Vis composed to glorify the Scandinavian gods. Hangs composed to honor the Norse gods Bodyweight exercises

Hangs when addressing the Gods

In runic magic, when addressing the Gods, it is customary to pronounce vises - skaldic invocations. The obligatory form of the visa is an octet. The vises were separate, they consisted of draps (praise songs with a chorus) and flocks (less honorable, without a chorus, everyday content). Skaldic poetry is famous for its strict form, odious content and complex, richly embellished language, such as kennings (poetic paraphrases, for example, a warrior is a maple of battle, a woman is a pine of an outfit, a lynx is the ringing of earrings, a crow is a seagull of wounds). In addition to the above, skaldic poetry is characterized by complex syntactic structures and ornate meter (usually drottkvet). There are already written visas. But you can come up with a vis yourself, which is also very much appreciated by the Gods.
Examples of vises dedicated to Gods and heroes:
To Odin:
Lord of Valhalla, keeper of the secret runes
I dedicate my hanging to you,
And I ask the sacred runes for protection!
O greatest lord of Valhalla!
We are calling to you! Shower yourself with light!
And illuminate us with your true knowledge!
Blind the enemies who weave evil intrigues,
Pierce their infidels with your swift spear,
Let the brave cups raise in your honor!
Glory to the Great Odin!

O Freya, Goddess,
Reigning in Sessrumnir!
Daughter of Njord and Od's wife.
You are one of the Vanir, maiden,
Wearing a door chain.
Mother of Khnoss and Gersimi,
And Frey's sister!
Lady of the Fallen!
In your chariot
You are rushing with the wind, in a hurry.
Thor himself is your protector!
And cats are charioteers,
And, of course, no
More beautiful than You, Lady!!!..

O Thor! Ace of thunder, lightning, battle!
Born Yerd from the All-Father!
You are the guardian of heaven and the shield of peace.
You are the one who fights to the end!

Oh Hel! You know these souls
Of those who did not end up in Asgard.
You keep them, you don’t break the law.
Your world is not light, but the shadow of mirrors.
You live in the midst of darkness and fog,
Helheim is a stronghold for prisoners here.
There is no lie, no evil deception here.
Peace and death, darkness all year round...
Daughter of Loki, I call upon you,
Be kind and pass on
How, without noticing, I don’t know.
Take others, not me!!..

Oh Sunna! Giving sun!
Warm me with your rays!..
A luminary that blinds enemies,
Source of joy of days!
You're moving in circles
From east to west, and again,
The moon is eternal, friend!
Be with us, Fire of the sky!..”

Loki the great, the clown mockingbird,
You are the equalizer of the sinless with the sinner,
Became a brother-in-arms of the Supreme Ace,
Messenger of the gods and the last hour.
By changing yourself, you change worlds,
You intoxicate people with the poison of madness.
Wise joker, come to my aid -
Turn your deceit on your enemies.
Entangle their souls with a cunning net -
Make me listen to my sentence in silence.
We'll play a cruel joke on them -
What was their paradise will seem like hell.
Turn your flaming gaze to them -
May my sentence be fulfilled!

Spell of Tyr's Hand:
The shine of the axe, it's time for the Torah,
the gravity of Thing, Ymir's body,
tree of peace, tursa grave,
the reality of Balder's dream, the volva of broadcasting,
Hrofta's death, Loft's breath.
Crow food does not feel pain,
the branches have grown together, there will be no Valkyries,
Garm barks loudly, a battle is coming soon,
death to the living, death to the dead.
The runes are colored with Hroft's tears,
Glory to the king, glory to the squad,
the ash trees have become ready for battle,
Let us glorify Mjollnir with the runes of Tyr!

