What to eat to dry yourself out. Drying the body for girls: nutrition and training. Rules for drying your body at home

Social networks are full of photographs of girls with thin and toned figures, and many, looking at these photos, strive for their ideals. Exercising, the most popular diets, such as the Dukan diet, the Kremlin diet and others, and even the use of various drugs for weight loss do not give the desired result. Extra pounds go away slowly, and muscle mass is built up reluctantly. There is still a long way to go to get a six-pack on your stomach, and you can’t get rid of your belly. What to do in this case? How to lose weight at home?

Thanks to drying, you not only get rid of unnecessary fat, but also gain relief.

A diet from bodybuilders – “body drying” – will come to the rescue.

All professional bodybuilders and fitness models resort to special nutrition, which provokes the burning of excess fat and building muscle. The essence of drying the body is that protein intake is gradually added to the diet and the intake of carbohydrates and fats is reduced. Of course, you should not completely copy the diet of a professional athlete, as this can seriously harm your health. This diet should be adapted to ordinary people.

The general rules are that, unlike other diets, you do not need to fast, meals should be frequent and include foods high in protein. Also, with this diet, you should exclude alcohol, flour sweets and a number of other products, which we will talk about below. The important point is that this is not a permanent diet that you need to live by. Drying time ranges from 3 to 8 weeks.

The basis of the diet for drying the body are foods high in protein.

Any fitness trainer knows what to eat. The most popular product containing the maximum amount of protein is chicken breast. For 100 gr. The product is 23.6 g. protein, and chicken breast contains a very small amount of fat - about 2 grams. The advantage of this product is that chicken breast meat contains protein that is easily digestible. Naturally, if you consume breast when drying, you should not fry it in oil or add other fat-containing products during cooking, such as mayonnaise, cheese, sour cream. Ideal cooking method: steam or simply boil.

a) steamed chicken breast; b) low fat cottage cheese

Another product that should definitely be included in the menu is cottage cheese. The protein content in cottage cheese is about 16 - 18 grams. per 100 gr. If you adhere to a dietary diet, then you need to choose cottage cheese with a low fat content - up to 5%.

Protein is also present in large quantities in egg whites, kefir, low-fat fish, and any other dietary meat.

The advantage of cottage cheese is that in addition to the protein it contains, it is saturated with casein, thanks to which it can be eaten even at night. But you should not abuse large amounts of cottage cheese, maximum 150 grams. in one go. Since this is the amount our body can absorb.

Drying your body at home

In order to properly dry your body at home, you need to learn how to calculate the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats you consume.

The amount of protein for girls is very easy to calculate. For one kilogram of your weight you should consume 1.5 - 2 grams. squirrel. The carbohydrate intake per day is reduced to 1 gram. per kilogram of weight. It is important to consume the right carbohydrates. Instead of eating a McDonald's bun, it is better to eat porridge with dried apricots and raisins.

It is not a correct opinion to refuse to eat fat. Products containing fat should be present in the diet, but in minimal quantities.

Exercises while drying

These exercises are aimed at making muscles more prominent and reducing body fat. As you know, fat is burned with an increased heart rate, so we need cardio exercise. An ideal and affordable option at home is running. You can also jump rope or perform other aerobic exercise, which will increase your heart rate.

a) squats with dumbbells; b) lunges with dumbbells

Since a large amount of protein is consumed, which is a building material for muscle mass, exercises when drying the body should contain a strength load.

For example:

  • Squats with dumbbells;
  • Deadlift;
  • Various exercises using weights.

Cons of drying your body

The disadvantages of drying the body include the fact that this is a very strict diet, and any, even the slightest deviation from it will significantly worsen the effect. And also, if you follow a diet for a long time, the body may not receive enough necessary vitamins and minerals, that is, such a diet is stress for the body. Professional athletes go on this diet only before performances. And do not abuse it too often - no more than 2 times a year.

Also, the disadvantages include a large load on internal organs, in particular on the liver, so to mitigate the load, drink more water. 1.5 – 2 liters of water per day.

Hello friends! Those who go to the gym have only two problems in terms of nutrition: how to avoid gaining fat, and how to lose fat and not lose muscle. Any bodybuilder is in an eternal confrontation between these two poles.

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What is drying and why is it needed?

In order for your reliefs to appear before you in all their glory, you need well-planned tactics. Who actually needs this procedure? Cutting without losing muscle mass is something that professional athletes cannot do without.

