How to take sports amino acids correctly. How to take amino acids in tablets, powder and liquid? How to take amino acids correctly? Amino acids before or after meals

Beginning athletes are often interested in how they can get ideal shapes without causing significant harm to their health. For these purposes, many use special nutritional supplements - sports nutrition.

Operating principle

Before you figure out how to take amino acids, you need to understand why the body needs them. These substances play a fairly important role. They are involved in the construction of many body tissues. Thus, with their participation, tendons, muscles, ligaments, skin, and hair are formed.

Amino acids are essential for building muscle mass. Some of them are not produced by the body, but they are needed. Therefore, it is necessary that they come from outside. They can enter the body with food or as special supplements. But it is impossible to get enough amino acids to build muscle mass from food alone.

Release forms

Modern industry allows athletes to choose the most suitable method of taking amino acids for them. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules or powder. There are also liquid amino acids. They are, however, more expensive than other options and require special storage conditions. But given the fact that this particular form of release is preferable, many are interested in how to take liquid amino acids.

Regardless of the appearance of sports nutrition, it is better to buy supplements from well-known brands. This is the only way to be sure not only of the quality of the purchased product, but also to guarantee the safety of its reception.

When to take supplements

When figuring out how to take amino acids, many people want to know when exactly to take them. If you do not have problems with the digestive organs, then it is better to do this 20 minutes before meals. True, many note that they have a serious irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract. If you feel discomfort after taking them, then it is better to drink them with meals. By the way, trainers do not recommend consuming them on an empty stomach.

But do not forget that supplements are best absorbed 20 minutes after strength training. At this time, the body needs amino acids, it looks for reserves inside the body. In addition, this is the time of administration that is optimal for building sculpted muscles. Therefore, manufacturers always answer the same question when asked how to take amino acids. They recommend drinking them after workouts. But some say that it is better to divide the dose you need into three parts. The first of them is drunk before the start of the workout, the second - during it, and the third - after the end.

Features of different amino acids

Each complex of supplements contains the elements necessary for building muscle tissue. Thus, valine is one of the most important components responsible for the growth of muscle tissue. It helps increase tolerance to cold and heat, and improves muscle coordination. Isoleucine helps energy begin to accumulate in the muscles. Leucine is also included in the additional complexes. It is designed to stimulate the immune system and protect the body during illness.

Essential amino acids also include:

Lysine - it helps increase the amount of oxygen consumed by muscles;

Phenylalanine - participates in the synthesis of connective tissue;

Methionine - restores damaged areas of liver and kidney tissue;

But many do not want to take powder, but choose amino acids in tablets. How to take them is also worth finding out separately. Capsules and tablets may come in different packaging. They can be from 500 to 1250 mg, which corresponds to 0.5 to 1.25 g. The required number of tablets or capsules should be selected depending on the dosage. You need to drink them with plenty of liquid. This helps them reach the small intestine faster, where they are actively absorbed.

Amino acids for weight loss

Bodybuilders are mainly interested in sports nutrition. They need to actively build muscle mass and create relief. And without special additives this is almost impossible. But amino acids are often used for weight loss. Of course, you shouldn’t lie on the couch and expect fats to dissolve on their own. But if you combine supplements with moderate physical activity, the effect will become noticeable quite quickly.

Amino acids suppress appetite, while they themselves do not contain calories. They serve as the basis for protein synthesis, energy production, and muscle formation. But it is not recommended to take them in combination with other proteins or fat burners. This does not contribute to more active weight loss, but, on the contrary, impairs the absorption of each of the supplements.

Types of Amino Acids Produced

Supplements from several companies can be found on the market. One of the most famous is BCAA. This famous drug from Belgium is available in capsules. It is packaged in packages from 100 to 3000 capsules, the cost of which starts from 500 rubles. The complex includes the following amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine, which are not produced in the body, but enter it only from the outside.

You can also find Gaspari Nutrition Aminolast on sale. It is manufactured in the USA and comes in capsules. The manufacturer claims that combining these supplements with diet and reasonable exercise promotes rapid weight loss. True, the capsules are quite expensive.

Amino Fuel is considered a fairly effective product, which is available in liquid form. If you remember to take this supplement regularly, you can provide the body with the necessary amino acids in the right quantity.

L-Carnitin products are among the most affordable. They are produced in the form of capsules, the cost of which is about 300 rubles. Taking them regularly allows you to start the processes of fat burning, stimulate muscle growth and improve overall well-being.

