Novokuibyshevets Vetkin became the champion of Russia. Vasily Vetkin: my life motto is tired, but I endure and don’t give up Vetkin Vasily boxer

The Russian boxing championship was held in Khabarovsk. In the weight category up to 52 kg, the victory was won by the 20-year-old representative of the Central Sports Club “Lokomotiv” Vasily Vetkin, beating Vyacheslav Tashkarakov in the final – 3:0 (30:27,30:27, 29:28). In addition, Vetkin was recognized as the best boxer of the tournament! Immediately after the award ceremony, “railroad worker” Vasily Vetkin (pictured) gave an interview to Boris Valiev, a special correspondent for the Sports Information Agency “All Sport”.

Vasily, congratulations on your victory! Few people can boast of such a debut at the Russian Championship, especially since you still don’t have many adult competitions under your belt. How did you get ready for this championship?
- First of all, I want to thank my personal trainer Yuri Khoroshev. If it weren't for him, I would never have performed like this. Yuri Nikolaevich developed a special program for me, which included several so-called pulling competitions. In particular, the international tournament “Ahmeta Camera” in Turkey, the tournament in memory of Nikolai Semizorov in Tolyatti, which, by the way, I also won. One step was not enough to win international competitions in Kazakhstan and Poland. True, in the first case I simply did not make it to the final fight due to injury, and in the second I lost to a very strong opponent, 2011 World Championship finalist Andrew Selby from Wales. But I gained useful experience, which was very useful in Khabarovsk, at the most important competitions of the year for me. He approached them at the peak of his form. The wind, as they say, was blowing at my back.

Many experts called your victory in the semi-finals over the 2012 Russian champion, 2013 European Championship bronze medalist Hovik Hovhannisyan one of the most unexpected at this championship. Do you agree?
- Maybe someone thought it was unexpected, but I entered the ring with one goal - to win. He did not allow any thoughts other than victorious ones. So, for me this victory was quite expected.

You have quite a large seam on your eyebrow. You received a cut in your first fight against Muscovite Ivan Lokhmotkin. Were there any concerns that this injury might prevent you from winning? In this regard, did you have to make any adjustments to the battle tactics?
- There were no concerns about this before the final. Just like in the semifinals against Hovhannisyan. They arose only at the moment when I received this injury and in the next two fights - I was afraid that the doctor might be removed. Of course, this created some discomfort, but I tried not to miss the blows. These were undoubtedly the most difficult moments of the championship. At these competitions we had a minimum task - to get into the top three, and when I reached the semi-finals, some psychological relaxation set in. The award was in my pocket, and I no longer thought about the injury - I was focused on my actions in the ring. And in the finals I succeeded in almost everything, especially in the first two rounds. In the third, I relaxed a little, but the advantage gained was enough for an overall victory. When I left the ring, the first thing I did was call home - to Novokuibyshevsk, talk to my dad, to whom I owe the idea of ​​coming to boxing at one time, and talked to my girlfriend Rita, my cousin. They all didn’t sleep there, although it was early in the morning, they were worried about me. Of course, this helped me too.

Your opponent in the final, Vyacheslav Tashkarakov, is much more experienced than you: he is a bronze medalist at the 2012 Russian Championship, a finalist at the 2013 World Martial Arts Games. Have you ever met him before?
- No, but my coach and I studied Tashkarakov well during this championship, we saw weaknesses that I tried to exploit. And, as you can see, everything worked out for me.

- Can we now say that this season has become the most successful in your boxing career so far?
- Maybe. The only thing that prevents us from thinking that the season was 100 percent a success is the defeat in the final of the Russian youth championship, which took place in July in Orenburg. Failed to retain the title of winner of these competitions obtained last year. But we learned the right lessons from this failure. Correct – because everything worked out for us at the Russian adult championship.

- Is it true that you were included among the 17 torchbearers of the Olympic flame in Syzran?
- Is it true. When I found out about this and received the letter, at first I reacted to it somewhat casually. But gradually, having seen what respected people in the country carried this fire, I realized what an honor they had given me. Now I’m mentally preparing for this. I'll run in December.

- Why in Syzran, because you live in Novokuibyshevsk?
- Don't know. Maybe because there are fewer famous athletes there than, for example, in Samara, which is located next to our city.

The famous Russian boxer, two-time Olympic champion Oleg Saitov also lived in Novokuibyshevsk for some time and represented this city in the ring. Did this circumstance somehow influence your choice of sport?
- No. This choice, as I already said, was predetermined by my father Pyotr Vasilyevich, who once brought me to the boxing section - when my relationship with swimming did not work out. One day I got very sick, missed several classes, and that was the end of it. But the choice of boxing, as life showed, turned out to be correct. I’ve been doing it for only 10 years – and I’ve already achieved the title of national champion. Moreover, in Khabarovsk I was awarded the prize for the best boxer of the competition!

And you were named Vasily, by chance, not in honor of another famous boxer from the Samara region - the 1986 world champion, three-time European champion Vasily Shishov?
- No, Vasily was the name of my grandfather, who, by the way, was also Petrovich.

- And also an athlete?
- No. He was a military man, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. And my great-great-great-grandfather Matvey fought in the Russian-Turkish war, defended Shipka and received medals for courage from the hands of the Tsar himself. So, my roots are martial.

- I heard that your friends jokingly call you Vasily Petrovich Vetkin. Why?
- I don’t know (laughs). By the way, coaches often call me that. It happened that way. When I was little they asked me: “What’s your name?” - answered, as my dad taught me: “Vasily Petrovich!” From then on it went like this... So what? I like it (laughs).

You are a student at a higher educational institution with a rather unusual name - the Volga Region State Social and Humanitarian Academy, a second-year student at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports. What are you going to become in the future?
- Coach. And I think I can do something in this profession. I will pass on my boxing knowledge to another generation. But it’s probably too early to think about it yet.

- Is it true that you study with almost no C grades?

- Is it true. I only have one C - in biochemistry. I manage to combine my studies with serious boxing training.

The already mentioned Vasily Shishov, who, by the way, has a very high opinion of your boxing qualities, recently named you the only candidate from the Samara region to participate in the 2016 Olympic boxing tournament. Do you yourself believe that you will be able to transform from a candidate into a participant?
- Certainly! And after the victory in Khabarovsk, this faith in me strengthened even more. The dream of every athlete is to compete at the Olympic Games. This may sound banal, but it is true. And I will do everything in my power to get to Rio and win a medal.

