The procedure for cleansing the intestines from the practice of yoga. Shank Prakshalana Kriya - a yogic technique for cleansing the body

Those who have been practicing yoga for a long time know that in order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to engage in not only spiritual cleansing, but also physical one. Cleansing the body causes toxins and waste to leave the body and the intestines begin to function normally. It is very difficult for an unclean digestive tract to function fully, so to cleanse the intestines, practicing yogis recommend performing shank prakshalana.

This is called salt water cleaning. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body, helps treat colds and viral diseases, and cope with infections. It also generally improves human immunity.

Shank Prakshalana - colon cleansing

Why use shank prakshalana

Shank Prakshalana is safe for any person, but has its contraindications. Unlike enemas and gastric lavage cleansing, Shankh Prakshalana completely cleanses the entire digestive tract, even the most difficult to reach areas. Plus, it's safe for almost everyone. The only exception is people with acute stomach diseases. It is also not recommended to perform Shank Prakshalana for pregnant women and women during menstruation.

  • Neti. Cleansing the nose.
  • Nauli. Special abdominal massage.
  • Kapalbhati. Cleansing the brain.
  • Dhauti. Purgation.
  • Basti. To remove toxins from the large intestine.
  • Shank prakshalana. Cleansing the body with saline solution.

The benefits of this method are so high that many yoga practitioners no longer want to use other methods of cleansing the body. Shank Prakshalana fully meets all expectations.

Preparation for Shank Prakshalana

Yoga cleansing of the body requires certain preliminary preparation. Before starting this practice, it is recommended to visit a doctor to make sure there are no contraindications from the digestive tract. If the doctor has authorized the use of bowel cleansing shank prakshalan, you can begin preparing directly for the procedure itself.

Firstly, you need to carefully study the recommendations for using the amount of water and salt, prepare a container in which you can mix and prepare the solution. Secondly, get ready mentally and physically. Beforehand, the day before the procedure, do not eat anything heavy. It is advisable to avoid meat, fatty and fried foods, fermented milk, bread, sugar and alcohol. Follow a light diet so that the body is tuned to the correct step-by-step cleansing. In this case, Shank Prakshalana cleansing will be as successful as possible.

Body preparation

In order to get good results, you need to properly tune in to Shank Prakshalana. Yogis recommend performing this cleansing during the new moon. Although some, on the contrary, advise performing it on the waning moon, as they believe that this particular period is ideal for all cleansing procedures.

But this is not the most important thing. It is important to prepare your body and tune in yourself. It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the asanas that will need to be performed during and after the shank. When performing asanas, correct positioning of the body is very important in order to ensure blood flow to the necessary organs.

Before the prakshalana itself, it is best to get a good night's sleep and rest. During the day, do not eat heavy food, do not get carried away with alcohol and other enemies of the body. The last meal is allowed no later than 18.00 in the evening before the procedure the next day.

It is not necessary to drink laxatives; shank prakshalana already provides a powerful effect on the body. It is best to stay at home on the day of the procedure, as you will need to visit the toilet frequently. Therefore, for Shank Prakshalana, it is advisable to give yourself a whole day off, or better yet, two. But the most basic preparation lies in preparing the solution itself.

It is best to choose clothes that are comfortable and do not restrict movement, since you will have to perform asanas during Shank Praksalan. There is no need to be nervous on the day of the procedure. It is important to relax and be positive.

Preparing time and place

The total duration of Shank Prakshalana usually takes from 4 to 20 hours, depending on the structure and characteristics of each person’s body. It is important to equip everything at home so that you can easily get to the toilet when you need it. Cleaning a shank involves frequent visits to the toilet. Therefore, free access to it is important, since it is not recommended to delay cleansing. When you have the urge to go to the toilet, it will definitely free the body from waste and toxins coming out of it.

In terms of time, it is recommended to start the procedure at 5:00 am. Since it is in the morning hours that the body is configured to receive and give as positively as possible. The greatest activity during these hours occurs in the large intestine, and this is ideal for cleansing procedures. But you should also remember about your own biological rhythms. Therefore, if a person is a convinced night owl, then you should not wake yourself up at 5 am, just to comply with the rules of the shank. You can wake up a little later, for example at 6 or 7 in the morning.

Preparing Ingredients

You need to prepare salt, water and a container for mixing the ingredients. You can use regular salt, but not iodized salt. Or you can use coarse sea salt. Concentration - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter. water. It is best to prepare the water in advance. It should be cleaned and warm, preferably room temperature, but under no circumstances should it burn.

Also, you should not use cold water, as you can get a completely unpredictable result. If the water cools down during use, it is better to heat it up again than to finish a cold, cooled drink.

For the entire shank prakshalan you will need to prepare 3-4 liters of the drink. To avoid having to prepare it during the cleansing process, it is best to prepare a large jar or carafe and drinking glass in advance.

Features of Shank Prakshalana

When performing Shank Prakshalana, some difficulties may arise. The pylorus of the stomach may not open during cleaning, then you will have to stop the technique by performing special exercises and inducing vomiting to get rid of the solution you drank. But this doesn't happen that often. Practice shank prakshalana and follow all the recommendations. In this case, cleansing the intestines will be done gently and as delicately as possible, without any problems or side effects.

If a lot of gases have accumulated in the intestines and fermentation processes prevent the passage of water through the passages, then simple pressure on the stomach, as well as performing some asanas, will be a fairly simple help.

If the procedure is successful and even the first time the sphincter has already opened, then in the future there will be no difficulties and the body will be able to fully cleanse itself. Yoga for cleansing will be carried out successfully if you alternate exercises and taking the solution.

Shank Prakshalana

The first bowel movement usually includes hard stool, similar to a normal trip to the toilet. Then, with each trip, they will become more liquid and pure, and ultimately the liquid leaving the body should become as clear as the liquid we drink.

Cleansing the intestines with salt water is not carried out very often according to shank prakshalana, so it is necessary to treat this event with the utmost care and responsibility and carry out all the preparation so that later you do not have to look for information about the procedure.

