How can a child get into a football club? Head of the academy's selection service: “decisions on the enrollment of football players are made collectively. “Mom barely managed to take the money from the institute”

The education of young athletes, in particular football players, is an integral and fundamental part of the work of most domestic professional league clubs. The development of the CSKA Academy is a priority area of ​​activity for the CSKA team. The school creates optimal conditions so that the maximum possible number of children go through all stages of development on the way to the youth and main teams.

general information

The CSKA Academy was founded in 1954 as a training group for young football players under the CDSA team. In 1970, the division was reorganized into a children's and youth department. Since 2001, the group has been part of the structure of PFC CSKA.

The youth sports school trains young athletes in 13 age categories, the total number of students is about 400 people. Main groups:

  • Recruitment class.
  • Initial training group.
  • Educational and training teams.
  • Category of sports improvement.
  • Youth team.

Gaming competitions

Starting from the educational and training stage, young athletes participate in various tournaments and competitions. The youth group plays in the Club League for the Russian Federation Championship among sports and football schools of the PFC of the Moscow region. Guys from the sports improvement group also participate in the Robert Fulda Cup Tournament. Junior squads try their hand at matches for Federation prizes. The team is represented by two squads. Also, teams of different ages play in international tournaments.

Recruitment to the CSKA football academy

Every March, April and September, the CSKA football academy recruits boys aged 6-11 years. For viewing, which takes place on the sidelines of the school, a child’s medical certificate, sports uniform and birth certificate are required. Information about the time and place of collection is preliminarily posted on the official website in the “Announcements” column. The selection of candidates is carried out in two stages, which we will consider in more detail.

First stage of competitive selection

For an objective assessment, at least two specialists from the CSKA Academy are involved. Tests are carried out in the following mode:

  1. Gymnastic exercises (warm-up). At this stage, the development of flexibility, dexterity and coordination of the applicant is tested.
  2. Game test 15x15, or “magpie-crow”. Chips are placed on the corners and sides of the playing square in an amount exceeding the number of participants by 4. The “forty” team is placed behind the square, and the “crows” inside it. The Magpies must guard the chips, preventing their opponents from stealing them, while not entering the square and trying to pick off other players approaching the chips. The Crows must pick up the chips without leaving the square. The stolen elements are stacked in the center of the square. "Magpie", which was salted by "raven", leaves the game, just like their opponent, who entered the square. The team that collects the most chips in the allotted time wins. Teams are divided into 5-6 players, and reaction speed, dexterity, and game thinking are monitored during the process.
  3. Simplified handball. The next test at the CSKA Academy is carried out on a platform measuring 20x15 meters. Teams of 5-6 people play handball. At the same time, it is prohibited to take more than 5 steps with the ball, to be rude and to carry out painful holds and holds. Here experts observe game aggressiveness, speed, team thinking and agility.
  4. Mini football. Two teams of 5-6 people play mini-football. The same qualities are assessed as in the previous test.
  5. A three/quarter lap race around the stadium. Volitional indicators are tracked and summed up with the scores of passed tests.

Evaluation after the first stage

At the CSKA Football Academy, after passing the first test, the possibility of enrolling applicants is considered, taking into account all the completed tasks. The number of accepted guys should slightly exceed the permissible norm. Then, interviews and questionnaires are conducted with young athletes.

Assessment of tasks is carried out according to the “+” or “-” principle. The first meaning applies to guys who show good abilities or compensate for their shortcomings through other achievements. A minus means lack of initiative, weak will and physical qualities.

The main criteria assessed are: game thinking, sports aggressiveness and fighting parameters, strong-willed qualities.

The second stage of final admission to the CSKA football academy

At this stage, the student undergoes a probationary period, which can last from several months to two years. During this period, the degree of each boy's ability is assessed. The test is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the term.

  1. 30 meter run.
  2. Jumping test.
  3. Agility tests.
  4. Monitoring the development of playful thinking.
  5. Testing of sports aggressiveness.

Based on the observations of the CSKA football academy coach and testing results, the growth of the young athlete and his ability to learn are assessed. Then conclusions are drawn about the child’s further stay in the group. The main tests are selected individually by trainers, taking into account the age characteristics of the applicants. The main task is to record and compare the final and initial indicators.


On the territory of the CSKA Academy in Moscow there are two football fields equipped with modern artificial turf. There is a natural lawn for the children at the Oktyabr stadium. In addition, the school infrastructure includes a fitness center, a games room for training in the winter, a medical rehabilitation complex, and a swimming pool. In winter, classes are also held in the Army Men's physical therapy arena.

