Other exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. Exercises to relax the neck muscles Exercises to relax the shoulder muscles

Modern lifestyle and many factors have led to the fact that most people need to do exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders without fail. This is due to various factors that almost all people face in their daily lives. Moreover, even those who regularly exercise need neck and shoulder relaxation. However, you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time, any problems can be solved – you don’t have to run to the nearest hospital for an appointment. There are proven techniques and methods that are suitable for every person and give a guaranteed result.

Causes of muscle spasm

To most effectively correct a problem, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence. Sometimes it is enough to simply eliminate the causes of tension in order to improve your condition, remove aching pain and discomfort. Of course, if you have not managed to develop serious problems with the cervical-collar and shoulder areas. You need to know the “enemy” by sight, therefore among the main factors that provoke spasm, stiffness, pain, it is necessary to highlight:

  • A sedentary lifestyle or frequent sitting at work (especially without the opportunity to do regular warm-ups in an incorrect position);
  • Poor posture, keeping the neck in an incorrect position for a long time;
  • Distortion of technique during exercises in training, increased pumping of some muscles, ignoring others;
  • Nutritional deficiencies, due to which the condition of muscles, bones, and ligaments worsens.

Doctors recommend taking muscle spasms and pain in the neck-collar area as a signal that you are doing something wrong. Nerve roots are responsible for this, causing discomfort or pain. Most often, spasm occurs with osteochondrosis, protrusions, instability of the cervical vertebrae and other problems. This is a natural reaction in which the muscles, due to hypertonicity, try to protect the spine. The same thing happens when they are overstressed. For example, if you sit in one position for a long time, your muscles become numb and a spasm occurs. Moreover, sometimes it is so strong that even lying in a relaxed state is not enough to eliminate it. Massage and other relaxation techniques will be required.

Let's move on to specific methods that can eliminate muscle hypertonicity and eliminate discomfort. Effective methods include:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Bath, sauna or hot baths.

It is immediately worth noting that you should avoid any medications. All they can do is eliminate pain for 6-12 hours, without affecting the cause in any way. As a result, the pain will return. The most effective ways are massage and exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders. It is worth noting that acupuncture, but only in cases where the procedure is performed by a qualified specialist with experience. Otherwise, you should not resort to such methods.

If the spasm has occurred recently, which often happens with prolonged sitting, during exercise, or in cases where the neck or shoulders were in an unnatural position (for example, when looking at the phone in transport, when the neck is significantly curved), a sauna or hot bath may help. However, if you have problems with the cervical vertebrae, you need to be careful; the sauna can relax the muscles too well and aggravate the consequences.

Various sets of exercises, which include movements and special techniques for relaxation, are excellent in any situation. Moreover, they not only eliminate pain, as well as hypertension, but also serve as excellent prevention. Therefore, they need to be done not only if there are problems, but also to prevent them from appearing in the future. Among all the exercises for the muscles of the cervical and shoulder area, the following techniques have proven themselves to be the best:

A great move that can be performed in any conditions. Can be used even in the presence of serious pain and injury. The technique relaxes the shoulders, neck and upper back well. There are two versions of the exercise, which differ in difficulty. The simplest option is a regular shoulder raise, which is similar to the shrug exercise in bodybuilding. To perform, you need to stand up straight, legs together, back straight. Next, you need to raise your shoulders as high as possible, hold them in this position for 3-4 seconds, and then lower them completely down. Proper execution will be confirmed by a feeling of stretching and relaxation.

A more complex technique is used in yoga. It is performed in the same way as the previous option, but with the inclusion of the housing. First, you need to lower your shoulders forward as much as possible, while simultaneously bending your body (the movement is similar to vertical twisting), then slowly straighten your body and spread your shoulders as far as possible to the sides.

This is both a warm-up and a good way to relax your shoulders. It's quite simple:

  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, place your palms on your shoulders (left on left, right on right);
  • Lock your elbows together;
  • Raise your elbows out to your sides, keeping your hands on your shoulders so that your elbows are in a vertical plane.

To make the exercise even more effective, linger at the extreme points (when your elbows are in front of your face and when your back muscles are maximally compressed.