But this is far from a complete list of world-famous manufacturers.

Features of BCAA

Any sports nutrition can activate metabolic processes and become the basis for protein synthesis in the body. Trying to achieve maximum effect, many are interested in how to take amino acids and BCAA together. This is necessary when it is required that their high level is constantly maintained in the body. It is necessary to select a complex so that it contains the maximum amount of essential amino acids that are not produced by the body.

But even taking one BCAA supplement helps reduce the amount of adipose tissue, protects muscles from destructive processes and promotes their growth.

Potential Harm

There is often an opinion that sports nutrition is of no use. Some believe that it can only do harm. But manufacturers and sports nutrition experts claim that amino acids are synthesized from natural proteins and are therefore absolutely harmless. Even exceeding the prescribed dosage will not harm the body.

On the contrary, many athletes are figuring out how to take BCAAs to build muscle mass. After all, these supplements prevent destructive processes in muscles. Amino acids are also necessary for athletes as a source of energy. After all, it is thoroughly consumed during intense strength training.

The main thing is to choose the right sports nutrition. This means that it is important not only to select a manufacturer, but also to check the integrity of the packaging and whether the appearance of the product matches what is written on the box. It is necessary to take into account that powdered amino acids are very poorly soluble in water, but they are significantly cheaper than other forms of release. True, not everyone likes their taste.

How to take sports amino acids correctly? - beginner athletes ask themselves. Sports amino acids are the building blocks for all proteins in the body. Sports amino acids play an important role in the athlete’s body; virtually all elements, as well as body tissues, are formed from them.

Most of the amino acids entering the athlete’s body are spent on the synthesis of muscle fibers, the rest are spent on the construction of ligaments, the synthesis of hormones, for example, growth hormones, steroids, sex hormones, which are revered by all bodybuilders.

For effective recovery and muscle growth, a person’s blood must always have the required concentration of amino acids; it is for this reason that it is important to take amino acids correctly at a time when the body is ready to absorb them with maximum speed and benefit.

Types of amino acids and their functions

All known amino acids can be divided into three groups: essential, essential and conditionally essential.

Replaceable ones can enter the body together with food, and be independently synthesized in the body if necessary.

Essential ones are not produced in the body; for this reason, they can enter the body exclusively with food or specialized sports nutrition.

Conditionally essential amino acids are capable of being produced in the body from essential amino acids when the need arises.

The effect of amino acids on the body

The effects of amino acids are closely related to what the amino acid affects in a particular process. Below is a list of the currently known effects of amino acids on the body.

Essential amino acids

Valine is an important component of muscle growth, improves muscle coordination, and also improves tolerance to cold and heat.

Leucine is an important participant in the functioning of the immune system and also protects the body during diseases.

Isoleucine is an important component of muscles; it can be used as fuel and also stores energy in muscle tissue.

Phenylalanine is an important participant in the synthesis of connective tissue in the body (for example, cartilage, ligaments), and also takes part in the synthesis of norepinephrine (substances that transmit signals from nerve cells to the brain).

Lysine helps produce carnitine, which in turn improves oxygen consumption by muscle tissue.

Methionine takes part in the processes of restoration of damaged kidney and liver tissue.

Threonine is a component of connective tissue and takes part in the process of cleansing the liver.

Tryptophan takes part in the production of serotonin, controls sleep, appetite, pain threshold, fatigue, and the like.

Conditionally essential amino acids:

Arginine takes an active part in liver detoxification and is important for proper muscle growth.

Histidine affects the production of red and white blood cells and stimulates muscle growth.

Tyrosine helps fight fatigue and stress, and takes an active part in the production of thyroid hormones.

Cystine relieves inflammation and also takes part in the production of collagen.

Essential amino acids:

Alanine – regulates the concentration of sugar in the blood; in case of stressful situations, it can be extracted by the body from muscle tissue.

Asparagine – takes an active part in the functioning of the immune system.

Glutamine is used by the body as fuel, especially during prolonged exercise, and also strengthens memory and attention.

Glycine – takes an active part in the production of essential amino acids, creatine. A deficiency of this substance occurs when there is a loss of strength.

Proline – forms connective tissue and can be used as fuel in case of prolonged exercise.

Serine – required for the functioning of the nervous system and the production of cellular energy.

