Where Sati Casanova teaches yoga. Yoga tips from guest editor Sati Casanova. Have you always been a vegetarian or did you become a vegetarian at a certain point in your life?

8 months ago

Singer Sati Casanova @satikazanova told BeautyHack about how yoga influenced her life, creativity, everyday habits and attitude towards beauty, and also showed what is always in her cosmetic bag.

- First of all, I would like to ask you about your love for yoga: where did it all begin and how did you come to it?

They say that it is not a person who finds yoga, but yoga that finds him, calls him and embraces him forever. There is an opinion that if you came to yoga, it was not by chance - it happened like that in a past life.

Yoga teaches us balance. Exercise and meditation are necessary to ensure that the body, spirit and mind work together. If a person only trains the body in the gym or practices only meditation, a certain imbalance arises.

- Do you remember your first lesson?

Yes, it was Ashtanga yoga. I especially remember the smell of incense and mantra. I thought: “What an interesting and mysterious world.” This world was close to me, it captivated me. At first I didn’t really like it: I can’t say that from the first lesson any awareness came, on the contrary - the exercises caused discomfort, caused physical pain and inconvenience. But I returned to classes again and again, because at the end there was savasana, and we chanted mantras.

I tried all types of yoga and six years ago I met my spiritual master and was initiated into a very powerful yoga technique called atma kriya yoga.

But I’m not against group classes if you have a good trainer who will take into account individual physical characteristics: problems with the spine, scoliosis. But it is also important to take care of yourself - even in the best fitness club, the trainer may not take into account your individual characteristics, which will be harmful to your health.

- How does yoga help you cope with life’s difficulties?

First of all, yoga teaches us acceptance. The same thing that any Holy Scripture teaches us: that everything happens according to the will of God, and we must come to terms with this, although it is not easy.

She also teaches trust - everything that happens in your life happens for a reason.

By practicing yoga, you understand that material wealth has nothing to do with happiness and harmony. And that your only task is to simply be happy. And also to love and be loved.

- How has yoga influenced your creativity?

At the end of December I released the album Sati Ethnica, which is inspired by practices. But yoga began to influence me and my creativity a long time ago. Leaving the Factory group was a turning point for me - I realized that my creativity did not satisfy me, did not make me truly happy.

Then there were different periods, I even wanted to sing only mantras and completely abandon the direction of pop music. But I was able to find a compromise and come to an agreement with myself, mainly thanks to my spiritual mentor, who told me: “It doesn’t matter what you sing. It's how you do it that matters. People feel the message that comes from your heart."

But yoga affects not only creativity and life, but also everyday habits: every morning I begin with meditation. Even if I have a very busy day and have no time for anything, I devote 5 minutes to myself and meditate. I also make sure to do gymnastics - it helps tone my muscles and wake up faster.

- What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Most often I eat porridge, which I cook in a slow cooker on a gentle setting. I cook them from green buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth.

- Was it difficult for you to become a vegetarian? What meaning do you put into this?

My body and psyche, most importantly, adapted to this very quickly. But in the first years there was still a feeling that I was somehow infringing myself. The only thing I was missing was seafood. I went to Bali, looked at lobsters and crabs and remembered how delicate their taste was. But gradually the longing for certain foods went away, and now I will not eat food of animal origin for any reason.

I have developed a completely balanced diet and am constantly studying how to turn food into treatment according to the ancient system of Ayurveda.

- How do you feel about those who decide to give up meat simply because it is fashionable?

I believe that you should give up meat in any case, at least under the influence of fashion. This can be compared to a relationship: you are with a person either out of love or out of convenience. Vegetarianism by choice is also good, a bonus for your health. We just don't know how harmful animal products really are. And if they knew, they would have abandoned them long ago.

- How do you feel about diets? Have you ever had to seriously restrict your diet?

I don’t accept strict diets in any way now. I once dabbled in this, but now I know what it entails.

But I practice fasting days, I call them “days of fasting.” I fill them with spiritual meaning - then it’s easier to limit yourself in food, and your mood becomes better. In a word, the body is cleansed - it periodically needs such “unloading”.

- But surely there is something you can’t deny yourself?

Of course, I'm a living person! Sometimes I give in to temptations. For example, I drink coffee almost every day, although it is not healthy (only if it increases blood pressure in microscopic doses!). I make it with oat or coconut milk.

I also love chocolate. There is little useful in it, but sometimes you want it that way!

But I don’t abuse it: these products “acidify” the body very much, which provokes the aging process. In order not to get sick and not feel a loss of strength, you need, on the contrary, to eat “alkalizing” foods - fruits and vegetables.

- Do you often cook yourself or do you prefer to go to restaurants? What is your favorite restaurant in Moscow?

When I have time, I like to cook myself: I know what products to combine, what spices to season the dish with so that it turns out tasty and healthy.

I only go to restaurants when I don’t have time to cook something at home or I want to spice up the evening. My favorite restaurant is Moscow-Delhi. It serves dishes of Nepalese and North Indian cuisine, but they are adapted for Russian stomachs: the food is practically not spicy and is prepared from very high quality ingredients. Their slogan - “we don’t just feed with food, we feed with love” - is very evident in the dishes.

My husband and I’s taste preferences almost completely coincide, with the exception of small nuances: he doesn’t like cardamom seeds put in porridge, but I simply adore them!

Most often we eat legumes, grains and vegetables. You can prepare many healthy and tasty dishes from these products. But most of all he loves dal, a traditional Indian lentil soup.

- As children, all girls dream of an ideal prince. Did your dreams coincide with reality? Or do you think that there is no need to look for the ideal in everyone?

I am against drawing any images in my head. I won’t lie, I also had different dreams and ideals. But my husband and my family turned out to be completely different than I imagined. I believe that it is important to surrender to the will of God and ask him for what he considers necessary to give you, and not for what you want yourself.

- There is an opinion that marriage changes people - do you agree with it?? How has your worldview changed since you got married? Are you and your husband similar, or are you opposites that complement each other?

It is too early to talk about global changes. But my feelings in life have definitely changed, I have gained confidence and inner core. Now I constantly feel that I have protection - my shoulders are covered and there is a rear behind me. This feeling is priceless.

My husband and I are similar in the main things: the way we see our life and the whole world around us, we have the same goals. But we are completely different in small things: he is more punctual and responsible, pragmatic in a European way. As a creative woman, I am often absent-minded and sometimes careless about numbers and finances. But thanks to these little things, we complement each other perfectly and learn something new.

- During your marriage, did you manage to derive your personal formula for ideal relationships and the main rules of family life?

The most important thing in a relationship is to be attentive to give your partner enough attention and care, without losing your personal boundaries.

- Tell us about your relationship with your mother: is she a friend, mentor or role model?

Now my mother has become my friend, but a few years ago I could not say this. Yes, she was my mother, my beloved mother, but there was no such trust and unity of souls between us as there is now. Perhaps marriage changed this situation.

- Do you love to travel? What is your favorite place on the planet, where you want to return again and again? Do you prefer the role of a tourist or do you try to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the country, feeling like a local resident?

I love traveling and always want to return to India and Bali: these places attract and attract me with irresistible force again and again.

Now I want to go to the southern part of India, which is adjacent to the border with Pakistan; there are a lot of energetically strong pilgrimage places there.

When I travel, I really like to communicate with local residents: it’s interesting for me to delve into the culture of the place where I am.

- You travel a lot - what helps you take care of your skin during long flights?

On an airplane, my skin gets very dry, and I don’t have enough time to visit a cosmetologist regularly. Japanese masks Quality First The Best, Moist, Queens Premium come to the rescue - they very well moisturize, nourish and restore the skin after flights. They contain up to 63 natural ingredients and extracts and no chemicals! I also use natural oils without fragrances, which I apply liberally to the skin of my face and body.

- Share your hair care secret - how do you save it after constant styling?

The main beauty secret is proper nutrition. If you do not include enough fat in your diet, your skin, hair and nails will look bad, and no creams or treatments will help. Fats in the diet are easy. For example, I eat a lot of avocado, coconut oil and ghee.

- How often do you do makeup? What is always in your makeup bag?

