When is it better to run: in the morning or in the evening? To lose weight you need to run in the morning or evening

An evening jog is a great way to take your mind off problems and use muscles that have not been actively worked during the day. People for whom running in the evenings has become a norm of life are better able to cope with stressful situations and control their emotions. But what does running in the evenings provide besides psychological relaxation and muscle tone? Does it help you lose weight? Can it be used to improve your body and health? Let's find out who benefits from running in the evening and how to increase its effectiveness.

There is no single correct answer to this question. You need to choose the time taking into account your physical activity, goals, and work schedule. To lose weight, it is better to exercise in the morning and give preference to interval training. But for some people, early jogging does not bring benefits, but only exhausts the body.

To run to work, you need to get up two hours earlier, and this is not so easy. But even after making an effort, it will be difficult to give in to free movement, not think about tasks and not worry that you still need to take a shower, get dressed and have time to get to work. For a girl, such a morning is like a super marathon.

As a result, the beginner will either very soon give up his morning jog in favor of a full night's sleep, or he will lack sleep and torment himself. An unwanted change in your daily schedule will cause a lot of problems. If you exercise forcefully without enthusiasm, you cannot comprehend the beauty of physical activity and understand why running is good and why others speak so flatteringly about it.

If morning jogging is very tiring and you have no energy left for work, move your classes to the evening. At the beginning of the day, do 15 minutes of exercise or gymnastics to wake up. It’s easier to set aside an hour or two in the evening for a run: you can run a few more laps, skip the elevator and walk up the stairs, and calmly do some stretching. Scientists also support the idea of ​​running from 18 to 20 pm, because at this time most people are at their peak of activity.

Health running in the evenings: main pros and cons

The greatest benefit to the body will come at a speed of 7–9 km/h 3–4 hours before bedtime. Movement without extra effort is equivalent to a walk, does not exhaust you, and does not disturb your sleep.

Benefits of running in the evening:

  1. Relieves accumulated stress during the day. While running, endorphin is produced - the hormone of happiness. Therefore, running has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps fight neuroses, depression, obsessive thoughts and other psychological problems. Runners are less hot-tempered, more balanced and reasonable.
  2. Develops heart muscle. The heart is made of muscle tissue and adapts to stress. A healthy athletic heart spends a minimum of energy at rest, and supports the body during intense physical activity. Research shows that the average untrained man has a heart volume of approximately 760 cc. cm, and for a woman – 600. The same figure for athletes with 200–300 cc. see more.
  3. Starts the capillarization process. Gas exchange occurs in a small capillary network, and the increased demand for oxygen leads to an interesting effect: the bed of existing capillaries does not expand, but new capillaries open and the capillary network of the myocardium becomes denser.
  4. Increases lung capacity. Regular jogging can increase your lung capacity by 1-3 liters. The more air a person can inhale, the more oxygen the body will receive.
  5. Normalizes metabolic processes, helps cleanse the body. Scientists have found that in the evening the human excretory system works most actively. The body is best cleansed of harmful toxins and wastes by running slowly for a long time.
  6. Eliminates excess calories eaten per day. Running for more than 30 minutes will help you get rid of extra centimeters on your stomach and form a beautiful figure for the beach season: while you sleep, trained muscles will continue to waste energy and fight fat reserves.
  7. Increases performance. Medium and long distance running increases endurance well. An evening workout will not negatively affect your ability to work, as can happen after a morning workout.
  8. Improves hormone production and immunity. Running activates the endocrine system - stimulates the production of insulin, testosterone, growth hormones and thyroxine (determines metabolic rate).
  9. Positively affects mental abilities. Jogging improves cognitive abilities at a young age and protects the brain from aging. Brain functionality is enhanced by influencing neural stem cells and accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses.
  10. Fights insomnia. A moderate load improves your emotional background, helps you abstract from work, and makes you sleep soundly. Running is especially useful for people who work night shifts.

The only disadvantage of evening jogging is increased air pollution. Always try to run on streets with little traffic, parks and squares, especially in the second half of the day.

When considering the benefits and harms of evening running, keep in mind that it is contraindicated for certain diseases. If you have any doubts about your health, consult your doctor before training.

How to find time for evening jogging and not give up sports?

Beginning athletes believe that after work they need to have dinner and rest, and only then play sports. This common mistake prevents you from getting the maximum benefit from running, because the body goes into a passive state, and returning to work again is an additional stress. It's better not to give yourself such breaks.

So that the thought of jogging after work does not depress you, choose the distance, pace, and route that suits you. If running in a circle in a stadium causes psychological fatigue, take a different path. Do regularly what you can do, and sports will not be a burden.

What kind of warm-up should you do before running in the evening?

