Agapov A.V. The most sports drink. Be like an Olympian. What do athletes drink during training?

Recipes for drinks that athletes drink after training

During training, the body loses a lot of fluid and needs to be replenished. What drinks will help you restore your strength best?
Some people prefer to drink regular mineral water after physical activity, others like energy drinks. There are also special sports drinks that contain a complex of dissolved vitamins.
Mineral water changes the water-salt balance of the body.
The choice of energy drinks is controversial. During training, the rate of contractions of the heart muscle accelerates; drinking an energy drink can be dangerous.

There are many opinions about which drink to choose. Everyone has their own opinion. Milk, protein shakes, plain water. Benefits and harms can be found in almost anything.

To understand the question of which drink will bring pain
In order to benefit the body, we need to consider the mechanisms that occur inside the body after the training ends.

Why is it important to drink fluids after physical activity?

The main fuel that provides the body with energy during training is carbohydrates. The energy reserve that is quickly mobilized is glycogen; it contains all the glucose necessary for the body. It is found in limited quantities, for this reason glycogen resynthesis is an important part of the regeneration process. Depending on how quickly glycogen reserves are brought back to normal, recovery processes will occur.

Normalizing water balance is an equally important part of recovery. Loss of fluid greater than 2% of total body weight causes a decrease in endurance of more than 10%. That is, with sweat, which is removed from the body, energy comes out.

Glycogen is restored after exercise in stages:

first (fast)– occurs without the presence of insulin and lasts approximately half an hour to an hour;
second (slow)– Occurs in the presence of insulin.

The presence of insulin is one of the main factors, and at this (first) stage, recovery occurs much more intensely, sensitivity to glucose absorption and insulin is quite high. In the USA, in 1988, an experiment was conducted among cyclists, during which it turned out that the absorption of synthesis was 45% slower when carbohydrates were supplied 2 hours after physical activity and immediately after exercise.

The “flow” of glycogen and the speed at which it is absorbed are also important. For example, it was found that maximum glycogen resynthesis occurs two hours after exercise and is 1-1.5 g/kg. A study conducted during training showed that the glycogen peak was 0.7 g/kg. This suggested that there is no need to try to take as much carbohydrates as possible at one time after finishing classes; it is recommended to drink little and often.

In addition, to understand that the drink is intended for the restoration processes of glycogen, it must contain proteins in order to carry out creative activities and promote accelerated recovery of damaged muscle areas (after all, minor injuries are possible during training). Accordingly, the composition of a drink designed to restore strength after sports should include carbohydrates (glycogen levels are quite high), electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium) and amino acids. Carbohydrates make up 60-65%, proteins 30-40%.
Drinking such a drink will help quench thirst, restore fluid loss, become the basis for muscle growth, and replenish glycogen levels.

What drinks should you choose?

There is no universal recipe. It all depends on the intensity, duration of training and its specifics. Let's look at each drink separately.

Water. Drink water after your workout!

You should drink regular water that has passed through the filter after physical activity. Don't forget this, always carry a bottle of water with you. As soon as thirst arises, quench it. Water gives a boost of vivacity and energy, spring water is especially useful.
The mineral water also perfectly restores strength. The main thing is to be sure that it really came from a spring. “Essentuki” and “Karachinskaya” are considered the highest quality mineral water. Drink mineral water without gas.
Water is indispensable during physical activity. Remember this.

Specialized “sports” cocktails

There are special cocktails called isotonics; they are necessary to restore water and salt reserves and give a boost of energy. This drink contains carbohydrates that restore strength. In addition to replenishing energy and providing the body with water, drinking allows you to increase the duration of your workouts.

It is advisable to use it when performing strength exercises and prolonged physical activity. This drink perfectly restores strength during long-distance races (marathons).


This includes drinks that contain caffeine and other energizers. The most popular drink is RedBull, which contains 27 grams of carbohydrates, 193 mg of sodium, 106 calories, and a large dose of caffeine. They should only be consumed during (or before) training. In this case, energy drinks have a positive effect on endurance, increase performance, improve reaction speed, and help concentrate. Drinking energy drinks after physical activity can harm the body and negatively affect liver function.
When choosing an energy drink, pay special attention to whether it contains sugars and whether there is too much of them

Chocolate milk

Chocolate milk is perfect for those who prefer strength training and want to build muscle mass. It contains the best protein-carbohydrate ratio. Drinking includes beneficial substances (helping to restore muscles and strengthen bones) - riboflavin, vitamins A, B12 and D, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.
It is difficult to find high-quality chocolate milk in our country, and unfortunately, this product has low nutritional value, too little protein and high fat content. For it to be beneficial, it must be of proper quality (minimum fat, large amounts of proteins and carbohydrates. The TruMoo brand is popular.