By performing a few simple movements, you can relax your neck and eliminate spasm. To do this, you need to do standard turns at a slow pace. It is important to remember that movements must be made only along the X-Y axis, excluding circular rotations, so use:

  • Tilt forward/backward;
  • Tilts to the sides;
  • Turning your head to the sides (as if you are trying to look at your right or left shoulder).

Doing the exercise at a fast pace is strictly prohibited. Movements should be smooth and unsharp.

The best way to remove hypertonicity in the cervical-collar area is to stretch the muscles. This works in any case, regardless of the reason, because after a long period of sitting in a sitting position, such as after exercising the neck, the muscles need to be stretched. To create the desired tension, simply help yourself with one hand.

Stretching should also be done forward, backward and to the sides. 15-20 seconds for each.

A popular set of exercises for relaxing the muscles of the neck and shoulders is presented in the image below:

If we highlight the most effective ways to quickly relieve muscle spasms and tension, neck and shoulder muscles, then only massage will be more effective than exercise. Moreover, even a self-performed neck and shoulder massage will give good results and help alleviate the condition. If you resort to this type of massage, then it is worth remembering the following principles, violation of which can lead to negative consequences and is simply undesirable:

  • There is no need to press too hard with your hands when working on the cervical-collar area, this can lead to dizziness;
  • The massage session should be short, and if possible, you should monitor the skin to stop after redness appears in the work area;
  • During the massage, the neck should be in a neutral position; it is highly undesirable to tilt your head forward;
  • Never massage the neck and shoulder area if you have pimples or blackheads.

There are a large number of video tutorials online from well-known specialists that allow you to perform high-quality massage yourself. However, this will only be a temporary measure to alleviate the situation; the full effect can only be obtained by conducting a whole course of massage from an experienced doctor. Experts advise performing massage courses (8-10 sessions) every six months as a preventative measure.

You can watch a video of self-massage of the shoulder girdle below:


Exercises for pumping up the neck, which involve muscle tension and resistance to the load, are often perceived as gymnastics. It is important to understand that such gymnastics and relaxation are different things, and exercises for the muscles of the neck and shoulders should be aimed at relaxation. Stretching or gentle activation of the neck and shoulder muscles, for example, as during a regular warm-up, are suitable for this.

You need to understand that “therapeutic” gymnastics usually means not ordinary exercises that you can do at home, but complexes prescribed by a doctor, often using various devices (rollers, rollers, boards, rubber bands, etc.). Such exercises can only be prescribed by a doctor and only after a preliminary examination.

Basic therapeutic exercises for relaxing the shoulders and neck are shown in the figure below. BUT! Only a specialist can create a complex for you, taking into account which muscles are in spasm.

It is important to understand that if you have already begun to feel pain or discomfort, and your muscles often contract in spasms, especially during prolonged sitting, then this already indicates the presence of problems. They never occur quickly and are the result of systematic violations. Most often, the causes and main catalysts are lack of exercise (sedentary lifestyle), as well as a poor diet. If nothing can be done about sedentary work, then it will not be difficult to influence nutrition. If we highlight the main weak points in the diet that provoke problems with the neck-shoulder area, then it is worth noting:

  • Lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • Lack of protein foods and amino acids;
  • Constant deficiency of healthy fats.

The easiest way to fill all the missing substances is with regular supplements. They contain everything you need in the right dosage. For example, any vitamin and mineral complex will include all the necessary substances that muscles and bones need. It is also extremely important to get the full range of amino acids that will maintain muscle tone. Several types of supplements are suitable for this, from regular whey protein to amino acid complexes and BCAA. Most often, doctors recommend a protein that has a complete amino acid profile and is guaranteed to give the body everything it needs.

The most important supplement is omega-3 fatty acids. If omega-6 enters the body in sufficient quantities, then doctors note that most people on the planet have a slight or severe deficiency of omega-3. This is an incredibly important component that affects the condition of bones, muscle tissue, metabolic processes, etc.


In general, experts note that it is best to use a comprehensive approach to eliminate the problem. Most often this includes massage, various exercises and the use of supplements. It is also important to take time for prevention, so try not to sit for long periods of time (to prevent your shoulders and neck from getting stiff), and also stretch every 25-30 minutes. It is enough to simply perform a series of vertical and horizontal arm swings to avoid muscle stiffness with subsequent spasms and pain. Finally, it is worth noting that one of the best methods of prevention is good sleep, which not only relaxes the muscles, but also produces the necessary hormones. Therefore, it is very important to take care of a high-quality orthopedic pillow.