Joints are designed in such a way that synovial fluid is released into them from the deep layers of cartilage during movement. When the load is reduced, the fluid returns inside the cartilage. If a joint is suddenly subjected to a large load, then due to a lack of synovial fluid, unpleasant and painful sensations will appear. The warm-up complex should help solve this problem - improve gliding and prevent injuries.

The duration of the warm-up depends on the upcoming run. In the evening it may take less time than in the morning. Before jogging in the evening, do the following exercises:

  • swing your arms up and down and rotate;
  • raising your arms to the sides;
  • tilting the body to the sides, forward and backward;
  • circular movements in the knee joints on half-bent legs while standing;
  • standing calf raises;
  • lunges with stepping forward;
  • side lunges;
  • standing on one leg, bend the other at the knee and pull your foot toward your buttock with your hand;
  • Place your hands on the wall, put one foot back (40–60 cm from the front leg) and stretch your heel until it touches the surface.

To avoid getting confused in the sequence of exercises, start your warm-up from the head and gradually work your way down to the calf muscles. For one exercise, perform 10–20 repetitions.

What should be your running technique, heart rate and breathing?

The running technique is the same at any time of the day: it is advisable to land on the center of the foot (closer to the toe) and place the foot completely on the surface. You can’t lean forward too much, and you need to move your bent arms in time with your steps.

There are many breathing techniques, but beginners do not need them. It is enough to know that you can breathe through your nose and mouth. A beginning athlete should be guided by his own sensations - the body itself will tell you how to breathe correctly. If your breathing becomes difficult, it means the tempo is chosen incorrectly. In this case, you need to slow down or walk quickly, but you cannot stop suddenly.

The heart rate should be no more than 100 beats per minute. If you are committed to serious achievements, keep a training table and strive for great results, then electronic sports gadgets will be useful for calculating information about physical activity: smart watches, fitness trackers, etc.

How long and once a week should you run?

People without sports experience start with 10-15 minute jogs, increasing the duration of exercise to an hour. After 60–80 minutes, the body begins to burn muscle, so training is no longer recommended. For beginners, interval running alternates between jogging and walking. When hour-long runs become too easy, you can start increasing the speed and changing direction at certain sections of the distance.

You can run 2–5 times a week. When choosing the frequency of exercise, take into account health conditions, lifestyle, and other types of training. You can only cancel a planned training session due to illness. Bad weather is not a reason to rest: when it’s too cold outside in winter, run on a treadmill.

It is advisable to eat 1.5–2 hours before running training and no earlier than an hour after. To restore water balance, you need to drink water in small sips and little by little. Choose comfortable clothes for the weather and don’t skimp on shoes - buy special sneakers with shock-absorbing soles for jogging. Injuries caused by improper footwear will cost more to treat.

If you experience pain in your side while running, slow down the pace, lightly press your palm on the painful point, and breathe deeply (sometimes this is how your organs signal a lack of oxygen). When your knees hurt, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor. Pain is not always associated with a disease, but it is better to be on the safe side and make sure there are no degenerative disorders.

How to cope with muscle pain after a run?

If you are just starting to run, your muscles, joints, feet, and back will hurt. The pain will not be as severe if after jogging you walk briskly for another 5-7 minutes and do some stretching. To get rid of unpleasant sensations the next day, take a bath with salt, do light exercises, and a restorative massage (only a professional massage therapist can help). And walk more, as walking stimulates recovery.

Eat right: eat oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, lean meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily and abstain from alcohol - alcohol negates all your hard work and slows down your metabolism for several days.

Take care of your health and do not sacrifice it for the sake of cherished results. Love yourself and remember that workload is good in moderation.

If the goal is to lose weight, any exercise is good. But in terms of efficiency, nothing compares to running.

Running is one of the most effective ways to burn calories.

Here are four reasons why running may be the best exercise for weight loss:

  1. Even while resting after running, the weight loss process continues. As a high-intensity exercise, running encourages you to burn more calories after you stop exercising than low-intensity exercise.
  2. Running saves time. In the same amount of time, most people can run two to three times as far as they can walk.
  3. Running is comfortable. You can choose any time that is best for running. You can run for weight loss anywhere, no additional equipment is required except a pair of sports shoes.
  4. Running gives you a boost of energy and a good mood. Scientists have found a substance that is produced during running, and it is responsible for the feeling of happiness.
Questions: what time is the best time to run for weight loss, how much to run, when, how are very interesting to many people. Let's try to figure this out.

Note! Like any sport, running has its limitations. It is necessary to consult with doctors if there is the slightest doubt.

What is the best time to run for weight loss: how much to run, when, how

Experts say that If you follow proper nutrition, 20-45 minutes is enough for successful weight loss interval running a day.

Should you run every day?

Specialists It is recommended to run three to four times a week, combining with other types of training on the remaining days of the week. Some experts recommend running five times a week. One day must be set aside for rest from any training.

