Exercises for the shoulder girdle: training for the deltoid muscles. Muscles of the shoulder girdle. Exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle Exercises for the shoulder girdle at home

The muscles of the human shoulder girdle are of great importance because they, together with the shoulder blades and collarbones, provide support and stable functioning of the upper limbs. Thanks to their contraction, a person can move his arms normally, satisfying his natural needs, so special attention should be paid to the development of the shoulder girdle.

Shoulder girdle movements

Of course, the shoulder girdle does not work in isolation. The movements of the shoulder girdle of the human body are caused by the joint activity of various muscles. These include:

  • Trapezoidal;
  • Deltoid (consists of three bundles);
  • Diamond-shaped;
  • Corner;
  • Large serrated;
  • Pectoralis minor;
  • Subclavian.

You need to develop the shoulder girdle in a comprehensive manner. Moreover, you must take care of proper preparation of the muscles for loads by warming up in a timely manner. And after class, it is recommended to stretch to restore the structure of the tissue and saturate it with oxygen.


To this end, you can do the following exercises:

  1. Shoulder rotation. You need to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your back straight. Keeping your head still, move your shoulder girdle first backwards and then forwards.
  2. Shoulder raises. They rise to their maximum height as you inhale, and then descend as you exhale. Stretching the shoulder girdle consists of a small number of exercises. Therefore, they are easy to remember.
  3. Swing your arms. Your arms should be straightened at the elbows. First they are rotated forward, and then backward. Proceed at high speed to give your shoulder muscles a good workout.

Exercises for developing the shoulder girdle

To tone these muscles, you need to force them to perform habitual movements at higher loads or intensity. Moreover, each bundle of the deltoid muscle is worked out separately. Don't forget to also stretch your shoulder girdle before you begin. For the anterior beam, do the following exercises:

  • Arnold Press;
  • Arm raises with dumbbells forward.
  • For the middle beam, do the following exercises:
  • Dumbbell press up;
  • Dumbbell lateral raises.
  • For the posterior bundle, do the following exercises:
  • Bent-over dumbbell raises to the sides.

And besides, do not forget about the need to work out other muscle groups that work in conjunction with the deltoids. When performing isolation exercises, remember the basic ones. After all, developed shoulders will look attractive only if your body looks harmonious and all muscles work harmoniously and stably.

Post-workout stretching

When you finish doing exercises aimed at developing the shoulder girdle, be sure to take a few minutes to stretch. You need to proceed as follows:

  1. Raise one arm and extend it in front of your chest, and then bring it to the opposite shoulder. Help yourself with your other hand - you should feel a stretch. But don't lift your shoulder. Start warming up your shoulder girdle with this exercise.
  2. Interlace your hands. The right elbow should be above the inner fold of the left. In this case, the fingers of the left hand should tightly clasp the wrist of the right.
  3. Clasp your hands behind your back and stretch thoroughly.
  4. Place one hand against the wall, place the other on top of it and press down slightly. Rotate your shoulder, releasing tension, and at the same time turn your back to the wall. Repeat for the second hand.

Be careful when stretching. It is important that you do not feel pain - otherwise you could damage your muscles. The functions of the shoulder girdle are very simple and equally important. Give this muscle group the attention it deserves and you will look great!

Some people who work out in the gym pay little attention to the shoulder girdle. But the muscles that make up the shoulder are involved in many movements. Therefore, in order to achieve any success in any sport, you must include shoulder exercises in your training. Strengthening the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle is also very important to prevent injuries and joint diseases. But this must be done correctly, taking into account the structural features of the shoulder.

The structure of the shoulder joint

The shoulder joint is one of the largest in the human body, and it has a complex structure. It is formed by three bones: the scapula, the collarbone and the shoulder. The structure of the joint is spherical, so a person can perform movements with his hands in different directions. But this structure makes this area susceptible to injury. Most often, dislocations or subluxations of the shoulder occur. There is also a high probability of sprains or ruptures of muscles and ligaments. Moreover, such injuries are insidious. They may not appear immediately after physical activity, but after some time. Pain and limited mobility can greatly reduce performance.

The risk of injury increases if the muscles that stabilize the joint are not equally developed. And this happens quite often among modern people. Performing monotonous movements, as well as pathologies of the spine, lead to the fact that some muscles atrophy. Because of this, the mobility of the upper shoulder girdle is limited.