Citrulline - takes an active part in the decomposition and removal of ammonia, as a secondary product during protein metabolism.

Taurine - takes part in the regulation of the functioning of the nervous system.

Cysteine ​​– takes part in hair growth, as well as detoxification of the body.

Ornithine – activates metabolic processes and promotes the breakdown of fats.

Amino acid release form

Amino acids, as sports nutrition, are produced in a wide variety of forms, both in the form of tablets, and in the form of powder, and in the form of capsules with powder, and also capsules with a solution, or simply in the form of liquid amino acids. It is still better to give preference to liquid amino acids rather than powdered ones, since this way they are absorbed by the body much faster. But, unfortunately, liquid amino acids are more expensive than powder (tablet) ones, and are also more demanding in terms of storage.

Currently, the most popular are those sports amino acids that contain the entire spectrum of essential and essential ones. Amino acids are widely distributed today; when purchasing, you should opt for well-known brands, since in this case you can be confident in the safety and natural quality of the purchased product.

Quite often found on the sports nutrition market are bcaa xplode, which contain amino acids in free form, namely isoleucine, leucine, valine, glutamine, arginine.

How to take amino acids correctly

To get the maximum results from taking sports amino acids, you need to take them as follows:

Take only when they are best absorbed by the body,

Take only when your body needs them.

For this reason, we recommend taking amino acids 20 minutes before meals or during meals. In addition, many sports nutrition manufacturers strongly advise taking them 20 minutes after completion and before bedtime.

At the above moments, the body requires amino acids, and it is in an active search for them. When amino acids are received, the body begins to actively incorporate the incoming amino acids into muscle tissue.

Manufacturers of BCAA amino acids advise taking them immediately after training, when the absorption rate is maximum.

Side effects and reviews

In the vast majority of cases, reviews about taking amino acids are positive, but only if taken correctly. The effect of proper intake of sports amino acids is expressed in an increase in muscle mass and a certain increase in strength indicators.

Side effects are very rare if amino acids are taken correctly. But if you have acute or chronic kidney or liver diseases, you should definitely consult a good doctor.

The human kidneys remove the remnants of waste proteins from the body; if their function is impaired by disease, unexpected effects can occur.

Always remember that you need to take any sports nutrition with caution, and you need to very carefully monitor the body’s reaction, and in case of any strange reactions, immediately stop taking the sports nutrition and seek qualified advice from a specialist.

Proteins are very important for humans, scientists realized this a very long time ago. The term " protein", from the Greek word " first" And this is true - for any athlete, and even more so for a bodybuilder, protein is a fundamental factor in all recovery processes.

Typically, protein is synthesized from 20 standard amino acids. And if the body can synthesize most of these amino acids on its own, then there are essential amino acids, which must enter the body from the outside. The three most important branched chain amino acids for building muscle mass are: leucine, isoleucine and valine. It was these three amino acids that were combined into one drug, which was called BCAA branched amino acids

Role in the body

  • Valin— One of the most active components in the regeneration of damaged muscle fibers. If an athlete trains intensively and with a high load, then fiber tears occur in the muscles. When these tears heal, muscle growth occurs. Additional intake of valine reduces the healing time of such microtraumas. In addition, taking valine significantly improves nitrogen balance, which also accelerates muscle growth and prevents protein destruction.
  • Leucine– Reduces blood sugar levels, promoting increased growth hormone production. How important growth hormone is for increasing muscle mass and restoring muscle fibers after heavy training probably shouldn’t be said. Leucine is also actively involved in the restoration of muscle tissue, skin and bones.
  • Isoleucine— An essential amino acid in the production of hemoglobin. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels, increases the overall endurance of the body and accelerates the recovery of damaged muscle tissue.

Taking the BCAA amino acid complex provides a powerful acceleration in the recovery of muscle fibers, stimulates an increase in the body's production of growth hormone and restores energy balance.

The most important amino acid in this trio for a bodybuilder is leucine. During scientific research, it was found that taking leucine together with isoleucine and valine greatly enhances the effect of the former. It is generally accepted that the optimal ratio of these amino acids is: 2:1:1. That is, for every mg of valine and isoleucine there are 2 mg of leucine. But such proportions are not dogma.

BCAA - When to use and in what dosages.

The bodybuilder’s body on training days and on rest days, when the body is recovering, experiences a different need for fast amino acids; the regimen for taking BCAA on these days is somewhat different.