Visa to the Valkyries:
Songs of wolves and thundering horns,
the chain mail ringing hurts the eyes,
the shadows of the Valkyries and their sighs,
the murmur of the gods and the voices of the Jotuns.
The breath of the wind and the screeching of ravens,
the faith of thieves and the bitterness of fate,
the faces of the heroes are sharp reflections,
Hilda! We just learned to love.
Moss grows on a forgotten house,
we went on a long hike,
droplets of blood on the snow covered,
We once knew the word love.
Truth, faith, oath, torment
jotuns, aesir, brothers, you,
rotted on the boards of ancient drakkars,
Hilda! Love is my pity.
?the strictures of the temple of the forgotten goddess,
the sharp steel of the fighting maidens,
we never forgot anyone
Hilda! We can no longer love others!
A girl's figure and white hands,
Eyes, cheeks, spells of love,
the hair of the Valkyries and their shifting shadows,
Hilda! Berserkers take an oath in blood!
(by Tialdr Valisson)

Earendel, Aurvandil-hero, husband of the seer Groa:
Hello Eärendel [= Aurvandil],
brightest angel above Midgard
given to men, and faithful
the radiance of the sun, shining above the stars,
every time myself always
you illuminate.
(by Tialdr Valisson)

Here is the ruler's descendant,
who killed three princes.
The region is subject to him.
You can't count your feats
Adalstein in battle.
I swear, oh generous one
king, we don’t know
who could compare with you?
Up to the mountains of the country
Adalstein owns.
(translator A. Korsun)

Visa Hel and the fallen:
The ice of Lund's palms,
from the field of fallen hordes
stones sleep for centuries
in the vaults of the temple of the proud.
The helmet will not disappear into the trash.
Spears accumulate power.
Temple stores in granite
the glory of moons past.
(by Egil Skallagrimsson)

Visa Yngvi (to Ingvar):
I came, brave
to Ingvar, who is gold
empowers warriors
I was looking for a meeting with him.
You, the giver of rings,
can you find it
between the young skalds
my equal skald?
Gave a skilled warrior
Egil the talkative
reward for praise
three sea shells,
and a duck egg -
the fourth gift to the former,
To Egil's joy,
he added generously.
(translator A. Korsun)

Visa Idunn:
Oh, Beautiful Guardian of Eternal Youth and Immortality,
Eternally blooming and tenderly young Idunn!
Beloved daughter of Ivaldi and faithful companion of Braga
I give you this hanging, O Idunn!
There is the greatest strength in your gentle fingers
The power of eternal youth, health, beauty
You, O Beautiful One, guardian of the Gods of Asgard
Grant me youth with the touch of your warmth!
Let my body become the body of a young maiden
Deliver me from wrinkles and infirmities
Renew my body with the charm of youth
Give me the sparkle of your beautiful eyes!

Visa Frigg asking for the birth of a child:
(own composition)
O Wise Frigg, Beloved of Odin's Spouse,
Balder's mother, Heda, Hermoda, caring
Do not deny my request, Lady of Valhalla!
I'm not contacting you for fun

I ask you to breathe strength into these runes
Your blessing, Wise Mother!
Grant me the opportunity to experience motherhood
Become a wonderful loving mother!

O Rider of the Wild Hunt, O Frigga,
You are in charge of destinies, give me advice!
Grant me the opportunity to have a child
I ask you with all my heart and love!

Visa Freiro:
(own composition)
O Wise Frey, You are the Son of Vanir,
Brother of the tender and beautiful Freya
You bring fertility and happiness,
I open the doors to my house for you!

Do you own the Light that the Sun gives us,
Oh, Yngwie, you are the one who revives hearts
Son of the good Njord, child of the wise Skadi
Hear my voice, O One who lives in Asgard!

Please, Good Frey, look into my heart -
There is so much warmth in it that your Name gives
Grant me your light and your favor
In the name of Light, Harmony, Goodness and Peace!

Visa - represents the skald's appeal to the northern gods in poetic form. This is a kind of spell that is cast in a ritual when addressing the gods. The need to pronounce visa when addressing the Gods is very often discussed by “seasoned practitioners”. Some argue that such an appeal is absolutely unnecessary and pointless, another point of view says that the visa is, so to speak, an “integral” part of the ritual. And which side is most likely right is something everyone decides for themselves.

Why do such disagreements occur at all? Opponents of the vises say that the vises used are most often very far from any originals, and the authorship of the vises “walking” on the Internet is unknown to anyone and, perhaps, doubtful. Proponents of the use of vis believe that poetry is inherently beautiful and it is its beauty that makes it possible to very well reflect the depth of intention of a person turning to the gods.