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Incorrect body position over a long period of time leads to severe spasms in the upper spine. Everyone will benefit from learning how to relax their neck muscles. No one is immune from painful sensations.

Causes of pain

A sedentary lifestyle leaves an imprint on human health. One of the main causes of pain in the neck is prolonged work at the computer. The neck muscles are in a state of tension for a long time. This causes symptoms such as dizziness, lumbago in the cervical region and headache.

Neck muscle tension can be treated. Otherwise, there is a possibility of pinched nerves or a hernia.

Before carrying out treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease:

  • mechanical damage to soft tissue or spine;
  • lack of beneficial microelements or vitamin B;
  • hypothermia;
  • psychosomatics;
  • diseases of infectious nature;
  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • rheumatism;
  • inflammation of the spinal column;
  • pinched nerve.

With osteochondrosis, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system is determined by a number of signs. Visually this manifests itself in excessive stooping. Discomfort from the neck area also extends to.

With neurosis, muscle tension forms. The chronic form of anxiety provokes increased tension in certain muscle groups. The load on the spine increases. For this reason, painful sensations occur. Diagnosing pathology caused by neurosis is much more difficult.

The provoking factors in this case are:

  • quarrel with a loved one;
  • overwork at work;
  • internal unconscious experiences;
  • conflicts in the team.

Muscle overstrain often leads to the development of hyperlordosis. The pathology is characterized by a defect in the spinal column, which can be determined visually.

Ways to get rid of pain

Tension in the neck leads to poor circulation in the collar area. If you do not relax your muscles, serious diseases will follow. This is due to disruption of the functioning of vital organs.

To eliminate the problem at home, gymnastics is practiced aimed at relaxing problem areas, massage and stretching. If the methods are insufficiently effective, therapeutic therapy is prescribed.


  • Cross your arms above your head in a sitting position. As you inhale, slowly lower your head, touching your chin to your chest. As you inhale, raise your head, slightly spreading your elbows to the sides. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • While sitting on a chair, alternately tilt your head to the sides. When leaning to the right, raise your left hand; when leaning to the left, raise your right hand. 10 reps required.
  • Bend your knees while standing. As you inhale, extend your arms forward, clenching your hands into fists. As you exhale, make forward rotating movements. After 10 repetitions, the exercises are repeated, but the arms rotate backwards.
  • As you inhale deeply, tilt your head down and hold your breath. In this position, shrug your shoulders 3 times. As you exhale, return your head to its original position.
  • Sitting in Turkish pose, cross your arms behind your head. When tilting your head towards your chest, make turning movements from left to right.

The exercises are performed in a relaxed atmosphere. Spending up to 20 minutes a day is enough.


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If you have a sedentary job that requires you to spend long periods of time at the computer, you are probably familiar with tension and aching pain in the neck.

It is more likely that you have headaches from time to time, there are “shots” in the neck and shoulder, and perhaps even dizziness.

All these are sad consequences of constant tension in the neck muscles and the resulting cervical osteochondrosis. To prevent serious diseases of the circulatory system and the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to relieve this overstrain and give your neck rest.

It’s easy to guess that you are now sitting at the computer. Please pay attention to your shoulder joints:

- are your shoulders raised (to find out, try raising your shoulders as much as possible and then lowering your shoulders as much as possible, then it will immediately become clear whether they were raised or not)

Is there tension in the upper part of the trapezius muscle (look at the picture - it stretches from the shoulder girdle to the lower part of the occipital bone and cervical vertebrae).

The main cause of tension
The trapezius muscle is very often overloaded:

  • as a result of emotional or physical stress or simply fatigue;
  • if your shoulders are raised up (this often happens if the table does not fit the size of the chair, you are anxious or simply cold);
  • if the shoulders are pulled forward (this happens to those who slouch).

The neck is the bridge between body and mind

Such a philosophical definition of the neck can be found among specialists in Eastern relaxation practices, and here’s why they think so. Of the six sense organs, four are located in the head, and therefore it determines the direction of body movement. In this case, it is the neck that makes it possible to realize movement by turning the head.

In the cervical-collar zone there is a very important, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, energy and reflexogenic zone, which is responsible for brain activity and hand movement.