- Isn’t it confusing that two-time world champion, bronze medalist of the 2012 Olympic Games Misha Aloyan is boxing in your weight category?
- No, it doesn’t bother me, because Misha was also once a candidate. There is competition in all weight categories. Aloyan is not Aloyan, you have to work hard. I have a wonderful coach who helps me with everything. And we have everything to fulfill our common dream. In my life, by the way, there have already been one Olympic Games - the first Youth Summer Olympic Games, held in 2010 in Singapore. I didn’t perform there, to put it mildly, the way I wanted - in the first fight I lost to an opponent from Puerto Rico, a finalist at the youth world championship. I was 17 years old then. That year I won the Russian youth championship for the first time. For me it was a real triumph - to be honest, I did not expect that I would be able to achieve such success. After that, he went to the World Championships in Baku, where in an even fight he lost to a local boxer in the semi-finals, but earned a ticket to the Youth Olympic Games. I arrived there in a very strong emotional state, my ambitions were overflowing. It seemed like I could move mountains. But, in the end, I could not cope with these emotions. And not everything worked out with the preparation - I didn’t stand in pairs for two weeks and as a result. But the next day after losing to the Puerto Rican in the battle for fifth place, he took convincing revenge from the same Azerbaijani whom he lost to in Baku, beating with a clear advantage. So, I know how to repay debts (smiles). And in this regard, I hope someday I will get even for my first Olympic failure, now at the real Olympic Games.

- Do you have a life motto?
- Eat. “I’m tired, but I endure and don’t give up.”

08:18 01.09.2019
Yulia Chumgalakova, Darima Sandakova and Zenfira Magomedalieva - winners of the European Championship in Madrid; The Russian team is the best in the team competition
Yesterday, August 31, the European Boxing Championships ended in Madrid (Spain). The Russian team won eight medals in 10 weight categories - three gold, two silver and three bronze, becoming the best in the team competition. European champions were Yulia Chumgalakova (weight category up to 48 kg), Darima Sandakova (up to 69 kg) and Zenfira Magomedalieva (over 81 kg). Elena Savelyeva (up to 51 kg) and Karina Tazabekova (up to 54 kg) took silver, Ornella Kheteeva (up to 64 kg), Anastasia Shamonova (up to 75 kg) and Anna Ivanova (up to 81 kg) took bronze. Daria Abramova (up to 57 kg) and Anastasia Belyakova (up to 60 kg) remained without awards. The results of the European Championship are reported by the All Sport Agency.
11:56 31.08.2019
London and Paris will host European and World Olympic boxing qualifiers in 2020
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has determined the venues for qualifying boxing tournaments where licenses for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo (Japan) will be awarded. The International Boxing Federation (AIBA) was deprived of the right to conduct Olympic selection due to management and financial problems. Continental selections will be held in Chinese Wuhan (for Asia / Oceania) on February 3-14, 2020, in Senegalese Dakar (Africa) on February 20-29, in British London (Europe) on March 13-23 and in Argentina Buenos Aires (America) on March 26 – April 3. Worldwide qualification to determine the last license applicants - May 13-14 in Paris (France). This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
14:00 09.07.2019
Eduard Kravtsov: adopted best practices from the Russian judo team
There have been personnel changes in the coaching staff of the Russian men's boxing team. Eduard Kravtsov, who served as head coach since June 30, 2017, was transferred to the position of general manager of the Russian national boxing teams for coaching. Viktor Farkhutdinov was appointed as the new head coach. Eduard Kravtsov commented on the change in his status to the press service of the Russian Boxing Federation (FBI). The All Sport agency quotes.
13:52 09.07.2019
Victor Farkhutdinov: it’s hard to host a team two months before the World Cup, the Olympic Games are just around the corner - but we will try not to let you down
There have been personnel changes in the coaching staff of the Russian men's boxing team. Eduard Kravtsov, who served as head coach since June 30, 2017, was transferred to the position of general manager of the Russian national boxing teams for coaching. Viktor Farkhutdinov was appointed as the new head coach. Viktor Farkhutdinov commented on his appointment to the press service of the Russian Boxing Federation (FBI). The All Sport agency quotes.
11:11 09.07.2019
Viktor Farkhutdinov became the new head coach of the Russian men's boxing team; Eduard Kravtsov was appointed general manager of the team
There have been personnel changes in the coaching staff of the Russian men's boxing team. Eduard Kravtsov, who held the post of head coach since June 30, 2017, was transferred to a position with the original title “general manager of Russian national boxing teams for coaching.” Viktor Farkhutdinov was appointed as the new head coach. The Russian Boxing Federation reported this to the All Sport Agency.
10:43 28.06.2019
Umar Kremlev: we united and got rid of Gafur Rakhimov, who deceived the entire boxing community
Yesterday, June 27, the Executive Committee of the International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) made a number of decisions that are aimed at solving the global crisis that led to the expulsion of AIBA from the membership of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). They were commented on by Umar Kremlev, member of the AIBA Executive Committee, Secretary General of the Russian Boxing Federation. The All Sport agency quotes.
21:31 19.06.2019
IOC: the 2019 men's and women's world championships, which will be held in Russia, will not have qualifying status for the 2020 Games in Tokyo
Today, June 19, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) published information on the selection system for the Olympic boxing tournament. The qualification is carried out by the IOC itself due to the disqualification of the International Boxing Federation (AIBA). The 2019 pre-Olympic world championships, which will be held in Russia (men's - September 7-21 in Yekaterinburg, women's - October 3-13 in Ulan-Ude), will not have qualifying status. Details of the IOC decision are provided by the All Sport Agency.
10:34 23.05.2019
IOC Executive Committee: we recommend that a special IOC task force conduct selection for the 2020 Olympic Games in boxing; AIBA will not be reinstated until the 2020 Games
On June 24-26, the 134th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will be held in Lausanne (Switzerland), at which the fate of boxing at the 2020 Olympic Games will be determined. The IOC Executive Committee proposes to retain boxing in the Olympic program, but to conduct all qualifying competitions to a special IOC task force. The International Boxing Federation (AIBA) will be sanctioned and will not be reinstated until the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. The All Sport agency provides information from the IOC press service.
20:15 27.04.2019
Olympic medalist Anastasia Belyakova became Russian champion in Kemerovo
Today, April 27, the Russian Women's Boxing Championship ended in Kemerovo. The winners and prize-winners in 10 weight categories were determined. Russian champions included, in particular, the bronze medalist of the 2016 Olympic Games Anastasia Belyakova (weight category up to 60 kg), silver medalist of the 2014 World Championship Saadat Dalgatova (up to 69 kg) and the current European champion Ekaterina Paltseva (up to 48 kg). The results of the Russian Championship are reported by the All Sport Agency.
14:48 09.04.2019
Prize-winner of the World and European Boxing Championships Tamir Galanov received a two-year disqualification; walker Sergei Bakulin is temporarily suspended from competitions
The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) announced the decision of the Russian Boxing Federation (FBI) to disqualify boxer Tamir Galanov for two years from March 12, 2019 for violating anti-doping rules. Galanov reached the final of the European Championship in 2011, and took bronze at the World Championship in 2017. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:59 03.11.2018
Gafur Rakhimov from Uzbekistan was elected President of AIBA at the Congress in Moscow; Umar Kremlev joined the AIBA executive committee
The reporting and election Congress of the International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) is taking place in Moscow. Today, November 3, the elections of the AIBA governing bodies took place. Gafur Rakhimov from Uzbekistan was elected President of AIBA, beating Serik Konakbaev from Kazakhstan. He received 86 votes out of 136. Previously, the International Olympic Committee warned that the election of Rakhimov as AIBA president could negatively affect the presence of boxing in the Olympic program. General Secretary of the Russian Boxing Federation Umar Kremlev joined the AIBA Executive Committee. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
12:59 01.11.2018
Ulan-Ude and Sochi will host the world boxing championships in 2019
The Executive Committee of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) has decided that both world boxing championships (among men and women) will be held in 2019 in Russia. Men will identify the strongest on September 7-21 in Sochi, women - in October in Ulan-Ude. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
12:03 25.10.2018
Eduard Kravtsov: we will try to create a team in which boxers in all weight categories will be able to claim not only medals, but specifically gold
The Russian boxing championship took place in Yakutsk. 10 sets of awards were raffled off. Gold was won by Olympic medalist Andrey Zamkovoy (up to 69 kg), world vice-champion Vasily Egorov (up to 49 kg), Tamir Galanov (up to 52 kg), Bakhtovar Nazirov (up to 56 kg), Albert Batyrgaziev (up to 60 kg), Alexey Mazur (up to 64 kg), Gleb Bakshi (up to 75 kg), Georgy Kushitashvili (up to 81 kg), Muslim Gadzhimagomedov (up to 91 kg) and Ivan Veryasov (over 91 kg). The results of the national championship were commented on by the head coach of the Russian national boxing team, Eduard Kravtsov, for the Team Russia portal. The All Sport agency quotes.
13:51 20.10.2018
Olympic medalist Andrei Zamkova, world championship medalist Vasily Egorov and eight other boxers won the Yakut Russian championship
Today, October 20, the Russian boxing championship ended in Yakutsk. 10 sets of awards were raffled off. Gold was won by Olympic medalist Andrey Zamkovoy (up to 69 kg), world vice-champion Vasily Egorov (up to 49 kg), Tamir Galanov (up to 52 kg), Bakhtovar Nazirov (up to 56 kg), Albert Batyrgaziev (up to 60 kg), Alexey Mazur (up to 64 kg), Gleb Bakshi (up to 75 kg), Georgy Kushitashvili (up to 81 kg), Muslim Gadzhimagomedov (up to 91 kg) and Ivan Veryasov (over 91 kg). The names of champions and prize-winners of competitions in Yakutsk are reported by the All Sport Agency.
22:39 04.10.2018
Umar Kremlev: IOC grossly violates the Olympic Charter by sending threats to national boxing federations
On November 3, at the Congress of the International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) in Moscow, elections for the President of AIBA will be held - instead of Ching-Kuo Wu from Taiwan, who was suspended in November 2017. The only candidate for the post of AIBA President is Gafur Rakhimov from Uzbekistan, who was included in the sanctions list by the US Department of the Treasury Department of Foreign Assets Control. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has repeatedly - including yesterday, October 4, following the meeting of the executive committee in Buenos Aires (Argentina) - stated that the election of Rakhimov as president of AIBA could affect the preservation of boxing in the program of the Olympic Games, starting with Tokyo -2020. Umar Kremlev, Secretary General of the Russian Boxing Federation, candidate member of the AIBA Executive Committee, commented on the current situation on his page on the social network Facebook. The All Sport agency quotes.
10:36 01.09.2018
Russian boxers won six victories and became first in the team event at the Hungarian world championship
Yesterday, August 31, the world boxing championship among boys and girls ended in Budapest (Hungary). 20 sets of awards were raffled off. The Russians took first place in the team event with six gold, five silver and two bronze medals. Second are the Americans (3-0-1), third are the Kazakhs (2-6-3), fourth are the Indians (2-2-6), fifth are the Thais (2-1-4), sixth are the British (2- 1-3). In terms of the total number of awards, the first are Russians (13), the second are Kazakhs (11), and the third are Indians (10). This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
21:10 11.07.2018