By and large, it can also be in demand among ordinary people who have sufficient muscle mass and the necessary tone, as well as a percentage of subcutaneous fat greater than 20. This should not be confused with simply being overweight, when a person needs to lose weight and not get dry. Diet and drying are fundamentally different processes.

Anyone who never plays sports should not do this either. The technique is also not suitable for people with insufficient body weight.

Many women are accustomed to treating it as an effective diet, but this is not entirely the right approach. When we hear them talk about “I decided to get lean,” this often means “I want to get rid of excess fat on my sides.” And rarely does anyone imagine that during drying all the muscles, including those on the legs and arms, will become more prominent.

Among other things, this process is often more difficult for women than for men, because they are naturally designed to have a much higher percentage of fat in order to reproduce. Therefore, even the standards suggest different figures: for the stronger sex they will be about 7% (reliefs are visible even at 12%), and for the weaker - from 9 to 12% (muscles can be drawn at 20%).

During this period, it is important not only to eat right, but also to approach the training process in a different way. Also take into account the fact that while drying your body, your body is actually in a stressful situation and needs additional support. And during the period of normal weight loss, you will simply get rid of excess fat. To do this, it is often enough to simply adjust your eating process and create a calorie deficit, that is, a situation where you spend more than you consume.

How much weight should I gain before cutting? This is a rather ambiguous question. But in this case, it should be understood that muscle growth is impossible without increasing the fat layer. And you will have to come to terms with this fact.

To achieve visible changes, you should live in this mode for about 3-4 months, that is, eat according to the mass-gaining principle (when the number of calories consumed is greater than your daily needs) and do strength training. Only after this time can you begin to “detail the muscles.”

Based on this, we conclude that gaining weight and cutting at the same time is impossible, because these are mutually exclusive concepts. In the first case, we increase muscle tissue and gain excess fat (it won’t work out any other way). In the second, we try to preserve the resulting muscles and get rid of the excess layer.

What do you need to do to dry yourself?

So, you clearly understand the difference between drying and dieting. First you will need to find out what your lean body mass is. After all, our goal is not just to forget about fat, but also to preserve all the muscles earned through long labor. These calculations will help you figure out how much unnecessary deposits you need to get rid of.

The following formula will help you make calculations: Weight – (weight x (% fat: 100))

After you have found out the treasured numbers, the strategy will be as follows. At first, you will need to keep a food diary. Your task is to provide the body with a calorie deficit, and by reducing carbohydrates.

If you decide to switch to cutting after gaining weight, then you can try to use a simpler strategy and eat portions 2 times smaller than usual. With the right approach, you can lose about two or three kilograms in a week. If these actions do not lead to any results, then it will be necessary to cut the amount of carbohydrates by another 2 times, leaving fats and proteins in the same volume.

When the number of kilograms lost is more than 5, then such losses will be excessive and will quickly lead to stagnation and slowdown of metabolic processes in the body. Weekly you will need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your daily diet.

How to calculate your body fat percentage can be found on various sites with automatic calculations. Usually, to do this, you should use a special device to measure the thickness of the skin fold in the waist area (a few centimeters away from the navel), in the triceps area and in the middle of the femur. There are other automatic ways to calculate this indicator.

So, if you weigh, for example, 60 kilograms and the percentage of subcutaneous fat is 25%, then the figure you get as a result of these calculations will be equal to 45 kilograms. Moreover, the lean muscle mass will remain the same after drying, but the total weight and fat level will decrease.

Thus, if we reduce fat mass from 25% to 10%, we will see the following figures: if in the first case you had about 15 kg of fat, then in the second case only 6 kg will remain. And your body weight will be 51 kilograms.

You will gradually reduce carbohydrates over 6 weeks. Then evaluate the results achieved and if they are satisfactory, then in small portions the amount of carbohydrates is returned to ¾ of the previous volume.

Pay attention to the fact that you should only consume complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. They will not only help you forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time, but are also more beneficial for our body. Simple ones, due to the high speed of their processing, are most often deposited in fat reserves and are contraindicated at the drying stage.

You can easily find tables with glycemic indexes on the Internet. Usually the lowest is in vegetables, for example, cabbage, it is 10, and gradually they increase (if we consider more high-calorie foods). The highest indices are for flour and various baked goods, as well as for sweets and alcohol. The glycemic index of beer is 110, and cornstarch is 115. Therefore, the best strategy would be to give up sugar and flour products for this entire period, which will invariably turn into fat.