Many muscles are involved in shoulder movement. But there are a few main ones. This is the deltoid muscle, which is involved in all movements of the shoulder. It is divided into three parts: anterior, posterior and middle delta. During classes, you must pay attention to all of them. The trapezius muscle is involved in moving the shoulders back. During training, she usually receives the least attention.

The work of the shoulder rotators is also very important. The muscles that turn it outward are often weakened. Therefore, training must necessarily strengthen them. These muscles include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. The shoulder is rotated inward, the subscapularis and the pectoralis major.

The shoulder joint has a complex structure; many muscles take part in its work.

Features of training

The main requirement for any upper body strength exercise is safety. The shoulder joint is very mobile, but it is unstable, so there is a high risk of injury. In addition, due to increased physical activity, muscle pain and various pathological processes in the joints may occur. Therefore, before you start training, you need to study the safety rules and features of the shoulder.

First of all, you need to remember that you can start a lesson only after warming up. Warm muscles are less susceptible to injury. Warming up before performing exercises with your own weight or with a barbell is especially important. It is strength training that most often causes injuries and the development of joint pathologies. To prevent overload, exercises should be repeated 5-10 times, then rest for a couple of minutes. You can do 3-5 such repetitions of each exercise.

You can train in the gym or at home. To pump up muscles you need dumbbells, a barbell and a bar. And ordinary general strengthening exercises can be done without additional equipment. There is no one exercise that will strengthen and pump up your shoulders. Usually you need to perform several exercises that train different muscle groups.

Strengthening the shoulder girdle

Exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle are very important for every person, not only those who play sports. Strengthening the shoulder joint will help prevent various injuries and pathologies, improve mobility and strength of the arms. To do this, it is better to exercise on simulators, but the desired effect can be achieved at home, using only body weight, sometimes dumbbells. If weights are used, exercises for the arms and shoulders are performed slowly at first, with minimal stress.

Strengthening the shoulder muscles is necessary to prevent injuries and increase the effectiveness of sports training. They can be done independently, included in a weekly set of shoulder exercises, or used as a warm-up before strength training. They are very important in bodybuilding, swimming, tennis and other sports in which a large load falls on the shoulder girdle.

Stretching the expander through the sides strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle well

You can start exercises for the shoulder joint by rotating with your arms straight out in front of you. To increase efficiency, you need to hold a light dumbbell or medicine ball in them. An expander gives a good load on the shoulder muscles. You need to step on it in the middle with your feet, holding the handles in your lowered hands. As you exhale, slowly raise your arms up, trying to connect them above your head. In the gym, you can do an effective exercise for the rear delta of the shoulder - traction of the upper block to the face. It works all the deltoid muscles, as well as many of the small muscles of the shoulder girdle and back.

Pumping up muscles

These exercises are most suitable for men. They are designed to increase muscle strength and volume. Training the shoulder girdle helps make your arms more prominent and emphasizes your biceps. There are not many mass exercises, but almost all of them involve the shoulder girdle. Therefore, at the beginning of your workout, you should definitely warm up, this will help prevent injury.

The most effective shoulder exercises that increase muscle volume and strength are barbell or dumbbell presses. The middle fascicle of the deltoid muscle is worked the most with the bench press from a standing position. In this case, your hands should be shoulder-width apart, and the barbell should be held with a direct grip. You should not immediately work with heavy weights, as this is fraught with injuries. Raising dumbbells laterally from a standing or bent position is also effective for these muscles.

The most common exercise for pumping up the muscles of the shoulder girdle is the barbell press.

The best exercises for the shoulders and back muscles also include the overhead barbell press. It needs to be held with a wide grip. The exercise is performed in a sitting position, with emphasis on a hard surface in the lumbar region. Dumbbell presses from this position are also effective. Such exercises mainly work the deltoid and pectoral muscles. And to strengthen the trapezius and others, the barbell is pulled from the front to the chin.

Many men pay special attention to exercises to broaden their shoulders. This helps make the figure more masculine. Wide-grip pull-ups, bent-over barbell rows, overhead pull-downs to the chest or behind the head, and some other exercises are well suited for this.

But among girls, on the contrary, exercises to reduce shoulders and back are popular. In addition to swimming, dancing and fitness, strength exercises are also used for this. This could be push-ups from the floor or from the wall, a plank, a side plank on one arm, some exercises with dumbbells. You just need to take light weight, otherwise you can achieve the opposite result.