I feel very comfortable without makeup, but sometimes it is simply necessary, like some kind of armor or shield. Makeup is my armor in which I go to the battlefield.

And in my cosmetic bag there is always a nourishing cream for hands, nails and cuticles, lip balm, moisturizing facial spray and perfume - the absolute minimum that I need in any situation.

- Has your passion for yoga helped you somehow reconsider your attitude towards beauty?

Yes, and now I am more striving to discern the inner beauty of a person, which is not always visible behind the outer shell. As well as vice versa: beautiful people are not always beautiful in thoughts and hearts.

- What advice can you give to girls who have not found inner harmony, are unhappy with their appearance or are unsure of themselves?

Do your best to love and accept yourself. Then those very important and beloved people will come to you, and life will become very happy. It's simple, and each of us deserves it.

Interview: Anastasia Speranskaya Text: Daria Sizova Photo: Evgeniy Sorbo Styling and makeup by Sati Casanova: Wax Detox Bar Sati Casanova's outfit: Galina Podzolko We thank the restaurant Laduree for assistance in organizing and conducting filming

"Where the sunset meets the dawn"
December 26, 2015 - January 11, 2016

There comes a moment when you need to comprehend the past and face the future, renew your body and your thoughts, make a wish and fulfill it, open up to something new and fearlessly plunge into the whirlpool of adventure...

This is exactly what we are going to India for at the end of 2015, to the remote states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu - literally, to the edge of the world. The center of our trip will be a visit to Cape Comorin, the southernmost point of the Hindustan Peninsula, where three seas merge. It is there, without getting up from a stone on the ocean shore, at one point, that you can watch the sunrise and spend the sunset, where the most unimaginable dreams come true, and the past meets the future.

Our organizing team - Sati Casanova(singer, TV presenter, meditation teacher), Vera Berezova(trainer in Atma Kriya and bhakti yoga, guide to spiritual places of India) and Katya Kushner(Jivamukti Yoga trainer) – I’ve been planning this trip for months. This trip is our favorite child and we know it will be a unique experience for everyone involved.

First of all, let me tell you how our trip is different from any yoga and Ayurvedic tours.

1) Charming inspiration and participant in our trip Sati Casanova will completely open for you a new look at yoga and meditation. Together with her, you will discover that meditation is an integral part of the life of a modern successful person, and miracles and the fulfillment of your most cherished and crazy desires are a natural consequence of your practice!

2) We created the lesson program ourselves, classes, procedures and chose places to visit - based on personal experience, and not on the basis of studying tourist brochures! Therefore, you will get an experience that is difficult, or almost impossible, to get in India on your own, without a guide and a professional trainer.

3) Our trip is multi-format. We included in the program:

  • daily classes on Hatha yoga,
  • daily classes on Kriya yoga,
  • Ayurvedic consultations, procedures and massages,
  • wellness ayurvedic nutrition,
  • mantra singing classes with Sati Casanova,
  • seminar on "Simply Meditations" performed Sati Casanova,
  • healing technique OM-Healing,
  • visit ancient temples and shrines of India,
  • consultations astrologer jyotish (optional),
  • and, of course, swimming, sunbathing - in general, a full beach holiday!

With us you will see the real, traditional, ancient, modern, mystical, religious, artistic, completely unique India at every moment.

And, of course, the key point is the beginning New Year. How often do we manage to meet him the way we would really like? This time we will spend the New Year like never before. And festively - we will see an ancient Indian theatrical performance Kathakali, and in yogic style – with meditation on the ocean.

Main location of the group: Varkala, Kerala

We will be living in a small coastal city in Kerala, located 50 km northwest of Trivandrum. Varkala is a famous center of Ayurveda and is famous for its traditional doctors and treatment methods. Moreover, the cliffs of Varkala are different from the usual flat coastline of the rest of Kerala and are recognized as a natural monument. Picturesque views, especially beautiful sunrises and sunsets combined with long sandy beaches are an integral asset of this place, where we will spend the bulk of our trip.

What other places will we visit?


Among the adherents of the traditional Indian religion, Hindu, Varkala is not only an Ayurvedic paradise, but also a famous place of pilgrimage. According to one legend, a king from the Pandyan dynasty was instructed by Lord Brahma to build a temple at this place to atone for his sins. Another legend says that Narada (one of the seven great sages) threw off a loincloth made of tree bark (called Valkalam) and it fell in this picturesque village. Narada then told the people to pray for forgiveness of sins at Pananasam Beach (the name of the beach literally means “atonement of sins”), the village where his bandage fell. It is believed that not only humans but also Devas (demigods) performed penance and got liberation from the curse at this place.

We will visit the ancient beach and swim in the waters that wash away sins, and also make a pilgrimage to the temples of Varkala. A 2000-year-old temple has been preserved here Janardana Swami, which is a very important place of pilgrimage for Vaishnavas, sometimes called Dakshish Kashi (Benares of the South). The temple is located near Papanasam beach.

Another important shrine of Varkala is the complex Sivagiri Mutt, established for the world famous saint - Sri Narayana Guru who carried out reforms of the caste system. It stands on top of a hill and is considered one of the most famous cultural monuments in Kerala. Even almost a hundred years after the Guru's death in 1928, his Samadhi (burial place) still attracts thousands of yellow-robed devotees. Sivagiri Ashram is also the headquarters of Sri Narayana Dharma Shangham, an organization of disciples and followers of Guru Devi Jayanti, which promotes his concept of “one caste, one religion, one God”.

Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum)

The capital of Kerala is located on seven small hills a few kilometers from the ocean. The main shrine of the city is Vishnu Padmanabhaswamy Temple. The legend about the temple says that its construction began on the first day of Kali Yuga - 12/28/3101 BC. Inside the temple there is a huge murti of MahaVishnu, who reclines on the thousand-headed snake Shesha. Unfortunately, we most likely will not be allowed into the temple, but we will be able to take part in the solemn procession around the temple, which takes place daily at 16.00.

We will also visit two other famous temples Trivandrum: Sri Subramanyaswami and Bhagavati.

Kalarippayattu School(CVN Kalari Sangham)

Kalarippayattu is an ancient martial art, the knowledge of which involves the powers of both the physical body and the mind and spirit. The goal of Kalarippayattu is to achieve complete mastery of your body through physical exercise, herbal treatment, oil massage and meditation techniques. Kalarippayattu is the progenitor of all known forms of martial arts in the world. Mention of this is found both in historical chronicles and in legends and folklore. From the moment of its inception, Kalarippayattu was under the patronage of kings and nobility, but since the 18th century its traditions began to be forgotten, today traditions are being revived again. The most famous Kalarippayattu schools are located in Thiruvananthapuram and Kozikode. We will visit a school to experience this ancient art.

Ponnumthuruth Island

This name literally means "Golden Island". Legends say that in ancient times, the royal family used this island to store their gold and jewelry, and this is how the island got its name. To get to the island we will travel by rickshaw and then by boat, exploring the picturesque surroundings from land and water. There is a famous temple of Shiva and Parvati on the island. The temple is located among dense coconut groves, and the date of its foundation is lost in the centuries. It is known that the temple was destroyed for a long time and restored about ten years ago.


A visit to Kanyakumari is the final part of our program. As we wrote earlier, this place is unique - the waters of the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal merge here, one of the main and sacred pilgrimage routes for Hindus ends here, the ashes of the most famous Indian were scattered here - Mahatma Gandhi. Many Indians travel here to rethink their past and begin an important new business or stage in life. It was here that I prayed and meditated for 3 days Swami Vivekananda before setting off on his mission to the West... But that's not all! It is here that people are the first in all of India, and almost all of Eurasia, to meet the dawn.