On September 14 and 15 in Volgograd at the football stadium, where four games of the 2018 World Cup were held, the Russian men's boxing team will hold two match meetings with the Cuban team. The General Secretary of the Russian Boxing Federation, Umar Kremlev, told the Russian National Team portal some details. The All Sport agency quotes.
17:06 13.06.2018
Umar Kremlev: all European Championship winners should go to the World Championships
Yesterday, June 12, the European Women's Boxing Championship ended in Sofia (Bulgaria). 10 sets of awards were raffled off. The Russian team won the team competition with three gold, four silver and two bronze medals. The results of the tournament were commented on by the General Secretary of the Russian Boxing Federation, Umar Kremlev, for the “Russian Team” portal. The All Sport agency quotes.
20:33 12.06.2018
The Russian women's boxing team won the Bulgarian European Championship in the team event
Today, June 12, the European Women's Boxing Championship ended in Sofia (Bulgaria). 10 sets of awards were raffled off. The Russian team won the team competition with three gold, four silver and two bronze medals. The Bulgarians were second (3-1-2), the Finns were third (2-0-0), the Italians were fourth (1-0-2), the Dutch were fifth (1-0-0), the Turkish were sixth (0- 3-1). In terms of the total number of awards, the first are Russians (9), the second are Bulgarians (6), the third are Ukrainians and Turkish (4 each). This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
20:29 12.06.2018
Kristina Tkacheva – silver medalist of the European Boxing Championship in the weight category over 81 kg
Today, June 12, the finals of the European Women's Boxing Championship ended in Sofia (Bulgaria). Russian Kristina Tkacheva had her first fight at the tournament in the weight category over 81 kg. She started in the final, in which she lost to the Italian Flavia Severin. Despite the fact that Tkacheva was unable to win a single victory in the ring, she became the silver medalist of the European Championship. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
20:14 12.06.2018
Maria Urakova – European boxing champion in the weight category up to 81 kg
Today, June 12, the finals of the European Women's Boxing Championship are being held in Sofia (Bulgaria). Russian Maria Urakova won gold in the up to 81 kg category. In the final she defeated Turkish Elif Güneri. In the weight category up to 75 kg, the Dutchwoman Nuchka Fontein was the winner. Russian Darima Sandakova finished the fight in the quarterfinals. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
19:33 12.06.2018
Yaroslava Yakushina lost in the final of the European Boxing Championship
Today, June 12, the finals of the European Women's Boxing Championship are being held in Sofia (Bulgaria). Russian Yaroslava Yakushina became the silver medalist in the up to 69 kg category. In the decisive battle for the title, she lost to Finnish Elina Gustafsson by decision of the judges. Germany's Nadine Apetz and Italy's Assanta Canfora won bronze. Bulgarian Meliz Yunuzova won in the up to 64 kg category. Silver went to Turkish Sema Kaliskan, bronze to Russian Ekaterina Dynnik and Ukrainian Maria Badulina. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:43 12.06.2018
Olympic medalist Anastasia Belyakova - silver medalist of the European Championship in the category up to 60 kg
Today, June 12, the finals of the European Women's Boxing Championship are being held in Sofia (Bulgaria). Olympic bronze medalist Anastasia Belyakova won silver in the weight category up to 60 kg. In the final, by decision of the judges, she lost to the Finnish Mira Potkonen. Bulgarian Denitsa Eliseeva and Irishwoman Kelly Harrington took bronze. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:22 12.06.2018
Daria Abramova - silver medalist of the Sofia European Championship in weight up to 57 kg
Today, June 12, the finals of the European Women's Boxing Championship are being held in Sofia (Bulgaria). Russian Daria Abramova lost to Bulgarian Stanimira Petrova in the final of the up to 57 kg category. Bronze went to France's Mona Mestian and Ireland's Michaela Walsh. In the up to 54 kg category, gold was won by Bulgarian Stoika Petrova, silver by Frenchwoman Delphine Mancini, bronze by Russian Victoria Kuleshova and Italian Arianna DeLaurenti. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
17:35 12.06.2018
Svetlana Soluyanova – European boxing champion in the up to 51 kg category
Today, June 12, the finals of the European Women's Boxing Championship are being held in Sofia (Bulgaria). Russian Svetlana Soluyanova became the European champion in the weight category up to 51 kg, defeating Turkish Buze Cakiroglu in the final. Bronze went to Belarusian Yana Burym and Bulgarian Gabriela Dimitrova. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
17:20 12.06.2018
Ekaterina Paltseva – winner of the Sofia European Boxing Championship
Today, June 12, the finals of the European Women's Boxing Championship are being held in Sofia (Bulgaria). Russian Ekaterina Paltseva won gold in the up to 48 kg weight category, defeating Bulgarian Sevda Asenova in the final. Bronze medalists were Romanian Steleta Duta and Ukrainian Anna Ochota. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
08:32 12.06.2018
Seven Russian women reached the finals of the Sofia European Boxing Championships; Victoria Kuleshova and Ekaterina Dynnik - bronze medalists
Today, June 12, the finals of the European Women's Boxing Championship will be held in Sofia (Bulgaria). The Russian team will compete for seven gold medals. In the semi-finals, victories were won by Ekaterina Paltseva (up to 48 kg), Svetlana Soluyanova (up to 51 kg), Daria Abramova (up to 57 kg), Anastasia Belyakova (up to 60 kg), Yaroslava Yakushina (up to 69 kg) and Maria Urakova (up to 81 kg ). Kristina Tkacheva (over 81 kg) will start the championship with the final. Victoria Kuleshova (up to 54 kg) and Ekaterina Dynnik (up to 64 kg) were defeated in the semi-finals, becoming bronze medalists. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
22:05 09.06.2018
Nine Russian women guaranteed medals at the Sofia European Boxing Championship
