“Unfeminine” sport: What Muay Thai taught me. Why is Muay Thai considered the best? What is more effective: k1 or Thai boxing

It would seem that if the names of two martial arts contain the word “boxing”, then they should be very similar in technique and rules. But that's not true. The difference between Thai boxing and regular boxing becomes clear to anyone who has seen such fights at least once. In fact, these are completely different sports, suitable for people with different needs and goals.

Definitions and history

Boxing is a type of martial arts, the main feature of which is that athletes strike only with their hands wearing special gloves. It originated a very long time ago: there are references to such fist fights in documents dating back to Antiquity. At the same time, boxing became one of the Olympic sports. However, in its modern version it appeared only in England in the 18th century. And in the middle of the 19th century, the first set of rules was compiled, which is still relevant today. By the way, it was this list that regulated the mandatory presence of gloves on athletes during a fight. It is worth noting that the rules were finally recognized in 1882. The classic form of boxing is still commonly called English.

Thai boxing is a type of martial art that originated in Thailand. It has its roots in the ancient martial arts of this country and Indochina. The second name for this type of martial arts is “Muay Thai”, which means “free fight”. Punching in Muay Thai is done with fists, elbows, feet, shins, and knees. During sparring, athletes, as in the case of regular boxing, wear gloves. Interestingly, in its homeland, Muay Thai is one of the compulsory classes in police training.

Difference between Muay Thai and regular boxing

As is clear from the definitions, the main difference between Thai boxing and regular boxing is that blows here are delivered not only with fists. It is not for nothing that Muay Thai is often called the fight of eight limbs.

The second important difference relates to the parts of the body that can be struck in these two types of boxing. English prohibits athletes from hitting each other below the belt. In addition, you cannot push, grab or choke, trip, bite, or spit. Hitting the back and kidneys is also prohibited.

In Muay Thai, kicks are used more often and are rated higher: they are considered more effective. In modern Muay Thai, grappling, groin strikes, choking techniques and amplitude throws are prohibited. You cannot hit your opponent with your head or attack someone who has fallen. During the battle, points are also deducted for any insult to the enemy, be it a word, a disrespectful gesture or something else. The most humiliating thing during Muay Thai is getting hit with the foot, because in Thailand this part of the body is considered despised. Even a small touch is like spitting in the face for an athlete. However, such strikes are not prohibited by the regulations.

Classic boxing imposes noticeable restrictions on athletes, since blows can only be struck with fists. But for the same reason, the clinch here is a relatively safe moment. Although there are also boxers who deliberately make a lot of grabs in order to exhaust the opponent and deprive him of the benefits of an active fight. At the same time, in Muay Thai, the clinch is one of the most dangerous stages of the fight, because powerful strikes with elbows and knees are allowed here, which in this position are difficult to see and prevent. It is due to this that those who master Thai boxing have special advantages in close combat, even during fights without rules.

Some differences are observed in the environment inherent in each of the two types of boxing. So, in English, for a fight you need a square ring, the side of which in modern competitions can vary from 3 to 7 m. Boxers conduct 3-minute rounds with a break of 1 minute.

Interestingly, Muay Thai fights are traditionally held to music. It sets the rhythm and helps the fighters concentrate. The duration of the round, as for regular boxing, is 3 minutes, but the fight takes place in a square ring with a side of 6 m.

In general, Thai boxing is considered one of the most traumatic and tough types of martial arts. Until 1929, when the rules for winning by points were established, fighters often left the ring dead or badly maimed. And giving up was considered a huge shame. English boxing is much less dangerous for the athletes themselves.

comparison table

The following table will once again briefly tell you what the difference is between Thai boxing and regular boxing.

When you get acquainted with the features of these two types of martial arts, it becomes clear why Thai boxing is considered bloodier, but at the same time more spectacular. If your goal is to learn how to defend yourself, then Muay Thai will be one of the best options. With good preparation, it will allow you to defeat your opponent quickly and effectively, even if your own weight and muscle mass are small. Do not forget that it was created in Thailand, where the entire population has a rather fragile complexion compared to representatives of other countries. Muay Thai is also often included in self-defense programs for women.

If you want to master a brutal form of martial arts and compete in competitions, without putting your health at great risk, then English boxing will obviously be the right choice.

You can sign up for both Thai and classical boxing with us →.