Indications for use of the technique

Shank Prakshalana is such a deep procedure that it is not on a par with an enema or even with high-quality laxatives. It cleanses the body very deeply and has a positive effect on all areas of human life. In addition to contraindications, there are also indications for the use of shank.

  • Frequent colds.
  • Allergy.
  • Constipation, diarrhea.
  • Gallbladder diseases.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Weakness.
  • Constant desire to sleep.

Yoga involves not only spiritual cleansing, but also physical cleansing of the intestines. Cleaning with salt water has an extremely beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and has many indications for use. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations correctly.

How is Shank Prakshalana performed?

The Shank Prakshalana procedure allows for cleansing to be carried out very delicately. The most acute difficulties arise not with drinking fluids, but with carrying out exercises. If you simply drink the solution, you may not expect results; it will remain inside the body and will be absorbed through the intestinal walls. The main rule is to perform the exercises consistently and alternate them with taking the solution.

Before you begin the shank procedure, it is best to review and practice all the exercises in advance.

The speed of cleansing is different for all people and depends on the metabolism and characteristics of the body.

The procedure is considered successful if the water you drink is the same color as the water coming out of the intestines.

How to prepare water

The most important thing is to prepare the saline solution correctly. To prepare it, you will need to dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt per liter of water. It is best to drink 3 - 4 liters, so you need to prepare the water in advance.

Pre-filter and boil the water. Do not use too hot or ice water. The water should be warm, the air temperature in the room. In this case, it will be possible to avoid the occurrence of side effects.

How is the procedure performed?

In the morning, at about 5 am, drink a glass of saline solution prepared in advance on an empty stomach. Carry out a series of exercises consisting of five asanas. Repeat the solution and exercises.

During the entire cleaning period, which is about 4 hours, you will need to drink about 12-15 glasses of saline solution. After the second glass you drink, you need to listen to your body’s reaction. If the body reacts positively to what is happening, continue cleaning.

The desire to go to the toilet usually appears after 3-4 glasses of the solution.

After 6 glasses, you will need to visit the toilet more often in order for cleansing to occur faster. Sometimes defecation can occur without the urge, so you need to be close to the toilet.

After each drink of water, do exercises. This is the main rule of Shank Praxalan. There should not be a feeling of fullness in the stomach; the sensation should be very light and comfortable.

If unpleasant sensations appear, stop prakshalana.

What to do after the procedure

To complete Shank Prakshalana, another ritual is performed. To do this, drink two glasses of warm, clean water. After this, you need to induce vomiting. Take the position as described in the Vamana Dhauti ritual. You can perform it not only over the toilet, but also over the basin, depending on your convenience.

After completing these steps, you will need to lie down for one hour. After this, you can have a light snack. It can be boiled rice or rice porridge. Drinking at this time is not recommended. You can drink some water only 2-3 hours after breakfast.

You will need to follow a strict diet for several days. Do not eat fatty, fried, salty foods, avoid dairy products, baked goods and alcohol. It is worth adhering to the rule of light hunger. You can eat cereals, any cereals, whole grain bread and vegetables.

Possible complications after the procedure

Of course, cleansing the body is not a simple process. Often some complications may occur. And although they happen quite rarely, they are worth knowing about.

Water may begin to be absorbed into the esophagus and excreted through the kidneys if there are problems with them.

If there are many gases in the body, water can be retained inside the so-called gas lock. The plug will interfere with the passage of water through the intestines. To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to focus on kneading the abdomen and more thoroughly performing the five Shank Prakshalana exercises.

Nutrition after the procedure

After completing the procedure, you need to switch to a special diet so that the body closes the Prakshalana shank. The diet that is used when cleaning shank praxalan is quite balanced. Don't worry about feeling hungry all the time. This is far from true, because many products are allowed to be taken.

The most suitable option after finishing cleaning is rice porridge in water without additives. Afterwards you will not be able to eat or drink for three hours. Next, follow a diet.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • meat;
  • bread with yeast;
  • milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, Varenets;
  • fermentable foods such as cabbage;
  • fish.

In fact, the food after Shank Prakshalana is the usual diet of a vegetarian. Gradually, you can add grains and cereals to your diet. It is recommended to exclude coffee, alcohol, tea, fruits and canned food from your diet.

During the cleansing procedure of Shank Prakshalana, special exercises are performed. There are five of them in total. They are aimed at optimizing and speeding up digestion. They are performed in order to improve cleansing and avoid side effects. Doing the exercises is mandatory.

Shank Prakshalana, or otherwise the conch shell gesture, is performed only by healthy people. People with sore joints simply will not be able to perform some exercises, although at first glance they seem absolutely primitive.

Exercises for Shank Prakshalana are selected so that the intestines are tuned in and begin to get rid of the saline solution, and with it, toxins, as quickly as possible.

Exercise 1 Tiryaka tadasana

Stand up straight, arms extended up, legs together. Stretch your arms upward, trying to stretch your spine as much as possible. Pull in your stomach as if you were performing a vacuum exercise.

Exercise 2 Kati chakrasana

Also performed standing. One arm is extended forward until it is parallel to the floor. The other hand bends and should touch the opposite collarbone. It is necessary to twist your arm back while twisting at the waist. The abdominal muscles will stretch. The number of approaches is 12 times.

Exercise 3 Tiryaka bhujangasana

Performed from a standing position on the palms and front of the feet. Try to bend your back as much as possible and try not to touch the floor with your knees. Twist your stomach in one direction, then the other. In this case, the tailbone should tend downwards. The number of approaches is 12 times.

Exercise 4 Karshanasana Strikes

Udarakarshanasana is performed while squatting. The knee goes down, the second knee is pressed against the stomach in a twist. The number of repetitions is 12 times.

Exercise 5 Vamana Dhauti

The technique is known as cleansing the middle, that is, the middle of the intestines. Performed while squatting with knees spread. Straighten up and after exhaling, pull in your stomach several times. Bend at an angle of 90 degrees. and induce vomiting.

