Fast weight loss in the thighs. How to lose weight in your thighs and buttocks. How to lose weight in your thighs with exercise

Typically, women's thighs begin to lose weight when their body fat percentage drops to 18%. However, to make your thighs slim, toned and beautiful, you first need to know what type of thighs you have, otherwise you may end up making your thighs bigger by accident. Do your thighs feel fat, muscular, or just unsure? To successfully lose thigh fat, take the test below. The result will help you determine whether you need to lose fat from your thighs or not.

Thigh slimming test

Before you get excited about the idea of ​​losing weight on your thighs, you need to find out whether you really have too large thigh muscles or a lot of fat on your thighs.

If you have something to grab onto, then it is fat that makes your hips big, and most likely you will have problems with cellulite. (More about)

How to lose weight in your thighs

1. Avoid exercises such as squats

Avoid exercises such as squats, lunges, leg curls, straight leg lifting, leg and calf extensions, especially with weights. They DO NOT NARROW the hips. Stairmaster/step machine cardio exercises should also be avoided. Although these exercises are often promoted as helping to make thighs smaller and smaller, they actually target the muscles in the thighs and can make them bigger. Weight training increases muscle fibers. You can do these exercises once you have lost thigh fat and have a better idea of ​​how muscular your thighs are.

2. Cardiovascular exercises for slimming thighs

This is the main tool in your arsenal. Your goal is to burn fat without gaining excess muscle mass in your thighs. To achieve this, do not use your thigh muscles more than necessary. If you're using cardio equipment, use low resistance (e.g., elliptical, exercise bike) or low incline (). However, for maximum effectiveness, aim for moderately high intensity (i.e. how hard you want to exercise). Use a heart rate calculator. If you exercise outside, avoid hilly areas.

3. Long-term cardio workouts to burn fat without gaining muscle

This will help you avoid targeting muscle fiber types, which make muscles large and bulky. Instead, use long-term cardio workouts (such as ) that target small muscle fibers that have very limited growth potential. As a result, by burning fat, you build strong muscles without creating . On the other hand, avoid short, high-intensity interval cardio (such as sprints). Although this is great for burning fat, it can also increase the size of your thigh muscles. Endurance running is one of the most effective exercises for getting defined, toned thighs and legs. Long-distance runners tend to have very thin legs, especially compared to sprinters, who have very large and developed thigh muscles.

4. Running to slim your thighs and improve your legs

For endurance it is especially effective for those with large thigh muscles, because... can reduce muscle size and the fat around it, making your thighs smaller. It will completely change the size and appearance of your thighs and calves. So to lose weight in your thighs, run for endurance on a track with little or no incline. If you find running difficult or unable to run, try with little or no resistance. Posture on the elliptical is extremely important. Proper posture will place stress on the back, outer thigh and hamstring muscles (the back of your thighs) and reduce stress on the front of your thighs, helping you avoid accidentally pumping up big thighs.

5. Strength training

Once you've lost some thigh fat, you can start thinking about strength training. If you need to build muscle to improve the shape and definition of your thighs, this can be done through strength training. To have fantastic legs you need muscles. So if you've lost weight and your legs are lacking shape, a strength training program that targets your legs will help shape and strengthen them. Make sure to use moderate-to-light weights (up to 70% of your maximum) so that your thigh muscles become tighter, stronger and more defined, but not too much bigger. In other words, focus on doing more reps with less load. Those who have the type of muscles that respond quickly to exercise () need to be especially vigilant and may not do such exercises, since their thigh muscles are already in good shape.

6. Diet for thighs

To prevent fat gain in problem areas, which include the thighs, you can eliminate certain types of foods from your diet. can help with this.

7. Patience

You need to be patient and focus on what you want to achieve. You may not be able to burn fat in specific areas, especially the inner thighs. You cannot reduce any piece. During weight loss, fat is lost from all over the body. The inner thighs will be one of the last areas of a woman's body to become lean and firm. Remember: be realistic and take your personality, genetics, and current history into account when setting goals. You can achieve thin thighs, but it takes time.

Who doesn’t want to lose weight and have a chiseled figure, with a thin waist, firm butt and slender, chiseled legs and hips? However, in order to lose weight and get such a result, you need to make a lot of effort, have enormous willpower and focus on results. The most common problem area in women is the legs and buttocks, so one of the most common questions for trainers and nutritionists is: how to lose weight in your thighs.