Good day, Soldiers! That's right, with a capital letter. I recently noticed one fact: if you read the answers to a question like: “Which self-defense school is best suited for action on the street?”, then they mostly recommend Muay Thai, and also “Russian style”.

Why is Muay Thai currently considered the best for full-contact combat, including on the street? And this is despite the abundance of existing not only medieval martial arts that have survived to our time, but also modern developments, such as the Kadochnikov Style, Unibos, and the Choi school, finally.

In order to find out public opinion, I posted a survey form on the main page. I won’t say that many people took part, but some conclusions can already be drawn.

I can definitely say the following: people’s opinions have changed somewhat over two decades. If in the eighties and nineties a certain standard of self-defense was karate and boxing, which were indeed recommended as an addition to sambo, now this is Burmese art, but this, in principle, is not surprising: this is the opinion, so to speak, of the younger generation.

Why exactly Muay Thai is currently considered the best for conducting a full-contact fight, including on the street? And this is despite the abundance of existing not only medieval martial arts that have survived to our time, but also modern developments, such as the Kadochnikov Style, Unibos, and the Choi school, finally.

The simpler the technique, the easier it is to learn and apply - no one will argue with this. One cannot argue with the fact that almost everyone who was involved in the creation of an applied school of self-defense eventually came to a similar set of attacking movements. Note that not to a similar, but to a similar arsenal. Even the well-known Bruce Lee never demonstrated the Wing Chun technique in his films, but what he has in abundance, even more than that, is roundhouse kicks and side-to-side-straight punches :) So, it’s unlikely that he was “taken down” by the reason for the disclosure of some family secrets (“”)

But obviously, it’s not just a matter of simplicity. I believe that people simply see clearly what is missing in this or that direction and are trying to somehow improve this matter. Boxing doesn't have enough leg action, please, here's American kickboxing, which was very popular at one time. Then, suddenly, they came to their senses: “Where are the elbows?” No elbows. We started looking, and here it comes in handy Muay Thai turned up. If it weren’t for him, they would have found something else.

Yes, in our time, some new martial arts are constantly being developed, sometimes they are quite good, capable of working not only without weapons, but also with them, as well as against them, but this is precisely the SYSTEM! And in Muay Thai Everything is simple and clear, and the necessary skills can be learned in the first months, in about six months.

Once upon a time it was truly a martial art, now it has turned into a sport, albeit a little harsh due to the use of “short-lever strikes” - elbows and knees, but this is common. For example, boxing is well known to all of us: so he completely lost his entire arsenal. And there were so many protections with stands (article: “). And all for the sake of sport. Sport is, first of all, attacks in non-dangerous zones: either the affected area itself is slightly injured, or it simply goes away under the influence of an attack (like a jaw under the side), as a result of which the force simply goes into emptiness, and in order for this remainder of the force to be knocked out, it is necessary to do it yourself the blow is very powerful.

Benefits of Muay Thai.

Simplicity of technology. Probably only boxing is simpler, but this is already too much, which is confirmed by the survey data.

A small correction needs to be made here. You can't say it's art Muay Thai primitive. They turned him into this, throwing away almost everything that was possible. Probably they would also rule out blows, but what would be left then :)? For example, remove your knees and elbows and Muay Thai will practically turn into kickboxing, if you remove the legs, then it will resemble boxing, in which you also use your elbows (by the way, an interesting fighting system is obtained: boxing plus elbows. Maybe someone will create something like that), the federation will register.

The manner of movement does not restrict the natural manner of movement of the body. This is a very important point. Pay attention to the manner in which, for example, karatekas move during their training, and how this matter is quickly forgotten when they step onto the platform: the fighters immediately begin to move like a boxer, although this matter is never practiced in training, but Only the sliding step is practiced, from which they “dance”.

Muay Thai, even despite the remaining skimpy technique and some primitiveness, it is quite spectacular in a fight, which many people really like: pumped-up guys enter the ring and generously begin to carry out attacks on each other, reminiscent of blows with logs :)

Lack of formal complexes. A very important argument. In order to diligently hone some complex over the course of many months, and then also decipher its application, i.e., try to use it in battle, then you really need a stubborn character, because you won’t get the kata right away.

We have one person at work who attended the Shotokan section and I remember his memories of training: “So you come and the same thing begins: warm-up, kata, sparring. And you do the kata and you don’t understand a damn thing and nothing is clear.”

In short, long complexes in Muay Thai replaced by practicing more practical combat sequences using “two, three movements.”