People who are interested in cooking can use a simple recipe for making a drink: you need low-fat milk, pour cocoa into it and stir thoroughly.

Many experiments have been conducted to determine how low-fat milk affects the endurance of athletes. Researchers at the University of Connecticut found that runners who drank low-fat milk after running at a moderate pace experienced less fatigue and their muscles remained toned. During the biopsy, it was found that the muscles of athletes who drank such a cocktail recovered faster, by analogy with drinks that contain only carbohydrates.


You need to drink freshly squeezed juices, not those sold in boxes. Cherry juice contains a large amount of antioxidants and flavonoids, they help reduce muscle pain that appears after physical activity, relieve inflammation and relieve swelling. Experts from an English university conducted a study in which data showed that people who jogged and regularly consumed cherry juice, before and after training, recovered much faster than those who did not.

What helps to replenish your strength well?

There are a number of energy drinks for athletes that are necessary for quick recovery. They help increase blood sugar levels, speed up the joining of proteins (the basis of muscles), and increase blood glucose levels. Gainers provide a boost of energy and accelerate the synthesis of essential substances. They will be appreciated by those who regularly engage in fitness and those who want to quickly achieve results.
Milk and water are excellent building materials for muscles, since protein dissolves in them, but first you should increase your blood sugar level. Gainer is the most effective means for restoring muscle tone after physical activity. The main thing is to maintain proportions. Carbohydrates are a necessary element in the composition; it is desirable that they be complex and not too much of them.

Recipes for “sports” cocktails

These recipes are easy to prepare. Cocktails will energize you. Be sure to try cooking them.

Cocktail “Vitamin”

250ml. water;
-2 tbsp. honey;
- 4 things. glucose tablets;
-2 tbsp rosehip syrup;
- juice of half a lemon.
Cocktail “Lip is not a fool”
— 1 ml. chocolate protein;
150ml. almond milk;
-100gr. low-fat cottage cheese;
- 2 tbsp. peanut butter;
- 1 cup of ice.

Cocktail “Yummy”

- 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter;
-100ml. almond milk;
-0.5 banana;
-50gr. oatmeal;
-0.5 ml chocolate protein;
- 1 tsp. honey;
-1 cup of ice.

Cocktail “You can drink”

200 ml water;
— 1 ml. vanillin;
- 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped walnuts;
-0.5 tsp cinnamon;
-5 ice cubes.

Cocktail “Quail”

- 1 teaspoon of honey;
-1 banana
-150ml chocolate milk;
- 3 egg whites;
- crushed shells of 6 quail eggs.

Mix the ingredients.
Everyone decides for themselves what drink to drink after sports to help their body recover faster.
Use the suggested recipes and you will see the results!

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “what do athletes drink for their joints?”

People who play sports, even at an amateur level, often encounter injuries and various pains. Increased physical activity especially affects the condition of joints and ligaments. They may even undergo severe degenerative changes. This is also due to the fact that the athlete’s body often experiences a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, athletes are recommended to follow a special diet and take additional special medications. Vitamins are especially relevant for the joints and ligaments of athletes. They help replenish micronutrient deficiencies, nourish joint and cartilage tissue and help prevent injuries.

Why do athletes need to take vitamins?

With increased physical activity, joints and ligaments are especially affected. This leads to the appearance of chronic pain, the development of inflammatory processes and even degenerative changes. That's why it's so important to take vitamins for joints and ligaments. Athletes under high stress are almost constantly at risk of injury. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives substances that will strengthen the musculoskeletal system and prevent injury to joints and ligaments. They are subjected to especially heavy loads when doing bodybuilding or powerlifting. Frequent microtraumas of cartilage tissue lead to the development of osteoarthritis, which is difficult to cure.

What problems can athletes have?