Kanya Devi, to whom the Kanyakumari temple is dedicated, is one of the incarnations of Paravati, the eternal wife of Shiva. This is one of the main and ancient places of worship of Goddess Durga in Bharat (India). Kanya is the eternal bride; according to legend, her wedding with Shiva was scheduled, but never took place. Thousands of years ago, the people living on this cape were plagued by a demon. The gods turned to the Supreme Goddess to help them deal with this demon. In response, the merciful Devi took the form of a Kanyakumari girl. The girl turned out to be so beautiful that Shiva found her and decided to marry her. The gods were afraid, because after the wedding she would lose all her strength to fight the demon. One of the sages turned into a rooster and crowed at an inopportune time, as a result of which Shiva decided that the time for the wedding was lost and returned to his city. Then Kanyakumari performed a severe penance: she stood on one leg for 1000 years waiting for the demon, who was eventually killed by her. Inside the Kanyakumari temple is her footprint. Visiting temples dedicated to Devi, the Divine Mother, is always especially favorable, because it is Devi who stands closer to her children, hears their prayers and is always in a hurry to help them and give them what they ask for. Durga is especially merciful to those who make a long journey to worship Her.

Another legend says that it was in Kanyakumari that Hanuman dropped a mountain with a magical plant (Mrita Sanjivani), which he carried to Sri Lanka during the war between Rama and Ravanna. To save his mortally wounded brother Lakshmana, Rama sent Hanuman to the Himalayas, to Mount Gandamandana Parvat, to bring the “flower of life,” the magical plant Sanjeevi. But since Hanuman did not know what Sanjeevi looked like, he brought the entire mountain to Rama. Now this mountain rises near the village of Kottaram, seven kilometers from Kanyakumari on the road to Negerkoil. The magic mountain is called Marunthuwazmalai(Marunthuvazh Malai), which translates to “The Mountain Where Healing Lives.” It is believed that many medicinal plants grow on the slopes of the mountain, and sadhus who know the unique secrets of medicinal herbs live in the caves. It is believed that the legendary sage and healer Agastya lived on this mountain in ancient times. On the site of his monastery there is now a small ashram, approximately halfway to the top.


At the end of our trip we will visit the capital of India - Delhi. Delhi is a city with a rich centuries-old history, ancient and new temples, attractions and markets. We will visit the Lotus Temple, Gurdwara Bangla Sahib - a Sikh shrine, which is visited annually by millions of Sikh pilgrims from all over the world, Akshardham - the largest Hindu temple in the world. We will explore the center of Delhi and have lunch in the city.

The Lotus Temple is the main Bahai temple of India and neighboring countries, built in 1986. In 1921, the young Bombay Baha'i community asked Abdu'l-Bahá for permission to build a Baha'i temple in Bombay, to which the answer was allegedly given: "By the will of God, in the future a majestic temple of worship will be erected in one of the central cities of India," that is, in Delhi.

The huge building made of snow-white Pentelic marble in the shape of a blooming lotus flower has won many architectural awards. The Lotus Temple is open to people of all faiths. Baha'i teachings say that the soul of the temple is where people of all faiths can worship God without denominational restrictions. The teaching also states that all texts of the Baha'i faith or any other faith can be read and understood in any language.

Registration for the trip

To take part in the trip, please send an email to: [email protected] the following information:

Full name as in the passport
Date of Birth
Passport ID
Passport validity period
City of residence
A comment(please write your personal questions, if any)

Registration for the trip ends on October 1! After receiving your application, we will contact you regarding payment and registration.

The number of places is very limited!


At double occupancy
in room category Loft – closed,
in room category Delux – closed.

At single occupancy cost per person, including airfare:
in room category Loft – closed,
in room category Delux – closed.

Number of people in the group: 25
When registering, you make an advance payment at the current rate to the Parus agency.
You receive an agreement to organize the trip (flight, accommodation, visas). To contact the Parus agency, call: + 7 495 225 26 23 (Victoria).
You pay for the rest of the program upon arrival in Kerala by tour leader Vera Berezova.


During our trip, you will receive training in mantras, meditation and yoga, as well as an Ayurvedic course on restoring the body.

Mantras with Sati Casanova

Sati herself says: “I call seminars with mantra meditation “The Power of Love. Or from mind to heart.” In some tribes, shaman healers, when a person with a health problem comes to them, the first thing they ask is when this person stopped singing and dancing... Singing is very important for our health and our spiritual nature, so I really advocate that people have revived their natural musicality, fluidity, and dancing state of mind. This is especially necessary for women!

So, at our retreat in Kerala, I offer the practice of chanting mantras together. When all external events fade into the background, and there is nothing except this singing, voice, flow coming from the depths of the being.

We will also conduct the most ancient Sufi practice - Latihan, on the shores of the primeval ocean. Sufis are famous for the fact that through high art (they consider music as such, calling it the “Language of God”), they comprehend the Inexpressible Supreme Beauty of the Creator. Whether it is the whirling of dervishes, or the singing of nasheeds (Muslim mantras), or playing instruments - all this is a transcendental state of being, a point where it is possible to see, comprehend, or somehow get closer to the Eternal Mystery, to the Eternal Beloved... However, This is a specific practice, somewhat similar to the practice of “spontaneous dance”, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

Thus, you and I will speak in the “Language of God” in order to comprehend Him Himself, chanting mantras, dissolving in the “Golden Light” of the amazing practice of Latihan.”

A group lesson has been proven to enhance the impact as many times as the participants in the process. It is not necessary to know the meaning of mantras, just trust, the intention to merge with the Divine energy, and at the same time, the willingness to let go of yourself and sing without evaluating yourself and your neighbor for vocal abilities... This practice can be called “spontaneous singing,” precisely in the sense of letting go of mind control. And this is the very sought-after state of practicing and meditating adepts on the spiritual path - to “turn off” the mind and “turn on” the heart.

Just Meditation with Sati Casanova

In the “fast” life of a modern person, there is nothing more important than learning to stop and freeze, contemplating your inner world, says Satie. Meditation is our own inner oasis, untouched by constant change and uncertainty.

It is meditation that is the source of strength and creative energy; it allows us, without exhausting ourselves, to create and act, and to do it wisely and harmoniously.

Western science has focused on understanding the external world through the five senses. Ancient yogis approached this issue differently. They wanted to understand their inner world, mind and consciousness. By sitting still, they could calm the mind and
achieve deep inner peace. As scientists they were able to develop the “scientific laws/techniques” of how this peace could be achieved, and thus the ancient science of meditation was created. Several millennia later, Western scientists were able to measure and evaluate the beneficial effects of the “inner science” of the ancient yogis on the physiological, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.

Meditation is a practical set of techniques that show how to achieve deep inner peace. Meditation can take as little as five minutes a day or longer, depending on personal preference. Sati Casanova will teach you in a special course how to meditate, do pranayama and how to include this simple spiritual
practice into your daily life.

Atma Kriya yoga with Vera Berezova

Participants of the trip will be able to get acquainted with the ancient techniques of Atma Kriya yoga, and, if desired, undergo a full course and initiation into it.

“For me, the Atma Kriya yoga technique is a gift from Heaven! She saves meliterally. With its help, I cleanse myself and recover in a matter of minutes, no matter the circumstances. I hardly get sick. In addition to externally tangible benefits, this technique helps to reveal beyond a person’s abilities... And I can get answers to the most intimate questions, because Atma Kriya allows me to HEAR MYSELF.
Now my life is divided into Before and After Kriya,” - Sati Casanova

"The practice of Kriya has given me a lot in my life. It has helped me heal, become more emotionally stable and take an active position in life. Pain and aggression left my soul, and I found love and faith. Every time I practice Atma Kriya, I I feel boundless peace, quiet joy and satisfaction with life, which even creativity and family could not give me in the past. It is a great honor and great joy for me to pass on this knowledge, because Atma Kriya can bring positive
change, love, harmony and peace in the life of every person,” - Vera Berezova, teacher

Fire ceremony (yagna)

The first mentions of fire worship ceremonies are found in the Vedas. The Vedas (“knowledge, teaching”) are a collection of the most ancient sacred scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit. The mantras contained in them are repeated as prayers and are used in various religious rituals. For example, pouring milk and clarified butter (ghee) into the sacred fire (part of Homa) has been known since the time of the Rig Veda. The first verse of the Rig Veda reads: “I praise Agni, the best among the priests, the God who performs sacrifices.” Fire is considered the perfect mediator between people and the Gods. According to the Scriptures, all the great saints and rulers of the past

performed yagnas throughout their lives. Thanks to the Yagnas, many miracles happened: King Dasaratha became able to have children, Indra became the ruler of the devatas, and Ravana became invincible. The Vedas say: “he who makes a sacrifice to fire consciously makes an offering in all worlds, in all beings and in all Atmans. All beings seek refuge in Yagna."