Be sure to monitor your results weekly. In case of stagnation for several days, it is recommended to further reduce the level of carbohydrates. When drying, you are allowed to consume carbohydrates such as rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and pasta made from rye flour. All cereals must be whole. The amount of vegetables can remain unchanged (except for eggplants and potatoes, as well as those that are red).

By and large, the principle here is the same: the more you want to dry out, the less carbohydrates you should consume. The tightest limits – from 0 gr. up to 70 gr. Moreover, it is impossible to derive an exact formula for each; this can only be determined experimentally.

The more lean muscle mass you have, the more carbohydrates your muscles need to maintain their performance. Therefore, these standards will be completely different for athletes and for overweight women.

As you already understand, a complete refusal of these nutrients can lead to very disastrous consequences. In this case, due to the increased amount of proteins, there will be an excessive load on the kidneys, and subsequently ketosis and ketoacidosis will develop.

Dry lips and the smell of acetone from the mouth, as well as general weakness and drowsiness will tell you about this condition.

However, remember that the last meal should consist only of proteins.

  • When you achieve ideal body contours, you need to carefully monitor your drinking regime so as not to overload your kidneys. No reliefs will be visible if excess fluid has accumulated in your body. And in order to remove excess water, the body just needs to give it in the right volume: from 1.5 to 3 liters.

  • A smaller amount will cause the body to save such an important resource and retain it in the form of edema. Controlling the level of salt, alcohol, sugar, and caffeine will also help to avoid this condition. Try to give them up for this period (except for salt, which we need at least in minimal quantities).
  • You will have to spend at least 2 or even 3 months to achieve the desired results, so calculate your strength correctly (for example, before competitions).
  • We also do not forget that the amount of protein should not be reduced under any circumstances so that the muscles receive enough nutrients for their recovery.

  • Do you remember what the daily protein intake is? If you forgot, let me remind you: from 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. Moreover, we do not forget that 100 grams of the finished product will contain only a partial norm. For example, 100 grams of chicken breast contains only 25 grams of protein. Take these indicators into account during your calculations.
  • The standard carbohydrate intake is 2 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. While working on the relief, we start from this figure and, if necessary, gradually reduce it.
  • Don't exhaust yourself with just breasts. Here, any person will howl if he eats the same product for 3-4 months. Lean fish and other seafood, turkey and veal are quite acceptable in your diet. And if you remember about the different dishes made from them, then such food will be very varied and comfortable. Vegetables, both in the form of salads and side dishes, will help you absorb protein.

  • There is also no need to rely heavily on dairy products, so as not to overdo it with harmful animal fats. At this time, only low-fat cottage cheese is allowed.
  • Moreover, we also remember about other food intake standards: we should get the bulk of it in the morning and at lunch, but dinner remains light. At the same time, you need to eat often: from 5 to 7 times a day.
  • You can't give up fat. If you reduce their number to zero, you risk not only seriously worsening the condition of your hair and nails, but also developing problems with metabolism and vision.

  • After training, be sure to eat so that the body does not destroy the hard-earned muscles. No fasting.
  • Additional vitamins and microelements in tablets or liquid form will help support all systems. You should also not neglect sports supplements that will support your body during such a difficult period for it.

Now you see that planning a complete diet is very difficult, so at this time you will have to constantly compare, count calories, weigh portions. But the result is worth it.

By the way, if you previously pampered yourself with sauces, then forget about them. They increase your appetite and often contain a lot of preservatives and flavor enhancers you don’t need.

The same applies to alcoholic drinks. During this period they are completely excluded.

Do not forget that at first fat loss will be more intense, but then stagnation will begin. This is how the body resists, so every day you will need more and more effort.

To invigorate your metabolic system, a good move would be to introduce cheat meals. They can be done either once a week (if the fat level is low) or once every two weeks.

What is a cheat meal? Once you are allowed to eat whatever your heart desires. Dumplings with mayonnaise, a huge piece of cake, chips, chocolate. In general, your every whim. It’s better, however, not to cheat at night, but to deload in the morning or afternoon.

The opposite effect will also help speed up your metabolism: completely giving up carbohydrates for one day. I don’t argue that this is a much less pleasant process than a cheat meal, but its effectiveness is no less high.

How to train dry?

You need to be more attentive to the training process during this period.

To understand how not to lose weight while cutting, you must eliminate grueling power loads. After all, the body is already under stress. Therefore, only cardio and working with light weights are permissible.