If in ordinary people arthritis begins to develop most often in old age, then athletes are familiar with this disease from their youth. The knee joints are especially susceptible to changes. Most often they become inflamed in football players, runners, weightlifters and wrestlers. Other joints such as the wrist, elbow and ankle are also at risk of injury. But the most common problem for athletes is sprained ligaments. This type of injury occurs when playing any sport. And to prevent this, you need to provide the body with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for joints and ligaments.

What microelements are necessary for joints

For the health of the musculoskeletal system, proper nutrition is necessary, with which the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Many of them are necessary for joints and ligaments. If not enough of them are supplied with food, with increased physical activity, degenerative processes develop and the risk of injury increases. What microelements are most important for the health of joints and ligaments?

  • Calcium is the main mineral with which bone tissue is formed. The strength and functioning of the joints depends on it.
  • Selenium has the ability to repair damaged tissue and reduce joint pain. This trace element improves the absorption of other vitamins and minerals.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are needed to improve joint mobility and prevent any diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Boron and manganese improve metabolism and promote collagen production.
  • Phosphorus and copper strengthen bones and ligaments.
  • Hyaluronic acid improves joint mobility.

The most important vitamins for athletes' joints and ligaments

  1. Proper formation of cartilage and bone tissue is impossible without vitamin A. Its powerful antioxidant effect protects joints from damage. And due to a lack of vitamin A, immunity decreases and the risk of developing infectious and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system increases.
  2. Vitamin E helps slow down the aging process in the body and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  3. Vitamin C is very important not only for the prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases. It is involved in the synthesis of collagen; in its presence, vitamins A and E are better absorbed.
  4. Vitamin D helps strengthen cartilage tissue.
  5. B vitamins have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, enhance regeneration processes and accelerate collagen synthesis.
  6. Vitamin K is very important for the formation of bone mass and the synthesis of the protein osteocalcin.

What should be the composition of vitamin supplements for joints?

Of course, it is difficult to take all these components separately - you would have to take many pills at the same time. Therefore, special vitamins have been developed for the joints and ligaments of athletes. Their composition may vary, but the most effective preparations contain the following substances:

  • glucosamine sulfate;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • collagen, best in the form of gelatin;
  • calcium in bioavailable form;
  • methylsulfamylmethane, which relieves pain well;
  • vitamins D, E, A and C;
  • calcium.

What pharmaceutical drugs are there?

Quite often, especially with increased physical activity, a person lacks the microelements that he receives from food. Therefore, many doctors recommend purchasing vitamins for the joints and ligaments of athletes at the pharmacy. Now there are many such drugs:

  • “Calcinova” contains precisely those microelements, the deficiency of which leads to diseases of the joints and ligaments;
  • “Calcemin” is a complex mineral and vitamin supplement that is used for any diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • “Artra MSM Forte” not only helps in the regeneration of cartilage tissue, but also participates in the synthesis of substances necessary for the normal functioning of joints;
  • “Kondronova” - very good vitamins for the joints and ligaments of athletes;
  • “Natekal” is an effective regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism;
  • “Triovit” is a complex supplement useful for people exposed to heavy physical activity;
  • “Enjoy NT” restores and strengthens ligaments, returning mobility to joints.

How to choose vitamins

Preference should be given to those drugs that have been used for a long time and have received many positive reviews. Recommendations can be obtained from your trainer or physician. In addition, you need to thoroughly study the features of the active components of additives and carefully read the composition when choosing them. Now the pharmacological industry produces various vitamins for the joints and ligaments of athletes. How to choose the best drug?

  • You should not purchase supplements that contain too many different ingredients, as many vitamins and minerals can interact with each other, causing an adverse effect.
  • Preference should be given to drugs that do not contain flavors, dyes, or other substances that can cause allergic reactions.
  • Pay attention to the amount of active ingredients in the supplement.
  • Vitamin supplements are available in tablets, powders, capsules, and even injections. You need to choose those that are convenient to take.
  • Before taking any drug, even on the recommendation of a doctor, you should carefully study the instructions, which describe all contraindications and side effects.

How much, what exactly and how to drink when playing sports is the cause of controversy, research, and experimentation. One thing is certain: athletes need a special drinking regime.

A special place in healthy sports nutrition is occupied by the consumption of liquids. Sports stress causes serious changes in the human body, and proper drinking regime is one of the main ways to maintain health and performance. Experts have formulated a number of rules for the use of liquids during training and in the everyday life of athletes.