How much weight can you lose by running?

Researchers say that in order to lose 0.5 kg in a week, you need to burn 500 calories every day, combining different types of exercise and adhering to a certain diet.

Studies have shown that a woman weighing 68 kilograms burns 495 calories during a 45-minute run if her running speed is 9.7 km/hour.

By running every day for 45 minutes at this speed, you can lose 0.5 kg in a week. with a body weight of 68 kg.

These figures are given as an example. There are tables that can be used to calculate weight loss for each specific case.

Studies have shown that a woman weighing 68 kilograms burns 495 calories during a 45-minute run if her running speed is 9.7 km/hour. To do this, you need to know how, when, how much to run and what time is best for losing weight.

It is important to know! The type of load must be taken into account. Muscles quickly adapt to monotonous exercise and burn fewer calories, so long, monotonous running is not an effective means of losing weight.

To avoid addiction, you need to diversify your running- include short and long distances, change speed, train in different places and on different surfaces, run up and down slopes.

In this mode, the muscles will work more intensely and more calories will be burned. Weight will come off along with calories.

The effectiveness of running by time of day for weight loss

What is the best time to run for weight loss? The choice of what time of day to run is influenced by many factors and life circumstances. You can choose to run at any time of the day, but you should take into account the advice of experts.

Professionals advise listening to the daily (circadian) biorhythm to which a person is exposed. Almost all body functions exhibit daily rhythmicity.

For example, scientists have found that the lowest body temperature occurs in the early morning hours, and the highest temperature is observed in the afternoon and also in the evening. Athletes train more effectively at higher body temperatures.

Research has also found that lung function follows the same pattern.

Because In the morning the body temperature is low, then the muscles lack flexibility, which means the risk of injury is quite high. Lung function is slow. Energy reserves are also depleted during sleep.

It is important to know! Research shows that heart attacks and strokes are most likely to occur in the early morning hours.

After breakfast, lung function improves, body temperature increases and energy levels are much higher due to the proteins and carbohydrates received at breakfast. This time is suitable for training, but is not optimal.

At lunchtime, the body experiences a slight slowdown in vital processes, body temperature is lowered, and lung function is not at its peak.

Note! In the afternoon and especially in the evening, the body is at its maximum temperature, the muscles are flexible, and the lungs work optimally. This is the time when training will give the best results.

Therefore, to the question, The best time to run for weight loss can be answered unequivocally – in the evening. But it is also important to know how much, when and how to run.

Efficiency of the type of running (interval running, jogging)

Many people jog and think that the more they run, the more weight they lose. This is true to a certain extent. The problem is that over time, the muscles get used to the load, and the number of calories burned decreases, running becomes easier, but less effective for losing weight.

In other words, at first the weight decreases, but once the body gets used to the training regimen, there is virtually no weight loss. In addition, jogging long distances requires time and patience.

Fortunately, There is a type of running that burns more fat in much less time.. Each workout will take from 20 to 45 minutes. This running is called interval running., since it consists of alternating periods with loads of different intensity.

There are different interval running programs, but the essence is the same. A period of jogging or walking at a comfortable speed should follow a period of fast running, then the whole cycle is repeated several times.

At a comfortable speed, the body receives energy from inhaled oxygen and virtually no calories are burned. Once the speed increases dramatically, the muscles begin to process this oxygen and expend additional energy using other body chemicals.

Increasing your speed burns additional calories. Even during the fasting period following a period of intense exercise, the enhanced process of burning calories continues.

Experts advise combining intervals of different lengths with different types of running, to avoid muscle addiction and get the maximum number of calories burned.

Running program in the morning (time of intensive, walking jogging, rest)

It is important to know! You should start training with walking (for several days). Then start interval running at a slow pace. Running speed and training intensity should increase gradually.

In the morning, the load should be gentle to avoid injuries and troubles.

Once the walking stage is completed, you can begin interval running.

The first stage of running, alternating walking and running:

Walking (minutes) Run (minutes)

The total training time is 29 minutes, of which 5 minutes are running.

At any time during training, you can take a break if your physical condition requires it, and then, if possible, resume classes.

By repeating this scheme three to four times a week, you can switch to the next level of exercise, at which walking takes 33 minutes and running 10 minutes.

This program is designed for 12 stages of interval running. It starts with a 30-minute walk and ends with a 30-minute run.

Day running program (time of intensive, leisure running, rest)

You can use the same program in the morning, afternoon and evening. What is the difference? During the daytime, your lungs and muscles work more efficiently, so your running speed can be faster while maintaining your timing.

Evening running program (time for intense running, leisure running, rest)

The best time to run for weight loss is in the evening., since the speed load can be maximized without any negative consequences.

