Figure skating techniques for beginners. Ice skating technique. For newbies. Balanced effort for power skating with explosive speed

Speed ​​skating, playing hockey or just relaxing on the ice are popular leisure activities. People often come to the skating rink with friends or children. And when there are beginners in the company who have not mastered the skating technique, there is a fear of falls or collisions on the ice, where you can knock your neighbor down in no time. This is why it is so important to have basic knowledge and become familiar with skating techniques.

The first visit to the skating rink should be spent calmly, leisurely, walking on the ice to get used to it and learn to keep your balance. When the balance has been found, you can safely go out on the ice, but at first you should stick to the side, try to slide, trying as hard as possible to maintain balance and without an assistant in the form of a side. Ideally, seek help from friends who are already skilled at skating, or from a coach who can help you skate a couple of laps, holding your hand.

So, the first step is to take the main position. To do this, your legs should be slightly bent and your body should be slightly pointed forward. This setup will help you find your center and balance to keep your balance. For the first workout, 15 minutes will be enough. This will help avoid soreness and problems with the knee joints that arise out of habit. The purpose of the first lessons is:

  • honing the correct position;
  • determining the balance point and feeling the balance.

You should master the skating technique in several stages. So, the second lesson should also start at the side, and then proceed to warm-up:

  1. Move forward in small steps without leaning on the side. Your feet should move as if you were simply walking on the ground in your usual shoes. This makes balancing easy to learn.
  2. After this stage has been successful, you can return to the side and do the same movements, but you should turn your back forward.
  3. You need to sit down several times at the side, slightly tilting your back forward.

After learning balance has been successful, you can move directly to the technique, which is based on skating exercises.

Performing preparatory exercises

There are exercises that will help you understand the gliding technique and facilitate the process of learning to skate:

  • cart;
  • herringbone;
  • scooter;
  • flashlight.


During this exercise, the left leg should be placed so that it looks forward, and the right leg should be placed behind. Next, you should squat down and push off with your leg in such a way as to drive forward, placing emphasis on your left leg. In this case, the right leg is bent at the knee and pulled up. In this way you need to travel as far as possible. Repeat the exercise, but changing the supporting leg.


When performing the exercise, the position of the legs should be together in relation to each other, and the toes should be slightly spread to the sides. Next, you should squat slightly, pushing one leg forward, while pushing off the ice with the other. Thus, you can drive less than a meter.


When performing this exercise, slide on your feet, which are spread apart to the sides at a width equal to the width of your shoulders. Your arms should also be kept apart, while one of them should be pulled to the side and at the same time transfer your entire weight to the same side on the leg that needs to be bent. At this time, the other leg straightens in the opposite direction.


Learning to perform this exercise is as easy as the previous ones. To do this, you need to take the starting stance, put your toes out, and bring your heels together, placing emphasis on them. Next, you should sit down and press on the inside of the edge of the blade so that your legs move apart in different directions. They must be reduced to the level of parallel arrangement to each other. Then you should repeat the exercise and again push off with the blades in different directions, thus drawing the appearance of “flashlights”.

In addition, there are a number of exercises that will help hone your balance skills. Among them are:

  • snake;
  • plow braking;
  • turns.


To perform a snake, you need to gain momentum while placing your feet close to each other. The legs need to be bent at the knees, and at this time the weight should be shifted to the heels. The knees and toes rotate in unison and form a snake-like trajectory of movement.

Plow braking

There are many ways to brake. Among all the known ones, braking by a plow can be distinguished. The essence of this method is that you should sit down, resting your heels on the ice, and at the same time you need to bring your toes towards each other. Already, just before stopping, you should bring your socks together with one sharp movement.


To master the technique of turning, you should place your legs parallel to each other, take the initial stance, in which you need to bend your knees and tilt your body. To turn when running, using hockey skates, for example, you should tilt your body in the direction of the turn. To reduce the turning radius, it is worth tilting your body and pushing off with your foot at the same time, which will occupy an external position in relation to the direction of the turn.

How to fall and rise?