There is a boarding school for out-of-town students. It is home to about 50 young athletes from various regions of the country. Medical observation and examination of students is carried out by leading clinics in the capital, whose specialists serve the first and youth teams.

Let's summarize

It has long been recognized throughout the world that talents in any field of human activity are born everywhere in almost uniform quantities. To identify and develop abilities, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions. The CSKA football school is trying to discover talent in this sport. Providing optimal conditions for the development of capable young athletes is the key to a successful future of domestic football.

In parallel with the good organization of classes and the educational and training process, adequate and correct selection should be carried out. The imperfection of some methods or the subjective underestimation of the capabilities of young men leads to sad consequences for both the student and the sport. Today, the base of the PFC CSKA Academy has an excellent material and technical basis that allows it to realize opportunities at a high professional level.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA

How to get to the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA?
You can get into the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA by passing a special selection for the army school.

When does the selection process for the Youth and Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA take place?
Selection for the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA is held annually twice a year: in spring and autumn. Recruitment announcements are posted in advance on the club’s official website

What should I do if I am from another city, but want to get into the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA?
Boys from other cities should prove themselves in their local teams, then the PFC CSKA selectors attending regional competitions will definitely notice you and invite you to watch.

What should I do if my age is not selected for the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA?
If there is no selection for your age, then you can get into the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA by proving yourself as part of another team. It is important to note that if your age is not selected and you have never played football professionally anywhere, then it is impossible to get into our school.

What documents are needed in order to come to the selection, and later to study at the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA?
A prerequisite for participation in the selection is the availability of a medical certificate of admission to sports and a copy of the birth certificate.

How much does it cost to study at the PFC CSKA Youth Sports School?
Education at the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA is free.

Do the Youth and Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA issue uniforms?
Equipment is issued to children starting from the age of ten.

Where do the trainings take place?
Training takes place on the fields of the Oktyabr Sports Training Center, located at: st. Zhivopisnaya, 21 (metro station Shchukinskaya). The guys are trained on two artificial football fields and two artificial mini-football fields, in sports and gyms. In addition, the complex is equipped with a modern medical office.

What is CSKA-2? What is the difference from the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA?
Youth Sports School CSKA-2 is a school created for boys who, for some reason, were not suitable for the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA. Training at the CSKA-2 Youth Sports School is carried out using the same methods and programs and with the same coaches as at the PFC CSKA Youth Sports School. Training at the CSKA-2 Youth Sports School is an opportunity to master the necessary football skills, become more disciplined and feel like part of a real football team.

How much does it cost to study at CSKA-2?
The price of a monthly subscription for two classes per week is 6,000 rubles, for three classes - 8,000 rubles.

Is it possible to get from CSKA-2 to the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA?
Yes. The best students will have the opportunity to study for free at the CSKA Youth Sports School and take part in official competitions and tournaments.

Are there any teams for training girls at the PFC CSKA Youth Sports School or the CSKA-2 Youth Sports School?
No, there are no separate teams. Currently, girls have the opportunity to train together with boys. In the future, if there is a sufficient number of people interested, separate groups for girls may be opened.

Where do non-resident players of the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA live?
Nonresident players of the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA live in a boarding school located at the Oktyabr stadium.

How does professional football training fit in with education?
At the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA, they carefully approach the issue of students receiving general education. In case of poor performance in secondary school, the player may not be allowed to participate in training. Let us note that many young army men are trained in gymnasiums.

What time do the training sessions take place?
During the school year, training takes place in the afternoon. During the holidays - in the morning and afternoon.

Can citizens of other countries study at the PFC CSKA Youth Sports School or at the CSKA-2 Youth Sports School?
Yes, they can study, but they cannot take part in official competitions.

About the author: Kachan Alexander Ivanovich – 56 years old. Coach - teacher of the football department of the Annenki Youth Sports School in Kaluga, teacher of physical education at MBOU Secondary School No. 41, who in the past played for many years in the teams of masters in Kaluga, winner of the "Millions Cup" of the Soviet Union among production teams, twice winner of the RSFSR Cup among KFK ., multiple winner among the masters teams of the 2nd League of Soviet Football.

Previously, boys came to football with 5-6 years of experience in street football, and training began on the basis of original motor and gaming skills acquired on the street. Now training has to start from a very early age and practically from scratch. Such comparisons provide enough reason to be convinced that the level of physical and, especially, gaming development of boys of past years was significantly higher than the current generation.

