Dumbbell bench press on an incline bench: technique and angles. Dumbbell press on an incline bench: technique of execution Dumbbell presses on an incline bench

The dumbbell incline press exercise is so popular that perhaps only the barbell bench press can beat it. Which exercise should you choose for your training program and why? You can make a choice after you become familiar with the benefits of the incline dumbbell press and the technique of performing the exercise (the video will help you get a complete understanding of the process).

Dumbbell press: what muscles are involved

Anyone who chooses a dumbbell bench press focuses on working the pectoral muscles, in this case the upper and middle parts. Experimenting with the angle of the bench will allow you to change the load on the deltoids. The exercise is considered one of the main ones in the basic program, aimed at developing power and athletic strength.

What makes the dumbbell bench press different from the more common barbell press? The main difference is the increased range of motion. This approach allows you to use the stabilizing muscles as actively as possible by exercising control over both hands. The exercise is especially suitable for women and girls who are not ready to work with a barbell and heavy weights.

During the press, the following work:

  • pectoral muscle (small);
  • serratus pectoralis muscle;
  • anterior pectoral muscle;
  • lower beam of the trapezoid.

In addition, the rotator cuff and biceps are involved. When performing bench presses using dumbbells, the latissimus dorsi, glutes, trapezius and rhomboid muscles work well.

What you need to know about the exercise

The dumbbell bench press is a basic exercise. This means that you can start training with it. During the execution, the joints responsible for pushing out the projectiles work. This type of bench press is the best option for athletes of any level of training due to the ability to vary the weight.
If you plan to use dumbbells of impressive weight, then it is better to use the help of a partner, especially if you do not have special knowledge in performing the exercise. Violation of equipment and safety rules can lead to injuries (dislocations, sprains). An assistant, especially at the initial stage of working out the exercise, will help you cope with lifting dumbbells (watch thematic videos to understand the process).

Please note that using proper weights can only be done with proper technique:

  1. Place the apparatus near the bench prepared for the exercise.
  2. Bend your body with your knees slightly bent. The back should remain straight with a slight arch in the lower back. Take the shells with an overhand grip.
  3. Secure the dumbbells at your upper thighs and assume a sitting position.
  4. Inhale deeply, press your feet into the floor and return to the starting position. Press your back against the surface of the bench, fix the dumbbells near your shoulders.
  5. Use the help of an insurer if you feel the need.


  1. Set the bench to an incline angle of 40 degrees. This is necessary to connect the chest muscle fibers to work. A greater or lesser inclination will cause the load to shift on the deltoids and triceps muscles, which is not always the goal of the athlete. Using dumbbells, unlike using a barbell, is convenient because there is no restrictive movement of the bar, which allows the muscles to work as actively as possible.
  2. Take a lying position on a bench, pressing your back firmly against its surface, and rest your feet on the floor. Press your head against the bench. A slight natural curve in the lower back is acceptable. Tighten your body as much as possible.
  3. Bring your hands with the apparatus above the shoulder line and spread them slightly, bending your elbows.
  4. During the extension of the arms, the muscles should noticeably stretch. Make dilutions until pain appears in muscle tissue. At the lowest point, take a short pause to eliminate inertia during the ascent and stretch the muscles as far as possible.
  5. Elbows should be spread to the sides during execution - control this.
  6. Take a deep breath while performing the most difficult part of the press - squeezing the shells up and exhale at the top point.
  7. Please note that there should be no distance between the projectiles at the top point. Even small touches of dumbbells are acceptable.
  8. Turn your hands forward.
  9. Increase the weights as you adapt to the previous ones.

Avoid making basic mistakes during the bench press process.
First, choose the right angle for your incline bench.
Second, use weights that are appropriate for your fitness level and experience.
Third, keep your feet firmly pressed into the floor without lifting them during the exercise.

Compared to the regular bench press, the incline bench press requires adherence to the execution technique while using maximum strength. During the exercise, cheating is not allowed when the execution technique is changed in order to transfer the load to other muscle groups. If in a traditional bench press it is allowed to lift the pelvis off the bench and hit the projectile from the chest, then when working with dumbbells such techniques are not used, moreover, they are considered useless, since they will not give a positive effect.

Safety regulations

Please note that the exercise, especially for beginners, is best performed with insurance. If your partner is not nearby, you will need to finish from the bottom phase as carefully as possible, straightening your arm at the elbow and taking turns folding dumbbells on the floor near the bench. The best option is two spotters who can pass the dumbbells from both sides.

