How to squat correctly to... How to squat correctly? Effective squats for different muscle groups. With narrow feet

You've probably already heard about the benefits of squats for your figure. Depending on your squatting technique, you can eliminate many of the flaws in your figure. By doing squats alone in different variations, you can create a set of exercises for almost all muscle groups.

But of course, your legs will work the most. Remember one simple truth: if you want to lose weight, train your legs, do squats. The most calories are burned during leg training. Now let's move on to our set of squat exercises.

Squats for weight loss

Let's start with a warm-up- do 50 squats at a fast pace with your arms raised up. This way you will quickly get your body into working condition, wake up your muscles, and circulate blood throughout the body.

Squats for muscle elasticity. This type of squats will help tighten the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Spread your legs wide and do very slow squats down for 4 counts and also rise up for 4 counts. The knees are spread apart, at the lowest point the thigh is parallel to the floor. Do 10 of these correct squats.

Now let's complicate this exercise. Squat down in the same way for 4 counts, then rise on your toes, lowering, return to the starting position. While performing squats, keep your arms parallel to the floor and stretch them to the sides.

Squats with a load on the thigh. This exercise will help to work the anterior thigh muscle to a greater extent. Place your feet exactly shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward, arms extended upward. Start squatting down as low as possible, the distance between your knees remains unchanged, your knees do not go forward over your toes.

Let's take a complicated hip exercise from yoga. This asana is called chair pose or utkatasana. Squat in the same way, keeping your legs parallel. At the bottom point, pause and alternately lift your left and right knees up. Return to the starting position.

Squats with dumbbells or barbell. Be sure to include weighted exercises in your routine, this way you will create additional stress and burn more fat. Strength exercises burn calories not only while doing them, but also afterward. They kickstart your metabolism, causing your body to expend energy even after a workout.

So let's get back to dumbbell squats. Start with a light weight and squat with it for a week. Do the same wide squats to strengthen your glutes and parallel-leg squats on your thighs.

Every week you need to increase the weight a little. On average, women can squat with 30 kg barbells on their shoulders. This will make your butt firm and beautiful. Strive for this milestone.

If you feel that the weight is too heavy, take a step back. To start, you can use bottles of water or sand for weights. But over time, you will still have to buy sports equipment if you want to continue training.

Squats are very effective in the fight against excess weight. You won't find another more versatile exercise that will help you lose weight so quickly.

Tight and rounded buttocks are a source of pride for many girls, but not everyone is given such data by nature. This is why home workouts are becoming so popular, they help pump up your buttocks and get the desired result quickly. There are many options for squats that will help you achieve the desired relief in the buttocks within a month of regular practice.


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In order for home exercises to be extremely beneficial and help you get results, you should know several nuances of preparation and rules for performing the exercises. Important points are the number of workouts per week and the number of repetitions per day.

Possible contraindications

Squat to pump up your buttocksallowed to almost all girls, women, men and children. But there are some conditions in which this type of load will cause harm and worsen a person’s condition.

  • recovery period after severe injuries to the musculoskeletal system;
  • arthritis of the knee joints in the acute stage;
  • spinal column injuries (for squats with a load);
  • severe intervertebral hernia with rupture of the fibrous ring;
  • gout in the acute stage;
  • chronic osteoporosis and arthrosis;
  • increased risk of fractures;
  • ankle injury;
  • stretching of muscles and ligaments.

It is not recommended for girls to use a large load, as this can cause muscle strain and strain in the lumbar region, prolapse of the pelvic organs and an excessive increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Preparation for classes

Most girls want to pump up only their gluteal muscles, not their legs. Achieving this home is not so easy if you don’t know some of the nuances.

  1. 1. The first step should be preparing the room for classes and ventilating it.
  2. 2. Next, you need to choose light sportswear that does not restrict movement during squats.
  3. 3. An important point is the choice of weights and a special mat. You can purchase them at a sporting goods store. When choosing, you should rely on the opinion of a specialist and your level of preparedness. You should not choose a large load for the first training: this will not bring results, but, on the contrary, can cause harm.
  4. 4. The next step is to warm up.

It is strictly contraindicated to start squatting, especially with a load, without first warming up the muscles. Walking in place for 5 minutes, jumping rope, or running at a moderate pace for several minutes are suitable for this purpose. This way the body will warm up and the muscles will be ready for the upcoming load.