Therapeutic and preventive exercises

Therapeutic gymnastics is necessarily included in the complex treatment of many pathologies. For diseases of the spine and arm joints, exercises for the shoulder girdle are often prescribed. They help strengthen muscles, increase joint mobility, and improve blood circulation. Such classes are necessary for osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine, osteoarthrosis, spondylosis, glenohumeral periarthritis, after injuries and other pathologies.

But when performing therapeutic exercises, it is important to follow special rules:

  • training should be regular;
  • When performing exercises, pain should not be allowed to occur;
  • You can only exercise during the period of remission;
  • all exercises are performed slowly, with a gradual increase in load;
  • Before starting classes, be sure to consult a doctor;
  • Many rehabilitation exercises are performed passively - assisted by the other hand or with the help of exercise equipment.

To restore the function of the shoulder joint, it is necessary to pay attention not only to strengthening the muscles. Stretching exercises are very important. This will help relieve spasms, improve blood supply to the joint, and increase the range of motion. A complex of therapeutic exercises helps not only restore the functioning of the shoulder girdle, it effectively prevents injuries and diseases of the joint.

For various joint pathologies or after injuries, you need to perform special exercises

There are several most popular exercises for the shoulder muscles:

  • arms down, raise your shoulders up, and then lower them down, first together, then alternately;
  • bring them forward and back as much as possible;
  • rotate your shoulders clockwise and then in the opposite direction, the same is done with your arms extended to the sides;
  • raise your arms up, bend your elbows, clasp your right elbow with your left hand and pull it, stretching the muscles;
  • put your arms back, clasp your hands, try to connect your elbows, turning your shoulders as much as possible.

To improve joint mobility and prevent injuries, stretching is used - a system of stretching exercises.

Various training methods

There are many exercises for the back and shoulder girdle. There are various techniques created by experienced trainers. Among therapeutic exercises, gymnastics by Shishonin, Bubnovsky, Dikul, Borshchenko, and Levchenko are especially popular. Among the well-known systems for strengthening and pumping muscles, yoga, fitness, stretching, and Pilates are effective. They all contain effective shoulder exercises. The training method and complex should be chosen depending on the purpose of the training.

Treatment of various joint pathologies, as well as rehabilitation after injuries, is best carried out using well-known proprietary systems. They were created by orthopedic specialists, so they take into account all the features of the shoulder girdle. They are performed without additional load, but often with the use of exercise equipment. Therapeutic gymnastics complexes necessarily contain exercises to stretch the shoulder girdle, to increase the range of motion of the joint, and to strengthen the muscles.

Recently, stretching has become popular among athletes and people concerned with their health. This is a system containing exercises to stretch muscles and increase joint flexibility. They are often used in bodybuilding, fitness, and also for the prevention of pathologies of the shoulder girdle. These are mostly static exercises without weights, but sometimes dumbbells can be used.

Not only those who play sports need to know the rules for performing exercises for the shoulder girdle. Such gymnastics is useful for the prevention of injuries and joint diseases.

Exercise 1

Bent over arm extension

To perform the exercise, you will need dumbbells, the weight of which depends on your level of training. The choice of weight should be such that you can perform 10-12 repetitions in 1 set.

Place one hand and the same knee on any flat surface.

Your back is straight and tense, also tighten your abdominal muscles. The gaze is directed to the floor. The arm with the dumbbells is bent at the elbow.

Keeping your elbow stationary, slowly straighten your arm from the dumbbells. Under no circumstances should you raise your arm up: shoulder, elbow, hand - in one straight line. At the highest point, pause and turn your hand palm up. Return the brush to its previous position. Slowly return the hand with the dumbbell to the starting position. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 15.

Option 1

Exercise 2

Extension of the arm from behind the head

To perform this you will need dumbbells, the weight of which depends on your level of training. At the initial stage, select the weight so that you can perform 10-12 repetitions in one set.

Sit up straight, tighten your abdominal and back muscles. Take the dumbbell with both hands by the bar closer to the top plate, bend your elbows - this will be your starting position. Slowly press the dumbbell up over your head. Without pausing, return to the starting position. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and the number of repetitions to 20. When you can easily perform 3 sets, make it more difficult: do the movements with one hand (as in the picture). Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Option for beginners

Option for advanced

Exercise 3

French bench press

The exercise is similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that it needs to be performed while lying down.