The main thing is to overcome your fears, which will become more realistic if you master the technique of correct falls. It is worth noting that in figure sports there is one rule: if balance is lost, it will not be restored. This means that falls cannot be avoided. Moreover, the higher the skating speed, the more obvious the result. Therefore, we learn to fall correctly:

  1. To prevent a fall, your legs should be bent and your arms should be pressed to your body.
  2. We need to save our heads. To do this, the chin is tucked towards the chest and one arm is extended. It is important to use a brush and not an elbow. When falling on your back, your head is also pulled towards your chest so as not to injure the back of your head.
  3. You need to fall sideways, preferably on the thigh, which is the strongest part of the body, which even with maximum acceleration and a strong fall will only result in minor bruises.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to swing the equipment when your balance is lost, because the blades are very sharp and can cause serious injury to people nearby.

To get up after a fall, you should take a kneeling position, placing one knee on which you should lean, and then try to rise. If you can’t stand up on your own and there’s no help in sight, it’s better to move to the side to lean on it.

Where to start learning to skate?

The best way to learn skating techniques is at a professional skating rink, where there are all the conditions for this and you can get help and tips.

Skating training is a very entertaining and interesting activity. To become a good master of this sport, one lesson a month will not be enough. But 3 hours a week will be enough to practice all figure skating techniques. This applies to both an adult who is already familiar with the basics of skating, and a child who is just starting to get acquainted with ice.

It is worth noting the seriousness of the classes and the importance of all skating exercises for both beginners and experienced skaters. For example, not everyone understands the value of warming up, however, by setting aside just 5 minutes, you will get your body in shape and set up the functioning of your brain, heart and muscles for subsequent loads, in addition, you will reduce the chance of injury.

Also among the main tips for skating are:

  • using the side at the first stages of training;
  • practice balancing;
  • use one leg as a center of gravity to avoid falls;
  • first, master braking with a plow, which is performed like stopping on skis - with your toes inward;
  • practice your falling technique.

Errors in performing exercises

There are a number of mistakes when performing exercises that can lead to injuries and falls. Among the most common are:

  1. Rolling the ankles inward. To avoid this, you need to move like clumsy bears on the outer ribs of both legs.
  2. Incorrect position. You should control your knees, bringing them forward as much as possible and keeping them slightly bent.
  3. Incorrect push-off. To achieve maximum speed, you need to push off without spreading your legs, but only straighten one leg, which will be given the push, and return it to its original position.

Ice skating, although similar to roller skating, has a different technique, which, having mastered, anyone can feel like a real master of the sport. Remember: it's never too late to start! Keep your knees bent, don’t look at your feet, and confidently practice all the theoretical knowledge you acquired earlier.

In dreams - mastering ice skating, but in reality - sitting within four walls! The main obstacle to frequent visits to the skating rink are two reasons - unsuitable weather conditions and the inability to keep balance on skates. And if the first cannot be changed, then the second can be easily corrected! It’s not scary that at first the riding will not even resemble Plushenko’s skating, and his legs will often threaten to go away at any moment. With due diligence, both adults and children can ride. It's never too late to learn this.

Choosing the Right Skates

If your plans are to confidently skate on ice and develop your skills, and not just visit the ice rink once, you won’t be able to get by with rental skates. You need to purchase your own, fortunately, the range of stores allows you to quickly choose the optimal model that fully meets your goals. The main thing in this matter is not to make a mistake with the size.

To prevent this from happening, you need to be guided by the length of the skate insole. It should be larger than that of the foot, about 0.5 cm. And before purchasing, be sure to walk around the store a little in laced skates.

The most common mistake is choosing skates that are a size larger than you really need. In such skates, when moving, the foot moves backward.

An important point is ankle fixation. The feeling after putting on the boot should be as if it continues your leg.

There are three types of skates:

  • With teeth. Suitable for professional skaters. They are heavier because they are designed for difficult turns, but warmer than hockey ones.
  • Hockey. They have reinforcements in certain places and protection from puck hits; they are lighter in weight than figured ones.
  • For freestyle skating. They are comfortable and soft. Insulated. These are the ones that are recommended for beginners.

To avoid injury, skates should be laced correctly:

  • The ankle is tight.
  • In areas close to the toe and top hooks, the lacing is slightly loosened.
  • The foot is fixed tightly, but so that the leg is comfortable.