How to avoid injuries?

Doing a warm-up for 5-10 minutes will help avoid injury, but there are a few more nuances:

  • It is necessary to monitor the execution technique, place your knees above your feet and not round your back. This will help prevent strain in the lumbar region and misalignment of the vertebrae.
  • Another rule is the tension of the muscle corset during execution. This is especially necessary when using cargo.
  • Proper positioning of the head without lifting it up excessively will help prevent pinching of the nerve roots in the cervical spine. If you violate this rule, you cannot avoid discomfort or pain in the back of the neck after training.
  • The last rule is choosing the optimal load. At the initial stage, a little weighting is enough when performing some exercises. If you take on a large load at once, the risk of injury increases.

Important Features

It is recommended to start training with your own weight until you have fully mastered the technique of squats in various variations. After this, it is allowed to add weights - 0.5 kg in each hand. Over the course of a week, you cannot increase the load until this weight becomes habitual. If you feel that the exercises are not bringing results and the muscles are not fully worked out, you should increase the weight for each arm by another 500 g.

Subsequent weight gain should be carried out in a similar way. As soon as the workouts are no longer satisfying and you feel incomplete development of the gluteal and other muscles, you should add weight.

The maximum weight for a girl in each hand should not exceed 4-5 kg. Usually, at least 3 months of regular exercise pass before achieving such weighting. Trained girls are allowed to use the barbell.

If a girl wants to achieve results in a week, she should squat every day, doing 80-100 repetitions, divided into 4 approaches. If you have a month to achieve your goal, you should train every other day: the first week without a load, then using minimal weight. This will allow the muscles to rest and recover, and the legs will not be pumped up.

Using heavy weights and daily training will certainly lead to the growth of not only the gluteal muscles, but also the thigh muscles. This should be taken into account by those girls who do not want to pump up their legs.

The best types of squats

The classic version of squats is the simplest and most effective exercise. Its advantage is its versatility, since it is used by both trained athletes and beginners.


  1. 1. Take the starting position - standing on the floor with your legs spread shoulder-width apart.
  2. 2. Straighten your arms and raise them parallel to the floor.
  3. 3. Squat down slowly so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.

It is important to watch your back and avoid arching or rounding, or tilting or lifting your head. During the exercise, your knees should be positioned above your feet, and your heels should be on the floor and not lifted off.

You need to perform 3 approaches, each 10 times. For trained people and those who want to achieve results faster, it is allowed to add 10 times to each approach.


The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one, but the lower limbs are not spread shoulder-width apart, but joined together. This option is more suitable for girls who want to pump up not only their buttocks, but also their legs, since it creates additional tension in the muscles of the front of the thigh.

The number of repetitions depends on training and ranges from 30 to 100, divided into 3 approaches. When doing this, it is important to monitor the position of your feet and not lift your heels off the floor.


The exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but the legs are spread wider than the shoulders. This allows you to maximally work the gluteal muscles and inner thighs. During a squat, your arms can be straightened in front of you parallel to the floor or clasped at chest level.

You should perform at least 40 repetitions, divided into 4 sets. For trained people, up to 100 repetitions are allowed. The position of the back, head and heels is unchanged, as in the previous versions.


A simple but effective exercise for pumping up the gluteal muscles. Performed with or without support, depending on the level of preparedness.


  1. 1. Take the starting position - standing on the floor with your legs spread shoulder-width apart.
  2. 2. Spread your legs as wide as possible.
  3. 3. Turn your knees apart from each other.
  4. 4. Squat, bending your knees as much as possible so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.

It is important to monitor the position of your back: it should be straight; the eyes look straight, the body does not bend, the heels do not leave the floor. You are allowed to hold on to a chair or bar with one hand, keep your hands parallel to the floor or clasp them together at chest level.

You need to perform from 20 to 50 repetitions, depending on your level of training.

Girls who want to achieve results in a week are recommended to include this type of squats in their daily routine.


A slightly more complicated version of squats on one leg with the goal of maximizing pumping of the gluteal muscles.


  1. 1. Take the starting position - standing with your legs connected, legs locked at chest level.
  2. 2. Raise one leg straight.
  3. 3. Squat on the other leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor.

Repeat for each leg at least 20 times. It is better for beginners not to start with this option: it is more suitable for those who want to achieve quick results in a week or month, but already have experience in such training.