You can find a lot of information on this topic, a lot of tips on doing thigh exercises to lose weight: in this article they are collected together. The thigh muscles need to be kept in shape through exercise, not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also for overall health: strong elastic muscles are a protective “framework” for our skeleton. Exercise not only helps you lose weight, but also helps maintain your joints in an active, healthy state, which is a kind of prevention of injuries and specific diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.).

When starting to exercise with the goal of losing weight in your thighs, make sure that you are physically able to withstand the pace of exercise that you have chosen. It is best to start with simple exercises to lose weight and increase the intensity and activity of your workouts over time, rather than jumping straight into the most difficult hip workouts that can lead to injury. To lose weight and succeed in keeping your body in shape, you should not look for a miracle cure, by purchasing which you will get what you want, get ready to work hard and hard - then you can get an excellent figure and fulfill such a cherished dream as quickly losing weight in your hips and legs. And how best to do this, what to pay attention to and how to group a cycle of gymnastic exercises for the muscles of the thighs, legs and buttocks in order to lose weight, is discussed in detail and clearly further in the article.

Proper nutrition

It all starts with nutrition - what we use as food is a building material for our body, and not just “fuel”. Thus - if you eat cakes, fatty meats, lard, cookies and chocolate in unimaginable quantities - expect that this is what your body will be made of, this is what will be deposited on your butt, sides, thighs and stomach.

Important! Scientists have proven that a habit is developed within 21 days. You only need to strictly monitor yourself for just 21 days, and then your new lifestyle will become a habit and will not require additional effort to lose weight.

You can highlight a specific list of foods that you should try to exclude from your diet in order to lose weight in your thighs:

  • Remove from your diet foods that contain premium white flour. Replace them with products made from wholemeal flour.
  • It is necessary to minimize the consumption of harmful carbohydrates, which are found in sweets and fast food, and ideally, replace them with healthy carbohydrates.
  • Once and for all, give up various canned food, semi-finished products, smoked meats and pickles. They retain water in the body, slow down metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body, which makes it difficult to lose weight and is characterized by such consequences as unhealthy complexion, sagging skin and muscles, dull hair and brittle nails, and the appearance of cellulite dimples on the thighs.
  • Alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks should be a taboo for you if you are wondering how to quickly lose weight in your thighs and legs.

There are a number of diets with the goal of losing weight, as a result of which you are promised thighs like those of top models, but if you are focused on excellent, and most importantly, long-term results, the best solution would be to adjust your lifestyle - develop healthy habits and forget about the problem of losing weight in the thighs and buttocks

To this end, it is worth talking about what hours of the day are best to consume carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and, based on this, balance your diet and lose weight in your thighs. Complex carbohydrates contained in cereals, bread and some vegetables and fruits require a long time to digest, but at the same time they can provide the body with a large portion of energy, so it is best to include them in the diet in the morning - for breakfast. This includes porridge, sandwiches, and fruit salads. Fats are absorbed faster and less deposited in problem areas if they are consumed in the middle of the day; accordingly, foods containing them are best eaten at lunch - salads dressed with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream, stews and soups. Proteins are an excellent muscle builder; it would be more important to fill your dinner with them: boiled white meat and fermented milk products.

Important! The calcium contained in cottage cheese is absorbed by the body only after 16:00, so it will be useful to snack on this product between lunch and dinner, or add it to the dinner menu.

As snacks during the day, it will be useful to use fresh natural yoghurts, fruits, low-fat cheese with wholemeal bread, cottage cheese, and freshly squeezed juices. Monitor not only the quality of your menu, but also its energy value - a menu that is too low in calories can lead to stress in the body, especially if you diversify your day with physical exercise. When planning the composition of snacks between main meals, choose the right fruits: bananas, cherries and grapes can slow down the loss of extra pounds at home.

Effective workouts for slimming thighs

Despite any advice and articles, the best fighters against excess weight, and even more so with deposits in the hips and buttocks, remain aerobic training - jogging, jumping rope, cycling or exercise bike. When starting this kind of training, do not rush, as they say, into the pool headlong.

People who are not accustomed to physical activity need to get used to it gradually: start with 20 minutes of easy jogging, gradually increasing the duration and complexity - this will avoid injuries and overexertion, take care of your joints - be sure to warm up before starting the workout.

Important! Aerobic exercises are especially beneficial in the morning, when the body has woken up, started working and is full of energy. However, if it is not possible to carry them out in the morning, the evening hours (between 18:00 and 20:00) are also quite effective.