During exercise, be sure to monitor your heart rate and maintain it at a high level from 120 to 140 beats per minute. This frequency indicates intense fat burning. By reducing the working weight, it is better to increase the number of repetitions and approaches during one exercise.

You can implement supersets when rest between classes is minimized. Sometimes CrossFit can be very effective. Pay attention to more energy-intensive basic exercises. No one forbids you to train at home during this period, especially if you decide to start cutting in the summer.

If you don’t want to sweat in the gym, you’re welcome to jog along the embankment; if you like cycling, that’s great, this is also a great workout; you can do CrossFit on the street or swim in the pool. In general, choose activities you like.

It contains the most comprehensive list of recommendations for nutrition and training planning. Moreover, the main emphasis here is on working the abdominal muscles, and if you have at least a little experience in the gym, you know how difficult it is for fat to leave this familiar place. In general, during drying, the book will become an indispensable assistant for you.

Finally, I will remind you of an old common truth: when you are busy working on the beauty of your body, then 80% of success lies in nutrition and only 20% is left for training.

For comparison, I can give you the following figures: one sandwich with cheese has about 240 calories. Half an hour of interval running on a treadmill is about the same. Now imagine how much work you will have to do if you ate three of these sandwiches? And isn’t it easier to give them up and replace them with more productive food?! The question is rhetorical and, I believe, does not require an answer.

Beauty lies in a healthy and strong body, and drying is a great opportunity to get rid of fat deposits and tone your body. This method has long been used by professional athletes and bodybuilders.

After a diet, excess calories are lost, and muscle mass gains definition.

Obtaining results is based on carbohydrate fasting. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for humans.

At the same time, their excess leads to the accumulation of fat in the body.

Beginners often misinterpret the information they receive about drying and make the following mistakes:

  1. Refusal of water. Drying is an active loss of fat, not excess fluid.
    Water should become an integral part of the daily diet in an amount of at least 1.5-2 liters. Otherwise, losing weight risks dehydration.
  2. Fight carbohydrates. Carbohydrate fasting involves giving up only some fast carbohydrates. These include sweets, flour, potatoes, sugary drinks, sugar and instant soups.
    At the same time, they should definitely be replaced with slow carbohydrates - cereals, fruits and vegetables.
  3. Fasting is the way to a slim figure. Paradoxical as it may seem, you can only get rid of excess fat with regular and proper nutrition.
    Refusal to eat is more likely to lead to an ulcer than to a toned figure. Drying is accompanied by fractional five meals a day and an increase in protein products in the diet.
  4. Drying for everyone. Drying is necessary for the formation of body contour, so it is suitable only for those who have the necessary muscle mass.

Body drying for girls is a unique combination of diet and exercise. By strictly following all the recommendations and advice, you will get a beautiful butt, slender legs, sculpted abs and toned arms.

Principles and features of the diet during drying

Strict adherence to the diet during drying is the key to success.

The basic principles of nutrition come down to reducing calories and speeding up metabolism. This is the only way the body can use accumulated fat reserves.

Only acceptable foods can be eaten.

This list includes:

  • cereals (rice, buckwheat);
  • legumes;
  • vegetables;
  • lean meat;
  • fruits;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese.

During drying, girls will have to give up sweets and flour, dairy and animal fats. An alternative to them are honey, cereals and fish. Nuts and dried fruits are suitable as snacks.

Nutrition program and menu

Drying time is no more than five weeks. In order for the girl’s body to get used to the new diet, the diet should be divided into “seven-day periods.”

Every week the amount of carbohydrates must be reduced by 10-20% until complete carbohydrate fasting. The return to normal nutrition should also be gradual.

Week one

The amount of carbohydrates consumed during the first seven days of drying is calculated in accordance with the girl’s weight. There are 2 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg. To get accurate data, use an online calculator, and also keep a diary of your caloric intake.

In the first week, give preference to whole grain cereals. It is better to avoid oil, salt and all kinds of seasonings.

Protein foods can be boiled chicken breast, baked white fish, cottage cheese, squid fillet or chicken protein.