Be careful! However, it is important to listen to your body and reduce the intensity of your workout immediately if any alarming symptoms appear.

How to breathe properly when running to lose weight

Oxygen is a powerful catalyst for burning fat. People who spend a lot of time outdoors don't have to put in much effort to lose weight. That's why, Whenever possible, you should run outdoors. In this case, it is necessary to monitor proper breathing.

How to breathe:

  1. It's important to breathe deeply. By using deep breathing techniques, sufficient oxygen is supplied to the body, which helps burn calories effectively and prevents dizziness and nausea.
  2. Breathing and steps must be aligned. If you can't do this, then you are running too fast. You need to slow down your running speed.
  3. Learn to breathe through your nose. This is especially important when the air is cold and dry. When you breathe through your mouth, dry air goes directly into your lungs and makes it difficult for them to function. The nose acts as a filter and also warms the air, which partially prevents the negative impact on the lungs.

Nutrition before and after running for weight loss

The rules of running for weight loss include food intake.

Both refusal to eat and overeating are unacceptable.

According to experts, during fasting and heavy physical exertion, the body first consumes fat, and then begins to break down muscles and glycogen, without touching fat.

This causes great harm and causes unwanted structural changes in the organs.

Be careful! Severe dietary restrictions, especially before and after training, can lead to undesirable and even dangerous consequences for health.

Overeating before running is also unacceptable, since in this case the blood will rush to the digestive organs, leaving the muscles without the necessary amount of blood for their normal functioning.

To ensure optimal conditions for the functioning of the body and muscles during training, it is necessary to choose one suitable pre-workout meal option from the following two:

  1. Eat a full, balanced meal two hours before training.. In the morning, this option is not entirely acceptable. This may be another reason to postpone your workout to the evening if you are still in doubt about the best time to run for weight loss.
  2. Eat a snack an hour or half an hour in advance (150 to 300 calories). Experts recommend a combination of protein and easily digestible carbohydrates with a low fat content. For example, a combination of fruit and low-fat cheese, or a hard-boiled egg with grapes would be a good choice.

This will help maintain stable blood sugar levels and provide your muscles with enough energy to work efficiently and burn the optimal amount of calories.

Eating after a run is also extremely important. Food should be rich in proteins and carbohydrates, contain about 20 grams of protein, which is the building material of muscles and is necessary to restore spent glycogen.

That's why A protein shake is great as a light post-workout snack. The best cocktails are those containing soy, whey and casein proteins.

It is important to know! Remember to drink enough water before, during and after your workout. Two hours before training, drink half a liter of cool water. Also, for the successful absorption of inhaled oxygen, it is necessary to include foods rich in iron in the diet.

Run and lose weight for your health!

Briefly. Rules for running for weight loss:

  1. It is necessary to run three to four days a week, if possible in the open air, breathing deeply;
  2. Decide what time is convenient for you, but if possible it is better to run for weight loss in the evening;
  3. You should use one of the interval running programs;
  4. It is necessary to eat properly before and after running (foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates).

Don't miss useful videos about the rules of running for weight loss

What is the best time to run for weight loss?

Find out how much to run, when and how to lose weight from this video:

Today we will put an end to our errands, namely, we will get the final answer to the question - when is it better to run: in the morning or in the evening? During the course of this article, we will learn what type of cardio exercise should be used to solve a particular problem, how to calculate the number of calories burned, what the optimal duration of the race should be, and other miscellaneous things.

So, I’ll ask everyone to take their seats in the auditorium, and we’ll begin.

FAQ: When is it better to run in the morning or evening?

In the first lines of my story, I would like to remind all forgetful people or new faces that we have already considered the issue of errands, in particular here, so I strongly recommend that you pay your respects to this note. In it we got acquainted with the basics of aerobic activity, today we will deepen this knowledge and also consider more specific issues. In general, it’s worth saying that at first I didn’t plan to rant on the topic of running around on such a scale. However, then I decided that it was necessary to cover all aspects of this process in as much detail as possible, so as not to locally respond to everyone via mail. Therefore, the article absorbed all your questions and misunderstandings and swelled to such proportions. Well, what won’t you do for the sake of your readers, thank you for keeping me busy and not letting me get bored :).

Actually, enough of tugging at the cat, let’s get to the heart of the matter...