On training days

When an athlete actively trains, not only anabolic processes (muscle growth) are launched in his body, but also catabolic destructive processes. The task is to stimulate anabolic processes and inhibit catabolic ones.

If anabolic processes are activated on rest days, then catabolic processes, on the contrary, are most dangerous during training. During intense exercise the body needs additional nutrition. And if this recharge is not given from the outside, then it will begin to look for additional reserves inside the body.

The first step is to use up the glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles. If there are not enough of them, the body begins to actively break down the amino acids that make up the muscles.

In this case, BCAA acts as an assistant. In order for the body not to even have the desire to start devouring itself, it needs to be given something else to “eat”. BCAA amino acids are perfect for this role! Due to the fact that branched chain amino acids are instantly absorbed, they are actively involved in the process and more prevents catabolism from developing during exercise, but also actively participate in building muscle mass and burning fat mass.

BCAAs should be taken immediately before and immediately after exercise. It would be useful to take a small amount of amino acids during training if its duration exceeds 1 hour.

After training, when glucose levels are at a minimum and there are practically no amino acids left, you should immediately replenish their supply. In this case, metabolic processes, which will continue for some time at a frantic pace, will receive material for processing.

On rest days

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to take BCAAs on non-training days. This is justified by the fact that since there is no effect on the body, then there is no catabolism. And for the anabolic process, there is enough protein from your regular diet. This is wrong.

Catabolic processes are strongest immediately after sleep. If at this moment you get protein from regular food or take protein, then the body will need some time to break down the protein into amino acids. Taking BCAAs in the morning solves this problem - amino acids immediately reach the muscles. It is recommended to take 0.5-1 of a standard serving immediately after sleep.

Release forms

  • Capsules— The most popular form of release of BCAAs. For the first time, branched chain amino acids were produced in capsules. The main advantage of this form of release is ease of use. The capsules are easy to take with you and can be taken anywhere as long as you have a glass of water handy.
    Another advantage is the neutral taste.. Due to the fact that the powder is packaged in capsules, you do not feel the bitter aftertaste characteristic of pure powdered form of branched chain amino acids.
    Capsules containing from 250 to 1250 mg of BCAA are available in 60 to 1000 capsules per package. The main disadvantage of this form of administration is its high cost. At recommended dosages, one package will last a maximum of a couple of weeks.
  • Pills— As a rule, they are pressed powder. The benefits are the same as the capsules. In addition to the above mentioned disadvantages we can add relatively long digestibility, because tablets dissolve more slowly in the stomach.
  • Powder— The most economical form of BCAA release. Until recently, powdered BCAAs were consumed mainly by those who wanted to save money. For the same price, you could get 1.5 times more BCAA by purchasing them in powder form.
    Cons: pure powder is very poorly soluble in water and has a rather specific taste. Therefore, it is recommended to take it this way: put a portion of BCAA in your mouth and immediately wash it down with water so that the bitter taste is not felt for so long.
    In the last few years, quite a lot of powdered BCAAs have appeared on the sports nutrition market, which quickly dissolve in water and have pleasant fruity flavors.

Optimal portion

Each sports nutrition manufacturer indicates completely different dosages on their products, regardless of the athlete’s own weight. How to calculate the right dosage of branched chain amino acids for you? And how to measure it in capsules, tablets and powder?

Most professional trainers agree that for every kilogram of body weight the athlete must receive about 33 mg leucine per workout. This way, it is easy to calculate the dosage that is right for you.

For example, if your weight is 75 kg, then for training it is necessary to take at least 2475 mg leucine. With a standard 2:1:1 ratio this would be approximately 5 grams of BCAA. If your weight 90 kg, then take according 6 grams branched chain amino acids during training.

Side effects

Despite the above, many people starting bodybuilding have a question: “ Are BCAA's harmful?" To dispel all doubts, we will answer it. Since branched chain amino acids are essential for the functioning of our body, during intense exercise additional taking BCAA will not cause any disturbances or negative reactions in the human body, but will only benefit. You should not be afraid of an overdose: everything that does not have time to be absorbed will leave the body without disturbing the internal balance in the body.

The human organic system consists of a billion cells that continuously appear and disappear, replacing each other. Even if you are not moving, know that our body is in constant motion, producing various hormones and protein enzymes every second. I wonder where the body gets so much strength and energy from? What does he build all this from? So, the magical elements that provide this movement are amino acids.