Take a break once a week, this will bring only benefits and health to your legs and hips, and from a psychological point of view, you definitely need to give yourself time to relax and take your mind off the race for perfect hips.

The best exercises for your hips

Below is a group of exercises aimed at working the thigh muscles, which you can do at home and lose weight.


The most famous and effective exercise for the hips: stand straight, feet parallel to each other, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended along the body. Take a step forward with your right leg, bending it at the knee until the bent leg forms a right angle, feeling how the thigh muscles tense. The left leg remains straight, the feet are pressed firmly to the floor, the back is straight, a slight tilt forward is allowed, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the same for the left leg - you need to perform 3 sets of 20 - 25 repetitions.

Sumo squats

To perform this exercise, stand up straight with your hands clasped in front of your chest and your feet spread wide apart. Do a deep squat with a straight back, keeping your feet parallel to each other, tensing your thigh and buttock muscles. It is also recommended to do 3 sets of 15-20 times, increasing the number of repetitions in one approach over time.

Swing your legs

One of the most effective ways to make your legs and thighs slimmer and lose weight. Swings can be performed both from a standing position and from a starting position lying on the floor. Let's consider both options. Stand up straight, find support with your left hand (it can be a wall, a closet or something else), straighten your back and turn your shoulders, start raising your straight right leg to the side, lift your leg, straining all the muscles of your thigh, don’t rush, feel this movement with the entire surface of your muscles - 3 sets of 15 - 20 times for each leg to lose weight.

Important! This exercise plan should be performed both forward and backward, this will allow you to work all muscle groups of the thigh at once, especially the inner surface of the thigh and lose weight.

Swing your leg from a lying position

Lie on your right side, bend your left leg at the knee, lift your right leg off the floor, straining your thigh muscles to the maximum and lower it again - do 3 sets of 20-25 repetitions for each leg. Over time, the exercise can be complicated: do not lower the leg with which you are swinging completely to the floor, but keep it in the air with your muscles, strengthening their work.

The next exercise is for the hips: rest on your knees and elbows, keep your shoulders and head straight, do not “sag” in the lower back area. Then lift your right bent leg, and lift your leg bent at the knee upward, stretching up with your heel - only in this case will you work the hamstring muscle well - three sets of 20 - 25 repetitions on each leg. From the same position, you can swing your straight leg up and to the side - this exercise will be useful for training the lateral abdominal muscles and the muscles of the arms and back and will help you lose weight.


A good effect for working out the thigh muscles is provided by performing jumps with alternating legs - put your right leg forward, your left leg back and during the jump, change their places, respectively, after performing the jump, the right leg will go back, the left leg will go forward. This exercise is not performed by counting, but by time. Start with 60 seconds and, if possible, increase both the pace and duration of the exercise.

Important! Remember that it is impossible to lose weight only in a certain zone, you can build workouts with more emphasis on a certain zone. Pay attention to the muscles of the abdomen, back and arms, this will give an amazing effect from your exercises and will help you lose weight.

A systematic approach is the key to success in the fight for beautiful slender thighs, be persistent and result-oriented, and then it won’t take long to arrive, by doing all of the above within a month you can get visible results, according to reviews, lose weight and become stronger and more beautiful.

Do you want to have slender thighs? Do you feel like you need to change your lifestyle a little and find a new source of inspiration? Slim thighs don't appear by magic, but with a little work on them, you will definitely see results. Read on to learn how to lose weight in your thighs.



    Get a pedometer. The pedometer counts how many steps you walk every day. You can attach it to your thigh; Today you can buy a pedometer that no one will notice, so there is no reason to refuse it.

    • Try to take 5,000 to 10,000 steps every day. This may seem like a huge number, but it's less than you think (5,000 steps is a little more than 3 kilometers). Always find a reason to walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk to the grocery store instead of driving. It takes a little practice to hit 10,000 steps a day, but it's worth it.
  1. Try running up and down the steps in a stadium. Channel your inner Rocky and start climbing and descending the stairs. Feel the burning in your muscles and remember that without pain there is no result. Also try taking the stairs at home and at work instead of taking the elevator!

    Try interval training. In interval training, you alternate short intense exercises with lighter, longer ones. For example, you might jog for three laps and run at top speed for the fourth lap. You'll be exhausted, but that's the beauty of it.