This exercise is done over the toilet or a clean basin. It is considered final and is performed after drinking a glass or two of clean water.


The benefits of prakshalan are beyond any doubt, since cleansing occurs quite quickly and has virtually no contraindications.

In addition to the fact that a person receives a fully functioning intestine, his complexion, skin and hair condition improves, allergic reactions disappear, his mood and the body’s defenses improve.

The beneficial effects on the body do not appear on the same or the next day. It affects gradually.

Harm and contraindications

People with diseases of the stomach and esophagus are not recommended to undergo shank. In addition, shank should not be performed by people with acute diseases, such as dysentery, diarrhea, heartburn, acute peptic ulcer and the like. It is not recommended to use prakshalan for pregnant and menstruating women, since their body is weakened during this period.

Of course, contraindications to shank are cancer and viral infections during exacerbation. But for diabetics, on the contrary, the procedure is highly recommended and there are even known cases of recovery after several courses of procedures.

Shank Prakshalana has its contraindications, but they are so small that it turns out that almost every person can perform cleansing. The main thing is to take this as responsibly and seriously as possible.

How often can you do shank prakshalana?

Prakshalana is very effective. It should be carried out twice a year. It is not worth doing it more often because the shank cleanses the body so deeply that the effect lasts for about six months. After six months, the procedure can be repeated.

If there are special circumstances, shank can be performed once a week, but this requires certain indications, for example, chronic constipation. After the first course of shank prakshalan, a person’s digestion processes improve and constipation leaves the body for a long time, so the practice usually ends with two courses a year.

What to do if you vomit

If a person vomits during prakshalana, it is better to postpone the procedure to another time, otherwise, stop. The cause of vomiting is most often the obstruction of water in the intestines due to gas plugs. They prevent water from entering the intestines and thus the water simply comes out in the opposite direction. To prevent the same situation from arising again when repeating shank prakshalan, before the procedure you should massage your abdomen for a week and then try to repeat shank again.

After performing prakshalan, many people notice an improvement in the condition of their body. Digestive problems, allergic reactions, acne, rashes and redness on the skin go away, and immunity also improves. It has been shown to many people.

Those who have no contraindications to it have every chance to cleanse their body carefully and without much difficulty. The most important thing is to start work on the shank on time and correctly, in this case all the mechanisms will be launched in the right direction and a positive reaction will not be long in coming.

Cleansing the intestines with salt water, better known among yogis as the cleansing practice of Shank Prakshalana, is widely used in different variations by adherents of alternative medicine to heal the body and restore the coordinated functioning of its organs and systems.

Cleansing the intestines with salt water is a rather complex technique that requires a serious approach and practical skills.

Just the desire to carry out such a cleansing is not enough; you need to carefully study all the nuances of its implementation and be prepared for possible failure.

Shank Prakshalana came to us from India, where it has been successfully practiced by yogis for thousands of years. Today in this country there are entire institutes in which this technique is studied as a separate science.

If performed correctly, Shank Prakshalana guarantees complete cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract: from the mouth to the anus. Thus, unlike most mechanical methods, in particular the well-known enema rinses, water-salt cleansing provides cleansing of both the upper and lower intestines.

Yogis are sure: it is impossible to achieve mental balance without complete physical cleansing; it should start from the intestines, because the state of the latter is an indicator of the health of the whole organism.

Features of water-salt cleansing

The essence of the technique is to drink a large amount of salt water (about 3 liters) in order to wash the intestines and remove from it all the dirt that has accumulated over the years of work. At the same time, in order to quickly transport water through the digestive tract, a number of exercises are performed aimed at opening the sphincters - muscle valves connecting different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Without exercises, the correct implementation of the technique is not possible: the sphincters will not open, and water will leave the body with urine, and not with feces.

Why is salt water used for purification? Fresh water, entering the intestine, is quickly absorbed through its mucous membrane into the bloodstream, and then excreted by the kidneys in the form of urine. As a result, no cleansing effect is simply obtained. Therefore, despite the somewhat unpleasant taste, salt water is used for cleansing. It, better than fresh water, dilutes feces, promotes the removal of salts, fecal stones, mucus, decomposed bile, pathogens and other toxic compounds. Repeated intake of water helps to completely flush the intestines.

Technique for performing Shank Prakshalana

To get the best effect, yogis recommend doing the procedure on a new moon. But this condition is not categorical. The main thing is desire and a feeling of internal readiness. The only cleansing event is preferably carried out on weekends to allow the body to restore its internal reserves.

Preparing for the cleansing procedure

So, before you start cleaning:

  • the day before, eat light food (steamed vegetables, dairy-free cereals, etc.); after 18.00 do not eat at all;
  • do not forget to stock up on any oil (sunflower, vegetable, baby) or Vaseline; to avoid skin irritation from salt water, after each trip to the toilet you will have to wash the anus and lubricate it with one of the above products;
  • learn all the exercises ahead of time, so as not to get confused and worry again;
  • rest well, get enough sleep, tune in to a positive result.

Features of preparing a cleaning solution

The water used for the solution should be saltier than blood. Since no one can taste the saltiness of their blood, there is a generally accepted formula for preparing the solution: it is made based on the calculation of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. In principle, the salt concentration can be adjusted, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Prepare about 3 liters of saline solution.

For cleansing, regular rock (but not iodized) salt is most often used. Some practitioners recommend making a solution with sea salt or, which is very bold, diluting natural sea water.

The temperature of the liquid is also extremely important. Cold water causes smooth muscle spasms, which prevents its movement through the gastrointestinal tract. Meanwhile, the solution, heated to the temperature of the human body, gently passes through the digestive tract, practically without disturbing the body’s energy balance. Therefore, optimal colon cleansing with salt water at home is carried out at a temperature of about 37 degrees.