The structural elements of protein are amino acids, which we get every day from food, allowing the body to use them for its many needs. For ordinary people without serious health problems, amino acids are sufficient from a balanced daily diet. But athletes use up nutrient reserves much faster, and they often simply need additional supplements. In addition, taking them will help achieve excellent athletic results.

The rules for taking amino acids depend on the type of amino acids you take. For example, BCAA amino acids, which specifically affect muscle growth and recovery, are best taken before or immediately after training, because they are fuel for the synthesis of muscle cells, as, indeed, are all the amino acids that make up muscle protein. Non-muscle amino acids, such as GABA, found primarily in the nervous system, are recommended to be taken at other times. Often, for better absorption, amino acid supplements are taken 30 minutes before or after meals. Amino acids can be taken both in combination and separately. More specific recommendations for their use are in most cases indicated on the product packaging.

Recently, due to the increased popularity of amino acid supplements, controversy has increasingly arisen regarding the possible side effects of taking them. Considering that amino acids are the basis of our body, it cannot get worse from taking them. At least, there is not a single scientific evidence of their harm. Experts speak especially highly of liquid amino acids, which are very easily absorbed by the body. It happened that some athletes taking amino acids in the form of tablets complained of minor side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, however, this is most likely due to any stomach problems that occurred before using the supplements.​

Of course, if you take an amino acid complex from an unknown manufacturer, various unnecessary substances, possibly even toxic ones, may be added to its composition. However, real amino acids will not cause harm. The main thing is to carefully read the label, also study reviews about the product and follow the recommendations indicated on the packaging. In addition, there is simply no point in drinking amino acids in huge portions, causing an imbalance in the body. It won't do you any good. The best option is always a preliminary consultation with a specialist who, taking into account all your individual characteristics, will tell you how necessary this is in your particular case. By following these simple instructions, you will not only achieve the desired effect, but you will become healthier and stronger.

Special recommendations have been developed for each type. Some products should be taken before training, others before going to bed. Let's figure out how to take amino acids and how to ensure that they bring maximum benefit to your body.

Every athlete knows well what sports nutrition is.

How do amino acids affect the body?

Such supplements are taken by athletes who need to quickly restore their strength after a long workout.

Taking amino acids helps quickly increase muscle mass. This process progresses much more slowly in females; their natural characteristics play an important role here.

But, if you choose the right sports nutrition, the effect of increasing muscle mass will happen much faster.

Before you start using such supplements, you need to understand how they affect the body. The basis of this substance helps create protein cells, which are the most important building material for muscle formation. Cell formation occurs after protein breakdown. Sometimes they resort to chemical synthesis reactions. But, it is better to use the protein option, since chemical exposure can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Before you start using such supplements, you need to understand how they affect the body.

When a person uses protein foods correctly, after digesting the powder, the protein molecules become small particles in the body. After which the amino acid is extracted. Protein synthesis begins, a little time passes, and muscle tissue begins to increase.

After consuming amino acids in tablets obtained chemically, the body has the opportunity to do without independent protein secretion. As a result, the time needed to recover after a hard workout is reduced.

Functional responsibilities of additives, their diversity

Powders and amino acids in tablets are divided into several subgroups:

  • "Replaceable"
  • "Conditionally replaceable."

Supplements are in capsules and can be taken with food products. These replaceable substances in the body are capable of synthesizing themselves when there is a special need.

Supplements in capsules, can be taken with food products

The human body does not produce essential substances. Therefore, they appear only after taking sports nutrition.

When the need arises, the body produces “conditionally essential amino acids”, for which “essential amino acids” are used.

In what form are sports amino acids made?

They are produced in the form:

  • Tablets
  • Powder
  • Capsules
  • Liquids.

Amino acids in pills and capsules

Most preferred are liquid substances. With their help, the time for the body to absorb positive substances is significantly reduced. However, their cost is much higher than their tablet counterparts,

The most popular are sports supplements consisting of replaceable or a group of essential species.

How to take the supplement in capsules and tablets

Their functional impact is interconnected with the corresponding process. You need to drink such substances only taking into account the training time. Each type has a certain effect on the body and the processes occurring in it.

To determine the time when to take capsules, it is necessary to take into account the state of the body. You need to understand when the body needs pills. In this regard, experts recommend taking them 15 minutes before meals. You can take the supplement directly with meals. To obtain greater effect, capsules or tablets are taken after the end of the training process or before going to bed.