Diet percentage: 50% protein, 20% fat, 30% carbohydrates.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast: 100 gr. oatmeal, 1 hard-boiled egg, tea.
  2. Snack: 1 handful of dried fruits.
  3. Lunch: 100 gr. buckwheat porridge, 2 egg whites.
  4. Snack (after workout): 40 gr. nuts, 2 bananas.
  5. Dinner: 100 gr. boiled shrimp, salad with vegetables and herbs.
  6. Snack: 100-150 gr. cottage cheese, 50 gr. blueberries

Remember to drink plenty of fluids. A complete water balance will help remove toxins from the body and saturate the cells with moisture.

Week two

Starting from the second week, the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 1 gram per kilogram of weight. The amount of protein consumed should be increased to 80%.

At the same time, physical activity also increases. The refrigerator must contain meat and dairy products, fish, fresh vegetables and herbs.

Indicative menu:

  1. Breakfast: omelet (4 eggs, 125 ml milk).
  2. Snack: tofu cheese, 2 slices of whole grain bread, tea.
  3. Lunch: 150 gr. turkeys, baked vegetables.
  4. Snack: 100 gr. chicken fillet, 2 slices of whole grain bread.
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad, 150 gr. red fish.
  6. Snack: 3 egg whites.

If you wish, you can increase the amount of protein in your diet with a protein shake. It is recommended to drink it before training.

Week three

The most strict week during drying for girls. The amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 0.5 grams per kg of weight.

90% of the diet will consist of skim milk and dairy products, chicken protein and boiled chicken breast, bran. Reduce the amount of water to 1.5 liters per day.

Menu example:

  1. Breakfast: 150 gr. pancakes stuffed with salmon or trout fillet.
  2. Snack: 3 egg whites, 2 bananas.
  3. Lunch: 50 gr. durum pasta, 150 gr. beef, fresh vegetables.
  4. Snack (post-workout): protein shake, 1 apple, 1 banana.
  5. Dinner: 100 gr. stewed squid; pumpkin.
  6. Snack: 100-150 gr. cottage cheese or kefir, 50 gr. blueberries

Week four

During this period, you should stick to the diet of the second week.

The menu can be modified:

  1. Breakfast: 100 gr. oatmeal, 500 ml milk, candied fruits.
  2. Snack: 3 chicken proteins, 50 gr. canned peas, 50 gr. canned corn.
  3. Lunch: 150 gr. turkey fillet, vegetable salad.
  4. Snack: 300 gr. yogurt.
  5. Dinner: 150 gr. chicken fillet, stewed vegetables.
  6. Afternoon snack: 100 gr. cottage cheese.

Week five

Last week of drying.

You can repeat the menu of the first week or use the suggested one:

  1. Breakfast: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 2 slices whole grain bread, ½ avocado.
  2. Snack: 100 gr. cottage cheese, 1 orange, 1 banana.
  3. Lunch: 150 gr. baked potatoes, 100 gr. red fish, Brussels sprouts.
  4. Snack: protein shake, 1 handful of dried fruit.
  5. Dinner: 150 gr. boiled squid, vegetable salad.
  6. Snack: 400 ml kefir, 40 g. bran.

Drying your body is an effective way to lose extra pounds and tone your muscles. Dizziness and nausea are considered normal.

The reason is a sharp decrease in blood sugar. However, gradually everything will return to normal and the body will work in a natural mode at full strength.

Drying the body at home: rules

Drying for girls is considered one of the most difficult ways to achieve a luxurious figure. Not everyone can do a strict diet and grueling workouts.

In this case, it is not so much the physical, but the moral component that is important.

When starting drying at home, you must have self-control and willpower. Eating sweets and cakes after training, skipping classes or meals is not allowed.

It is also necessary to monitor proper sleep (at least 8 hours), drinking regime and rest.

The optimal drying period is 5 weeks. The first two weeks are incoming, and the last two are off.

The third week turns out to be the most difficult. Training should be carried out regularly, increasing the load towards the middle of drying and decreasing towards the end.

You should also remember some diet rules:

  1. The diet must include polyunsaturated fats. They are found in red fish, nuts, flaxseed oil and avocado.
    This is necessary for women's health, beauty of hair and skin.
  2. Avoid pork, lamb, beef and fatty parts of chicken.
  3. Butter and sour cream remain prohibited.
  4. Cakes, sugar and baked goods are excluded from the menu.
  5. Consume only low GI fruits.
  6. Starchy vegetables are acceptable in moderation: beets, pumpkin, corn, potatoes.
  7. Eat more fiber, which is found in tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, as well as celery, asparagus, broccoli, green peas and herbs.

If your muscle mass is not normal, you need to gain it. To do this, consult a trainer or nutritionist.