Deep on one leg

The exercise is similar to the previous one, but squats must be performed until the gluteal muscle rests on the shin. This option is quite complex and is suitable only for trained girls who have already mastered the “Pistol” and do not feel much stress when performing it.

10-15 repetitions for each limb are enough to achieve noticeable results after just a month of regular training.


This type is suitable for those who want to achieve quick results. It is performed with some complications and separately for each leg.


  1. 1. Stand next to a platform or bench no more than 50 cm high.
  2. 2. Turn your back to her and place your foot on your leg bent at the knee.
  3. 3. On the second one, squat until your thigh is parallel to the floor.

Repeat for each limb at least 20 times. Trained girls are allowed to use weights up to 2 kg in each hand in order to increase the load on the muscles.

With a barbell

Such exercises are suitable only for trained women and girls. It is recommended to perform them at first under the supervision of a trainer, so that he can correct the technique and point out weak points.

The weight of the weights on the bar should not exceed 4 kg on each side. It can be placed on the shoulders, supported by arms bent at the elbows, or on the chest, pressing firmly to the area just below the collarbones.

The technique is no different from classic squats, but you need to monitor your back position more carefully, since using weight increases the risk of injury. The number of repetitions depends on the level of training and ranges from 20 to 50 per lesson.

With dumbbells or kettlebell

This version of squats is also performed using the classic technique, but the arms are not raised in front of you. In them, you should take a kettlebell or dumbbell weighing 5 kg and hold it between your legs while doing squats.

The number of repetitions depends on the level of preparedness and is 30-60 times, divided into 3 approaches. Beginners should not start with a lot of weight - a 2 kg weight is enough.

In Smith's car

The Smith machine is a special machine in which you can perform squats with a barbell by adjusting the weight. This type is performed only in the gym.

This exercise is not recommended for beginners, as it creates stress not only on the gluteal muscles, but also on the back, which often causes injury. But if the girl still chooses this option, at first it is better to refuse weighting.

For trained athletes, 30-50 repetitions are enough to achieve results. The weight is adjusted independently, taking into account preparedness and sensations during training. Girls are not recommended to exceed the 4 kg mark for each side of the barbell.


Exercises with lunges are effective for pumping up the gluteal muscles and forming a beautiful relief. The most effective lunges will be forward and sideways:

  1. 1. Forward lunges are performed from a standing position. The leg should be put forward, bent at the knee so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. The second leg from behind is straightened or touches the floor with the knee. To increase the load, you are allowed to pick up dumbbells, each weighing no more than 2 kg.
  2. 2. Lunges to the sides are performed similarly, but the squat on the leg should be deeper, and the second limb should be straightened and placed on the foot. In this option, it is also allowed to use weights up to 2 kg in each hand.

The number of repetitions ranges from 10 to 20 for each leg. For trained girls, up to 30 repetitions are allowed.

Exercises with increasing load

  1. 1. 10 classic squats with a load of 1 kg in each hand.
  2. 2. 15 squats with narrow legs and a 1.5 kg load in each hand.
  3. 3. 20 squats with wide legs and 2 kg dumbbells.

This approach to training will allow you to achieve significant results in a week. If you stick to this program for a month and train every other day, the effectiveness increases even more.

You should start such exercises only after mastering all types of squats without weights. Those who have not exercised before are advised to postpone this program to avoid excessive muscle strain.

If during training you experience pain in the lower back or another part of the body, you should stop exercising and seek help from a specialist.

So, today we will learn everything about squats, their types, correct technique and mistakes. Well, let's get started.

How to squat correctly: sit and stand, sit and stand

In one of our previous articles, we already briefly talked about squats with a barbell. However, its concept did not allow us to fully answer the question: how to squat correctly? Today our article will be entirely devoted to this topic.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated about squats and there is nothing special to know, because, after all, this is a natural movement for a person. Yes, this is true, squats have been ingrained in us since childhood, however, after certain years, the human body “forgets” that ideal technique for doing squats, laid down by Mother Nature. A little further we will have to verify this. Well, for now let's delve into the theory.

Squats (in general) and squats with a barbell (in particular) are the best exercises for shaping the lower body; it is not for nothing that they are considered basic, because they involve a large number of muscle groups (femoral biceps, quadriceps, buttocks, core stabilizer muscles).

