History Olympiad results. Story. What themes are we repeating this season?

History of VSOSH


All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren in history began to be held relatively recently. The first All-Russian Olympiad was held in 2000.

Despite this short duration, we can talk about already established traditions of the Olympic movement. This is largely explained by the decades-long experience of holding regional Olympiads in history, which created the basis for many fundamental approaches to holding All-Russian Olympiads.

For the History Olympiad, the location where it is held is of particular importance. One of the established traditions has been the choice of the city in which the Olympiad is held according to the criteria of significance for the history of Russia.

It has become a tradition of the All-Russian History Olympiads for schoolchildren to form a Jury, which reflects four categories of participants: teachers, researchers, university professors, and methodologists. Often the same jury member embodies several of these categories.

The jury of the Olympiads over the past years has included authors of popular school textbooks and teaching aids on history, professors, doctors and candidates of historical and pedagogical sciences: I.L. Andreev, P.A. Baranov, M.Yu. Brandt, I.N. Danilevsky, A.A. Danilov, S.I. Kozlenko, L.M. Lyashenko, T.I. Tyulyaeva.

At the Olympiad in Smolensk in 2005, the winner of the All-Russian Olympiads in History in 2003 and 2004, D. Stukal, worked as a consultant. His inclusion in the jury allowed the team of specialists conducting the content of the Olympiad to look at competitive issues and tasks from a new angle, and to take into account those nuances of conducting the Olympiad that are visible only to the competitors themselves.

During a number of Olympiads, round tables and discussion clubs were practiced, which the jury members held for the contestants. But the increase in the workload of the jury forced, unfortunately, to abandon this practice. But the line of organizing meetings between contestants and team leaders with historians representing universities and scientific institutions of the region in which the Olympiad is taking place has intensified. This was especially evident in 2003 in St. Petersburg.

One of the common features of history olympiads has been the increasingly active participation in the methodological commission and jury of representatives of university science, especially universities from the venues of the olympiad and Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

The venues for the final stages of the All-Russian History Olympiad for schoolchildren are presented in the table:





Velikiy Novgorod

Eve of the 1100th anniversary of Pskov

3 rounds, only 18 participants were allowed to the last round

Saint Petersburg

300th anniversary of St. Petersburg

Eve of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan


60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

3 rounds, oral

Velikiy Novgorod

1150th anniversary of Novgorod

3 rounds, for the first time all participants are allowed into the III round


65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

100th anniversary of the assassination of P.A. Stolypin

Change compared to the Olympiad in Smolensk - the maximum score in the third round has been reduced from 100 to 50, and also in the 3rd round, 4 minutes are allocated for performance, not 5 as in 2010, and 1 hour for preparation instead of 40 minutes in 2010 m.


200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812

In the third round it is allowed to use the source text during the speech

XIII April 23-29, 2013 Belgorod (Belgorod region) 70th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk No changes

“History is the treasury of our deeds, a witness to the past, an example and teaching for the present, a warning for the future.” M. Cervantes

“The lives of heroes enriched history, and history embellished the exploits of heroes” J. Labruyère

“To write history in a worthy manner, you must forget about your faith, your fatherland, your party” P. Buast

“History only teaches that it has never taught people anything” G. Hegel

“History is a description of the fight of human genomes for dominance” V. Shwebel

“Not knowing history means always being a child” Cicero

"World history is a world court" F. Schiller

“History is a novel that was, a novel is a history that could be” Goncourt

“History is an art gallery where there are few originals and many copies” A. Tocqueville

“History is a union between the dead, the living and the unborn” - E. Burke

“History is the science of what no longer exists and will not exist” Paul Valéry

“History is philosophy in examples” Thucydides

“The first task of history is to refrain from lying, the second is not to conceal the truth, the third is not to give any reason to suspect oneself of partiality or prejudiced hostility.” Cicero

Our all-Russian pedagogical portal Sunshine is pleased to welcome all schoolchildren and history buffs to this section. We invite you to take part in free online history olympiads 2016-2017. All tests are based on sections studied in school. Our portal has a wide list of various entertaining and educational tests. Anyone who wants to try themselves in this field can register on our portal, take the test and, if possible, can order a diploma based on the completed task. Our main difference is that we issue diplomas immediately after completing your test. You don't have to wait months or years for your diploma; you will receive it immediately after completing the test.