Weather appropriate clothing

If the indoor skating rink maintains a fairly high temperature and you can wear a tracksuit there, then skating outside requires a thorough approach to choosing clothes. Ideally, the clothing will consist of three layers.

In addition, when going to an outdoor skating rink, to avoid frostbite, it is recommended to arm yourself with gloves, a short scarf and a hat.

There is no need to insulate your feet with socks that are too thick; this can cause a decrease in the sensitivity of the foot, which will lead to problems in controlling the skates.

The main requirement for clothing is its comfort: clothing should not interfere with movements while riding!

Mandatory warm-up before riding

Since skating on ice does not consist of the most familiar movements for a person, before going out on the ice you should definitely warm up all your muscles. For this purpose, you can use, for example, the usual complex of morning exercises.

Development should be done from top to bottom, paying attention to the head, shoulders, arms, pelvis, knees and ankles. These 5-10 minutes will protect you from unnecessary injuries and sprains.

For correct and confident skating, special attention should be paid to maintaining balance, developing flexibility and endurance, as well as knowing your body and your own sensations.

Learning to keep balance

To skate correctly, even before putting on skates for the first time at the rink, you need to train your body to maintain balance and make the ankle ligaments stronger. You can achieve results using:

Only after gaining confidence On a non-slip surface you can go ice conquest.

Body position while riding

Two common mistakes when riding are:

  • Straightening the legs.
  • Protrusion of the buttocks back. Having assumed this position, a person gets walking instead of sliding.

To give the body the correct position, you should master the stance of a speed skater: position your legs, slightly bent at the knee joints, so that the distance between them is less than the width of your shoulders. Arms slightly bent at the elbows, place to the sides. This will give the body greater stability. Bend your torso forward slightly. In this position, you can walk on the ice, try to squat several times, not forgetting to maintain a slight tilt of the entire torso forward.

This simple exercise is aimed at strengthening your sense of balance. If it’s a little scary to do it on ice right away, you can practice on a non-slip snowy surface.

A set of basic exercises on ice

Using this complex, you can quickly learn to skate on your own:

Skating forward

Mastering the correct turning technique

  • If you need to turn from forward to backward, you need to turn your heel by pressing your foot on the front of the boot.
  • And if, when riding backwards, you need to change it to moving forward, you should press on the heel, trying to turn the tooth of the skate, without using the entire blade.

When turning, you should not move your body.

Braking training

  • The easiest way to stop the movement is to use heel braking. To do this, you need to have your legs parallel to each other. The braking itself occurs when you lift the toe of one of your feet and transfer your weight to your heel.
  • A more complex method is the “T” braking. Bringing one leg forward, move the blade of the other skate across. The braking leg can be placed either at the back or at the front.

Important! In the second method, you need to hold your leg with the help of your ankle. It is not recommended to place the skate with the edge out or in - you may fall.

Correct fall and rise

During a fall you must:

  • Tuck yourself together, tense your neck and look down with your chin to avoid hitting your head.
  • Grouping yourself as much as possible, bend your legs and try to fall onto your thigh.
  • Bend your elbows. When falling, there should be no “hard” hands! This is fraught with a fracture.
  • Hide your fingers into your fist so that other people's skates don't run over them.

Lifting actions

  • To avoid colds and a risk of injury for other skaters, lying on the ice is contraindicated.
  • When lifting, you should first kneel down. Then, resting the teeth of the skate on the surface of the ice, carefully straighten your leg.

Basic rules of behavior at the skating rink

  • Movement on the skating rink is counterclockwise.
  • Even in the absence of an approved driving speed, for safety it is recommended to follow the unspoken rules of behavior. For example, those who are unsure on skates must give way to someone who is moving at high speed.
  • Using the sides is the prerogative of beginners. The center of the skating rink is occupied by more experienced skaters.

Since collisions are possible when riding, you need to be as careful and careful as possible!

Places for skiing

You can go ice skating:

Since the steel blades of skates are susceptible to corrosion, they should be wiped dry after skating and taken out of the bag at home and left to dry. It is contraindicated to dry skates near a radiator; this will lead to drying and cracking of leather shoes.

Blades should be sharpened periodically. When skating on open ice, you will have to sharpen more often than when your skates come into contact with a closed surface. If training is frequent, the blades will require sharpening after every two months of using the skates.