The human head weighs on average 4-8 kg and is supported only by seven small cervical vertebrae, which are cushioned by intervertebral cartilage. But to help the vertebrae, nature gave a person a complex of 32 cervical muscles that hold the head in an upright position, actively promote its movement and perform protective functions. And there is something to protect! The neck area contains 4 main arteries and 8 largest nerves, not to mention the spinal canal. They supply blood to the head, organs of the thoracic part of the body and upper limbs, carry out various types of stimulation, controlling nervous activity.

If the muscles of the neck and collar area are overstrained, this affects the functioning of blood vessels or nerve endings, and the blood supply to muscle tissue, impairs metabolism and oxygen supply to the brain. As a result, you feel pain in the muscles of the neck and collar area, as well as severe headaches and stiffness in the shoulder girdle. Prolonged tension of the neck muscles can provoke the early formation of wrinkles on the forehead, jowls, swelling on the face, nasolabial folds, the development of migraines, blurred vision, swelling, salt deposits, pinching of the spinal nerves, as a result of which radiculitis develops and disruption of the organs under their control and other troubles.

How to relieve tension in the trapezius muscle
There are several simple techniques that will relieve muscle tension in the neck and collar area, relieving you of pain and discomfort.
Let's now try to relieve excess tension from the trapezius muscle and relieve the lower part of the cervical spine from pressure:

  • move your chest forward (this movement is important for those who slouch)
  • lift your shoulders up and then lower them as far as possible
  • relax your neck and shoulders.

Exercises to relieve tension in the neck begin with correct head position. To do this, slightly pull the back of your head upward, imagining that your head is hanging in the air on an invisible thread attached to the top of your head. “Pick up” your chin by moving it toward you in a “pecking” motion. The crown hanging and chin tuck movements are designed to promote relaxation in the neck and head, as well as to break the habit of lowering or lifting the head. In addition, this position is an important condition for free breathing and correct posture.

Next, relax your shoulders and reach up with the crown of your head. At the same time, stretch the cervical vertebrae as much as possible, while at the same time carefully making small turns of the head to the right and left. After this, lower your head onto your chest, trying to “rub” your collarbones with your chin. Gradually, without making sudden movements, increase the radius of rotation of your head to the right and left. Then tilt your head back and try to “rub” the lower part of your neck with the back of your head. Return to the starting “hanging by the crown” position.

Throughout the day, pay attention to the position of your shoulders and as soon as they begin to rise up, lower them back down to the correct position. By doing this, you will relax the trapezius muscle and relieve your neck from unnecessary tension.

One exercise that will help you relieve tension from your neck!

Soreness and spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the shoulder and neck can also be associated with manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis. If you go for a massage, remember how uncomfortable it can be to massage the collar area.
Tension in the trapezius (this muscle is involved in various movements of the head, upper body and shoulder girdle) leads to overload of the neck and head muscles, which in turn overloads the cervical spine.

This tension is one of the causes of: headaches, neck pain, stiffness of movement and, of course, cervical osteochondrosis.

You can relieve these painful sensations and relax your muscles with a simple exercise.

Place your right hand on your left shoulder with your thumb resting on your neck.
With your middle finger, feel the hard muscle that connects your neck to your shoulder, squeeze it tightly with your thumb and forefinger, and begin to knead it until it becomes warm.

Do the same with your right shoulder.
And the pain should subside.


Don’t forget about preventive measures that will help the neck muscles not strain and this will significantly reduce pain in the collar area, and maybe even get rid of them:

  • Watch your posture, get rid of excess weight, train your abdominal muscles - this will reduce the load on the spine and strengthen the muscles that hold your head upright, preventing it from tilting forward.
  • While working, do not lean low over the table, create a comfortable workplace for yourself, take a break every hour to move around and change your body position.
  • To prevent neck muscles from straining, give them rest often; during long periods of work at a desk, sit comfortably so that your neck does not swell from a static position; take breaks to move around.
  • Even in a work environment, you can allow yourself a simple exercise to strengthen your neck muscles: sitting at your desk, “turn” your shoulders, imagine that your spine is a perfectly straight column, straighten your neck, stretch the top of your head up, cover it tightly with your hand and, lowering your eyes down, slightly press your hand to your head. Feel how your scalp and neck muscles stretch. Relax completely and then repeat the exercise 10 times. It will relieve some compression and strengthen the neck muscles.
  • Get rid of the habit of pressing the telephone receiver with your ear to your shoulder or combing your hair with your head thrown back strongly - there is no need to stretch your neck muscles unless absolutely necessary;
  • Neck pain can be caused by an uneven mattress, a pillow that is too large, or an uncomfortable sleeping position (such as sleeping on your stomach). Only when sleeping on a hard mattress and a low pillow do the muscles fully relax.
  • Learn to relieve the stress accumulated during the day with an evening walk in the fresh air, a warm shower, a cup of tea with mint and honey, and, finally, a good, healthy sleep.
    Based on materials from gantvorg.ru, cosmetic.ua

If your body is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, while sitting for a long time, and with ignorance of the neck muscles, it soon begins to overstrain and ache. These negative consequences lead to spasms, spinal malnutrition, and even mental illness.

In this article we will talk about how to relax your neck muscles.

connecting bridge

In Eastern teachings you can find the statement that the neck is a kind of bridge between the body and mind. This is said because four of the six senses are located in the head. It is the head that calculates the direction of bodily movements.

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that in the cervical-collar region there is a reflexogenic energy zone, which is responsible for brain activity and hand movement. The weight of the head is from four to eight kilograms. It is supported by seven small cervical vertebrae, cushioned by cartilage. But there are as many as 32 neck muscles that hold the head upright, promote movement and protect it. This area contains the four main arteries, the eight largest nerves, and the spinal canal. Through them, blood supply to the head, thoracic part of the body and upper limbs is realized, and nervous activity is also regulated.

When the collar area is overstrained, the functioning of blood vessels and nerve endings is disrupted, and the muscles do not receive the amount of blood they need. As a result, headaches occur, and some stiffness appears in the shoulder girdle. Tension of the neck muscles leads to the premature appearance of nasolabial and forehead wrinkles, swelling on the face, pinched nerves in the spinal cord, which causes radiculitis and disrupts the functioning of other organs.

Relieving tension in the trapezius muscle

There are different ways to relax the muscles in your neck and shoulders. Let's start with the simplest exercises. To relieve tension, first move your chest forward, then lift your shoulders towards your ears and let them fall, relaxing the muscles.

Before learning how to remove tension from the neck, learn to hold your head correctly. Pull the back of your head up as if your head is hanging from a thread attached to the top of your head. At the same time, the chin is slightly tucked towards you. This position is another way to relax the muscles of the head and neck. You can also get rid of the bad habit of raising your head or, conversely, lowering your head. In addition, proper head position promotes optimal breathing and maintains good posture.

Relax your shoulders and pull the crown of your head up. Feel the vertebrae in your neck stretch. At the same time, you can carefully and slightly turn your head. Then lower your head to your chest. Try to get your chin to your collarbone. Slowly turn your head to one side and the other, tilt it back so that you try to reach the lower part of your neck. Return to a position where the top of your head seems to be suspended by a thread.

Remember the position of your neck and head throughout the day and repeat the exercise, and also try to keep your head straight.

Gradually, you will learn a new habit, which will improve your overall health. This exercise will help not only people who simply have a tired neck. With it you will learn how to relax your muscles in general. All exercises should just be done with extreme caution.

Exercises to relieve back pain

Having learned how to relax your neck through training, you can sometimes get rid of pain in these areas. But when starting gymnastics, you should first relieve discomfort. Otherwise, exercise may even make the pain worse. Sit on the edge of the bed, the surface of which does not sag. Lie on your back and raise your legs. Find a position that feels most comfortable to your back muscles and stay in that position for a while. When standing up, try not to strain your lower back.

Exercises to relieve neck pain

To get rid of neck pain, do the following special exercises:

  1. Slowly tilt your head forward until it stops, and then lean back.
  2. Slowly turn your head in one direction and then in the other direction as far as possible.
  3. They bow their heads alternately to their shoulders.
  4. Resting your hands on your forehead and resisting, you tilt your head, fixing this position for several seconds; then, placing hands on the back of the head, also overcoming resistance, the head is tilted over.
  5. Take dumbbells up to two kilograms in your hands and keep your arms down, while slowly raising and lowering your shoulders.