The importance of drinking regime

Serious physical activity is inevitably accompanied by profuse sweating. During an intense two-hour workout, athletes lose about 3-4% of the fluid contained in the body. Moreover, a loss of 7% is already a critical level of dehydration. Loss of fluid increases blood viscosity, which, in turn, reduces metabolic rate and carries the risk of blood clots.

With sweat, the athlete loses not only fluid, but also mineral salts - primarily calcium, potassium and sodium. A lack of mineral salts can cause cramps, brittle bones and general imbalances in the body.

During the training process, a large amount of energy is consumed. To make up for these losses, it is recommended to consume liquids containing a certain amount of carbohydrates during training - they can support the athlete’s strength.

Water performs many functions in the body, the most important of which is
for athletes - regulation of body temperature. For dehydration (dehydration)
The body's endurance deteriorates and the risk of heat stroke increases.

What drink

Mineral water
The main source of fluid recommended for athletes is mineral water. Occasionally, the use of medicinal table mineral waters, mainly alkaline, is allowed. Table mineral waters are more suitable for regular use. Mineral water perfectly quenches thirst and helps replenish the deficiency of salts in the body. It is preferable to drink still water.

Natural juices
Athletes are encouraged to consume fruit and vegetable juices. It is advisable to dilute juices with water (in a ratio of at least 1: 2 or stronger) so as not to irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Juices partially satisfy athletes' need for carbohydrates. Drinking juices helps maintain a normal balance of vitamins, the loss of which is high in athletes. It is recommended to add salt to vegetable juices - this will help replenish sodium salts.

A great way to quench your thirst while exercising is tea. The tea should be weak, unsweetened and not hot. Athletes are recommended to drink 2-3 cups of green tea per day. The antioxidant properties of green tea help neutralize free radicals, which are produced in large quantities during intense sports activities. Flavonoids contained in green tea protect cartilage tissue and improve fat absorption. Studies have shown that drinking green tea helps improve athletes' performance by 15-20%.

Surprisingly, drinking coffee is beneficial for athletes. The substances contained in this drink help reduce muscle soreness that is inevitable after intense workouts. In addition, coffee stimulates the use of body fat reserves. It is advisable for athletes to drink 1-2 cups of natural coffee per day. Coffee with milk will help meet the body's need for proteins and carbohydrates. Adding sugar to coffee is not advisable. It should be remembered that coffee has diuretic properties, so you should not abuse it.

Prohibited drinks
Athletes should not drink sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol or any liquids containing preservatives, sugar, or chemical dyes.

How much to drink

Experts recommend increasing fluid intake compared to the physiological norm (2 liters per day) by 25-50%. Some advise athletes to consume 2.5 liters of fluid per day (depending on the intensity of training), without setting an upper limit.

Fluid intake should be increased during the hot season or if training takes place in an excessively warm room. The general opinion of professionals is that it is unacceptable for an athlete to be thirsty.

Research by American scientists has shown that hockey players
During the match, sweating reaches 1-2 liters. Sweating during skiing
and evaporation of moisture from the skin increases sharply even at low air temperatures.

How to drink

The cornerstone of the athletes' drinking regimen is the regimen itself: when, how much and what kind of liquid should you drink? The general rules here are universal, they are supported by most nutritionists and sports specialists.

Drinking regimen before training
It is necessary to drink before training. It is better to give preference to tea or water. There are two options: either 0.5 liters 3 hours before training, or 250 ml 1.5-2 hours and another 150 ml 15 minutes before the start of classes.

Drinking regime during training
It is necessary to drink during training. During training, it is better to drink water or juices. Juices should be drunk in portions of 30-50 ml (up to 250 ml per two-hour workout). It is recommended to drink water in portions of 50-100 ml every 15 minutes of training.

Drinking regimen after training
It is necessary to drink after training. Tea, juice, and water are all suitable here. It is considered optimal to drink 150-200 ml every 15 minutes after training until your thirst is completely quenched. The total amount of liquid drunk after training is usually about 400 ml. Drinking a lot of liquid in one gulp is not recommended; gradual replenishment of fluid is healthier for the body. An easy way to find out how much fluid you've used is to step on a scale before and after your workout. Every 0.5 kg of weight lost requires drinking 2 glasses of liquid.