Otherwise, drying your body can have a negative impact on your health.

You can learn about the nutritional features of drying the body for girls from the video.

Training while cutting: a set of exercises

Drying for a girl is characterized by a sharp weight loss.

Physical activity during this period will help eliminate problem areas and avoid cellulite.

Workouts must be immediately divided into two types: cardio and strength. An alternative would be any active sport or universal set of exercises. The latter is suitable for those who dry it themselves at home.

For physical activity you can use:

  • cycling;
  • squats;
  • Each exercise is done in several approaches with breaks of 2-3 minutes. While resting, you can take a few sips of water to avoid dehydration.

    A contrast shower, massage or fat-burning wraps have an enhancing effect after training. The result promises to be long and lasting.

    Contraindications for drying

    Non-compliance with the diet or violation of the training regime while drying the body are the main enemies of your health.

    Without receiving the proper amount of vitamins and microelements, the body can malfunction. This manifests itself in deterioration of the condition of hair, skin, nails, as well as the functioning of organs in general.

    When starting drying, it is important for girls to take into account the following contraindications:

    • lack of muscle mass;
    • breast-feeding;
    • diabetes;
    • pregnancy;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • liver diseases;
    • kidney diseases.

    If you have one of the above contraindications, then drying is not recommended. For detailed advice, contact a nutritionist or trainer, and also undergo an examination at a medical institution.

    Nutrition after drying: a healthy diet

    Do not rush to return to your normal lifestyle after drying. To maintain the results for many years, continue to use the diet of the first week.

    The best option would be to eat meals in small portions. It is better not to consume prohibited foods, or limit them to once a week.

    For example, after a workout you can eat a piece of dark chocolate or start your morning with fried eggs and vegetables.

    After drying, the body perceives all products differently, so all changes should be smooth. Gradually increase the amount of carbohydrates to normal.

    In accordance with the change in diet, change the intensity and number of workouts.

    If you want to get rid of excess fat, you've probably heard of such a thing as drying the body. But what exactly lies behind it? Drying is not at all about getting rid of excess fluid, but an excellent way to remove subcutaneous fat to emphasize muscle definition.

    Before you begin the process of improvement, you should remember that quickly drying the body for girls is stress for the body. Not everyone can afford this type of weight loss - there are contraindications. To avoid harming yourself, consult a specialist in advance.

    Restrictions apply to the following situations:

    • Pregnancy and lactation
    • Diabetes
    • Heart failure
    • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
    • Kidney failure

    Drying is not a simple diet, but a comprehensive lifestyle adjustment. During the period of active fat burning, strict restrictions regarding nutrition are introduced. In addition, you need to move more to force the body to expend more energy.

    To carry out effective drying, you should pay attention to 10 basic principles that you cannot do without. Planned body drying for women at home must take each of them into account.

    Preparing for drying

    You can’t just tell yourself: “That’s it! I’ve been losing weight since Monday!” At least 7-10 days should be allocated for preparation. A sharp change in diet and rhythm of life will lead to the opposite effect. This is a risk to your health.

    Every day, exclude one harmful product from your menu, reduce the caloric content of your diet. Start playing sports if you were unfamiliar with physical activity before. To prevent your body from turning into a flabby thing after drying, you need to pump up the main muscle groups. As a result, you will get a toned body with beautiful relief.

    Down with stress!

    Cutting your diet, exercising, changing your lifestyle is stressful for the body. You need to compensate for this, otherwise instead of burning fat, it will accumulate, and your health will deteriorate sharply.

      Ensure yourself proper rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Exhaustive workouts require complete rest during the recovery period.

      Be less nervous. It is experiences that provoke the formation of a layer of fat and cellulite, even in thin girls.

      Be sure to prepare for drying. In the future, you need to observe moderation in your efforts and stability.

    How long does it take to dry?

    In professional sports, drying is designed for 10-12 weeks, taking into account the preparatory period and exit from it. For those who want to correct their figure at home, 4-5 weeks of active fat burning are enough.

    Remember: drying for too long is harmful! The intended eating style is associated with strict restrictions that harm the body in the long term.

    In addition, intensive fat burning primarily concerns the breasts, and you risk being left without a chic bust!

    Eliminate carbohydrates

    The main changes concern the principles of nutrition. The base is a low-carbohydrate diet, which allows you to start the process of processing your own fat for energy. Cakes and buns are delicious, but simple carbohydrates cause the accumulation of extra pounds.