Take a lying position on the floor or any elevation, hold dumbbells with straight arms above your face (starting position).

Slowly bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells behind your head. Without pausing, return to the starting position. If at the initial stage it is difficult for you to perform the movement with two dumbbells, modify the exercise: grab one dumbbell with both hands. When you can easily perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions each, switch to the version with two dumbbells, constantly increasing their weight. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 4

Push ups

You should proceed to this exercise only if you can easily perform the previous three. In the world of fitness, these push-ups with narrow arms are considered the most difficult, but very effective.

At the initial stage, push-ups should be performed with emphasis on the knees and straight arms, and only after mastering this option, proceed to performing them on straight arms and legs (as shown in the figure). Take a lying position, place your palms closer so that your thumbs and forefingers form a diamond.

Tighten your abdominal muscles and, slowly bending your elbows, lower yourself to the floor - almost until your nose touches. Also slowly return to the starting position. Don't be discouraged if you get less than 5 times the first time. As you develop strength, you will be able to perform the movements up to 10-12, and then up to 20 times. As soon as you complete 20 repetitions, move on to the classic version (with the starting position - lying on your toes).

This set of exercises is ideal for those who are not satisfied with the back surfaces of their arms (by the way, the most unpleasant place for women, because this is where fat is deposited most readily).

Exercise 5

Dumbbell press

Relief shoulder muscles will allow you to advantageously emphasize not only your chest and upper body, but also visually reduce the lower part. In any open dress or top you will look simply seductive.

The following three exercises will also help you strengthen your shoulder muscles. To perform the exercise, you will need dumbbells weighing from 1.5 to 5 kg, depending on your level of training.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel or slightly apart, knees bent, abs tense. Hands with dumbbells are bent at the elbows and located at shoulder level, palms pointing inward, elbows pointing to the floor.

Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, slowly press the dumbbells up over your head and slightly forward, keeping your back completely straight. Hold at the top for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

At the initial stage, perform 2 sets of 8-10 repetitions. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 12. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 6

Moving the arm to the side

Lying with your left side on any inclined surface (bench angle 45°), take a dumbbell in your right hand, bend your left hand at the elbow and place it under your head. Place your toes on the floor, crossing your legs. Extend your right arm so that it is parallel to your body, the dumbbell touches your thigh, and your palm is pointing down. From this position, raise your arm with the dumbbell, pause and return to the starting position. Without raising your shoulder, squeeze and lower your shoulder blades before each repetition. Change the position of your body and arms and perform the exercise in the other direction.

Select the weight of dumbbells depending on your level of training. At the initial stage, start with 1-2 sets of 8-10 repetitions each. As you develop strength, increase the weight of the dumbbells and vary the high load with the low one: do 2 kg in one workout, 4 kg in the next.

Attention: to avoid injuries to the elbow joint, keep the elbow of your working arm slightly bent, do not change the position of the dumbbell, that is, do not rotate it when lifting - this will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise; do not raise your hand too high; do not try to use too high a weight - you will overload the ligaments of the shoulder girdle and muscles. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 7

Combined arm raise

For the exercise you will need dumbbells weighing 2-4 kg, depending on your level of training.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells down, palms facing inward. Tighten your abdominal muscles, this will allow the spine to take a natural curve.

With your shoulder blades together, lift the dumbbells straight out in front of you to shoulder level, then lower them toward your hips. Without pausing, spread your arms to the sides also at shoulder height.

Return to the starting position and complete all given reps.

At the initial stage, start with 1-2 sets of 8-10 repetitions each. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 12. Then gradually increase the weight of the weights. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 8

Arm raise (butterfly) bent over

This exercise helps not only strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but also the back.

Take dumbbells and sit on the edge of a chair with your knees bent and directly above your ankles. Lower your shoulders, tighten your abs. Bend forward from your hips with your arms hanging down, palms facing each other, and elbows slightly bent. Connecting your shoulder blades, slowly spread your arms to the sides, then also slowly return to the starting position. At the initial stage, take dumbbells weighing from 2 to 4 kg, depending on your level of training. Start with 1-2 sets of 8-10 reps each. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 12. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 9

Biceps curl with dumbbells

To perform the exercise you will need a pair of dumbbells weighing from 2 to 4 kg.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, arms with dumbbells hanging freely down, palms facing forward.

Bend your knees slightly, tighten your abs, straighten your chest. Without moving your elbows, bend your arms and slowly lift the dumbbells.