The cleansing event is carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. Drink your first glass of salt water. This action is slightly unpleasant, but tolerable. Immediately, one after another, complete all the exercises (described below in the article).
  2. Drink a second glass of water-salt solution. Repeat the set of exercises. If everything goes correctly and the water gradually leaves the stomach through the open pylorus, there should be no feeling of nausea.
  3. Drink a third glass of water. Perform the necessary movements again. You may want to visit the toilet after this portion of the solution.
  4. If not, continue the procedure in the same way until the sixth glass of salt water. Do the necessary exercises for the sixth time, sit on the toilet, even if you do not feel the urge to defecate.
  5. If emptying occurs, great. Continue to drink water, do exercises (in some cases you can do without them) and go to the toilet until clear or almost clear water begins to come out of the intestines.
  6. If defecation is delayed, analyze your condition. Nausea and a feeling of fullness in the stomach indicate that water is not moving into the intestines: in this case, repeat the set of exercises again and again until the feeling of fullness goes away. If there is no particular discomfort in the stomach, continue to drink the solution and make the necessary movements. Most likely, after the seventh or eighth glass of salt water, you will want to go to the toilet.

In theory, the total volume of the cleansing solution drunk should be about 3 liters: 6 glasses should be consumed before the first bowel movement, the remaining liquid should be consumed after it. But in practice everything is somewhat different. The individual characteristics of each organism (the length of the intestine, the degree of its fullness) explain the different reaction to a water-salt solution: for one person, three glasses of liquid are enough for the first trip to the toilet, while for another it is difficult to have a bowel movement even after the seventh glass.

The entire procedure takes from 5 to 20 hours, taking into account the time for taking the solution, defecation, rest and subsequent meals. Immediately after cleansing, you feel tired, weak, and slightly nauseous - this is normal, the body spends a lot of energy during the cleansing procedure.

Possible difficulties

According to yogis, Shank Prakshalana is a simple and effective cleansing technique. But in reality, everything is not so simple. It is quite difficult for a person unfamiliar with yogic techniques to perform all the exercises correctly.

There are often cases when drunk salty water lingers in the stomach, provoking a bunch of uncomfortable sensations, and after some time it is absorbed in the intestines and excreted by the kidneys, negatively affecting their condition. If repeating the exercises does not produce results, and the general condition leaves much to be desired (nausea, weakness, dizziness are observed), all that remains is to induce vomiting by tickling the base of the tongue. Relief will come immediately.

Necessary exercises

Simplified technique of Shank Prakshalana

  1. Mountain pose - strong stretching. Stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms straight above your head, folding your fingers into a reverse “lock” (palms up). Distribute your body weight evenly over the entire area of ​​your feet, tighten your knees, contract your gluteal muscles, pull in your stomach, push your chest forward, keep your neck straight, stretch your spine, relax your facial muscles. Rise up on your toes, inhaling. Stretch your entire body upward so that you feel the maximum stretch in your spine and anterior abdominal wall. At this moment, hold your breath. Slowly lower yourself onto your heels while exhaling. Repeat the exercise 12 times.
  2. Bending tree pose. Stand in the previous “mountain pose”: feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight above your head, fingers intertwined in a reverse “lock”, back straight, breathing even, chin up. Bend to the right, straighten up, bend to the left. Do not twist, do not linger in the final position, do not bend too much, do not tilt the pelvis in the opposite direction (the lower part of the body should be fixed). Repeat the exercise 12 times. Observe your sensations: if you perform the movements correctly, you should feel how water moves from the stomach area to the intestines.
  3. Waist rotation: Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your right hand in front of you, and bend your left so that your index finger touches your right collarbone. Lift your chin, straighten your back, don’t tense up, relax your stomach, breathe naturally. Rotate your torso alternately to the right and left, trying to move your outstretched arm as far back as possible. Make turns with the upper part of the body, the lower part should remain motionless. Do not linger in the extreme position; perform the movements calmly but dynamically. Repeat the exercise 12 times.
  4. Twisting Cobra Pose. Spread your feet 30 cm, take a lying position - upward facing dog, lean on your toes and palms and fingers (keep your arms straight). Be sure to relax your stomach and do not touch the floor with your hips and knees. The back will bend due to the relaxation of the abdomen. Turn your head and shoulders back to the right, look at your left heel. Return to the starting position and make the same turn in the other direction. Try not to move your lower body, keep your back completely relaxed. Perform the exercise at least 12 times.
  5. Abdominal massage. This is the most difficult finishing exercise. To perform it, squat down, relax your body, straighten your spine, lift your chin, breathe evenly, place your hands on your knees. Press your left knee to the floor, keep your right knee vertical. Turn your torso to the right as much as you can. Return to the starting position. Pressing your right knee to the floor, make the same turn in the other direction. Perform at least 12 of these crunches in each direction.

Features of the passage of water through the gastrointestinal tract

All of the above exercises are necessary for the smooth movement of water through the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, water enters the esophagus from the oral cavity, and from it through the cardiac zone into the stomach. The first three exercises open the pylorus, a small sphincter that connects the lower part of the stomach and the small intestine. As a result, water moves without delay through the duodenum (the first segment of the small intestine), washing a huge amount of its villi. Bypassing the ileum (the last part of the small intestine), the fluid enters the large intestine through the ileocecal valve, which the last exercise helps open. Water washes all parts of the large intestine and, along with all the dirt, is evacuated from the body through the rectum.

Detailed technique of Shank Prakshalana

The final stage

Proper completion of the procedure is often forgotten. But the ending is no less important than the start. Upon completion of water-salt cleaning:

  • completely relax for 45 minutes, let the digestive system rest and work with renewed vigor;
  • populate the intestines with beneficial microflora by taking Bifidumbacterin or another drug containing beneficial bifidobacteria; continue taking the bacteria regularly for the next 10 days;
  • immediately after rest, eat any fruit - the food tract should not remain empty for long; Continue to adhere to healthy eating principles for as long as possible.