Today, June 9, in Sofia (Bulgaria) the participants in the semi-finals of the European Women's Boxing Championship were determined. The Russian team suffered one loss - in the weight category up to 75 kg, Darima Sandakova lost to the Dutchwoman Nuchka Fontein in the quarterfinals. Ekaterina Paltseva (up to 48 kg), Svetlana Soluyanova (up to 51 kg), Victoria Kuleshova (up to 54 kg), Daria Abramova (up to 57 kg), Anastasia Belyakova (up to 60 kg) qualified for the semifinals and guaranteed at least bronze medals. , Ekaterina Dynnik (up to 64 kg), Yaroslava Yakushina (up to 69 kg) and Maria Urakova (up to 81 kg). Kristina Tkacheva (over 81 kg) has not entered the ring yet. She will start the European Championships with the final, guaranteeing at least silver. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
19:23 05.06.2018
Umar Kremlev: the team is tasked with bringing five gold medals and first team place from the European Championship
Today, June 5, the European Women's Boxing Championship started in Sofia (Bulgaria). The Russian team expects to win five gold medals in 10 weight categories. Secretary General of the Russian Boxing Federation Umar Kremlev stated this to the press service of the Russian Olympic Committee. The All Sport agency quotes.
17:56 05.06.2018
Schedule of the European Women's Boxing Championships in Bulgaria
The European Women's Boxing Championships will be held in Sofia (Bulgaria) on June 5-12. Medals will be awarded in 10 weight categories. Preliminary fights will take place from June 5 to 9, semi-finals on the 11th, and finals on the 12th. The tournament schedule is reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:29 04.06.2018
Olympic medalist Anastasia Belyakova will lead the Russian team at the European Boxing Championships in Bulgaria
The European Women's Boxing Championships will take place in Sofia (Bulgaria) on June 5-12. The Russian national team includes 10 athletes. The team will be led by 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Anastasia Belyakova. In the Olympic weights at the current European Championships, Russia will be represented by Svetlana Soluyanova (up to 51 kg), Belyakova (up to 60 kg) and Darima Sandakova (up to 75 kg). This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
10:10 09.05.2018
Umar Kremlev: our proposal to hold the European Women’s Championship was not accepted - since RUSADA has not been restored to its rights
Russia applied to host the women's European boxing championship after Poland refused, but was refused because the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) had not reinstated its rights. As a result, the tournament will not be held on May 10-19 in Wladyslawovo (Poland), but on June 4-13 in Sofia (Bulgaria). The details of the situation were revealed by the Secretary General of the Russian Boxing Federation, Umar Kremlev, in an interview with the Russian National Team portal. The All Sport agency quotes.
18:01 30.03.2018
Alexander Chernoivanov confirmed as head coach of the Russian women's boxing team
Today, March 30, the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov signed an order approving Alexander Chernoivanov as the head coach of the Russian women's boxing team. Chernoivanov served as acting head coach since January 1, 2018 after Ivan Shidlovsky left the post. The Russian Boxing Federation (FBI) informed the All Sport Agency about this.
11:43 25.03.2018
Umar Kremlev: we will submit an application for Ulan-Ude to host the 2021 Women's World Boxing Championship
Yesterday, March 24, the Russian Women's Boxing Championship ended in Ulan-Ude. The results of the tournament were commented on by FBI Secretary General Umar Kremlev to the press service of the Russian Boxing Federation (FBI). The All Sport agency quotes.
09:40 25.03.2018
Olympic medalist Anastasia Belyakova won the Russian Championship in Ulan-Ude
Yesterday, March 24, the Russian Women's Boxing Championship ended in Ulan-Ude. 153 athletes representing 43 regions competed for awards in 10 weight categories. In particular, the 2014 world champion and 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Anastasia Belyakova won in the weight category up to 60 kg. The names of all winners and prize-winners of the Russian Championship are reported by the All Sport Agency.
23:46 04.02.2018
AIBA: IOC decision is disappointing – reforms need more time
The International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) has published a letter from AIBA executive committee member and interim administrator Pat Fiacco in response to threats from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to consider removing boxing from the 2018 Youth Olympic Games and 2020 Olympic Games. The reason is dissatisfaction with the report on the progress of AIBA reform. The All Sports agency quotes Pat Fiacco.
16:44 27.11.2017
Anastasia Shamonova and Kristina Tkacheva won the world boxing championship among girls; Molchanova, Dynnik, Sychugova and Rybak are winners
The world girls' boxing championship took place in Guwahati (India). The Russians came second in the team competition with two gold and four silver awards. Anastasia Shamonova (up to 75 kg) and Kristina Tkacheva (over 81 kg) won. Ekaterina Molchanova (up to 51 kg), Ekaterina Dynnik (up to 64 kg), Natalya Sychugova (up to 69 kg) and Anastasia Rybak (up to 81 kg) took silver. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
21:14 08.10.2017
Magomed Omarov won the Grozny Russian boxing championship in weight over 91 kg
Today, October 8, the Russian men's boxing championship ended in Grozny. 2011 European champion Magomed Omarov won gold in the over 91 kg weight category, defeating Maxim Babanin in the final. Ruslan Chobanov and Ivan Veryasov took bronze. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
20:56 08.10.2017
Sadam Magomedov is the Russian boxing champion in the category up to 91 kg
Today, October 8, the Russian men's boxing championship ends in Grozny. In the weight category up to 91 kg, Sadam Magomedov won. Silver went to Ilya Kvasnikov, bronze went to Vasily Zveryan and Shamil Mansurov. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
20:35 08.10.2017
Olympic bronze medalist Andrei Zamkovoy is a five-time Russian boxing champion
Today, October 8, the Russian boxing championship among men continues in Grozny. Bronze medalist of the 2012 Olympic Games, finalist of the 2009 World Championship Andrei Zamkovoy became a five-time champion of Russia. In the final of the up to 69 kg category, he defeated Khariton Agrba. Shamil Malsagov and Stepan Khitaryan finished the fight in the semifinals. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.