In addition, there is such a concept (albeit slightly slang) that hangs, as they say, have already been “prayed”, that is, they have been pronounced by a huge number of people. And this “increases the chances” of being heard by the God to whom you are turning. Of course, in order to appeal to God with all your heart, there is no need to write poetry, but you can do it in prose. After all, words spoken with all the soul and with all the heart have such power and sincerity that it no longer matters in what form they were spoken.

As for me (the author of this article), my point of view is somewhere in the middle)). I find that hanging really helps with ritual (especially for beginners). And it’s probably best to compose them yourself, since by trying to express your thoughts in poetic form, a person already expresses a strong intention and spends his energy, “giving” it to the god to whom he is writing.

By the way, there are even rules for composing poems - they are very complex (especially for people far from poetry), but these difficulties are quite surmountable. And if a person, in principle, is not able to express his thoughts in a poetic form or believes that the written vises are really beautiful and ideally reflect his sincere desire for an appeal, then it is quite possible to take ready-made vises (which, by the way, are located a little lower).

Visa to Odin

I rarely hide the name in Odin's brotherhood,

because people can guess.

He who is skilled in songs can hang by touch,

what I have put together, to discover the secret.

"Oh Freya, Goddess,
Reigning in Sessrumnir!
Daughter of Njord and Od's wife.
You are one of the Vanir, maiden,
Wearing a door chain.
Mother of Khnoss and Gersimi,
And Frey's sister!
Your gaze shoots like an arrow,
You break hearts
Hrimtursen and Hymir
They paid for their passion!
Skilled in charms, you take away peace,
The one who died is mortal...
We've fought more than once.
Lady of the Fallen!
In your chariot
You are rushing with the wind, in a hurry.
Thor himself is your protector!
And cats are charioteers,
And, of course, no
More beautiful than you

O Thor! Ace of thunder, lightning, battle!
Born Yerd from the All-Father!
You are the guardian of heaven and the shield of peace.
You are the one who fights to the end!
I have tasted the thunderous ocean,
And he overcame old age itself!
Red-bearded and mighty,
Your enemies have only one destiny!
Mjöllnir strikes them without mercy:
And the thurs, the ice giants,
And Jörmungand, the serpent from the sea,
After all, you are the one who fights to the end!!..

Oh Hel! You know these souls
Of those who did not end up in Asgard.
You keep them, you don’t break the law.
Your world is not light, but the shadow of mirrors.
You live in the midst of darkness and fog,
Helheim is a stronghold for prisoners here.
There is no lie, no evil deception here.
Peace and death, darkness all year round...
Daughter of Loki, I call upon you,
Be kind and pass on
How, without noticing, I don’t know.
Take others, not me!!..

Oh Sunna! Giving sun!
Warm me with your rays!..
A luminary that blinds enemies,
Source of joy of days!
You're moving in circles
From east to west, and again,
The moon is eternal, friend!
Be with us, Fire of the sky!..”

I call upon the Dark God
God from the depths of the mortal stronghold!
Go out to the threshold of the holy palace
And tell me your secret name!
Enemies bound by death souls
I give it to you as an offering, Loki,
Let your black punishment be terrible!
Let the gods suffocate in rage!
Loki the great, the clown mockingbird,
You are the equalizer of the sinless with the sinner,
Became a brother-in-arms of the Supreme Ace,
Messenger of the gods and the last hour.
By changing yourself, you change worlds,
You intoxicate people with the poison of madness.
Wise joker, come to my aid -
Turn your deceit on your enemies.
Entangle their souls with a cunning net -
Make me listen to my sentence in silence.
We'll play a cruel joke on them -
What was their paradise will seem like hell.
Turn your flaming gaze to them -
May my sentence be fulfilled!
Goddess of healing AIR
The most beautiful Eir!
You heal and give strength
Beautiful as dawn
Wise and majestic
You're not hurting anyone
But you only heal, heal wounds
I would like to come to you on Lifya
To bow and tell what’s on your soul
But she is far away and only like a bird
We can fly there to you
Therefore, I ask you, Goddess
Appear and help me in my trouble
my last hope
I entrust myself to you.

O most kind Balder!
Son of Odin and Frig
You captivate the world with your radiance
With your arrival the earth awakens
Gardens bloom, green grass
The whole world shed tears for you
When Hel took you to her place
You gave us hope, joy, sunshine
I ask you at this hour - Come!
Help me in my difficult task.