In hatha yoga practices, there are special methods for cleansing the body, known as Shatkarmas:

  • Neti– the process of rinsing and cleansing the nasal passages (there are various methods).
  • Nauli- a very effective way to strengthen the abdominal organs by massaging them in a special way.
  • Basti– technique of washing and toning the colon.
  • Kapalbhati– a technique for cleansing the anterior lobe of the brain, consisting of three simple techniques.
  • Trataka– the practice of intently contemplating an object. Develops the power of concentration and also awakens the spiritual powers hidden within each of us. Trataka strengthens the eyes and optic nerves.
  • Dhauti– a large selection of techniques for cleansing the digestive tract.

This system also includes cleansing the eyes, ears, teeth, tongue and scalp.

The techniques of Dhauti are described in the Gheranda Samhita: “Of all Dhautis, Varisara is the best. He who diligently performs it purifies his body and achieves a radiant divine body.” Warisara Dhauti also known as Shank-Prakshalana. Vari (Skt. vaari) is water, sara (Sanskrit. saara) - energy, substance.

Technically, it consists of drinking salted water, performing a series of special procedures that push water through the digestive tract until it is evacuated through the anus, and following the instructions for a subsequent diet that ensures the formation of pristine microflora. Shank Prakshalana improves the health of the entire body.


We, residents of megacities, without a basic choice of high-quality and healthy products, are forced to eat poorly. It is obvious that the environmental factor, and various stresses that have become the norm in our daily lives, encourage the formation of poisons and all kinds of toxins in the body.

The toxins that accumulate in the intestines are favorable food for putrefactive bacteria, which compete with the normal intestinal microflora, gradually displacing it. And, as a result, we have a deficiency of many vitamins and microelements produced by normal microflora, and allergic reactions of the body in response to aggressive foreign proteins of putrefactive microflora. Poisons absorbed in the colon enter the liver, and after a while it ceases to cope with them. The structure of the bile is disrupted, and stones appear in the gall bladder. If the gastrointestinal tract does not cope with its work, then the load begins to fall on other excretory systems. At the beginning, the respiratory system takes over the excess toxins, and we feel it in the form of frequent colds, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, and sore throats. Then comes the turn of the kidneys, as a result - a tendency to stone formation, pyelonephritis and even more severe diseases. The fourth may suffer from the excretory system of the skin. Frequent furunculosis and pustular rashes such as acne appear. The skin becomes rougher, more easily vulnerable and susceptible to irritation, even itching. Internal intoxication is often the main cause of dermatitis - inflammatory skin diseases. The skin may show signs of aging prematurely.

Toxins accumulated in the body aggressively affect blood vessels, causing them to spasm, increase blood pressure, and even lead to acute disorders of the coronary (heart) and cerebral circulation, i.e. strokes and heart attacks. Toxins are mainly found in the intercellular space, but they can also penetrate into the cell itself, disrupting its genetic apparatus, which leads to earlier aging, and can cause the degeneration of a normal cell into a cancerous one.

Here is a far from complete list of diseases that are caused by the decomposition of retained fecal matter: stomach and duodenal ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic arthritis, cancer, anemia, chronic dysentery, kidney stones, neuritis, allergies, chronic infections of the genitals and bladder , chronic and acute appendicitis, hypertrophy of the spleen and liver, nervous and mental disorders, insomnia, sciatica, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

Advaita master Swami Yoga Kamal has repeatedly emphasized that the body consists of the consciousness of billions of cells and represents a single holistic consciousness, forming different combinations of rajas, tamas and satva. The consistency and inconsistency of the system depends on the quality of the integral energy. Inconsistency, splitting of the integral cellular consciousness of the body inevitably forms a disease. The unity of cellular consciousness is the integrity of energy and consciousness in the body. An increase in intoxication (poisons) - as a result of an imbalance in nutrition, pollution in the atmosphere, in breathing, psychological and informational stress - creates blocks that do not allow one to accumulate and increase the energy level.

The consequence of cleansing the digestive tract is also the normal absorption of food, which forces thin people to gain weight, and those who should part with extra pounds without regret to lose weight.

Shank-Prakshalana is also indispensable for getting rid of allergies, because... most allergens accumulate in the intestines and maintain constant sensitization of the body (increasing the body's sensitivity to irritants that cause an allergic reaction).

Shank-Prakshalana helps in healing the genitourinary system, both in men and women. The fact is that the large intestine is located next to the pelvic organs and its condition greatly affects their function. Toxins located in the folds of the intestine are aggressive substances that irritate the receptors of the mucous membrane, causing a rush of blood to this area, which leads to stagnation, and stagnation contributes to inflammatory processes.

The cause of many diseases is the accumulation of toxic substances in the intestines that cause blood pollution, which affects the condition of the whole body. Complete cleansing of the digestive tract also cleanses the blood, therefore significantly improving overall health. Most diseases associated with the digestive system are eliminated. This includes diseases such as diabetes, hyperacidity, chronic dysentery, constipation, as well as phenomena resulting from blood intoxication. Blood circulation is restored after cleansing, and unpleasant symptoms can completely stop bothering the person. Especially if he complements the cleansing with targeted treatment of diseased organs. Colds and many other diseases, both related to metabolism and those seemingly unrelated to it, are healed very easily and quickly.

There is a known practice of curing early stage diabetes patients by performing the Shank-Prakshalana procedure once every two days for two months. True, the treatment was accompanied by a proper diet (natural foods high in B vitamins), pranayama (the practice of managing vital energy, prana, qi through breathing exercises) and other yogic procedures.

How does Shank Prakshalana work?

In the digestive tract, between the stomach and anus, there are a number of sphincters and valves (or pyloruses) that open and close to control the passage of food through the digestive process. Simple exercises performed during Shank Prakshalana relax the muscles of these valves, create the necessary compression and stretching of the intestinal walls and allow salt water to easily reach the rectum.

The process of absorption of salt water attracts, through high osmotic activity (the movement of substances through the semi-permeable membranes of the body), some of the fluid from the blood into the intestines. Thus, the liquid part of the blood goes in the direction opposite to normal absorption, while cleaning the microvilli of the small and large intestines. It is this mechanism that makes Shank Prakshalana unique.