And don’t forget about putting special covers on your skates. They will delay dullness and prevent accidental cuts.

Ice skating is becoming an increasingly popular and fashionable pastime. Both adults and children can come here, either alone or with the whole family or in a group of friends. But many people are scared of the possibility of falling on the ice or, worse, knocking someone else down while learning. In reality, everything is much simpler and easier than it seems at first glance.

It is believed that the first lessons in skating can begin at the age of 3–4 years. If you are planning to send your child to a sports section, it is optimal to start at this age. But don’t despair if you are already much older: it’s never too late to learn to skate from scratch as an adult!

When visiting the skating rink for the first time, don’t rush to be on the ice right away; it’s better to walk around in your skates a little on your own, getting used to them.

Once the balance point is found, go out onto the ice. Holding onto the side with one hand, try to slide, maintaining your balance as much as possible without the help of the side. It’s ideal to find someone who can help you - a coach or a friend who will take your arm for a few laps.

Take the basic position: knees slightly bent, body tilted forward, the main goal of this exercise is to find a balance point and maintain balance, remembering your sensations.

When you feel more confident, ask them to turn you around, rolling you in this position. If you can't see where you're going, it's harder to maintain balance, but it's easier to feel your body and its signals.

During the first workout, it is better not to overdo it, limiting it to 15–20 minutes. A longer approach will result in soreness, even if you lead an active lifestyle and your muscles are accustomed to stress. Most often, out of habit, the knee joints suffer.

What to pay attention to during the first lesson:

  • Correct body position (basic position);
  • Point of balance and balance.

Once you get used to the new sensations, you will subconsciously remember how to properly hold yourself on the ice. And very soon you will learn to skate freely.

Basic technique

Whatever you plan to do in the future, the correct riding technique is always developed step by step and gradually. Don't rush: in the second lesson, start at the side, moving your legs, remembering how to properly balance on the ice. Having remembered the basics, proceed to the warm-up:

  1. Move forward in small steps without the help of the side. Your feet work as if you were walking in regular shoes - this helps you learn to balance.
  2. As soon as you feel that you can do it and it’s starting to work out consistently, return to the side and try to do the same, but with your back turned forward.
  3. Using the side, do several squats parallel to the ice, leaning forward slightly.

Once you have learned to keep your balance on the ice, you move on to directly learning skating techniques. Always start with a herringbone walk. To do this, place one leg diagonally forward and push off with the inner edge of your back leg. By alternating your feet in this way, it’s like drawing a figure eight, synchronously spreading and bringing them together - this is a stable technique that allows you to quickly learn how to ride and feel on the ice. You can move forward either face-first or backwards.

When forward movement is mastered, they move on to learning turns. To turn from the herringbone movement, it is enough to bring your feet parallel to each other and, bending your knees, lean slightly in the desired direction. To shorten the trajectory in a turn, push with your outside foot, not your inside. The tilt force adjusts the degree of rotation.

And of course you need to be able to brake and stop properly on skates. When you are already confidently performing figure eights, then braking should not cause any particular difficulties: to do this, it is enough to spread your legs to the sides, as if you were moving forward, but then sharply bring them together at one point, resting your heels on the ice. Practice braking close to the side, having the opportunity to secure yourself.

Another more complex technique is to press the heel of the foot perpendicular to its trajectory. When braking, take the basic position: the body is tilted forward, the knees are slightly bent!

Learning to fall correctly and safely

No matter how hard you try, you will have to fall on the ice. You can overcome your fear by knowing the principles of proper falling techniques. The best way to prevent injury is to learn how to fall correctly.

The most important thing to remember on the ice: if you lose your balance, you are unlikely to regain it. The higher the speed, the less chance there is. Therefore, do not try to grab hold or slow down against other people, but try to reduce your speed as much as possible and group your whole body before falling.

To fall safely, you need to bend your knees as much as possible, pressing your hands to your body “at the seams.” By sticking your arm out during a fall (a purely reflexive gesture that needs to be controlled), you risk seriously injuring it or even breaking it.

They always fall sideways, ideally on the thigh: this is the strongest part in our body, and even at high speed with such a fall you are at most in danger of a couple of bruises and minor contusions. And never swing your skates while losing your balance. The skate has a sharp base, which can seriously injure people near you, do not forget about it.