Losing 1 kg of body weight after training corresponds to
loss of 1 liter of liquid. However, most people during
physical activity replenishes fluid loss by only 50%.

Isotonic drinks: to drink or not to drink?

You can often find recommendations for athletes to drink so-called isotonic drinks. The advertisement claims that such drinks most effectively restore all the body's losses without overloading it with excess fluid. The effect of isotonic drinks is based on their physicochemical properties and composition. Scientific research has not yet confirmed the absolute effectiveness of isotonics - provided that the body is fully supplied with micronutrients, there is no need for isotonics. Isotonic drinks cannot replace regular fluids or proper nutrition. At the same time, experts advise carefully looking at the composition of such drinks - they may contain unwanted sweeteners, allergens, etc.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
Natalia Bakatina

Photos used in this material belong to

The right drinks for active people involved in sports can help them achieve sports results and solve their problems.

Freshly squeezed juices before a workout can give you the extra nutrients you need to maintain strength and endurance. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices contain the same beneficial vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals that you get from eating whole fruits or vegetables. Your body can more easily absorb these nutrients in the form of fresh juice, and your digestive system may not have to work as hard to digest them. Fresh juices can help:

  • reduce the risk of developing cancer;
  • increase immunity;
  • help with detoxification;
  • improve digestion;
  • and increase weight loss.

Fruit or vegetable juices that contain complex and simple carbohydrates may provide you with the best energy fuel for the body. Complex carbohydrates provide you with fructose, which your body slowly converts into energy, giving you more strength for your workouts. Carbohydrates take about two hours to process, making fresh juice a quick and easy source of energy for your workout.

carrot juice

Carrot juice can give you energy for your workout, contains high levels of beta-carotene – antioxidant, which oxidizes the blood, brain and body tissues.

Fruit and nut juice

Banana– a good option for juicing as it contains high levels of potassium, which can help your body convert glucose into glycogen for long lasting energy.
Almond is a nutrient-dense food, and bran contains magnesium, which can help your body store and use glycogen and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.


  • 1 glass of freshly squeezed apple juice
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tbsp. from wheat, rice or oat bran;
  • and from 8 to 12 almonds.

Mix thoroughly, adding water to desired taste and consistency.

Beet juice

Freshly squeezed beet juice before exercise may help improve endurance. The nitrates in beet juice lead to decreased oxygen absorption, making exercise less tiring.

Before your next workout, drink the juice of 1 beetroot, adding fresh apple juice to taste.

Sugar in vegetables and fruits will help increase workout productivity, but this Only necessary for those who are gaining muscle mass.

Those losing weight need to be careful, juices should be consumed in the first half of the day, exclusively from fruits with a low glycemic index, such as green apple. Any simple carbohydrates inhibit fat burning. Also, another tonic drink with a slight energy drink effect would be coffee, for those who is losing weight - without sugar. But it is necessary to take into account that coffee expels water from the body, so make sure to replenish lost fluid.

What is the best thing to drink during training?

The best and only drink during training will be one without additives or impurities. The main task of drinks during training is to prevent dehydration and blood thickening; for this it is better to drink water, since you have already received the energy for training before the start of classes. You should use this energy during your workout rather than adding new carbohydrates, so drink a lot of water– Absolutely everyone needs it!

What's the best thing to drink after a workout?

Immediately after your workout, you will need enough protein to maintain your muscles and overall body condition. Within 30 minutes after training It won't hurt you to drink a glass of milk, to which you can add cottage cheese or fruit (for those who are gaining muscle), mix in a blender, it will turn out to be kind of natural. You can also consume, which will replenish energy and prevent muscle breakdown.

For those who are drying out, simple carbohydrates, and even milk sugar (lactose) can interfere with the drying process, as they will provide a surge in insulin and the weight will remain the same. Just like during a workout, you need water, and food is an important source of nutrients for you.

Conclusion: what to drink after training for muscle growth

Natural products - milk, fruit and vegetable juices - are a source of energy and nutrients. Each has its own absorption rate and nutritional value. Of course, if you gain muscle, you need to consume plenty of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. To replenish these reserves, a simple and effective way is to take sports cocktails - gainer, (replaceable and irreplaceable), pre-workout complexes. For those who are losing weight, taking it before training will help to release fat into energy. These are optional, but quite effective helpers in accelerating results.