Modern football is both speed and power, and this is the result of continuous development from simple to complex, from known to unknown. No matter how difficult the exercise may be, it eventually becomes accessible and easy thanks to gradual and consistent training. And from the complex there is only one way - to even more complex. Brilliant is always simple.

The profession of a children's football coach is multifaceted. He is a teacher and educator, a researcher and experimenter, a master of his craft not only by profession, but by vocation. If a child does not have or lacks football knowledge, the problem is small. Knowledge is acquired. If there are no natural abilities, the difficulty is irreparable. It is very important to identify these abilities at a child’s early age. Then there will be more time for their development and, accordingly, the results of your work and the child’s work will be obvious.

Symbolically, we can define the five commandments of a children's football coach.

1.Football is a game. Therefore, a lesson in children's football should be similar to a game.

2. Talent is something that cannot be taught. Therefore, education should begin not with training, but with the development of natural abilities.

3. Heredity determines potential capabilities, and environment determines the extent to which these capabilities can be realized.

4. Football is one of the most difficult sports to learn. It is impossible to teach playing with exercises alone. Exercise is theory, game is practice.

5. The identity of each boy is an expression of his unique characteristics, which is precisely what is valued in the game.

The work of a children's coach begins with selection, and even more often with recruitment, and already in the process of training, the coach decides which components and factors need to be paid attention to. Many years of observations and practical experience have shown that selection should not be based on acquired, but primarily on the psychophysiological characteristics of the child. What natural qualities should a boy have in order to learn to play football? At the initial stage, the criterion that determines game thinking should be at the forefront.

The English professor G. Aizenkov, the creator of tests to determine intellectual development, wrote in his book “Test Your Abilities”: “We can say that by mental abilities we mean that innate property of the nervous system that allows one person to think and solve intellectual problems better than to another."

The recruiting method for a football section or a football school should be through games. If in a game a boy shows a tendency to intercept, play without the ball, make timely backups, make decisions before receiving the ball, then he most likely has the ability to develop game thinking.

Selection stages.

Currently, they rely to a greater extent on recruiting children into primary training groups from a very early age (5-6 years old) and then in the process of training, the actual selection of what appears to be the most promising children is carried out. But talent can only be judged by observing children or at some intuitive level. Life has shown more than once how the one who was initially weaker became stronger, and the one who was successful in the game was overtaken by the one who was lagging behind.

The pace of development of a young football player depends not only on the quality of training, but also on innate data, the initial level of which varies from boy to boy. This refers to the physical development of the child. At a certain age, physical development seems to be of decisive importance in determining a child’s capabilities as a football player, and here the main thing for a coach is not to make a mistake. He must determine the level of capabilities of a child whose physical development is slightly delayed. How to do it?

There is a general scheme of formulas for selection criteria, these are three indicators of a child’s characteristics: Speed, Courage (or this is called differently - fighting qualities) and thinking. There is also a feature - skill (i.e. the child already has the skills to play football to some extent, but as we decided earlier - this skill is acquired.

So, speed is an innate quality. Since modern football is fast, this quality is one of the main criteria for selection. Courage or fighting qualities? Football is not only fast, but also power-based, martial arts take place throughout the entire area of ​​the football field, which means this criterion is also of no small importance. And finally, thinking in modern football is also important. Conclusion: if a child has the makings of all these qualities, then he is accepted unconditionally. This is the perfect formula. What to do if one of these qualities is missing? This is not a problem, of course, the child must be accepted and the missing quality must be worked on and developed to a greater extent. But if more than one is missing, very often the work is wasted. What can be considered an indicator is courage: if a boy throws himself under the blow of the ball and does not turn his back, if, when approaching an opponent, he does not slow down and boldly goes into contact, if he does not wait, but immediately enters into single combat and forces the opponent to make mistakes with his actions, if without hesitation, he takes the initiative to dribble and shoot at goal. These are fighting qualities.

Indicators of gaming abilities.

With the ball: 1. Tendency to dribble

2.Passing game

3. Non-standard, original actions.

Without the ball: 1.Selection of position


3. Playing on interception, getting ahead, finishing

4. Ability to open up

5. Decision of the action before receiving the ball.

There are also indicators of the so-called moral and volitional qualities - systematic attendance, stability of hard work. The content of the training process at the first stage consists of two sections:

1.Game and development of physical qualities through exercises with the ball. The essence of these exercises is the psychological effect that arises due to the positive emotions from physical exercises with the ball. And this is very important in childhood and adolescence.