    Perform jumping legs together - legs apart. Instead of just doing jumping jacks, which you might find boring and not very effective, try doing them when you're already exhausted from your workout. After you've run a couple of kilometers, swam 20 laps, or ridden your bike until your heart leaps out of your chest, stand up and do 20 of these jumps at full strength. This is a good way to make your workout really intense, and you'll feel it in your thighs.

    Engage your inner thighs and abdominal muscles in the scissor exercise. This is a great exercise you can do almost anywhere without special equipment. Lie on your back, hands under your buttocks, lift your legs into the air and begin to bring them in and out with short, quick movements. Remember that your toes should be pointed away from you and that both feet should be moving. If you want to make the workout more intense, place your hands at your sides rather than under your butt.

    • To increase the load on your hips, spread your legs wide and quickly bring them together. This is similar to jumping legs together - legs apart, but lying on your back.
  2. Dance to your favorite music or take a dance class. It's a great way to have fun and also a very effective workout because you won't even notice it. An additional advantage of studying in a class: you will study for a certain time, and not just until you get bored.

    Play sports. You may not be an athlete, but there is a sport for every person. So if you don't like basketball, take up tennis. If you don't like tennis, start playing football. The spirit of competition will help you forget about the monotony of training and turn it into fun.

    • Playing a team sport or training in a group can burn more calories than exercising alone. If you play football for an hour, you will burn about 730 calories. If you do Hatha Yoga for the same hour at home, you will burn about 200 calories. That's a big difference!
  3. Do lunges to tone your muscles. Take a small dumbbell in each hand and lunge forward with one leg so that the knee of the other is just a couple of centimeters from the floor. Step back to return to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.

    • Bodyweight exercises like lunges are ideal for those who want healthy, toned muscles without bulking up.
  4. Understand that you can't lose weight in just one part of your body. There is a myth called “spot training” that you can only lose weight in your thighs or any other part of your body. In fact, to lose weight in your thighs, you need to lose weight overall.

    Don't starve yourself to lose weight faster. Oddly enough, fasting has a negative effect on weight loss. If you deprive your body of necessary energy, it begins to store it in order to prepare for a period when food is not enough. In other words, your body will prepare for hibernation. Instead of burning fat, you may lose muscle and other lean tissue. This is not at all what you need for real weight loss.

It is important to understand that losing weight in the thighs– the process is long and labor-intensive, you will have to make every effort.

Basic methods for losing weight on thighs

1. Low-calorie diet

To achieve results, you should reduce your fat intake to 30-35 g per day. But remember that it is absolutely impossible to completely exclude fats, since they are involved in many processes in our body. So, your diet should always contain healthy fats: vegetable oils for salad dressing, seeds, nuts, avocado - in small quantities (30-40 g) as a snack.

It is necessary to exclude the following products: sweets, flour, fried foods, smoked meats, sausages, mayonnaise, fatty fish, carbonated drinks, alcohol, fast food, pickles and canned food. The basis of your diet should be: lean meats and fish, seafood, cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries, low-fat dairy products, rye or bran bread.

Fruits should be consumed in the first half of the day, vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities. For dinner, cook a protein product (eggs, baked or boiled meat, fish) with vegetables. Limit your salt intake. You should drink 1.5-2 liters of pure still water per day.

2. Wraps

The wrap is prepared as follows: 5 tbsp. l. Mix honey melted in a water bath with 1 egg yolk, add 7 drops of any essential citrus oil (orange, lemon, grapefruit), mix everything.

Before wrapping, take a warm shower and thoroughly scrub the problem areas. Then apply the prepared composition and wrap in cling film. Put your pants on top and hold for about 40 minutes.

Another honey wrap recipe: melt 3 tbsp in a water bath. l. honey, then add 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, mix everything thoroughly. Keep for 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water. If the composition becomes too hot, rinse immediately with water.

3. Exercise

The most effective exercises for losing weight on your thighs are:

Squats with legs wide apart (2 sets of 25 times);

Raising the pelvis from a lying position (50 times);

Lunges (2 sets of 25 reps);

Jumping rope;

Raising legs alternately to the side (2 sets of 20 times).

4. Massage

The massage is performed with a special brush with stiff bristles. Massage your legs one by one from bottom to top using longitudinal and circular movements. Massage time is from 3 to 5 minutes. After this massage, the skin should become pink. Then apply anti-cellulite cream.