To avoid spinal injuries, it is important to control the deflection in the lower back, focusing on the abdominal muscles. Place your feet firmly on the floor shoulder-width apart and bend your knees at an angle of 90°.

The dumbbell bench press on a horizontal bench is performed from the same starting position as on an inclined bench, the legs also rest firmly on the floor, the body is adjacent to the surface of the bench. Raise the dumbbells as you exhale (it is important to do this synchronously and symmetrically). At the highest point, exhale, tense your muscles and smoothly lower your arms with the dumbbells down without sudden movements. We suggest you become more familiar with the correct execution of the exercise.

Dumbbell bench press 70 kg each.

Dumbbell bench press 40 kg for 20 clean.

Press 60 kg dumbbells for 8 reps.

You can also ask the coach a question about this exercise on VKontakte

The incline dumbbell press is one of the best basic exercises. It will help to effectively pump up the pectoral muscles and develop heroic strength. The incline dumbbell press allows you to work over a larger range of motion compared to the barbell press and works the muscles better. The main load is taken by the upper and middle areas of the pectoral muscles. The stabilizing muscles are also included in the work as much as possible due to the control of both hands. Let's look at the muscle groups that work during the bench press:

  • Upper pectoral muscle.
  • Medium pectoral muscle.
  • Serratus muscle.
  • Trapezoid.
  • Deltas.
  • Shoulder cuff.
  • Biceps.

The incline dumbbell press has become so popular that it is starting to overtake the barbell/flat dumbbell press. Make your choice of exercise after familiarizing yourself with the advantages and technical features of this technique.

Incline dumbbell press - technique

Failure to follow safety and technical rules will result in injury, so do your research. Technique:

  1. Set the bench at an angle of 30-40 degrees. This is the angle that is necessary for the upper pecs to work well. A greater inclination will shift the load to the front of the deltoids - this should not be allowed. Lie down on a bench, press your back tightly and rest your feet.
  2. Raise the shells to your chest at the shoulder line. Inhale, press the dumbbells and exhale. Point your elbows to the sides, move them along the line of your shoulders. There should be no distance between the dumbbells; you can even lightly touch them.
  3. Lower the dumbbells as you inhale until your muscles feel slightly sore due to the stretch. At the bottom mark, pause to avoid inertial movements and stretch the muscle fibers well.
  4. Perform dumbbell presses while lying on an incline bench slowly and without acceleration. Feel the muscles working.
  5. Perform the required number of repetitions.

Don't make mistakes in execution. Set the correct inclination of the bench, select the optimal weights, plant your feet well and do not lift them.

Be sure to follow the technique and avoid cheating. If in a classic bench press you can tear off your pelvis and hit the barbell with your chest (which is undesirable), then with dumbbells there is no need to use such techniques, they are useless and only worsen the bench press on an incline bench.

Heavy Dumbbell Incline Press - Lifting Technique

You can achieve such results in weight that it is difficult to throw dumbbells onto your chest. If you decide to significantly increase the weight, then perform the incline dumbbell press in exactly this way:

  • First of all, prepare the dumbbells, place them near the bench.
  • Raise the dumbbells and place them on the front of your thighs. Gently sit on the bench and inhale.
  • Lie down on the bench and at the same time, with a sharp push of your legs, throw the dumbbells at shoulder level.
  • Perhaps the first repetition will be difficult to complete and you will need help from a partner, but then the process will go fine.

For best effectiveness and safety, follow these tips:

  • Hold your breath - this gives additional strength and endurance.
  • Move your elbows in a vertical plane, point them out to the sides along the line of your shoulders. This will protect you from shoulder joint injuries.
  • At the top, bring the dumbbell as close to the dumbbell as possible to better work the pectoral and serratus muscles.
  • When the dumbbells are at the bottom, do not take a long pause - this makes the exercise more difficult. Make a very short stop to prevent inertial movements.
  • Choose the right weight to avoid incorrect technique.

When performing a dumbbell press while lying on an incline bench, keep your back and abs tense. Maintain a natural curve in your lower back, and do not allow your shoulders and head to lift off the bench.

To whom, when and how much

To whom

Athletes of any level.


If the upper chest lags behind, then perform the dumbbell incline press as the first exercise in pumping up the chest, and then the barbell press. For variety, you can alternate with.

How many

8-10 repetitions, 3 sets.