Vasily Petrovich Vetkin- Russian boxer, two-time champion of Russia (2013, 2015), participant of the 2015 European Games, international master of sports of Russia.

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Excerpt characterizing Vetkin, Vasily Petrovich

“You know, Countess,” he said, suddenly addressing her as if he were an old acquaintance, “we are organizing a carousel in costumes; you should take part in it: it will be a lot of fun. Everyone gathers at the Karagins'. Please come, right? - he said.
As he said this, he did not take his smiling eyes off Natasha’s face, neck, and bare arms. Natasha undoubtedly knew that he admired her. She was pleased with this, but for some reason his presence made her feel cramped and heavy. When she was not looking at him, she felt that he was looking at her shoulders, and she involuntarily intercepted his gaze so that he would look better at her eyes. But, looking into his eyes, she felt with fear that between him and her there was absolutely no barrier of modesty that she had always felt between herself and other men. She, without knowing how, after five minutes felt terribly close to this man. When she turned away, she was afraid that he would take her bare hand from behind and kiss her neck. They talked about the simplest things and she felt that they were close, like she had never been with a man. Natasha looked back at Helen and her father, as if asking them what this meant; but Helen was busy talking with some general and did not respond to her glance, and her father’s gaze did not tell her anything other than what he always said: “It’s fun, well, I’m glad.”

The Russian boxing championship was held in Khabarovsk. In the weight category up to 52 kg, the victory was won by the 20-year-old representative of the Central Sports Club “Lokomotiv” Vasily Vetkin, beating Vyacheslav Tashkarakov in the final – 3:0 (30:27,30:27, 29:28). In addition, Vetkin was recognized as the best boxer of the tournament! Immediately after the award ceremony, “railroad worker” Vasily Vetkin (pictured) gave an interview to the Sports Information Agency “All Sport”.

Vasily, congratulations on your victory! Few people can boast of such a debut at the Russian Championship, especially since you still don’t have many adult competitions under your belt. How did you get ready for this championship?
First of all, I want to thank my personal trainer Yuri Khoroshev. If it weren't for him, I would never have performed like this. Yuri Nikolaevich developed a special program for me, which included several so-called pulling competitions. In particular, the international tournament “Ahmeta Camera” in Turkey, the tournament in memory of Nikolai Semizorov in Tolyatti, which, by the way, I also won. One step was not enough to win international competitions in Kazakhstan and Poland. True, in the first case I simply did not make it to the final fight due to injury, and in the second I lost to a very strong opponent, 2011 World Championship finalist Andrew Selby from Wales. But I gained useful experience, which was very useful in Khabarovsk, at the most important competitions of the year for me. He approached them at the peak of his form. The wind, as they say, was blowing at my back.

Many experts called your victory in the semi-finals over the 2012 Russian champion, 2013 European Championship bronze medalist Hovik Hovhannisyan one of the most unexpected at this championship. Do you agree?
Maybe someone thought it was unexpected, but I entered the ring with one goal - to win. He did not allow any thoughts other than victorious ones. So, for me this victory was quite expected.

You have quite a large seam on your eyebrow. You received a cut in your first fight against Muscovite Ivan Lokhmotkin. Were there any concerns that this injury might prevent you from winning? In this regard, did you have to make any adjustments to the battle tactics?
There were no concerns about this before the final. Just like in the semifinals against Hovhannisyan. They arose only at the moment when I received this injury and in the next two fights - I was afraid that the doctor might be removed. Of course, this created some discomfort, but I tried not to miss the blows. These were undoubtedly the most difficult moments of the championship. At these competitions we had a minimum task - to get into the top three, and when I reached the semi-finals, some psychological relaxation set in. The award was in my pocket, and I no longer thought about the injury - I was focused on my actions in the ring. And in the finals I succeeded in almost everything, especially in the first two rounds. In the third, I relaxed a little, but the advantage gained was enough for an overall victory. When I left the ring, the first thing I did was call home - to Novokuibyshevsk, talk to my dad, to whom I owe the idea of ​​coming to boxing at one time, and talked to my girlfriend Rita, my cousin. They all didn’t sleep there, although it was early in the morning, they were worried about me. Of course, this helped me too.

Your opponent in the final, Vyacheslav Tashkarakov, is much more experienced than you: he is a bronze medalist at the 2012 Russian Championship, a finalist at the 2013 World Martial Arts Games. Have you ever met him before?
No, but my coach and I studied Tashkarakov well during this championship and saw his weaknesses, which I tried to exploit. And, as you can see, everything worked out for me.

Can we now say that this season has become the most successful in your boxing career so far?
Maybe. The only thing that prevents us from thinking that the season was 100 percent a success is the defeat in the final of the Russian youth championship, which took place in July in Orenburg. Failed to retain the title of winner of these competitions obtained last year. But we learned the right lessons from this failure. Correct – because everything worked out for us at the Russian adult championship.

Is it true that you were included among the 17 torchbearers of the Olympic flame in Syzran?
Is it true. When I found out about this and received the letter, at first I reacted to it somewhat casually. But gradually, having seen what respected people in the country carried this fire, I realized what an honor they had given me. Now I’m mentally preparing for this. I'll run in December.

Why in Syzran, because you live in Novokuibyshevsk?
Don't know. Maybe because there are fewer famous athletes there than, for example, in Samara, which is located next to our city.