Breathing exercises

They take air into their mouth and, holding their breath, tilt their head. Then raise and lower your shoulders several times. Return to the starting position and exhale. The exercise is repeated two more times.

The hands, clenched into fists, are extended forward, the knees are slightly bent and the hands are inhaled. As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbows, pressing them to your sides. The exercise is done three times.

Sit in a Turkish pose. Hands are folded in a lock at the back of the head. The head is lowered as you inhale and raised as you exhale. The tilts are repeated ten times.

Without changing posture, tilt your head. On inhalation - tilt, on exhalation - starting position. Repeat the bends ten times in one direction and the other.


Relaxation sessions will be extremely effective. Do them daily, and soon you will easily learn how to relax your neck muscles. Ways to relieve tension are effective not only for the neck, but also for other parts of the body.

For the session, choose calm and pleasant music, dress in comfortable clothes and lie on your back.

It’s good to add to relaxation. Breathe freely and calmly, but after exhaling, try to hold your breath a little. Do not overdo it. When performing the exercise, it is very important that your breathing remains free so that you can continue to relax.


Massage therapists know well how to relax the neck muscles. But those who have pain can easily massage themselves.

To do this, you first need to stand up and straighten your back, put your hands on the back of your neck and make stroking movements from top to bottom. Gradually you can add a little intensity and effort. If there are spasms in the neck, you will feel pain. You can't push too hard.

Then we move our hands to the forearm area, without stopping the massaging movements. The trapezius muscles should be captured in any case, even if you only have pain in one place in the neck. Usually muscle tension is along the entire length. Therefore, do not be surprised if during a massage you feel pain on your forearm.

After this area, you should move to the back of the head, at the junction of the neck and head. Since in modern life many people move little, spasms in this part are quite common. They are often surprised to find stiffness and tension in this area.

After this, they return to the neck and pay attention to it, and then move on to the back of the head again. Find the grooves at the base of your head and massage them. At the end, the scalp is massaged.

The massage is performed with stroking, squeezing, patting and vibration movements. If you have been looking for how to relax the deep muscles of the neck, then this is the method that will help you.


Besides exercises, don't forget about other methods that help you relax your neck muscles. Let's describe them.

  1. If you train your abs, avoid gaining excess weight, and watch your posture, this will significantly reduce the load on your back and make your muscles stronger. It will be easier to keep your head upright and prevent it from leaning forward.
  2. When working sedentarily, lean close to the table. Find yourself a comfortable place and take a break every hour to change your body position.
  3. Give rest to the neck muscles so that it does not swell from an unchanged position.
  4. Even while working, do simple neck exercises.
  5. Do not press your ear to your shoulder with the telephone receiver.
  6. Don't brush your hair with your head tilted back too far.
  7. The neck may become sore due to an uneven mattress or a very large pillow, or due to an uncomfortable position at night. It is best to choose a hard mattress and a small pillow for sleeping.


To avoid keeping stress inside, relieve it with an evening walk in the park. Take a warm, relaxing shower and drink herbal tea with honey. Then your sleep will be healthy. And your neck will have a good rest.

Throughout the day, human muscles experience stress. This happens even among those people who do not engage in physical labor and lead a sedentary lifestyle. After a day spent at a desk or computer, a person often feels tension in the back, neck and shoulders. Regular tension that accumulates in the muscles leads to back pain, headaches, dizziness, malnutrition of the spine, lumbago and spasms in the neck and shoulders, and the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

The most common cause of muscle strain in the neck and shoulders is improper body position while sitting at a desk or computer desk. If the table does not fit the size of the chair, then the shoulders of the person sitting are raised, and sitting for a long time in this position causes muscle tension. The same thing happens if a person slouches and pushes his shoulders forward. The trapezius muscle gets tired and begins to hurt.

Incorrect position during sleep, sedentary work, excessive physical activity, as well as emotional tension and stress negatively affect the condition of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

According to Chinese medicine, the cervical-collar area contains the most important energy and reflexogenic point, which is responsible for the motor activity of the hands and brain activity. In the neck area there are 4 large arteries and 8 nerves, as well as the spinal canal. They are responsible for the blood supply to the organs of the head, chest, and arms. 32 neck muscles support the head and help make movements. Therefore, relaxing the shoulders and neck is very important for the harmonious functioning of the whole body.