Yagna is the highest form of action, which is so perfect that it can touch the most fundamental levels of life and awaken those laws of Nature that are necessary for the realization of intention, desire, prayer.

Yagna is a powerful purification ceremony. The space is cleared of impending emotions and the energy of past events. Everything negative is neutralized and the positive is enhanced. Yagna is the highest means that cleanses us of karma and allows us to achieve our goal, comparable in strength to meditation over several lives.

Yagna helps to cope with life’s difficulties, protects from negative manifestations and “dark forces”. This is a special form of prayer and worship, it can be thanksgiving, or it can contain a request. Regularly performing this ritual gives a lot, both on a spiritual and material level.

The Mahabharata says: “yajna bhug yajna krid yajnah”: “The enjoyer of the yagna, the performer of the yagna and the yagna itself are the Supreme Lord.” In the Bhagavad Gita (chapter 9, verse 16) Krishna says: “I am the rite, the sacrifice, the offering to the ancestors, the healing herb, the prayer, the ghee, the sacred fire and the offering.” In the commentary of Paramahamsa Yogananda we read: “Vedic sacred ceremonies, during which clarified oil is poured into the fire, symbolize the surrender of the human self to the higher self.” From the book “Only Love” by Sri Swami Vishwananda: “Fire is very important. It is no less important than water. Fire is also a cleansing element. When water cleanses, dirt settles to the bottom, and when fire cleanses, everything burns. Fire can even break down molecules. When something burns, what remains is always pure. As you go through this purification [i.e., yagna], know that the Lord is near you - in whatever form you imagine God, calling on Him."

We will hold a yagna on New Year's Eve. Undoubtedly, this will become one of the most mystical events in the life of each of us!

Jivanmukti yoga with Katya Kushner

Katya was born in Moscow and moved to New York at the age of 9. My youth was influenced by various circumstances, positive and, to put it mildly, not so good, but the dynamics of a large metropolis gave me invaluable life experience.

In the spring of 2001, a friend invited Katya to attend a yoga class. Yoga was gaining popularity in New York at that time. It was a class at the Jivamukti Yoga School, then located on Laffayet Street. The lesson was taught by a girl named Uma Nanda Saraswati. Katya was greatly impressed by Uma, and she began to regularly attend Jivamukti classes. Jivamukti Yoga - “jiva” (Sanskrit) - soul, “mukti” - liberation. This is the original style of yoga, American David Life and Sharon Gannon. The style is based on ahimsa, bhakti yoga, nada yoga, meditation and the study of sacred texts.

In the spring of 2004, quite suddenly, Katya moved to live back in Moscow.

A year later, a small but very sincere yoga studio opened NYMYoga on Sadovo-Karetnaya: http://www.nymyoga.com/. A year later, space became scarce, and Katya, together with a team of like-minded people, opened a second studio in the alleys of Old Arbat.

In 2009, Katya completed a 350-hour certified course in training teachers of Jivamukti Yoga (OMEGA Institute, USA), and in 2012 she became a senior teacher in this direction (Advanced Certified Teacher). Katya regularly takes part in the Russian Yoga Journal Conference. In July 2014, she was invited to serve as a mentor at a 350-hour Jivamukti Yoga teacher training course (Costa Rica).

As Katya herself writes: “For me, sharing my life experience through teaching yoga is the most beautiful and inspiring activity. I am grateful to my “karma” for the fact that yoga appeared in this life of mine. From a loving heart I bow to my teachers, Sharon Gannon and David Life. Their wisdom and love know no bounds.

Healing technique Om-Healing

To eliminate imbalances in themselves, others and the environment, ancient Indian sages (rishis) used the power of the mantra “OM”.

“...Participants in OM Healing create within themselves a space of OM sound in which they can relax and rejuvenate all seven bodies in unity. The seven bodies come together through the concentration of the vibration of the sound OM. Also, energies gather in the spine when a person concentrates. Therefore, OM Healing is beneficial for the whole world and all forms of life in it,” says Mahavatar Babaji.

By coming together and chanting the mantra OM, we send a powerful impulse to ourselves and those around us for healing.
As a result of OM-Healing:

The physical condition of the participants and their loved ones improves;

After practice, a feeling of joy and love for others appears;

Many participants have an unforgettable mystical experience that is not easy
experience during individual practices;

The practice area is cleared of negative vibrations.

The OM-Healing technique leaves no one indifferent. Even very skeptical participants who come to the class out of curiosity experience an unforgettable experience and begin to attend classes regularly. Today there are 1000 OM Healing groups in 40 countries on 5 continents, we can say that OM Healing is becoming an increasingly favorite technique in the world.

Travel guide
Vera Berezova (Abhirami)

Vera is a teacher of Atma Kriya yoga, meditation, mantras, OM-Healing healing techniques, mudras, Vedic rituals, and the basics of Ayurveda. Initiated leader of Vedic ceremonies: Yagna, Homa, Puja, Kalash Puja, Sri Yantra Puja.

Since 2009, with courses, lectures and conducting Vedic ceremonies, in addition to her hometown, Moscow, she has visited St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Asbest, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Voronezh, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Samara, Mariupol, Kyiv, Riga , Tallinn. She took part in festivals of yoga and spiritual schools: “Zhiznigrad” (Moscow region), “Find Yourself” (Estonia), “Fairytale City” (Kiev and Crimea, Ukraine), “Inlakesh” (Leningrad region) and others.

Since 2010, he has been organizing group trips to sacred places on the planet. Currently resides permanently in Vrindavan, 150 km from Delhi, India.

Contact Information:

Earrings, Axenoff Jewelery

Model: Sati Casanova
Producer: Elena Polyakova
Photo: Olga Zhadan
Style: Irene Duzhiy
Make-up: Irina Dzhagaeva
Hair: Alena Kostyuk @peng_msk

Thank you Ararat Park Hyatt Hotel And Dress One
for assistance in organizing the shooting.

Sati Casanova managed to maintain popularity and close attention of the audience without betraying herself. Yes, she became more mature, but that only made her more interesting. It’s rare that you meet a pop star with whom you plan to conduct an hour-long interview, and three hours later you still can’t tear yourself away from the conversation: music, business, yoga, family, Instagram and, of course, your favorite beauty looks created with Givenchy. ..

Image: Not a day without romance

Sundress, Roseville; shoes, Evelina Khromtchenko & Ekonika

Elena Polyakova: Nowadays, every successful girl and woman is faced with the same question: how to be a mother, a good wife, a businesswoman and just an interesting conversationalist at the same time?

Sati Casanova: Like it or not, you have to conform - in all areas. (Smiling.) However, it’s not for me to judge how good I am as a businesswoman, since I’m still new to this business. Key word: "yet." But the role of a creative person is what I do best: floating in fantasies and bursting with ideas is a real pleasure. But it was this skill that ultimately brought me to where I am now.

As for a good wife, I like being one: so far everything is simple! We have been married for less than a year, and if you add up all the days when we can be together, there are very few of them. We still spend more time apart. True, this almost doesn’t upset us: we like that we are both so passionate about our work and believe in our star. Everyone is busy not just with their favorite work: it is about purpose. We are lucky that we respect this feeling in each other. Perhaps, when children appear, everyday life will begin to consume us: everyone says so. But I promised myself that I would try to protect our relationship from routine. Besides, it’s easier with Stefano in this sense: when I, for example, have absolutely no time to cook, he can quite easily make his own pasta (Sati’s husband is Italian - editor’s note), and it’s great, I’m far from him in this regard. And he tries to respond to my convincing requests to put things back in their place.

— Your husband is a famous photographer. What are the advantages of living with a creative person, and what may be some of the difficulties?

— So far I see only the pros, although the cons are visible somewhere on the horizon. I like that he understands me when it comes to creativity. At the same time, Stefano is a very grounded person, a kind of pragmatic European. In a good way. He is from the north of Italy, from Turin - clear, punctual, neat, which is what I learn from him.