No cleansing (except for hunger) frees the small intestine, on which our digestion and absorption depend. And only Shank-Prakshalana contributes to its complete cleansing. People for whom regular bowel movements gave the illusion that they supposedly did not have deposits, while performing the Shank Prakshalana kriya, were surprised to find among the removed “things” sesame seeds, poppy seeds eaten several months ago, or even a cherry pit.

In addition to the above, it is very important to know that this procedure also frees a person from states that were once experienced, but still remain in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, wastes and toxins are precisely the material carriers of these conditions. The more negative emotions a person has, the more toxins there are, and vice versa. Indeed, the Shank-Prakshalana method is not limited to thoroughly cleansing the physical body exclusively. Often, in the process of its implementation, we had to personally deal with the identification and removal of blocks in both the etheric and mental areas of the human being. And there is no other such simple medicine or method (except for long fasting) that can help the practitioner enter the process of long fasting.

Let's continue - salt water acts as a lubricant, softening the stool. Let's consider this analogy. If there is a burnt crust, stains or a layer of fat inside the pan, you first fill it with hot water for a while. This softens the hardened crust so that it can be easily removed over time. Salt water acts in a similar way in the intestines, cleansing and freeing it from plugs.

When such a large amount of toxins leaves the body, a huge amount of energy is released and additional detoxification mechanisms are activated, i.e. liberation from poisons. Organs and systems use this emerging energy to restore their function, and we can feel this in the form of improved overall well-being and increased vitality. One of the striking visual effects is the clear whites of the eyes. As obviously visible mucous membranes, they signal the cleanliness of the rest of the internal environments of the body. Another visible sign of health is the skin. It also changes significantly for the better, becoming softer and more tender, free of pustules, pigmentation and even warts. After Shank-Prakshalana, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are restored: digestion improves, defecation is facilitated and normal bowel regularity is established.

We in no way exclude the concept of an individual’s “responsibility” for his life, state of mind, mental and physical health. To say the least, it is unreasonable to tolerate their violations. Therefore, we offer assistance in performing Shank Prakshalana.

Differences from alternative methods

The most common methods of cleansing the intestines are laxatives and enemas, including colon hydrotherapy (by the way, very useful during long fasts) - regarding all of them, Shank-Prakshalana is an active method: in addition to intestinal lavage, you use the physiological aspect: you stimulate the muscle tissue of the torso and smooth muscles, and also massage the internal organs. This practice increases blood flow to the abdominal organs, including the endocrine system. The total healing effect of Shank-Prakshalana is significantly higher than that of passive methods of intestinal lavage.

Any enemas, including colon hydrotherapy, act only in the large intestine; laxatives do not cleanse the colon effectively enough. Therefore, with these methods, the gastrointestinal tract is left without proper treatment.

The action of laxatives is based on artificial stimulation of nerve endings in the intestines, as a result of which peristalsis (wave-like contractions of the intestines) increases, quickly pushing feces through the intestines for their removal from the body. Although this cleanses the intestines, at the same time, with regular use, it leads to a gradual weakening of nerve reflexes. Those. laxatives bring short-term benefits, but over time can lead to harmful consequences for the body - in particular, atrophy of gastrointestinal tract functions.

If you are constantly taking any laxatives, we advise you to start doing Shank Prakshalana to reduce this dependence.

Frequency of performing Shank Prakshalana

Shank Prakshalana is done as needed. The average frequency of it as a preventive measure is four times a year (with the change of seasons). But it can be done more often. There is a special rejuvenation technique in which, among other procedures, Shank Prakshalana is performed daily for 1 to 3 weeks.

Shri Dhirendra Brahmachari, mentor of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, director of the Yoga Therapy Institute in Delhi, advised constantly doing this procedure every 15 days. But this is probably only possible for zealous enthusiasts. Shank Prakshalana is a wonderful procedure, and everyone who practices it regularly is convinced of this. In order to master it, you can safely practice it once every two weeks and you will succeed. Persons suffering from constipation can do Shank Prakshalana every week, but only with six glasses of water. In this case, the entire cycle is completed in approximately an hour and a half. This is one of the best gut re-educations. This does not stretch the walls of the large intestines. It can also be used instead of enemas - twice a week at the initial stage, and then once every two weeks. There are many variations and possible uses of this kriya. The frequency depends on what task you need to work on at the moment.


Shank-Prakshalana is contraindicated for gastric ulcers in the acute stage, and other acute diseases of the digestive system. The same applies to persons suffering from acute damage to the digestive tract: dysentery, diarrhea, acute colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, acute appendicitis, tuberculosis and intestinal cancer. However, cases of cure of these diseases by Shank-Prakshalana are also described.

The procedure is not recommended during menstruation, at high temperature or blood pressure, and is prohibited during heart attacks. It is also prohibited during pregnancy. After a three-day fast, it can be done no earlier than a week after complete withdrawal; after a week-long fast, no earlier than a month.

There is an ancient method of washing and cleansing the entire digestive tract - from the mouth to the anus. Shank Prakshalana translated means “Sink Gesture” because water, passing through the digestive canal, like through a sink, washes away all impurities. Water is absorbed by the mouth, then passes through the stomach, and then with simple movements passes through the entire intestine until it exits it. The exercises continue until the water comes out as clear as it entered.

Beneficial Impact: In addition to the fact that you cleanse the entire digestive canal, you will also experience long-term beneficial effects: fresh breath, good sleep, disappearance of rashes on the face and body. If you eat right, body odors will disappear. At the same time, the liver is toned - this is noticeable by the color of the first stool - and other glands associated with digestion, especially the pancreas. The salty taste in the mouth stimulates the body's calorific and digestive abilities, hence the effect on digestion.

Cases of low-grade diabetes were successfully cured by doctors in Lonavla by performing Shank Prakshalana every two days for 2 months; this was accompanied by an appropriate diet - more natural foods rich in B vitamins, and compliance with the rhythm of the digestive organs.

Contraindications: Persons suffering from stomach ulcer should abstain from Shankh Prakshalana and cure it first. The same applies to persons suffering from acute damage to the digestive tract: dysentery, diarrhea, acute colitis, acute appendicitis, intestinal tuberculosis and cancer.