In bodybuilding, incline dumbbell presses are used to eliminate flat chests. It is the upper region of the muscles that gives volume to the pectorals. Include this exercise in your training and achieve excellent results.

Masses and relief to you!

On an incline bench to the most effective basic exercises. It thoroughly works the pectoral muscles and also uses several joints at once. This exercise is a closed chain of identical movements of several dozen repetitions. Dumbbells are used as weights. This exercise is suitable for people who have already played sports before or do it professionally.

Difference from barbell press

Unlike the barbell press, performing a dumbbell press allows you to increase the range of motion, which will be more beneficial for the muscles. In addition, this exercise makes excellent use of the stabilizing muscles, since it is necessary to control the position of both hands with dumbbells. Although it seems that the dumbbell press and barbell press have many similarities, they still have completely different effects on the muscles. As it turns out, the dumbbell bench press on an incline bench works the chest area more effectively.

The arms are bent at the elbow joint, the dumbbells reach the chest line, holding for a while, and then return to the starting position, the arms are fully straightened.

Working muscles

During the bench press, the shoulder blade is used, namely the serratus anterior muscle and the pectoralis minor muscle. The shoulder joint, which includes the biceps, and the torso (abdomen, buttocks, trapezius and latissimus dorsi) also work.

If you feel that the exercise is too easy and you are not putting in enough effort to complete it, you can make it more difficult. For example, you can try doing it not on an inclined bench, but on a horizontal bench.

Preparing the place for the exercise

  1. We place the dumbbells next to the installed bench.
  2. Hold the dumbbells in the starting deadlift position and then stand up straight.
  3. Next, we fix the dumbbells in the front of the thighs and carefully sit down on the bench. After this, the dumbbells will be located in the hip area.
  4. Take the starting position with a sharp push, inhaling. During the beginning, as soon as you complete the first repetition, difficulties may arise, so it is quite possible that you may need someone's help. Often you need another person to back up when you perform dumbbell presses.


  1. First of all, you need to install an incline bench. Performed at an angle of 15-35 degrees (30 degrees). This position is the most optimal for the chest muscles. In addition, in this position they will be maximally involved, since the work of the deltoids and triceps is reduced to a minimum.
  2. The advantage of dumbbells is that, unlike the barbell press, there is no bar that interferes with movements. This provides an increase in amplitude, which is very beneficial for the muscles.
  3. To start the exercise, you need to take the starting position on a bench fixed at the desired angle: lie down, straighten your spine, place your feet on the bench or floor for stability, press your back to the surface of the bench. When performing a bench press, it is important to monitor the position of your hands: they should move strictly parallel to each other.
  4. If you have done this before, then with dumbbells you will have a new sensation: when your hands reach the lowest point, you will certainly feel how the chest muscles are stretched. Also, stabilizing muscles will be connected here, the work of which was not done before due to the bar.
  5. It is also important to take your time while performing this exercise. When your arms are at their lowest point, hold for a couple of seconds, allowing your chest muscles to stretch as much as possible.
  6. To distribute the load evenly across your chest, keep your elbows turned out and pointed towards your ears.

  • Keep in mind that gym benches are often not installed at the angle you want, so make sure the equipment is installed correctly before you begin.
  • Don't rush to increase the load. First, learn how to correctly perform a dumbbell press on an incline bench, because only correct execution is a guarantee of success.
  • Make sure that the entire load is only on the muscles. Do not perform the exercise using oscillating arm movements.
  • The chest should be straightened and the shoulders should be apart.
  • At the highest point, the dumbbells should not touch each other. The distance should be maintained at approximately 15 cm. Do not straighten your arms completely so that the triceps do not take on excess load from the chest muscles.
  • As with all strength exercises, exhale throughout the effort. That is, in this exercise while lifting the dumbbell.
  • During the entire approach, the elbows should have a strictly vertical trajectory, which is at shoulder level. If you bring them closer to the sides of the body, then you are in danger of injury.
  • If you take too much weight, your deltoids, legs and torso will be more involved in the work, which will reduce the work of the chest muscles, which this exercise is aimed at. Also, when you perform dumbbell presses, the weight should be appropriate for your fitness level.
  • Shoulders and head should not come off the bench. It is important to control that the extensor muscles are in constant tension. You should also maintain the natural curve of the spine.
  • It is best to do the incline dumbbell press at the beginning of a chest workout, as it is basic. After this, it is best to perform only bent-over presses and dumbbell flyes.
  • Optimal number of repetitions: 3-4 sets of 8-10 times.