Constant work in pairs allows you to develop the skill of working with a person in general and with the enemy in particular and, as a result, they are not afraid of the upcoming battle. Pay attention to this point. In many schools, this stage is not given due attention and the required amount of time, and as a result, a person does not feel his partner, does not know how to work with him, does not know how to calculate his potential attacks based on the general position of the enemy’s body, no, knows how to adapt to the enemy and beat emerging situations in the most optimal way.

The trainee quickly acquires some initial skills that he can use in battle. I won’t say, of course, that these skills are specific, at the genetic level, but it’s quite possible to inflict a couple or two good splashes that demolish the top level in the form of a head;) Of course, the likelihood of fighting off a weapon remains in question, but Muay Thai no one claims it to be a supersystem.

In Muay Thai, a lot of time is spent working on the bag, which allows you to deliver a specific blow. But this is really a plus: too many people get carried away with other stages of practicing strikes, such as “working in the air”, “working with a partner”, but they don’t develop the strength of the ligaments on the bag, they don’t build the structure of the body, and they can’t do a full force release , and if they hit you with all their strength in battle, being “crazy,” then they are guaranteed to get injured.


The presence of advantages, of course, also implies disadvantages, which are often forgotten. They are as follows:

Exclusively working against one person, and in battle, as you know, there is almost always a numerical superiority. This, by the way, leads to the fact that the established stereotype of tactics and strategies developed in the gym are shattered to smithereens in a situation on the “street”.

Betting on sports Almost all throws, methods of impact on joints, various suffocations, holds and impacts on weak points of the human body, such as trampling toes, blows to the throat, the back of the head, “by sight”, breaking effects on fingers, were thrown out of the system. This whole thing has led to the fact that the appropriate counteraction is not practiced, and as a result, when faced with these types of attacks, the athlete begins to get lost and does not know what to do.

A huge disadvantage of the system is that practicing techniques in Muay Thai requires gloves., but street fighting does not recognize them, which is a great inconvenience for an athlete who is accustomed to working in them. See for yourself how things turn out. With their size, gloves not only play the role of a kind of protection in the form of “hard supports” for blows, which are possible only because the gloves are soft and soften the impact, but also a person, as a result of their constant use in the ring, reduces the rich arsenal of impacts with the hands to a primitive one. fist to nickel." There are no strikes with the palms, it is impossible to carry out grabs, attacks penetrate through those raised in defense, the enemy’s hands sharply roll down. In general, this topic is reminiscent of one incident at the dawn of the last century, when Europe, having heard enough rumors about the high level of Chinese fighters and almost believing in these rumors, decided to hold some kind of championship there, or something. They gathered their boxers, invited Chinese masters, and now pay attention, they put gloves on the Chinese that “they had never even seen before” and forced them to fight according to their own rules! The result is predictable - they lost on all counts. What could they do? Of all the manual techniques, only straight and lateral ones, kicks are prohibited, throws are impossible - of course, the Chinese masters, forced to fight according to foreign rules, lost outright.

And one more thing: either a minus or a plus, which is that: the places where strikes are applied are not entirely optimal for quickly removing the enemy from a combat-ready state. This is a minus, yes I agree, and a very significant one, but if you look at this matter from the other side, isn’t it a plus, since the enemy is not killed or injured, but is just “educated” ;) and there is a high probability that after battle, he will begin to respect you as a man and subsequently even begin to “handle you.”

But be that as it may, the advantages Muay Thai outweigh its disadvantages, because... A) People simply don’t need a combat system rich in an arsenal, because it seems to them that simplicity is the key to victory and there is a “great meaning” hidden in it. B) Muay Thai corresponds to our idea of ​​fighting like “one blow on the spot” and “a Russian hero does not hit twice.” C) Primary self-defense skills are acquired very quickly, since the technical castration of the system for the sake of sport ultimately led to a sharply increased speed of training and acquisition of the necessary skills. D) Due to the small technical arsenal, which is mastered quite quickly, some free time remains and it can be additionally spent on an athletic club, and then in general you get a straight Greek demigod: he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, knows how to fight, has the physique of Apollo, which automatically implies the following plus , and in particular the following: D) Sharply increased attention from the female half of humanity, which, of course, is pleasant /

The conclusion is the following. Muay Thai in the eyes of the majority, there is precisely that system in which there is an optimal ratio of the simplicity of the technical arsenal with the maximum effect of its use, which is the decisive factor in choosing your own self-defense school.