In addition to the fact that squats are a mass-gaining exercise (allows you to actively build muscle mass throughout the body), they also strengthen such groups of joints as: knees, ankles and hips. In addition, due to the active work of the nervous system, squats significantly increase the secretion (of growth hormone).

According to the effect on the leg muscles, all squats can be divided into 2 large groups: with support only on the toes and with support on the entire foot. For men, it is more common to perform the second option, which allows you to stretch the back of the thigh and lower leg muscles well. For women (who wear heels most of the time)“full-footed” squats should be performed carefully, otherwise you can easily injure the already overloaded calf muscles.

How to squat correctly: a mirror to help

To learn how to squat correctly, you don’t need to be a genius, you just need to establish the technique and look at yourself in the mirror from time to time. With the first one (oddly enough) a small child will help you. The thing is that children are not only good and spontaneous actors, they are also masters of squats. They spend almost all their time squatting, so there is a lot to learn from them. Well, let's take a master class from the little one, let him tell and show everything himself.

How to squat correctly: basic rules

So, here are the main practical points to pay attention to when performing squats.

  • Arch your back

The back should be arched throughout the entire movement. It is thanks to the deflection that the negative load is removed from the spinal column, thus minimizing the risk of injury. Start approaching the barbell with your back already bent; to do this, simply retract your shoulder blades.

  • Don't lift your heels

When squats, the load should fall on the heels, i.e. When you reach the bottom point, your heels should be pressed firmly to the floor and not hanging in the air. If the anatomical features of the body do not allow you to do this, then you can place small ( 2,5 kg) pancakes or wooden blocks. Check, if the heels do not “walk” at the bottom point, then everything is fine.

  • Watch your knees

During the squat, your knees should not bend and go beyond the line of your feet. If the knees are brought together, then the weight of the burden will be transferred only to them, as a result of which the leg muscles will not receive enough load, and the knee joints, on the contrary, will be subjected to excessive stress. Also, do not spread them too far apart at the lowest point; there is no point in making yourself a “frog”.

  • The gaze is directed upward

Very often, many people lower their heads while squatting, supposedly to see what’s going on down there, maybe what’s wrong. At the same time, the back is strongly rounded, and the athlete becomes like a question mark with a barbell.

  • The barbell is on the shoulders

Very often in the gym you can observe the following picture - the bar from the bar rests on the neck, pinching the upper vertebrae. In fact, in order to position the barbell correctly, you need to form the superficial layer of muscle by bringing your shoulder blades together. As soon as you squeeze your shoulder blades together, the bar will be level on your trapezius muscles.

  • Do not straighten your legs completely

When you rise from the bottom point to the starting position, do not straighten your legs to the end. This way you turn off most of the muscle groups of the legs from work, and the entire load is transferred to the knee joint.

  • Don't go below parallel to the floor

In fact, if you have healthy knees, you can go below the parallel of your thighs to the floor. If you take a lot of weight, and your knee joints are quite capricious, then it is better to save them and squat strictly to parallel.

So, we have looked at the main “technical and practical” aspects of squats, now let’s look at all kinds of squats.

How to squat correctly: exercise technique

In addition to classic squats, you can perform the following variations:

  • sumo squats;
  • squats with a barbell on the shoulders;
  • Smith machine squats.

To learn how to perform classic squats with a barbell on your shoulders, you must first learn how to perform it without any weights or a bar. Those. first: 1) practice the main phases of movement in front of a mirror in the gym; 2) take a bodybar or a regular wooden stick and go through the entire exercise; 3) take the bar, hang light weights and once again secure the execution technique.

You need to start mastering the correct squat technique from the bottom point of the movement. Stand in front of the mirror and place your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your toes to the sides (approximately to the corner 30 degrees from center). Next, imagine that at the lowest point there is a small chair that you need to sit on, sit on it (make sure you don't fall :)). Watch your knees - they should not go too far beyond the line of your toes. At the bottom point, bring your knees out (they should be wider than your socks), and make your thighs parallel to the floor.


To control the position of your knees, make a lock with your hands, straighten your wrists parallel to the floor and then push your knees apart with your elbows.

Well, now that you have an idea of ​​the squat technique, it’s time to practice their different types. Let's start with...