Preparation: Heating water to body temperature, salted with sea salt at the rate of 5-6 grams per liter, which is approximately the concentration of salt in the blood plasma (a small level tablespoon per liter of water). The water must be sufficiently salty, because without the admixture of sea salt it would be absorbed by osmosis through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and excreted as urine, rather than through the anus.

In general, regulate the salt concentration yourself, the main thing is that the body does not absorb water.

Favorable moment: The most favorable moment is the morning, on an empty stomach; the entire flushing, as practice shows, takes an hour and a half, and as you master it - 45-60 minutes.

Here is a diagram of the complete implementation of the passage of water through the digestive canal.

1. Drink a glass of salt water.
2. Immediately perform the prescribed movements.
3. Drink a glass of water and perform a series of movements. While performing these movements, water will slowly pass into the intestines without causing nausea.

Continue alternating between drinking water and moving until you have drunk 6 glasses of water.
At this moment you need to go to the toilet.

Usually the first evacuation occurs almost immediately, the first portion of feces, in the form of feces, will be followed by others, softer ones, and then liquid ones.

If this does not happen immediately or within 5 minutes; you need to repeat the movements without drinking more water, and then return to the toilet: If the expected result does not happen, then you need to initiate evacuation through an enema. As soon as the siphon is activated, that is, as soon as the first bowel movements have flown, the rest will follow automatically.

One tip: after each visit to the toilet and after using regular toilet paper, rinse your anus with warm water, dry it and lubricate it with vegetable oil to prevent irritation caused by salt. Some sensitive people are susceptible to this mild irritation, which is easily preventable.

After this first bowel movement, you need to: drink a glass of water, make movements, then return to the toilet; and every time there will be an evacuation. Continue to consistently drink water, exercise, and go to the toilet; until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body. Depending on the contamination of the intestines, you will need from 10 to 14 glasses, rarely more.

When you are satisfied with the result, that is, when the water coming out of you is clean enough, you should stop the procedure. You go to the toilet several more times over the next period of time. You can then drink 3 glasses of unsalted water and induce vomiting. This will turn off the siphon and empty the stomach. “According to tradition, yogis always do vomiting (Vamana-Dhauga) after Shank-Prakshalana.


Exercises for performing Shank-Prakshalana are presented by Rinad Sultanovich Minvaleev, a researcher at St. Petersburg State University, head of the department of “Traditional and Eastern Health Systems”. (At the end of the video, Rinad performs several more yoga exercises that have nothing to do with Shank Prakshalana)

First movement: Starting position: standing, feet apart about 30 centimeters, fingers intertwined, palms facing up. The back is straight, breathing is normal.

Without turning your upper body, lean first to the left, without pausing in the final position, straighten up and immediately lean to the right. Repeat this double movement 4 times, that is, make 8 tilts, alternately left and right, which will take a total of about 10 seconds.

These movements open the pylorus of the stomach, and with each movement (tilt), part of the water penetrates into the duodenum from the stomach.

Second movement: This movement forces water to move through the small intestines.

The starting position is the same. Extend your right arm horizontally and bend your left arm so that your index finger and thumb touch your right collarbone. Then rotate your torso, pointing your outstretched arm back as far as possible; look at your fingertips. Without stopping at the end of the turn, immediately return to the starting position and turn in the other direction. This double movement must also be repeated 4 times. The total duration of 4 x 2 movements is 10 seconds.

Third movement: Water continues to move into the small intestines thanks to the following movement: perform the snake variation.

Only the big toes and palms of the hands touch the floor, hence keeping the hips off the ground. I will spread your feet about 30 centimeters (this is important). When the position is accepted, turn your head and torso until you can see the opposite heel (that is, if you turn to the right, then you need to look at the left heel), without stopping in the extreme position, return to the starting position and do the same in the other side, repeat 4 times in two movements. Time – 10-15 seconds.

Fourth movement:“The water that has reached the end of the small intestines must be carried through the large intestines through the 4th and last movement. It is the most complex of the entire series, although it is accessible to anyone, with the exception of persons suffering from knee or meniscus diseases. These people may resort to the option described below.

Initial position:
a) squat down, feet spaced approximately 30 cm apart, with the heels placed on the outer side of the thighs, and not under the seat, hands placed on the knees, which are spaced approximately 30 cm apart;

b) rotate your torso and place your left knee on the floor in front of the opposite foot. The palms alternately push the right thigh towards the left side and the left thigh towards the right side so as to press half of the abdomen with the aim of squeezing only one half of the large intestine. Look behind you to increase the twisting of the torso and apply pressure to the abdomen.

While all the previous exercises started no matter which way, for this exercise you need to start squeezing the right side of the abdomen first. Like all previous movements, it is performed 4 times. The total duration is 15 seconds.

Variation of the 4th movement: This movement originates from the twisted pose (“Ardha Matsyendrasana”, page 139, pose 2). In this case, the foot is simply attached to the inner side of the thigh and does not pass through to the other side. The shoulder is pulled back as far as possible to the bent knee, the torso is slightly tilted back. The hands rest on the bent knee, which serves as a lever to twist the spine and press the thigh to the lower abdomen.

Cases of failure: If, after drinking, for example, 4 glasses, you feel that the contents of the stomach do not pass normally into the intestines and there is a feeling of overfilling, leading to nausea, then this means that the pyloric neck (the valve between the stomach and the duodenum) ) does not open as it should. Repeat the series of exercises 2-3 times without drinking more water. The disappearance of nausea will indicate that the passage is open. Once the siphon is activated, there will be no more difficulties and you can continue the process. But it may happen that for some people a gas lock from fermentation products prevents the siphon from being activated. In this case, it is enough to press the stomach with your hands or do a shoulder stand (“Sarvangasana”) along with 4 other exercises.

In the most unfavorable case, that is, when the water does not leave the stomach at all, you are left with two solutions: vomit by tickling the base of the tongue with two fingers of your right hand so that the gag reflex occurs. The relief will come radically and immediately. After exercise, you should rest and avoid fasting.