“But creative men often focus only on their desires. Doesn't this happen to your husband?

— All creative men are characterized by self-centeredness, it’s true. But it is in both me and my husband. It happens that we both sit in our own thoughts, but it’s rather nice. I hope that we will remain at this stage, without rigidly tugging on the blanket. He is always ready to help me with photography, and I help him with publications. Perhaps we will even do some kind of joint project, for example in the field of travel. We are united by our love for the culture of other peoples and their traditions. I'm currently going on a yoga trip to Bali, and my husband will join me later - partly to be with me, partly to take photos. The second is most likely even more interesting to him, but I am not offended, on the contrary, I understand him very much.

Image: Successful woman

— What are you working on now?

— I am creating an ethnic project that is truly interesting to me, although not many people know about it yet. It is called Sati Ethnica: it combines ancient mantras, ancient Circassian songs of my people, chants that are “packed” into modern electronic music. I came to this idea spontaneously, and my love for this kind of music emerged quite naturally. At first I listened, then I started singing mantras for friends or in closed yoga clubs, and I started giving small concerts. Then - more concerts, and later a whole album appeared, which is already on iTunes. Now I'm working on my second album within the framework of this concept. I am looking abroad for record labels, sound producers and partners, anyone who is also excited about this idea. Without knowing it, I fell into the trend with both electronic music and authenticity in a modern interpretation. Although I’m not interested in trendiness, of course, but in the opportunity to reveal myself as fully as possible.

In addition, a new single in the pop music genre will be released on July 20. In the fall, in Moscow, as in the previous three years, I will have a concert with Deva Premal. In general, I believe that music has a tremendous effect on a person. Even if we listen to anything, it still affects us. Numerous experiments with the crystal lattice of water droplets are direct proof of this. They say that music is the language of God. And I really want my music to be worthy of this title. Now is a special time: patterns are being broken, and people are increasingly asking questions: “Who am I? What am I living for? My ethnic project gives me answers to them.

— What is your favorite thing in your profession, and what is the most difficult?

— Unpredictability is both a favorite and a difficult thing. On the one hand, I adore moving, meetings, and new opportunities. On the other hand, if you are not in a resourceful state, then it’s hard for you. Sometimes I don’t want to go to a club or go on stage in front of a crowd of thousands, but I need to do it. Over the years, I have learned to forgive myself for being apathetic or sad. It turns out that I also have the right to be sad.

— What helped you not to break down, despite the need to adapt?

“I had to adapt and still have to—it’s part of the profession.” But I began to be able to look at the situation from the other side, change my perspective. If something used to annoy me, now I turn the process into a game, asking myself: “What if I love this? What if this is what I've been waiting for all my life? I make a bet with myself, I fantasize. This technique doesn’t always work, of course. But I am capricious and create scandals much less often now than before.

Suit, Nebo; clips, Crystalline

— What is the most important thing for you at your current age? There is a popular hashtag on the Internet: #ageisjustanumber. Do you agree with this?

- Yes, I adore my age! I’m 35, and when I look at photos of myself fifteen or twenty years ago, I find myself much more interesting and attractive now than then, including in appearance. I'm sure that in ten or even twenty years I will be even cooler. The internal transformation that happened to me is reflected on my face and in my entire appearance. I wouldn’t change a single event, even the most terrible one, I wouldn’t erase a single one of my mistakes. They are all very dear to me, because they made me exactly who I am now. I had to work hard to accept myself with all the “cracks”. Exactly when I began to succeed, I met my husband.

The only thing I would keep with me is desperate courage. I was just crazy and I really liked it. Of course, I made a lot of mistakes, didn’t think about the consequences, and jumped with my saber drawn. I challenged public opinion, but now I understand that I did it out of my own vulnerability, fear of what they would think of me.

Now I’m still just as hot-tempered, but I’m already careful, learning to cope with blows and criticism. There is such a cruel phenomenon - “cyberbullying”. I would even like to devote a separate project to this topic. Many people feel their impunity on the Internet and do what they want: they offend, curse, threaten, and so on. And words sometimes hurt much more than deeds. I really look forward to the time when the law making such actions punishable will come into force. After all, many people suffer from them, including teenagers, who are especially susceptible to such attacks. There were many cases where people were even driven to suicide.

I recently listened to a speech by Monica Lewinsky, who spent ten years in severe depression precisely because of such persecution. On the TED channel, the current Monica said that every person has the right to make mistakes, but no one has the right to stone them to death. In my current state of open vulnerability, I can honestly admit that this is very painful. But I no longer run from negative comments, but try to delve into them and respond immediately.

— What was the most difficult thing for you to correct in yourself?

- Anger and intolerance to mistakes - first of all to your own, but also to others too. I had to work hard on myself in this area, and my journey is not over yet. Recently, my friend and I discussed that love is born from self-tolerance, and I suddenly realized that it is not! On the contrary: patience is born from love. Love is unity, with yourself and the world. My spiritual master, by the way, always said so, but his words began to reach me only now, six years later!

Image: Star

— Today, show business stars compete in popularity not with each other, but with digital celebrities. How do you feel about this and do you have any rules of behavior on social networks?

— Honestly, at first I couldn’t even understand: what kind of phenomenon is this? And now I have to take this into account, I even follow some digital heroes myself. For example, Regina Todorenko is very lively and real. However, she is, of course, also a TV star. Or Aunt Motya: sometimes it’s interesting to watch her. I also really like Marina Vovchenko - she is a super blogger, but both on Instagram and in life she manages to be the same person. Or Nadya Andreeva, who always says something useful and interesting.

But in general, Instagram is a very dishonest thing. Even more dishonest than television. After all, we don’t know who sits there and writes all these smart thoughts for the heroines of social networks, takes these beautiful photos. Some personal growth coach may not have the money to pay rent, and the beautiful woman who teaches how to build relationships “behind the scenes” is in a state of divorce. I'm stressed by the need to appear to be someone rather than actually be. On the other hand, there is also a lot of useful and good things in social networks, Instagram stars sometimes have a great influence on us, and the platform itself provides a unique opportunity to maintain contact with fans. I didn’t take this seriously before, but now I carefully read the comments.

— Are you doing a digital detox for yourself?

“I’ve never had to turn off my phone yet.” Quite the contrary: I recently purchased a small laptop to write down thoughts for a future book. But I intend to give myself such a detox, of course. Especially now that I'm married. Or when children appear and there is nowhere to go: I don’t want to give them an example of a person who walks around with a phone all the time.

— How do you relax and when do you allow yourself to turn off your head and reboot?

— To answer in a nutshell, it’s yoga and meditation. And, of course, a walk - ideally barefoot! Just walk for three or four hours: through the forests, through the mountains, along the beach, closer to nature. Cities fascinate me less - with the possible exception of small Italian ones or Lisbon with its million streets. But in Bali, something happens to me: I reboot very easily. But it also happens that even on vacation I can’t turn off my head. Sometimes I like it. The main thing is to be honest with yourself. Basically, I have all the tools to switch within five minutes, I just have to direct my attention to the right zone. I have been practicing for seven years and teaching Atma-Kriya Yoga for three years - a powerful technique for working with the consciousness and subconscious, with the soul and supersoul.

— How can I get to your classes?

“Once a month or a month and a half we give an announcement on my social networks, accept applications, conduct telephone interviews with the person and find out whether he really wants to study or is just out of idle curiosity. Surprisingly, there has never been a time when someone came just to look at the star. The training lasts two full days, and for me these are the happiest two days.

— Where, in your opinion, should you start doing yoga? How to do this correctly?

— I came to yoga in 2004. I strongly recommend not to rush and jump straight into intense group classes: just trust my fourteen years of experience. With my characteristic maximalism, I first rushed into Ashtanga yoga. All types of yoga are wonderful, but I didn’t take into account that I had quite serious scoliosis, which, of course, only got worse from the classes. If yoga were therapeutic, when the instructor straightens it centimeter by centimeter, it would be a different matter. Therefore, I would recommend starting with Iyengar yoga.