2. The essence of the methodology for developing original skills is to independently perform the proposed exercises. There is no need to immediately correct or teach how to perform certain motor actions. Movement technique is primarily the repeated repetition of exercises. It’s good if the child himself comes to the correct execution of the movement technique.

For the first year of study the program is offered:




Development of original skills Motor Dribbling the ball


GamesFootball on ¼ field

Mini football in the hall

Handball with football elements

Outdoor games and relay races

Duration of training - 60 minutes

A) special motor skills - 15 minutes

B) Gaming skills - 40 minutes

C) Information about football and the rules of the game – 5 minutes

The basis of the technique of playing football is learning to dribble the ball, hitting the ball

Goal side, stopping the ball and passing. Since children start playing football at a very early age, there is no need to talk about any gaming skills. Everything starts from scratch and you need to give the simplest exercises. But at the same time, children must learn from the very beginning that:

When dribbling: 1. You need to watch the ball with peripheral vision (children will understand faster when you tell them to look “out of the corner of their eye”)

2.When dribbling, you need to touch the ball as often as possible.

3. You need to dribble the ball with both your right and left feet.

When hitting: 1. You need to look at the ball, and mentally determine the trajectory of the ball.

2. You need to tense the muscles of both the supporting leg and the kicking leg (the slightest relaxation of the muscle can lead to injury)

3. Hit the ball with the hardest part of the ankle joint, the instep (and for this you need to learn to pull back the toe of your foot)

When stopping: 1. You need to learn to determine the trajectory of the ball.

2. When touching the ball, you need to learn not only to relax the muscles, but also to help with a yielding movement of a part of the body that dampens the speed of the flying ball.

3. You need to be able to stop the ball with all (except your hands) parts of your body.

All techniques are learned through repeated repetitions.

When dribbling the ball, you need to move in a straight line, changing directions, in a circle, around yourself. Touch the ball while pulling your toe back as you dribble in a straight line. Touch the ball with the outside and inside of the foot when changing the direction of movement. Move with the ball, shifting it from foot to foot. Dribble the ball around obstacles (posts, chips, opponent).

You can dribble the ball on your own, in pairs, in threes (while also making passes to each other).

Kicks are the most favorite exercise for beginning football players. There used to be an expression: “Whoever hits the hardest plays the best.” To some extent, this statement is not far from the truth. The one who masters this technique faster will have an advantage in both passing and scoring the opponent's goal.

First you need to start teaching hitting a stationary ball, but the greatest effect of training is hitting a rolling ball. The whole beauty of the game of football and the skills of the players themselves is in movement. Although in modern football, goals from set pieces have no less effect than goals from the field.

Football, like all other sports, has its own coordination of movements associated with very frequent and sharp changes in direction of movement. Therefore, special football movements, even without a ball, need to be taught from the very beginning and this is best done in the form of games or relay races, maybe some kind of competitions, when children get excited and show the greatest effort. At the same time, it is very useful to encourage them with praise, even if the child or his team at the moment turned out to be weaker than the opponent.

Playing football includes concepts such as: technical preparation, physical preparation, tactical preparation and psychological preparation. Taken together, these types of training are called “footballer’s school.” In the initial stage of training (in initial training groups), technical and physical training predominate to a greater extent than tactical and psychological training. Tactical tasks are mainly solved individually by each beginning football player, and psychological preparation is carried out automatically directly in the game or competitive tournament. We considered mainly the first two types of preparation. Group, tactical and psychological tasks are mastered at an older age.

The head of the selection service of the Spartak Academy, Alexander Sudarikov, answered one of the most popular questions about the Academy and spoke about the system of work of the selection service and selection criteria.

— Guys from different parts of Russia often ask the question: “How to get into the Academy?” The answer is simple: you need to love football and start playing it as early as possible, be sure to go to a children's sports school in your region. You can improve your football skills both in schools and in the yard, but your chances of achieving success under the guidance of a professional coach increase. We often come across situations where a young man of about 16, who has never played football anywhere before, expresses his desire to play in Spartak. This is similar to the fact that at that age he would be able to play a couple of chords on the violin, but he would already call the symphony orchestra and ask to be taken into the group: what if it works out? By studying at a local school, participating in competitions, increasing his level of skill, the child takes a step towards Spartak. After all, if a boy plays well, then the coach will put him in the squad, take him to competitions, where representatives of our selection service will be able to see him.