Attention: at the top point, the knuckles should be directed upward, not towards you; The inner side of the forearm is pressed against the biceps.

Keeping your elbows close to your body, slowly return to the starting position. Initially, start with 1-2 sets of 12 repetitions each. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 13 and repetitions to 15. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 10

Seated arm curl

To perform the exercise, you will need a pair of dumbbells weighing from 2 to 4 kg, depending on your level of training. The exercise ideally strengthens the shoulder muscles and biceps. Can be done while sitting on a chair or on a fitball. Sit on a fitball, knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Holding a dumbbell in your left hand, lean your body forward and lean the back of your shoulder on your inner thigh, palm freely down and pointing inward. Tighten your abs, straighten your back, and rest your right hand on your right thigh for support. Maintaining this position and without bending your wrist, lift the dumbbell to your shoulder. Slowly return to the starting position. First perform all repetitions with one hand, then with the other. This will be one set. At the initial stage, start with 1-2 sets of 8-10 repetitions each. As you develop strength, increase the number of sets to 3 and repetitions to 12. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Attention! The first 4 exercises are aimed at strengthening the triceps, the next 4 - at strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, and the last two - at the biceps. To create a cosplex, choose from the suggested exercises 2 for triceps, 2 for shoulder muscles and 2 for biceps and perform them 2-3 times a week. To avoid stagnation in your training, replace some exercises with others more often, this way you will achieve the desired results.

Or you can choose only those exercises that will help you correct your most important problem area. In this case, train 2 times a week, choosing at least 3-4 exercises.

To avoid injury and problems, be sure to stretch your muscles before and after your workout. I also recommend starting exercises only after warming up the muscles. To do this, you can perform jumping rope, running, dance steps, etc., any energetic movements for 3-5 minutes.

The good thing about the exercises offered to you is that at the same time they will help strengthen the muscles of the back and spine.

Fat that is deposited in the arm area most often indicates general excess weight. What to do in such a situation?

To lose weight in the arms and shoulders, you need to include strength exercises and cardio exercises. This is the most effective type of strategy for losing excess weight, which is suitable for both girls and women, as well as men. We must not forget about proper nutrition, including diets.

Broad shoulders with a layer of fat do not look aesthetically pleasing. You can achieve a slim figure and give definition to your muscles with persistence and desire. A necessary condition is regular training!

A short excursion into anatomy

The anatomy of the shoulder muscles and arms is represented by the biceps, triceps, deltoid and trapezius muscles. Strength loads also involve the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi. The biceps and triceps are responsible for the relief of the arms. The deltoids and trapezius form the relief of the shoulder.

The fitness complex must be developed in such a way that so that all muscle groups are involved, and at the same time they were not overloaded, as this could create a risk of injury.

A set of 7 exercises

This system allows you to work out the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, as well as the main muscle groups of the whole body, at home. Before training, do a little warm-up or exercise, which will also help you quickly lose weight and get rid of cellulite.

1. Knee push-ups

Involved - deltoids, triceps and pectoralis major muscles. is a lightweight version of push-ups. It is recommended to perform it to strengthen the muscles, followed by a transition to push-ups. You need to try to move your knees a little further during each lesson, straightening your legs. The position of the hands when doing push-ups can be normal or narrow.

Classic version

  1. We rest our knees and hands, shoulder-width apart, on the floor;
  2. We raise our feet and cross them;
  3. We do push-ups, straightening our arms at the elbows;
  4. Movements are smooth and leisurely. This pace promotes good muscle development.

With a narrow hand position

By using a narrow arm position, you can increase the load on the triceps. We perform the exercise in the same way as in the first version, but we place our hands a little narrower than our shoulders.

With simultaneous bending

  1. It is performed standing and also sitting, leaning on the back. This makes it possible to better load the muscles, since the force of inertia cannot be used when lifting a dumbbell;
  2. We take dumbbells and begin to bend our elbows, moving the apparatus up to our shoulders.

Alternately You can use a lot of weight, since the muscles of one arm have the opportunity to rest.

Important! At the top point, the palm should be higher than the elbow. Otherwise, when you throw back, the load will go away from the target muscle.

4. Standing Dumbbell Press

We plan the number of repetitions in accordance with our level of physical fitness.

Carefully! The exercise can cause serious injury to the shoulder joint. It is recommended to start performing it with minimal weights and after a good warm-up.