But they get up after falling from a kneeling position. If there is no one nearby to help and you are not confident in your ability to stand, move to the side to rise to your feet.

Experience comes with time: the more time you spend on skates, the faster you will learn to ride. Ice skating is a great way to relieve stress, have a good time and improve your health, because classes will teach you to find balance and maintain balance in any body position.

Your feedback on the article:

It's nice to watch someone skate beautifully and skillfully on the ice. If you don't like staying on the mainland while your friends are having fun at the skating rink, then this article is for you. Learning to skate is not that difficult, but there are some things to consider. Skating is a fairly dangerous sport, so the sooner you learn to maintain balance, the better. Our tips will help you quickly and correctly learn how to do this yourself.

How to dress

In big cities, equipped skating rinks are not uncommon. In entertainment centers you can visit the skating rink at any time of the year. Here you will be given suitable skates and given the necessary instructions on safety precautions and basic rules of conduct.

You need to dress for the skating rink in such a way that if you fall it does not hurt, but your clothing does not hinder your movement. A sporty style is perfect for this. It is recommended to wear a knitted cap on your head and protect your hands with gloves. If the skating rink is located in an indoor pavilion, then you can do without a jacket - it will be hot from constant movements.

Which skates to choose

There are two types of skates for self-study: for figure skating and for hockey. Figure skating blades are heavier, they have a small heel, and in the front of the blade there is a row of teeth for performing various elements of figure skating.

For men, hockey-type skates are most suitable. These skates will be the easiest to learn on - they are lighter and more stable. There are skates designed for free skating. They resemble curly ones, but may not have serrations on the front of the blades. These are the ones most often given out at paid skating rinks.

When you rent skates, first of all take into account their wear and tear. These boots need to be laced more carefully and tightly. You should not choose boots that are two sizes larger; they will not fit tightly, which will lead to a greater likelihood of falls. Socks should be thick. Once you have your skates on, lace them up and stand up.

Wait a couple of minutes and check if your shoes are tight. Move your feet to see how the boots fit your feet and how well the lacing is done. If you did everything well, then nothing should be pressed or loose anywhere. Remember, in a securely laced boot, the heel should fit well and comfortably around the heel.

If you come to a well-equipped skating rink, be prepared for the fact that you may be given skates depending on your size. Usually figure skates are issued for small sizes, and hockey skates for large sizes.

How to get on the ice

Attention! On any skating rink, everyone moves counterclockwise. Try to adhere to this rule, otherwise you will create a danger - you may simply be knocked down.

Caution and sensible advice will always help you avoid injuries and quickly get used to the skating rink.

When stepping on the ice for the first time, remember the main rule - your legs should be slightly bent. This will redistribute the load and create balance.

Later you will be able to walk straight out easily. And it’s worth repeating again - the easiest way to start learning is on hockey skates, because they have wider blades than figure skates.

So let's begin:

  1. Go out onto the ice, holding on to the side. Move a little to the side and stand at the edge for a while to get used to the skates and ice. If your legs move apart, just tense your thigh muscles and bring your legs together, while the blades should be parallel to each other.
  2. When your feet get used to the ice, let go of the side and stand next to it without any support. Don't be afraid, the side is always nearby and you can walk, holding onto it, for more than one lap.
  3. Next, you need to try to make a couple of sliding movements. Here, the main thing is to learn to move in the direction where it is necessary, and not where it “carries”. Don't try to walk on the ice, but start sliding forward.
  4. You need to push off the ice with the edge of your skate, not its toe. This is especially true if you have figure skates. Don’t try to push off with your teeth - these teeth are for complex pirouettes, and you are unlikely to succeed in this yet.

How to slide correctly

Many people believe that roller skating and ice skating require the same skills. However, this is not at all true. Of course, if you have already mastered skating it will be much easier. Below we look at a diagram of skating:

  1. Bring your legs together and place your feet parallel to each other. Stretch your arms slightly to the sides for better balance.
  2. Keep your knees slightly bent and your back straight. Rotate your right (push) leg at a 45-degree angle to your left leg.
  3. Push your right foot to the side and at the same time transfer your weight to your left. In this case, transfer the weight of the body to the supporting leg, bent slightly at the knee.
  4. Once you push off, you will start moving with your left foot. Try to keep it half bent.
  5. Now lift your right foot off the ice and bring it towards your left. Do not lift your right heel too much - the teeth on the toe should not touch the ice.
  6. After placing your right foot next to your left, you can roll freely and leisurely to your heart's content. Keep your knees slightly bent and your back straight.
  7. Next, start sliding with your left foot and repeat the entire pattern again.