Tired and overstrained muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle cause poor circulation, which can lead to a decrease in oxygen supply to the brain and a deterioration in metabolism. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly relieve tension and relax the muscles of the cervical-collar area.

Exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders

There are special exercises to relax tired muscles. They can be done after work at home or even in the office during a break. You need to do the exercises slowly, without sudden movements, well working on the areas in which the strongest tension is felt.

Exercise 1

Starting position when performing a set of exercises: sit on a chair, back straight, shoulder blades reaching towards each other, legs standing flat on the floor. While in this position, stretch the top of your head up, imagining that someone is pulling it by a thread, and at the same time lowering your shoulders. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 2

Lower your chin down, relaxing your neck. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds, and then begin to slowly turn your head left and right (your head remains lowered). Then throw your head back and also smoothly shake it from side to side.

Exercise 3

Join your hands at the back of your head, lower your elbows. Apply pressure with the back of your head to your palms, slightly lifting your head. Hands resist pressure. Afterwards, you need to relax your neck muscles by lowering your head. Repeat the exercise, alternating tension with relaxation.

Exercise 4

This exercise is similar to the previous one, only now you need to place your hands on your forehead. Press your forehead onto your palms, while simultaneously creating resistance with your hands. It is important that only the muscles above the shoulders are tensed, and that the head and arms do not move.

Exercise 5

Slowly raise and lower your shoulders several times, holding each position for 5 seconds. Repeat several times.

Exercise 6

Rotate your shoulders forward and backward (8 rotations in each direction).

Exercise 7

Place your hands on your belt with your fingers pointing forward. Reach your elbows behind your back towards each other, trying to open your chest as best as possible. Then relax. Repeat several times. You can also practice various modifications of this exercise, such as closing your palms behind your back.

Exercise 8

Stretch your head up, while slowly turning your head left and right. Then tilt your head back slightly and smoothly roll it from one shoulder to the other. Make sure that the exercise does not cause pain.

Exercise 9

Sitting on a chair, slowly lower your torso until your stomach touches your thighs. You need to lower your head first, then your upper back, and then bend at the waist. The arms hang freely. Stay in this position for a while and also slowly straighten up in the reverse order.

Exercise 10

Sit on a chair near the table. The back is straight. Place your elbows on the table and rest your chin on them. Pressing your chin onto your palms, create resistance with your hands. Stay tense for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat several times.

Exercise 11

Place your right palm on your right cheek. Press your cheek onto your hand, creating tension. Hold for a few seconds and then relax. Do the same with the left side.

Exercise 12

To perform this exercise, you will need dumbbells weighing about 2 kg or two plastic bottles of water. Stand straight, holding dumbbells (bottles) in your hands. Hands down, back straight. Slowly raise and lower your shoulders. Repeat several times.

Relaxing massage

Massage is a very effective and pleasant way to relax tired neck and shoulder muscles. It’s good to have someone nearby who can massage your shoulder area after a hard day’s work. But even if you don’t have an assistant, you can do it yourself.

You need to stand up straight and put your hands on the back of your neck. Slowly stroke the neck, do not press too hard. Then start rubbing your neck with your fingers, tapping and pinching it, little by little grabbing the muscles above the shoulders. Movements must be performed from top to bottom. The massage can be performed with the left and right hands alternately or with both hands at the same time. You also need to pay attention to the back of the head and the depression at the base of the head. It is advisable to massage the head itself. This self-massage helps you quickly achieve relaxation.

Prevention of muscle tension and fatigue

To prevent overstrain of the muscles of the cervical-collar area, it is enough to follow some simple recommendations.

  • Throughout the day, constantly monitor your posture and do not slouch.
  • While working, periodically give your muscles a rest: get up from the table, lean back in your chair, turn your head from side to side, roll your shoulders.
  • During telephone conversations, try not to press the receiver to your ear with your shoulder.
  • Choose a good mattress for your bed. Don't sleep on a high pillow.
  • Choose a comfortable desk and chair so that you don’t have to bend over or slouch while working.
  • In the evening after work, it is recommended to take a warm shower and relax physically and emotionally.

Relaxation exercises and massage help relieve accumulated tension and maintain flexibility and mobility of the neck and shoulder muscles at any age.

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