— Please tell us about the structure of the breeding service.
— First of all, it is necessary to say about the introduced regulations, which did not exist before. The general director of our club, Roman Guramovich Askhabadze, introduced this rule quite recently to optimize the process and operation of the service. The Academy's breeding service consists of full-time breeders and regional scouts. Full-time breeders primarily monitor various competitions in Moscow and the Moscow region: tournaments of secondary schools, city competitions of all levels and all age categories. Their responsibilities also include working at tournaments with the participation of national teams, in the finals of regional competitions, and at all-Russian tournaments. Scouts search for gifted boys in their regions, attending school city and zonal competitions, and the finals of regional tournaments.

— Russia is a huge country, is it possible to cover everything? What do you do if you receive information about a young football player from regions where there are no scouts?
- If we receive a letter from a boy from a region where there are no scouts, we will find an opportunity to find out information about him. If it turns out that the player’s level is not bad, we will find a way to send a selector to look at this player in action. You can write to the address prosmotr@spartak. com and indicate your first and last name, date of birth, role, team you are currently playing for, and the upcoming competitions in which the team will take part, as well as a telephone number for feedback. There is no letter that we would ignore.

— What are the selection criteria for the Spartak Academy?
— It all depends on the age of the player. In the youngest, for example, we look at primary ball skills, speed, agility, coordination. The older the player, the more demands we place on him, both technically and tactically. I would like to emphasize that the status of the Academy at a professional club does not allow a one-sided approach to the player. To get into the ranks of Spartak, it is not enough to run a hundred meters quickly or be an excellent dribbler. The player must have a combination of technical equipment, dexterity, coordination, psychological stability, and game thinking - after all, we invite the best. But the list of aspects that we pay attention to does not end with this: we also look at the boy’s upbringing, his attitude towards studying in a comprehensive school, and behavior in the team.

— How is a decision made about the need to invite a child to watch and enroll him in the Academy?
Having received information from a regional scout about a promising boy who meets our criteria, we send a full-time breeder to the region who will look at the football player in action. If he also comes to the conclusion that this is an Academy-level player, he transfers the information to the analytical department, where all information on the player is processed. After this, with the head coach of the Academy and the senior coach of the team, we determine the time frame within which the player can be viewed. We agree with the player who, together with an accompanying person (usually a coach or one of the parents), arrives at the expense of the Academy, undergoes a medical examination, communicates with a coach-psychologist and, of course, practices with the team, participates in friendly matches or tournaments held within these time frames. At the end of the review period, the decision whether to enroll a football player or not is made by the coaching council, which includes the President of the Academy, the head coach, the head of the selection service, the physical training coach, as well as five coaches selected by the coaching staff: Alexey Lunin, Yuri Darvin, Yuri Khurmanets , Evgeny Sidorov and Vladimir Beschastnykh. The decision is made by a majority vote.

— Boys from other cities are not enrolled in the Academy until they are 14 years old. Does this mean that younger children have no chance of getting picked by representatives of the selection service?
— As I already said, our employees monitor the competitions of children of all age categories. If a boy is under 14 years old and meets our criteria, we guide him: with a certain periodicity we invite him to games, to tryouts, we monitor not only how he develops at the level of his team, but also how he looks in games with Spartak peers.

— Our club and Academy cooperate with a number of sports schools in Moscow, the Moscow region and regions of Russia. Is there an advantage to studying at partner schools for boys who dream of playing for Spartak?
— It’s no secret that some sports schools are reluctant to let their “stars”, children who bring them results, to Moscow. Partner schools, on the contrary, are interested in the transition of students to the ranks of the red and white. From there we are the first to receive information about the most promising students. Thanks to such openness and cooperation, it will be easier for us to monitor the growth of a football player, and the child’s transition to the Academy will be easier.

— Can football players from other countries get into the Academy?
— According to the regulations of the Moscow Football Federation, only football players with Russian citizenship can play in the Moscow championship. Theoretically, we can enroll guys from Ukraine or Belarus, for example, but they will not have the opportunity to play for Spartak in the main competitions.

“Unfortunately, recently attempts by scammers to deceive young football players who want to get into the Academy have become more frequent. How to avoid being deceived?

— You can always call the Academy or email the selection service to clarify the information received. Well, if you are asked for money for something on behalf of the Academy, there should be no doubt: you are dealing with scammers. Children and their parents will not pay for viewing, equipment, enrollment or training at the Spartak Academy.