Note: For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Physiology of daytime and evening training

In previous posts we talked about different sports results depending on the training time. Let me remind you that when studying in the early evening (time from 5 before 6 p.m.) the maximum performance of the body is achieved, which coincides with the point of the highest body temperature. These calculations, but only in relation to athletes pedaling (doing cardio), decided to check it out at the North Texas Institute of Applied Physiology. The subjects rode a bicycle trainer one morning (between 6:30 And 9:30 morning) and once in the evening (between 5:00 And 8:00 evening, another day) at constant power. As it turned out, the time until exhaustion was approximately 20% more in the evening hours (329 against 275 seconds). In other words, athletes were less effective in the evening. At a given constant power they consumed more oxygen (and thus more energy) by about 6% . They compensated for this negative fact with the following positive effects observed in the evening:

  • higher anaerobic capacity by 7% ;
  • fast VO2 (volume of oxygen) kinetics, which essentially means that athletes were able to increase aerobic energy production faster and thus use their anaerobic energy stores longer;
  • higher maximum heart rate (193 against 189 ) .

Why this all happens is not completely clear to researchers. It has been suggested that the mechanism of circadian rhythms is much more complex than people are used to thinking. Thus, training with iron in the evening is good, including for weight loss, because. Increased body temperature helps accelerate metabolic reactions in the body. And cardio in the evening is less effective than in the daytime.

2 ways to burn fat faster in the morning

Most people resort to running as an effective tool for getting their plump bodies into shape. To quickly achieve your goal and lose extra pounds in a timely manner, follow the following two recommendations.

No. 1. Start studying in the morning.

Research shows that morning workouts (immediately after waking up) V 30-60 minutes, allow you to burn up to 3 x times more fat than exercising at other times during the day. Here's why: During the day, the body's main source of energy is carbohydrates, which come from food. When a person sleeps at night, his body depletes all these reserves. As a result, upon awakening, carbohydrates no longer play the role of an energy source, and fat will be used to obtain energy. Another interesting fact is that morning workouts increase your metabolic rate for the whole day, i.e. By working out while fasting, you will burn more calories all day. However, here you need to remember that if you have not the worst muscle mass, then it is better not to resort to the option of training on an empty stomach, because you can burn muscle instead of fat. This method of losing weight is only valid for people with excess fat mass.


A study conducted at the University of Kansas Medicine found that 1 kg of fat was oxidized faster when training was carried out in the morning than if physical activity was carried out in the afternoon. A cyclist pedaling in the morning (before breakfast) burned on 60% more fat than at lunch.

No. 2. Training in the morning and then a specific breakfast.

In order not to blur the effect obtained from a morning workout or cardio, you need to eat properly. The best thing (for weight loss after morning activity) Vegetables (fiber) and lean protein are good options for breakfast. Here is an example of an ideal breakfast for such an occasion:

  • tilapia fish;
  • broccoli/cauliflower;
  • goat cheese + whole grain bread;
  • green tea.

Forms of aerobic activity (running): what to choose?

I’m sure you are aware that you can move the loaves in different ways, some say that it is best to run at a slow pace for weight loss, others say that interval cardio rules. Let's contribute ours too 5 kopecks and we will answer this question. I’ll say right away that my opinion on this issue is this: there is no most effective type of cardio for all people, there is something that works worse/better for a specific person, you just need to find it. I will not prove that if I run at a slow pace, then everyone should also sow corn. I'll just bring 4 types of aerobic activity that give good results both in burning fat and in “cultivating” muscle mass.

No. 1. Low intensity cardio (LOI)

Jogging is the most common form of running errands. In addition to influencing body composition, it also helps reduce muscle pain and improve recovery of muscles damaged by microtrauma, thanks to faster delivery of nutrient-rich blood to them. In addition to jogging, CRI includes cycling and running on a treadmill at an appropriate speed. CNI is mainly fueled by free fatty acids, and carbohydrates, as a source of energy, come in second place. To preserve and maintain muscle mass during CNI training, additional intake of protein and amino acids is desirable. (for example, through sports nutrition). When they talk about low intensity, they mean the pulse in the area 60-65% from heart rate max. Cardio should be performed within 30-45 minutes and remain lightly hydrated throughout the session.

No. 2. Moderate Intensity Cardio (MIC)

This is something between jogging and sprinting. The goal is to carry out the activity at a fairly vigorous pace while maintaining the level of effort over a long period of time. This kind of running requires focusing on breathing and constantly maintaining your target heart rate zone ( 65-70% ) . CSI must be performed within 30 minutes, without slowing down for a second and without resting in the process. This type of cardio uses as an energy source (same as fats) carbohydrates. To preserve and maintain muscle mass, additional intake of protein and amino acids is also necessary. Most often accompanied by more profuse sweating after 5-7 minutes after starting, so it is important to stay hydrated by drinking water at intervals along the way.