In the end, watch the video of how a low kick broke the leg, not of the opponent, but of the one carrying out the attack. The video is just terrible, it’s unpleasant to watch!

In my opinion (it may differ from others), the fracture occurred due to a very well-executed defense, as a result of which the point of contact fell on the upper half of the tibia, which led to a sharply increased force of the overlap, leading to a fracture of the tibia. But what surprised me most of all was the victim’s reaction: it was zero, that is, the man is completely indifferent! I thought he was going to roll around there in pain/

Over the past hundred years, millions of young people in Thailand have followed the rocky path to become famous boxers in Muay Thai, but only a handful have managed to achieve the status of "legendary fighter".

This is a very difficult competition and to reach the top in this sport requires years of dedication, grueling training, as well as enormous talent.

In the history of Muay Thai, the reward for these fighters is the eternal glory that they literally won.

Let us tell you about ten boxers who will be remembered for their achievements in the ring long after they hang up their gloves.

Samart Payakaroon

Samart Payakaroon, like no one else, deserves the reputation of an honored Muay Thai master of all times. His first championship titles Lumpinee he won the 47 kg (105 lb) class in 1980 and later added Lumpinee flyweight, flyweight and featherweight titles to his collection.

Samarth received the most prestigious of all annual awards in Muay Thai - "Fighter of the Year" several times in 1981, 1983 and 1988. Trained at a famous camp in Thailand Sityodtong.

In addition to Thai boxing, he also made a name for himself in professional boxing (21-2; 14 KOs): in 1986 he became World Champion bantamweight according to WBC.

He finished his career as a Thai boxer with a record of 129-19-2.

Dieselnoi Chor Thanasukarn

The 80s are the golden era of Muay Thai. Dieselnoi Chor Thanasukarn was a star of the era, winning the Lumpinee Lightweight Championship in 1981 and holding it until 1985. In the end, he ended his career undefeated.

Dieselnoy was famous for his knee technique. For some, the question of classifying him as a “legend” may seem controversial, but he won victories over many famous fighters, including Samart Payakaroon.

He finished his career with a record of 110-10-2.

Saenchai Sor Kingstar

Saenchai is already 34 years old, but he continues to perform at various promotions, and in a very busy schedule. He won his first title at Lumpinee Stadium at age 15 in the super flyweight division, and then he collected several more belts in his collection: bantamweight, super bantamweight, super featherweight and lightweight.

He was twice named "Fighter of the Year" in 1999 and 2008, highlighting his continued dominance in Muay Thai, which he held strong for over 10 years.

Saenchai is known for his dazzling performances using unorthodox attacks, including his famous cartwheel kick.

Today's statistics: 285-52-2.

Namsaknoi Yudthagarngamtorn

Namsaknoi Yudthagarngamtorn, nicknamed "The Emperor", defeated everyone he faced in the ring in different weight categories. Won the Lumpinee Lightweight Championship and held it for over five years. His achievements include belts in the second flyweight and second bantamweight categories. In 1996 he received the title "Fighter of the Year".

Record: 285-15

Orono Wor Petchpun

Orono has victories over Saenchai Sor Kingstar, Yodsaenklai Fairtex and Buakaw Por Pramuk - that's it!

He won the Lumpinee champion title in the super featherweight division, and also became the champion of Thailand in the featherweight and super featherweight categories. Has titles of various international organizations, such as WMC, WPMF, Showtime. Record: 120-36-3

Kongtoranee Payakaroon

Kongtoranee Payakaroon is Samart's older brother and is no less successful than his famous brother. He won Lumpinee titles in five different weight classes, ranging from flyweight to lightweight.

Record: 200-74

Fight with the famous Sakmongkol Sitnchuchoke

Nontachai Sit O

Nontachai Sit O won his first title in the bantamweight division at Lumpinee Stadium, also winning victories in other weights and was repeatedly awarded championship belts, moving up in the category above. Middleweight became stadium champion Rajdamnern. During his career he has more than 250 fights.

Sagetdao Petphayathai

Sagetdao Petphayathai has victories over such fighters as Saenchai Sor Kingstar, Petboonchu FA Group, Nong-O Gaiyagandao, Singdam Kiatmoo9, Penek Sitnumnoi and Anuwat Kaewsamrit. Among his achievements, he has champion titles in several weights: featherweight, super featherweight and lightweight.