— What makeup tricks do you have in your arsenal?

— The main trick that I discovered for myself is this: the less makeup, the more beautiful and younger the face. But each has its own characteristics. I have dry and thin skin, so I don’t use powder, but choose rich foundations. I apply a special multi-stage care with Japanese cosmetics underneath, and the skin remains radiant. A great option is to take a pencil and blend it until you have a very light haze on your eyes, paint on your eyelashes and lightly tint your lips with gloss, as if they were kissed. Nowadays, just one gloss can change the entire look, which is exactly how we played with the new Givenchy glosses: from delicate, with a barely visible translucent color to bright and rich scarlet lips in the spirit of femme fatale. Another trick is to use neutral Gloss Interdit on the cheeks: rub a drop with your fingers and apply very carefully, instead of blush, this makes the face look more natural.

In general, I started using cosmetics early: at the age of 15, when I was already going to school, I secretly took lip pencil from my mother and painted my lips in the entrance. Throughout my childhood I carried my mother’s lipsticks and acted out dramatic scenes in front of the mirror. The drama at the age of five was serious, with shouts: “You don’t love me! Why did you deceive me! She ran up to the mirror and kissed him. In a word, I have always been friends with cosmetics and I know how to apply makeup quite well - including in the car, while rocking, in the dark. However, I might as well not wear makeup at all.

— One of my favorite books is “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda. I’m not very interested in reading someone’s fiction right now. I don’t want to pollute my mind with other people’s fantasies, even brilliant ones. I haven’t been to a movie theater in ages, but I really liked the recent film “The Shape of Water.” I also watched a documentary about the singer Dalida “When Love Leaves” - also excellent. I’m really looking forward to “Avatar 2”, “Shantaram” by Johnny Depp and the new film adaptation of the epic “Mahabharata”.

— Now everyone is obsessed with healthy lifestyle. Are you an exception too?

— For the last few years I have been vegan, but I came to it very gradually. I gave up meat almost immediately as soon as I started doing yoga, and then I gave up chicken. It was a little more difficult to give up fish and seafood, but six years ago I went through initiation into Atma Kriya Yoga, and this stage was also passed. Recently I began to intensively engage in physical education using the author’s “Transformer” system. I used to deny strength training, but now I actively introduce it into my life. Such activities give me a feeling of grounding, and I just began to miss something earthly, dense. Otherwise, it turns out that I don’t eat meat, I often practice meditation, and I live on the 35th floor.

Dress, Kochetkova; jacket, I Am Studio; bag, Nasch; shoes, Evelina Khromtchenko & Ekonika

I also had to lose weight; I was worried about some problem areas that I wanted to work on. I admit honestly: I had various psychological difficulties with nutrition, I lost a lot of weight, after which it took a long time to restore my health. Through experience, I discovered something important: when I consumed dairy products, I swelled and a strange puffiness appeared. So I excluded them and started going to osteopaths or massage therapists who stimulate lymph. Healthy lymph is absolutely the key to good health, beauty and flexibility. In addition, I eliminated gluten from my diet. But in general, first of all, self-love determines whether your life will be happy or not. I began to understand this only now and that is why I would not exchange my age for any other.

The popular Russian performer openly told Woman's Day about how yoga changed her creative and personal life.

Sati, in recent years you have dramatically changed your life by turning to yoga, mantras, Ayurveda and trainings. What made you do this?

There have been a lot of things in my life: depression, losses, unsuccessful novels, job losses. As a result, I realized that the loss of something in life comes from the fact that I am losing myself. It took me a long time to understand that it was all about me. Then I realized that I didn’t know myself at all. I’m always wearing some kind of mask, I’m always pretending to be someone, I’m trying to be good and comfortable. Immersed in all these thoughts, I sat in my apartment and didn’t want to see anyone for days. It was hard for me to live, I was disappointed in fame, money, fans, romance, party life, I was lost. Finally, one fine day, I realized that I wanted to change everything in my life or not live at all. I began to pray: “Lord, help me, I don’t want to live like this, either take me away or help me.” The Lord heard me and gave me the opportunity to change my life.

Don’t you feel like a stranger in the Moscow crowd now?

I don't know, and even if it is, I don't really care. If I suddenly became a stranger, so be it. The main thing is that I am happy and that I am not harming anyone. And the fact that I have become incomprehensible is the problem of those who do not understand me.

How did you deal with criticism from others regarding your activities?

I come from a Muslim family - my pilgrimages, retreats, yoga, seminars are perceived extremely critically by my Muslim friends, acquaintances or even strangers. Judge not lest ye be judged. There is a belief that a person who criticizes and slander takes some of the sins or karma upon himself. The saints say that if someone slanderes you, you need to pray for these people, because they take your sins upon themselves.

Has your passion for yoga and spiritual quests affected your creativity?

Yes, of course, but I can’t call it a hobby. This is much more than a hobby. The change in my lifestyle and my thinking also affected my creativity. In one word, an element of ethnicity appeared. It attracts me with its primordial nature - it is a return to the origins, to the true wisdom that we have lost as victims of globalization, civilization, and so on.

How did your family perceive your new way of life, since you probably had other traditions ingrained in you since childhood?

Since childhood, the traditions that have been instilled in me are that you need to live without harming anyone, be your own authority and live according to God’s laws. I can say with confidence that there is absolutely no conflict between the traditions that were instilled in me and what I am passionate about. I am just expanding my horizons, and this has absolutely nothing to do with religion or changing religions. All this is a mistaken opinion.

Have you always been a vegetarian or did you come to this at a certain point in your life?

No matter how skillfully a person performs various poses, if after training he goes to chew hamburgers, he will not become a yogi. We should not harm living beings - neither by deeds nor even by words. And even more so, eat their meat. I didn’t have to force myself to become a vegetarian; everything happened naturally. My body itself refused meat, then it gradually became clear that I was allergic to chicken and fish. This just proves the fact that people are not inclined to eat animal products. I can say that I feel much better than when I ate meat.

Sati, many have noticed that you have lost weight recently. Is this related to your new lifestyle? Avoiding many foods has a negative impact on your health. Does this not apply to you?

Isn't the whole world now in pursuit of weight loss? Like any girl, I love slimness, grace and the like.

What do you usually eat? What does your daily food intake look like?

As a rule, I do not accept a heavy early breakfast. If I wake up very early, I can eat a handful of dried fruits and nuts. I discovered that it is ideal for me to eat green buckwheat porridge. Lately I really love this dish, I steam it, then simmer it for a long time on low heat or just pour boiling water in a thermos. I also add vegetables, spices, and vegetable oil. I prefer to eat all this deliciousness around 10–12 o’clock. It is also important to drink plenty of water in the morning, this helps the body remove toxins. Still, they wash the body, and so it also needs to be washed from the inside, so in the morning you need to drink at least half a liter. I love vegetable stews, soups, buckwheat, quinoa, rice. I have a lot of food in my diet, unlike those who eat fish and meat. My diet is much richer and more interesting.

As for love affairs, does your lifestyle prevent you from building relationships? After all, not many will share your interests.

It is quite logical that not every person will understand and share my hobbies, but that’s why people are looking for ideal partners suitable for them. I haven't seen mine yet, but I'm waiting.

What books do you read on self-development? Which ones would you recommend reading?

There are actually a lot of books on self-development, and there is also a lot of unnecessary garbage. It's easy to get lost in all this information. Regarding yoga, I would recommend a book that describes everything very concisely and clearly. 10 years ago it was recommended to me, and it was my introduction to yoga, the author of this book is Disikachar. "The Heart of Yoga" If you are interested in reading about a more spiritual component with mystical knowledge and skills, and at the same time an artistically beautifully written book, then it is better to read “Autobiography of a Yogi,” by Paramahansa Yogananda. If you are interested in esoteric knowledge, then read Daniil Andreev, “The Rose of the World”, these books turned my mind upside down.

Have your clothing preferences changed since you began your spiritual practice? Where do you most often buy things? What brands do you prefer?