No. 3. Interval cardio (IC)

Requires the same intensity as CNI, but less concentration and attention. This way you can work more efficiently without fear of failure. The goal of this activity is to provide a quick workout to boost your metabolism long afterward. In fact, IR has been shown in many studies to have much better fat burning effects even compared to double duration CI, all due to its higher metabolic rate. Sprinting is intense cardio with defined intervals and active recovery. (walking in place) m/y races. IR is often called HIIC, which translates to high-intensity interval cardio. This intensity, due to its anaerobic nature, is fueled primarily by carbohydrates. Therefore, to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to consume carbohydrates before and after running activity. Consuming protein and amino acids is important for muscle recovery, and cool water during rest breaks provides a new surge of strength and gives a boost of vigor. The following technical scheme for performing HIIT will allow you to better navigate the issues of running:

  • number of times per week 2-3 ;
  • high intensity running interval 15 seconds;
  • distance covered in 15 sec, 50-60 meters;
  • total number of sprints, 20 . Of them 12 – full intensity and 8 – warm-up/cool-down;
  • total running time, 15-20 minutes.

This is what the breakdown looks like for interval training in the form of a sprint.

No. 4. Cardio with iron (CI)

A very effective, but little used type of activity. QOL is nothing more than circuit training with light weights. When performing it, the athlete immediately solves two problems:

  1. trains the cardiovascular system;
  2. improves your explosiveness and strength.

All the athlete needs to do is choose 2-3 exercises and tie them in a bunch. The weight is expected to be 50% from 1RM (1 -repeated maximum). For example, if you lift a barbell with a weight of 50 kg per 1 once, then 25 kg is a suitable weight for circuit training. Number of repetitions 12-15 , sets – 3 , rest with sets 15-20 seconds Thus, 1 circle is 2-3 exercises performed one after another by a train, with rest 15-20 seconds in circles (sets). This anaerobic activity uses carbohydrates as fuel, so they must be consumed to fuel the body during the session. It is also necessary to regulate the intake of protein and amino acids into the body and always remain hydrated, i.e. be well hydrated.

As you can see, each cardio has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, so the main thing here is not which type is the most effective, but which one you like, which one you will not forget about :), but will enjoy it. Practice all of the above and find yours. Any of them creates an anabolic environment in the body and has a positive effect on body composition, the main thing is systematicity.

So, next in line.

How many days (months) should you run to lose weight?

Agree, it’s very interesting when you know in advance whether you will have time to lose weight by the beach season or not? Now we will figure out how many kilograms and in what time we can burn by running errands. One simple overseas calculator will help us with this. All we need is to follow the link http://running.angryjogger.com/pages/running_weight_loss_calculator, fill out the fields on two tabs correctly and check out the result. So, here is the data I took as an example: man, age 25 years, height 6 feet ( 183 cm), weight 200 pounds ( 90, 6 kg), wants to lose 10 pounds ( 4,5 kg), running around 5 km 2 once a week. Calculator result: For 1 the race is burned 453 kcal When consumed per day 2190 kcal and start date of the run 9 September 2014 , a person will lose weight by 4,5 kg k 9 June 2015 years, i.e. through 10 months.

How to determine how many calories are burned when walking/running?

For those who do not trust various calculations and are used to doing everything by hand, there are the following formulas for calculating calories...

  • for walking:

  • for running:

Can I lose weight by running only 10/20/30 minutes a day, but systematically?

In any case, systematic (i.e. every day, but a little bit), better than not running all week, now I’ll have a blast this weekend 2 hours. It is also important to remember that the less time you spend running, the more meticulous you need to be in creating your menu. In other words, if you don’t want to pay with time for physical activity, then pay with a more thoughtful diet. For example, if your daily calorie intake is 2000 kcal and you run 30 minutes (burns about 300 kcal), however you consume 2500 kcal, then either increase your jogging time by 30 minutes, or reduce the amount of food by 300-500 kcal :).

Not everyone likes running, and in this case the question arises: what types of aerobic activity can be used instead of running errands, I answer...

The following reminder will also help you.

What is the best time to run to lose weight if you are working out?

So, here's the time-quantity scheme you should follow (in relation to running for the purpose of losing weight) on training days in the gym.

Conclusions: when is it better to run: morning or evening?

Despite the fact that there are scientifically established specific periods for aerobic activity, each person is an individual. Those. You shouldn’t force your body into the rigid framework of theory, saying that the best time is in the morning. Yes, that’s the way it is, but if you don’t give a shit at all and feel below the baseboard, then what kind of effective cardio training can we talk about? You're not lifting iron while half asleep, are you?

Each person has his own biological rhythm, chronotype, some are a lark, some are an owl, some are a bear, so you can’t paint everyone with the same brush and say: everyone should run wild. In other words, if science says that you should run in the morning, but another time is more comfortable for the body, then this science would follow the forest :).

So, listen to your body, practice running at different times, read the feedback sent by your body, record your physical condition during different “running” periods and find your best time!