Your task is, as soon as the movement slows down, to learn to evenly push off from the ice with your right and then your left foot alternately. This will allow you to roll smoothly on the ice. Over time, the pauses between thrusts will become smaller, and you will stop paying attention to the movement - everything will happen by itself.

If you can keep your balance well, learning to skate will be much easier for you. You can start the movement from the third position: your legs are at an angle of 90 degrees, with the pushing leg behind you. After you push off, immediately transfer your weight to the other leg and roll on it. The pushing leg is moved forward and placed perpendicular to the supporting leg. Push off with your back foot and continue moving. Stretch your arms out to the sides for balance.

Learn to brake

Now your task is. Don't do this with the teeth on the toe of the blade - you'll fall faster this way, but you won't be able to slow down.

There are several most common braking options. Learning to brake will not be so easy - for this you need to confidently maintain your balance. Usually, beginners simply reach the side or simply stop pushing off and gradually stop.

The best option for emergency braking for beginners is the “plow”. During the movement, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and bend your knees strongly, then move your body back a little and turn your toes inward and tilt your legs slightly at the ankle. So, you slow down and stop. Most often, it is more convenient to brake with one foot - start braking, but turn inward not both legs, but one.

How to fall and rise

Falls on ice occur mainly while moving, and the force of the impact is absorbed by inertia; moreover, ice is not as hard as asphalt. So it doesn't hurt as much as falling on the asphalt.

When falling, you need to try to group yourself. When falling, bend your knees, relax and try to fall to the side. Take care of your head; if you fall forward, tilt it back; if you fall backward, raise your head and press your chin to your chest.

After a fall, get up quickly and try to move to the side. To get up, get on your knees and press the toe of your skate (toes) into the ice. Gently straighten one leg and then the other.

You will learn all the basic skating techniques very quickly - literally in one training session. Next, your task is to hone your movement skills and gradually learn new techniques.

Hello, dear friends, you are on the website. Enjoy reading! Today figure skating is one of the most popular sports. Ice palaces are being rapidly built all over the country and people of different ages, often for the first time, put skates on their feet, without even thinking that the correct skating technique is not mastered in one or two lessons. This is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process.

It is advisable to take a training course under the guidance of an experienced trainer. Ice palaces provide individual and group lessons with professionals in their field. Individual training must be arranged in advance. As a rule, the cost of one lesson starts from 600 rubles / hour (implies academic hour).

In the learning process The coach will help the beginner develop a stable position on skates, sliding and falling techniques. The best option would be to complete a full cycle of lessons, which involves mastering not only the basics of skating, but also learning more complex exercises, such as spins and jumps. The cost of group classes is somewhat lower - from 300 rubles per hour, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the trainer pays significantly less attention to each group member during such training.

If it is not possible to pay for the services of professionals, then the correct skating technique can be mastered independently. Don't be ashamed of your ineptitude when more experienced skaters rush past. Everyone was a beginner once. Grab the edge tightly and carefully but boldly step onto the ice! If you learn to put your feet together so that they do not move apart in different directions, and stand there for even a little while, consider that you have taken the first and most important path to successfully mastering the correct technique of skating.

To reach During the initial slide, it is very important to push off correctly with the edge of the skate. You need to ensure the timely bending and straightening of the knee of your supporting leg. At the same time, you should shift your body weight from foot to foot. The movement should be sliding. The main thing you need to remember at the initial stage of training is that you need to push off not with the toe of the skate, but with the edge.

As a rule, it is not possible to master sliding on one leg the first time, but after a couple of falls the “debutant” will certainly no longer have the desire to push off with his toe. It is very important to build your skating style in such a way that one leg is always located at the center of gravity.

You can learn more about skating techniques from specialized literature or by using the information posted on sports websites.