Useful video: pre-workout drink recipe

Want to know more about water?


Playing sports is an increased burden on the body, regardless of whether we are talking about professional sports or amateur activities a couple of times a week for the sake of pleasure and health. During intense training and sports games, the heart rate increases and body temperature rises. Increased sweating begins. And as a result, the body suffers from a lack of fluid. You need to drink more. Now it is recommended to drink before training, during and after training. The correct drinking regime for the athlete is determined by the coach. And most experts are of the opinion that water best quenches thirst and replenishes the body’s need for fluid.

Why is it so important to choose the “right” water?

Someone will shrug their shoulders: water is water. But even the taste of water from different sources differs significantly, which means its composition is also different. Indeed, in addition to H2O, water also contains dissolved salts, microelements necessary for the body, and often unwanted impurities. As water passes through water pipes, it acquires an unpleasant odor and metal particles enter it. Often, for the sake of safety, water is chlorinated, which is also not indifferent to our body, which consists of more than 80% water.

In addition to impurities, water also differs in its molecular structure. It is believed that melt water has the most “convenient” molecular structure for the body. And if it is also melt water from high-mountain glaciers, then it is also one of the cleanest. However, water from an artesian well, bottled directly next to the extraction site, also has quite acceptable quality.

There is a version that water can accumulate information, including negative information, changing its molecular structure. And such “negatively charged” water can cause significant harm to health. Official science does not confirm this fact (yet...).

I hope the reader has already understood that tap water, even if it has all the necessary hygienic certificates, should be used only for hygienic purposes. And for drinking and cooking, bottled water from a trusted manufacturer is better suited. When choosing bottled water, you should pay attention to its purpose. Everyone can drink table mineral water, but medicinal and medicinal-table water only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Do you need gas bubbles in water?

Separately, it is worth mentioning sparkling water. Most commercially available sparkling water is artificially carbonated. And during active sports, such water is categorically not recommended. It contains a large amount of carbon dioxide, which can cause discomfort in the stomach and bloating. Accumulation of gases, physical effort... The result is predictable and can be confusing if it happens in the presence of other people.

And for those who already have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, etc.), carbonated drinks are doubly contraindicated.

Even if mineral water has a natural gas content, athletes are advised to remove this gas by heating the water to 80-90 degrees, when the active release of gas bubbles begins. Subsequently, such water should be cooled to room temperature.

Optimal drinking water temperature

The best drinking water is at room temperature. Too cold water is dangerous because during physical activity, a steamy athlete risks getting a sore throat after drinking ice-cold water. Moreover, during intense training, the immune system is weakened, so the risk of disease increases even more. And cold water is absorbed by the body much more slowly; extra energy is spent to warm it to body temperature.

Hot water isn't too good either. When sweat floods your eyes anyway, it’s still not very pleasant to drink boiling water. In addition, hot water increases sweating, the body loses even more fluid, and the excretory system, which is already working at maximum capacity, is overloaded.

Are any additives needed for water?

Directly during training, athletes drink only clean water. The fact is that such water enters the body’s cells as quickly as possible. If there are any additives in the water, they determine how quickly the liquid will be absorbed.

After training, some athletes, in order to quickly restore strength, take various vitamin and mineral cocktails and add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water.

There are also isotonic drinks, which have a density close to that of human body fluids. They contain minerals and carbohydrates in small concentrations. Such drinks cannot quickly quench thirst; they are absorbed by the body slowly. But their composition allows you to replenish the loss of not only fluid, but also energy.

Marathon athletes drink oatmeal during their long training sessions and races. And in many other sports, coaches prepare drinks for athletes according to their own recipes, which are kept secret.

Each athlete has his own preferences. Some people only like water of a certain brand, others superstitiously drink only water over which prayers were read in the temple. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a regular customer of a special water bar in New York, where they offer more than 80 types of drinking water. Of these, he always chooses only one brand of artesian water, which contains practically no sodium, but is rich in calcium.

And the Belarusian gymnast Melita Staniuta, who became the face of a famous mineral water manufacturer, admits in an interview that she considers ordinary water to be the best drink.

Water is a natural drink. It quenches thirst, replenishes fluid loss, allows you to look good and maintains health. It’s no wonder that athletes prefer to drink plain, clean water. Their recommendations are worth listening to.