The famous Russian boxer, two-time Olympic champion Oleg Saitov also lived in Novokuibyshevsk for some time and represented this city in the ring. Did this circumstance somehow influence your choice of sport?
No. This choice, as I already said, was predetermined by my father Pyotr Vasilyevich, who once brought me to the boxing section - when my relationship with swimming did not work out. One day I got very sick, missed several classes, and that was the end of it. But the choice of boxing, as life showed, turned out to be correct. I’ve been doing it for only 10 years – and I’ve already achieved the title of national champion. Moreover, in Khabarovsk I was awarded the prize for the best boxer of the competition!

And you were named Vasily, by chance, not in honor of another famous boxer from the Samara region - the 1986 world champion, three-time European champion Vasily Shishov?
No, Vasily was the name of my grandfather, who, by the way, was also Petrovich.

And also an athlete?
No. He was a military man, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. And my great-great-great-grandfather Matvey fought in the Russian-Turkish war, defended Shipka and received medals for courage from the hands of the Tsar himself. So, my roots are martial.

I heard that your friends jokingly call you Vasily Petrovich Vetkin. Why?
I don't know (laughs). By the way, coaches often call me that. It happened that way. When I was little they asked me: “What’s your name?” - answered, as my dad taught me: “Vasily Petrovich!” From then on it went like this... So what? I like it (laughs).

You are a student at a higher educational institution with a rather unusual name - the Volga Region State Social and Humanitarian Academy, a second-year student at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports. What are you going to become in the future?
Coach. And I think I can do something in this profession. I will pass on my boxing knowledge to another generation. But it’s probably too early to think about it yet.

Is it true that you study almost without C grades?
Is it true. I only have one C - in biochemistry. I manage to combine my studies with serious boxing training.

The already mentioned Vasily Shishov, who, by the way, has a very high opinion of your boxing qualities, recently named you the only candidate from the Samara region to participate in the 2016 Olympic boxing tournament. Do you yourself believe that you will be able to transform from a candidate into a participant?
Certainly! And after the victory in Khabarovsk, this faith in me strengthened even more. The dream of every athlete is to compete at the Olympic Games. This may sound banal, but it is true. And I will do everything in my power to get to Rio and win a medal.

Isn’t it confusing that two-time world champion, bronze medalist of the 2012 Olympic Games Misha Aloyan is boxing in your weight category?
No, it doesn’t bother me, because Misha was also once a candidate. There is competition in all weight categories. Aloyan is not Aloyan, you have to work hard. I have a wonderful coach who helps me with everything. And we have everything to fulfill our common dream. In my life, by the way, there have already been one Olympic Games - the first Youth Summer Olympic Games, held in 2010 in Singapore. I didn’t perform there, to put it mildly, the way I wanted - in the first fight I lost to an opponent from Puerto Rico, a finalist at the youth world championship. I was 17 years old then. That year I won the Russian youth championship for the first time. For me it was a real triumph - to be honest, I did not expect that I would be able to achieve such success. After that, he went to the World Championships in Baku, where in an even fight he lost to a local boxer in the semi-finals, but earned a ticket to the Youth Olympic Games. I arrived there in a very strong emotional state, my ambitions were overflowing. It seemed like I could move mountains. But, in the end, I could not cope with these emotions. And not everything worked out with the preparation - I didn’t stand in pairs for two weeks and as a result. But the next day after losing to the Puerto Rican in the battle for fifth place, he took convincing revenge from the same Azerbaijani whom he lost to in Baku, beating with a clear advantage. So, I know how to repay debts (smiles). And in this regard, I hope someday I will get even for my first Olympic failure, now at the real Olympic Games.

Do you have a life motto?
Eat. “I’m tired, but I endure and don’t give up.”

President of the Samara Region Boxing Federation A.A. Korolev I am pleased: with the support of the government and the provincial Ministry of Sports, he did everything to prove: our region remains one of the leading ones on the boxing map of Russia, and we have someone to delegate to the Olympic team. Only the peculiarities of the system for obtaining a personalized Olympic license, which gives the right to compete in Rio 2016, do not yet allow us to count on the fact that Vasily Vetkin next summer will represent the Samara region at the main tournament of the four-year anniversary.

“In weight up to 52 kg, he has a personal Olympic license from Russia Misha Aloyan. And at the moment he will represent the country at the Olympics in this weight - we have already confirmed his candidacy for the national team,” said the executive director of the Russian Boxing Federation, winner of the European and World Championships E.B. Sudakov.

The VK correspondent saw such a full house for the first time at the MTL Arena: the spectators occupied all the seats in the stands and on the ground, and there were still numerous boxing fans in the hall and on the street who did not have enough seats. They, listening to the commentator's announcements and the roar of the stands, tried to imagine what was happening in the ring at that second.

“For fans of the Samara region, the main match is the final with the participation of fellow countryman Vasily Vetkin. But every fight is interesting here. The championship went great. The organizing committee, headed by Andrei Korolev, held the tournament with all their hearts, based on the results of which the team for the next Olympic cycle is formed. After the 2016 Olympics, many old-timers of the national team will leave - some will become professionals, others will end their career in boxing. And Vasily is a young athlete, and if he trains and progresses, he will be number one on the national team and can become a participant in the next Olympics,” Sudakov handed out advances to Vetkin.

In the final, Vetkin boxed in the second pair. His “warm-up” team was “mukhachi” - in the weight category up to 49 kg he became the national champion Bator Sagulaev from Buryatia, defeating his fellow countryman Belika Galanova. With an opponent in the final - Hovik Hovhannisyan(Moscow region/Dagestan) - Vetkin has already met and won his first “golden” championship - in Khabarovsk, in 2013. But, judging by the first round of the fight in Samara, Hovik was ready to take revenge: using his height advantage and attacking more variedly, Hovhannisyan, according to him, won the first round. “Vasya, left!” Vasya, strike first - you’ll be late!” - hints from the hall rushed from all sides. And after every successful action of the main boxing hope of the Samara region, Vasily Vetkin, there is loud applause. And when the boxers butted heads, silence fell in the hall. The huge monitor showed Hovhannisyan’s broken eyebrow, from which blood was gushing. The referee stopped the fight - Hovik could not continue the fight. Based on the number of points scored by that time, Vetkin won.

“I shook hands with fellow countryman, two-time Russian champion Vasily Vetkin and his coach Yuri Nikolaevich Khoroshev. On December 15, we will host a boxing tournament for the mayor's prizes. There we will honor our champion,” the head of the Novokuibyshevsk administration told VK A.A. Konovalov. And the championship belt was presented to Vetkin by the president of the regional federation A.A. Korolev.

The second medal of the Samara region was brought by a 19-year-old Timur Pirdamov. A native of Tyumen entered SamSTU together with his older brother, a master of sports in boxing. Tagir Pirdamov and won the right to compete at the national championship in Samara. And already being the winner of the Russian and European championships among youth, he won his first medal among adults, competing in the 81 kg category. In the semi-finals he lost to the experienced vice-champion of the Russian Federation To Imam Khataev from Chechnya - 0:3 and together with Daniil Shved from Vologda climbed to the third step of the podium.

"I'm disappointed that we couldn't complete the final fight"

Two-time Russian boxing champion Vasily Vetkin from Novokuybyshevsk accepted congratulations calmly and casually.