Spell of Tyr's Hand
The shine of the axe, it's time for the Torah,
the gravity of Thing, Ymir's body,
tree of peace, tursa grave,
the reality of Balder's dream, the volva of broadcasting,
Hrofta's death, Loft's breath.
Crow food does not feel pain,
the branches have grown together, there will be no Valkyries,
Garm barks loudly, a battle is coming soon,
death to the living, death to the dead.
The runes are colored with Hroft's tears,
Glory to the king, glory to the squad,
the ash trees have become ready for battle,
Let us glorify Mjollnir with the runes of Tyr!

Songs of wolves and thundering horns,
the chain mail ringing hurts the eyes,
the shadows of the Valkyries and their sighs,
the murmur of the gods and the voices of the Jotuns.
The breath of the wind and the screeching of ravens,
the faith of thieves and the bitterness of fate,
the faces of the heroes are sharp reflections,
Hilda! We just learned to love.
Moss grows on a forgotten house,
we went on a long hike,
droplets of blood on the snow covered,
We once knew the word love.
Truth, faith, oath, torment
jotuns, aesir, brothers, you,
rotted on the boards of ancient drakkars,
Hilda! Love is my pity.
The fortresses of the temple of the forgotten goddess,
the sharp steel of the fighting maidens,
we never forgot anyone
Hilda! We can no longer love others!
A girl's figure and white hands,
Eyes, cheeks, spells of love,
the hair of the Valkyries and their shifting shadows,
Hilda! Berserkers take an oath in blood!

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Recently, a sport such as workout has become quite popular. It does not require special equipment or material costs and can be practiced by people with different levels of training. Particular emphasis in workout is on performing exercises with your own weight.

Bodyweight exercises

There are many different exercises that are performed by using your body weight. To implement them, the simplest of sports equipment are very often used: horizontal bar, parallel bars, etc. These exercises will also help you develop strength and endurance if done regularly.

Depending on the complexity of execution, these exercises are divided into different types. Some of them are suitable for beginners and do not require special training, while others are impossible without a period of preliminary training. The second category includes many exercises with your body weight on the horizontal bar, especially the front hang.

The front hang is one of the most difficult, but also spectacular, body movements. It is performed as holding your body in a lying position while hanging on a sports apparatus. From the outside it looks like you are holding yourself up in the air.

The front hang on the horizontal bar can be performed in a stationary position, or in dynamic repetitions. There are several types of exercises, varying in complexity and level of training.

Start date

Beginners have a question about how to learn. The front hang on the horizontal bar should not be performed without prior preparation. Backs and the ability to keep the entire body under control are required. First of all, it is recommended to learn how to do at least 10 pull-ups on a horizontal bar and the same number of leg raises in a regular hang. When performing a front hang on the horizontal bar, the ability to do a back hang and the dragon flag exercise will also be useful.

Varieties of front hang

How to learn to do a front hang on the horizontal bar in a bent position? To do this, you need to hold on to the horizontal bar in a hanging position, placing your body horizontally, raising your knees to your chest. Variations of the exercise may include straightening one or both legs. This will complicate the task and prepare you for performing the hang in a vertical position.

A front hang with legs wide apart will also be a lighter version of the classic hang, but will require good stretching. When the legs are located far apart from each other, the working lever is reduced. This makes the task easier.

In addition to performing the exercise statically, there is a dynamic version. Using the latissimus dorsi muscles in a hanging position, and then gradually lower. In this case, the whole body must be extremely tense. Hanging in dynamic repetitions can serve as preparation for performing static exercises.

Exiting the front hang on the horizontal bar can be done in different ways. One of them will be the strength method of finishing the exercise. To do this, you need to lower yourself into a front hang, resting on the bar. The body should be tense. You need to stay in this position for some time, and then forcefully come out of it. In this case, it is advisable to grasp the horizontal bar deeper, which will help develop the technique of performing this exercise.

To master the front hang you need to work on yourself for a long time. A lot of patience should be shown if at the beginning of training something does not work out as needed. The exercises are started by gradually increasing the load. If progress is not visible, you can pause training and return to easier tasks. For example, push-ups or pull-ups on a horizontal bar. A little later, resume front hang training.