Negative point

In addition to such a huge number of advantages, this exercise still has one serious drawback. The point is that it is difficult to progress the load with dumbbells. The fact is that in the gym, for example, dumbbells of 30, 35, 40 kg and so on are most often presented. That is, there is a difference of 5 kg between them, which is a huge indicator. So, when it’s already easy for you to do the work with the existing weight, and the time comes to take on a heavier load, then these 5 kg will be quite difficult to handle at first. But when working with a barbell, such a problem will not arise, since there are always small pancakes, which will help you easily progress the load. And this point is important, since it is progress that causes stress in the muscles, which helps them grow.

One-arm dumbbell press

This exercise is almost the same as the two-arm press. Regardless of this, you need to monitor the correct execution technique. The downside is that the hands do not work simultaneously, but in turn, which makes fatigue appear faster.

In principle, everything is done in the same way as when working with two hands. It is worth recalling just a couple of main points:

  • The downward movement lasts twice as long as the upward movement.
  • Avoid lifting too much weight at once to avoid injury.

– one of the best and most popular exercises for training the pectoral muscles, namely the upper chest. Angle presses are so popular because the upper pectoral muscles are the most underdeveloped muscles in most athletes. Some athletes even completely abandon horizontal presses and switch to presses that use a bench with an incline of 30-45 degrees. In this article, we will look at the technique of performing the dumbbell press on an incline bench, talk about common mistakes among beginners, and give useful recommendations that will help make the dumbbell press more effective.

When doing an incline bench press with dumbbells, you won't be able to lift as much weight as you can with a barbell bench press. This is because when working with dumbbells, your range of motion increases and stabilizer muscles are involved in the work.

The dumbbell press should happen faster than the lowering. You can also use supination or pronation with this exercise - more on this in the video at the end of the article.

  • Perform full range of dumbbell incline presses. When working with maximum weights, have a partner lift the dumbbells for you on the first rep and help you with the last reps.
  • Do not bring the dumbbells together at the top point; there should be a distance of 10 centimeters or more between them.
  • Do not use the force of inertia; press the dumbbells only using the force of the pectoral muscles. Do not make any sudden movements; the press should be smooth and controlled.
  • If you're just starting to learn this exercise, do a few workouts with light to medium weights to better understand the technique.
  • When moving up the weights, don't take too big of a step. When doing barbell presses, weights are often raised by 5-10 kg, but here it is recommended to increase the load in increments of 2-3 kilograms.

Remember that the greater the inclination of the bench, the more the deltoids are involved in the work, and the lower the angle of inclination, the better the middle sections of the pectoral muscles work. It is optimal to choose a bench with an incline of 30 to 45 degrees.

Since for most athletes the upper pectoral muscles are a lagging area, we will focus on it:

This set of exercises is quite enough to completely exhaust the pectoral muscles and make them grow.

Video: Incline dumbbell press from Denis Borisov

Anyone who has at least once decided to seriously engage in sports or simply lose a couple of kilograms and stretch their muscles knows how important it is to have complete information about each exercise.

Today we will talk about the dumbbell bench press exercise.

First, let's try to clarify what advantages and disadvantages it has.


Free places

Considering how busy modern gyms are, it may help that the dumbbell bench press is not a very popular exercise right now, especially compared to the barbell press. This fact is undeniable.

Of course, when training with a barbell, the effect appears faster, but dumbbells are a more flexible and convenient tool, the effect is longer, and there are more opportunities for training with dumbbells.


In order to perform a bench press with dumbbells, you don’t need anything other than the dumbbells themselves, a bench and a little desire. Neither assistants, nor additional power frames and various devices. The exercises are easy to do even at home.

Suitable for almost everyone

Often, due to the characteristics of the body and problems with the spine, it is difficult for people to perform exercises with a barbell, but the dumbbell press is suitable for almost everyone. The main thing is that the weight of the dumbbells is selected correctly.


The dumbbell press has a number of disadvantages:

Wrong approach to classes

As with all exercises that involve the use of heavy objects, the dumbbell press requires some precautions. First, warm up well. Secondly, choose the weight of the dumbbells correctly. Dumbbells that are too heavy can fall on you during exercise and cause serious injury.

Initially, it is advisable to have a professional instructor work with you, who will advise you on how best to start training.

It's hard to stay in sync

Unlike a barbell, when exercising with dumbbells, you yourself control the synchronization of your arms. This can make it difficult for beginners to lift both arms at the same speed. We all have a “working” hand with which we write, eat and do everything else. The muscles of a given arm are always better trained, but your task is to maintain the same speed and apply the same effort.