6. Incline flyes

- an excellent exercise for women, which works the back of the deltoid muscles, and also helps to lose weight in the back and shoulders.

  1. We lift dumbbells. We tilt the body and bend the legs slightly. The back retains its anatomical curve in the lumbar spine. We hold dumbbells at arm's length near the feet;
  2. We spread our arms to the sides, making movements at the shoulders.

We perform 10-15 times in 3-4 approaches. Beginners should start with a minimum weight.

Attention! The exercise puts increased stress on the shoulder girdle and lumbar region!

7. Plank

A static exercise that gives a good load on all major muscles. It is carried out in two versions.

Option 1

  1. We stand with emphasis on our knees and palms of our hands;
  2. We stretch our legs, leaning on our toes. The body is a perfectly straight line - without deflection in the pelvic area;
  3. We don’t raise our heads, our gaze is directed to the floor;
  4. We hold the bar from several seconds to one minute. It depends on your fitness level;
  5. Let's breathe freely.

Option 2

It is performed in the same way as the first option, but we focus not on the palms of the hands, but on the forearm area - from the palms to the elbows. This is a lightweight option that is suitable for untrained girls. Having worked the muscles well, after some time you can gradually begin to perform more complex options.

You can complete the complex with breathing exercises or stretching.

Remember! You cannot hold your breath, as this creates a strong load on the heart and blood vessels.

The following tips will help you make your exercise even more effective:

  • Training plan. It is designed in such a way that the muscles have time to rest and recover after exercise. On average - three times a week. Anyone who strictly follows this rule can successfully increase muscle volume and remove fat deposits.
  • Execution technique. If the recommendations for the execution technique are not followed, strength training can result in injury. The shoulder can be torn off if you use a lot of weight with poor physical fitness. After an injury, the recovery period can take quite a long time.
  • Correct load calculation. When calculating the load, your physical fitness matters. If you are starting strength training for the first time, start with minimal weights.
  • Doing a warm-up. It is a mandatory stage of training, which will help warm up the muscles and reduce the risk of injury.
  • It often occurs after strength training. It can be reduced by warming up, active movements, and massage. You can take a bath with the addition of sea or regular salt.
Attention! If during strength training you feel discomfort or pain in the shoulder joint, stop exercising. “I can’t help it” is not the best option! Consult a doctor to rule out a sprained or torn ligament.

Cardio training

When creating a training program, coaches and sports doctors often include cardio training. This is due to the special influence of this type of stress on the body. Strength training becomes more effective if exercises on machines are added to it. They are usually included at the end of the lesson. This ensures a balanced load on muscles, joints and the cardiovascular system.

  1. Excellent replacement. In the absence of a nearby park area, regular jogging is the only option. It is enough to exercise every other day for thirty minutes to maintain good physical shape.
  2. Strengthens muscles, activates calorie burning, improves blood circulation, strengthens the vascular wall, helps relieve stress and relax. An excellent replacement for cycling. Many models are equipped with heart rate and calorie sensors, which helps you correctly calculate your load.
  3. Rowing machine. Simulates rowing, suitable for training the cardiovascular system and strengthening muscles. There are two types of simulators available: electronic and mechanical simulators. Electronic options allow you to set and adjust training parameters.
  4. Using pedals, it simulates walking at different paces. Allows you to maintain good shape, strengthens muscles, and compensates for the lack of active movements. An excellent option for use in an apartment.
  5. Elliptical trainer (ellipsoid). He is able to gently work out all joints. This occurs through special movements performed in a certain plane. It loads all muscle groups, has no age restrictions, and is accessible to people with varying degrees of physical fitness.
  6. Run. The most effective and favorite type of training by many. Even short jogging helps speed up the body's metabolism and activates the burning of calories. The speed and pace of running can be adjusted according to age, health and fitness level.
  7. A ride on the bicycle. It perfectly trains all body systems: respiratory, vascular, muscular. Develops joints, helps burn calories, saturates the body with oxygen. Using several speeds, you can set different load modes: from a walking pace to a serious training mode.
  8. Swimming. Swimming is one of the most popular types of exercise. You can practice regardless of age and physical fitness. Swimming is included in a weight loss program. Even with high degrees of obesity, it gives very good results, provided that the correct diet is used.
  9. Walking at a fast pace is a simple but effective way to exercise. Charges you with vigor and energy, allows you to maintain good physical shape. The main condition is regularity. Climb the stairs on foot, go through several stops without using transport. At least sometimes you leave your car at home and go!
  10. Nordic walking. It is carried out using two sticks of a special design. It is popular because, despite its simplicity, it perfectly trains the heart and blood vessels, activates the fat burning process, works and strengthens muscles.
  11. Dancing. The benefits and popularity of this type of active exercise among all ages are enormous. In addition to a good load on the muscles, any type of dancing provides aesthetic satisfaction, develops grace, flexibility, and forms beautiful posture. Choose appropriate music and dance - at home, in the hall, outdoors!
  12. Jump rope. A small universal exercise machine for the muscles of the whole body. If you regularly jump rope several times a week, you can not only work out your muscles perfectly, but also help you shed extra pounds. Make friends with a jump rope, jump for ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening. This is the best option to get results.