I'm happy, but I keep my emotions inside. That being said, I am disappointed that we were unable to complete our final battle with Hovik Hovhannisyan due to a cut in the opponent's eyebrow. The situation seems to be typical - we butted heads. And no one is to blame for this. But I immediately apologized to Hovik for this collision. We are friends with him, we constantly communicate at training camps. And I certainly didn’t want to end my ending like that.

- You have already defeated Hovhannisyan at the 2013 Russian Championship. Compare these fights.

Both turned out to be complex and spectacular. At the Russian Championship in Khabarovsk we had a full semi-final match, and the judges gave me the victory. I started the fight well in Samara, but the ending of the first round was unsuccessful for me. But the second round, in my opinion, I won confidently. And then we bumped heads. Hovik has a broken eyebrow, I have a huge lump.

- Russian 2014 champion Misha Aloyan did not come to Samara...

I'm calm about this. If he had come to Samara, I would have fought him if I had reached the final. And he showed me what my coach taught me over 12 years of boxing. I didn’t come - I became a two-time national champion at home. Do I have a chance to get to the 2016 Olympics and will I participate in the qualifying tournaments? Don't know.

The Russian boxing championship ended in Samara. This year the tournament brought together most of the country's strongest athletes. There were many holders of personalized Olympic licenses. In some weight categories, several Russians received an Olympic license. And, as you know, only one athlete can represent a country in one weight category. It was the Russian Championship that was supposed to answer who was more worthy of a trip to the Olympics.

In addition, there were many other intrigues. The leaders of Russian boxing were known, but everyone was waiting for new names. One of the discoveries of the tournament was Samara resident Timur Pirdamov, who won a bronze medal.

This, however, is not the only medal won by Samara athletes. A boxer from Novokuybyshevsk, Vasily Vetkin, reached the final of the competition. Vetkin fought for victory. And he achieved it!

But first things first

Up to 49 kg

In this weight category, Bator Sagaluev (Republic of Buryatia - Khabarovsk Territory) and Belik Galanov (Moscow Region - Republic of Buryatia) reached the finals. Bator took revenge from his opponent for his defeat in the quarterfinals of last year's Russian Championship. Although the battle turned out to be very equal. This is evidenced by the final score – 2:1, not 3:0.

Dorzho Shargakshanov, coach of the 2015 Russian champion Bator Sagaluyev: “ Belik and I ( Galanov – Auto.) have already boxed. We know him well. He is a three-time Russian champion. A very strong opponent. But today we had luck. The guys boxed very well. I think Bator simply outplayed his opponent. He was more accurate and worked through the fight freely. Technically he was stronger.

I think that Bator generally performed very well in the competition. It is unlikely that in his fights the judges had any questions about the winner. His technical and tactical skills were on point.”

Belik GalanovThis is the seventh time I have boxed in the finals of the national championships. Won three times. And now, the fourth silver. We meet Bator for the second time. Last year I won it in the quarterfinals of the Russian Championship. This time it was not possible to repeat the success. Losing in the final is, of course, a disappointment for me. In the first round I worked as expected. The second round didn’t work out for me a little. The third, like the first, boxed with dignity. But the judges gave it 2:1. Probably on point.

I am satisfied with my tactics and physical condition at the tournament. Now at the training camp I will prove my skills to the coaches.”

Up to 52 kg

This is the main weight category for the Samara public. A local athlete, Vasily Vetkin, reached the final here. He was opposed by Hovik Hovhannisyan (Moscow region - Republic of Dagestan). Both boxers are quite strong, but few doubted that Vetkin would be able to win the home championship. And so it happened. The Samara region has a champion again!

Vasily Vetkin, Russian champion 2015: “ Last year I was unable to compete in the final due to a cut. But this is a combat situation, a combat moment. Now fate has returned the favor. The opponent today was very tough. It was necessary to give all the best. But it cannot be otherwise, this is the finale. I'm very glad that I won. Because I was very nervous before the fight. I slept terribly. But I always sleep poorly before fights. I usually manage to fall asleep only in the morning and sleep for a couple of hours.

There are both pros and cons to the fact that the championship was held in Samara. On the one hand, this is a great responsibility: friends, parents, acquaintances, relatives, and the whole city. Everyone is watching, cheering, worrying. This is an additional burden. But, on the other hand, it is support. And in some ways it’s easier that everyone is rooting for you.

This year is currently the most difficult in my career. Far from the most successful. Therefore, I prepared very seriously for the championship. I was completely focused on the championship. I am very happy to become a two-time national champion!

Now my immediate plans are to get some sleep, take a break from moral stress, competitions, and heal my wounds.

I don’t know yet whether I will participate in competitions to get a ticket to the Olympics. In boxing, there are big changes in qualifying for the Olympic Games. In many weight categories we already have 2 licenses. Therefore, anything is possible.

Who is my main rival? Many people think that Misha Aloyan. But I can’t say for sure. Misha is already an older boxer. He has an Olympic license. And if he goes to the Olympics, then I think this will be one of his last tournaments. And then there are several strong, younger athletes.”

Up to 56 kg

Vladimir Nikitin (Belgorod region) – holder of an Olympic license. In the final he was opposed by a young boxer from the Novosibirsk region, Shakhrier Akhmedov. The fight turned out to be controversial, as was the judges’ decision to give the victory to Nikitin. At least, that’s what a considerable part of the public thought, calling Akhmedov “a real champion” after the fight. The athlete himself was either upset because of the judges’ decision, or was still happy about the second place, but during the award ceremony he could not resist and shed a tear. It was a very touching moment.

Shahrier Akhmedov, silver medalist of the Russian Championship 2015: “ On the one hand, of course, I’m glad that I made it to the finals. But it’s a shame that I didn’t win. But this happens, this is boxing. The main thing is not to become limp, but to move on. I think everything will be fine in the future.

As for the final, I had a worthy opponent. They already know him better. He has a license for the Olympics. And I'm a beginner. I think this could have influenced the judges' decision.

And I think that I defeated Vladimir. In all rounds I was stronger, better! In the future I will try to show myself. At the moment I consider this the main achievement in my career. But I hope that soon I will no longer be able to say that.

The judges decided to sweeten the pill for Shahrier by declaring him the winner in the “Technical and Tactical Training” category.

Up to 60 kg

Dmitry Polyansky (Belgorod region) and Artur Subkhankulov (Republic of Bashkortostan) reached the finals. Polyansky, of course, was considered the favorite, and Subkhankulov was a dark horse. However, the athlete from Bashkortostan performed a high-quality fight, but this was not enough to win. Dmitry Polyansky became the national champion.

It is noteworthy that Artur Subkhankulov is trained by Maria Karabanova. The only female coach at this Russian Championship.

Maria Karabanova, coach of the 2015 Russian Championship silver medalist Artur Subkhankulov: “ I have many wards. At first, maybe there were problems with the guys. But now there is complete mutual understanding. We have been working with Arthur for 9 years. This is my most successful student. His second place is the best result in my career. But I'm upset. The fight turned out, in principle, as we planned. Was a little unsuccessful, maybe the first round. We should have started better.