You need to drink such substances only taking into account the training time

How to take the supplement powder

Each person’s body can be called an individual system, so the daily dose of powder is determined specifically for a particular athlete. The most popular regimen is to take the supplement in an amount of 30 grams. Moreover, the intake is divided into three doses.

To get a quick effect, the selected powder is taken after training, after about half an hour.

Powder supplements are taken in liquid form. They can be diluted in water, any juice or milk. Admission is carried out orally.

Note that such a schedule leads to obtaining the maximum positive result after taking the supplement.

After heavy loads, the athlete’s body reacts by opening a “protein window”. It is necessary to take advantage of his appearance. Powder supplements are fully absorbed if taken 20 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after meals

Powders can be drunk before bed or in the morning, for example, after having breakfast.

Powders can be drunk before bed or in the morning, for example, after having breakfast

Amino acids during and after training

When physical activity occurs, the consumption of amino acids increases greatly. Therefore, to replenish the lack of nutrients during the training process, it is necessary to take special formulations.

After training, within about 20 minutes, the athlete’s body absorbs the largest amount of nutrients. If you take supplements at this time, your muscles will quickly be replenished and protein compounds will be replenished in your body.

Known “conditionally essential amino acids”:

  • Arginine. Its correct dosage after exercise cleanses the liver. Helps in rapid increase in muscle mass
  • Histidine. Accelerates the production of blood cells, increases muscle mass
  • Tyrosine. After training, relieves fatigue and fights stress
  • Cystine. If you were injured during training, the supplement will help relieve inflammation.

Amino acid L Arginine

"Essential amino acids":

  • Asparagine. Correct intake improves immune function
  • Alanin. Monitors blood sugar levels
  • Glutamine. Memory improves after taking it
  • Glycine. The absence of this substance leads to loss of strength
  • Proline. Essential for long training sessions. Helps form connective tissues
  • Serin. Used during training to support the nervous system.
  • Citrulline. Removes ammonia
  • Taurine. Monitors the body's nervous system
  • Cysteine. Accelerates hair growth and helps cleanse the body
  • Ornithine. Reduces the breakdown time of fats.

Amino acid L Cysteine

Where to buy amino acids

Many sports nutrition stores sell a huge number of different amino acids. Of course, such stores should be trusted. But amino acids are produced mainly abroad and our prices for them are greatly increased. It is much cheaper to order amino acids on an American website, where prices are much cheaper, there are always promotions and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. Therefore, if you have already decided which amino acids are best for you, then any of these amino acids can be found on iherb using this link.
Also, if you liked the amino acids that are listed in the article, you can simply click on the desired link and immediately get to iherb.

How to use supplements correctly

After any, even the simplest workout, the consumption of the substance can be 80%. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right sports supplement to quickly restore muscle function after a long workout.

To achieve maximum positive results, you must follow a few simple rules.

Each product has instructions located on the packaging. Before training, take about 5 grams, and exactly the same amount after training. The dosage may vary, it all depends on the complexity of the training process. Taking essential amino acids when your workout is done will help increase your performance.

Before taking amino acids, you should definitely consult a specialist. It is better to take amino acids only in the dosage that is printed on the package.

In order to lose weight, you need to reduce the time you take it. It is better to drink in the morning before starting a workout, and after it is completed.

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then you should reduce your intake.

It is surprising that amino acids are allowed to be taken together with other sports nutrition. But at the same time, we must not forget that the simultaneous intake of different types of amino acids is not always possible.

Combining amino acids and energy bars or protein has a bad effect. This will lead to a decrease in the absorption time of amino acids.

Negative effect

Most reviews from those who use amino acids are always positive, however, only when they are taken correctly.

Proper use of sports supplements accelerates the growth of muscle tissue and improves strength characteristics.

Proper use of sports supplements accelerates the growth of muscle tissue and improves strength characteristics

It is very rare to encounter side effects, of course, if you take the selected sports supplements incorrectly. When an athlete is diagnosed with liver disease or kidney inflammation, it is necessary to consult a medical institution.

The function of the kidneys involves removing unnecessary, waste proteins from the body. When the kidneys are affected by disease, taking various sports drugs can cause unexpected effects.

Sports nutrition should be used with great caution. It is necessary to constantly monitor how the body reacts to amino acids; if a negative reaction occurs, you should immediately stop taking them and see a doctor.