Physical activity should be done with pleasure. To do this, you need to determine the main motive - why do I need this? Tell yourself: I want to have a slim figure, defined muscles, good health and a great mood! Try to make time for an active lifestyle - then extra pounds will never become your friends. The simplest types of physical activity will help you lose weight and strengthen your muscles.

The shoulder joint is one of the most complex joints in the body. Moving the arm up, down, forward and backward involves a large number of muscles, including the pectoral muscles, as well as the scapular muscles, trapezius, back and deltoids of the shoulder girdle. Today I want to look at exercises for the shoulder muscles that are used most often in everyday life.

The muscles of the shoulder joint include the deltoid muscles, which consist of the anterior, middle and posterior and various internal muscles that are not visible and hidden under the deltoids, they are responsible for the rotation of the joint and are also very important. Their development will allow you to avoid many injuries and contribute to the harmonious development of the body.

I want to say right away that you can’t do without dumbbells. This muscle group is quite stubborn and requires serious loads, so without dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells or any other weights, it will be difficult for you to develop your shoulders. This is, firstly, and secondly, the exercises should first of all begin with warming up the internal rotator muscles, in order to avoid injury and warm up the entire shoulder girdle in order to prepare it for training. Perform all exercises consistently in 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

For the first rotator cuff exercise, you should lie on your side, bend your knees for stability, and tuck your shoulders to match your body posture. Take a dumbbell in your hand and rotate your elbow 90 degrees.
Then rotate your arm so that the dumbbell is lowered down at a 90-degree angle to the top of your arm, as shown in the photo above.

  • For the second exercise, stand up straight. Feet shoulder-width apart, look forward. Hold the dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing you.
  • Raise your upper arms so that they form a straight line and are parallel to the floor, as shown in the photo.
  • Then rotate your elbows 180 degrees so that the dumbbells are at the top. And raise your hands up.
  • Return through all steps to the starting position and repeat.

Exercises for the shoulder muscles

The complex includes 5 exercises for each part of the deltoid muscles.

For the first exercise, take a barbell or dumbbells in your hands and stand straight.

  • Place the barbell on your upper chest, and your grip should be wider than your shoulders.
  • Press the barbell up, lifting it above your head. Do not tilt your hips and keep your back straight throughout the movement.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.
  • If you perform this exercise with dumbbells, then you can raise your arms alternately as in the photo.

The second exercise is similar to the first, only it is performed while sitting, with the shoulders and back pressed against the back of a chair or bench. Spread your elbows to the sides. Raise the dumbbells up and slowly lower them. Don't arch your back!

The following exercise develops the middle part of the deltoid muscles of the shoulder.

  • Stand up straight with your body upright. Look ahead. Dumbbells on the sides with palms facing inward.
  • Raise your arms out to the sides with your arms straight. The elbow can only be slightly bent.
  • Stop at shoulder level, hold for a second, then release slowly. Repeat. Don't rock your body while moving.

And the last exercise for the shoulder girdle and joint that I want to show you today develops the back of the shoulder. It can be performed lying on a bench or standing on your feet, bending your body 90 degrees. In principle, both options are effective.

  • Take dumbbells in your hands, palms should face each other.
  • Then spread your arms out to the sides so that they are parallel to the floor, then slowly lower them. Elbows can be slightly bent.
  • At the top point, you should squeeze your shoulder blades as much as possible and pause for a second. Moreover, if the exercise is performed not while lying on a bench, but while standing, then be sure to arch your back and under no circumstances round it. At the same time, you can bend your knees.