Option #1. Classic squats with a barbell on the shoulders

This is a basic exercise for developing strength as well as muscle mass in the legs. If you have “chicken legs”, then squats will help, if you lack the volume of the buttocks, then squats will help again. In classic bodybuilding style (i.e. with your feet shoulder-width apart and the bar on your shoulders) it equally loads both the front (quadriceps) and rear (buttocks, hamstrings) muscle groups of the legs. By doing this exercise, your legs will develop evenly. We have already discussed the technique and execution errors in detail in the article, so we will omit the descriptive part, but we will provide a visual visual.

The next squat option is...

Option #2. Narrow leg squats

The only difference from the classics is the width of the legs – the feet are located quite close to each other. This positioning ensures a targeted impact of the load on the front surface of the thigh, or more precisely, on the outer (lateral) head of the quadriceps.

It is worth noting that the amplitude in this exercise is not full, as a result of which the rear muscle groups of the legs do not receive enough load.

Option #3. Sumo squats

This version of squats is more used in the discipline. It differs from the classics in the wider stance of the legs with the toes turned to the sides. This position allows you to put more stress on the muscles of the inner thigh and buttocks.

Most often, the “sumo” squat is popular among It is this area that interests them most from the point of view of the formation of beautiful legs.

Option number 4. Front Squats

The most technically complex, and therefore the least favorite type of squats by many bodybuilders. Works out the entire volume of the quadriceps femoris muscle as fully as possible. The technique is similar to the classic one, however, due to the position of the barbell on the chest, the forward tilt of the body should be minimal, otherwise you will fall forward. The bar is located between the collarbone and the anterior deltoid muscle.

The weight of the projectile will differ significantly (to a lesser extent) from the classics, so keep that in mind.

Option #5. Smith machine squats

is a universal machine that allows you to perform all of the above types of squats in one place (see image). The advantage of performing exercises in the simulator is the fixed guides, where the movement of the projectile is carried out only along a given trajectory. The Smith machine minimizes technical errors, making it the ideal squat starting point for beginners.


The technique for performing all the exercises is very similar to classic squats, so first learn how to do them, and then you can safely move on to experimenting with different leg positions.

Well, we looked at the basic exercises and learned how to squat correctly. Now let's summarize some results.

How to squat correctly: general results

So, to learn the correct squatting technique, remember the following rules:

  • Always start your squat workout with a warm-up. In it, pay special attention to warming up the knee joints and stretching the ligaments of the leg muscles;
  • execute 8-10 amplitude squats with an empty bar, remember the technique;
  • increase the weight of the projectile gradually, start with 30% from the maximum and bring the number to 80% ;
  • breathe according to the following pattern: inhale, hold your breath (lowering time), exhale - rise;
  • throughout the entire exercise, keep your shoulder blades retracted, your lower back arched, and do not lift your heels off the floor;
  • additionally strengthen your back muscles (particularly extensors), doing hyperextensions;
  • if you have healthy knees, then squat deeply (below parallel), otherwise, horizontal to the floor is enough;
  • perform squats smoothly and without jerking, maintaining the correct body position;
  • 3 approach to 8-12 repetitions is quite a good training volume for a beginner’s leg muscles;
  • When lifting heavy weights, use a weightlifting belt. It will increase your intra-abdominal pressure by 20% and will allow you to take more weight while maintaining correct technique.

By following these simple tips, you will minimize all the “jambs” when performing squats and will be able to perform them easily and naturally.


In conclusion, I will say that if you learn to squat correctly, then powerful, developed legs are, at a minimum, your diagnosis. That's all for now. I think the article on how to squat correctly was useful and you learned a lot from it. In order not to miss something “tasty”, subscribe to updates. I say goodbye to you, see you again!

PS. If you have something to say, please always comment below!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Everyone agrees that the squat is one of the best exercises of all time for all muscles. Therefore, you need to learn how to squat correctly to pump up your legs.

If you don’t yet know how to do this leg strength exercise correctly, learn.

Squatting will give your legs enough strength to carry your girlfriend on your shoulders at your next concert for at least six songs in a row.

This article will present the most effective exercises to pump up your legs with squats. You will learn how to squat correctly with and without a barbell, dumbbells (weights). Squat correctly Every self-respecting bodybuilder should be able to do this.


Squat technique:

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. Place the barbell on your shoulders if your form allows, or pick up dumbbells.
  2. Bend your knees and hips at the same time, lowering yourself down. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor, but you can go lower if you feel no difficulty.
  3. Straighten your knees and return to the starting position.

NOTE. Always keep your back straight; the projection of the knees should not extend beyond the toes.

