learn this so as not to be left alone. They treat children very well and become their main advisers and friends. However, excessive care can also be annoying, so it’s worth loosening the reins.

Scorpio Horse Woman - Career and Finance

These are extremely lucky women in material terms. From a young age they know how to surround themselves with the best things and get the best education. They achieve this thanks to their intelligence and ability to choose the right moment. In their case, it is not resourcefulness, but simple analysis and insight. This is how they build their careers, achieving excellent positions. However, leadership positions are not for them, as they will not be able to control their thirst for power.

It is worth controlling your ego so that it does not affect your personal life. You cannot show intemperance, especially in the family. It is important to learn moderation as this will allow them to achieve their goals faster. Close people need to be given personal space so that they can express their feelings. Only these important recommendations can change their lives, otherwise they may end up alone.