Record: 162-62-1

Pornsanae Sitmonchai

He was the Lumpinee super bantamweight and featherweight champion, the Rajadmnern stadium super flyweight champion, and the Omnoy stadium super featherweight champion. This is one of the most famous fighters, he fought about 300 fights throughout his career, and won the respect of the public with his aggressive style.
Record: 200-54-8, 87 wins by knockout.

The fight "Pornsanae vs Pakorn", which took place in 2010 at Lumpinee Stadium, received the nomination "Fight of the Year".

Buakaw Por Pramuk - Sombat Banchamek

Buakaw did not win titles at either Lumpinee or Rajadamnern. Featherweight won the Omnoy Stadium title. He won the K-1 tournaments in Japan in 2004 and 2006. Let me say that it was thanks to these victories that Muay Thai began to attract the interest of an international audience.
Buakawa's achievements include many victories in various tournaments and various competitions.

How do Thai boxing schools (Muay Thai) differ from sports clubs and kickboxing sections? What is better and more effective for a street fight – Kickboxing or Thai boxing? Who will defeat whom in a free fight without restrictions in the rules - a wrestler or a boxer?

This question has been asked many times, is being asked, and will probably be asked by many strong and strong people to themselves and to each other since early childhood. In order to be able to stand up for oneself and learn to fight even earlier before the 90s. in the territories of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, children were engaged in classical boxing or wrestling, judo, and sambo. And the most daring and strong managed to do both.

When in the early 90s. Karate-do came out of the ban, Kickboxing and Thai boxing appeared, many boys and older children poured into gyms, schools and sections like an avalanche to master these formidable martial arts. At first, many teenagers rushed to take classes in Japanese karate-do, or Chinese or Vietnamese kung fu. However, through my own example in street battles I had to be convinced of the strength and effectiveness of the old schools of wrestling and classical boxing. But soon the opportunity arose to practice Kickboxing and Thai Boxing (Muay Thai).

If we explain it in a simplified way, it turns out that by adding kicks to the body and head to classic English boxing, you get the Full Contact Kickboxing section. If you add kicks to the opponent’s legs from the outside and inside to Full Contact, you get the Low Kick section of Kickboxing. And finally, if you add knees and elbows to the body and head (as well as knees to the legs), grabbing the opponent’s legs with your hands, Thai “twists” and throws in the clinch (in close combat) to the Low Kick Kickboxing section, you get Thai Boxing (Muay Thai).

In Kickboxing there is also a Semi-contact section, according to the rules of which very light blows and touches are applied, but we will not write about this for obvious reasons.

But in the K-1 Kickboxing section, unlike Muay Thai, you can hit the body with your knee only once (i.e., not serially), and you cannot strike with your elbows or grab the opponent’s leg at all. In order to experience the difference between Kickboxing and Muay Thai for themselves, many outstanding athletes from Russia and Belarus had and still have to compete in both areas. But for this, the guys trained for years and mastered the striking and defensive school of classical boxing, striking and defensive techniques with their legs, and the technique of fighting in close combat in the clinch with knees and elbows. And all this variety of punches, kicks, knees and elbows in Thai boxing is mastered either separately or together, depending on the most diverse teaching methods of Muay Thai, which, together with the athletes, are polished and honed by the most experienced trainers, both in the Republic of Belarus and in various cities and regions of the vast Russian Federation.

In the Republic of Belarus, a single federation immediately unites Kickboxing and Muay Thai, and its athletes sometimes have to perform and defend the honor of the country at various International competitions in both these sports at different periods of time. Because The Russian Federation is much larger in territory and population than the Republic of Belarus, and on its territory the Kickboxing and Thai Boxing Federations are developing separately very successfully, brightly and dynamically. But also, high-class athletes from Russia have had the opportunity to compete more than once not only in Thai boxing, but also in Kickboxing, and sometimes in boxing, MMA, martial arts, grappling, etc. And such athletes deserve enormous respect for their versatility, the enormous work done in mastering the skills of the most diverse schools of boxing and wrestling. But individually, of course, each highly specialized Muay Thai school, Kickboxing section, boxing and wrestling clubs and their athletes and coaches are worthy of respect and attention.