The main task of holding online history Olympiads for students is to find children who are passionate about history, children who think outside the box and who competently construct their thoughts on historical topics. These online tests allow you to identify those who show special abilities in history classes. The Olympiads also identify those candidates in whom various universities in the country may be interested. Our portal does not issue a free ticket to the future, this means that we are not state founders of Olympiads, through which a child can enter any university. With us you get a certain amount of knowledge and experience that you can present at the All-Russian Olympiad in History. The task of our pedagogical portal is to develop in the student a desire to study history, and we also show what knowledge and skills participants need to write a test well. On our website, everyone can take history olympiads. Online tests are designed to test knowledge acquired in school. Online tests are provided for students, teachers, applicants, educators, as well as those who are preparing to take history exams or those who want to test their knowledge. Our pedagogical portal presents assignments collected from all middle and high school courses.

Features of obtaining a diploma on the website of the pedagogical portal

Our website presents various, interesting and entertaining tests, as well as creative competitions related to sections of history that are studied in middle and high schools. Do you want to try your hand at whether you can cope with history questions? You won't know until you try. Free online history tests for students provide an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in practice. After each task you will be able to check the correctness of the answer. To cope with the tasks, you must carefully read the text of the task. Even small details in the story are quite important, so don't miss them. Solving the school history Olympiad 2016-2017 is not difficult, the main thing is to know the main sections of historical science and approach each task with all seriousness. The pedagogical portal Sunshine also provides an opportunity for teachers to try themselves and their skills by solving several tasks and participating in creative competitions. In addition, this is a great experience and exchange of knowledge between teachers. You can receive a diploma upon completion of the test. You only pay for the order for the production of the diploma, and after completion you can download your personal diploma and add it to your awards portfolio.

Analysis of the results of the school stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in history at the MKOU "Molodezhnenskaya Secondary School" 2014-2015 academic year.

The goal of the Olympiad is to promote historical knowledge, identify humanitarianly gifted children who have good historical training and historical thinking.

An Olympiad was held among students in grades 5 - 9, in which 23 people took part:

5th grade – 8 people; 6th grade - 2 people; 7th grade – 1 person; 8th grade – 4 people;

9th grade – 2 people; 10th grade - 3.; 11th grade - 3 people

The Olympiad tasks were designed to deepen students’ knowledge in the field of history, to introduce them to independent thinking, to believe in themselves and test their knowledge, as well as to provide motivation for further work to deepen their knowledge in the field of history.

Students completed the work within 45 minutes.

The students failed to complete most of the tasks and showed a low level of knowledge. Most students had difficulty matching dates, events and images associated with them, as well as arranging events in accordance with chronology. In addition, students in grades 8, 10, 11 failed to complete tasks to identify a historical figure based on the description. 6th grade students failed to complete the task of determining duties (corvee labor, quitrent).

8th grade students did a good job of identifying an event and date using a historical map. 6th grade students coped well with the correct correlation of economic sectors according to their affiliations, as well as with tasks on religions.

Most students demonstrated the ability to identify historical concepts or terms.

10th grade students did a poor job of deciphering the abbreviation and the task of eliminating unnecessary concepts from a series.

Students of grades 5 and 6 showed good results, where in grade 5, two students gained the same number of points: Altana Azamatova and Beslan Abdulkarimov. Abdurakhmanova Aminat won in 6th grade. It is these students who are recommended for further participation in the district.

Conclusion - the students showed a low level of knowledge.

Recommendations - in the future, the teacher needs to devote more time to consolidating the material, and students should conscientiously study homework; eliminate shortcomings in work on “sinking” topics;

Introduce tests of different levels and types more widely.

Teacher________/Bembeev E.V./

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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