What types of bench press are there?

The dumbbell bench press is performed in two versions: on an inclined or on a horizontal bench.

In what cases is it better to perform a dumbbell press while lying on an incline bench?

An incline bench involves a stronger load on the upper and middle sections of the pectoral muscles. The advantages of the bench are that you can control the inclination and, accordingly, the load.

In what cases is it better to perform a dumbbell press while lying on a horizontal bench?

Doing exercises on a horizontal bench is more suitable for beginners and people who play sports to maintain general fitness.

Bench press technique with dumbbells

Before you start doing the exercises yourself for the first time, you should warm up. When warming up, pay special attention to the upper sections of the pectoral muscles. Bends and lunges will do.

1 step

It is very important to position yourself correctly on the bench. If at first you cannot lie down on your own while holding two dumbbells in your hands, then ask someone to help you.

Position yourself evenly on the bench so that your entire body is pressed tightly against the base. Have an assistant pass the dumbbells one by one.

If you decide to try it yourself, then take two dumbbells in your hands, sit on the edge of the bench and carefully slowly lie down on it. It is extremely important that the body is pressed tightly and you feel comfortable.

Step 2

You should take the dumbbells with both hands and raise them to shoulder level. The head is straight, the gaze is directed to the ceiling. Your arms should also be pulled up. For a better reference, find one point and don’t take your eyes off it.

Step 3

When lifting again, make sure that the dumbbells are positioned exactly above the shoulder area. As you lift, inhale, then hold your breath and lift the dumbbells.

Step 4

Position - dumbbells overhead. Let's exhale. Then tighten your pectoral muscles, take a deep breath, and, holding your breath, slowly lower your arms.

Step 5

It is very important not to stop when the dumbbells are at the bottom, take a deep breath, hold your breath and slowly raise your arms. Don't forget to tense your muscles.

Step 6

You can try making several passes with one hand.

How many approaches should you do?

To begin, start with 2-3 sets of eight to ten repetitions. Then, gradually increasing, bring it to 4-5 approaches.

Who is this exercise suitable for?

Everyone, regardless of experience and physical fitness.

What muscle groups are affected by the dumbbell bench press?

Thanks to the constant correct execution of this exercise, the upper pectoral muscles are pumped up, you can achieve relief, and also thicken the inner edge of the pectoral muscle.

Dependence of the load on certain muscles at different dumbbell positions

If you want to strengthen the pectoralis major muscle, the dumbbells should be positioned in the upper chest.

To develop the pectoralis minor muscle, lift the dumbbells so that they are above the chest, just below the pectoralis major muscle.

In addition to the main muscles, the following assistant muscles are strengthened during these exercises:

  • anterior deltoids;
  • serratus anterior;
  • coracobrachialis muscle;
  • trapezius muscle;
  • short head of the biceps.

Great video from Denis Borisov on the dumbbell bench press

Quick tips for everyone who wants to do exercises with dumbbells

  • Experts advise holding your breath during ascent and descent so that the stabilizing muscles do not relax and provide additional strength.
  • If you bring your elbows closer to your torso while doing exercises, there is a very high chance of getting injured in the area of ​​the shoulder joint.
  • Make sure that at the highest point the dumbbells are narrower than your shoulders, otherwise you can overload or pinch the edge of the pectoral muscle.
  • Keep the dumbbells down and try not to stop. Even stopping for a second will result in you needing to apply more force to the lift than was calculated, and therefore you will quickly get tired.
  • You should not initially choose heavy dumbbells with the expectation of quick results. You will not get the desired effect, but there is a ninety percent chance of getting a sprain or injury.
  • If you decide to add a little incline or even switch to an incline bench for the first time, keep in mind that for beginners it is better not to set the incline to more than 15-20 degrees. The angle of inclination, just like the weight of the dumbbells, should be increased gradually, preferably in consultation with a specialist.

We have tried to provide you with all the information you need on these exercises, but remember that if you want to achieve real results, it is extremely important to remain consistent, not to rush, not to expect results too quickly, and to train regularly.

We hope that our advice will at least help you achieve what you want!

Personal trainer, sports doctor, physical therapy doctor

Draws up and conducts personal training programs for body correction. Specializes in sports traumatology and physiotherapy. Conducts classical medical and sports massage sessions. Conducts medical and biological monitoring.