So, in order to compete in the Full Contact Kickboxing section, you need to master the school of boxing first-class, plus striking techniques with kicks to the body and head, move dynamically around the ring and deliver a crushing series of punches and kicks above the waist, and also be able to defend against them. To perform in the Low Kick Kickboxing section, you need to master everything mentioned above in Full Contact and additionally striking and defensive techniques with kicks on the opponent’s legs from the outside and inside. But in order to perform in the K-1 Kickboxing section, you need to additionally master the striking technique with your knees. And here we have to remember that the K-1 Kickboxing section itself appeared after Muay Thai, or simply put, Thai boxing, loudly declared itself.

In Thailand, Muay Thai is a national pride. The army, the police, and the general population are involved in it. Thai fighters deserve the respect, love and admiration of spectators far beyond the borders of Thailand.

And now, finally, in order to try themselves in the ring in a real fight at amateur or professional Muay Thai tournaments, athletes have to master not only the striking technique briefly described above about Kickboxing, but also the striking and defensive techniques with the knees and elbows of Thai Boxing. Often in Thailand, the entire fight according to the rules of Muay Thai can come down to close combat in the clinch.

And only by having the skills to fight, unbalance the enemy and simultaneously deliver lightning-fast strikes with knees and elbows to the body and head, as well as the skills to defend against such techniques, can you expect that you will survive in the literal sense of the word, and if the power and truth is behind you , then you will win!

And because guys in Russia and Belarus are strong in body and spirit, fearless, hardworking and passionately love their homeland, then every year over the past decades, our athletes become European and World Champions on different continents of the globe in both Kickboxing and Muay Thai!

But for this it is necessary to do a huge amount of work and put in a lot of labor, both physical in a sports club or a Thai boxing school, Kickboxing sections, as well as mental and spiritual. And thanks to this, our athletes today, tomorrow, and always will be strong and invincible. And morally, physically and spiritually trained athletes and excellent students in combat and political training will serve in the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia!!!

Come train at our Fight Club “BULAT GOLD”! Practice Thai boxing and kickboxing for yourself, for the sport, and for our entire state of the Russian Federation as a whole!

Increasingly, traditional sets of exercises aimed at gaining mass, stretching and strengthening muscles are giving way to martial arts. Recently, various sports have gained unprecedented popularity. The most relevant are boxing and Thai boxing, or, as this sport is also called, Muay Thai. The effectiveness of martial arts is tens of times greater than the benefits of classical fitness exercises. Fighters burn a huge amount of calories and work almost all their muscles. And people who choose martial arts for themselves also train their psychological health.

Boxing and Muay Thai: basic information

Very often, novice athletes are worried about the question: what to choose - boxing or Thai boxing? To answer it, it’s worth taking a closer look at the types of struggle. The main similarity between these two types of martial arts lies in the fighting technique. It is based on impacts. Both boxing and Muay Thai are optimal for defense in real-world conditions. After all, strikes do not require holding the enemy, which means they provide mobility. In addition, both types require a correct attitude towards the enemy. Opponents are prohibited from using verbal and physical insults not only before and during the fight, but also after it. There is also a code of honor, according to which fighters are obliged to respect the laws and traditions of the country where the competition is taking place, and to be an example of honesty and nobility.

Fighting styles: is there a difference?

Despite the similarities, boxing and Muay Thai have significant differences. For example, in boxing you can only strike with your hands; attacks with your elbows or shoulders are strictly prohibited! For safety reasons, boxers use special gloves. By the way, the range of strikes is also limited - you can only strike them at the upper part of the enemy’s body. A hook below the belt is a direct path to disqualification. In addition, boxers are not allowed to:

  • hustle;
  • bite;
  • strike the back of the head;
  • hit the kidneys.

Both boxing and Thai boxing are prohibited. The differences are that in Muay Thai the “peaceful distance” between athletes is significantly reduced. Muay Thai is a much tougher form of martial arts. In addition to fists, in Muay Thai you can strike with elbows, shins, knees, and feet. In the United States of America, Muay Thai is called "death combat" due to its ruthlessness and effectiveness. After all, the blows that opponents inflict on each other are powerful and swift, making them extremely difficult not only to block, but even to see!

Another unique feature of Muay Thai martial arts is the musical accompaniment. The incredible combination of flute and drums, which is traditional Thai music, makes the fights especially spectacular.

Who is suitable for Muay Thai and boxing?

Martial arts are available to people of any age. However, it is better to start a sports career at the age of seven to ten years. Very often, parents are convinced that boxing is synonymous with high rates of injury, but it is worth noting that teachers competently structure the training process, minimizing possible risks. There is no point in refusing to exercise using the excuse of being overweight. It's very easy to get into shape while practicing boxing or Muay Thai.