Polyansky is a famous boxer, high-class, very experienced. Therefore, to win we needed to be more confident, more powerful.”

Up to 64 kg

Armen Zakaryan (Novosibirsk region) has already earned an Olympic license and was the undisputed favorite at the Russian Championship in his weight category. In the final, he defeated his less experienced opponent, Grigory Lizunenko (UGRA).

Alexander Lebzyak, head coach of the Russian national team: “ Armen is a titled athlete. Won in class. In some places he outwitted his opponent, in others he held him back. At the same time, it cannot be said that he gave all his best. I played the whole tournament very confidently.”.

Up to 69 kg

This is definitely the most intriguing fight of the final day of the 2015 Russian Championship. Radzhab Butaev (Republic of Dagestan - Rostov Region) and Andrey Zamkovoy (Moscow Region - Khabarovsk Territory) determined which of them would go to the Olympics. The fight was very emotional and intense. Not for life, but for death. After the second round, Zamkovoy's wound opened - the consequences of the cut he received in the semi-finals. However, this did not prevent the athlete from continuing the fight and winning. Andrei Zamkovoy became the champion of Russia, and now it is he who must go to the Olympic Games.

Gennady Ryzhikov, coach of the 2015 Russian champion Andrei Zamkov: “ At first they wanted to fight Andrei and Rajab in the first fight, as was the case in the weight category up to 75 kg. But in this case, the loser does not get into the team. Therefore, we decided to go through the entire tournament and test ourselves. It turned out that the preparation was good. We had 2 stages of training. We went to Kislovodsk ourselves, the second camp was with the Moscow region. Everything went well. As you can see, Andrey’s “physics” is in perfect order. Technical and tactical training is also at the level.

At the last championship, Andrei lost to Butaev, but in this fight he definitely beat him. Andrey’s class is higher, we will prepare for the Olympic Games!”

Andrey Zamkovoy,
Russian champion 2015: “ I came here only for victory. Glad it worked out. Before the final, of course, I was nervous. Not without it. But this is not my first Russian championship, not my first final. I got over myself. I came out and proved that I am the champion of Russia!

The opponent in the final did not surprise anyone. And I was fulfilling the task of a coach. It was necessary to move, work as number two, get ahead, throw punches. It didn't always work out, but often I got it. The main thing was not to give in to emotions.

I got a cut in the semi-finals. It just didn't have time to heal. In the second round, Rajab and I hit our heads and I started bleeding again. The doctors quickly stopped the bleeding, and I continued the fight.

Now, in theory, I should go to the Olympics if everything goes well. There, only gold will be a good result for me!”

Up to 75 kg

In this weight category, the main fight, on the contrary, has already taken place a long time ago. In the first fight, Olympic license holders Artem Chebotarev (Moscow region - Saratov region) and Pyotr Khamukov (St. Petersburg) met each other. Petr Khamukov won this fight, after which he did not continue to compete at the championship. After all, he accomplished the main task - to win the right to go to the Olympics.

In the absence of the team leaders, Maxim Koptyakov (KhMAO) and Andrey Kovalchuk (KhMAO) made it to the finals. Kovalchuk celebrated the victory.

Andrey Kovalchuk, Russian champion 2015: “ My final battle had not yet begun, but was already over. I got cut in the semi-finals. And in the final, my opponent and I butted heads. My wound opened and started bleeding heavily. They couldn't stop her. Therefore the battle was stopped. And I won on points. Before the cut, I tried to carry out my plan: put pressure, attack.”

Up to 81 kg

In the finals, Georgy Kushitashvili (Moscow region) and Imam Khataev (Chechen Republic) met, defeating Samara athlete Timur Pirdamov in the semi-finals. Kushitashvili celebrated the victory. George, perhaps, became the main discovery of the tournament. Before the championship, few believed that the athlete would surpass all his more experienced opponents. And the 19-year-old guy showed everyone his strength.

Bato Batuev, coach of the 2015 Russian champion Georgy Kushitashvili: “ Before the tournament, of course, I didn’t expect that Georgy would be able to win. He is only 19 years old. The weight is serious. I considered Daniil Shved to be the main contender for victory. We beat him in the semi-finals.

Although at first we were faced with the task of getting into the prizes. However, before the final I already considered Georgiy the favorite. He performed so well at the tournament. Although the battle was expected to be difficult. Khataev is a good master. We built the battle according to the old Soviet school: shuttle. Fight - shuttle - then fight.

I had another ward - Belik Galanov (up to 49 kg). However, we haven’t worked with him for about 4 months. But I was still worried about him, even though I didn’t get to watch his fight. But congratulations to him on his good performance at the championship!”

Up to 91 kg

Everyone considered Alexey Egorov (Kaluga region) to be the clear favorite. Russia has two Olympic licenses in this weight category. One of them is just at Egorov’s. The second one belongs to Evgeniy Tishchenko, but the athlete did not come to Samara for the championship. Alexey Egorov confidently reached the final, where he had to fight Sadam Magomedov (Vladimir region - Republic of Dagestan). And then thunder struck! It was Magomedov who won the battle and, to the surprise of many, became the champion of Russia.

Sadam Magomedov, Russian champion 2015: “ I had a rather complicated calendar. Got into 5 fights. For myself, the main thing was not to get injured or cut before the final in order to compete for first place. I really wanted to win. Last year, I lost to Egorov in the semi-finals. Before that, he beat me one more time. That's why I wanted revenge. Thank God it all worked out! I completed my task. I knew that my opponent likes to work as number one, a strongman. He moves forward all the time and doesn’t think much about defense. Therefore, I tried to work on counterattacks. Of course, there is still some work to be done. I will try".

Over 91 kg

In the final of one of the most prestigious weight categories, Magomed Omarov (Moscow region - Republic of Dagestan) and Maxim Babanin (Volgograd region) met. Experts considered the athlete from Volgograd to be the favorite in this pair. And Maxim did not allow a sensation, becoming the champion of Russia for the first time in his career.

Sergey Bagdasaryan, coach of the 2015 Russian champion Maxim Babanin: “ This is not the first tournament for us, not the second, and not even the third. We have been persistently knocking on the door since 2008. Since then, Maxim has already been second 4 times and third 2 times. And, lo, we succeeded the seventh time!

We knew our opponent in the final well. Maxim boxed with him four times before. Max won twice, Omarov twice. I set up Maxim to take the initiative into his own hands and constantly hang on to his opponent. Of course, it turned out a little nervous. But Maxim completed the installation.

Maxima, you know what makes it different. He wasn't nervous before the fight. Experience, you can't say anything. He has already boxed with the Cubans. By the way, today Tyson Fury beat Vladimir Klitschko, and 7 years ago Maxim beat Fury in the final of the European Championship!

Our country does not yet have an Olympic license in this weight category. We will fight. A bad soldier is one who doesn’t dream of becoming a general!”

Alexander Kurochkin
Photo by Vildan Gimatdinov and from the FBI website