Step up with and without dumbbells

Get ready to step up to the heights of bodybuilding with toned legs.

Muscles: Gluteal, hamstrings, quadriceps, shoulders, abs.

Squat technique:

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, facing a bench or platform approximately 30-90 cm high. If you feel sufficiently prepared, take dumbbells in your hands and press them to your sides.
  2. Step up, lifting your right knee, and place your foot on the bench. Straighten your right leg and push your whole body up.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement with your left leg. So you took the first steps towards legs that look decent in the shortest shorts.

Barbell Lunge

Lunging like crazy is perhaps the healthiest way to get insanely muscular legs.

Muscles: Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, abs.

Squat technique:

  1. Starting position: feet hip-width apart. Place the barbell on your shoulders if you are prepared enough, or pick up dumbbells.
  2. Take a giant John Cleese-style step forward with your right foot. The right thigh should be parallel to the floor.
  3. Return to the starting position. Be careful not to fall when you start to get tired; it will happen very soon. Balance on one leg is not easy. Repeat the same with your left leg; soon your legs will be strong enough to hike to the Sahara and back.

There are types of exercises that we highly recommend incorporating into your weekly workout routine that are very effective and easy to do. But only at first glance. Now we’ll tell you how to do proper squats - one of the most important exercises in the world.

Proper squatting perfectly strengthens the muscles of the hips, buttocks, abs, quadriceps, back and hamstrings. Plus, squats are great for balance and coordination. Did you notice that we said “proper squat”? Now we will tell you how to squat correctly.

How to do squats correctly

To become a real pro, and also prepare for weighted squats, follow these simple steps.

  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower your shoulders and move them back. You don't need a rounded back here - otherwise you will overload your lower back. It is important to maintain a straight posture throughout the exercise.
  3. The hands can have several positions. First, they are extended forward, palms facing down. Second, the elbows are bent and pressed to the body, the thumbs “look” up. Third - folded behind the head, elbows to the sides. The fourth is in the castle in front of you. Fifth - palms lie on the waist.
  4. Push your hips back slightly and begin to bend your knees. As you begin to squat, make sure your back remains straight and your shoulders do not rise.
  5. Mentally draw a straight line perpendicular to the floor from your toes. Your knees should not go beyond this line. Keep your knees above your feet at all times, and do not squash or spread your legs.
  6. Move your pelvis back as if there was an invisible chair behind you.
  7. A deep squat is the best squat. So lower your pelvis as low as possible. If it drops below knee level, consider yourself to have reached the pro level. For self-control, you can place a low box behind you and squat, touching it with your buttocks.
  8. Shift your body weight to your heels. This is the only way you can engage your glutes and work your ankles and hamstrings.

The most common mistakes when doing squats

Mistake #1: Not Squatting Too Deep

Of course, we are not saying that squatting with your thighs parallel to the floor is bad. However, lowering your pelvis further will make this exercise even more effective and will engage more than just your quadriceps.

How to fix: spread your legs a little wider, which will allow you to control your balance even better and work more muscles.

Mistake #2: You cramp your knees.

Perhaps your leg muscles are not yet strong enough. But believe me, you can quickly strengthen them with the right squat.

How to fix: stand in front of a mirror and carefully ensure that your knees do not “go” to the sides or inward when performing the exercise.

Mistake #3: You fall backwards

How to fix: only by moving the body onto the heels. Squat so that you can lift your toes off the floor as you straighten your knees. Shifting your weight will help keep your torso upright.

Mistake #4: You're in a hurry

When you're performing an unweighted squat, speed isn't very important. The main thing is to monitor the technique. But as soon as you pick up a weight (barbell, dumbbells or kettlebell), immediately control the speed.

How to fix: it's very simple - don't squat or get up too quickly, breathe deeply and slowly.

Mistake #5: You Don't Warm Up

Don't be surprised, but warming up before squats won't hurt - it will prepare your joints and muscles for the load. And it might help prevent injury.

How to fix: The best warm-up before squats is jumping rope for a couple of minutes. And one more thing. If you are determined to squat with weight, start doing squats without equipment, just with your weight, and then gradually increase the load.

“Challenger” expresses gratitude to the fitness boutique “Granatny, 4” and especially to trainer Yulia Balesnaya, our fitness model and fitness boutique instructor, for their assistance in preparing this material.