Like other sports, boxing and Muay Thai are not for everyone. To practice martial arts, you need not only a healthy mind, but also a healthy body. There are a number of contraindications. The following people will not be accepted into the Muay Thai club:

  • with cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • heart disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • leukemia;
  • anemia;
  • hemophilia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • arthritis.

Martial arts rules

If you decide that boxing or Muay Thai is a must-have for you, it’s worth getting acquainted with the basic principles and rules of these sports and their history.

Muay Thai has been known to mankind since ancient times. Historians say that Thai boxing appeared more than twenty centuries ago! Boxing is much younger - it was only recognized as a sport in the eighteenth century. It was only in 1892 that the first professional fights began to take place.

The Russian Thai Boxing Federation approved the first competition rules in 1996. The fifth edition of these rules, adopted ten years later, in 2006, is now in effect. All changes to the regulations were made in accordance with the recommendations of the world's largest Thai boxing organization WMF.

At amateur boxing competitions, equipment is required. A helmet, mouth guard, knee protectors and groin shells can help prevent serious injury. But for professional Thai fighters, the use of equipment is optional. Amateur fights most often take place in a five-six meter ring; professional matches require a larger ring - about seven meters. There is a division into weight categories in Thai boxing. A coach with extensive experience will introduce the intricacies of the rules to a novice athlete who comes to a Thai boxing club. For example, only a professional can teach you how to strike correctly. The trainer can also tell you why Thai boxing is also called the art of eight limbs or “eight-arm boxing.”

Boxers, both professional and amateur, coaches and boxing veterans are united by the Russian Amateur Boxing Federation. This organization appeared in 1992. Its main goal is to popularize boxing and its development among the population of our country. It is the Amateur Federation that organizes boxing competitions at all levels and improves the qualifications of athletes and coaches.

Competition rules significantly limit boxers. The most important condition is one weight category. In addition, athletes are prohibited from turning away from the opponent and hitting him with anything other than a clenched fist. The age of amateurs competing in international competitions cannot be less than 17 or more than 34 years. But the only limitation for professional boxers can be their physical condition.

Boxer and Thai boxer equipment

Depending on what you choose - boxing or Thai boxing, you should think about choosing quality equipment. Several centuries ago, the “Thais” needed only two strips of horse skin. The fighters wrapped them around their fists. Today, in order to avoid serious injuries, athletes use a whole arsenal of protective equipment. A mouthguard helps preserve your tongue and teeth, and ankle socks will protect you from spraining your ankles. An inguinal shell made of metal would also not be out of place. Shin guards and knee pads are essential items when sparring. In addition, a novice athlete will need bandages to help maintain the correct position of the hand, and light gloves. Thai boxing classes require light shoes and Thai shorts.

A similar set will be needed for those who chose a shell bandage, comfortable sportswear and shoes, bandages and gloves. A special helmet will protect the boxer from concussions and cuts. And special shoes - boxers - are a real salvation from sprains and dislocations.

Boxer's first aid kit

Athletes who choose boxing or Muay Thai are susceptible to various injuries. Therefore, it is important to select the necessary medications. The first thing you need to purchase is bandages, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide. Iodine, ammonia, warming and cooling ointments and sprays will not be superfluous. Antitumor and pain medications may also be helpful.

Boxing is about strength, but Thai boxing is about speed. Everyone determines the pros and cons of these two martial arts for themselves. But athletes who have devoted more than one year to fighting can give beginners useful advice:

  • it is worth using deceptive movements followed by an attack;
  • provoke an opponent to attack and attack him sharply;
  • do not expose the back of your head or back to your opponent;
  • do not be motionless so that the opponent does not have time to find a weak spot;
  • change the rhythm of the fight and position so that the opponent does not get used to them;
  • mix long and short attacks;
  • monitor external manifestations of pain and fatigue and under no circumstances show them.

Not the weaker sex: women in boxing and “thai”

Increasingly, martial arts are chosen by representatives of the fair half of humanity. There are many reasons for this: firstly, boxing and Muay Thai are good cardio training. Thanks to regular exercise, you can lose excess weight and improve your cardiovascular system.

Secondly, women are attracted by the quick effect: the muscles almost immediately become sculpted and toned. And thirdly, boxing and tai-boxing classes help you develop a reaction and learn the basics of self-defense. The main condition for women is the use of breast protection made of elastic material with sewn-in plastic cups.