    Baked goods and sweets, fatty and fried foods, smoked foods and other harmful foods are gradually excluded from the diet. Forget about fast food and soda altogether!

    Whole grain bread and cereals are included in the menu in limited quantities; fruits replace sweets. Prefer foods with a low glycemic index. Carbohydrates are consumed in the first half of the day.

    Protein delicacies

    The basis of the diet is easily digestible protein:

    • Seafood
    • Chicken fillet
    • Turkey
    • Rabbit
    • Legumes
    • Buckwheat
    • Low-fat cottage cheese
    • Nuts (limited quantities)

    With prolonged feeding of a protein diet, ketoacidosis develops. Ketone bodies are a protein breakdown product. Therefore, carbohydrates cannot be completely eliminated.

    Can't do without fiber

    For normal digestion and cleansing the body of toxins, eat foods rich in fiber:

    • Vegetables and fruits
    • Whole grain porridge
    • Bran
    • Legumes
    • Greens and salads

    Drink enough water, especially in the first weeks of drying. The norm is at least 2 liters.

    Less salt!

    Salt retains moisture and prevents the removal of broken down fats, so it is recommended to avoid it. Gradually reduce the amount of salt in your dishes to zero. The food will not be as tasty, but this will additionally prevent you from overeating.

    Often and little by little

    Divide your daily diet into 3-4 main parts, add 1-2 snacks. The gastrointestinal tract will be constantly working, so the feeling of hunger will be dulled. If you suddenly want to eat, drink water. Sometimes the brain confuses signals of thirst with hunger.

    Before physical activity and after training, leave for 1-2 hours. This way the body will break down its own reserves, rather than drawing energy from the food it eats.

    How to burn calories correctly

    The success of cutting lies in a calorie deficit. To correctly determine these numbers, read. The exact numbers depend on the physiological parameters of a person and his lifestyle.

    Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume. The daily norm should remain between 1100−1300 kcal. At lower values, fat accumulates “for a rainy day.”

    Features of training

    Drying, in addition to diet, includes intense training 4-5 times a week. Strength exercises are kept to a minimum to prevent muscle breakdown due to the heavy load.

    The basis is aerobic exercise. The optimal duration of classes is 40 minutes. Running or fitness aerobics, dancing, circuit high-intensity interval training - the choice is huge. Read the article to choose several interesting options for yourself.

    For drying to be effective, you need to carefully calculate all the indicators of the diet. In addition to the overall calorie content of the menu, take into account the distribution of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU index). The basis is body weight and the percentage ratio between these nutritional elements.

    After drying is completed, you cannot relax, otherwise the fat will return! Monitor your caloric intake and BJU indices, continue to exercise. But remember that the norms for creating a diet need to be recalculated for the usual rhythm of life.

    Pull yourself together and get rid of excess subcutaneous fat within 5 weeks. Not only you, but also those around you will like your new figure!

    Drying the body means getting rid of subcutaneous fat, as a result, muscle relief becomes noticeable, the body looks slim and toned. Find out how to dry a girl’s body in this article.

    How to dry a girl's body

    How to dry a girl’s body at home: the basics of proper nutrition

    Cutting in bodybuilding is usually called getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat. This is a set of measures aimed not only at getting rid of extra pounds, but also at giving muscles definition.

    It is necessary to adhere to the following principles of proper nutrition:

    1. Avoid simple carbohydrates. That is, completely exclude confectionery and any sweets. But complex carbohydrates, for example, rye bread, pasta and cereals, may well be present in the diet.

    2. Make sure you eat enough protein. On average, a woman should eat about 100 g of protein per day. If you want to build muscle mass, then this amount needs to be increased.

    3. You should not completely give up fatty foods. But its quantity should be minimal.

    4. When drying your body, you need to consume about 40 kcal for every kilogram of body weight. In this case, you need to eat at least five times a day. The longer the intervals between meals, the slower your metabolism. And this promotes fat deposition.

    Remember that before starting any diet, you must visit your doctor. Dietary restrictions can be dangerous for people suffering from kidney or liver failure, diseases of the digestive system, and diabetes.

    How to dry out a girl’s body: training program

    It is impossible to achieve the desired result without physical exercise. You can achieve faster results if you regularly visit the gym. There you can train on specialized simulators.

    But you can also exercise at home. The following program is perfect:

    1. Half an hour of aerobics. To do this, you can use educational video courses.