People at all times have been looking for ways to make their lives easier, this also applies to issues and ways to lose weight. We don't just need running, we need the best kind of running, the best running shoes, and even the right time of day. Of course, all of the above information works and deserves your close attention, but the most important thing is the desire to take the first step and further constant work in the chosen direction. Those. By and large, it doesn’t matter whether you run in the morning or in the evening, the main thing is the very fact of systematically performing actions. And here everything depends on the person, and not on the time of day, family circumstances or the weather outside. In general, we now have more than enough theory, the most difficult thing remains - practice, so stop being clever, let’s finish reading these lines and, regardless of the time of day, go for a run, good luck!

PS. Friends, what time do you run? Write your answers in the comments to this post.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

In this article, I will tell you whether there is a best time to train for building muscle / losing weight (burning excess fat), and in general, and if so, what is it.

I’ll say right away that I can’t answer this question - definitely for everyone - (like any normal person), not because I don’t know, but because the question is individual.

Individual, because you need to take into account many individual nuances (circumstances):


  • AT HOME = you can do it either in the MORNING, AFTERNOON or EVENING (in general, whenever you want, depends on other nuances).
  • IN A FITNESS CLUB = it is possible in the MORNING (if the gym is open early), AFTERNOON/EVENING (but depends on other nuances).


  • If it’s far away = then in the morning it’s problematic (but in principle it’s possible, it depends on other nuances);
  • If nearby = then in the morning/afternoon/evening (in general, whenever, depends on other nuances).
  • If you train at home, then this point is not taken into account.


1. If you work like most ordinary people from 8 to 18 = then IN THE MORNING is problematic(but perhaps depends on many other nuances):

  • Do you have a desire to wake up early in the morning and go to the gym to train;
  • Is your gym open this early? if you train at home, then there are no problems;
  • WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS?! If the goal is to build muscle = then read the recommendations below for those who are gaining weight). If the goal is fat burning = then read the recommendations below for those who are losing weight.

2. Therefore, as an option, just train in the EVENING (but, as a rule, as practice shows, many people don’t want to train after work as much as they want, and they find excuses not to do it).

3. If your schedule = MORNING/AFTERNOON/EVENING (which is more convenient, see for yourself, depends on other nuances).


  • Many halls are open from 9.00; = accordingly, in the morning before work (if you, like most people, from 8 to 18) disappear. GOING OUT: only in the evening, after work.
  • If you train at home = then the club schedule is not taken into account.


  • Morning gym memberships usually = CHEAPER;
  • EVENING gym memberships, as a rule, = MORE EXPENSIVE;

For many people, this is also a decisive nuance for training.



Well, I think many people know this (it’s logical). For example, I’m a typical night owl))), accordingly, getting up early in the morning is generally an impossible mission for me, and going to some kind of training is absolutely not worth it. But in the evening it’s the best for me. But, in general, it depends on the goals (read the recommendations below for more details). In general, I think the point is clear.


  • LOSE WEIGHT = it makes sense to do a workout - IN THE MORNING ON AN EAST SCHARK, but not to do strength training with a barbell/dumbbells/simulators, etc. — and CARDIO (for example, running/fast walking, cycling, etc.). And then during the day or evening - strength training. Although you can do strength training + cardio in the morning, in general, more about this in the recommendations below.
  • GAINING MASS = possible both in the morning and during the day and in the evening. The main thing is to follow the recommendations.

I don’t believe in peaks of activity, etc., ala style in the morning at 10-11 o’clock in the morning - we are active (which means we need to train only at this time), and in the evening, for example at 18.00, we are no longer active (you can’t train). Or vice versa. As for me, training at some special time (i.e. according to the clock), because someone said so, well, it’s kind of idiocy...

It is also appropriate to mention the periods when people change their clocks to winter/summer time. So, I’m wondering what the supporters of those who believe in all these peaks/special times will say to this?)))

Well, please explain to me, maybe I really don’t understand something?))) I don’t understand, so you moved the time forward an hour - and then what?! Does your body immediately adjust to an hour ahead because you changed the time? In short, I don’t believe in all this, so my recommendation is very simple:

The most important thing is that you are full of strength and energy before strength training. If you don’t have the strength and energy before strength training, then how will you train? You won't be able to give it your all (to the maximum) as you have to, and the training will not be as effective as it could be. Obviously, if you have strength/energy, you can make the workout effective. Logical and simple. Do you agree? =)

1. Try to always study at the same time. This will allow your body to get used to (adapt) to the loads and adapt to them (even if you have training, for example, at 4 in the morning). When the body gets used to the fact that you have regular workouts at 4 am (this is an example), it will produce energy in time for this hour. This is exactly the case when training is, in any case, more effective than no training, but regular training at the same time is even much more effective.