By the way, spiritual practice freed me from dependence on brands, trends, and so on. I don't care about magazines constantly following trends. The task was made easier by the fact that a stylist, Daria, appeared on our staff, who, if necessary, takes the things that suit me. She knows my preferences and knows that I am absolutely not obsessed with fashion. It is important to me that clothes are feminine, elegant, comfortable and beautiful. I don’t really care what brands, most often I buy things from filming that I liked. I really regret wasting time shopping.

Sati, what perfume and cosmetics do you use? Probably organic. What brands do you prefer?

Yes, definitely. I love taking care of my skin using organic products. Nowadays you can also find organic decorative cosmetics. This, of course, costs a little more, but we have one face, and it will last for a long time, it is desirable that it remains beautiful at the same time. As for perfume, I prefer essential oils: Indian, Iranian, oriental. Just a drop of oil and I smell like a rose or like jasmine, and it's wonderful. In my opinion, this is much better than alcohol-based, smelly perfumes.

How do you start your day, what time do you wake up, what is the first thing you do, do you meditate every day?

As a rule, my day begins with practice, this is either physical or meditative yoga. It's always different, depending on how much free time I have. If I have a couple of hours left, then I can practice extensively, if less, then more concisely.

Sati Casanova: “I want to benefit as many people as possible”

— Sati, please tell us how you came to vegetarianism?

I came to vegetarianism gradually, starting my immersion in a new culture for me with yoga classes. This was seven years ago. I had some back pain and was advised to do yoga. I started with Ashtanga yoga and practiced it very actively - I’m a stubborn girl, if I need something, then... Simultaneously with the practice, I read spiritual literature, and gradually the understanding of yoga came: yes, this is a whole path, philosophy! The first book for me was the book “The Heart of Yoga” by T. Desikachar. I learned about the main principle - ahimsa (non-violence). I learned what yama, niyama, and karma are. I remember I had an excellent yogini teacher, to whom I want to express my gratitude. Her name is Alena Naasan. She still teaches at many yoga centers. This is an angel! She was the one who instilled in me a love for yoga. She explained everything with such trepidation and helped me navigate.

Back then I still ate meat. You know, I was born and raised in the Caucasus. And there is a very beautiful culture of feasts with ancient traditions that are still carefully observed. One of the traditions is to serve meat to the table. Meat is an obligatory dish at a Caucasian feast. And although in Moscow I could not eat meat for six months, returning to my homeland, I was somehow tempted, listening to my father’s logical arguments: “How can this be? You are going against nature. You were born in this region and you cannot help but eat the foods you were raised on. It is not right!" Then I could still be broken. I ate a piece of meat, but then I suffered for three days, because my body was already weaned from meat.

Since then I haven't eaten meat. My parents didn’t understand me right away, but they understood. They respect my choice, and I am very grateful to them for that. Mom cooks vegetarian dishes for me. And if usually one type of cheese is served at the table, then when I arrive there are three or four of them, because cheese is my everything.

For a long time I could not stop eating fish. I thought: “There won’t be anything left for me to eat!” What then is there? Maybe pasta, pasta? But this is impossible, since there is no way for me to get better” (laughs). The answer came like this. I met the singer Marina Devyatova. She is already a second generation vegetarian and does not know what animal food is. She and I ended up at the same feast, where she amazed me with her meekness. When I used to realize that I had nothing to eat, I was so angry! Thanks to her, I learned that you can’t go hungry at any feast. Potatoes, cheese, steamed vegetables - this is what can be found in any kitchen. You can always eat raw vegetables, although eating them in winter is a little... cold.

There was another test. At some point I started having problems with my vocal cords, and for a singer this is a disaster. At that moment, various people tried to convince me that the cause of the problem was my refusal to eat meat. They explained that due to the lack of meat in my diet, my hemoglobin level and general tone had decreased. I talked with Tatyana Shamanina from the Guru Groove Foundation group (Tatiana is a vegetarian) and she said that after giving up animal food she began to sing much better and cleaner, the sound became flying, sparkling. And I realized that all health problems are purely psychosomatic. Subsequently, I discovered the nature of the disease of my vocal cords; vegetarianism had nothing to do with it. But that is another story.

How do you feel after giving up animal foods?

I had a period when I literally re-engaged in spiritual practices and did not receive any grounding. It was like I was carried away. I reasoned like this: “People are rude creatures, they smoke, drink and swear. I’d rather stay upstairs...” I think many people have gone through this. And suddenly I wanted coffee. Although it doesn’t suit me - it makes me feel bad physically, but energetically it’s a different matter. At that time, a grounding element was needed. I am still a little attached to coffee, chocolate, and Pu-erh tea. Of course, it is difficult to resist old habits of the body and the influence of society. But I pray that I can handle this with dignity, that I still have the same respect for people who still eat meat, and that I don't elevate myself as a good person. Everyone has their own choice. You should never force or judge anyone.

Now I am a vegetarian with all my heart, with all my being. I fully accept the principle of ahimsa. My vegetarianism today is more organic and harmonious than even a year ago.

- Has vegetarianism ceased to be militant?

Yes, it is not at all militant! Now I understand that everywhere: in any society, in any outback, I can find food for myself. And I'm calm. I understand that the cult of food that I had before is not entirely healthy. I understand that food is only a small part of life. An important part, but not worth much attention. Food must go from being a cult to becoming a culture.

- Sati, tell me, do you cook yourself?

Yes, I really like to cook. True, I rarely do this. Currently my cooking is limited to steamed vegetables using a mixture of Indian spices and ghee. In cafes, vegetarian dishes sometimes turn out somewhat bland. When I cook, I cook deliciously!

- So, the way you cook at home, they can’t cook vegetables in a cafe?

Can not. But the most important point is the energy of the cooked food. I feel more and more how energy the food is imbued with. It is known that when food is cooked over a fire, it most strongly absorbs the thoughts of the one who cooks. Even those who simply serve affect the quality. Do you believe it? Due to this, I feel less and less inclined to eat in public places. I usually go where I know the chef. I know that Jagannath employs understanding people. There is also a Moscow cafe “Ganga”, here you can find praying food. I would like to recommend the wonderful Armenian restaurant Gayane's in Moscow to vegetarians. Do you know how many vegetarian dishes there are in Armenian cuisine?

So many! For example, I love Karabakh flatbreads made from unleavened dough with cheese and herbs, cooked in the tandoor. What a taste of spinach pie! For the owner of this restaurant, her work is her home, and I know how much warmth and love she brings there. The cook is also a very warm, soulful woman, like all mothers in the Caucasus. Even if there is passion in such food, there will be a lot of love in it.

Sati, it seems interesting to me that your vegetarianism is not even a belief, but something deeper, something identical to your nature...

Yes it is. Now it is. Especially after India. This country literally blew my mind. I was in Chennai, interacting with the locals and going diving. Several times I met the sunrise on the ocean shore. It was a real connection with nature, people and culture. I want to cry with joy that I got to know India.

- Yes, truly holy places have this property.

Right. Somehow I accidentally got to attend a service in a small church, which made a great impression. I usually go to all churches - it doesn’t matter to me what denomination it belongs to. The priest in that church amazed me with his simplicity, goodwill and the amazing atmosphere he created. I was able to visit a few more temples in Chennai. The biggest impression on me was made by the most modest of them - the Sai Baba Temple.

And what amazing restaurants there are in India! You take the menu and see two pages of non-vegetarian dishes and twenty-two of vegetarian ones. True, everything there is very spicy, but at the same time incredibly tasty.

One of my friends became a vegetarian just after he tried delicious vegetarian food in India.

Understand! For me, it's not just about taste. If you listen to yourself, you will notice that after eating rough animal food, even fish, completely different thoughts are born. Of course, this does not mean that vegetarianism can make a person a saint or simply enlightened. Undoubtedly, spiritual work must take its course. But it becomes much easier if you exclude the factors that bend you to the ground. Vegetarianism is first and foremost about helping yourself. If you want to go fast, why eat something that weighs you down? Sometimes on business you have to communicate with energetically heavy people. Then you need to use known grounding means. Recently, I have discovered that it is not at all necessary to consume things that poison the body. For example, sport is a very good grounding activity. Food helps, even vegetarian food, for example, fried cheese. There is yoga that also helps with this - Ashtanga yoga, yoga-23.