First meal: After Shank Prakshalana, the following instructions must be followed. Eat no earlier than 10 minutes after exercise and no later than 1 hour after the end of exercise. It is absolutely forbidden to leave the digestive tract without food for more than an hour after exercise. However, the author uses Shank-Prakshalana to enter fasting, and in this case it is quite appropriate, replacing the use of a laxative.

The first meal will consist of rice, boiled in water and slightly overcooked so that it melts in the mouth. Rice may be accompanied by well-cooked carrots. You should eat about 40 grams of butter with it, or better yet, ghee. Rice can be replaced with wheat, oats, and so on.

IMPORTANT: Rice cannot be cooked in milk. During the 24 hours that follow the exercises, it is forbidden to drink milk, kefir, or eat yeast bread. Eat only boiled, stewed vegetables and cereals.

By doing this you contribute to the revival of normal microflora. Fruits and vegetables in their raw form are not recommended due to their insemination by microorganisms, as well as excessive stimulation of the vital principle of “Wind”, which activates glorification. Rice just contributes to the suppression of this vital principle and brings the body back to normal. Therefore, raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten the next day.

Drink: Absorption of salt water will transport some of the fluid from the blood into the intestines through high osmotic activity. Thus, the liquid coat of blood goes in the direction opposite to normal absorption, while cleaning the microvilli of the small and large intestines. It is this mechanism that makes Shank Prakshalana unique. I don't know of any cleanse (other than fasting) that cleanses the small intestine, on which our digestion and absorption depend. Enemas only work in the large intestine. Therefore, this section remains without proper treatment, and only Shank Prakshalana helps to cleanse it.

Due to the above, you will be naturally thirsty. Do not take any liquid, not even pure water, before your first meal, because you will be “feeding” the siphon, that is, going to the toilet. During and after your first meal, you can drink water or light herbal infusions.

The fact that the first bowel movements will appear only after 24 hours will not surprise anyone anymore. They will be golden, yellow and odorless, like those of a baby.

Persons suffering from constipation can do Shank Prakshalana every week, but only with 6 glasses of water. In this case, the entire cycle is completed in approximately 30 minutes. This is one of the best gut re-educations. This does not stretch the walls of the large intestines.

Happy Prakshalana!

is a method of completely cleansing the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. The procedure consists of drinking salt water and performing special exercises that promote the movement of water throughout all departments gastrointestinal tract and removing from it all deposits, waste, toxins, helminths.

Salt water cleans plaque from the intestinal walls and, thanks to a specially selected salt concentration, it is not absorbed into the blood, but exits through the anus. After three to four liters of salt water passed through the gastrointestinal tract, clean water comes out of the body. Hence the name of this method - which translates as “sink action”.

In some texts it is called Varisara-dhauti, which means “a technique of transformation, rejuvenation of the entire body.”

Therapeutic Effect:

First of all, there is a mechanical cleansing of the intestines from feces and stones, putrefactive products, as well as an internal massage of the intestines along its entire length. This creates the conditions for restoring the normal functioning of the intestines, regular and proper functioning of everything gastrointestinal tract. The intestinal microflora is updated, making this method effective in the fight against dysbiosis.

also stimulates the liver and endocrine glands, especially the pancreas, which helps in curing related diseases, including diabetes. It has a powerful stimulating effect on the entire body.

Contraindications: Any acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oncological diseases of the abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative processes in the digestive tract, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, menstruation, pregnancy, increased blood clotting, acute cardiovascular diseases. In case of hypertension, the procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Before Shank Prakshalana

It is advisable to consult with a doctor who specializes in traditional healing systems.

Preparation Any acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oncological diseases of the abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative processes in the digestive tract, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, menstruation, pregnancy, increased blood clotting, acute cardiovascular diseases. In case of hypertension, the procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Before On the eve of execution

Avoid eating rough, heavy foods. The last meal is no later than 18:00.

In advance, for two to three weeks, study and practice the exercises for Prakshalana so that after the procedure there is no pain in the muscles involved in the exercises.

Prepare water at room temperature (4-5 liters) in advance by adding coarse salt (except extra) to it at the rate of one tablespoon per three liters of water. 45 minutes or an hour before the procedure, you need to drink half a liter of unsalted water, to which you can add one tablespoon of honey.

Heat the prepared salt water to body temperature and begin the procedure.

Execution order

After this, go to the toilet and try to have a bowel movement. If emptying does not occur, do several more series of exercises in a row. Then lie on the floor and relax in Savasana pose. You can do a shoulder stand (Viparita Karani mudra) to remove the gas bubble in the intestines. Then do Shavasana again and repeat the series of exercises again. After this, bowel movement should occur.

After defecation, you need to wash yourself with water and lubricate the anus with vegetable oil to avoid irritation from salt.

Then drink another glass of salt water and do the exercise series again. Now you will go to the toilet after every glass of water and a series of exercises. When clean water flows through the anus, the procedure can be completed. To do this, drink half a liter of unsalted water and quickly empty your stomach by vomiting. Thus, you will clear the stomach of salt and close the pylorus of the stomach.

After this, rest for 30-40 minutes. Do not eat or drink anything during this time. But no later than an hour later you need to eat rice cooked in water (unsalted). You can add a little ghee to it. The next meal is no earlier than three hours later.

Further food should be simple and neutral (not sour). You should not eat protein foods or sour fruits for two to three days. It is undesirable to consume strong tea, coffee, alcohol, or cigarettes during the week. Remember that the intestinal mucosa during this period is very vulnerable and exposed. It takes time and a special diet to restore it. Take medications containing healthy intestinal microflora (colibacterin, lactobacterin, etc.).

For prevention Shank Prakshalana should be done four times a year when the seasons change. Minimum - once every six months. For therapeutic purposes, it is done more often, depending on the recommendations of a specialist doctor.

The article was written based on materials from the book “Textbook of classical yoga and yoga therapy. Stages I-II” by Andrey Lobanov».