2. If for some reason you train early in the morning , then before training you should Necessarily provide your body appropriate amount of fuel (food). It’s like a car, before driving a required distance (for example, 100 km) you need to refuel with gasoline, and refuel enough to last for 100 km, because if you refuel, BUT NOT WITH THE APPROPRIATE QUANTITY, you won’t get there and will stall at some point. halfway through the trip. Do you understand? So it is here, only in our case the fuel is not gasoline, but FOOD! And if we don’t eat the required amount of food, I simply won’t be able to cover the energy expenditure that training involves in the first half of the day (morning).

During sleep, our body spends about 1 kilocalorie per kg of body weight per HOUR. For example, if you weigh 80 kg and you sleep for 8 hours, then 80x1x8 = 800 kilocalories. By going for strength training, you will spend (if you do it properly, about 45 minutes-hour) about 400, maybe 500 kcal.

The question arises: can you gain (800+ 400 = 1200) kcal before training?!

If yes, then no problem, train in the morning. If not, then you simply will not cover the energy costs that training involves in the first half of the day (morning). Accordingly, there is no point in hoping for any weight results. Most likely there will be no progress at all, or there will be, but insignificant... That's why this is so important...

Here (when training in the morning) it is also worth taking into account how you ate in the evening and whether you got enough sleep.

3. Evening workouts Unlike morning ones, from the point of view of providing the body with the necessary fuel (energy), for its performance, they are more EFFECTIVE, because during the day we eat a lot, we have at least 3-4 meals, maybe even 5. In each meal carbohydrates + proteins (well, if you do everything scientifically, as it should). So, thanks to this, by the evening (when the workout is planned) our body will have MORE than enough energy to fully train. Accordingly, there are no problems...

Actually for this reason, evening training (well, let’s say around 17-18-19.00) is more preferable (but you can train early in the morning, the main thing is to cover the energy expenditure with the required amount of food, but most people don’t succeed, most don’t know this at all).


I definitely wouldn’t do strength training in the morning on an empty stomach.

But doing strength training IN THE MORNING but not on an empty stomach is POSSIBLE! But, to be honest, I wouldn’t, because in the morning when a person wakes up and doesn’t eat anything, it’s best to do CARDIO. And then at lunch or in the evening strength training. And after it, cardio again)). This will be more effective than doing both STRENGTH AND CARDIO in the morning. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE!

The most important thing, even at the stage of losing weight (burning fat) before strength training, is to take a full meal one hour, consisting of PROTEIN + COMPLEX CARBS + FIBER. Here is the main recommendation.


Post-workout nutrition depends on goals and time, i.e. if you trained in the MORNING and you are in the MASS GAINING phase (your goal is to build muscle), then immediately after training you can drink BCAA amino acids, if they are not there, then just water, and be sure to absorb a copious amount of + COMPLEX (fiber) 30 minutes after strength training by herself). Well, subsequent meals B+U+fiber+water every 2 hours. Before bed, casein prot or. Well, I’m telling you everything briefly, if you need details, then read articles about nutrition on my blog.

If you trained in the EVENING (at 17-18-19-20-21) and you are in the MASS GAIN phase (the goal is to pump up muscles), then I would still recommend you BCAA after training (if they are not there, then water) + 30 minutes after strength training = plenty of protein + complex carbohydrates. And before bed, cottage cheese or casein. prot.

If we are talking about WEIGHT LOSS (BURNING EXCESS FAT), then the recommendations are as follows:

If you trained in the MORNING, then I would not eat any carbohydrates after training in SOON! I would eat only protein + fiber (in small quantities)! Those. after training I would drink BCAA, and then after 30 minutes I would eat some other protein (normal from food, for example, fish, chicken, beef, eggs) + fiber. And then after 2 hours I would make a meal with CARBOHYDRATES (complex) + protein + fiber.

If you trained IN THE EVENING, then I would not eat any carbohydrates AT ALL! Only protein + fiber (in a small amount)! Those. after training I would drink BCAA, and then after 30 minutes I would eat some other protein (normal from food, for example, fish, chicken, beef, eggs) + fiber. And before bed, either cottage cheese or casein protein, and then go to sleep.

You know, I remembered Dmitry Yashankin for some reason)), namely his column - train always and everywhere. In general, those who are in the subject understood everything immediately; those who did not understand, don’t be upset, I’ll explain everything now.

Golden Rule: It’s better to train than not to train)).

What I mean by this is that train when it is more convenient for you to train. If it's convenient for you to train in the morning, train in the morning. Convenient during the day means during the day. Convenient in the evening means in the evening. If you had the desire 🙂 As they say: if you want, you’ll find time, if you don’t want, you’ll find a reason... Well, here’s a 100% hit on target (think about it, maybe this is about you)...

P.s. If it’s about you, then you might find this article on this topic useful: .

However, if your goals are weight gain (muscle pumping) / weight loss = then follow the recommendations that I described in such detail above. This is definitely not to be missed.

Best regards, administrator.