- Is yoga your daily practice today?

Yes, there is a set of exercises from the grounding group that I perform regularly.

Sati, how, with such an intense life schedule, do you manage to find time for self-development and such a difficult balance between earth and sky?

It's really not easy. The way you think is very important - at every moment. The books you read are also important.

- By the way, what are you reading now?

Now I’m reading the legendary book by R. Sharma “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.” This is a great book! Although mostly I don’t read it, but listen to it when I go about my daily activities.

- Is there anything that you can advise specifically to women to maintain balance?

I really like yoga. I think it suits everyone. For example, Ashtanga is also useful for fragile women - it helps strengthen the body and make it stronger. I practiced it for three years. Our body is the same temple, our house. If it is excessively fragile, the person is very vulnerable in life. The body is like a child. It always thanks you for your care and love. I just recently started treating my body this way, and it makes me very happy. When you ignore the needs of the body for a long time, constantly forcing it to do what is unusual for it - you sleep little, eat little, drink coffee - then sooner or later it will rebel and demand all your attention.

If yoga is not enough for someone, I highly recommend swimming. Again, it suits women very well. This is, firstly, beneficial contact with water, and secondly, when swimming, all muscle groups are involved. I also run in the morning, although I agree that running is not for everyone. While running I listen to music. When else will I be able to listen to music for 30-40 minutes straight?!

- Do you manage to keep the daily routine?

You have to - life forces you. But I feel good.

- Glad to hear it! There are so few people who feel good.

The way of thinking is very important. Recently I realized that negative thoughts and words, complaints, dissatisfaction do not improve health in any way, but just the opposite. You also burden other people with your problems, and all because you yourself cannot cope with your thoughts. The “help yourself” principle is absolute. Usually, instead of helping yourself, you also stress out your friends.

You know, I try to surround myself with people who think positively just like me. I also really value and appreciate everyone. I dream of creating a team of dedicated people, where everyone will be in their place and adore what they will do. There are a lot of unhappy people around who are constantly forced to compromise with themselves, to betray themselves in some way, to step over themselves.

I believe that you need to treat yourself with care, like a mother treats her child. There are things that offend a person, offend this internally pure child. For example, promiscuous sex life. Unfortunately, this aspect is not developed in our culture - there is no decent culture of relations between men and women that would be instilled from childhood. Sexual life outside of marriage, civil marriage, which is so popular now, is all very bad and harmful for a woman.

It seems that the moment of awareness is important in this matter. It’s one thing when such chaste behavior comes from prohibitions, and quite another when it comes from a wise and careful attitude towards oneself.

Yes, there are very strong prohibitions in the Caucasus. And it is precisely there that the sexual behavior of boys and girls, who outwardly look very decent, sometimes takes on quite ugly forms. Moreover, this hypocrisy comes from a complete misunderstanding of oneself, one’s nature.

Many people, for example, believe that sex is necessary for health. Actually this is not true. The body, both male and female, does not need this. Of course, this is a rather precarious position in the modern world, which offers so many temptations and temptations. But I perceive life as a school, where you need to learn to pass every test with dignity.

- So for you life is a test of something, learning something?

Yes, testing, learning, discovery, joy, surprise, pleasure, creation - all this can be placed under one universal concept - love. I'm in the right place. There is such a concept as “level of possession of space.” I have such a large possession of space that I don’t know how much I will be enough. I generate such large-scale projects that sometimes it becomes scary. However, I understand that I wouldn’t want to do anything less. For example, she is currently busy establishing a charitable foundation. It will be called the “Fund for Social and Creative Initiatives.” From the social sphere, I am especially attracted to the topic of ecology. Three years ago I created the project “No Garbage!” I created it easily, playfully, as such projects should probably be created. Several times we got together and picked up trash in the parks ourselves. Artists joined us. For example, last year there were Yana Rudkovskaya, Evgeni Plushenko, Dima Bilan. This year we plan to hold the event more widely and loudly so that many people have the opportunity to join.

- How do you find time for everything?

Finding time for such projects is a matter of priorities. We can always be busy with something. You can spend your free time as usual, for example, with a friend over a cup of chocolate. Or you can do something really useful. It is important to think about the benefits of what you are doing: are you benefiting one person or a large number of people? Or maybe you benefit the entire planet, all of humanity? I prefer the latter. Now I'm worried about whether I will have to be torn between social activities and creativity.

- Why do you need this?

Yesterday I attended a performance by the legendary Cirque Du Soleil. Presented a new show dedicated to Michael Jackson. He himself was not really there, but his presence was very noticeable. In one evening, circus performers made seven thousand people happy. And they held seven such performances in Moscow. Total forty-nine thousand happy people per week! I think this is great! As I looked at them, I prayed that I would do something as beautiful as this, that would reach as many people as possible and fill them with a new understanding of themselves and the world.

- Sati, please tell us more about the foundation.

The foundation has several areas of activity. One of them is identifying talents among the younger generation and providing all possible support for gifted children. The Foundation has the resources to develop unique programs aimed at raising the awareness of children and youth in all areas of life. It's about the future. Talented children in the future may take positions of leadership, and the kind of old age that awaits us will depend on them. That is why we plan to work primarily with children and youth.

Another direction is the popularization of national culture in the form in which it has been preserved. It is good if children are brought up in the spirit of the culture of their people, on the ethical code preserved in the culture of every nation. And if not? Culture, including ethnic culture, is what gives humanity today a chance to survive. One of the global goals of the foundation is to instill in the younger generation a sense of national pride, love for their culture and respect for other cultures.

Our first specific task is to organize a festival of children's and youth creativity with an emphasis on ethnicity. We want the festival to become a demonstration of the beauty of ethnic culture, a unifying principle, an impetus for the revival of folk culture and good relations between peoples. We are interested in any options for performing original ethnic material in different types of art: music, vocals, choreography, fine and decorative arts, even in culinary arts. During the festival we plan to organize charity auctions and fairs where indigenous people will be able to present their handicrafts. After all, now everything is so mechanized. There is no life at all in modern products! The same handmade products are so popular now because they have life, there is love. We plan that the festival will travel throughout Russia from region to region. Let's start with the most problematic area - the Caucasus. Now is an amazing time. People become more sensitive - to energies, to thoughts. Spiritual practices have literally become fashionable. We just want to contribute to these general processes. We can also help people in the regions earn at least a little money. Although, first of all, such fairs are about communication.

That is, on the one hand, this is the revelation of the uniqueness of each culture, and on the other, unification into a single cultural family?

Yes exactly. For example, a festival in the Caucasus will help unite the Caucasian peoples. There are already about twenty nationalities living in my native Kabardino-Balkaria alone! And so it is in every region. You come to such a recreated cultural world, to such a town and think: “Wow! This is all my country!”

- What else will the fund do?

The third direction of the foundation's work is environmental. Environmental issues are more relevant now than ever. Humanity is causing irreparable harm to the planet. And something needs to be done about this. Each of us can change something simply by clearing the space around us. When everything around you is clean, you become more stable. Do you agree? Whatever we can do in this physical universe, we will do.

We are now assembling a strong team for the fund. These must be people who are ready to work. And work not for the sake of a fee. So we are waiting for like-minded people. Join us!

- Do you want to return to people what they have forgotten?

Nowadays the study of Vedic culture - the Vedas, the Upanishads - is very popular. Recently, interest in the Slavic Vedas has awakened. This is because it is primordial knowledge that gives strength. All cultural practices of antiquity - dancing, singing - had a deep meaning, healing power, and helped people feel a connection with the earth, with nature, with each other. Then we lost it, now we really miss it. Now, discovering this ancient knowledge for ourselves, we are surprised to discover that, for example, it is possible to engage in self-healing. I am convinced that globalization and urbanization do not have anything good, since they destroy man’s connection with nature, with his origins. We can counter this only by restoring the foundation, that is, the traditions of peoples, folk culture. This doesn't mean I'm against the iPhone. I just want to use it while sitting in lotus position on the edge of the forest. And it seems to me that now is such an amazing time when this is really possible.
